I am extremely new at SQL Server2000 and t-sql and I'm looking to
create a simple trigger. For explanation sake, let's say I have 3
columns in one table ... Col_1, Col_2 and Col_3. The data type for
Col_1 and Col_2 are bit and Col_3 is char. I want to set a trigger on
Col_2 to compare Col_1 to Col_2 when Col_2 is updated and if they're
the same, set the value on Col_3 to "Completed". Can someone please
help me?
I need help writing an Update trigger that puts the current date in a changed record. I understand the basic idea but can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated
I have problem with Triggers,Iv never done it before except @school!!
One of our clients Server has same database names(WeighBridge) but Different Instances(1got Express and Other3 have SQL2005).There is a weighbridge scale on SQL Express Database. I want to create a Trigger that Automatically updates everytime there is weighbridge scale In other Databases that have SQL2005. If someone can help please a code or tell me what to do, Create a Trigger on a Table ot Database?? Please Help!!!!!!
I am new to sql and asp, I am using visual web developer and have table that when it gets change I would like to see another table populated with the information. This is the two tables I have
First one has the information in it that users will insert in it
I would like to create the trigger on tblCaseBillingDetails so that when the data in the Defendant fields are updated, the trigger fires and updates the Defendant count DefCount.
Are there any limitations or gotchas to updating the same table whichfired a trigger from within the trigger?Some example code below. Hmmm.... This example seems to be workingfine so it must be something with my specific schema/code. We'reworking on running a SQL trace but if anybody has any input, fireaway.Thanks!create table x(Id int,Account varchar(25),Info int)GOinsert into x values ( 1, 'Smith', 15);insert into x values ( 2, 'SmithX', 25);/* Update trigger tu_x for table x */create trigger tu_xon xfor updateasbegindeclare @TriggerRowCount intset @TriggerRowCount = @@ROWCOUNTif ( @TriggerRowCount = 0 )returnif ( @TriggerRowCount > 1 )beginraiserror( 'tu_x: @@ROWCOUNT[%d] Trigger does not handle @@ROWCOUNT[color=blue]> 1 !', 17, 127, @TriggerRowCount) with seterror, nowait[/color]returnendupdate xsetAccount = left( i.Account, 24) + 'X',Info = i.Infofrom deleted, inserted iwhere x.Account = left( deleted.Account, 24) + 'X'endupdate x set Account = 'Blair', Info = 999 where Account = 'Smith'
Hiim trying to implement a simple trigger, i had it working fine in oracle but am finding it difficult to convert it to the MS SQL 2005 layout.I have two tables:1) don (columns A,B,C)2) cur (columns A,B)Basically i just want to insert the value of A and B from table don into table cur after an insert.this is what i have:________________________________ALTER TRIGGER [TG_doncur] ON don AFTER INSERTAS BEGININSERT curSET A = A, B=BEND_______________________________i have an if clause aswell but i just wanna get the basics first.any help would be greatBil
I am looking at a table in Microsoft SQL Server. I went to thedependencies of this table and it says TRIG_customer. so i amthinking there is a trigger that affects the table but how do i seewhat is the code that resides within this trigger. I looked among thestored procedures but i couldnt find this trigger.are all the triggers listed together somewhere. where is this triggernamed TRIG_customer?thanks in advance
I do not know if I am in the proper thread, if not thnaks to let me know where to post it..
I have a runing table name CURENTALARM which strore different alarm information. This table has a Column named STATUS.. When the new inserted rows ocurrs and STATUS =1, then I need to copy that row in a new table name STATUSLOG...
For that I have created a trigger for table CURENTALARM and then do proper commands to insert to other table.
I am using the inserted table in my trigger to fetch last inserted rows.
The question I have is that how to guaranty that each inserted row will fire the triggers properly... What I mean is that in case I have 2 rows which gets inserted within less than a second in time interval, does the triggers will be able to do its job and proceed properly inserted row or is there a situation that when rows gets inserted too fast, the triger might miss some of them ?
hello experts, i have to create a table for user with 40 fields. these reuire one entry per user. like his interest hobbies professinal... information. do you recommend me create different tables or let it in one table if in one table will it create any speed problem? how many fields i should limit in one table.
secondly can i have my fields value initialized like int type to 0 and var type to space? is there any setting in sql for the same.
I am using SQL Server Express within visual studio and am needing to create a stored procedure. The proble is that every time I finish and close it then it asks me if I want to save the changes which of course I want to. But then it always comes up with a message box that says "invalid object name" followed with the name of the stored procedure. ??? why? I try creating a stored procedure from scratch or copying the code of another stored procedure. It alway gives me that message and does not let me save the stored procedure. I tried changing the default name of "dbo.storedprocedure1" or even leaving it as is and always I get the message that says "invalid object name: dbo.storedprocedure1" and it does not let me save the procedure. What am I doing wrong?
I'm trying to create duplicates in a copy of a table in the same database by inserting rows from the original table. Seems easy but I can't get any sql to work. help?
I'm getting this error when I try to use "inserted" table in my create trigger call.
--------------------------- Microsoft Development Environment --------------------------- ADO error: The column prefix 'inserted' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
--------------------------- OK Help ---------------------------
Hi all, I have a problem with this trigger. It seams to be very simple, but it doesn't work...
I created a trigger on a table and I would want that this one updates a field of a table on a diffrent DB (Intranet). When I test it normally (a real situation), it doesn't work, but when I do an explicit update ("UPDATE AccesCard SET LastMove = getDate();" by example) it works.
If anyone could help me, I would appreciate.
NB: Is there a special way, in a trigger, to update a table when the table to update is on another BD ?
This is the trigger: ------------------------------------------------------------
DECLARE @noPerson int
IF UPDATE(LastMove) BEGIN SELECT @noPerson = Person FROM INSERTED UPDATE Intranet.dbo._Users SET Intranet.dbo._Users.status = 1 WHERE personNo = @noPerson; END
I'm getting this error when I try to use "inserted" table in my create trigger call.
--------------------------- Microsoft Development Environment --------------------------- ADO error: The column prefix 'inserted' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query.
--------------------------- OK Help ---------------------------
Suppose also that the ACTIVITY table is already populated with several records, say with activity_id = 1, 2, and 3.
OBJECTIVE: When a new member record is added to MEMBER, say member_id 10, insert one record in the HEADCOUNT table for EACH activity in ACTIVITY for that member. Thus, if member #10 is added to MEMBER, then the trigger (or some other mechanism) would add the following records to HEADCOUNT (which, say, already has 30 records):
I've been advised that a trigger should do the trick for this, but as I'm totally new to SQL, I'll need some help. I'm guessing some iterating SQL command language might be required, but as I'm new to SQL, I don't know how to proceed.
Note that I'm building an ASP.NET application based on VB, and so records will be added to MEMBER through a tableadapter INSERT command. (Though I suspect this has no bearing on trigger behavior.)
Hi,We have been using ADO and the AddNew method for a long time as a meansto add records to the database. It has always worked fine - no problem.But - we recently started using INSERT triggers that simply call a fewstored procs (they're actually SSNS stored procs that send new eventinfo to notification services). Anyway, these triggers do not seem tofire at all! If I execute an insert command manually from QueryAnalyser, no problems. But the trigger does not fire at all from myapplication!Does anyone know why this could be? For info, my connection string usedby the ADO connection object looks like this: Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;DataSource=XXX;Initial Catalog=YYYAnd my AddRecord ADO code looks like this:With rs.Open sSQL, ConnectionString, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic,adCmdTable And adExecuteNoRecords.AddNewAm I mnissing something obvious here? Any help appreciated!
Hello,I am trying to learn SQL Server. I need to write a trigger whichdeletes positions of the document depending on the movement type.Here's my code:set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONgoCREATE TRIGGER [DeleteDocument]ON [dbo].[Documents]AFTER DELETEASBEGIN-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from-- interfering with SELECT statements.SET NOCOUNT ON;IF Documenty.Movement = 'PZ' OR Documents.Movement = 'ZW'DELETE FROM PositionsPZZWWHERE Documents.Number IN (SELECT Number FROM deleted);IF Documents.Movement = 'WZ' OR Documents.Movement = 'RW'DELETE FROM PositionsWZRWWHERE Documents.Number IN (SELECT Number FROM deleted);IF Documents.Ruch = 'MM'DELETE FROM PositionsMMWHERE Documents.Number IN (SELECT Number FROM deleted);ENDUnfortunatelly I receive errors which I don't understand:Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 12The multi-part identifier "Documents.Movement" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 12The multi-part identifier "Documents.Movement" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 13The multi-part identifier "Documents.Numer" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 15The multi-part identifier "Documents.Movement" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 15The multi-part identifier "Documents.Movement" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 16The multi-part identifier "Documents.Number" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 18The multi-part identifier "Documents.Movement" could not be bound.Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure DeleteDocument, Line 19The multi-part identifier "Dokuments.Number" could not be bound.Please help to correct the code.Thank you very much!/RAM/
I have just one table but need to create a trigger that takes place after an update on the Orders table. I need it to multiply two columns and populate the 3rd column (total cost) with the result as so:
As the users drill down one of the dimensions, I want to show the breakup of each sub member in terms of %age e.g.
Suppose total Sales are 300 and breakup is as follows: Category A = $ 120 Category B = $ 65 Category C = $ 115
I want that when the user drills down to the 2nd level in the Products dimension (let's say this Level is called Category) then I want the %age of Sales for each category - all adding up to 100
So this is what I should get (for the desired % breakup)
Category A = 40 Category B = 22 Category C = 38
I'll appreciate your help in making such a Calculated field.
I was creating an SSIS package, seemingly simple. One of the tasks I needed to do involved copying our production database to a seperate DB instance for staging. I wanted an SSIS package that would stage production so we could push and test changes.
My first problem is that I tried to create a simple Transfer Database task. When I tried to run the task, I got an error stating that our Stored Procedure, DtsRun, could not be scripted. It's an encrypted stored procedure.
A little annoyed, I decided that I'd do a transfer SQL objects instead. Now I don't want to hard-code my objects to xfer based on the current schema and edit this SSIS script every time we make a DB change; I just want it to copy ALL objects except for my encrypted proc. I'll just build a list with with another task.
I decided that I'll write a script that generates a list of proc names, and I'll pass that to the Copy SQL Server Objects task. Well apparantly I can't assign a collection value with a script. I have to create ANOTHER package that modifies THIS package because (1) The entire package isn't exposed to the script task and (2) object variables can't be used in expressions.
Am I missing something? So because I use a single encrypted stored procedure, I have to write 2 fairly complex packages to copy my database? That's just stupid. I can understand if SQL can't move the encrypted package while the database is online. I could deal with that. But the extremes I have to go to JUST to copy my database are truly rediculous.
I was really excited about SSIS, but I've been really dissapointed. The performance of the designer on my machine is really poor (I have a Core T2700 with 2GB RAM). Just about every error message I've gotten, both design-time and run-time, I've had to google because they're so obscure. And if you can only store blittable types and strings in variables, that severely limits the functionality of a package (without going to programmatic extremes).
Most of all, I'm really dissapointed in the expression system, If the CLR is loaded into the SSQL/SSIS runtime, then why am I coding it using ANOTHER proprietary coding syntax???? I thought .NET was meant to keep people from having to redesign the wheel???
Microsoft is constantly pushing C#, yet I can only script in VB.NET, which means I now have code-bases in different languages.
Overall, I'm really dissapointed with SSIS. The usefulness of the added functionality in SSIS packages is shrowded by the massive list of nuances.
I want to retrieve the last update time of database. Whenever any update or delete or insert happend to my database i want to store and retrieve that time.
I know one way is that i have to make a table that will store the datetime field and system trigger / trigger that can update this field record whenever any update insert or deletion occur in database.
But i don't know exactly how to do the coding for this?
I have a table where table row gets updated multiple times(each column will be filled) based on telephone call in data.  Initially, I have implemented after insert trigger on ROW level thinking that the whole row is inserted into table will all column values at a time. But the issue is all columns are values are not filled at once, but observed that while telephone call in data, there are multiple updates to the row (i.e multiple updates in the sense - column data in row is updated step by step),
I thought to implement after update trigger , but when it comes to the performance will be decreased for each and every hit while row update.
I need to implement after update trigger that should be fired on column level instead of Row level to improve the performance?
I've this tableCREATE TABLE [dbo].[Attivita]( [IDAttivita] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [IDOwner] [int] NULL, [IDAttivitaStato] [varchar](1) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAttivitaTipo] [varchar](2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [IDAnagrafica] [int] NULL, [Data] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Attivita_Data] DEFAULT (getdate()), [Descrizione] [varchar](max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL, [Privato] [bit] NULL, [LastUpdate] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Attivita_LastUpdate] DEFAULT (getdate()), CONSTRAINT [PK_Attivita] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [IDAttivita] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]How Can I create a trigger for modify the IDAttività Stato field in specific situaion: if IDAttivitaTipo == OK or == NOIDAttivitaStato must be set to CPlease note that I can write in the IDAttivitaStato field (during my code operation).... but I would like also automatic update if the IDAttivitaTipo is OK or NO Can you help me for create this with a trigger?Thanks
Hi, I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question. I run an update statement like "Update mytable set status='S' " on the SQL 2005 management Studio. When I run "select * from mytable" for a few seconds all status = "S". After a few seconds all status turn to "H". This is a behaviour when you have an update trigger for the table. But I don't see any triggers under this table. What else would cause the database automatically change my update? Could there be any other place I should look for an update trigger on this table? Thanks,
I need a trigger to know who and when a char(1) column is changed. Â Would like to write the audit trail to its own table I can query and record before and after values.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test]( [Customer] [varchar](12) NULL, [Active] [char](1) NULL DEFAULT ('N') --Must use char 1 b/c more than 2 possible values )
Insert into Test (Customer, Active) Values ('Acme','Y')..I want trigger to tell me whowhenwhere this value was changed. Â If using sql auth capture client windows id if possible and write to audit table Update Test set Active = 'N'
I've been running around in circles all afternoon trying to create one simple report using Reporting Services (with latest SP2 installed) and SharePoint 2007. To the best of my knowledge, I have everything configured correctly:
When I access http://<server>/ReportServer, I see the server name of my SharePoint site. When I click on the name of my SharePoint site, it shows me the directory structure I have created within my SharePoint Site When I drill down in the directory, I can ultimately see the forms I created in my forms library (created via InfoPath 2007).
The next step is to create one simple report from the data in one of these forms libraries and a report on all the items within a form library. I'm stuck at the first step of creating a report, namely what to enter as the Data Source and the connection string. With a SQL database this isn't an issue.
How does one create a data source that will allow reporting over SharePoint content with the setup described above? And, if you have information that is found in the SQL Books Online, please be kind and post links so others know where to find this information.
I want to create a trigger in SQL 2000 Enterprise, but not sure about triggers, how they work, etc. I just know that I was told I could create a trigger when new info is added to one table and check another table to see if this info is already in the other table, if not, copy the data to the other table too.
Would this be what a trigger can do for me?
what would be the best place to learn how triggers work, how to write one and install it, test it, etc?
I have 3 tables on my db, Projects, ProljectAllocationLog and Users
Project consists of Projectid(PK), ProjectName, UserID ProjectAllocationLog consists of ProjectAllocationID(PK), Projectid, UserID,Date Users consists of UserID (PK), Fullname
Over the course of time the user allocated to a project may change. The db has been set up to always show the most current user in the UserID of the Projects table,
I want to create a log that will record everytime that user has changed. (ProjectAllocationLog)
Having read through some examples posted on Forums, I believe that I can do this with a trigger, but I am not sure if I am doing it right, the trigger I have written is
Create Trigger tr_UpdateAllocationLog ON Projects AFTER Update AS If NOT UPDATE (Userid)