Creating A Table (like A Pivottable In Excel)

Feb 14, 2006

I have a table in my DB with the following columns: PlayerID, RoundNum, Score. 

PlayerID   RoundNum   Score
   1                  1               10
   1                  2               10
   1                  3               10

Any scoring for my game is going to end up in this table.  However, I would like to display the score standings with a player's name at the far left, and with each Round as a column:

                R1           R2           R3
Player1      10         10            10

Can any of the SQL gurus tell me if this is possible, and how it can be done?  Thanks!

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Creating Pivot Table In Excel Using Activex Script

Mar 13, 2008

I am trying to create a pivot table in excel using Activex scripting but i am facing some problems in doing so, below is the code that I have written
The line of the code where i am encountering error is highlighted in RED

Set ActiveWorkBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open (sFile)
Set oSheet = ActiveWorkBook.WorkSheets(1)
oSheet.Range("A1:T1").Font.Bold = True
oSheet.Name = "Data_" & strName

Set oSheet = ActiveWorkBook.WorkSheets(2)
oSheet.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= "Sheet1!A$:T$").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:=Range("A3"), TableName :="PivotTable2"
oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").SmallGrid = False
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Supervisor")
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 1
End With
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Operator")
.Orientation = xlRowField
.Position = 2
End With
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Tag")
.Orientation = xlDataField
.Position = 1
End With
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Dept")
.Orientation = xlPageField
.Position = 1
End With
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Branch")
.Orientation = xlPageField
.Position = 2
End With
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Location")
.Orientation = xlPageField
.Position = 3
End With
With oSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable2").PivotFields("Type")
.Orientation = xlPageField
.Position = 4
End With

'With ActiveWorkBook
' .SaveAs sFile
' .save
'End With


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How Can I Connect OWC PivotTable To A Local Cube File?

Aug 4, 2004


I want to use the Office Web Components (v10) PivotTable embedded in a web page. The examples and tutorials I've been able to find on MSDN all use the same architecture: The initial pivottable configuration is created by instantiating the object server-side and programmatically configuring it. The XMLDATA property is then read and sent to the client. At the client, script sets the XMLDATA property. So far so good, all makes sense. Then my problem: The PivotTable is then connected to Analysis Server using an http connection string (through IIS). As my users do not have database accounts, only application accounts, I cannot allow database connection information on the client. Trouble is, the PivotTable generates MDX queries when a user reconfigures the view, and there are no hooks (events or other means) to programmatically obtain the generated MDX query - a fact that is explicitly confirmed in MSDN documentation.

This clearly means that the PT must be connected directly to it's data source. So I thought I could just create a local MOLAP cube file and download it to the client (permissible as it runs as a trusted application). But nowhere can I find any example or documention on how to do this.

This is driving me slightly insane and I have little hair left now; if anyone knows how to do it or where to find proper PivotTable documentation (rather than a collection of examples that do something else from what I need to do!) then help is greatly :p appreciated!


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Reporting Services :: PivotTable Report In SSRS 2008 R2

Jun 17, 2015

What is the best approach for turning the report below into a PivotTable report in SSRS 2008 R2?The PivotTable has the following characsteristics:

Filters:     None
Columns: Mat_Month
Rows:      Level1, Level2
Values:    MaturingBalances

We have an SSAS Cube with the same data (in a dimensional schema).The report (currently sourced via SQL from our data warehouse):The Pivot Table - currently in Excel but needs to be ported to SSRS

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Creating Excel Formulas In SRS

Jan 16, 2008

I'm creating a report that is designed to be exported to Excel so that the end user can manipulate the data. There are two main columns that I'm concerned with - TimeTaken and OTTimeTaken (for overtime).

Our application does not track OTTimeTaken so it's default will just be 0, but I need the excel file to have a formula that automatically adds the TimeTaken to the OTTimeTaken in a third cell for the total number of hours as that value will be added by the A/R department for invoicing.

I thought adding this would give me what i need:

="=SUM(C" & RowNumber(Nothing) & ": D" & RowNumber(Nothing) & ")"

when exporting to excel, it dumps it in as plain text, requiring that the user double click on the cell in order to "activate" the formula.

Is there a way to have SRS create this formula so that it works in excel rather than requiring the additional user interaction?


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Dynamically Creating A Excel File In DTS

Feb 13, 2006

Some one Please guide me... How to create a Excel File Dynamically in DTS.

Once i run my DTS Package the result should be moved to a new Excel sheet( This should be created dynamically).

I tries in this way but it says....Syntax error at the DTS GlobalVariables.....

Function Main()

Dim appExcel
Dim newBook
Dim oSheet

dim oPackage
dim oConn

Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set newBook = appExcel.Workbooks.Add
Set oSheet = newBook.Worksheets(1)

oSheet.Range("A1").Value = "au_lname"
oSheet.Range("B1").Value = "au_fname"
oSheet.Range("C1").Value = "phone"
oSheet.Range("D1").Value = "address"
oSheet.Range("E1").Value = "city"

DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value = "C:\" & Month(Now) & "-" &
Day(Now) & "-" & Year(Now) & "-" & Hour(Time) & "-" &Minute(Time) & "-" &
Second(Time) & ".xls"

With newBook
.SaveAs DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value
End With


set oPackage = DTSGlobalVariables.parent

set oConn = oPackage.connections(2)
oConn.datasource = DTSGlobalVariables("fileName").Value

set oPackage = nothing
set oConn = nothing

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

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Creating Excel File From DTS Package

Oct 20, 2004


I have a created a DTS packges which is reading data from sql server table, manipulate this data as required and then create a text file with that data. I created the text file using FileSystemObject. I was writing one field at a time to the text file.

I need to same thing but instead of creating text file, I need to create a excel file with each column from database going to separate column in excel sheet. I tried to do this with FileSystemObject, but it was wrting all the columns from database to one cell in excel sheet. How can I fix this problem?


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Creating A Dynamic Excel File

Nov 17, 2006

Is it possible that i can create a dynamic excel file (destination)

ex, i want to create a Dyanamic Excel destination file with a filename base on the date

this will run on jobs. Is this possible?

11172006.xls, 11182006.xls

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How Do Create Table From Excel (based On Excel Column Name) And Import Data From It?

Jun 14, 2006

l've the following situation,

l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.

So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.


Yong Boon, Lim

p/s : The excel header is at the row 7.

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Error Creating Linked Server To Excel

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Please help, I'm getting desperate. Any ideas warmly welcomed!I'm trying to read from a basic excel file (1000 or so rows fromcolumn A) but am having problems. The code I am using is:Declare @Return IntSET NOCOUNT ONExec @Return= [master]..[sp_addlinkedServer] 'READ_XLS', 'EXCEL','Microsoft.Jet.OleDB.4.0' , 'e:jsbackupRACodes.xls',NULL, 'EXCEL 8.0'print 'set up Return : ' + convert(varchar(10),@Return)--NB E: is the drive as seen oon the serverEXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin@rmtsrvname = 'READ_XLS',@useself = 'true'print 'login Return : ' + convert(varchar(10),@Return)When I try to read from the (one) excel sheet in the file, viaSelect * from [READ_XLS]...RACodes$or to list what tables/sheets are available, viaexec sp_tables_ex 'READ_XLS'I get the following error:OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.Authentication failed.[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot start your application. Theworkgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by anotheruser.]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80040e4d: Authenticationfailed.].What am I missing?*Many* thanks in advance.Andy

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Dynamically Creating A New Excel Spreadsheet In SSIS

Feb 25, 2008

Hi everybody, i'm a newbie to SSIS and I'm having a problem dynamically creating a new excel spreadsheet in SSIS.
What I need to do is be able to dynamically create a brand new Excel spreadsheet after a data flow task completes.

Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you.

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Creating Offline Cube From Excel 2007

May 17, 2008

When I try to create an Offline cube from Excel 2007 I get the following error message. This used to work but I cannot figure out what to loo for.

Code Snippet
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services 2005 :
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: XML for Analysis parser: The 'CreatedTimestamp' read-only element at line 1,
column 38747 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Cubes/Cube/Scripts/MdxScript was
ignored.; XML for Analysis parser: The 'LastSchemaUpdate' read-only element at line 1, column 38803 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Cubes/Cube/Scripts/MdxScript was
ignored.; XML for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 4554
(namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 17325 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 57387 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 60047 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 62847 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 65497 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 72718 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.; XML
for Analysis parser: The 'CurrentStorageMode' read-only element at line 1006, column 75425 (namespace under
Envelope/Body/Execute/Command/Batch/Create/ObjectDefinition/Database/Dimensions/Dimension was ignored.;
Errors in the metadata manager. The attribute hierarchy for the Month attribute cannot be created because a
hierarchy with the same ID or name already exists..

Can somebody advice my on what to look for? Thx!

The attribute hierarchy for the Month attribute cannot be created because a hierarchy with the same ID or name already exists. ----- There is no other Month?


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Transact SQL :: Formatting Excel Sheet While Creating From BCP In Server?

Jul 1, 2015

How can i Format Column Name(Different Color) in Excel Sheet that was Created using Bcp Command in SQL SERVER 2008R2? 

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Analysis :: Creating Cubes In SSAS Using Various Tables In Excel

Jun 29, 2015

I'm exploring creating local cube files, .cub from an excel sheet with tables.Would SSAS be able to create one cube from taking data from a 1 way table (A, B, C), a 2 way table (AxB, BxC, AxC) and a 3 way table (AxBxC)?

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Dynamically Creating New Worksheets To An Existing Excel Document

Aug 31, 2007

Hi All,

I have an exiting excel workbook say master.xls. Now I need to dynamically create and append a new worksheet to the above master.xls every month end using the Reporting services.

Could you please guide me how dynamically creating the worksheets task can be achieved using the reporting services?

Your any guidance or help in this matter will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Raman Kohli

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Creating Trigger On Creating Table

Jan 28, 2008


If I want to automatically insert a record which has default value in a table,
how can I create the trigger?

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Dynamically Creating Excel Worksheets Based On Groupings From Query In SSIS

Apr 24, 2008

Is there anyway to dynamically create Excel Worksheets based on a group identity results from a query?



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Difference In Creating Temporary Table By #table And ##table

Nov 29, 2006

Banti writes "IF i create temporary table by using #table and ##table then what is the difference. i found no difference.
pls reply.
create table ##temp
name varchar(25),
roll int
insert into ##temp values('banti',1)
select * from ##temp
create table #temp
name varchar(25),
roll int
insert into #temp values('banti',1)
select * from #temp

both works fine , then what is the difference
waiting for ur reply

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Creating A Common Table Expression--temporary Table--using TSQL???

Jul 23, 2005

Using SQL against a DB2 table the 'with' key word is used todynamically create a temporary table with an SQL statement that isretained for the duration of that SQL statement.What is the equivalent to the SQL 'with' using TSQL? If there is notone, what is the TSQL solution to creating a temporary table that isassociated with an SQL statement? Examples would be appreciated.Thank you!!

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Creating A Table Column That Only Takes Data From Another Table.

May 20, 2006

I am trying to create a table that holds info about a user; with the usual columns for firstName, lastName, etc....  no problem creating the table or it's columns, but how can I "restrict" the values of my State column in the 'users' table so that it only accepts values from the 'states' table?

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Creating Table Fields Dynamically From Another Table Row

Aug 31, 2006

Hello all:

Is it possible to creates fields of the table dynamically?. I have this situation in my project. This is just a small sample. I have row of length 140. I don't wan't to declare all this fields manually using the create table command.

The description of table is as, in this table all the field are of type varchar only, there are like 140 columns.

create dummy emp (
field1 VARCHAR(100), field2 varchar(200), field3 VARCHAR(100).... )

Table: Dummy
================================================== ==
field1 field2 field3..........
Empid Empname empaage1 sam 23...........
2 rai 22............
n raj 45.............
================================================== ==
Now I want to create another table as "EMP" , with proper data type
fields too..

create table emp (
empid int, empname varchar(100), empage int....)

The table should look like as:

Table: EMP
================================================== ==
Empid Empname empaage............
1 sam 23...............
2 rai 22................
n raj 45.................
================================================== ==

I want to do this dynamically.....
Some how I need to extract those field from table[dummy]; the first row acts as a column header for the table[Emp] and the subsequent row acts as a record for the table[Emp]

A small rough snippet of the code will be appreciated....

Waiting for replies........

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Creating A Table And Dropping That Table At End Of Execution

Mar 19, 2012

I am using a Stored procedure in which I am creating a table and dropping that table at the end of execution. This SP is calling every 10 second (but no concurrent access) from my application. Is there any issue using the drop table command in the SP? will it create any memory fragmentation issue in SQL server?

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SQL 2012 :: Importing Excel Table Into Existing Table?

Aug 25, 2014

I am using the DTS wizard and having problems importing excel into an existing table.

Problem is that various column in excel are defined as double in the wizard but in my db table it is defined as an integer.

How do I get around this issue so the data types in excel can match up accordingly to my defined data type in my db table?

The wizard does a bad job of guessing the correct data type.

I have heard of using a staging table to import from excel and using that as my source to import into my existing table.

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Creating A Stored Procedure That Will Summarize Data In A Table Into A Table Reflecting Period Data Using An Array Type Field

Sep 20, 2007

I am attempting to create a stored procedure that will launch at report runtime to summarize data in a table into a table that will reflect period data using an array type field. I know how to execute one line but I am not sure how to run the script so that it not only summarizes the data below but also creates and drops the table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Current Table

Project | Task | Category | Fiscal Year | Fiscal Month | Total Hours
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 2007 | 01 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 2007 | 02 | 20
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 2007 | 03 | 35
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 2008 | 01 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 2008 | 02 | 40
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 2008 | 03 | 40

Proposed Table

Project | Task | Category | Fiscal Month 01 | Fiscal Month 02 | Fiscal Month 03 | Fiscal Year
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2007
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 0 | 20 | 0 | 2007Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 0 | 0 | 35 | 2007
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 1 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2008

Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 2 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 2008
Proj 1 | Task 1 | Cat 3 | 0 | 0 | 40 | 2008

Mike Misera

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Creating A Dimension Table From A 3-key Table

Jan 13, 2005

Hi All,

I have a situation with a table that was created for a transactional

system with a 3 columns key. The table is similar to the following:

11221City A from country 1 and state 12
11321City A from country 1 and state 13
21422City B from country 2 and state 14
21522City B from country 2 and state 15

Now I'm trying to create a dts package that would allow me to build a

city dimension table with unique codes (keys) for each city. What kind of

transformation should I use to translate the old codes (based on the

country-state-city key) into the new ones and preserving the data




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Creating New Table From Existing Table

Apr 20, 2006


I m new to this forum with a Query

Create table <table name1 > as select * from <table name2>

this works for oracle. do anybody knows its alternative in sqlserver 2000

thanx. :)

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Creating Table

Jan 15, 2008

I'm trying to create programmatically a table in my db on sql server 2005.1. I created a string "CREATE TABLE ....." and then tried to execute it using my ADO. That didn't work, so I copied the string into  a query in sql server and got the message "CREATE TABLE sql is not supported". Why's that? 2. I created a stored procedure in my db that will get the "CREATE TABLE...." string and execute it.   I thought it would look something like this:    parameter @createString varchar(MAX)    BEGIN                                                            BEGIN       EXEC @createString           or                             @createString     END                                                                END    Both these options didn't work.How can I make it work properly?Thanks.  

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Creating A Table

Dec 22, 2003

I need a module to help me create a SQLServer database table. Is there a module that allows users to specify parameters in the creation of a SQLserver table?

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Creating A Table

May 1, 2000

Hello, folks.

I wonder whether I can create a table based on the script in SQL Analyzer.

If this is possible, can you folks tell me how to do it.

Thanks in advance.

Hyunhyo Jun
GIS Research Group
University of Colorado

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Creating Table In RAM

Dec 18, 2001

Does anyone know if it is possible to create a tmp table in RAM without pinning it and how to do it? I already knew that SQL has a stored procedure allows pinning a table in RAM.
Thank you for any input.

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Creating Table

Jul 27, 2006


I am trying to create a table in sql server 2000 and seem to be getting an error

the code that i am using is as folows:

Invoice_no VARCHAR(50),
RefText VARCHAR(50),
CustomerDetails text,

I want to be able to have the invoiceid as the primary key that auto increments...

After creating the table id like to import a csv file with only the following data

Invoice_no, RefText, CustomerDetails

is it possible to do this as i want the id to automatically be generated to be unique


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Creating Table

Dec 22, 2006

vijay writes "how can i creat a new table as i have in my database"

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Creating A Table

Jul 20, 2005

How do you create a new table from a SELECT statement of another tableusing MS SQL Server. This is part of a distributed database topic foruniversity. Unfortunately I can only seem to get the new table createdin Oracle and not MS.

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