I got assignment, how to make it appear in the right order .
/* DROP TABLE EMP SELECT * INTO Emp FROM ( SELECT 'A' EmpID, NULL ManID, 'Name' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'MAC' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT '1ABA' EmpID, 'MAC' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'ABB' EmpID, '1ABA' ManID, 'Name______' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'XB' EmpID, 'A' ManID, 'Name__' EmpName UNION ALL SELECT 'BAC' EmpID, 'XB' ManID, 'Name____' EmpName ) b */
Hi everyone, I'm migrating some information for a client at the moment. They had everything in Excel files and I'm getting them into SQL Server. There are some differences in the way I am storing data and the way they were storing data.
For each client they stored, they had something like Rel1 Rel2 Rel3 100 101 102
Now, what I have is a seperate row for each of Rel1, Rel2 and Rel3 so I would have 3 seperate rows with identical information except for Rel1. So I would have: Rel1 100 101 102
So one way I thought of doing it was inserting a new row specifying that the value for Rel2 should be stored in Rel1 and for the next row that the value for Rel3 should be stored in Rel1.
Now, I am able to do this but SQL Server inserts an extra row will the NULL value in Rel1. Does anyone know why this would be happening? I think what it is doing is finding a NULL value in Rel3 after creating the two extra rows and is inserting that NULL. So I think I need to check for NULLs and not allow it to create a new row if, say, Rel3 is NULL.
Any pointers are gladly welcome. (I know it's complicated )
I am ultra new to this so thanks in advance for any help. I was trying to create a connection to a database that I created in SQL Express. I am essentially trying to submit three attributes to the existing database from a table that consists of three textboxes and a submit button. I would like all of the code to be in the head of the page (because that is the standard here) so I wanted to know what the connection string should be in Visual Basic 2005 Express to establish a connection on the same machine. I'm not sure about the connection string, but I am also not sure about a lot of the code. Also, the Using clauses seem to give me an error (where should it go?). This is what I have in the head of the page (visual C# by the way). Also, I got this from http://www.csharp-station.com/Tutorials/AdoDotNet/Lesson03.aspx : Using System.Data;Using System.Data.SqlClient;protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Database=CustomersDB;Trusted Connection=true");conn.Open();string insertstring = @" insert into Catagories (CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerEmail) values (" + textbox1.value + ", " + textbox2.value + " + ", textbox3.value");SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertstring, conn);Sql.ExecuteNonQuery();conn.close();} If there is absolutely any insite into the problems with my code, I really appreciate it.
I maintain a simple employment (job) tracking web application.
Jobs can be set to 5 different statuses: Open, Closed, Filled, Pending, or Cancelled.
There is a table in the database called statusLog, which records everytime a job is set to opened, or set to closed, etc. It records the job number, the date it was changed, and what the job was changed to.
Here is a short example of what a few entries might look like:
What I need to do is write an SQL query that will return to me all entries in this table, between two certain dates, that ONLY have entries during those dates.
Basically I need to know how many "new" jobs were set to open during a month. I can easily just do a count of how many jobs were set to open, but this will not give a count of "new" jobs.
Example: during june a job could be set to open. Then in july it could be set to pending. Then in august, it could be re-opened, and set to open.
If I ran this query for the month of August, it would return that job as being opened in august. But it wasn't a new job, meaning it had already been in the system in previous months.
Is there some way I can select all "Open" jobs, between a certain date, that do not exist anywhere in the table previous to the date it was entered? This would give me a result set containing only new jobs.
The only way I've thought of yet is to get a result set of all jobs simply set to open during a month, then one by one for each record, go back and run another SQL query to see if it exists in the table anywhere other than in that month.
This seems horribly inefficient to me however, as I do not want to be doing 34,000 independent SQL calls for every single "open" job it finds during a certain month.
I need to find a method to assign unique Shift IDS to rows that correspond to a single shift. For instance, the first shift would begin on the first row when shift_start flag is turned on, and end on the third row when shift_end flag is turned on.
I wish to build a table based on values from another table.I need to populate a table between two dates from another table. Usingthe START_DT and END_DT, create records between those dates.I need a new column that is the days between the date and the MID_DTThe data I wish to end with would look something like this:PERIOD DATE DAY_NO200602 2005-07-06 -89200602 2005-07-07 -88200602 2005-07-08 -87<...>200602 2005-10-02 -2200602 2005-10-03 -1200602 2005-10-04 0200602 2005-10-05 1<...>200602 2005-12-18 75CREATE TABLE "dbo"."tblDates"("PERIOD" CHAR(6) NOT NULL,"START_DT" DATETIME NULL,"MID_DT" DATETIME NULL,"END_DT" DATETIME NOT NULL)INSERT INTO tblDates VALUES('200505',2005-04-12,2005-07-05,2005-09-12)INSERT INTO tblDates VALUES('200602',2005-07-06,2005-10-03,2005-12-18)INSERT INTO tblDates VALUES('200603',2005-10-04,2006-01-17,2006-03-27)INSERT INTO tblDates VALUES('200604',2006-01-18,2006-04-10,2006-06-19)INSERT INTO tblDates VALUES('200605',2006-04-11,2006-07-04,2006-09-11)INSERT INTO tblDates VALUES('200702',2006-07-05,2006-10-02,2006-12-18)
I have to write a couple scripts that will update a couple columns in two separate tables and also insert a new row with the same data except for a few calculated or provided values ...... see specs below ...
1. tGradeHist Table Script One (Needs to be run first)
a. Read tGradeHist Table and Select rows with GradeEndDate = NULL and GradeStartDate = '1/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
b. Calculate New Step Amount = StepAmount * Incr% (Round To Nearest Whole Dollar)
c. Create New Row for this table using information from row read above and insert new information where indicated :
GradeCode - Same
GradeLocationCode - Same
Step - Same
GradeStartDate - '7/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
GradeEndDate - NULL
GradeCurrencyCode - Same
StepAmount - Result of b (above)
GradeFrequencyCode - Same
RangeMaximumAmount - Same
RangeMidAmount - Same
RangeMinimumAmount - Same
GradeCurrentFlag - 'True'
MarketMaximumAmount - Same
MarketMidAmount - Same
MarketMinimumAmount - Same
GradeGUID - Same
TSCOL - Same
d. Update Row read in a (above) with GradeEndDate = '6/30/2007 12:00:00 A.M.' and GradeCurrentFlag = 'False'
2. tPersonBasePayHist Table Script Two (Needs to be run second)
a. Read tPersonBasePayHist Table and Select rows with PersonBasePayEndDate = NULL
b. Calculate New PersonBasePayAmount = PersonBasePayAmount * Incr% (Round To Nearest Whole Dollar)
c. Create New Row for this table using information from row read above and insert new information where indicated :
PersonGUID - Same
PersonBasePayStartDate - '7/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
PersonBasePayEndDate - NULL
PersonBasePayCurrencyCode - Same
PersonBasePayAmount - Result of b (above)
PersonBasePayFrequency - Same
PersonBasePayPayrollFrequencyCode - Same
BasePayReasonCode - 'SA'
ConductedBasePayReviewDate - Same
ScheduledBasePayReviewDate - Same
PayrollCode - Same
PersonBasePayCurrentFlag - 'True'
ApprovedByPersonGUID - Same
PersonBasePayGUID - Same
TSCol - Same
d. Update Row read in a (above) with PersonBasePayEndDate = '6/30/2007 12:00:00 A.M.' and PersonBasePayCurrentFlag = 'False'
I am trying to use the following Query to create the table Agents and add rows to it.
[Code] ....
I get the following error messages: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near '0.25' Msg 105, Level 15 mark after the character string ');
I have a problem. I want to know if the time which is needed for creating an index increases proportional to the amount of rows. example: if creating an index on a table which 10.000 rows takes 15 seconds. does creating an index on a table with 20.000 rows take 30 seconds , 40.000 rows 60 seconds and so on... or does it take longer like 10.000 rows 15 second, 20.000 rows 40 seconds, 40.000 rows 80 seconds.
I am trying to calculate how much revenue we may get, based on potential new business opportunities. The core fields we have are
Total Contract Value ($ or £)Duration of contract (months)Revenue start dateVarious information about the new business - ID, Title, Customer etc.
We can easily calculate the revenue per month with "Total Contract value divide by duration".
However what I would really like to do is be able to know how much revenue we will be getting each month.
To do this I was thinking we should probably create a new row for each month entry, with the mm-yyyy being the only difference for each row. But how to create the appropriate months and the correct amount of rows.
I would like to know how to create a single level hierachy structure in SQL. Example, I have a single parent record in table A that may later on spawn one or child record in table B that relates back to the parent. It only needs a single level. that means, one to many.
table1 has 3 fields a , b and c. field "a" is a primary key. table2 has 2 fields x and y. Fields x and y are nothing but the value of "a". Also, y is the child of x. Therefore, x and y can never have same value. It means value of "a" either be child or parent. But there is possibility that parent has no child.
Now, i wanted to write Select/Insert query for parent, b , c and child.
Hi, I'm having a major brain-failure moment here. Using T-SQL I want to be able to get all of the leaf nodes (e.g. nodes at the furthest end of a tree from the root) in a hierarchical relationship where the table structure is such NodeID|ParentID|NodeName. Basically if I had the following tree structure: Root Child1 Grandchild1 Child2 Grandchild2
I want to get all of the Grandchild nodes. Number of levels will vary and I haven't got any kind of HasChilds column. I know this is possible because I remember having done it on a course years ago but I can't for the life of me figure it out on this sunny Friday afternoon. I know it's going to involve either recursion, a while loop or cursors but my mind is currently jelly. Can anyone help?
hi. I am working on Multiline Marketing Project.I have to calculate all the childens and display the whole tree..I have save records in tree format...But not able to calculate the all childrens. SELECT count(*) FROM dfTree WHERE id in (SELECT id FROM dfTree WHERE lineage like '16%') This query works properly.Problem is that it is not working in the project because in the like I have to pass a variable. SELECT count(*) FROM dfTree WHERE id in (SELECT id FROM dfTree WHERE lineage like '@idl%') Please Suggest me...
HI, I am working on a Family tree portal which need tree functionality to display family members in tree structure. on click on any node the adding option should be displayed for this i need a table and procedure to complete family tree Thanks @mbi
Consider the following SQL query: SELECT ENAME,SAL FROM EMP,ASG,PAY,PROJ WHERE EMP.ENO=ASG.ENO AND PAY.TITLE=EMP.TITLE AND ASG.PNO=PROJ.PNO AND ASG.DUR=48 AND BUDGET>200000 Give the possible operator trees:right-deep,left-deep and bush Tank you very much!
i'm writing a app in c# and have to store Trees in a Database.
I'm working with Datasets for the exchange between the DB and the App.
The trees have the same options like the windows folders. If u delete a node, all subnodes should be deleted too.
But something a Foreign Key from ParentID references (Id) with the delete-Rule on cascade seems not to be possible, because of multiple cascade Paths or cycles. Do i have to add some xtra constarins:
Not Possible:
create Table tree ( Id varchar Not null, ParentId varchar Not null, Constraint pk1 Primary Key (Id), Constraint fk1 Foreign Key (ParentId) references tree(Id) On Update Cascade On delete CAscade )
Do i have to write triggers, which delete The subnodes too and set the Update-/deleterulr on NO Action
Does anyone know any good links for SQL tree structures and example queries and stuff... I cant really find anything part from the standard example of emplyee, boss, salary which explains how to create the tree table...(dun dis bit) I did notice a book but I live in a little village so cant go get it till wekend?
I'm desperate, reli need to work out how too do this.....
SELECT a.Network_ID, b.Last_Name + ', ' + b.Preferred_FirstName AS full_name, c.Security_Class_Description, d.Security_Type_Description, a.Security_Value FROM Company_Hierarchy_Security a JOIN V_Entity_Employee_Active b on a.Network_ID= b.Network_ID JOIN Company_Security_Class c on a.Security_Class_Code=c.Security_Class_Code JOIN Company_Security_Type d on a.Security_Type = d.Security_Type inner join (select e.Budget_Center_ID + ' - ' + e.Budget_Center_Description As Budget_Center_Description, f.Company_Name, g.Enterprise_Description, h.Business_Segment_Description, i.Team_Description from Company_Hierarchy_Security a. Inner JOIN Budget_Center e on a.Security_Value = e.Budget_Center_ID Inner JOIN Company f on a.Security_Value = f.Company_ID Inner JOIN Enterprise g ON a.Security_Value = Cast(g.Enterprise_Number As Varchar(5)) Inner JOIN Business_Segment h on a.Security_Value = h.Business_Segment_ID Inner JOIN Team i on a.Security_Value = i.Team_ID
Ok. I have the Security Value located in Company_Hierarchy_Security table. All those values are divided into 5 other tables that I need to join together. I found all of them separate but I have not been able to figue it out how to put it together with the rest of the querie.
Thank You visakh16 --- The following section of my querie works but doesn't give the exact information that I need. This is what is giving me:
NetworkId Full Name Sec Class Desc Sec Type Desc SecValue tte Test Scenario Accounting Budget Center 142- ?
SELECT a.Network_ID, b.Last_Name + ', ' + b.Preferred_FirstName AS full_name, c.Security_Class_Description, d.Security_Type_Description, a.Security_Value FROM Company_Hierarchy_Security a JOIN V_Entity_Employee_Active b on a.Network_ID= b.Network_ID JOIN Company_Security_Class c on a.Security_Class_Code=c.Security_Class_Code JOIN Company_Security_Type d on a.Security_Type = d.Security_Type
inner join (select e.Budget_Center_ID + ' - ' + e.Budget_Center_Description As Budget_Center_Description, f.Company_Name, g.Enterprise_Description, h.Business_Segment_Description, i.Team_Description from Company_Hierarchy_Security a. Inner JOIN Budget_Center e on a.Security_Value = e.Budget_Center_ID Inner JOIN Company f on a.Security_Value = f.Company_ID Inner JOIN Enterprise g ON a.Security_Value = Cast(g.Enterprise_Number As Varchar(5)) Inner JOIN Business_Segment h on a.Security_Value = h.Business_Segment_ID Inner JOIN Team i on a.Security_Value = i.Team_ID
Any recomendations on how to store organization trees on a database withlots of paths and branches? Any white papers out there that explain this?Thanks
Hello,I have a "tree" table:Id - primary keyParrentId - (foreign key) related to IdTitle.....when I delete some record I want to delete it with all childs (cascadedeleting). I can't set cascade deleting on the same table :(. Is thereany easy way in the MSSQL 2005 to do this ? There is one idea - usingcursors + recursive functions but I think this solution is not easyand elegant.Thakns for any help and sugestions.Regards.Andy
I wanted to use the Decision Tree to show a result..... after i configure the Mining Structures..... and set all the input.... my decision tree shows only until level 2..... i have 3 input and one PredictOnly column.....where is the other input?
Say.... i have House Owner, Marital Status, Num Cars Owned and Number Of Children(PredictOnly)
my Tree only shows All ---- > Marital Status when i input all 3 together...... the other 2 doesn't seems to show.
wat should i do?? my database in SQL Server and the other keys are all correct and deploying finely.....why is this happening.....?
i'm a newbie in this software.......so any pro here can plz help me if there's actually something that i might have missed out along the way.......
i have tried 3 different solutions all coming to a crash at some point, if ANYONE can help me out i would appreciate it, i know the logic will be recursive, i just dont know how to implement
Hi..I have a table register..in this fields are username,parent id,downline ; I have to determine all the child of a particular parent. suppose table is like this. username parentid downline B A left C A right D B left E B right.... I have to also determine the level in the tree....please help...
I just started having this problem. When I log into SQL2000 enterprise manager and click on my database, the main directory tree shows up. When I click on the Database tree to display all of the different databases on the SQL server, the text 'No Items' shows up. I can not get to any databases, but I am connected to the SQL server. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?????
I have tried re-inatalling and all of the service packs.
Okie, this one has me a little stumped so bear with me an I will explain as best I can....
I have a family tree database...
The two key tables (for this problem) are Person and Child. The person table is your generic person details table and contains, PersonId, PersonFirstName, PersonLastName, PersonDOB etc. The Child table is a linking table that links a PersonId to a ChildPersonId (so both Id's are valid Id's in the person table).
Now what I want to try and achieve is a breakdown of the different branchs of the family tree. A branch is an independant, unattached section of the tree (if that makes sense). It's a grouping of people we know are related but we can't determine how they are related to another group of people in the tree.
If you look at this http://gw.geneanet.org/index.php3?b=bengos&lang=en;m=N;v=van+halewyn you will get an idea of what I mean.
I'm not sure if this is something that can be don't with a query at all the be honest... I suspect that I will have to wrap some other code around it, but I'm really not sure on what approach I should be using. Any help people could offer would be great.