Creating Dynamic Text File From ASP Page ( Need Direction)

May 21, 2002

I am somewhat new to DTS packages - please bear with me...

:: Overview:
From a web page, I need to create a text file on a User's mapped drive drive (note: the mapped drive is always the same and it is a drive that the IIS cannot see, and FTP is not an option here). One of the parameters I need to pass from the web page (to the DTS) is the text file name.

Currently, I have a stored procedure that creates my dataset for my text file, and I can create the text file from the web page onto the IIS server, but this does not solve my problem.

My dilemma is how do I create the dynamic text onto the mapped drive? The SQL server CAN see the mapped drive.

Can I bring together what the Stored Procedure creates AND pass thru the dataset and the dynamic name to a DTS so it can create and save the file?

Can the Stored Procedure be eliminated and it all be done via DTS?

What about passing in parameters directly to a DTS from the web page? I'm not finding much help on this portion

Any help and/or direction would be appreciated as I am on a tight deadline!

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SQL 2012 :: Creating Dynamic SSIS File Format - Dynamic CSV File As Output

Mar 2, 2014

I am trying to create an ssis package with dynamic csv file as output. and out format contains query output.

sample file name:

Unique identifier + query output + systemdate();

The expression is looking like this.

@[User::FilePath] + @[User::FileName] + ".CSV"

-- user filepath is a variable from ssis package. File name is the output from SQL query. using script task i have assigned the values to @[User::FileName] .

When I debugged the script task the value getting properly but same variable am using for Flafile destination. but its not working.

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Creating A Dynamic Excel File

Nov 17, 2006

Is it possible that i can create a dynamic excel file (destination)

ex, i want to create a Dyanamic Excel destination file with a filename base on the date

this will run on jobs. Is this possible?

11172006.xls, 11182006.xls

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Text Direction - Bottom Toward Top

Jun 22, 2006

Hi all,

I have problem to change direction of the textbox, i need to change the driction as bottom to top.

But in report has provide the tb-rl and tb-lr. these are changed the direction as top to bottom.

anybody worked on it , please help.


Murugan A

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How To Set The Text Direction BT-RL 'bottom To Top' In SRS

Jan 30, 2008

How can you set the text direction to BT-RL 'bottom to top' in SRS? There is control for TB-RL but not BT-RL. Need this for SRS label printing application.

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Creating A Text File Using Ssis

Nov 28, 2007


A short description of my prob :

I am looping through a set of files and on each loop i process the file and move it to another folder. I am using File System task to do so and variables with destination path and name. It works fine.

Requirement :

However now I want that after processing the file, instead of moving it, I create an empty text file at the destination containing the file name. I want to do this with minimum effort. Can anyone suggest me the way.


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Creating Text File From Stored Procedure

Sep 9, 2005

Greetings,I have a sp that dumps text into a textfile but I am having troublecreating the textfile.EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell '\servernamed$The Filesubfilename.dat'The directory "The File" has a space in it. I've tried putting thecarat ^ before the space, and putting double quotes...but I keepgetting this error'\servernamed$The' is not recognized as an internal or externalcommand, operable program or batch file.If I do EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell '"\servernamed$TheFilesubfilename.dat"' I get the same thing.If I do EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell '""\servernamed$TheFilesubfilename.dat""' I get'"\servernamed$The Filesubfilename.dat"'is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable programor batch file.Does anybody see what I am doing wrong?

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SQL 2012 :: Why Does SHRINKFILE Page Latch On A Page In Different File

Sep 28, 2015

I am running a DBCC SHRINKFILE on "FILE1" of a database (it has fileid = 1)...intent is to remove 70GB of file space:


For the SPID that's doing the shrink, In activity monitor you can see:

Waittype: PAGEIOLATCH_EX on resource: 9:3:15411328
(the DB is dbid=9)

But why does it need a page from fileid=3? Are there page dependencies between files that prevent moving a page within a given file? Does it need that fileid3 page to come along?

Its just sitting there in the SUSPENDED state for the last hour....I am going to leave it another 5 hours or so before cancelling.

The dm_exec_requests has an estimated percent complete at 83% and holding....not sure if I can believe that.

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How To Find A Row By (file#:page#:slot On Page)

Jan 27, 2004


I would like to know if there is some way to find a row in a table by the RID that sp_lock returns :

for example

"SELECT * FROM Authors (UPDLOCK) WHERE name = 'John'"

sp_lock returns the locked row id :
2:328:11 (file#page#slot on page)

How do i get this row???



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Dynamic Visability And Page Breaks

Apr 23, 2008


I have found "as have many others" that when adding dynamic visibility " tosub_reports and tables etc" to SSRS reports then pagebreaks are switched off. Has anyone found a workaround for this? Or am I doing something wrong

My report has one page per record grouped on an id. Each record has possible additonal information in another table which if present I would like to show on a new page. I can get this to work ok by just appending a subreport to the report based on the value of a report parameter, however this does not meet the requirement. I need to have the subreport on a new page for each record.

Any comments welcome.

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How To Open A Dynamic Subreport In A New Page

Jul 10, 2007


We have an page that pops-up from the main site and has the report service control on it. This first pop-up page generates the report and has embedded links for multiple sub reports. When we click on the link for the sub report it generates the report but it stays in the first pop-up. Is there a way to have another pop-up(preferably a different pop-up for each link the user clicks) page? Thanks in advance.


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Creating A View From ASP.Net Page (Problems)

Oct 6, 2006

Hello,I am having an error  when using the CREATE VIEW statement and trying to execute it from an page. I get an error that says something along the lines of 'dbo' schema does not exist or you do not have permissions to access it. I have checked and the user has been granted every permission I can think of (including setting it to the DB owner), but it does not work. I am able to execute all the Select, Update, Insert statements that I wish to, and when I copy the statement into the SQL 2005 Management studio query menu it works perfectly, it just gives the error message from the page.Here is an example (or as close as I can remember at this point) of some code I tried:myCommand.Connection = myConnectionmyCommand.Open()myCommand.CommandText = "Create View TestView as Select 1, 2"myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()myCommand.Close() Any help would be appreciated.Thanks,StuporMan 

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Report Page Width With Dynamic Columns Through Parameters

Apr 18, 2007

I found the following paragraph while searching on here:

You could easily set up a parameter for each column and then display that column conditionally based on the parameter.

For instance, if you have a column that displays First Name, you could have a parameter called DisplayFirstName. Then in design view you'd select the whole FirstName column and in the Visibility-Hidden property set it to :

=iif( Parameters!DisplayFirstName.Value = false, true, false )

This could easily become a big, unwieldy report, though, if you have a great number of dynamic columns. Also, The width of the report is set at design time, and it includes the width of all your columns, not just the visible ones. This could cause you some pagination problems.

That is exactly my problem. I have lots of dynamic columns which causes the width of the report to be wide. Thus even though at run time the report only shows columns within a page, the report itself consists of a lot of white spaces after the selected columns. Does anyone know a solution to this? If not, I guess creating the rdl with code manually is the only way? Please advise. Thanks in advance.

- Will

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Dynamic Drop-down Parameters In Custom .net Web Page Error

Feb 7, 2008


I created one report with 5 dynamic drop down parameters. The first parameter is passed from URL and the other's parameter drop downs should get populated based on the first one. These 4 parameters default to some value which I defined.
Everything is working fine in the Report Manager but when the report is integrated in a web page I am getting some problems.
After the drop-downs are populated and the user wants to filter down by using different values in the drop down, causes the report to generate automatically and all the dropdowns are reset to default.
Have you had this problem before? Anyone can advise me how to solve this issue?

Thank you in advance!

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Creating Dynamic Table

Oct 29, 2007

Hello all,

I have the following situation.
Our customer would like to generate a raw data export report from specific customer databases.

I have an administrative database with a customer table. In this customer table each customer has it's on specific
customerId guid.
Each customer also has it's own customer database that is named: Customer_ + guid of the customer in the admin
database (eg: Customer_982240e79f424fb0a1d4bed16267245d).
This customer database has 1 main table (dbo.Data), but the design can be different depending on the customer.
Our customer would like to have the possibility to select specific fields from the table to export to an excel file.
So i never know in advance how much fields there will be in the table.

What i want to achieve is to generate a report where i can select a specific customer from a list (from the admin database). Then be able to view all the available fields inside the table (like a dataset or something) and then let the
customer select which fields he wants in his data export report.

Can this be achieved in RS2005?


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Creating Table Using Dynamic SQL

Jul 26, 2007

I have the following dataset using dynamic SQL which works when i execute it, when i try to create a table using this dataset i cant see any fields. Does anyone know why dynamic SQL doesnt work ?

Declare @TopRange int
Declare @BottomRange int
Declare @SQL Varchar(1000)
IF @Param_leadage = '91+'
SET @TopRange = 91
Set @TopRange = RTRIM(LEFT(REPLACE(@Param_leadage,'-',''),2))

IF @Param_leadage = '91+'
SET @BottomRange = 4000
Set @BottomRange = LTRIM(RIGHT(REPLACE(@Param_leadage,'-',''),2))

SET @SQL = 'SELECT dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus, dbo.tblCustomer.idCustomer, dbo.tblCustomer.DateSigned' +
' FROM dbo.tblCustomer' +
' WHERE DateDiff(day, dbo.tblCustomer.DateSigned, GetDate()) >= ' + convert(varchar,@TopRange) + ' AND DateDiff(day,dbo.tblCustomer.DateSigned, GetDate()) <= ' + convert(varchar,@BottomRange)
IF @Param_status = 'Online Churn'
SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = 4 or dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = 5 or dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = 11'
SET @SQL = @SQL + ' AND dbo.tblCustomer.idStatus = ' + @Param_idstatus


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Creating Dynamic Reports

Apr 22, 2007


I wanted to know a way to create dynamic reports using reporting / analysis services in SQL Server 2005 / SSIS tool.

I want user to give inputs and generate reports based on those inputs.

Please guide me on this issue.

Thank you.



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Help Creating Dynamic Reports

Jan 9, 2007

I can create static report with Report Server, but wanted if anyone can help me create a report that is dynamic and regenerates with new data as it comes in.

Thanks so much!

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What Is The Best Way To Combine Two Text File Into One Text File In SSIS

Mar 20, 2008


I am looking for a way to combine two text files into one file. I am thinking of using a batch file (DOS command ) to do it. Any suggestion please?

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It Gives Code Page Error On Creating Stored Procedure !!!!!

Jun 28, 2006

I was transferring objects of my existing database from remote to local and I recieved this error during the DTS process. It was on the transfer of the following stored procedure. I tried to create this SP manually but its giving me the same error and doesn't create it. I don't know how to fix it.
I wonder if somebody can help me! Thanks in Advance
[450] Code page translations are not supported for the text data type. From: 1252 To: 1256.
CREATE  PROCEDURE dbo.Novasoft_DL_UpdateDownloadsRating @RatingID int,  @DownloadID int,  @UserID int,  @Rating int, @Comment text, @ReviewDate datetime, @CommentName nvarchar(50) ASUPDATE dbo.Novasoft_DL_DownloadsRating SET [DownloadID] = @DownloadID, [UserID] = @UserID, [Rating] = @Rating, [Comment] = @Comment, [ReviewDate] = @ReviewDate, [CommentName] = @CommentNameWHERE [RatingID] = @RatingID

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Creating A Large Dynamic View

Oct 11, 2007

I have a procedure that creates a large dynamic view of several tables. The view is a union view of up to 15 tables. The table names are all <name>_DDMM where name is the standard table name and ddmm is the day and month of the tables data. The tables are created by a software supplied by another company, so I can not ensure that the tables will always have exactly the same fields or number of fields. Sometimes the company will add more fields to the tables in thier updates. So, I have to include the field names in the SQL exec command to create the query. This makes for a very long exec command and depending on the number of tables it needs to include, it can require upwards of a 16,000 character string. Obviously, this can't work, so I had to break up the variable in order to create the procedure. However, I'm wondering if there isn't a better method than creating three different 8000 varchar variables and having overflow write to the next variable in line. Especially if the number of tables needs to be expanded, it could be a problem. Is there a better way to run a create view exec command on a large number of characters?

EDIT: Changed the title to read Procedurally generating a large view.

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Creating Dynamic Username / Password

May 28, 2014

I am trying to use a first_name , Last_name and append this as username something like mike test and create username like 'Mtest@123'. and password as well.

The first_name, last_name comes from a table called "person".

Right now the user name and password is hard coded and I need to make this dynamically generated, is that possible within SQL?

How can I do this within SP? Below is my sp:

Alter PROCEDURE PatientEnroll (@person_id AS uniqueidentifier)
INSERT INTO dbo.ngweb_bulk_enrollments(row_id, person_id,practice_id,

[Code] ....

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - How To Make Report Page Size Dynamic

May 22, 2015

How to make SSRS report page size dynamic, or in a way where viewer can set it to the size they want? 

Set to 0

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Creating /accessing Tables With Dynamic Names

May 17, 2004

I have developed an application in ASP/SQL server 7.
Ths system is single user. One of the tables is updated by usr actions( say Table A).
To make it multi user. I want to create table such as A_Username.
How can query be written for this. Also there are many stored procedures which will access this table. In these stored procedures i will send username as an input. Then the query in the stored procedure shd access the table as A_Username .
Such dynamic table name refrencing , how can it be done.. Is creating a string for the query and then executing it using sp_exec the only option?
pls suggest

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Creating Dynamic Email Messages On SSIS

Jul 20, 2007

Do you guys have any good links or suggestions relative to this?

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Creating Dynamic Columns In Ssrs 2005

Mar 26, 2008

Hi there,

I have one table which holds all the information for the forms and i have another table which holds list of all the form fields. Now these two tables are mapped and that table give me list of all the fields in any forms.

To get the information about the users who filled different forms first i need to query the tblFormsToFormFields and get the list of all the fields for that form and then use that fields list in the select query to get the result.

In my report i need to provide the drop down with the list of all the forms and then display the information for all the customers for that particular form with the list of the form fields.

Is there in SSRS 2005 i can use C# or any programming language to create Columns in the report dynamically as there will be different fields for each form.

Please advice.



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PAGE BREAK From A Text Box

Apr 21, 2008


I have a tabular data region.
Outside of this tabular, I have to put a text box (Entity) with a field. I want to get a page break with this field. How can I do that, as this field is outside of the tabular data region.


Entity : Name


Thank you so much for your help.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Creating Dynamic Pivot Table

Jul 2, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out why the following code throws an error:

@cols nvarchar(50),
@stmt nvarchar(max)
select @cols = ('[' + W.FKStoreID + ']') from (select distinct FKStoreID from VW_PC_T) as W
select @stmt = '
select *

[Code] ...

The issue that I am having is:

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '[' to data type int.

I know that I have to use the [ ] in order to run the dynamic sql. I am not sure what is failing and why as the syntax seems to be clean to me (obviously it is not).

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Transact SQL :: Creating Table In Particular Database When Run Dynamic Script

May 13, 2015

I have a question regarding the dynamic sql. I have a script which which deletes all the foreign keys and re- creates it. So, I have created a table instead of a temp table. Now I need to create that foreign keys table in such a way that in which ever database I run the script, this  foreign keys table should be created in that particular database.

For example:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..keys','U') IS NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE keys.[@sourceserver],[@database]. (RowId INT PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1, 1),
ForeignKeyConstraintName NVARCHAR(200),
ForeignKeyConstraintTableSchema NVARCHAR(200),
ForeignKeyConstraintTableName NVARCHAR(200),
ForeignKeyConstraintColumnName NVARCHAR(200)

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Integration Services :: Get FileName Fo Each File Created Via Dynamic Flat File Destination

Jul 24, 2015

Need to know how I can get the dynamic filename created in the FlatFile destination for insert into a package audit table?

Scenario: Have created a package that successfully outputs Dynamiclly named flat files { Format: C:Test’Comms_File_’ + ‘User::FileNumber’+’_’+Date +’.txt’

E.g.: Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt  etc} using Foreach Loop Container  :

* Enumerator Set to: “Foreach ADO Enumerator” with the ADO object source variable selected to identify how many total loop iterations there are i.e. Let’s say 4 thus 4 files to be created

*Variable Mappings : added the User::FileNumber – indicates which file number current loop iteration is i.e. 1,2,3,4

For the DataFlow task have a OLDBSource and a FlatFile Destination where Flat File ConnectionString is set up as:

@[User::Output_Path] + "Comms_File"+ @[User:: FileNumber] +"_" + replace((DT_WSTR, 10) (DT_DBDATE) GETDATE(),"-","")+ ".txt"

All this successfully creates these 4 files:

Comms_File_1_20150724.txt, Comms_File_2_20150724.txt, Comms_File_3_20150724.txt, Comms_File_4_20150724.txt

Now the QUESTION is how do I get these filenames as I need to insert them into a DB Audittable. The audit table looks like this:

     AuditID      INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL,
     PackageName     VARCHAR(100) NULL,
FileName           VARCHAR(100) NULL,
     LoadTime        DATETIME NULL,
     NumberofRecords INT NULL

To save the Filename & how many records in each file in our Audit Table, am using an Execute SQL Task and configuring it as this:

Execute SQL Task

Parameter mapping - Mapped the User Variable (RecordsInserted) and System Variable( PackageName) to Insert statement as shown below

SQLStatement: INSERT INTO [dbo].[MMMAudit] ( 

Again this all works terrific & populates the dbo.MMMAudit table as shown below BUT I also need to insert the respsctive file name – How do I do that?

AuditID PackageName FileName  NumberOfRecords
1           MMM       NULL                      12
2          MMM  NULL                23
3          MMM  NULL      14
4          MMM  NULL              1                     

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File System Task - Move File With Dynamic Destination Path

Oct 9, 2006

I am having an issue with the File System Task.

I was wondering if there is a way to 'Move File' with the File System Task inside of a For Each Loop container but to dynamically set the Destination path variable.

Currently, this is what I have:
FileDestinationPath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileSourcePath variable - set to C:TestFiles
FileNameAndLocation variable - set to blank

For Each Loop Container Iterates through a folder C:TestFiles that has .txt files in it with dates in the file name. Ex: Test_09142006.txt. Sets the file path (fully qualified) to the Variable Mapping FileNameAndLocation.

Script Task (within For Each Loop, first step) Sets the FileDestinationPath to the correct dated folder within C:TestFiles. For example, if the text files I want to move are for the 14th of September, it takes FileDestinationPath and appends the date folder to the end of it. The text files have a date in the file name (test_09142006.txt) and I am picking this apart (from FileNameAndLocation in the For Each Loop) to get the folder date. (dts.Variables(User::FileDestinationPath?).Value = dts.Variables(User::FileDestinationPath?).Value & ? Month & _? & Day & _? & Year & ?) which gives me C:TestFiles9_14_2006?.

File System Task (within For Each Loop, second step) This is where the action is supposed to occur. I want it to take the FileDestinationPath and move the FileNameAndLocation file (from the For Loop) into this folder for each run.

Now as for my problem. I want this package to run everyday but it has to set the FileDestinationPath variable dynamically according to that days date. Basically, how do I get this to work since I cant hard code the destination path variable from the start? I have the DestinationVariable on the File System Task set to the FileDestinationPath variable, after the script task builds it. However, using FileNameAndLocation as the SourceVariable on my File System Task tells me that the Variable FileNameAndLocation? is used as a source or destination and is empty.?

Let me know if I need to clarify further...I may be missing something very simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Creating A Dynamic Global Temp Table Within A Stored Procedure

Sep 7, 2006

hi,I wish to create a temporary table who's name is dynamic based on theargument.ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[generateTicketTable]@PID1 VARCHAR(50),@PID2 VARCHAR(50),@TICKET VARCHAR(20)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @DATA XMLSET @DATA = (SELECT dbo.getHistoryLocationXMLF (@PID1, @PID2) as data)CREATE TABLE ##@TICKET (DATA XML)INSERT INTO ##@TICKET VALUES(@DATA)ENDis what i have so far - although it just creates a table with a name of##@TICKET - which isn't what i want. I want it to evaluate the name.any ideas?

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Display Programatically Images,text In A Page

Sep 14, 2004

hi everyone.
i want to build a page that all datas,images will store in sql server.
i want to display images,text from database in a page with a template (images left of the page,text near the image and like....,programatically)
there will be very much data . about 500-1000 pages data.
is this possible with sql server?
can SQL server store big datas?
if it is possible can you give me an idea.

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