Creating Login In Sql 7 On Windows 2000

Sep 26, 2002


My platform is mainly windows nt4 server with two windows 2000 member servers. We recently acquired a higher spec machine to replace the old sql 7 server that is on windows NT4 box. The new server is a windows 2000 box and I have installed sql 7 on it.

The problem is when I try to create a new login it does not give me the option to select my domain. When I select new login and go for windows nt4 authentication the drop arrow for Domain only has the server name and not the domain name. If I manually input the domain name it rejects it.

I do not have Active Directory or a local dns server running on my network as we have no intention of migrating to Win2000 until next year. Our internet service provider handles our dns issues.

Is it not possible to install sql7 on win2k box.


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Creating A Windows Athentication Login

May 3, 2006

Hi all. Here is my problem. Computer A has sql server 2005 express installed on it together with sql management studio. Computer B has only sql management studio. Computers are members of a corporate domain and are running xp professional. After starting management studio on computer B the databese engin on computer A is visible in the 'select server to connect to' dialog under network servers. When i try to connect i get the message login failed - so i try to add a windows athentication login for the appropriate user on computer A. The problem is as follows: Under 'Create new login/Select user or group/location' no network location apear and i can not add a network user name. This seem to be a network connectivity issue. I have, however, adjusted network connectivity via surface area configuration and enabled tcp/ip and named pipes - the server is visible form another computer as i have prviously mentioned.

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Is Windows Login Name Case Sensitive In SQL Server 2000?

Sep 12, 2006

Is Windows Login Name Case Sensitive in SQL Server 2000?

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Connection Problem To Sql 2000 On Windows 2003 From Windows 95

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,I have a Windows 2003 server, which is also a terminal server forapplication, with sql 2000 installed. My company has developed anapplication that uses SQL 2000 as its database. The application is aclient/server one. In each client computer there's a link to theapplication on the server. There is no problem with Windows 98,Windows 2000 pro, Windows xp pro clients, but the windows 95 onescannot log in to the database. The log of the application shows thefollowing error:connection error -2147467259. Cannot open database requested in login'database name'. Login fails.Till a week ago the application was running on a Windows 2000 serverwith SQL 2000 install and the W95 clients had no problem connecting tothe database, so my guess is the error has something to do withWindows 2003 server, but what'causing the error?I tried to install a newer version of MDAC (MDAC 2.5, the last versionof MDAC you can install on W95)but with no success. By the way W95clients have no problem accessing shared folder on the Windows 2003server.Any idea?ThanksMarino

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Moving SQL Servr 2000 From Windows 2K Server To Windows 2K3

Apr 17, 2008

Does any one come across any difficulty in the following migration?
OS: Wondows Server 2K
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Migrating to
OS: Wondows Server 2K3
DB: SQL Server 2K Standard Edition

Thank you,

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SQL Server 2014 :: Can Get User Windows Login When Using Server Login Authentication

Apr 26, 2015

Oracle and Teradata are able to capture the windows/client login that connects to their database with a functionnal ID.I've searched around and I don't think MS SQL can do this...I administer SQL 2014 server and also SAS Enterprise guide product. I've created sql server logins for several teams so everyone shares the same sql server login which is used to bind the SAS library to my SQL server database.

However, when looking at activity monitor, I can't drill down to which user is executing a particular query. I only see the SQL login which is share amongs 200 other folks.On the other hand, when they connect from SAS to Oracle or Teradata, I can see the shared login + additionally their windows NT login used to connect to SAS which is awesome....they can't fool me by using a shared/funcionnal ID....i still see who's using that ID...

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No Login Windows For DB

Jan 19, 2007

One of the DBs on my mssql server should ask for a login and password to change content. The content/DB is access via web page. Any suggestions as to why it has suddenly stopped challenging the user for login? I checked the services and all the necessary ones seems to be running.:confused:

Thanks in advance.

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Drop Windows Login

Jun 22, 2007

I've got a Windows login, which I cannot drop. I have checked about everything I can think of and can't find a connection to this user. Is there a script which anyone has which will list all object referencing this users? SQL 2005 ENT x64. It's a windows domain user.

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Vista Business ODBC/DSN To Remote Windows 2000 Server / SQL 2000

Oct 8, 2007

Just upgraded some development desktops to Vista Business. However we need
to still connect to some older remote windows 2000/SQL 2000 servers.

Trying to setup an ODBC system DSN on our Vista Business local desktop we get the
following errors -

Connection Failed:
SQLState: '01000'
SQL Server Error: 772
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen
Connection failed:
SQLState: '08001'
SQL Server Error: 18
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]SSL Security Error

Any help greatly appreciated as this is stopping us from making
database/table connections etc. We've checked the firewall setup and all is well there.

PS - we can still connect fine using XP or windows 2000 desktops and their
local DSNs.

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Creating An Windows Rdl On The Fly Using .net Programming

Jun 28, 2007


I would like to know that can I create an .rdl file programmatically based on the user

selection (USING .Net programming) . Please help with some link / examples.


I am giving very less number of static reports to the client. I want to give a more of a dynamic report ,

wherein in each case, I will give the user a selection criteria to select the fields from the front end (say

ASP.Net page) and those fields along with the relevant data will be generated in the report and will be

displayed on the user€™s screen.


Kind Regards


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SQL Server 2000 Installation Problem On Windows 2000 Professional

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I received the error message below when i'm trying to install SQLServer 2000 standard edition into a Windows 2000 Professionaleworkstation.Error :Microsoft SQL server 2000 Standard Edition server components is notsupported on this operating system. Only client components will beavailable for installation.Any request modification ?Best regards,Thanks

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Windows 2000 Sp4 && SQL Server 2000 Causes Java Core Dump

Sep 7, 2007

I've just started getting this EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) on machines using Windows 2000 sp4 connecting to SQLServer. This is crashing JVMs (multiple Sun versions and BEA also) in the Java VM frame (outside our code). This has just started recently - perhaps with the last set of patches? Has anyone else seen this or know what I could do to get more information? Could this be related to updates to named pipes?


-Brian Temple

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Creating SQL Login

Oct 11, 2004

I'm trying to create an sql server login, which should have access to and may see only one database. So what I do, is create a login and set the db's owner to this login. I also give it the appropriate rights like public, datareader, datawriter etc. on this db.

Furthermore, the login has no rights on other databases on the sql server. However, the login can see the other databases if he registers the sql server with the provided login data. This is what we would like to prevent: he may only see his own database.

How could I tackle this problem? Any suggestions are welcome.

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SQL 2005 Login With Windows Accounts

Dec 19, 2006

I'm having a problem using Windows Accounts to login to a SQL 2005 Server.
Here is my setup. The SQL server and web server are separate machines. I'm also not developing directly on the web server.
SQL Server - Windows 2003 Server- SQL 2005- Set to use SQL and Windows AuthenticationWeb Server- Windows 2003 Server- IIS 6.0   - Anonymous Authentication is disabled   - Integrated Windows Authentication is enabledApplication web.config:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns=""><appSettings>   <add key="ETR_Environment" value="Dev"/></appSettings>
<connectionStrings>   <add connectionString="Data Source=sql-dev-server, 1179;Initial Catalog=ENV_ETR;Integrated Security=SSPI;" name="ETR_Dev"/>   <add connectionString="" name="ETR_Prod"/></connectionStrings>
<system.web>   <compilation debug="true" strict="false" explicit="true"/>   <pages>      <namespaces>         <clear/>         <add namespace="System"/>         <add namespace="System.Collections"/>         <add namespace="System.Collections.Specialized"/>         <add namespace="System.Configuration"/>         <add namespace="System.Text"/>         <add namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions"/>         <add namespace="System.Web"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.Caching"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.SessionState"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.Security"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.Profile"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.UI"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts"/>         <add namespace="System.Web.UI.HtmlControls"/>      </namespaces>   </pages>
  <authentication mode="Windows"></authentication>  <customErrors mode="Off"></customErrors>  <authorization>     <allow users="XXXWilliam.Klein"/>     <deny users="*"/>  </authorization></system.web></configuration>
The reason why I want to use the windows login to connect to the database is the application needs to keep track of who did what when entering and updating data but still keep them using there windows login accounts. So using a generic account will not work.
What keeps happening is I keep getting this error: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. When trying to connect the database. I've tried this on two web servers on another I get something slightly different: Login failed for user 'XXXWeb-Server$'.
Anybody able to give me any suggestions on how to fix this?

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Windows Authentication Login Permissions

Feb 18, 2002


I have created a Windows user login and have granted it the appropriate roles (including a revoke).
As a test I also created a standard user and gave it the same roles as above.
When I run a query against the revoked table, the results are unexpected.
The Windows user can run the query, and the standard user gets a permissions error (which is what i expect).

Does anyone have any ideas as to what is happening here? I am still confused.... Does it have anything to do with the public permission that much be granted?


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Specify Alternate Windows Login Credentials

Apr 28, 2008

Is it possible for me to login using windows login information that is separate from my current windows login? That is to say, can I login to a SQL server using windows athentication but actually specify the login and domain information? I woul like to login to a SQL server from a computer that is not part of the domain using my windows credentials and not a SQL user name.

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How To Create A Windows Authentication Login

Jan 16, 2007

Is it possible to create a windows authentication login for each of the computers on my network that will connect to sql server. I am developing a program that will be installed on multiple computers and we do not want to actually have to log in to sql server since we will have to log in to the server before opening the program and we dont want to have 2 logins. I would like to use windows authentication so that I do not have to program multiple connection strings in my program so that if more than 1 person accesses the database at the same time it will not cause a problem with using the same login. Is this possible and if so how would I go about setting up the logins. I am using SQL Server 2005 and XP SP2

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How To Discover Either Windows Group Or SQL Login

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I am putting together a row level security plan for our salesdatabase. I will give a brief description of the method I am thinkingof using to give you an idea of how I will need to be able to discoverthe group or login the user is using to access the data.I have a table called salesfact, it has all the sales info for all thebranches of our company. Each order(row) that is inserted has an entryin the division_number column to describe which branch the orderbelongs to. I have created another table(Branch_Folks) that has fourcolumns; username, windows_group, SQL_Login and division_number.I am using a view and SQL logins to control access to the data basedon the user, the SQL logins give windows groups access to the view.Only users that are added to the specific branch groups will haveaccess to the logins, but if a user is added to the group without mebeing notified, then he will not have a corresponding entry in theBranch_Folks table. Currently I am using the SUSER_SNAME() function todetermine which user is accessing the data from the view that I havecreated. The view uses this select statement to filter the data basedon the user & division.Select * from tsalesfact A, Branch_Folks B where SUSER_SNAME() =B.username and A.division_number = b.division_numberThis method works fine, but I will have to manually maintain the userlist in the Branch_Folks table in case a new user joins the windowsbranch group. I would like to use a function similar to SUSER_SNAME()that can determine the windows group or SQL Login a user is using.Does anyone know of a way to do this??Thanks a ton,Tim

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Login Windows Authentication Problem

Mar 17, 2006


I have a problem with sql server 2005 express, when i try to connect to an sql database it says login: is not a trusted connection to an sql database. I have gone into reg edit and changed the authentication setting from windows oly mode 1 to mixed mode 2. It still has the same problem, does anyone have any idea what the problem may be?

kind regards

Chris J

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Login Failed From Windows Service

Dec 1, 2006

I'm building a Windows Service which keeps getting denied access to SQL Server 2k. The Service operates as a System User rather than an individual user profile.

I've tried Trusted_Connection=yes and Integrated Security=SSPI but these are both denied.

Any ideas what the connection string to connect to SQL Server 2k from a Wndows Service is?

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Access 2000 On Windows 2000 Can&#39;t Interact With SQL Server 7.0

Mar 13, 2001

We have a SQL Server 7.0 system in NT 4.0 environment. We upgraded our users to Access 2000 and started to work with this. Now we installed a new
server which is Windows 2000 based and the domain is different from
the SQL servers domain. We then installed Access 2000 on Windows 2000
to use with terminal server. But I noticed that there was a problem
with the program. I then looked at the program which was written on Access 2000 and saw that the tables and views can't be seen. The program runs but
I can't see the views and tables. Another thing is access disconects from SQL Server when I want to see the tables. So what can be the problem.

In one part there is an Access 2000 on Windows 2000 server. On the other part SQL Server 7.0 on Windows NT 4.0. And Access can't see the tables in SQL server.

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Sql 2000 Installation On Windows 2000 Advance Server

May 13, 2006

I am trying to install microsoft sql server 2000 enterprise edition on a windows 2000 advance server. I keep getting error message

A previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation machine. You must restart the computer before running . I have restarted machine and no change.

What does error message mean and what is solution?

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Creating Login Accounts

Sep 15, 2000

When creating a login account, it is associated with a default database.

Is it then necessary to grantdbaccess to the default database?

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Creating A Login In 2005

Jun 13, 2007

I like to create a new login for an user. He has to logon without typing in a password. How do i do this in 2005?


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Cannot Remotely Login To SQL Express Since Last Windows Update

Nov 17, 2006

Since today (after installing the latest Windows Updates !on my local machine!) I cannot login to a SQLExpress instance remotely; stating that it cannot find the server/instance.

The weird thing is: it only happens when I want to login to the non-default instance (sqlexpress 2005) (<IP><instance>).

When i'm using the default instance (msde 2000 or sqlexpress 2005 on another machine) (<IP>) it seems to work fine.

Does this have something to do with the windows updates, or is it just a coincedence?

Thanks in advance,

Remco Ros

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Permissions Not Effective For Windows Authentication Login

Jul 7, 2007

Hello All,

I'm hoping someone can help me with this puzzle.

Most logins I've created have been SQL Server authenticated. I assign the login newEmployee to a role existingRole, and ensure the role has the required permissions. This didn't seem to be rocket science....

My company has been provided with an application with a SQL Server back-end. My instructions were to create a Windows authenticated login and give it full access to the database. I followed the above principles, but running the application, the user got the error -

SELECT permission denied on object 'sysobjects', database 'databasename', owner 'dbo'.

So I decided to try the simplest possible scenario to make it work:

I've created a login DOMAINewEmployee with Windows authentication.

DOMAINewEmployee has been granted access to databasename.

By default, DOMAINewEmployee is a member of Public.

Public has been granted all available permissions on all objects.

ie... grant all on userTables to public

........grant all on sysobjects to public

........grant all on otherSystemTables to public


Running the application, the user still gets the above error. I'd send the problem back to the vendor, except if I've logged onto the PC as DOMAINewEmployee, querying -

select * from dbo.sysobjects

via Query Analyser produces the same error message. (An equivalent error message is produced when querying a user-created table).

To compare, I then created a login newEmployee2 with SQL Server authentication.

newEmployee2 has been granted access to databasename.

select * from dbo.sysobjects

runs successfully from Query Analyser (as to any queries on user-created tables).

What else is required to grant access to tables from a Windows authenticated login?

( What really scares me, is that the application will run if I make the Windows authenticated login a member of server roles System Administrator and Database Creators, then the application will run - but I don't want this to be the permanent solution. Even after doing this, the above query still fails in Query Analyser for that login, suggesting that there is something wrong with how I configured the permissions. )

Any help would be appreciated.



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SQL Security :: Login Failures For Windows Accounts

Aug 12, 2015

We are seeing login failures for windows accounts. Below is the error message.

Description:  In our env most logins are windows accounts. Initially we thought it is an UAC issue and we tried to launch the SSMS using "Run as Administrator". However, we are seeing login failures.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2402.0 (X64)
RTM Enterprise Edition (HyperVisor)

Error Message in Error Log :

2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon        Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon        Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT:]
2015-08-10 22:41:23.470 Logon        Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:41:23.470 Logon        Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT:]

Troubleshooting done:
- Recreated the windows login in sql server. Doesn't work.
- ran sp_valdidatelogins. it doesn't return any rows.
- I belong to sysadmin role and when I say, getting below error message.

xp_logininfo 'domainloginname'
Msg 15404, Level 16, State 19, Procedure xp_logininfo, Line 64
Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domainloginname', error code 0x5.

We tried dropping this account and re-creating the windows account with same permissions but still result is same.It throws same error message. Login failure message !!!

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Cannot Get CREATE LOGIN From A Windows Group To Work

Jan 28, 2007

I have created a database fronted by an ASP.Net application. It's all nice and simple, and I only need a very simple level of security (and even that is only as a protection against accidents rather than maliciousness). My intention is that users connect using Windows impersonation (<identity="true">), with the database creator having full access and the public group (I'm talking SQL groups here) having specific premissions granted on specific tables.

If I set <identity="false"> on my XP box the application connects to the database as [MACHINEASPNET]. This is easy to set up access for - I simply do a


and then within the actual database do a


But as I said, I want to use Windows impersonation. When I set <identity="true">, the application correctly attempts to connect as the actual Windows user account (e.g. [MACHINE estuser]). If that user is the user who installed the database, then all is well and it has full access. For anything else, I get a "cannot log on" error - this much I expect.

So I want to permit logins for all other users, and I want this to work regardless of whether the machine is a standalone machine whose "domain" is simply the machine's own name, whether it is in some form of traditional peer-to-peer workgroup, or whether the machine is connected to a real domain. I also want it to work on XP and Windows Server 2003 (and ideally Vista also, but that can wait). When I try the following:


I get this error:

Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Server MACHINESQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Windows NT user or group 'MACHINEUsers' not found. Check the name again.

Nor does it work with [Everyone] (that one has no domain/folder listed against it in any permissions dialogs on my domainless development PC). So I'm stuck and confused. It's taken me ages just to get this far. Any suggestions anyone?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL Login Windows Authentication Error: 18456

Feb 9, 2008

I have just installed Windows Vista and SQL Server 2005. When I try to connect to my local server with Windows Authentication, I get the follwoing message:

Login failed for user <user> (Microsoft SQL Server, error: 18456)

Any help please. Thanks.

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How To Change What LOGIN Is Mapped To A Db USER (windows Not SQL)

Aug 17, 2007

Is there a form of ALTER USER or other option that would allow me to change the Windows-based login associated with a user account?

According to BOL, I cannot use the sp_change_users_login trick since I want to rewire up to a Windows login, not a SQL Server login.

-- Margo

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How To: Authenticate Trusted Logins Without Login In And Out Of Windows.

Feb 4, 2008

I€™m working on an application that needs to support multiple users without log in and out of Windows. I would like to use trusted/integrated security (domainusername) so I.T. does not have to manage two accounts per operator. Is it possible to use trusted accounts (domainusername) in the SQLClient.Connection object?


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Creating A Database In SQL 2005 - Using Windows 2003

Nov 3, 2006

when i try to create a new database i get a error: The server could notload DCOMwhat is wrong and how can i fix it?i have updated mssql/win 2003 with the lates updatesRgdsBobby

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Error Creating Database On Windows CE 5.0, CF 3.5 Beta

Oct 5, 2007

I'm using VS2005, .NET Framework Version 2.0.50727 on Windows Vista Business.
I wish to implement a database in my mobile device which is using Windows CE 5.0, .NET Compact Framework 3.5 Beta, which version of SQL server should I install into the device?
I've tried using SQL mobile 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition but it won't work. I'm having a Can't find PInvoke DLL 'sqlceme30.dll' error when I try to run the following block of code:

Code Block

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


SqlCeConnection sqlCeConnection = null;

MessageBox.Show("Entering try block");



if (!File.Exists(@"My DocumentsTest.sdf"))


SqlCeEngine sqlCeEngine = new SqlCeEngine(@"Data Source = My DocumentsTest.sdf");


MessageBox.Show("Create successful");


sqlCeConnection = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source = My DocumentsTest.sdf");


MessageBox.Show("Open successful");


catch (Exception ex)






if (sqlCeConnection != null)




Can anyone please tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance

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