Creating New Field With Default Values...

Nov 7, 2007

I am creating a new filed in SQL Server 2005, and I want the field to have the default of '0'

I select the data type as numeric and save my changes, I then visit our front end database to see if the default value is just '0' but it appears as '0.00'

SO i thought about changing the default value to int (im thinking this means integer?) and changing it to '3' but it still displays the decimal point and two 0's

Am I doing something wrong here? I just want it to display '0'


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How Do I Enter In A Default Values For A Report Parameter That Accepts Multi Values

Apr 11, 2008

I have my stored procedure set to
Territory_code IN (@Territory)

, now , how do i enter in more then one value. When i select the multi value check box, it gives me more spaces. But then doesnt recognize the values when i put in more then one. am i doing something wrong?

The field is a Varchar 20

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SQL 2012 :: Find Out Values Of Parameters When SP Is Executed With Default Values?

May 30, 2014

I am working with SP. How can we find out values of parameters when the SP is executed with the default values?

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Default Values Does Not Include All The Values (Cascading Parameters)

Mar 18, 2007

A have a multi-valued parameter (B) which is dependent on a single-valued parameter (A) on my report. When a value is selected in A, I want all matching values in B to be selected by default and the "Select All" option checked. To do this I have set the Default Values section in B to point to the same dataset as the "Available Values" section. Both A and B have default values so the report runs automatically.

One of the values in parameter A (say Value1) yields more values in parameter B than the other (say Value2).

If I run the report the first time with Value1 selected as the default for parameter A, all values in B are checked correctly. If I run the report with  Value2 selected the first time and then change the selected value to Value2 and run my report, all values in B are displayed but only the values that were previously checked (when Value1 was selected), are now checked, leaving the "Select All" unchecked.

What am I doing wrong? Why are all the values in B not checked? The dataset is the same in "Available Values" section and "Default Values" section.


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Conditionalize Field Values Based On Other Field Values

Apr 17, 2007

Here's a portion of the current statement.

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = 0,

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = 0,

bCommentsIsAffirmed = 0

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK) ...

And what I need is to conditionalize the values of the "IsAffirmed" fields by looking at their corresponding "num" fields. Something like this (which doesn't work).

UPDATE EngagementAuditAreas

SET numDeterminationLevelTypeId = parent.numDeterminationLevelTypeId,

numInherentRiskID = parent.numInherentRiskID,

numControlRiskID = parent.numControlRiskID,

numCombinedRiskID = parent.numCombinedRiskID,

numApproachTypeId = parent.numApproachTypeId,

bInherentRiskIsAffirmed = (numInherentRiskID IS NULL),

bControlRiskIsAffirmed = (numControlRiskID IS NULL),

bCombinedRiskIsAffirmed = (numCombinedRiskID IS NULL),

bApproachTypeIsAffirmed = (numApproachTypeID IS NULL),

bCommentsIsAffirmed = (parent.txtComments IS NULL)

FROM EngagementAuditAreas WITH(NOLOCK)


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Default Field To Another Field Value On Db Level

Oct 30, 2006

Hi All,

I need to create a new field on a table and have that field default to another field value in that same table. Is there a way to do this w/ a default constraint rather than adding a trigger to the table? If i can't use a default constraint does anyone have a template trigger i could use? Below is an example of what i'm trying to do (Field_C is the new field and i want it to use Field_A value if no other value is specified on insert). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

alter table FOO add Field_C varchar(50) not null constraint FOO_default DEFAULT Field_A


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Default Path For Data And Log When Creating Db

Dec 7, 2000

When a new database is created in enterprise manager the path for the database and transaction logs are defaulted to d:mssql7data or wherever you installed SQL Server to initially. Is there a way to change the defaults to place the data on one drive and the logs on a different drive?

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Creating A Default For Date/time

Dec 3, 2001

Hi all-

I was wondering if you had created a default for data/time (I'm looking to create one that will insert the equiv. of time()). When I try to make one and set the value to time() it tells me the value cannot be anything except a function, constant, or var. What's the deal?



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Problem In Setting Default Value While Creating

Mar 14, 2008

Hi All.,

here i try to set default value 0 while creating table., But in my code its not working.,any one please help me to know how to set a default value while creating table.,

here is the sample code.,

ADD_FLAGBIT default 0,
BIT default 0,
VIEW_FLAGBIT default 0,
insert into MODULE_ROLE values (null,null,1,null,1)

select * from module_role

-------------- -------- ----------- ----------- --------- -----------


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Setting Default While Creating Table

Aug 31, 2007


I am having 2 tables Groups and GroupMembers table . the following are the structures for the above two tables





Group table is referenced by groupmembers table through Group ID Column
Here while i am inserting a row (member) into a Groupmembers tables i want to crosscheck with CashAssinmenttype column of Group table. if cashassignment type i want to set the payment with 0 other wise the payment specified should be inserted

Groupmembers.Payment <---> If Group.CashassignmentType=0

Then 0
Else Payment

I want to set this Condition while creating tables itself

Please let me know what could be the best option to proceed here

Thank you

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What Is The Default User Mappin When Creating A Login?

Dec 1, 2006

i login my remote sql server 2005 as 'sa' and then i try the following code:

use master


create login [user] with password [user123]


yes. that code created me a sql login 'user', but even before i grant any permission to any database, the login manage to acces database: master, tempdb, msdb and one of my application databases' tables and everythings. i like to know what is it i am doin wrong and what are the default access when creating a login, and is it becoz of any configuration in my server ?

any suggestion or answer will be appreciated. thanks

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Default Field Value?

Jun 15, 2004

Is it possible to change the default value of a field using a stored proc or query? Any hints on how to do this if it is possible would be appreciated!

Mike B

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Field Default Value

Jul 9, 2007

I'm copying MyDbTable to TempdbTable. There are 12 fields and I'm ignoring 11 of them when copying the one table to another with DTSWizard.

Once the TempdbTable is there, I'm adding 2 fields along with the one that is there already.

1) field1 int, Nullable, Default value ((3))

2) field2 tinyint, Nullable, Default value ((1))

The reason why I'm creating these two fields and giving them a value so they will match up when I import TempdbTable to MyDb2ndTable.

The problem I'm having is... field1 and field2 have a Null value intead of the value I'm giving them.

I'm new at this, so maybe the cause of the problem is obvious, but if anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it.



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Creating A Database In MSSql 2000, But NOT In The Default Directory

Sep 28, 2002

I am trying to find a solution to a thorny problem I have encountered...

I am a newbie in Sql Server 2000, but have quite a bit of experience in databases, both on PC and mainframe.

I am currently writing a program, which needs, among other things, to create Sql Server databases, to be located NOT in the default Mssql2000 directory, but in the user's home directory.

I am using an ADO connection and trying to execute it, as follows:

The text of the relevant part of the program goes like this:

Dim strCreateDatabase As String
Dim MyCn As ADODB.Connection

Set MyCn = New ADODB.Connection

With MyCn
.ConnectionTimeout = 25
.Provider = "sqloledb"
.Properties("Data Source").Value = "MOP"
.Properties("Initial Catalog").Value = ""
.Properties("Integrated Security").Value = "SSPI"
End With

strCreateDatabase = "Create Database Rimon on (" _
& "Name = Rimon, Filename = '\mopusersMR_DiazsalpmsdataRimon_Data.mdf', " _
& "Size = 20, MaxSize = 100, FileGrowth = 5) " _
& "Log on (Name = 'Rimon', Filename = 'c:usersMR_DiazsalpmsdataRimon_Log.ldf', " _
& "Size = 2, MaxSize = 10, FileGrowth = 1)"

MyCn.Execute strCreateDatabase

Both the name of the Sql Server and the Win2K server is MOP.

All the directories exist, and I have full access to them.

When I try to run this command, I get the following message:

'\mopusersMR_DiazsalpmsdataRimon_Data.mdf' is on a network device not supported for database files.

When I omit this location, it works just fine.

If I run it on the server, using another directory, it works just fine.

Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Rimon Rafiah

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Transact SQL :: ALTER Vs UPDATE When Creating A New Column With Default Value

May 8, 2015

I have a table with ~30M records. I'm trying to add a column to the existing table with default value and have noticed following ... When using alter with default value- (Executes more than 45 min and killed forcefully)


When using update command after adding column with alter (without default value) it completes is 5 min.

ALTER TABLE dbo.Table_X Add is_Active BIT NULL
UPDATE Table_X SET is_Active = 0 WHERE is_Active IS NULL

Why there is so much of difference in execution times ? I was just trying to understand internal behavior of the SQL in these two scenarios. 

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Default Values

Mar 2, 2006

I need to set the default value of a field in my table to 'Regular' if nothing is inserted to that field. Is it not as easy as putting ('Regular') in Default Value?

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Default Values

Aug 3, 2001

How do you enter a default value where it is a combination of values ?

I want a default value to be entered into a field every time a create a new record.

The field will contain the "primary key number" + username



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Default Values

Dec 27, 2005

We have a table that needs to have 00 as the default values in the columns until the point in time where they are updated with the values that we will use. The updated values will be two numbers 1-7 and 3-9 example 47, 14, 26, 68. This is a nvarchar data type in the columns. When I try to set the default values to double zero 00, after i click save it changes them to a single zero 0 instead of a double zero 00.


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How To Add Default Values?

Feb 11, 2008

This is the query that I have.

Code Snippet
SELECT * FROM [scholarship]
WHERE ([sectionID] = @schoolID OR @schoolID IS NULL)
AND ([schlrPrefix] LIKE '%' + @scholarship + '%' OR [schlrName] LIKE '%' + @scholarship + '%'
OR [schlrSufix] LIKE '%' + @scholarship + '%' OR [schlrPrefix] + ' ' + [schlrName] LIKE '%' + @scholarship
OR [schlrPrefix] + ' ' + [schlrName] + ' ' + [schlrSufix] LIKE '%' + @scholarship OR @scholarship IS NULL )
AND ([Specification] LIKE '%' + @major + '%' OR @major IS NULL )
AND ([reqr1] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr2] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr3] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr4] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR [reqr5] LIKE '%' + @requirement + '%' OR @requirement IS NULL )

How do I insert/add a default value in if the query above generates zero result?

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A Default Value For A Specific Field/s

Mar 25, 2008

hi, please help me, i have a data driven  site, i made a field that i call "Status"so this is how it should happens, there are three different gridviews in a single page, gridview1 filter is [status] = ok, gridview2 filter is [status] = fine, gridview3 filter is [status] = complete, so all gridview has its own  <asp:hyperLinkField> at first the value of "Status" is ok, so it will appear in the gridview1, so when the user click on the <asp:HyperLinkField> of gridview1 it will go to a new page with a form view, this page has a button that when click will change the value of the status field to "fine", so that it will no longer appear to the gridview1 but it will now appear to gridview2 and same with the next <asp:HyperLinkField> click until it appears to the final gridview. so my question is how can i make the button that is capable of changing (update) the value my database field (status) to a specific value, that is not visible to the user thru codebehind or plain codes. please help me, if you need more info just reply.ThanksSALAMAT PO! 

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Default Value Of DateTime Field - Now

Jul 6, 2004


Can I simply set the default value of a dateTime field with the date and time that the record was created?

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MSSQL Default Values

Aug 23, 2006

I have a row of data being inserted in to a db table with default values, say:
Name Date1 Date2  and I'm inserting VALUES 'myName','12/04/83',NULL
Is there any way for the field Date2 to take the value being inserted into Date1 (ideally via default value)?
(Any good database tutorials would be handy!  Thanks)

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Default Values In SQL Server

Sep 22, 2004

I am designing a new Database using SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager. I have a field called Phone, Fax and Zip.

Under Enterprise Manager I am trying to set up default values for these fields

Phone, Fax = 000-000-000
Zip = 00000

However Sql Server truncates it to 0.

How do I default value as shown about in SQL server?

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Default Values In Tables

Oct 26, 2000

Does anyone know if or how I can insert a default value of the (+) character into a column? when I try to save it I get an error message saying it has a problem with ')'.

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Help With DTS And Access Default Values

Jun 15, 2001

I have a DTS package that is connected to a table in an Access97 database and to a duplicate(by schema) table in SQL2000. If there is a default value in the Access97 field properties the DTS package will import that value regardless of any other value in the Access field. I can not see anything in the DTS designer that handles this choice.

Even when I look at the Access connection in preview it shows only the default values.

Any thoughts on getting the actual values?


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Insert A Row With Default Values

Aug 12, 2014

I need to insert a record in a table which has about 90 columns.

My first column is a CustCode that would be supplied by parameter all other columns should be set to 0

Is there a quick way of doing this?

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How To Change The Default Values

Nov 13, 2006

The columns fro which we do not enter any values.Fro eg in my table i did not insert any values to Balance col,in my table.
In SQL 2005,management studio,when i said modify table and changed the default to 0 from NULL and also unchecked the checkbox saying Allow Nulls.

I did the above changes and said save.It gave an error saying

'AccountsBalance' table
- Unable to modify table.
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Balance', table 'AccountBalanceSheet.dbo.Tmp_AccountsBalance'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.

Plz help


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Changing Default Values

Jul 20, 2005

How can i change the default value of a column? I already have a columnnamed DateOfRental but I want to alter it so that it has default valuegetdate()ThanksDavid--

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Setting Default Values

Jun 6, 2006

Pardon the newbie question...but I'm trying to load a dimension table in a small data mart that has columns in it that are unique to the dimension and not sourced from any source table. Two of those columns are date columns that I want to default to the system date and the other column I want to load with a default value. I can't figure out how to do this within a data flow task. The source columns flow from the input db source into a scd transform but I can't seem to edit the columns in the target table table if they don't actually come from a data source. There doesn't seem to be a data transform object to handle this.


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Default Values And Subscriptions

Jul 18, 2007

I have a report that I run where the selected MONTH and YEAR defaults to the prior month and year. When I run the report it shows the parameter values show as June 2007. Which is correct since this is July.

If I schedule the report to run on the 1st of every month will it default to the prior month/year automatically (I have the "use default" box checked).

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Hide Default Values

May 23, 2007

Is there a way to hide my default values? If so, how?

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How To Make Or Add A Table With A Field With Default Value

Nov 7, 2007

 I am doing a shopping basket type demo.I have difficulties going from table with fields like (Name,ProductCode) to table(Name, ProductCode, NumberOfItems). One way could be adding just Name and ProductCode fields and let NumberOfItems come automatically. It could have some common value like 1.  How should I do this with VB. 

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Default Field Value For DateTime && SmallDateTime

May 25, 2004

In SQL Server 2000 / Asp.Net I am trying to use default values for all fields; hoping to eliminate nulls.

For number and character fields, the default is pretty obvious, but is there any empty value for a date field? I think a null there might be better than putting in a bogus date, at least it can be tested for.

Are there any more developend ideas on this question?

Many thanks
Mike Thomas

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