Creating Object In OnInit() - Not Accessible In This Context Because It Is 'Private'

Oct 15, 2006

I am trying to create an assembly object when a report is initialized and I am getting the error:

[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the textbox 'textbox2' contains an error: [BC30390] 'ReportExprHostImpl.CustomCodeProxy.X' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Private'

In the Code tab, I have:
Dim X As namespace.classname
Protected Overrides Sub OnInit()
X = new namespace.classname()
End Sub

In my color field, I have "=code.X.color"
If I replace the color field with "=namespace.classname.color" and have color be a shared property, then it works. However, I ultimately need the color to be based on individual user settings, so I cannot use the shared property approach.

Any ideas on how to get around this "because it is private" error?

FYI, I am trying to replicate the concept of themes using report formatting information pulled from a database.

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Object Does Not Exist In The Current Context

Jan 26, 2007

Hi,I've got some strange problem with my project. It was working, but then I made some minor changes (like adding menu) which have nothing to do with the code and I started to get that error: Description: An
error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service
this request. Please review the following specific error details and
modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'SqlDataSource1' does not exist in the current context
Source Error:

Line 22: Guid _userKey = (Guid)_membershipUser.ProviderUserKey; //This gets the userId for the currently logged in userLine 23: //insert instruction for table messageLine 24: SqlDataSource1.InsertCommand = "insert into [message](useridsender,userIdreceiver,message,Sendername, ReceiverName) values('" + _userKey + "'" + "," + "'" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue + "'" + "," + "'" + TextBox1.Text + "'" + "," + "'" + _membershipUser + "'" + "," + "'" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem + "');";Line 25: SqlDataSource1.Insert();Line 26:  What does it mean? The names are correct, but the part with code (ie. something.aspx.cs) acts as if it has no information about the aspx file itself. How can I repair it?Regards,N.   

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Creating Object Type

Dec 22, 2006

How to create object type in sql server,
i.e in Oracle we can directly create an object TYPE and we can use it in other applications.
What's the equivalent of this object Type in SQL Server

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Creating Object In SQL 2000 Server DB

Dec 20, 2006

I opened SSMSexpress and attached to my sql 2005 database and automatically created the scripts for creating all the object in a SQL 2000 DB.  The objects seem to be created but I did get script messages.  Are these messages harmless?thanksMilton
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Requestview, Line 3
Invalid object name 'dbo.requests'.
Msg 15135, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_validatepropertyinputs, Line 147
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.Requestview', or the object does not exist.
Msg 15135, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_validatepropertyinputs, Line 147
Object is invalid. Extended properties are not permitted on 'dbo.Requestview', or the object does not exist.

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Creating Object Using Array In A Loop

Apr 17, 2008

I would like to populate an array with an object. In other words, I would like for each element in the array to consist of an object that has several elements. Below is some code so you can see what I'm talking about:
Function buildObj()   Dim countLimit As Integer = 5   Dim mArray() As myObject     While reader.Read()          For counter = 0 To countLimit - 1                mArray(counter).objVal1 = reader.GetValue(0)  'Error is here                mArray(counter).objVal2 = reader.GetValue(1)                mArray(counter).objVal3 = reader.GetValue(2)                counter += 1          Next     End While
     Return mArray
End Function
Dim showValArr As Array = buildObj()Response.Write(showValArr(0).objVal1.ToString)
When I build my site, I get the following error:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
It's pointing to the line that says "Error is here". Any ideas would be very helpful.Thank you!

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Help Creating Replicated Object As Dbo.objectname

Jan 20, 2003

I just completed creating a replication job between a server at my location, where I have SA privileges, to a subscription server at a location where I have db_owner rights (no SA). When replication runs, the objects get created on the subscriber as userid.object rather then dbo.object. The subscriber permissions were set by clicking on "Replication", right clicking on "Publication", clicking on "Configure Publishing, Subscribers and Distribution...", clicking on Subscribers tab, choosing the subscriber and selecting "Use SQL Server Authentication". How do I cause replication to create the objects as dbo.object if I connect to the subscriber using an id defined as db_owner?

Thanks, Dave

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Object Model API For Creating RDF Reports?

Nov 14, 2007

I need to create RDF files dynamically. As one example, I need to output a report that contains an OLAP table from an MDX query and will need to generate the RDL that represents the table on the fly. (Binding to a data source with any built-in control will not even come close to solving the problem. The actual requirements are extremely complex.)

In short... Rather than outputting the RDL XML the hard way is there an object model I can use to construct an RDL document with? Even if it's a bindhind-the-scenese, not-supported library?


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Cannot Find The Certificate Object When Creating Endpoint

Nov 19, 2007


I try to implement mirroring using certificate authentication.
When I do this query :

create certificate Principal_cert with subject = 'Principal certificate', start_date = '2007/11/01', expiry_date = '2020/11/01';

Create endpoint endpoint_Princ state = started

as tcp(listener_port = 7024, listener_ip = all)

for database_mirroring (authentication=certificate Principal_cert, encryption = disabled, role = all);


I have this error :

Msg 1088, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

Cannot find the object "Principal_cert" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

I have also noticed that the error does not occured when I try this in the master database.

So, I have two questions:

1. Why SQL server does not find a certificate that just been created ?
2. Should the certificate be in the master database or in the database being mirrored ?

Thanks for any help.

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Creating MODIFY Functionality On A SQLCLR Object

Jun 23, 2006

CREATE ASSEMBLY uploads an assembly that was previously compiled as a .dll file from managed code for use inside an instance of SQL Server.

What I want to do here is enable/create a "MODIFY" option on CLR-based objects in Object Explorer.

Option is only supported for assemblies who's source code has been previously loaded into DB via ALTER ASSEMBLY
Upon electing the option, source code gets displayed in editor.
Users alters managed source
User clicks the "Execute" button in the editor
onClick of "Execute" performs following

Alters managed source (not sure if this can be done in the system tables, may have to save .cs/.vb files out to file system first then reupload)
Builds updated source/.dll is built
Executes an ALTER ASSEMBLY statement to "refresh" the dll and it's associated source code file(s) the heck do i do this lol! Anyone

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Generate SQL Scripts Creating A Separate File Per Object

Sep 13, 2007

Hello all,
What is an easy way of scripting all the database tables and sprocs automatically to a separate file each one? I can't find this option in SQL Server Management Studio.
Or is any other way of uploading all objects to a Visual Source Safe project that does not require to copy and paste each script into a VSS sql script?

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Creating A Script Component Using SSIS Object Model

Jan 2, 2006

I had a SSIS Package which was developed on Beta Version Of SSIS, Now We have Standard Edition Of SSIS(Sql2k5) Installed.

In the Package we have One Flat file Source, One Script Component and A Sql Server as Target, We are programaticaly creating the package, Now When we open this Package in the Designer and Try to Run We get this error

"The script component is configured to pre-compile the script, but binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Component Editor by clicking Design Script button to cause binary code to be generated. "

Now when we just open the Script Designer and close it, The package runs.

I found the Error description at this link

but could not find any help on this.

Same thing use to work on Beta version now it is now working.
From my understanding the problem is that in beta version, the script use to run at runtime, Now what they have done is that they generate a compiled code out of script and run.

My problem is that since i am using C# code to generate the package, How Will I Create a Binary Code out of Script.

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SA Is Not Accessible

Jun 30, 1998

We some how is not able to entre to sql executive with the sa name and password and so not able to see the context of the database. we are not able to access the databeses either. We want a solution whereby I can change the SA login or give him the administrator right to do everything with the database.

Anindya Mukherjee

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Database Is Not Accessible

Dec 20, 2007

i use sql server express 2005. There are several databases which all works fine.
My problem is: when i try to expand one database in Management Studio express, i get for that database (not for others):
"the database 'mydb' is not accessible (microsoft.sqlserver.objectexplorer)" and that's it. I can't see tables nor any objects of that db, while the application still can insert records into tables of that db.
When i run this query: select * from master..sysdatabases
i see all the databases (also 'mydb') with the same mode, status ...

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SQL Server Not Accessible

Mar 8, 2004

I changed the Administrator Password on our Server. I also changed the sa password for the SQL Server to match. Ever since then, if one of my web pages attempts to retrieve data, the user get the error:

SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

This is strange because my pages do not use the sa account in order to retrieve data. I have a copy of MS Access installed locally on the server. Using it I can access the SQL Server data with linked tables. So the SQL Server is obviously servicing internal requests.

I tried changing the passwords back again, but the problem still persists.

Anybody any ideas?

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Private Key

Mar 6, 2007


I am trying to setup service broker by following the article on

The script ran without error, but when I try to send a message, I get the following in the trace Audit Broker Conversation and the message is not delivered.

The certificate's private key cannot be found

This message could not be delivered because the security context could not be retrieved.

Does anyone know what I did wrong, is it the Certficate in the Master Database or the Target Database



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Datatype Nvarchar(max) Not Accessible

Mar 20, 2007


trying to input

create table T (c1 nvarchar(max));

in MS SQL Server Manangement Studio Express results in an error :

Fehler beim Analysieren der Abfrage. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 30,Token in error = max ]

create table T (c1 nvarchar(4000));

is processed w/o errors.

I´ve installed SQL Server 2005 Express Ed. SP2

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 9.00.3042.00

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2000.085.1117.00 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)

Microsoft MSXML 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.42

Betriebssystem 5.1.2600

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Service EndPoints Not Accessible

Dec 20, 2006

I am trying to expose a stored procedure on SQL Server 2005 as a web service. So I just have an end point created with the procedure as my web method. Now when I try to reference this web service in my C# windows application, I am only able to see the procedure definition by requesting for the WSDL http://servername/path?wsdl. But when I try to reference it, I get the error 501/505 - Not Implemented or not supported. Any ideas what the issue here could be? Would really appreciate the help here as I am kinda stuck! - Thanks, Manmeet

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RS Not Accessible From A Remote Client

Apr 4, 2008

Hi all,
We installed RS on a non default website on our IIS server. When targeting the Reports page from the server itself (http://site:8015/Reports) we can see the welcome page. However if we try to access that same page from another machine we get a generic IE message: IE cannot open the specified page check your internet connection etc. Because the error is so generic I have no idea as to what can be the cause: IIS or RS config ? I suspect IIS because no RS error is raised but then I don't see what I could've missed on that level...
Any ideas of what could be the cause of this ?
thanks a lot

- the DB and the RS instance are on the same server
- other sites hosted on the same server are accessible from the client machine
- Anonymous access is enabled on the site level, and on the Reports / ReportServer level. I tried unsetting it but it didn't change anything for the remote client.
- I tried changing the account RS is running under: it used to be LocalSystem, I now set it to NT AuthorityNetworkService but no difference.

Environment: SQL Express Advanced & Windows Server 2003

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Private Messages

Sep 26, 2005

i'm trying to make private messages like the one in this site, i didnt start programming yet, the problem is in the DB schema, i have 3 tables (Users, Messages, MessageDetails) i think the problem that the UserID is related to the other two Tables, so to know the sender and reciever, when i try to view all messages for specific user and show all users who sent it, it give nothing back, so any help in the DB, thanx 4 help.

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How To Make Database Accessible To User

Apr 12, 2008

I am setting up a web application, where the application needs to access a database. I have created the user (for the application) and it can log in to the SQL 2005 Sp2 server, but when I try to open the required database using Server Management Studio, it says "The database [name] is not accessible. (ObjectExplorer)"How do I make a database accessible to a login, using Server Management Studio?

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Named Sql Instance Not Accessible Remotly

Apr 10, 2008

Hi All,

We have two Baan erp servers 1) SQL2005 on windows 2003 server 2) SQL2000 on windows 200 server.

SQL 2005 server has two database instances, one being the default and the other one as a named instance.

We have been trying to access the data in these two database instances from the second server for our baan erp application on it. Now, we are able to see the data for default instance, but if we try to fetch the data from named instance we end up getting dberror 17.

We tried to register the named instance on the second server using "new sql server registration wizard" in sql 2000 enterprise manager, but there also the list only shows the default instance from sql 2005 server. I tried to type in the named instance and register (both windows and sql server authentication), but end up getting error "Database instance doesn't exist or access denied".

So, for some reason, the named instance from sql 2005 server is not getting published on the network. Please suggest some ways to get around this issue.



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Master File Not Accessible For Copying

Sep 23, 2006

Re SQL Server 2005 ExpressWhen I attempt to copy the master file for backing up, it is being used byanother application, even after shutting down the PC completely and poweringit up again. What can I do to make back-ups?Zach

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Error: The Database Model Is Not Accessible

Dec 4, 2007

Last week we reset the Model datable to autogrow. Now I get an error when I try to go into it. (I discovered this since I can no longer go into the interface of the program). I wasn't here when the changes were made to the Database Model, but the change was made because the transaction log was filled up.

Help.. I'm such a newbie.

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Private Virtual Dtabase

Mar 22, 2000

One of our clients controls data for about 150 companies. Each company has the same schema and is running SQL Server 7. The maintenence task is horrible. He would like to put all the data in one large database, but needs to control the access, so a user at one company selecting data in a table cannot have access to another company's data in the same table. I thought about using views for each company but that is 150 companies times 100 tables. With Oracle8i you can make virtual private databases. Can this be done in SQL Server 7? Thanks in advance

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Certificate Private Key Cannot Be Found

Apr 15, 2014

I set up Service broker (2008R2 -> 2012) across different servers and domains using certificates.I set up 2 queues (one for sending, one for receiving).I set up 6 services (3 for send, 3 for receive), all 3 sharing the same queue type. (srv_send_1, srv_send_2, srv_send_3), (srv_receive_1, srv_receive_2, srv_receive_3).I set up a route for each receiving service on the source, and for each sending service on the target.I set up a SB binding to the remote for each sender service type.I granted send rights to the sending services on the source server.

I then tested my first service, and it worked perfectly (still works).My second service however is failing with the error "The certificate's private key cannot be found".I am stumped, as all the setup code was a lot of copy/paste which I have checked, rechecked and even re-coded.Basically, here is what Im doing:

begin dialog @ConversationHandle
FROM Service srv_send_1
TO Service 'srv_receive_1'
ON CONTRACT myContract
SEND ON CONVERSATION @conversationHandle
MESSAGE TYPE [my_msgtype] (@xml);

The above code works 100% with service1, but not with service2.Note that on profiler, the target server doesnt receive any communication. The error shows on the sender profiler.Also, The conversation shows up as CONVERSING in sys.conversation_endpoints and the entry exists in sys.transmission_queue.

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Can I Access My Private Db Through My Web Server?

Aug 30, 2005

Web server: win2003 server with iis6DB: sql server 2000I have 50+ remote offices running an Access 2002 app which connectsdirectly to sql server at a 3rd party hosting company, in part using anodbc connection on the workstation.We recently moved our database (and our web site) in-house. The newdatabase is inside the firewall but outside the dmz, where it livesalong side the company's most sensitive databases. IT's policy won'tallow us to connect directly from the internet. I'm trying to avoidbuying another copy of sql server for the Access app, which I one dayhope to drop anyway in favor ofThe web server uses port 1433 to talk to the database. I was wonderingif there is a simple way to route requests from the Access app throughthe web server.Thanks,Bob

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SQL CE Private V. Shared Deployment

Feb 2, 2007

I have a couple of questions on the nature of shared and private deployment of SQL Server CE 2005 on mobile devices:

1. I've read that with a shared install, SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition files are automatically updated and serviced by Microsoft Update. I take it that this only applies to installations on desktop computers -- if you're installing on mobile devices, there IS no automatic update. Right?

2. I've also read that in order to do a shared install of SQL Server 2005 CE, the user must have administrative rights. How does this apply to installs on a mobile device? There is no such thing as an administrative user on a mobile device. However, mobile devices CAN require different levels of privilege to install certain programs -- do you need something like an application signed for privileged execution (via a M2M certificate) in order to do a shared install of SQL Server 2005 CE on a mobile device?

Or is the shared versus private deployment only an issue when deploying to a desktop?


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Private Deployment Of SQLCE For C++ App

Apr 20, 2007

MSDN has examples of deploying SQLCE privately for C# and VB.NET, but that doesn't seem to translate to C++. A .NET application just loads the assembly it needs from the local directory, but from what I can tell I need to use the OLE DB driver to use SQL CE in C++. The problem is that the OLE DB driver is a COM object that (presumably) needs to be registered.

Has anyone successfully used SQLCE from C++ without registering any COM objects? I'm thinking the only way to do that would be to call DllGetObject() on the DLL and get the object manually, but I've never done this so I'd hate to waste the time if there's an easier way, or if this won't work.

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Certificate Private Key Recovery

Feb 5, 2008

We are looking to put column level encryption on a table. Great! Wonderful! Look in books online and see that you must give "control" perm to the Certificate for any user that needs to use the symmetric key.

Now my question. I have backed up the Certificate to file. What I have found playing around with the commands is it is possible to run the following command:

Alter Certificate MyCert
Remove private key

BOL says their is no "Restore Certificate" command and to just use "Create Certificate". I have tried this and I keep getting an error saying the certificate already exist in the database.

What have I missed? How can I restore this certificate without restoring the ENTIRE database? Is there a permission set that can be applied to the Certificate to stop thsi kind of command from being run while still having the symmetric key usable? Any help would be of great use!


*note* this is using the MasterKey->Cert->SymmetricKey

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Setup SQL Server 2000 Db To Be Accessible From 2 Networked PCs

May 18, 2006

Ain't sure if this is the right place. but anyway, here is the situation. I have 2 PCs and both are running Windows XP (A is using SP 2 and B is using SP 1) which are connected via a router and A can ping B and vice versa. I have SQL 2000 installed on A, so how do i go about setting up B so that B can access the database and tables of SQK 2000?Thanks.

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Custom Error Message, When Database Is Not Accessible

Apr 22, 2000

Hi everybody,
There are times when the database (SQL 7.0) cannot be accessed ( backup, routine maintenance, etc....) from asp page.
In those cases i am getting an ugly asp error message.
Is there a way ( code ) which will trap that error and return a nicer custom message for user or something like that.
Thanks a lot,

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: OST File Is Not Accessible

Feb 26, 2015

my 4 GB .OST file is corrupted and i am not able to access my mails and contacts.

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When Linking A Server; Only System Tables Are Accessible!

Dec 8, 2005

I added a linked server successfully; but the only tables accessible areonly the system tables!I do have all the rights on both servers (Windows & SQL server).All the non system tables are designated as DBO.Strange thing is that I was able to access the non system tables onlyfrom the query analyzer (not from the SQL Manager tree) by using thefollowing script:EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'LINKED_SERVER_NAME', N'SQL Server'GOSet ANSI_NULLS onSet ANSI_WARNINGS onGOSelect * From LINKED_SERVER_NAME.Database_name.DBO.table_nameGOThank you very muchMike*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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