Creating Report Template

Jan 16, 2007


I want to create a report template in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.

The template will have a fixed header and footer.I want to use this template in all my reports.

How to do so?

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Creating A Stored Proc From A Particular Template?

Mar 16, 2006


I'm trying to get to grips with SQL Server 2005.

One of the things I want to do is provide members of my team with a stored procedure template that they can use which has special error handling code in it , etc

I found my way to the template explorer and created a new template that I want to use to create stored procedures in certain circumstances (but not ALL circumstances)

But now I can't figure out how to specify WHICH template to use when creating a stored procedure.

Like, when I click on the Programmability/Stored Procedures node and then right click and select New Stored Procedure... it just uses the Basic Template.. but I'd like to be able to elect to use my alternative template to create the stored proc.

So, what are the correct steps to follow? do i just double click my new template in Template Explorer? And then have to go Query/Specify Values for Template Parameters ? Or what?

If this is the way to do it then it seems very clunky really....


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'Dynamic Time(year,month,date)' Report Template (rdl) Using Report Designer VS2005

Jan 19, 2007

I have three types of specific reports that i have to create with the input parameters (range) either

1: By date (rdl 1)

2.By Month (rdl 2)

3.By Year (rdl 3)

Is it possible ( or how do I ) to create just one report template ( one rdl) with the three sets of parameters ( hiding/invisible which ever two sets base on user selection) and the output of the report will display the desired type( either by year, month or date).

I ask this because its possible to create a drill down report from year down to date etc in report designer (vs 2005). Not sure if I can create one instead of three rdls and with the 'logic' built within that template.




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Report Template With Totals??

Apr 19, 2007

Hello All,

Can someone tell me how to achieve this template of the report:

Initially when not expanded

+Item number

- - - - - -(these are summed values)

After expnading the fields(+)

-Item number

-item name

[ (details)

[ (details)

[ (details)

- - - -(summed values)

Right now, I can achive the second scenario (expanded one) but initially my report just comes up with

+Item number

and the second line (summed values) are not in there . Any sort of help will be appreciated.



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Where Is Report Server Project Template?

Feb 27, 2007

From file, new, project, I did not see Project types.
Where is Report server project template?
How to make it appear?

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Report Model Template Is Missing

Jul 26, 2007

I want to create a new report model project, however in VS Business intelligence Development Studio, I could find the report model template in the New project dialog box. Anyone coulf tell me how can I add the templeate? Thanks

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Is It Possible To Modify Report Builder Template ?

May 8, 2006


I would like to be able to modify the basic report template offered by Report Builder , so as to be able to include custom fields that I would like to be present in every report (Company name , Logo , Date , etc) to achieve consistency in the presentation of the reports created with Report Builder

In Bob's Blog he explained how to include RDL expressions in Report Builder

What I would like to do is to use that technique (if possible) to modify the original template or templates offered by Report Builder to include my own fields.


I will appreciate some comments or suggestions about other approaches that can be used to address the issue mentioned in the first paragraph .

Thanks in advance ,


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Custom Report Server Project Template

Dec 8, 2007


is it possible to create a report server project template ? This project must have 2 datasources and 1 specific report
I wanted to use the Export Template, but it isn't available. I can only use it in Developpement Studio not in BIDS.

Thanks to help me


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Reporting Services :: Report Return Only Template

Oct 8, 2015

I have problem with report. I create report that retrieve data depend on parameter that application pass to it. At first it worked fine. After couple of times that I run my report for different parameters for test results that I get, report start return only template without no data. I don't change nothing in report , but it stop to work right way even for parameters that I pass at first.

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Complicated Report Template (multi-columns Subreport?)

Feb 10, 2008

Hi everyone,

We are working on a some required report templates and we are in a some deadlock now... We need to desing report templates something like on the image below. There are some data at the left and top (grey rectangles) and dynamic information from a datasource in the middle (actually a list - green rectangles). Our idea was to use a subreport to design required list, but the problem is that subreport does not support multi-columns layout (really very 'interesting' limitation from Microsoft's guys)... Does somebody have a some ideas how to design this report using MS SQL Reporting Services 2005?

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Report Model Template Not Available Within Visual Studio 2005

Apr 4, 2007

When I launch Visual Studio 2005 and choose to start a new project...I expect to see "Report Model" as an available template (at least that is what my book says).

How can I install this?

Why is it missing? Is it due to the order of my installations? I installed RS first then Visual Studio.

Any help is appreciated.


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Can Not See Report Model Template In Business Intelligent Project Templates

Mar 31, 2007

Hi all,

I desperately need to setup the AD-HOC reporting on SQL server 2005.
I think one of the templates that I need is in Business Intelligent Project Templets Reporting Model Template in Visual Studio Templates.

But I do not see it in there.
Can some one please let me know where can I get the Reporting Model Template, or a link to where I can download or how to create it.

Thanks or any help.


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Creating Report Folders And Report Manager After Fresh Install

Oct 31, 2007

New ssrs istall. I think they loaded sp2. It's a cluster, but ssrs was not clustered (I think)

When I attempt to open report manager, i just get

SQL Server Reporting Services

with no option for creating a folder etc, like i have on development

When I attempt to deploy to ther server I get :

Deploying to http://amsqlclusterxx/reportserver/
Error rsItemAlreadyExists : The item '/Retailer' already exists.

How do I create an ssrs reports folder?

Also, and this is strange, but in I had to create a new shared datasource after removing the old one on the report with the same name. The report renders fine when I do an f5 pointing to a new datasource, but I no longer have the RUN "!" icon available while in the data tag to run my query. Why is this?

Thanks for any help or information.

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Help With Creating Report

May 8, 2008


I have a table of data that looks something like: -

County Name Sport
----- ----- -----
Kent Fred Cycling
Kent Fred Hockey
Kent Fred Football
Kent Fred Squash
Surrey Anne Hockey
Surrey Anne Squash
Surrey Anne Netball
Surrey Tara Cycling
Surrey Tara Squash

I am looking to present the data in a tabular format where I would have the data laid out something like: -

County Name Cycling Hockey Football Squash Netball
------ ----- ----- ------ ------ ---- -----
Surrey Fred Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Kent Anne No Yes No Yes Yes
Tara Yes No No Yes No

Where I group by county and then use the unique records from the sport column to dynamically create the headings

All help greatly appreciated

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Creating A Report To PDF In A Folder?

Aug 22, 2007

We have created a report called "update" that we want to run every hour and place in a directory called d:infoupdate.pdf

We would like to call the report from a procedure and have the proc generate the report in PDF format in the directory d:info

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Creating A Drill-through Report

Sep 21, 2007

I'm building my report using the Report Designer in the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. At the moment I've got a single report which consists of 2 tables. The top table shows some summary data and the bottom table shows more detail.

What I'd like to do is design the report so that when the summary data (in the top table) appears, the user can click on a row in the table and this takes them to a new screen which shows more detail about that item, extracted from the bottom table.

Is this possible? I know it's possible to create a drill-through report if you have the high-level summary data in one report and the low-level detailed data in a separate report, but is it possible to create a drill-through report if all the data is in one single report (albeit in 2 separate tables)?

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Problems Creating Report

Sep 14, 2006


I have only recently started playing around with Reporting Services (2005), and I am having some problems creating a basic report.

What I want to display is a table which shows product names in the first column, sales for a specific period this year in the second column, and sales for the same period last year in the third column. The 'specific period' is determined by specifying a start week and an end week which I have set up as parameters.

I have managed to produce the first 2 column with no trouble. However, for the third column I need to subtract 52 weeks from the parameters and use them as new parameter in the third column.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?


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Creating A Report From A Stored Procedure

Aug 22, 2007


I'm not sure if this is possible, i want to create a report from a stored procedure, all the stored procedure does is select data from my database, however, the code is 1800+ lines of code, it executes in about 1 minute, which is fine. My problem is that i can't paste 1800+ lines of code into the dataset in Reporting Services, so is it possible to get the values from my stored procedure into reporting services so that i can use them to design and execute my report?

Or musst i find an alternative way to do this?

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreaciated and welcome.

Thanks in advance

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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Creating A Model In Report Manager

Dec 14, 2006

Can anyone help me?

I've read the instructions on the following page

about how to generate a report model from a cube.

I can set up the cube as a data source but when I look at the properties there is no option to "Generate Model".


I am running SQL 2005 DE SP2(CTP).


The option is just not there for me. Any ideas?


Thanks in advance

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Creating A Report That Is Emailed Every Night

Oct 10, 2007


Some of you might remember me posting a question about importing data from a csv. Well I've managed to do that now by writing a service.

Now all I need to do is have some kind of method of exporting the data as a report via email every night.

The tables are as follows...



Disb_2 - Disb_20
"Same as Disb_1"

The report structure I need is...

cNumber ClName FE type dateReq payee amount vat total chequeReq

With data from each disb on a new line, i.e. cNumber could be the same for 20 rows! (don't blame me, it's what they want!)

The records should only be shown though when the dateReq is equal to today. I think I can do that with the DateDiff function.

The problem I have is knowing how to set the report up and what to do it in, Reporting services or Business Intelligence. The report only has to be an email, would it even be simpler to write an extra class into my service?


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Creating A Report Model On A UDB Datasource

Aug 30, 2006

Hi all,

I'm just getting started with Reporting Services and have a question.

I'm trying to set up a report model based on a UDB data source. However when I use the report model wizard, I get presented with:

[DB2/SUN] SQL0104N An unexpected token "SET TRANSACTION" was found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT" ... SQLSTATE 42601.

I think that this is trying to set transaction isolation levels however this is not valid SQL for a UDB database.

Is there something that I'm missing with my configuration to make RS know that this is a non-SQLServer database?

Many thanks,


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Dynamically Creating Report Width

Apr 5, 2007

Has anyone found out how to dynamically create report width.

If I have 20 columns on a report all of 2cm, then report will be 40cm width.

If I display the columns based on specific criteria using the iif function and then setting the an expression for the Visibility Hidden property, the report could potentially reduce in width.

I cannot see how to build an expression for the report width or table width, to accommodate the potential change in the width of the report when columns are not shown, thus it pages incorrectly, leaving huge white space on the right of the report when columns are hidden... has anyone come across this requirement, and hopefully a solution for it?

Many Thanks people

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Creating Report On Local XML File

Jan 4, 2007

Hey All,


I am attempting to create a report on SQL Reporting Services that uses a local XML file as its datasource.  Although i did not find a way to directly do this, I found an MSDN article that walks a person through on how to use a report parameter to paste in your XML data from the page.  When I set up the report in this way, I get an "Invalid URI" error when I go to the preview tab.

What would be the best way for me to use an XML file as a datasource using reporting services?  Is there a way that I can use a local file and use a parameter to point at that file? 


Any info, links, tuts, etc. would help.  Thanks!


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Creating Sections And Subsections In Report

Feb 26, 2008

I am new to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
Please tell how to create sections and subsections in the report.
Pls provide if any document is there ..

Rajiv Gupta

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Creating Dataset For Report - Percentages In Result

Nov 3, 2015

Trying to create a dataset for a report. I need to bring back percentage in the result set. The fields that I am using to get the percentage have valid data but the result field is 0.00%. Is there reason I cant bring back a percentage field?

SELECT JobNum, Mailed, LT_7, BT_6_10, GT_10,
Format([LT_7]/[Mailed], 'p') AS PctScaned1,
Format([BT_6_10]/[Mailed], 'p') AS PctScaned2,
Format([GT_10]/[Mailed], 'p') AS PctScaned3,

[Code] ....

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Creating A Report Model Based On A View

Aug 1, 2007

in my report model project, i'm able to successfully create and deploy a report model based on a data source view that is in turn based on a table object in my data store.

but if i try to create a report model that's based on a a data source view that is in turn based on a view in my data store, well then, the report model that gets created comes up blank - i.e. shows no objects.

What gives? Is it not possible to create a report based on a view? that can't be right!

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Error Creating Report Model Using A DB2 Datasource

Jun 12, 2007

I'm receiving the following message after I've created a datasource and datasource view:

[DB2/SUN] SQL0104N An unexpected token "SET TRANSACTION" was found following "BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT" ... SQLSTATE 42601.

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Creating Report Based On Multiple Databases?

May 6, 2008

My application uses 2 databases from 2 different server. When i create a report model in business intellegence development studio I can only create 1 datasource for each database, and 1 datasource view for each datasource. Then when I create a new report, I can only use one datasource.

Is it possible that my report can be built on more than one databases?

thanks in advance

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Reporting Services :: Creating Tabbed Report In SSRS

Mar 20, 2014

I am trying to create SSRS report with tabs. Something like this

Tab 1
Tab 3

The end user will input a value which will be passed to all the DataSets (my case each Tab will display some information from a DataSet). So when the user clicks on Tab1, it will display relevant information form DataSet1 and when the user clicks Tab2, it will hide the Tab1 information and should display the Tab2 information from DataSet2.I am able to achieve the following:

1. Making the tab clickable
2. Navigating from one tab to another (dispalying relevant information for each Tab) - Using Go to BookMark or Go to Report Option in the Action Property

But I am not able to hide the inactive tab report data. I am building reports and deploying it in SharePoint 2010.

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Reporting Services :: Creating A Filter For Report Item

Aug 18, 2015

I am new to report builder. I have created a report with a calculated cell that returns a true or false value based on a true or false value from another column (from a dataset field). I want to create a filter for the calculated field (which is a ReportItem), that will only show cells that are True.

I have tried several ways to add this filter, but each time, I get an error message saying that filter or sorting cannot be created for ReportItems.

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Any Progress On Creating Columns Dynamically On SQL 2005 Report?

Nov 6, 2007


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Creating Report Based On Parent-child Dimension

Nov 17, 2005


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Creating External Record Of All Subscriptions And Report Names

Jan 9, 2008


i have been tasked with creating a record of all the reports ( 200+ ) within each folder ( bout 20 ) and all the subscriptions (including parameters) for our SSRS i was wondering what the best way of doing this was (SQL query?)

i have tried creating a site map with visio but im struggling to get the subscriptions details

anyone done this before (or have any ideas) i would be very grateful



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