I am having the following problem and any help would be GREATLY
In an application I am developing, at some points we create a new
table. When I create this table on another users box, I can not access
it from my box. In sql server I am dbo, but the table created by my
application when run on a different box has an owner of : "FCxxxx". I
have sent permissions on this thing to public, but I am still getting
an error when I try to query this thing from my application. And I can
not get query analyzer to recognize this thing. I can see it in
Enterprise manager. I would think there is a way to handle this sort
of thing. If anyone out there has done anything like this I would be
much obliged for any ideas. Thanks.
Ed Hawkes
Join Bytes!
I'm trying to create a user from a powerbuilder application through powerscript. I'm trying to create first the login using sp_addlogin but I'm getting the following error [microsoft][odbc for sql server]the procedure sp_addlogin cannot be executed in transaction.
I am wondering if there is some sample code out there that shows how to create a subscription for a report on reporting services via a win app or if anyone has a better suggestion. We are wanting to have a report that resides on reporting services server be sent to a client via email subscription, but do not want the client to goto the actual website that host reporting services. Thanks in advance.
I'm developing a WinForms app that will be deployed via ClickOnce deployment and that uses SQLExpress as a local data store. In order to avoid the upgrade DB problem, I'm having my application check for a database and check its version on startup. I am able to successfully create the database if it does not exist, but when I try to connect to the new database, I get a login failed error. However, if I restart the app, it is able to connect to the newly created instance. Here's what I'm doing:
If the db does not exist, I connect using this connect string: Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;Connect Timeout=60
I then issue a CREATE DATABASE command and run my table scripts. I then try to reconnect as
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ImportToolData.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;Connect Timeout=60
When i attempt to connect to the newly created database, I get a login failed error message. However, if I restart the application and try to connect using that same connection string, it succeeds. Any ideas why I would have to restart the app to successfully connect to the new database?Thanks, Scott
I completed that example that I pasted in the subject part and when I try to synchronize my mobile database, the data from the server appear in my pocket pc; but when i refresh the data on my pocket pc they do not show on the server.
hi all, i want to create a service broker application between two different instances. can i achieve the dialog security and transport security with out using certificate? like we can achieve the transport security using windows authentication (both the instances are in same domain). so how to achieve the dialog security with out using certificates.
Geekz, My problem is that , I had setup blog on server say, blog.xyz.com [I am using blogengine.net, which is in ASP.Net]. It is using sql server2005 as a backend for storing its blog's posts. After settingup blog, i tried to access its database through my windows application. But while development I was getting error that "An error has occured while establishing a onnection to the server. When connecting to SQL server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the defaukt settings SQL server doesnot allow remote connections.(Provider Named Pipes, error :40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)" I am using [String ConnectionString = "Data Source=sql-v123.mesa11.1Server.net; Initial Catalog=abc; User ID=xyz; Password=xyz123";] Then I decided to created a webservice that will access the data from databse blog and store it somewhere in datatable and using windows application i will retrieve those data for end user. So I want to to know that whether i can access the datatable of webservice holding the blog data from windows application or not. if answer is Yes, then please provide me with source or some great links. Or if There is any other option so that I can access my database directly from windows application, then it would be better. Looking for your answers. Thanks and regards
I'm running packages from C# code and thus I need to create an instance of SqlServer.DTS.Runtime.Application. In my maching, creating the application instance doesn't even take 1 sec but when the application was deployed to our QA server creating the instance took 30 secs (always ... every single time with no exception).
this single code is taking the 30 secs:
Application integrationService = New Application();
Does anyone have any idea what I need to check or configure to make this faster?
I'm making an application in Delphi that use an SQL database, i want the user can import a table in DBF format (that its located in another computer) to the SQL Server (in the database that i want) by one click of a button.
I try with the import wizard but its not what i want because it requiere to do the process manually. Its there anyway of achive this (Stored Procedure or something?)
Ernesto Cisneros Sanchez Senior Software Engineer Credit and Trade Bank Havana, Cuba
Here's the situation, developers inherit a web app from someone,backend SQL db has about 120 user tables and the db is also being usedby other apps. Developers don't have a list of user tables being usedby this app, now, I need to create a new db based on this one, whichwould be used by this app only. So, I intend to find all the usertables being used by this app, then copy its schema and possibly dataas well to a new db. FYI, current ERD is not this app.One option to find out all the user tables being used by this app is todo recursive search for FROM and JOIN against the full spectrum of theuncompiled source code, then, weed through such an extracted list whenin doubt about a particular table, one caveat is a portion of code withsql stmt could have already been commented (no longer being used thoughstill in the code).Better option?TIA.
I have an PL/SQL procedure @ Oracle database which extracts 10000 rows from a table and Now I have load all the 1000 rows into SQL 2005 tables.
I have extracted the data from oracle into DataAdapter/dataset , Now I want to load all the rows to SQL 2005 tables. Please help how I can load..
If I use insert statement everytime , it makes server busy and takes much time for 10000 inserts to complete(even using Procedure goes heavy since for every insert have to call this).
Is there any possibility that i can pass the REF Cursor / Dataset/dataAdapter into SQL stored so that inserts will have happen all together ??
I am using SQL server 2012. An user tried to export tables from GIS application to the SQL database.
After export, and login to the SQL server, we see all the tables has his name as the schema but not dbo.
He was added as a login and user as in a windows group. Meaning he is a member of the windows group.
I assume when export, the default schema should be dbo. but apparently not. I went to the setting and explicitly make the default schema for the windows group user to dbo. But he tried again, it still use his username as schema prefix to the tables. just wondering why is this?
In dexterity iam using table_compare() function to check if tables in datasource and dictionary are same but its not picking up the primary key change but it does pick up the column change
I have several general questions about this but I thought I would describe what I am doing first. My senior project team is developing a web application that will wind up using SQL Server for the database. We are writing it in ASP.net and developing the database on SQL Server Express. My job is to develop and deploy the database. I have an ERD designed and am getting ready to start coding the tables, constraints and stored proceedures but am unsure of a couple of things.
1) How do I create a new schema? 2) I can see how to create tables in the GUI but what I am trying to do is create scripts that can be used to create the tables and objects on the actual server that our client will be using. How do I create scripts in 2005 Express? Do I just go click on the new query button? 3) Are scripts that work for Express going to have any problem executing on SQL Server?
I am new at the development stages of my DBA career and I am stumped on how to approach this problem, any help would be great.
Problem: Our web developer is designing a Software survey that ranks the difficulty of tasks within a software application like MS Word. Each of these tasks have a rank tied to them.
Here are the tables that he created. Table 1 EmpID Text 123456 A1, A2, A3
In the text field of table 1 he inserts every task or valueid that the employee is able to do.
He needs to be able to select Empid, text(from table 2), and Rank. Based on need. An example would be 'Which employees can Insert a query'. And he would need to be able to look in the text string on Table 1 and find every A2 in listed then get empid and rank. I know that it can be done with full text searching, however I guess what I want to know is if there is another way to create tables that would jus make a join necessary where the value id can be tied to the empid for each task the employee is able to do?
Chris writes "How do I create a copy of a table (not temporary).
In Oracle I do .
Create table newtable as select * from oldtable
This command copies data and column data types.
I tried entering
SELECT * INTO db2.dbo.newtable FROM db1.dbo.oldtable
in the query manager and it appears to create the new table, but it only seems to be a temporary table because when I leave query manager and check my data base it isn't there.
I have to convert a table that has about 150 columns and about 2 million rows. I rather not have to create the data types for 150 columns."
I have an Access 2000 MDB with ODBC linked tables to a SQL Server 7 backend. I currently have a selections table in the front end file which theusers use to make selections of records. The table has two fields -- primarykey (which matches primary key of main, SQL Server table), and a booleanfield. The table is linked to the main table in a heterogeneous inner join.I'm looking to move the table to the back end, while still giving eachmachine a unique set of selections. Using one large table with machine nameas part of the primary key actually slows things down. So I'm consideringusing a series of tables, where each machine has its own table in the backend for selections. The machine name would be incorporated in the particularselections table name, and the front end link would be modified on the flywhen the database is opened to point to that machine's back end selectionstable.This would require having about 50-100 individual selections tables in theback end database. Also, if a machine doesn't have a table when the databaseis opened on that machine, then that table would be created on the fly,populated, and pointed to via the ODBC link.Anyone see any problems with this approach, specifically creating the tableon the fly and then immediately using it, as well as having that many littletables running around? Thanks for any input!Neil
I'm transferring data from DB2 to SQL Server - the data gets wiped every night and reloaded. To keep up with any changes in the tables and to reduce the amount of maintenance on keep field & table definition updated, it would be nice to be able to create the tables in SQL Server in the SSIS package, based on the DB2 definition.
I've noticed it can be done in design mode when creating the OLE DB Destination (clicking on the 'New' button), but I'm not sure how I would automate this...
I am trying to go through an arraylist and create some database tables for each entry in the array. what I have is
Dim ques As String For Each ques In questions query = "create Table " + ques + " (plantid nvarchar(100), Answer nvarchar(100))" cmd = New SqlCeCommand(query, con) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
I am wanting to use the item in the arraylist as the name of the db. I am getting an error saying
There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 14,Token in error = 1 ]
I have made a new table called 'customer' which i wish to tie into the userId of the db. I have used a db diagram to do this (there are keys on each side of the link and userId is the FK) . When i put the membership/profile view onto the form alongside the new customer table nothing displays in the customer table when i run the app., i dont even see the titles - any ideas (i'm new to this sql malarky btw - so its probably something unbelievably straightforward). Any help appreciated. Thanks
How can i create a new data table automatically for new users signing into the website.......what i mean here is that i have a predefined database table and i want that users signing in can have that table for them unique , so that they can fill data for themselves and that data will be visible to all just like forums
Hi All,I will like to create a table from two tables this (explained below) way using a stored procedure. Basically i want the stored procedure to return me the third table but i dont know how to do it.Table ATopicID Topic ----------------------------- 1 Sometopic 12 Some topic 23 Some topic 34 Some topic 4 Table BRateID Rate TopicID---------------------------------------1 5 12 5 13 5 24 4 25 4 36 3 5 Table CTopicID Topic Rate--------------------------------------------1 Some topic1 52 Some topic 2 5 3 Some topic 3 5Basically i have a table that stores topics associated with a particular subject. Those topics are stored in table A above. My users can just read the messages associated with the topic and rate that message. The rating is then stored in table B.Now i will like my users to search for topics with a particular word or sentence in table A and the topics that are returned have a rating they specify. My procedure takes the word or sentence to search in table A and and the rating which will be used in table B. I will like to construct another table that has this newly searched results and return it using a stored procedure or anything simple. I dont know how to do this because i have very little knowledge in stored procedures or sql..... Any help(Code) will be greatly appreciated...
hello I am working with an existing database and there is no Foreign key between 2 tables how can i create a FK after , when the tables are allready full ?
product :
product_id report_id name
report :
report_id dateR
i want to create a FK on product.report_id, and ON DELETE CASCADE
I'm currently writing a web application in Coldfusion which uses a Access 2000 db. I can create tables in SQL ok but am having problems with the Autonumber type. Any ideas?
I am very new to SQL Server 2005 so please excuse my mandune queastion.
First what I accomplished was I created several tables within SQL Server 2000 using the Database and Table Wizards. I also created all the relationships the same way. Next, I had SQL Server 2000 and had the tool reverse engineer the SQL for this new database with all the relationships.
My next step was to run this newly created SQL script on my local box with SQL Server 2005 (SMSS). What I did was create the database first and then assign the users to the new database. From here, I moved to running the sql script. While it was not 100% perfect, it did create all the tables and relationships with no problems.
Now, I am trying to accomplish the same process one a development instance of SQL Server 2005, but the script fails. The data base error says the new database created does not exist. When we go back and look at the database within SMSS, it is GONE!
I am at a lost at how to replicate the database I have on my local box. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
In sql server 2003 I would create tables with generated sql scripts. This way I could easily create duplicate dev environments.
Now in SQL 2005 Dev edition I try to run my scripts to create tables. I create a db [MSS]. They run successfully but there is no table created.
(example script)USE [MSS] GO /****** Object: Table [dbo].[KataNames] Script Date: 08/17/2006 13:28:14 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[KataNames]( [Kata] [char](30) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL, [SequenceId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Description] [char](500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [Style] [char](25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]
Any clue what else I have to do to let these scripts actually create tables or why if they run ok, where is my table ?
I had a SQL db that i copied all the tables into excel and it generated the quereies in order to create those tables....Is there anyway i could excute all those table creations at once or would it be easier to just write an application that does that for me????
I now tried to create a link between two tables tblStaffBookings and tblEventStaffDisciplinary by dragging from tblEventStaffDisciplinary.StaffID to tblStaff Bookings.StaffID and it gives me error as below;What do I need to do to link tblEventStaffDisciplinary.StaffID to tblStaffBookings.StaffID?
Hi, I have limited control on the server I use. I can not create data bases but can add tables and edit the data base that has been created for me. So what I would like to do is be able to use a tool such as aspnet_regsql through SQL Server Express to add the tables that Membership would automatically create. Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be great
Does anyone know if it's possible to create a trigger on the sysdatabases table in the master database? I keep getting permission denied which I'm not sure is right.
Does anyone know of a way I can create a trigger on a system table (say sysdatabases in master). I know this is not supported but presumably there's a way it can be done by referencing it's equivilant in Information_schema somewhere.
I'm trying to write a script that will automatically set up a backup schedule for a database that has just been created. I was hoping the trigger would query the sysdatabases table for new database name entries, log necessary info in an audit table and then call a backup script to set up the schedule. Any ideas??