I'm trying to include a DATEDIFF compare in my Where clause, but it seems to ignore the comparison I'm trying to invoke, and just returns all rows. When I display the result of the DATEDIFF command, it looks good, but I can't seem to have it incorporated in my Where clause.
I have a quite big SQL query which would be nice to be used using UNION betweern two Select and Where clauses. I noticed that if both Select clauses have Where part between UNION other is ignored. How can I prevent this?
I found a article in StackOverflow saying that if UNION has e.g. two Selects with Where conditions other one will not work. [URL] ....
I have installed SQL Server 2014 and I tried to use tricks mentioned in StackOverflow's article but couldn't succeeded.
Any example how to write two Selects with own Where clauses and those Selects are joined with UNION?
If I wanted to get everyone DOB who is over 18 how would I do that? I am currently trying something like this, but no luck...
Declare @todays_date datetime
Select from person CASE WHEN dateadd(year, datediff (year, Date_Of_Birth, @Todays_Date), Date_Of_Birth) > @Todays_Date -- Date of Birth check THEN datediff (year, Date_Of_Birth, @Todays_Date) - 1 ELSE datediff (year, Date_Of_Birth, @Todays_Date) END >= 18
I'm using a datediff(mi, start, stop) to get the duration of an operation. i want it displayed in HH:MM format. can anyone help me w/ a way to do that????
SELECT weight FROM progress WHERE dateInput = (SELECT MAX(dateInput) FROM progress) AND memberID = 1
The problem is that the MAX dateInput doesn't belongs to memberID 1. It belongs to memberID 2. What I want is that I wanna choose the MAX Date of memberID 1. I thought of maybe using datadiff function. But I don't know how to make the datediff statement. Maybe I can write the datediff statement whereby the least datediff between the dateInput and getdate() will be the row I want. I really appreciate the person that helps me this problem... Thanks 1st of all!
I am trying to select records from whatever the current date would be and 12 months before whatever the current date is. How would I go about doing this. The table that I am trying to do this with has a year column and a month column.
I was playing with the date diff function, but I can only get dates from the specified date range. I need it to be where if I run it tomorrow, it will get that day and everything within the last 12 months.
Hi there i am using the datediff funtion but it does not seem to be inclusive of the two dates eg SELECT DATEDIFF(day, s_Date, e_date) AS NumberOfDays,* FROM weekendtest
i know i could do SELECT DATEDIFF(day, s_Date, e_date)+1 AS NumberOfDays,* FROM weekendtest
but i was just wondering if there some other function i should use that would be more appropriate
Hi I've a problem!!! i want to use datediff thats no problem. But the first parameter has to be parameterised. What datatype do i declare it as. i declare it as varchar it returns me an error : Invalid parameter 1 specified for datediff.
i'm doing this in a stored procedure.
Is there a way out or do i've to use the good old 'IF' or 'Case' ?
Hi, I have a Table Where I have Two Date columns and I want to find the Differnce in the 3rd column.ie DateReceived - AsOnDate = NoofDays.I tried this code SELECT SRNO,CONVERT (VARCHAR,AsonDate,102)as ASONDATE,CONVERT(VARCHAR, DateReceived, 102) AS DateReceived,CONVERT(VARCHAR, DateAcknowledged, 102) AS NoofDays, sum(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, DATERECEIVED,ASONDATE, GETDATE()) FROM Details
Hi, can anyone shed some light on this issue?SELECT Status from lupStatuswith a normal query it returns the correct recordcountSELECT Status from lupStatus GROUP BY Statusbut with a GROUP By clause or DISTINCT clause it return the recordcount= -1
ON dbo.Track_ID.SM_ID = dbo.transactions.sm_session_id
GROUP BY dbo.Track_ID.TrackID
) Once moved to SQL Server 2005 the statement would not return and showed SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD to be the waittype when executed. This machine is SP1 and needs to be upgraded to SP2, something that is not going to happen near time.
I changed the SQL to the following, SQL Server now runs it in under a second, but now the app is not functioning correctly. Are the above and the following semantically the same?
UPDATE dbo.Track_ID
SET dbo.Track_ID.Processed = 4 --Regular 1 leg call thats been completed
Hi, I am facing problem rite now.. I want to calculate the date different minutes between 23:00:00 and 01:00:00. My code : datediff(Minute,'01:00:00','23:00:00') The result is 1320 minutes. (22 hours)... But, the result that I want is 120 minutes (2 hours).... Can anybody help ??? Thanks in advance...
I'm trying to use the same select statement I used in classic SQL, but it isn't working. I get a "The server tag is not well formed." error. I'm trying to return all the records where the date in a particular field are over 60 days old. My select statement is: "SELECT [ReNewAd], [Male or Female], [File2], [PHOTO], [First Name], [Last Name], [City], [State], [NewAd] FROM Members Where ('NewAd' IS NOT NULL AND (DateDiff('d', [NewAd], '" & Now() & "') <= 60)) order by [NewAd] Desc" I've been looking through the datediff posts, but I'm not making any sense of what I'm reading. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Diane
I'm trying to create a stored procedure that will return a set of data. An input parameter (if specified) will determine what topics will be show based on the date the item "datetime". ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[discussions_GetTopics]@board_id as int,@PageNumber INT,@TopicsDays INT = NULL,@TopicsPerPage INT,@HowManyProducts INT OUTPUTAS-- Declare the table that will store all the topics for the given board_idDECLARE @Topics TABLE(RowNumber INT,topic_id INT,topic_title VARCHAR(50),topic_replies INT,topic_views INT,topic_type INT,post_id int,post_time DATETIME,Topic_Author_UserName nvarchar(256),Topic_Author_ID uniqueidentifier,Post_Author_Username nvarchar(256),Post_Author_ID uniqueidentifier)-- populate the tableINSERT INTO @TopicsSELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY discussions_topics.topic_id), discussions_Topics.topic_id, discussions_Topics.topic_title, discussions_Topics.topic_replies, discussions_Topics.topic_views, discussions_Topics.topic_type, discussions_Posts.post_id, discussions_Posts.post_time, user_1.UserName AS Topic_Author_Username, user_1.UserId AS Topic_Author_ID, user_2.UserName AS Post_Author_Username, user_2.UserId AS Post_Author_IDFROM discussions_Topics INNER JOIN discussions_Posts ON discussions_Posts.post_id = discussions_Topics.topic_last_post_id INNER JOIN aspnet_Users AS user_1 ON user_1.UserId = discussions_Topics.topic_poster INNER JOIN aspnet_Users AS user_2 ON user_2.UserId = discussions_Posts.poster_idWHERE (discussions_Topics.board_id = @board_id ANDCASE @TopicsDays WHEN '1' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 1 WHEN '2' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 7 WHEN '3' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 14 WHEN '4' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 30 WHEN '5' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 90 WHEN '6' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 180 WHEN '7' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 365END)-- return the total number of products using an OUTPUT variableSELECT @HowManyProducts = COUNT(topic_id) FROM @Topics-- Return the specified page of topicsSELECT * from @TopicsWHERE RowNumber > (@PageNumber - 1) * @TopicsPerPageAND RowNumber <= @PageNumber * @TopicsPerPage I need help where the "CASE @TopicsDays WHEN '1' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 1 WHEN '2' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 7 WHEN '3' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 14 WHEN '4' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 30 WHEN '5' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 90 WHEN '6' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 180 WHEN '7' THEN DATEDIFF(day, discussions_Topics.topic_time, getdate()) <= 365 END" Is... Im not doing it right. Can someone help me?
hello, i have a Pictures table: PictureID, Name, Description, DateAdded (GETDATE() when insert), IsActive... i need to make some stored procedures to show me the pictures added in last 24hours, in last 3 days, last 2 weeks and so on the pictures added in database are active (available to be seen by users) only 1yaer after the date added I tryied to make a stored procedure (in fact i maked a lots of them, for 1day 3 days 1 week 1 month), but i have a problem with that DateDiff and DateAdd Here is what i tryied CREATE PROCEDURE LastAdded_2monthsAgo
SELECT Pictures.ProductID, Pictures.Name, Pictures.Description, Pictures.DateAdded FROM Pictures WHERE (DATEDIFF(month, Pictures.DateAdded, GETDATE()) >= 0) AND (DATEDIFF(month, Pictures.DateAdded, GETDATE()) <= 2) ORDER BY DateAdded DescI have a feeling that is wrong, please make your own version and show me what i should write...I don't know what should be first the today date or the DateAdded...i need to select the last added products from a specific interval of time...Should i do something with that "1 year available" like WHERE (DATEDIFF(month, GETDATE(), DATEADD(year, 1, Products.DateAdded)) >= 0) AND (DATEDIFF(month, GETDATE(), DATEADD(year, 1, Products.DateAdded)) <= 2) I am sure is a stupid thig up there...if you can, make your own version how you would do it and show me..please help me
Hi,I'm using the datediff function to display the ages of the users in my database. However the age rounds up once they are 35.5 etc...I could create another function which works similar to the DateDiff function, but use math.floor to always round down, but I need to use this function in a SQL statement WHERE clause. Is there any way around this?Thanks,Curt.
This is a sql question, so I'm hoping someone can give me some direction. I need to query a table and return all rows where the individual is >= 18 years of age. It should involve simply subtracting the date of birth from the current date. I thought the answer would be so simple: select * from table where datediff(yy,dob,getdate()) >= 18 Unfortunately, the results are inconsistent. The DATEDIFF function, it appears, will not show correct results down to the month/day level. I tried posting this on a sql server forum, but the recommendations I received involved coding some gigantic function. It seems that there ought to be a simple 'WHERE' clause which could solve this. If someone knows of a silver bullet, I would surely appreciate your advice. Thank you.
I have two fields in one of my database table. They are date fields, one for the start and the other for the end of the "problem solving". What I want to do is to show the concrete elapsed time between the two.
My first problem is that I'm not able to show hour AND minutes. I wrote this for instance: SELECT DATEDIFF(hour, fld_date_debut, fld_date_fin) As elapsed_time I tried HH:mm instead of hour, but it is not working.
My second problem is that I can have more than one start and end hour for the same "problem solving". In the database it's like:
start hour: 10:00 End hour: 11:00 Number of the problem: 1 start hour: 13:00 End hour: 16:00 Number of the problem: 1
So I would like to add these to my elapsed time. I want (11:00 - 10:00) + (16:00 - 13:00)...but how can i do this in my SQL query ?
Im currently using the DateDiff function to filter my DateTime columns but am finding it somewhat troublesome. Currently I am having to write the same select statement 3 times if I want to filter by month, year or all (ignoring dates).
To find @PurchaseTotal for the year, I have to write the following:
SELECT @PurchaseTotal = Sum(PurchaseTotal) FROM _Expenses WHERE DateDiff(yyyy, DateOf, @IntervalDate) = @Interval
To find @PurchaseTotal for a month, I have to write the following:
SELECT @PurchaseTotal = Sum(PurchaseTotal) FROM _Expenses WHERE DateDiff(mm, DateOf, @IntervalDate) = @Interval
To find @PurchaseTotal for all the records, I have to write the following:
SELECT @PurchaseTotal = Sum(PurchaseTotal) FROM _Expenses
Error says something like "incorrect parameter 1 for DateDiff."
It seems you have to write a different select statement for month, day and year. Also If you want a total from all the records you have to write yet another select statement.
Does anyone know of a DateTime function that allows parameters to specify for month, day and Year? Also does anyone know of a DateTime function that works like the COALESCE function to where you can send it a NULL value and give you all the records?
I just discover the result for my query that had use the function dateDiff seems to be in-correct, no matter what's the date, the dateDiff always return a zero. Am I using it in-correctly? select DateDiff(mm,11/1/2004, 12/31/2005) SELECT component_id, component_description,SUM(CASE DateDiff(mm,date_complete,'12/31/2004')WHEN 2 THEN component_qty ELSE 0 END) AS mm1,SUM(CASE DateDiff(mm,date_complete,'12/31/2004')WHEN 1 THEN component_qty ELSE 0 END) AS mm2,SUM(CASE DateDiff(mm,date_complete,'12/31/2004')WHEN 0 THEN component_qty ELSE 0 END) AS mm3,sum(component_qty) as totalFROM view_jobcomponent WHERE date_complete between '10/1/2004' and '12/31/2004' GROUP BY component_id, component_descriptionorder by component_id, component_description
Hi im having som problems using the dateDiff, 1. Im not really sure what row's to grap, 2.Im getting this error saying somthing like : "None-spicefied Function GetDate" "sry for the bad translation, im getting the error's in danish and my englich is not to good :)" Any help would be very nice =) ----------------------------------- Code ----------------------------------- This is my clas.
Function NewSearch () As DataTable Dim objData As New DataAccess
Dim strSQL As String = "SELECT datediff(mm, GetDate(), Repair) FROM Used_Cars"
Return objData.GetDataAccess(strSQL, _strDatabase) End Function
And this is my default.aspx.vb .
Protected Sub action_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles action.Click Dim Search As New carFactory Dim dtMaerker As DataTable dtMaerker = Search .NewSearch () For Each Row As DataRow In dtMaerker.Rows ' "Repair" contains som date's lblIndhold.Text = Row.Item("repair") & "<br />" Next End Sub
can anyone tell me how to write a query which you could use like a hotel wakeup call system with an email sent instead of a phone call. the fields in the table would only be the target email address and date/time of the event. i suspect the query would run on a 10 minute meta-refresh asp page containing the email broadcast app along with the query.
Hi I'm trying to break down some code to work out how it's working. I've encountered DateDiff and DateAdd and I think this adds a new date of midnight today after reading up on the syntax (still dont fully understand how it works to be honest)
However, this is slightly different because where there is a 0 above there is a 13 in this one so I'm wondering what the 13 is actually doing.
Hi Everyone I have a table that stores information that is used to help monitor the issuing of safety clothing. I have a Transact SQL procedure that checks if a user has had an item within the last year. THe procedure returns values:
1 the item does not exist for any user so insert 2 the item exists but was issued more than a year ago so insert 3 the iem exists but was issued within one year so do not insert
I had some help from this forum initially and I thought that I had finally solved this problem but it still is not quite right. Please could someone take a quick look and point me in the right direction
Guys, I am not an expert in access or SQL. I have a simple Fn. to be executed. I would like to use DATEDIFF fn. in access 2007 for calculating the number of days between current date and a given date within a table.Please help me.
Please tell me how to use DATEDIFF for doing this?
I'm looking to apply a secondary order to a select query based on the difference in hours between now and a stored date/time. Effectively I'd like to place records with a datediff of over 2 hours to the top of the sort;
ORDER BY DATEDIFF(hour,FullLatestCallTimeStamp,Getdate() > 2) DESC
My Problem is that I get a syntax error on the '>'
can i have brief explaination of datediff and dateadd function, regarding their arguments and params, definitions.. like the books online definition.. anybody have the books online url?
becoz im curious what this line do in detail(found it in http://www.sqlteam.com/forums/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=62729 : count age function and it's kewlLLl)
I made a code to in SQL reporting services for the reports of our company regarding the new applicants. Now I need to get the average datedifference in each phase from all applicants who entered Initial/Data Collection. Example, "Initial/Data collection"PHASE will have an average of 60 minutes to be finished, averaged from all 200 applicants, and "Screening"PHASE 240 minutes to be finished, averaged from 100 applicants.
All applicants must go through stage 1 before he can go to stage 2 and so on.
The date diff will be obtained from the "createdon" column subtracted to the last "modifiedon" column in each phase.
I need to insert that code to the existing code that I have if it is possible(which my boss prefer); or either if i can manipulate it in SQL reporting services in visual studio 2005.
Here is a sample output that I have.Each phase has a different color.
Here is the code that i used SELECT subject, regardingobjectidname, createdon, modifiedon, stat, phase, initial, (CASEphaseWHEN 'Initial/Data Collection' THEN 1 WHEN 'Screening' THEN 2 WHEN 'Assesment and Selection' THEN 3 WHEN 'Placement' THEN 4 END) AS Phasesort FROM( SELECT subject, regardingobjectidname, createdon, modifiedon, stat, initial, (CASEstatWHEN 'Application Recieved' THEN 'Initial/Data Collection' WHEN 'For Screening' THEN 'Screening' WHEN 'Shortlisted' THEN 'Screening' WHEN 'For Assesment' THEN 'Assesment and Selection' WHEN 'For Assesment' THEN 'Assesment and Selection' WHEN 'Passed Initial Interview' THEN 'Assesment and Selection' WHEN 'Passed Profiles Assesment' THEN 'Assesment and Selection' WHEN 'Passed Technical Exam' THEN 'Assesment and Selection' WHEN 'For Placement' THEN 'Placement' END) AS phase FROM( SELECT subject, regardingobjectidname, createdon, modifiedon, initial, (CASEinitialWHEN '1 stage' THEN 'Application Recieved' WHEN '2 stage' THEN 'Application Recieved' WHEN '3 stage' THEN 'For Screening' WHEN '4 stage' THEN 'Shortlisted' WHEN '5 stage' THEN 'For Assesment' WHEN '6 stage' THEN 'Passed Initial Interview' WHEN '7 stage' THEN 'Passed Profiles Assesment' WHEN '8 stage' THEN 'Passed Technical Exam' WHEN '9 stage' THEN 'For Placement' WHEN '10 stage' THEN 'For Placement' END) AS stat FROM( SELECT subject, regardingobjectidname, createdon, modifiedon, (CASEsubjectWHEN N'application received' THEN '1 stage' WHEN 'process application' THEN '2 stage' WHEN 'screen application' THEN '3 stage' WHEN 'Phone interview' THEN '4 stage' WHEN N'initial interview' THEN '5 stage' WHEN 'profiles assessment' THEN '6 stage' WHEN 'technical exam and interview' THEN '7 stage' WHEN 'background and reference check' THEN '8 stage' WHEN 'Job Offer' THEN '9 stage' WHEN 'Contract Signing' THEN '10 stage' END) AS initial FROM(SELECT subject, regardingobjectidname, createdon, modifiedon FROMFilteredTask WHERE (subject IN ('application received', 'process application', 'screen application', 'initial interview', 'profiles assessment', 'technical exam and interview', 'background and reference check', 'job offer', 'contract signing')) UNION ALL SELECT subject, regardingobjectidname, createdon, modifiedon FROMFilteredPhoneCall WHEREsubject = 'phone interview' ) AS Orion ) AS Initials ) AS Phases ) AS Stats ORDER BY regardingobjectidname, initial
I appreciate your help.
Thanks a lot.
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