DB Design :: How To Use Encrypted Data In Oracle DB

Jun 26, 2015

I am using a sql server 2012 and having a database "Test".In this database , having a table "Employee". I have encrypted the employe table data with the password. How can is use these employee data in oracle server. ie;How can I show the employee data as the encrypted  and decrypted form of data in Oracle server( The actual encryption happened only in SQL DB).

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Need Help --&&> Connecting To Oracle Throught SSIS Package(Failed To Decrypt An Encrypted XML Node Because The Password Was Not S)

May 14, 2007


In BI Tool SSIS Packages run fine and get data From Oracle and Save it in SQL Server.

Package Protection Level is EncryptSensitivewithPassword.

In BI tool when i open the package it ask password and then run fine.

If i change the Protection Level to Dont save Sensitive,

It does not run fine in even BI tool.

It is fine if i use EncryptSensitivewithPassword.in BI Tool and run it.

Now the problem is that i need to run this package through SQL Job.

so Job give error

"Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node because the password was not specified or not correct. Package load will attempt to continue without the encrypted information."

Please i need help ?


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Design Time Support For Oracle Db

Dec 22, 2006

Dear all,

i have a question concerning the design time support when accessing different oracle database schemas with SSIS.

I'm using an OLEDB-Connection, and in general everything is working fine. I would like to access two different schemas. One for production and one testing. So i have stored my connection properties in a configuration file, which looks different for prod and test.

I'm not allowed to connect to the oracle db with the user in who's schema the tables are located.
(e.g. schema=prod, my user=readonly)

Normally i must type SQL like: "select * from prod.MyTable" for my production datasource and "select * from test.MyTable" for my test datasource.

In order to clean up my sql i use the oracle "alter session" command. (alter session set current_schema=prod) The command is stored with the connection properties within my configuration file.

All of my packages start with this sql statement for the oracle datasource. (The connection property RetainSameConnection is true and the package property DelayValidation is set.)

So the solution is working fine.

But during the development i have a problem. When crating a datasource i can't retrieve the metadata infromation or build sql with the provided tools, because of "Table of View not found" (ok, the alter session statement is missing)

So does anyone know how to define a alter session for the design time conneciton?
Maybe something with the "Extended Properties" of the connection?

Thanks for your help!

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Is Data Sent Via DTS Encrypted?

Jan 27, 2005

Hi all,

I may have a requirement to send data from a SQL Server at site A to an Oracle server at site B. These sites have no network connection between them, and the current suggestion is to use ftp, but the transfer (or username and password) will not be encrypted.

If I create a DTS package transferring data from site A, will that transfer be encrypted?

If not, is there an option with SQL Server DTS to ensure that the data is sent in an encrypted form?

Thanks in advance.

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Encrypted Data

Feb 23, 2004


How can I save encryped data in SQL2000? Also, how can I retrieve it?

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Searching Encrypted Data; Using MAC Secret Data

Aug 10, 2006

I just finished reading an article on how to search encrypted data efficiently and they suggested creating a new column with a Message Auhtentication Code. To be honest, reading the aritcle makes my head hurt. I can hardly understand what they were doing myself and I can't begin to explain it to a developer.

Are there any easier ways to search encrypted columns for a speciifc match? If not, does any have some stored procs that implement this messy MAC stuff?



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SQL 2005, Replicating Encrypted Data?

Jun 1, 2006


I've been searching for information on this for awhile unsuccessully. I am using SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edititon and transactional replication with separate publisher, distributor and subscribers. I need to encrypt data on our publisher and then I need to replicate that data out (i.e., encrypted data, not encrypted transmission). Since the keys are server specific, I imaging there might be some difficulty in doing this, but I figure I can't be the only one with this problem. Does anyone have a resource or know what must be done to get this accomplished?


Aaron Lowe

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Backup And Resore Encrypted Data

Mar 27, 2007

I have two databases, one production and other a production copy.

One column of the production table is encrypted by the following syntax.



WITH SUBJECT = 'encryption demo'





I have stored procedure to add records to a production table like this.

ALTER Procedure AddRecord

@id int,

@var1 varchar(100)



DECLARE @var2 varbinary(256)



SET @var2 = EncryptByKey(

key_guid( 'symkey_demo' ),

@var1 )

insert into dbo.Test(id,Data,EData)





Now I need to decript the data in the production copy database. So I had export production data to the production copy database and also generates the same key and cerificate. When i tried to decrypt the data, no results has returned.

Create procedure ViewData

@id int



DECLARE @var1 varbinary(256)

DECLARE @var2 varchar(100)



select @var1=EData from Test where id=@id

Set @var2 = convert( varchar(100), DecryptByKey( @var1))

print @var2


It doesn't print the enctypted data. Please suggest what goes wrong.

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Handling Encrypted Data In SSIS

Mar 11, 2008

Hi, I have source data in encrypted format. How should i handle it in SSIS?
I have found no information for such situation.

Anybody have any idea about it.


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How To Protect Encrypted Data When DB Is Stolen

Jun 25, 2007

I got a problem concerning encryption. The thing is I have decided to use symmetric key protected by certificate to encrypt certain information. Certificates are protected by database masterkey and by service key.

But I also want to be sure that if someone steals my database with all its data he wont be able to decrypt it with his own SQL Server Management Studio where he has all the permissions.

Also after some time I will need to take my database and set it up on another PC.

Has anyone ideas how to solve this??

P.S. As far as I know if symmetric key is protected by certificate which is protected by DB master key and service master key then you cant decrypt data if database is moved to another workstation and opened with another Management Studio. Please can anyone explain how this works( if its true). And if this is true then how can i move my DB without loosing access to encrypted data???

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Data Access :: Accessing Oracle Tables From Server Via Oracle DBLINK?

May 8, 2015

we recently got a scenario that we need to get the data from oracle tables which is installed on third party servers. we have sqlserver installed on ourservers. so they have created a DBLINK in oracle server to our sqlserver and published the DBLINK name.

what are the next steps that i need to follow on my sqlserver in order to access the oracle tables ?

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Searching For Encrypted Fields In Data Columns

Jul 20, 2005

I am new to database programming and was curious how others solve theproblem of storing encrypted in data in db table columns and thensubsequently searching for these records.The particular problem that I am facing is in dealing with (privacy)critical information like credit-card #s and SSNs or business criticalinformation like sales opportunity size or revenue in the database. Therequirement is that this data be stored encrypted (and not in theclear). Just limiting access to tables with this data isn't sufficient.Does any database provide native facilities to store specific columns asencrypted data ? The other option I have is to use something like RC4 toencrypt the data before storing them in the database.However, the subsequent problem is how do I search/sort on these columns? Its not a big deal if I have a few hundred records; I couldpotentially retrieve all the records, decrypt the specific fields andthen do in process searches/sorts. But what happens when I have (say) amillion records - I really don't want to suck in all that data and workon it but instead use the native db search/sort capabilities.Any suggestions and past experiences would be greatly appreciated.much thanks,~s

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MAC Used As Search Index For Encrypted Data: How Secure?

Aug 17, 2006

I have read recommendations about searching encrypted data. Typically, they involve creating a MAC (message authentication code) table. One of the elements of that table is a HASH of the encrypted data (plus a Mac key) that is used as an index for searching. Is that HASH as secure as the encrypted data itself, or is this approach less secure? If it is less secure, then may I assume that approach is the only feasible way to search data encrypted by nondeterministic algorithms?



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Backup Database With Encrypted Column Data

Jan 25, 2007

I have database with encrypted column data in my customer server. Sometime, I might need to backup their database back to office for troubleshooting.

How could I backup/restore master key, symmetric and asymmetric key created for my database?

Thank you

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Reporting Services :: Error While Deleting Encrypted Data

Sep 15, 2011

I am using SQL Server 2008 R2.I have opened the Reporting Service Configuration Manager to delete the encrypted data.In the encryption key section, when I click on the 'Delete' button to delete the encrypted data, it gives me below error. Microsoft.Reporting Services. WmiProvider. WMIProvider Exception: An error occurred when attempting to connect to the report server remote procedure call (RPC) end point. Verify that the Report Server Windows service is running, and then retry the operation.

 ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800706B3): The RPC server is not listening. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706B3)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.RSWmiAdmin.ThrowOnError(ManagementBaseObject mo)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.RSWmiAdmin.DeleteEncryptedInformation()
   at ReportServicesConfigUI.WMIProvider.RSReportServerAdmin.DeleteEncryptedInformation()

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Howto Reinstall With Local Encrypted Data, No Domain?

Aug 17, 2005

This is a question more about EFS, I think, than SQL itself, so apologies for that.

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SQL 2012 :: Encrypted Data In Project Manifest Failed To Load

Sep 8, 2015

An inherited SSIS (2012) solution displays the following messages when I try opening it in VS 2012:

"One or more projects in the solution were not loaded correctly."

Then another message displays

"The encrypted data in the project manifest failed to load. The project manifest is corrupted or the project was encrypted by another user."

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How Can I Retrieve Sql 2000 Encrypted Column Data From SQL 2005 Stored Proc?????

Aug 4, 2006


I want to retrieve SQL 2000 Encrypted Column Data From SQL 2005 strored proc. My Stored Procedure was on SQL 2000 and it works fine....Then I restore Database From SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. The Following Statement is on my store proce.

select user_id , Encrypt(user_pass) from OpenRowset('SQLOLEDB','myserver';'sa';'mypass',databasename.dbo.users) as a

The Following Error I get When I execute the above statement.

Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1

'Encrypt' is not a recognized built-in function name.

Thank you.


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Problem Restoring Database With Encrypted Columns To Different Database Or Server With Encrypted Columns.

Jan 23, 2006

I need to start encrypting several fields in a database and have been doing some testing with a test database first. I've run into problems when attempting to restore the database on either the same server (but different database) or to a separate server.

First, here's how i created the symmetric key and encrypted data in the original database:

create master key
encryption by password = 'testAppleA3';

create certificate test
with subject = 'test certificate',
EXPIRY_DATE = '1/1/2010';

create symmetric key sk_Test
with algorithm = triple_des
encryption by certificate test;

open symmetric key sk_Test decryption by certificate test;

insert into employees values (101,'Jane Doe',encryptbykey(key_guid('sk_Test'),'$200000'));
insert into employees values(102,'Bob Jones',encryptbykey(key_guid('sk_Test'),'$500000'));

select * from employees
--delete from employees
select id,name,cast(decryptbykey(salary) as varchar(10)) as salary from employees

close all symmetric keys

Next I backup up this test database and restore it to a new database on a different server (same issue if restore to different database but on same server).

Then if i attempt to open the key in the new database and decrypt:

open symmetric key sk_Test decryption by certificate test;

I get the error: An error occurred during decryption.

Ok, well not unexpected, so reading the forums, i try doing the below first in the new database:


Then I try opening the key again and get the error again:

An error occurred during decryption.

So then it occurs to me, maybe i need to drop and recreate it so i do

drop symmetric key sk_test


create symmetric key sk_Test
with algorithm = triple_des
encryption by certificate test;

and then try to open it.

Same error!

So then i decide, let's drop everything, the master key, the certificate and then symmetric key:

drop symmetric key sk_test
drop certificate test
drop master key

Then recreate the master key:

create master key
encryption by password = 'testAppleA3';

Restore the certificate from a backup i had made to a file:

FROM FILE = 'c:storedcertsencryptiontestcert'

Recreate the symmetric key again:

create symmetric key sk_Test
with algorithm = triple_des
encryption by certificate test;

And now open the key only to get the error:

Cannot decrypt or encrypt using the specified certificate, either because it has no private key or because the password provided for the private key is incorrect.

So what am I doing wrong here? In this scenario I would appear to have lost all access to decrypt the data in the database despite restoring from a backup which restored the symmetric key and certificate and i obviously know the password for the master key.

I also tried running the command


again but this does not resolve the issue.


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Encrypted Data Size By Original Size, Algorithm ?

Jan 24, 2006

I want to know encrypted data's size for designing database field size.

For example, cardnumber varchar(20) Encrypted by Triple_DES and PassPhrase, How match size does need to encrypted data store field.

I think the size does not depend to PassPhrase char length.

Yoshihiro Kawabata

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Integration Services :: SSIS VB Script Loading Data Into Oracle DB Missing Some Data

Nov 10, 2015

I'm using Script Component to load data into Oracle DB due to the poor performance issue. Now, I found it will missing some data during the transmission. Please see the screenshot below: 

SQL Server:

create table Person
BusinessEntityID Integer,
FirstName nvarchar2(50),
MiddleName nvarchar2(50),
LastName nvarchar2(50)


I follow up this article: [URL] ....

VB Script: 
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

[Code] ..........

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Importing Data From Oracle To Sql Loosing Data After The Decimal Point

Jun 18, 2007

I have created a simple package that uses a sql command to pull data from an oracle database and inserts the data into a sql 2005 table. Some of the data fields that i am pulling from contain two digits after the decimal point, however this data is lost when it gets into sql. I have even tried putting the data into a flat file, and still the data is lost.

In the package I have a ole db source connection which is the oracle database and when i do the preview i see all the data I need. I am very confused and tried a number of things to get the data into sql, but none work. Any ideas would be very helpful.


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Joining MS SqlServer Data With Oracle Data

Nov 7, 2007

OK so there is some data in an Oracle DB that I need to query and analyze.  Unfortunately, the criteria for selecting/grouping the data is stored in a MS Sql Server DB.  This cannot be changed. 
SqlServerGroup Name       ID#      Item     ConditionAAA123              1         a              1AAA123              2         a              1AAA123              3         a              1AAA123              4         a              2AAA123              5         a              2AAA123              1         b              3AAA123              2         b              4AAA123              3         b              3AAA123              4         b              4AAA123              5         b              3BBB123              1         a              1BBB123              2         a              1BBB123              3         a              2BBB123              4         a              2BBB123              5         a              2
OracleGroup Name       ID#     ValueAAA123              1          50%AAA123              2          55%AAA123              3          60%AAA123              4          80%AAA123              5          70%BBB123              1          35%BBB123              2          45%BBB123              3          50%BBB123              4          50%BBB123              5          80%
 I need to be able to get this:Group Name  Item   Condition ValueAAA123          a           1          55%AAA123          a           2          75%AAA123          b           3          60%AAA123          b           4          67.5%BBB123          a           1          40%BBB123          a           2          60%
 Any idea how I can get the data from these two DBs to talk to each other?  Thanks.

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The Report Server Cannot Decrypt The Symmetric Key Used To Access Sensitive Or Encrypted Data In A Report Server Database

May 25, 2007

Hi every one,

I'm very new new at this. I'm try to deploy a report model and got this message. I have no idea what its going on about.

Can anyone help me?



System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.RPCException: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) ---> System.Exception: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) ---> System.Exception: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) ---> System.Exception: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) ---> System.Exception: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled) ---> System.Exception: Bad Data. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80090005)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.DataProtection.ProtectData(Byte[] unprotectedData, String tag)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.ConnectionManager.ConnectStorage()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.Storage.NewStandardSqlCommand(String storedProcedureName)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.DBInterface.GetAllConfigurationInfo()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.GetSystemProperties(Property[] requestedProperties)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.GetSystemProperties(Property[] Properties, Property[]& Values)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.GetSystemProperties(Property[] Properties, Property[]& Values) (System.Web.Services)



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Data Base Design-need Help

May 8, 2008

Hello friends,
i would like to create an e-commerce website,for selling music,video,games and books, i also want    to extend its functionality to electronic products also.
the problem is ,music,books,videos  and electronic goods will have different properties like author,music director,company,ISBN number,..etc,i am very confused about data base design,want to add sub categories also like light music,classical,history books,technical books etc...can anyone give suggestions?  

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Data Design Issues

Dec 15, 2004

I am working on a Project Management application, and I have two data design issues I am debating.

The key element of this app, as you might expect, is Project. The project will proceed through many phases, from Planning, to Pre-Design, Design, Bid, Construction and Post Construction. All along the way there are a number of discrete tasks that must be performed and tracked.

I bounce back and forth in my mind between a single Project table that encapsulates all of these tasks, but am hesitant because I'm not a big fan of large monolithic tables. Alternatively, I could logically create separate tables for the various phases. However, this would create a series of one-to-one relationships between Project and the Phase tables, and require extra joins. The performance hit would probably not be too bad, but I would need to add extra code in either the app code or stored procedures to create an empty record in each of the phase tables when a new project is added. (Obviously, projects in planning or design will not have active records in the Construction and Post Construction tables). What are your thoughts about these choices?

Secondly, I have to manage data for a lot of individuals, which basically break down into two groups. First are internal employees who will have tasks routed to them, be invited to meetings, etc. Second are external vendors, basically contractors and consultants, who will be performing work and also be invited to meetings and such. I need to track the participants in meetings and inspections, so will have a Meeting Participant table to capture the many-to-many relationship. My issue is structuring the handling of the people. One option is to have a Person table, which basically includes everybody, with a flag field for internal or external people, and categories for their roles. Second is a table for internal folks and a table for external, or separate tables for Consultants, Contractors, and internal Employees. However, this makes capturing the meeting participants more cumbersome.

What is the collective wisdom on these? Thanks!

Jeff Little

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Data Warehousing Design

Jan 9, 2006


We are starting with designing a datawarehouse for my company. I have done some reading on the concepts and steps involved, but what I am seriously lacking is some examples. I'd like to read through some real examples of data warehouses that worked including the full design diagrams.
Can anyone direct me to some good sites for this?


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Need Help In Data Base Design

Apr 5, 2007

Hello friends,I have to design a database for banking application,but it is my first db design so i need some expert advice.

Data base has some performance constraint i.e high output ,minimum query time,need to process 2 to 5 million transaction per day.

Further specification can be revealed if appropriate help is provided.

your advice will be of great help for me.


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Data Input Screen Design

Sep 14, 2000

does anyone know of easy to use tools to design input screens to access sql version 7 databases

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Best Design Transfer Data Between Two Server.

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All,

What is the best way to transfer data from a web-farm to another server for web-report?

Daily Schedule job?

What are the advance and dis-advance of each type?

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Scientific Data Table Design

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to SQL 2005. I have to design schema for scientific data warehouse. Data is available in 2 or more flat data files recorded at 1 sec interval. At Least 2 of the data files have 100+ columns. I am inclined to create a table per data file type. I want to know If this is correct/optimal for me to do?

I don't think I can create normalize tables based on the headers in these Data files.

Primary Objective of this data warehouse is make it available for reporting services and Analysis Services.

Any suggestions or tutorials for me?

Vinod Kushwaha

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Need Help For Design Data Flow Task

Nov 14, 2007

Hi frns,

I am new to SSIS. I need some help in designing the below dataflow task.

-- Teacher creates several tasks and each task is assigned to multiple students
-- The teacher table contains contains all the tasks created a every teacher
use ods
create table teacher
yr int,
tid int,
tname varchar(20),
taskid int


insert into teacher values(2007,101,'suraj','task1')
insert into teacher values(2007,101,'suraj','task2')
insert into teacher values(2007,102,'bharat','task3')

insert into teacher values(2007,103,'paul','task4')
insert into teacher values(2007,103,'paul','task5')
insert into teacher values(2007,103,'paul','task6')

-- Teacher "suraj" has created 2 tasks
-- Teacher "bharat" has created 1 task

select * from ods..teacher
yr tid tname taskid
2007 101 suraj 1111
2007 101 suraj 1122
2007 102 bharat 2222

-- Students table contains studentid(sid),teacherid(i,e tid ) & taskid
drop table students

create table students
yr int,
sid varchar(10),
tid int,
taskid varchar(10)

truncate table students

insert into students values(2007,'stud1',101,'task1')
insert into students values(2007,'stud1',101,'task2')

insert into students values(2007,'stud2',101,'task1')
insert into students values(2007,'stud2',101,'task2')

--Note : stud1,stud2 comes under teacher with tid "101"

insert into students values(2007,'stud3',102,'task3')

-- Note : stud3 and stud4 comes under teacher with tid "102"

insert into students values(2007,'stud4',103,'task4')
insert into students values(2007,'stud4',103,'task5')
insert into students values(2007,'stud4',103,'task6')

insert into students values(2007,'stud5',103,'task4')

select * from students
yr sid tid taskid
2007 stud1 101 task1
2007 stud1 101 task2

2007 stud2 101 task1
2007 stud2 101 task2

2007 stud3 102 task3
2007 stud4 103 task4
2007 stud4 103 task5
2007 stud4 103 task6
2007 stud5 103 task4

Now in my target table i need to load the data in a such a way that

use targetdb
drop table trg

create table trg
yr int, -- data should load from teacher.yr
tid int,
taskid int(20),
cnt int


Mapping in target column and value to be loaded
yr -- teacher.yr
tid -- teacher.id
taskid -- this need to start a new sequence of numbers starting from 1 for each teacher and dont want the task id to be copied as it is.
cntofstudents -- need to count no of students from "students" table for a given teacher and for his assignment

For example for teacherid "101" and taskid "task1" there are 2 students
again for the same teacher "101" and taskid "task2" there are 2 students

For teacher "102" and taskid "task3" there is only 1 student

Similary for teacher "103"


Teacher table | Students Table
yr | yr
tid | tid

After i run the ETL the data should look as follows :

insert into trg values(2007,101,1,2)
insert into trg values(2007,101,2,2)

insert into trg values(2007,102,1,1)

insert into trg values(2007,103,1,2) -- task4 is created by teacher "103" and assigned to 2 students stud4 and stud5
insert into trg values(2007,103,2,1) -- task5 is created by teacher "103" and assigned to 1 student i.e stud4
insert into trg values(2007,103,3,1) -- task6 is created by teacher "103" and assigned to 1 student i.e stud5

Note : If u observer the values in 3rd column of the trg table, instead of directly mapping the taskid we need to generate a separate sequence for every teacher.

BottomLine : for each and every task created by each teacher there should be a unique record along with the count of students in "STUDENTS" table

Can anyone help me out in designing the Data Flow task for this Functionality.


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Scientific Data Table Design

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to SQL 2005. I have to design schema for scientific data warehouse. Data is available in 2 or more flat data files recorded at 1 sec interval. At Least 2 of the data files have 100+ columns. I am inclined to create a table per data file type. I want to know If this is correct/optimal for me to do?

I don't think I can create normalize tables based on the headers in these Data files.

Primary Objective of this data warehouse is make it available for reporting services and Analysis Services.

Any suggestions or tutorials for me?

Vinod Kushwaha

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