DB Engine :: AlwaysOn Feature On Cluster Environment

Sep 16, 2015

To set up AlwaysOn Feature on cluster environment how many VM's we would require.

We have already have 2 VM's for cluster but am not able to configure AlwaysOn. 

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Recovery :: Cannot Create Listener For High Availability Group Of AlwaysOn On Cluster Environment

May 27, 2015

I have getting issues when i am creating listener for always On . Error shown as below

Can not bring  the Windows server fail over cluster (WSFC) resources online. (Error Code 5942). The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its currents states, or the WSFC resources may not be in a state that could accept the request.

For information about this error code see "system error code" in windows development documentation 

The attempt to create network name and IP address for the listener is failed. The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its currents states or the value provide for the network name and IP address may be incorrect. Check the state of the WSFC cluster and validate network name and IP address with network administrator. (Microsoft SQL Server error 41066) ...

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DB Engine :: Linked Server Set In Cluster Environment

Apr 24, 2015

Need to set up a linked server in two node SQL Cluster pointing to a standalone SQL thru security setting "be made using current login's security context". It's double hop Kerberos setup. Cluster uses a domain account, so we manually set SPNs for that account with both instance name and protocol as well (set up these SPNs with SQL virtual name only).

Also, constrained delegation has been  set to that stand alone SQL services (MSSQLSvc).

Both SQL cluster and standalone servers are in same domain, cluster service account is domain account and standalone SQL uses default SQL local service account.

Coming to SQL, when I create linked server, sometimes it lets me create without issues and sometime it throws this below warning and even if I create it won't work.

 Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY/ANANOMOUS LOGIN'. 

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Recovery :: Log File Size Growing Too Big Need To Truncate In Server With AlwaysOn Feature

May 10, 2015

I want to truncate my sharepoint config database and WSS_Logging database logs the size of sharepoint_config database is growing at a pace of ~10GB every week. I have scheduled a weekly full backup. Current .ldf file size is 113GB.

I am using SQL server 2012 with Always On High Availability feature. I am not able to set the recovery mode from Full to Simple as it gives me message that mirroring is running on both server.

In my case to reduce the log file what I need to do.

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SQL 2012 :: Setting Log Shipping In AlwaysOn Environment

Jan 23, 2013

We have 4 Servers which have SQL SERVER 2012 and "AlwaysOn" have been enabled on all 4 servers:


Server1 is the Primary node and thr rest are secondaries. There is a Sync relation between Server1 and Server2 and also there is aSync relation between Server1 and Server3 & Server4.

Is it possible to setup log shipping from Server2 & Server3(secondaries) to two new servers?

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Using CSV (Cluster Share Volume) Support Filestream Feature?

Jul 22, 2015

I am looking for information on using CSV storage for a windows 2012r2 Hyper-V cluster configuration.

The cluster will be used by SQL Server 2014.

Mainly, does it support filestream.I have not found much documentation for using Cluster shared volumes with SQL Server 2014.There was a session at Tech-Ed 2014 on the subject.

SQL Server 2014 is the first version to support CSV storage.

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DB Engine :: Why Cluster And Non-cluster Indexed Created On Same Key

Jun 10, 2015

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Access](
 [AdminID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [FnID] [int] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

why the cluster and non cluster indexed created on the same key?

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Drives In A Cluster Environment

Jul 24, 2006


I have a SAN and configuring a cluster on SQL 2005. I initially created a Quorum drive when setting up the cluster and now added 4 more drives to the physical node but when I try to install SQL that drive cannot be located.

Do we need to create all the drives when installing the cluster or what is the way to add the drives later on.



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DB Engine :: Transaction Log Backup On AlwaysOn Databases

Jun 26, 2015

I am using alwayson on my SQL 2012 databases. I am using ola hallengren scripts for backing up databases. Full & diff db backups work fine, but the log is not getting backed up. The tran log backup job doesn't error out too. Trying to figure out what I may be missing?

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DB Engine :: Can Mirror A Database On Which AlwaysOn Is Already Setup

Jul 29, 2015

We have a database with AlwaysOn enabled, where the database is getting mirrored using AlwaysOn to a secondary node in a two node cluster. Now we want to set up a DR site for that database in a different data center.

So trying to analyse what technologies. We can use for setting up the DR for that database. Can we use mirroring / replication or what's the best way of setting up DR on that database.

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DB Engine :: AlwaysOn To Improve The Lock And Block

Dec 2, 2015

We have a reporting job that will query the mainDB and do so come calculation and insert into reportingDB, there are a lot of blocking and performance issue when it query  the mainDB so we have plan to read the secondary replica and do the processing there later to insert back into primaryDB (reportingDB).. for this we have implemented linked server but it gets  timeout, I do not want to change the remote query timeout on server level so is there anyway to do this, Any one making use of secondary replica to do get the data by job?

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SQL 2012 :: Maximum Cluster Nodes In AlwaysOn

Mar 17, 2014

How many nodes can you have in a cluster with SQL 2012 alwaysOn.

I understand that availability groups are limited to 5 nodes but if you had a 10 node cluster and decided to create multiple availability groups using various nodes within the 10 nodes but never exceeding 5, is that possible?

Or is there a counter or some validation from SQL AlwaysOn that actually hard limits to a grand total of 5 nodes in a cluster?

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SQL 2012 :: Make AlwaysOn Over Normal Cluster

Nov 13, 2014

Can we make SQL 2012 Always ON over the normal SQL Cluster 2012.

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SQL 2012 :: Setup AlwaysOn On Existing Cluster?

May 19, 2015

We have an existing SQL Server 2012 Enterprise cluster with 2 nodes (active-active) and uses Windows 2008 R2 OS. We are looking for a way to increase HA as well as offload backups to secondary server and it was suggested that AlwayOn could be an option.

The questions I have are:

1) Is it possible to turn on AalwaysOn feature on an existing cluster?

2) If yes to above, does the secondary replica need to exist as a node on the same cluster or can it be on a completely different cluster?

3) If the secondary replica is on the same cluster (i.e. we add a 3rd node to existing 2 node cluster), can that node be provisioned with storage from a completely different SAN? (i.e. Node 1 and Node 2 accesses LUNs on SAN1 and Node 3 accesses LUNs on SAN2).

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Recovery :: Multiple Instances For AlwaysOn For A Cluster

Jun 19, 2015

My environment has a 4 node cluster , 2 in primary and 2 in sec dc. Storage is sperate for both.

Need to setup always on for 4 Instances there on the 2 nodes of the primary dc. Is there any restriction in setting up always on for multiple instances for a cluster.

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Recovery :: AlwaysOn Cluster Did Not Fail Over Successfully

Aug 14, 2015

I have had a serious issue with a production AlwaysOn cluster whereby the service did not successfully transition to the secondary node and I cannot find the root cause of the issue.

Some details: It is a 2 node cluster (same datacenter) with a shared disk quorum, Windows Server 2012, both are virtual machines running on VMWare vSphere  5.5. SQL Server version is 2012 Enterprise SP2 CU6

The failover occurred because of a network incident (a spanning tree recalculation caused a connection timeout between both nodes). Initial entries in the SQL Log look normal for this event, for example:

05/08/2015 11:18:06: A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica 'FIN-IE-PA078' with id [6910F4A9-87E7-4836-BA79-0F41BE90266D].  Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.
05/08/2015 11:18:06: AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with secondary database terminated for primary database 'UserManagement' on the availability replica with Replica ID: {6910f4a9-87e7-4836-ba79-0f41be90266d}. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.


My interpretation of this is that the cluster failover attempts failed, because the network condition still persisted. The network interruption lasted approximately 2 minutes, and I would have expected the cluster to come back online at this point, after the restart delay period as suggested in the last entry in the error log. However this did not happen.

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Recovery :: Failover Cluster With Mirroring With AlwaysOn?

Jun 30, 2015

we have to build high availability SQL 2012 cluster for VDI and we have two options. One option is to build a server cluster with combination of failover and mirroring and other option is to build failover cluster with AlwaysOn.We are not sure which option to chose. We have contacted Microsoft support to provide us some documents and instructions for failovermirroring combination but they have send us instructions for AlwaysOn option.

What would be best way to build high availability cluster for VDI? Also, since first option is very complicated.

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Test Cluster Environment Recommendations

Apr 23, 2001

I want to build a SQL testing environment in an active/active setup. Any recommendations on what I could use if I want to set up the most bare-bones system. I want to do it as cheaply as possible.


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Database Backup In Cluster Environment

Aug 7, 2000

Hi Everbody:

I would like to know your experience about how to make regular database restore and point-in-time restore in SQL Cluster environment.

(1). My first question is about database backup. We use SQL Server backup in our shop. We hope that we can back up the database to a one network shared drive. The SQL Server can not do it. It only allows us to back up database to the local drive. Since there is no too much spaces in the local drives (C, D and E), I would like to know how we can back up to the network shared drive.

(2). A few database are critical databases which require point-in-time restore. How we can back up database (complete backup or differential backup), transaction log?

(3). If database and transaction log crash at the same time, can we still do point-in-time restore?

(4). How we do Master DB and MSDB back up? Weekly or monthly?

Thank you very much for your advice.


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Replication In Cluster Environment Problem

Jan 4, 2004

1) I have the Active/Passive cluster environment (using Microsoft cluster service).
2) SQL2000 is installed on the cluster (Virtual instance).
3) Virtual instance of SQL Server is used as Publisher in Transactional replication with updatable subscribers.
4) Subscribers are passing updates to subscriber using MSMQ
5) The problem is : after I establish replication , the Queue Agent fails with following error (�Failed to initiate search for MSMQs�)

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Create Database On A Sql Cluster Environment

Jan 28, 2008

How can I create a new database on a cluster sql environment? Do I need to create the database on both nodes?
Thanks in advance!

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SQL 2012 :: AlwaysON Multi Subnet Cluster / AG Listener

May 3, 2013

When I fail an availability group between subnets, I am finding that the DNS entry in DNS is staying. So what happens is the Availablity Group listener has 2 records in DNS, one for each IP. This causes the App to timeout at times, since DNS will return either of the two IP's.

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AlwaysOn - Use Availability Group Listener Or Just Point To Cluster Name

May 6, 2014

I have MasterDataServices installed on a server and the database is in an AlwaysOn Availability Group.The MDM front end currently is set up incorrectly and is referencing NodeA (primary node) for its database.I want to fix this but im unsure if i should:

-point the MDM front end to the cluster name, so it wont matter what server the databsae is on?
-create an Availability Group Listner, which would also decoupple the database referenced from a particular server.

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SQL 2012 :: How To Change Backup Replica In AlwaysOn Cluster

May 6, 2014

How can we change the backup replica in Always on Cluster. I am not able to take backup because of this.

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SQL 2012 :: Multi-Site AlwaysOn Failover Cluster

Oct 6, 2014

We are implementing a multi-site (Windows Server Failover Cluster) WSFC to enable Always On between our primary and DR site. We are not going to use SQL clustered instances. We are not planning to use shared disks. Each node is running a standalone instance of SQL 2012.

I have successfully configured a 3 node multi-site Windows failover cluster with no shared storage. For quorum, I have defined a File Share Witness (FSW). The FSW has voting rights and is in the DR site. The setup looks like this –


•Node A – Site #1 (voting right = 1)
•Node B – Site #1 (voting right = 1)
•Node C – Site #2 (voting right = 0)
•FSW – Site #2 (voting right = 1)

Again - There are no shared disks in our setup. We are not going to use SQL clustered instance. We are going to use Always On with these 3 nodes.

SQL Always On –

•Node A – Site #1 (Primary Replica)
•Node B – Site #1 (Readable Secondary)
•Node C – Site #2 (Readable Secondary)

All the setup including the “availability group” works properly under this setup. However, a failover to site #2 under DR situation is not working and I know why but don’t know what needs to be done to fix the problem.

The following works fine –

•Automatic failover between nodes A and B (same site – site #1)
•Forced failover to node C in site #2 provided at least one of the nodes in site #1 is up (non – DR situation) - this will ensure the cluster is up

The following is not working –

•Forced failover to node C in site #3 when both nodes in site #1 are lost (true DR situation) – This is because the cluster is not up at this point.

I know I have to bring the cluster up somehow and I have not been able to do so by restarting the cluster service.

I tried to run the command to start cluster service.

Question –

How can I FORCE the cluster to come up in Site #2 on node C when it has no voting rights?

I have always worked with even number of nodes and shared disks with traditional clustering. I am not sure what needs to be done in this scenario with 3 nodes and a FSW.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Design AlwaysOn Cluster

May 8, 2015

I got 5 SQL Servers 2008R2 (2x CPUs with 96-384Gb of RAM) with total 1500DBs and around 10Tb of allocated data. Now

I am forced to upgrade to 2012 and 2014, but the old hardware is overkill.

Is it possible to consolidate this to a large SQL AlwaysOn cluster?

We pros/cons could it be to have 2 or 4 nodes?

2 or 4 sockets servers?

My goal was to use ~20 cores Enterprise license on active server.

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SQL 2012 :: AG - How To Find Cluster Failover Count In AlwaysOn

Sep 30, 2015

How can we find the cluster failover count in always on ?

As my AG is configured as synchronous mode , AG went offline and we manually restarted the AG service when we check the properties on AG role they r in default setting ?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: AlwaysOn Secondary Down -> Whole Cluster Goes Down

Oct 25, 2015

We had a big issue today during maintenance work in our SQL environment.

So our environment:
- 2x SQL Server 2014 Enterprise on Windows Server 2012 R2 (SRV1 and SRV2)
-- Both Hyper-V VMs on different Hosts
-- Both configured to an Windows Failover Cluster and AlwaysOn Availability Group (AG1)
-- AG Listener: AG1_lis
-- No shared storage (each Hyper-V Host has its own local storage)
-- Asynchronous Mode
-- SRV1 is primary, SRV2 is secondary SQL node

What happened?
- Shutting down Windows on SRV2 due hardware maintenance
- Cluster goes offline, AG1 goes offline
-- Error message: "Stopped listening on virtual network name 'AG1_lis'."
-- Error message: "The availability group database "DatabaseXY" is changing roles from "PRIMARY" to "RESOLVING" because the mirroring session or availability group failed over due to role synchronization."

- AG1_lis wasn't available for our applications and they stopped working properly because database connection was lost!

I think, I HOPE, this is not the normale behaviour when one node is shutting down (especially the secondary node!)

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Recovery :: AlwaysOn Cluster Down Due To ClusDB Corrupt / Missing

Sep 5, 2012

I have a 3-nodes AlwaysOn cluster (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 + SQL Server 2012 RTM), Node Majority quorum, the quorum vote for each node is 1. 

Today the AlwaysOn AG was suddenly down due to the cluster service on node 1 stopped and can't be started.

The error in eventlog is - 

The cluster database could not be loaded. The file may be missing or corrupt. Automatic repair might be attempted.
The Cluster Service service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 2 time(s).  The following corrective action will be taken in 120000 milliseconds: Restart the service.

The failover cluster database could not be unloaded. If restarting the cluster service does not fix the problem, please restart the machine.

The Cluster Service service terminated with service-specific error The system cannot find the file specified..

The error log in cluster log is - 

0000156c.000008f8::2012/09/05-08:09:36.057 INFO  [DM] Key RegistryMachineCluster.restored does not appear to be loaded (status STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND(c0000034))
0000156c.000008f8::2012/09/05-08:09:36.057 WARN  [DM] Node 1: Failed to unload restored hive from the registry with error STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER(c000000d)
0000156c.000008f8::2012/09/05-08:09:36.057 INFO  [DM] Node 1: loading local hive
0000156c.000008f8::2012/09/05-08:09:36.057 ERR   [DM] Node 1: failed to unload cluster hive, error 2.

Now the cluster service can't be started on node 1, error code 2. Looks like the clusdb in C:windowscluster is missing or corrupted. How to restore the clusdb file? And how to prevent this happen again?

All nodes were well patched, AlwaysOn and cluster related hotfixes were all installed. [URL] .... doesn't wok.

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Problem While Setting Up SQL 2005 STD Into The Cluster Environment.

Mar 5, 2008

Hi all,

Currently i faced a problem while setting up SQL 2005 STD into the Cluster Environment.

User has existing windows cluster purposely for Print Cluster usage.
We install SQL 2005 standard version into windows cluster.
After installed SQL 2005 cluster into windows cluster. All SQL services can be up correctly in Cluster.
Then we install Print Manager Plus software from vendor Softwareshelf.com into both cluster nodes.
Configure/add one additional resource as generic service with dependency with windows/system32/spooler.
Everything is working fine for that night.
Next day morning I install SQL 2005 Management Tools into both server.
User claim that one of the printers has 1 print queue cannot be deleted in Print Management software from Microsoft. We tried shutdown and unplug cable from that PC. That print queue also cannot be deleted.
That I check with Cluster Administration. Found Visual C++ runtime error. It is related with ��spoolsv.exe�?.

Existing environment: OS is windows 2003 Ent R2 SP2 x 2
Cluster has been setup for print management server.
Please help.


Best Regards,
Chun Oon

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DB Engine :: Remote Server To Run JOBS On AlwaysOn Availability Groups

Sep 14, 2015

I am planning to have AlwaysON Availability Groups setup between Server 1 and Server 2

Server 1 -->Publisher-->2014 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> Always on Primary Replica
Server 2 -->Publisher(when DR happens)-->2014 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> Secondary  Primary
Server 4 as Subscriber
Server X  as Remote Distributor ..

as of now , In the event of Disaster happens on Node 1  i will have to manage JOBS on Node 2  (backups, Maintenance, replication, day-day other Jobs)..Is there a way i can call all jobs to run from a remote server which executes on Active NODE(which ever is active)? so that in the event of disaster happens on node1, when  node 2 becomes online and  i don't have to do anything with SQL Agent or jobs on Node 2?

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DB Engine :: Upgrade Two Nodes Utilizing AlwaysOn Of Some Other Method Without Downtime?

Oct 15, 2015

Two servers are configured with Windows 2008 / SQL server 2012 utililizing Always-On for HA. We need to upgrade both servers to Windows 2012 / SQL Server 2014 with minimum downtime(Time for Always-On failover). The upgrade to SQL 2014 is straight forward with for minimum downtime.The Windows upgrade(2008 -> 2012) is the problem. From what I have observed and read in blogs.The Windows node to be upgraded must be removed from the Windows cluster before the node can be upgraded to Win 2012.A Win 2008 and Win 2012 node can not reside in the same cluster. If this is true then the only option I can think of is to dump the DB on WIN 2008 server and restore on Win 2012. This is an outage(time it takes to dump and restore).Is there any other method to upgrade these two nodes utilizing Always-On of some other method without downtime?

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Recovery :: Error Adding Replica To AlwaysOn Failover Cluster?

May 22, 2015

I'm getting an error adding Replica to SQL AlwaysOn failover cluster in the new availability group wizard.  When I enter the name of the target node (secondary replica) server and press connect, I get the following:   

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. 

The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2) The system cannot fine the file specified

The SQL Browser service is up and running on the target.  I am using an Azure VM for my SQL instance.  This cluster spans geographies from our on-premise site to Azure via a VPN.  This is a multi-subnet cluster. I'm attempting to create a new AG from the primary replica node and the target is a node on Azure called SSASNodeAz03. 


Full error:

Connect to Server
Cannot connect to ssasnodeaz03

Additional information: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. 

The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2) The system cannot fine the file specified

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