DB Engine :: Database Disappear After Reboot

Jun 17, 2015

I have a few SQL instances on my server (jdjfdijdk) 

They where called and organized like this:

MyServer - Database1
MyServer/BBserver - Database2

For some reason instance MyServer/BBserver has stopped and I couldn't make it start so I decided to reboot the server. After reboot the MyServer/BBserver was working but when open the other instance MyServer using Management Studio the Database1 disappear and the Database2 can be accessed by MyServer/BBserver and MyServer instances.

Even a backup made of Database1 and stored at 

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2MSSQLBackup vanished.

How to recover Database1?

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DB Engine :: Reboot / Restart Service After Setting Max Server Memory

Apr 29, 2015

After I have set the maximum sql server memory in sql server 2014 using sp_configure, do I need to reboot whole server or restart sql service?

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Database Record Disappear

Jul 20, 2005

I has a strange question.My company is using a old system with Win NT 4.0 Server + MS SQL 7.0.The system is busy and handle a lot of SELECTs and INSERTs all the time.Sometimes, some transactions are blocked by some other transactions.For those INSERT transactions, we usually call a stored procedure and passparameters in to do the INSERT, at the end of the INSERT stored procedure,we always check @@ERROR = 0 and retrieve the @@IDENTITY (it is usually theauto number primary key) to confirm the INSERT is success. But the strangethings is, sometimes, @@ERROR is equals to 0 and I can get a value from@@IDENTITY but when I fetch the record by the primary key (the value of@@IDENTITY) it returns nothing!! The record is disappear and the primarykey is skipped! I found that this happens usually when the INSERT executeat the time when some other transactions are blocking. Anyone knows why therecord is disappear while @ERROR = 0 and the stored procedure can returnvalue from @@IDENTITY?? Anyone has such case happen in their server aswell? Please tell me some solutions on how to solve this, thank you x10000000 times.

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Redirecting Physical Database Files At Reboot

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a method in SQL Server 2k to re-locate the physical databasefiles at the time the server reboots. Currently, the only way I know todo this is by scripting some OS-level commands.Thanks in advance for your help.Amy BoydDatabase AdministratorNetwork Associates*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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SQL 2012 :: Analysis Server Database Disappears After A Reboot

Apr 23, 2015

I do not understand why an SSAS cube disappears after a reboot. We schedule a reboot for our server weekly and after the reboot. I have to deploy my SQL server Analysis Database. It is just gone after a reboot and why this happened. I searched a lot on internet but it seams that I am the only one on this world with this issue.

How I can configure the server in such a way that the SSAS cubes will not disappear after a reboot.

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Controls Disappear

Feb 12, 2007

Is it not possible to execute one package and then design another package? I am executing one package and trying to design another package and just have a grey window in the control tool box that says:

"there are no usable controls in this group. Drag an item onto this text to add it to the toolbar"

Can I only get my controls by dragging when another package is executing? Where do I drag them from?



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Disappear The Generic Bar.

Dec 21, 2006

Hallo all :

How to disappear the generic bar in the report, or to disappear some options (example export). I speak about the bar which in the top of the report or there are the numbers of pages.


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SQL 2012 :: Database Mirroring And NT Authority Account For Database Engine?

Dec 2, 2014

I have just finished configuring my first test mirrored environment (High safety mode). I setup the database engine service accounts on each of the servers with domainuser. I inherited a production mirrored environment set up by someone else. On the production servers the database engine service account is NT Authorityuser a local account. I am trying to practice installing Windows updates within a mirrored environment and I not sure how to proceed when the service account is NT Authority user account. should I change the service account to a domainuser?

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Role Permissions Disappear

Feb 17, 2004

I created a new database role to give a number of users select privilege only on some tables and every day I have to go back in and add the tables back to the role. Is there something I'm missing here?

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Excel Column Disappear

Oct 7, 2015

I have questions regarding SQL 2008 r2 and Excel 2013.The below code users run from excel and it display all the data first time and when user click refresh under Data in excel the JOBID under JOB column disappear but all other column does not.

SELECT Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.Job, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.suffix, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.item, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.description,
Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.qty_released, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.[Current WC], Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.EndDate, dt.trans_Date AS IntoQue,
Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.co_num, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.Bill_Name, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.UsedHrs, Ind_DHK_ProdRpt_view.start_date,


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&&<Select All&&> Disappear On Server

Nov 28, 2007

I have a parameter with multi value option.
When I run the report in Visual studio, The first value in the drop down of this parameter is (Select All).
When I check this option it check all the other values for this parameter and when I unCheck this value it uncheck all the ther values for this parameter.

The problem is thet when I'm publishing the report to the server and then open it in IE the (Select All) value does't appear and I only get all the other values.

Any body know how to fix this?


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The Microsoft Jet Database Engine Cannot Open MS-Access Database

Aug 18, 2007

I have MS-Access as data source for one of the reports. I can preview the report fine from BI studio however, it does not work when I deploy it on report server.

The error is :

An error has occurred during report processing.
Cannot create a connection to data source '<data source name>'.

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '<UNC location of the MS-Access database>'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

MS-Access database is located on a different server.

Any help to solve this? I understand it has something to do with permission both on server where reporting service is running as well as the server where MS-access database is located. Pls help.

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How Can We Modify The Files Path For The Database In Database Engine?

May 14, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am trying to modify the files path (primary file, log file) of databases, but it looks like I am not able to mofidy their files path directly from the database property dialogue? Would please any experts here give me some ideas on what else can I try to figure it out? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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All Replication Publications Suddenly Disappear

Jan 8, 2007


Did you have any experience that all publications and their related jobs suddenly disappear?

I had a transactional pull replication between two servers, and distributor and subscriber in the same box; publisher was an AA cluster server.
The schedule of pulling was once a week.

Last Friday morning everything was working perfectly, but I found all publications and their related jobs disappear around 5pm

I checked with the sysadmin and he said nothing was changed on that period.

Did you have any idea about it?

Did you have any idea that I can prevent this happen again or any alert I can set up to monitor who drop it, when it was dropped and so on?

It is a SQL 2000 box and system table doest not take trigger.

Thanks in advance


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Lines Around Components Disappear And Reappear

Dec 27, 2007

I just got a new computer (it is running XP) and after installing Visual Studio 2005 and then SQL Server 2005, If I open up an existing SSIS package the lines around the components are missing. If I click on the component and then click off the line reappears. Has anyone experienced a similare issue?

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While Printing Footer Values Disappear

Mar 11, 2008

I am presenting some data fields value in the Page footer by using the referencing trick to textbox, exist in the body of the report.

Now the problem is while running localy i am getting all the field values as I want, but while exporting into PDF or printing the report I cant see those values in the footer.

while running the same report from report manager the arrangments of the textboxes in the footer got displaced.

Any help will be highly appreciated


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Package Variables Disappear From Job Properties

Dec 19, 2006

Creating a SQL Agent job to run a package works just fine. On the Step Properties, Set values tab, I can add variables and the values I want for them, no problem. The job runs just fine. If I want to go edit the values however, they're always gone.

Is there some security setting that hides the variables and their values which is on by default?

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Making A Textbox Disappear When Printing

Nov 27, 2007


On a report I have a textbox. When a user prints the report I don't want the textbox printing. Does anyone know any code which will set the visibility of the textbox to False when printing??

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Data Disappear - SQL Server 2000 / ASP Interface

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,What could possibly cause data in the SQL server database to beremoved, except being deleted manually? We had a couple of situationswhere data in certain records disappeared although the records werestill there. The data is entered and editted through the web interfacein ASP. The web interface is accessed by anyone who has an account inour database.I am more of a web programmer, not a SQL server administrator, so notvery familiar with SQL Server log or error tracking. If you cansuggest any way to track this kind of events (data disappearing), Iwould appreciate it very much.HB Kim

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Excel 2007 Data Mining Add-in Disappear

Oct 10, 2007

I install add-in and run fine for a while, then all of sudden I could not see Table Analyze tool and data mining tab at my ribbon. I re-run server configuration and re-connect to DMAddinDB (remote server, but I am the administrator), but data mining add-in and table analyzer still not showing at my ribbon.

Then I uninstall DMAddin, re-install it, go through configuration again, but still the tabs are not showing up.

Any idea you can help me get my add in back?

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PROBLEM: Grouping Tasks: Connections Disappear ?

Jun 14, 2006


anyone seen this before?

I've just finished me lovely big package.. decided to tidy it up and make it look nice...
(when will I ever learn?)

So I selected a few tasks, right clicked and selected "group". Named the group.....

And now all the connectors between the tasks in the group have disappeared.... tried ungrouping.. still not there...

The package still runs fine... the tasks are executed in the right sequence and all that... but the connectors are jut not visible...

If I try to recreate the connector I get an error dialog saying "Cannot create connector. Only one workflow can exist between the same two executeables.". So they must still exist...

It'd be ok to leave it as it is I suppose.. if I didn't now need to modify the precedence constraint on one of the connectors.... and I can't actually select the feckin connector..

Any suggestions? Any way to refresh the display? Have already exited the environment and come back in.. will try rebooting machine now anyway...


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On Formview Clicking Update Causes Form Data To Disappear?!?

Mar 24, 2008

Follow-up to:
The update command seems to be deleting my data.  If I set the Parameter "DefaultValue" to "NULL" then it updates that field to the literal string: NULL
<asp:Parameter Name="DevelopmentArea" Type="String"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="DevelopmentGoals" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="DevelopmentPlans" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="CurrentStatus" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="FutureState" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="DetermineFactor" Type="String"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="MentorRequested" Type="Boolean" DefaultValue="False"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="MentorList" Type="String"/>
<asp:Parameter Name="CheckPointDate" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter Name="DateUpdated" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter Name="PlanPKID" Type="Int32" />

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Auto Hide Parameters Toolbar Without Making It Disappear

Jun 5, 2007


anyone has any idea how to make the parameters toolbar to be automatically hidden when the report is first being accessed and subsequently to show the parameters when clicked on the arrows ? I have some users who complained that the parameters list is too long, so they wish to hide it first when accessing the report. I know there's this called rc: Parameters=false but this will permanently hide the toolbar which i don't want.

By the way, i am using sql 2000 reporting services

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Underscores In Column Names Disappear In Script Component

Jun 3, 2006


The column names I'm using often have underscores in them. I've noticed that, when writing script in the script component editor, the underscore characters mysteriously dissapear. Is this a known bug? (I can't find any reference to this by Googling)

Thanks in advance,

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Entities Disappear From Report Builder Explorer When Datasource Is A Cube

Feb 1, 2007

I have scoured the internet looking for someone who has run into this issue with no such luck!
Product: Reporting Services 2005              Analysis Services 2005

Our users use Report Builder as an ad-hoc report tool. Data sources for Report Builder come from Report Servers and Analysis Servers.

I have run into issues where a user will select a source for their report that is based on an AS cube. When they select an attribute (field) from a selected entity in the Report Builder Explorer and drop it on the canvas, all entities except the one the field was selected from disappear.

For example:

A cube has a fact table called "Annual Income" with dimension of employee and demographics. In Report Builder, the entities would be listed in the left hand Report Builder Explorer window as

Annual Income

If I select attributes from Employee or Annual Income, as usual, you will see the related hierarchies of the remaining entities. However, if I select an attribute from Demographics, then the Annual Income and Employee entities just disappear and all I can see is the Demographics entity and its attributes.

Has anyone run into this and if so, any ideas? This is becoming extremely frustrating. I have deleted and rebuild cubes, individual dimensions, and everything else I can think of.

Your responses are appreciated,

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Database Search Engine

Jul 9, 2004

Hi folks,
Whts up........??? M back, after a long gap.
I have come across with a major issue. And u know wht th issue is.........???
It is about th DATABASE SEARCH TOOL. I have a database of around 30 tables. Now I wud like to have aa search engine on my .asp page. There will be a text box on th page and one submit button. After typing some text in th text area n submitting th page, my package sud check tht perticular text in all th COLUMNS of all th TABLES, n whrevr it gets a match (exactly same, or by speech recognition), it sud through th links on th next page.

Nw i wud like u guys to take this problem, at th earliest n come up with a up to th mark solution.


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How Come I Don't See Database Engine Under MSSQLSERVER

May 21, 2007

in Surface Area Configuration for Features.

What the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

Jan 7, 2012

i installed sql server 2005 but cant connect to database engine. i write (computer name)sqlexpress but it failed. error is:

TITLE: Connect to Server
Cannot connect to rezasqlexpress.

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

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How Come I Don't See Database Engine Under MSSQLSE

May 21, 2007

in Surface Area Configuration for Features.

What the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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Cannot Connect To Database Engine

Apr 30, 2008


I've just installed a brand new instance of SQL on a new server. It's for our Helpdesk/Inventory software. All I needed to install was the DB Components and the Tools (primarily for Management Studio). I did not install SQL as a default instance, but called it TRACKIT8 (software using this instance). I have subsequently installs SP2 before trying to connect to the DB.

I am unable to conect to the DB Engine via Management Studio. In the Server name: field, there is a blank space, so I try to browse for a server, but I get nothing. I try to manually type the name of the server (NIASSQL2, localhost etc) into the field, but I cannot connect to the engine at all. I can see the services for the Server and Server Agent have started in the SQL Server Configuration Manager and I am able to change certain field in the properties of the Server and Agent (change the path of the error logs).

Is there something I am supposed to configure before I try to connect via the Management Studio? I am looking to change the paths of the Data Files, as I don't want them on my C: partition. Plus I have other instances I want to create and install. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Sp2 Failed For Database Engine

Mar 14, 2007

SP2 failed for database engine.

Following is the error:

EventType : sqlsesetup     P1 : do_sqlgroupmember     P2 : 0x7348    
P3 : do_sqlgroupmember     P4 : 0x7348     P5 : sqlca_sqlsecurityca.cpp@1132
P6 : unknown     P7 : sql9     P8 : hotfix@     P9 : x86     P10 : 3042 


Product                   : Database Services (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 1399
Product Version (Final)   :
Status                    : Failure
Log File                  : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB921896_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number              : 29512
Error Description         : MSP Error: 29512  SQL Server Setup was unable add user NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM to local group DCCIBERSQLServer2005SQLAgentUser$DCSQL01$MSSQLSERVER.

any help appreciated...

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Deleting A Database Engine

Mar 14, 2008

I have recently installed SQL server 2005 express edition along with Sql server management studio expressI have run the installation twice and during the installation I have created two instances of SQL server one named instance having Windows authentication and the other default instance having mixed mode authentication. Now I want to delete the named instance. Could anybody tellme I can delete the named instance?

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I Cannot Connect To The Database Engine ...

May 4, 2007

I can connect to Analysis Service and Integration Service but I can not connect to the Database Engine. I receive the following error message:

Cannot connect to homebase.

Additional Information:

An error has occurred whlie establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server doesn not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 25 - COnnection string is not valid)(Microsoft SQL Server, Error:87)

(Click on OK to continue)

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