DB Engine :: Export Data-tier Application Restrictions

Oct 27, 2015

I want to create one bacpac file but it does fails, Need I delete all the descriptions before to begin? How odd! I don't understand why can we choose some scripting options such as we did on 'Generate Scripts' task..I get errors such as: dbo.table.field.Ms_Description is not supported when used as part of a data package

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App-Tier X64 Connects To A X32 Data-Tier

May 22, 2008


I think the subject is pretty clear.

We are thuinking of installing Server 2008 in x64 mode on a new Application-Tier-Machine. But due to existing projects which use several databases the SQL-machine runs on a Server 2003 x32.

Would it be possible to install the Reporting Services x64 binaries on the app-tier but use a x32 SQL-Instance for the data?

Thanks in advance

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Should SQL Server Act As A Business Layer In The 3-tier Application Layout.

Mar 7, 2007

Hello Everyone

I'm looking for outside opinion on how to implement the business layer of an application. The straight forward idea I know of would be to develop a component that encapsulates all the business rules under objects. Client applications would access this component, and the business component would talk directly to the database. This was great for me when I used Access databases.

Now I have been introduced to SQL server and the stored procedures. I think stored procedures are one of the best features because these procedures can enforce rules as sort of a "last line of defence". So this is where my question comes in. Where would the best place be to implement the business layer? Through a component, such as XML services that allow other clients to access the business rules OR stored procedures.

I do understand that components/dlls provide MUCH more flexibility then stored procedures.

But, if I do take the component route:

- Other then SQL queries that get called multiple times, is there any use for stored procedures?
- For some case scenarios such as web sites that access a Business Layer, should the business layer use ONE sql server login/role to access the data or create a sql login/role for each major segment/service? E.g. one login for the accounting side, one login for the
web site services, one side for HR and the business layer will have to decide which one to use depending on the service requested.
- Would it be in the best interest of security that I allow the business components to send SQL queuries such as Insert/Delete/Update? I loved the idea of stored procedures because if for some reason, someone steals the business layer userId/password, they are only exposed to the assigned stored procedures and cannot do "Delete From Table". Unfortunately, this practice has led to an abundance of stored procedures (the list is HUGE).

If I do take the Sql stored procedure route:

- If someone steals any user Id/password, they will only be exposed to the assigned stored procedures and THOSE stored procedures contain the business rules. Thus the damage can be minimized.

- If some developer makes a mistake down the road or forgets some sort of business aspect (and is not going through the business layer), again, stored procedures would offer a last "line of defense". Lets face it, there are some applications that do not necessary require a business layer

I'd like to get everyone's opinion on how they partition the business rules with SQL server? Do you use SQL server stored procedures to only enforce formating rules (such as upper case, lower, etc) while the business rules are stored in a component?

Do you use stored procedures to enforce all business rules? None?

Thank you for your time,


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DB Engine :: Application That Insert Some Data In Database

Jun 15, 2015

What are the optimal values for this parameters? How it depends from queries characteristics?I create an application that insert some data in database. It'll work on different servers with different load and performance. I want to prevent timeout exceptions.

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Analysis :: Restrictions Placed On Data Viewing?

May 12, 2015

how can I place restrictions on data viewing in ssas, only authorized people can see certain projects and program data.

I have tried creating roles but it did not work.

Cubes -> Access =Read -> Local Cube / Drillthrough Access selected

Dimension Data On the Project Dimension  Allowed Member set = {[Project Def].[Platform Name].&[Camaro]}

Denied Member Set = empty

Enabled Visual Totals = Ticked.

I expect to see only Camaro for the user assigned this role however, I can see all Platforms 

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DTSRUN: To Multi-tier Or Not To Multi-tier. That Is The Question...

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings,We are trying to set up a set of "Leading Practices" for ourdevelopers, as well as ourselves, and hope some gentle reader canrecommend some documentation in favor of what appears to be the rightposition to take.We do not allow third party applications to run on our SQL Servers. Wewant to include DTS Packages under the definition of third partyapplications, insisting instead that the developers save theirpackages as COM Formatted files into their source code control systemsand run them from their app servers. The devlopers would like to hearthis from someone besides ourselves.While strong recomendations to remove guest access to MSDB altogetherabound, I have been unable to find a straight forward discussion ofthe advantages of structured file storage and app server off load ofDTS packages.Can anyone suggest any articles, white papers, rants, etc attemptingto formulate a solution to the benefits of taking msdb away fromguest, with the advantages of running DTS from an App server orworkstation platform, with the packages protected in source codecontrol?Thank youJohn Pollinsjpollins @ eqt . com

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DB Engine :: Connection Closed From Application End

Jun 30, 2015

The application server gets below error while the job is being run intermittently:

An error occurred while performing connection management

com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: The connection is closed.
 at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(SQLServerException.java:171)
 at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.checkClosed(SQLServerConnection.java:319)
 at com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerConnection.prepareStatement(SQLServerConnection.java:1839)

[Code] ....

There is no error reported in SQL logs.

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DB Engine :: How Security Log Is Much Secure Than Application Log

Sep 17, 2015

SQL Server 2008 R2: How security log is much secure than application log?

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Simple Search Engine (windows Application)

Sep 14, 2005

I'd like to build a simple search engine against Sql Server. Does .NET Framework provide some class to help in this task? From what I've heard there is an interface which implements it..

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DB Engine :: Restore Database When It Is Accessed By Application?

Oct 5, 2015

Our application team make design changes of the database in their development server and asks me to restore the bak file from the development server into the production server with replace command. The database in the production server is connected to the application server and so when I try to restore the database error message comes that the database is in use.

So first I find out the sessions with the logins who is the user in the database with sys.dm_exec_sessions joined with sys.dm_exec_requests and then kill the sessions. And after that it is possible to restore. But many times when I kill the session and try to restore in between new sessions comes into effect which are generated from the web server and many times I have to resubmit the query in the dmv's and find the sessions and kill it again and again before restore can be done. Is there any correct method to restore an active database which is being accessed by the application from a web server with out stopping the web server?

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DB Engine :: Identifying Start Time For Application Hitting?

Jun 12, 2015

We have an issue where servers goes slow from morning 2 AM EST to 10 AM EST.

Using SP_WhoIsActive we somehow found that there is netbackup from Symantec which runs during that time phrase.

As per Symantec team there backup should get over by 5 AM EST, per their testing for almost 100 Dbs on the server( not big in size , all of them in total would be 60 GB).

Using SP_whoisactive we only see, start time of that virtual backup occurring on tape, for one database at time.

So is there a way we actually determine when does the above backup kicks and stops?Also, could SQL server be the problem in making these backups run slow or there is something else i need to monitor?

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Connection Problem From Access Front End Application To SQL Desktop Engine Backend

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there,I sincerely hope that someone out there can help. I have twoinstances of the SQL 2000 Desktop Engine running. One is on my localmachine for development and the other is on another machine on ournetwork which is the production environment. I have built an Access2003 front end application which connects to this database. Thisworks fine locally, as you would expect. I successfully installed thedatabase on the production machine and am able to connect to it viaAccess 2003 (using the Data Link Properties window) and from thirdparty database manager software (similar to Enterprise Manager). I amnot able to to connect to the database via my application.I am using the "sa" account with a strong password. This is myconnection string:strConnection = "Provider=sqloledb;DataSource=server02;UserId=sa;Password=strong;Initial Catalog=Test"The error I'm getting is:"Connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is eitherclosed or invalid in this context."The connection string is the only thing that changes in my code when Iswitch from my local to my production database. Is there some reasonthat I can't use the "sa" account in this fashion that I'm not awareof? I'd rather not use integrated security for simplicity's sake asthis is a small, internal application. Also, I would have thoughtthat if that was the issue, I couldn't use "sa" at all, even locally.I'm going to post to the Access group as well but thought someone heremight have some advice to offer as well.Thanks,Barb

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SQL 2012 :: Unable To Export Tables From GIS Application To The Database

Oct 1, 2014

I am using SQL server 2012. An user tried to export tables from GIS application to the SQL database.

After export, and login to the SQL server, we see all the tables has his name as the schema but not dbo.

He was added as a login and user as in a windows group. Meaning he is a member of the windows group.

I assume when export, the default schema should be dbo. but apparently not.
I went to the setting and explicitly make the default schema for the windows group user to dbo. But he tried again, it still use his username as schema prefix to the tables. just wondering why is this?

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How Can I Export Foreing Key And Primary Key With SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data Wizard.

Jan 4, 2008

How can I Export Database with foreing Key and primary key.

Operation is that
SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data

Before Version is SQL2000 we can Selected Copy Object and data between server and then Use Default Options click checked and Select Copy Index, Copy Foreing Primary key vs vs

But this options is not found in the SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard or I can't found it.

How can I export foreing Key and primary key with SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard.

Best Regards,


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User Restrictions

Aug 9, 2005

i am a VB devekoper, and now working on a SQL Query Engine.... the appn. will QUERY the SQL Server(SQL)...i made the appn. to create a USER (say: QueryEngine), and i log in with the same UserName... now i want to set some restrictions for the User(QueryEngine) to provide READ-ONLY access, and that also through some SQL statements, so that i can quey the Server each time the appn is opened...
i tried out the "GRANT" sql key word but it didn;t work oput...

anybody has any solutions

expecting the reply ASAP


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Is It Possible To Disable All Restrictions On A Ms Sql DB?

Jul 20, 2005

In meen. primary keys, NOT NULL, IDENTETIES...et.cI have to do a maunally, one time, building of a database. Sometables has tostay an some are to be exchanged. The foreignkey inforcemnt ill do for myself so everything is correct. I just need to be allowed to de thede taskfor a while. Is it impossible?RegardsAnders

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ForEach Restrictions

Dec 5, 2007

I'm trying to upload various excel files stored in a folder scanning their sheets.
The package has a double loop of foreach, one inside the other: the external pickup the file names, the internal browse the sheets.
Everything is working fine but I need to skip one of the sheets that contains only directions for the users.
I've tryed to use the restrictions in the foreach but from what I found you can only define the sheet names to use and not the names to be avoided. Does exist a sintax to set name!="directions$" ?

As alternative solution I should use a script component (inside the foreach) that check the variable contents and, if the sheet name is ok, pass the control to the data flow task. Other suggestions?


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Import SQL Restrictions Into A DataSet

Nov 12, 2003

I need to import a table from my SQL server into a DataSet, for now I use a sqlDataAdapter with the Fill method. I then send this DataSet via a webservice to be modified remotely.

The problem is that when I look at the XML of the DataSet, there is no primary key or <xs:unique> tag and I need to do manually a verification. Is there a way to import a table with all the "restriction/constrainst"???


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Column Name Length And Restrictions

Nov 1, 2000

In SQL 7 what is the max length of a column name? And aren't the restrictions
no spaces, must start with an letter and no special characters. Sorry for this one but could not find it in BOL.

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SSCE License Restrictions?

Sep 20, 2007

Could y'all please clarify this statement with some examples:

"A SQL Server Client Access License (CAL) is required for any connection to SQL Server, including a connection from SQL Server Compact Edition."

Is this only referring to RDA, or is it referring to data replication by any means? Is there any restrictions for connections between SSCE devices?


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N Tier ???

Feb 27, 2007

Hello all,
Q1:In all asp.net books the authors would tell you to seperate your presentation , business, and data layer but why does the wizards for the sql data source combine the presentation layer with the data layer?
Q2:Is there a way to retreive a dataset after you execut the sqldatasource.insert() command? .......I have a store procedure(sp) that i am using for inserting records. The sp is where i 'm validating all my data (shop standard)  for example, ssn length, last name <> 0 etc. If there are any errors i grab all the error code from another table and return it. I can't seem to figure out how to get the dataset....

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Two-tier Vs Three-tier

Feb 10, 2005

Hey all.

I've just been doing some surfing on the pros and cons of multi-tiered environments. I see a lot of conflicting information out there.

I'd like to get everybody's opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of two-tiered vs three-tiered applications, specifically with a SQL Server back-end and all the functionality that comes with it (TSQL, triggers, user-defined functions, etc...).

Also, some definitions or principles regarding what tasks should be handled in which layers (especially business logic).

Brett? Pat? RJabarov? Rudi? Others?

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SQL 2005 Server Express - Instance Restrictions?

Nov 21, 2006


Do the restrictions for SQL 2005 express apply to each instance or per server? For example, if there are two instances installed on a dual CPU machine, can each instance be configured to use 1 CPU and 1 GB of RAM?

Thank you.

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Power Pivot :: PowerBI Query Row Restrictions

Sep 2, 2015

Is there any restrictions in the number of rows that will be returned when doing a query in PowerBI? I have a query which should return over 1 million rows but the in PowerBI I only seem to get around 57000.

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Using COUNT Function On Multiple Columns With GROUP BY Restrictions

Mar 10, 2014

Consider the following dataset:

COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4
1 | FD | DR. A | Y
2 | FD | DR. A | Y
3 | FD | DR. A | N
4 | FD | DR. A | Y
5 | FD | DR. A | Y
6 | PF | DR. A | Y
7 | FD | DR. B | Y
8 | PF | DR. B | N

Consider the script below:


The script above produces the following output:

FD | DR. A | 5
PF | DR. A | 1
FD | DR. B | 1
PF | DR. B | 1

I need to add one more column to the script that counts records with 'Y' in COL4 for each COL1 category (FD, PF). The final dataset would look like this:

FD | DR. A | 5 | 4
PF | DR. A | 1 | 1
FD | DR. B | 1 | 1
PF | DR. B | 1 | 0

I am having a hard time trying to use COUNT() on multiple columns with the GROUP BY restrictions that exist.

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Analyst Modeling Using Visual Studio (BI Workbench) And AS DB With Security Restrictions

Nov 30, 2006


A question has come up around the following situation where a number of analysts will building data mining models in a specific analysis services databases.

- There is one AS DB for each modeling "project" and the analysts assigned to work on the "project" are grouped together in Windows Security Groups.

- The analysts are only allowed to access the AS DB for their project. To support this security model, we've implemented scripts to create the AS DB for the "project" and then a Role is created within the AS DB called "Administrator" and the members of this role are the members of the corresponding Windows Security Group.

The AS DB, role and membership are created by a machine "admin". After the AS DB is created, it appears that the only way an analyst can build models using Visual Studio (Business Intelligence Workbench) in the AS DB while maintaining the security model is to do the following:

- Run Visual Studio (or BI Workbench)
- Select File -> Open -> Analysis Services Database, then specify the database that they have access to.

In this "online" modeling environment, things are working fine. The question is -- is it possible for an analyst to create an Analysis Services Project in Visual Studio and "bind" it to already-created AS DB? This doesn't appear to work, but I may be missing something.

- Paul

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Need Suggestion Or Comments For N-Tier Applications.

Nov 30, 2006

 using System;

namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql
interface ISqlDataObject
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection Connection { get; }
string ConnectionString { get; set; }

 ___________________________________using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql

public class SqlDataObject : ISqlDataObject

private string _ConnectionString;

public SqlConnection Connection
get { return new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString); }

public string ConnectionString
return _ConnectionString;
_ConnectionString = value;



 __________________________________using System;

namespace BaResearch.Data
interface IBid
string Client { get; set; }
string Contact { get; set; }
string Sponsor { get; set; }
string Priority { get; set; }
string BidStatus { get; set; }

 _____________________________________________using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

namespace BaResearch.Data.msSql

public class Bid : SqlDataObject, IBid

#region private member & variables

private int _BidID;
private string _DateCreated;
private string _CreatedBy;

private string _Client;
private string _Contact;
private string _Sponsor;
private string _Priority;
private string _BidStatus;

private SqlDataAdapter sqlda = new SqlDataAdapter();
private SqlCommand _command;
private SqlParameter[] _parameters =
new SqlParameter("@client",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@contact",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@sponsor",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@priority",SqlDbType.NVarChar),
new SqlParameter("@bidstatus",SqlDbType.NVarChar),


#region public member variables - stored procedures

//private string sp_Create = "bids_sp_insert";
//private string sp_Update_ByID = "bids_sp_updatebyid";
//private string sp_Delete_ByID = "bids_sp_deletebyid";
//private string sp_Select_All = "bids_sp_selectall";
//private string sp_Select_ByID = "bids_sp_selectbyid";
//private string sp_Select_ByValue = "bids_sp_selectbyvalue";


#region constructors and destructors

public Bid()
if (this.ConnectionString == null)
this.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQL.ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
new Bid(this.ConnectionString);

public Bid(string ConnectionString)
this.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;


#region methods & events

/// <summary>
/// Attach parameters to an SqlCommand
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sqlcmd">SqlCommand</param>
private void attachparameters(SqlCommand sqlcmd)
foreach (SqlParameter param in _parameters)

/// <summary>
/// Assign value to the parameters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sqlcmd">SqlCommand</param>
/// <param name="value">Client object</param>
private void assignparametervalues(SqlCommand sqlcmd, Bid value)
// todo: assign parameter values here
sqlcmd.Parameters[0].Value = value.Client;
sqlcmd.Parameters[1].Value = value.Contact;
sqlcmd.Parameters[2].Value = value.Sponsor;
sqlcmd.Parameters[3].Value = value.Priority;
sqlcmd.Parameters[4].Value = value.BidStatus;

public virtual void Create(Bid value)
_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"INSERT INTO bids (client, contact, sponsor, priority, bidstatus, createdby)
VALUES (@client, @contact, @sponsor, @priority, @bidstatus, @createdby);";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

sqlda.InsertCommand = _command;
this.assignparametervalues(sqlda.InsertCommand, value);
sqlda.InsertCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@createdby", value.CreatedBy);
sqlda.InsertCommand.Parameters.Add("@bidid", SqlDbType.Int);
sqlda.InsertCommand.Parameters["@bidid"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

public virtual int Update(Bid value)
int result;

_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"UPDATE bids SET client=@client, contact=@contact, sponsor=@sponsor,
priority=@priority, bidstatus=@bidstatus
WHERE bidid=@bidid";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

sqlda.UpdateCommand = _command;
using (SqlCommand _cmd = sqlda.UpdateCommand)
this.assignparametervalues(_cmd, value);
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bidid", value.BidID);
result = _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

return result;

public virtual void Delete(Bid value)
_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"DELETE bids WHERE bidid=@bidid;";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

sqlda.DeleteCommand = _command;
using (SqlCommand _cmd = sqlda.DeleteCommand)
_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@bidid", value.BidID);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

public virtual DataSet List(string filter)
DataSet result = new DataSet();

_command = new SqlCommand();
_command.Connection = this.Connection;
_command.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM bids_view_listall
WHERE (clientname like @value) or (contactname like @value)
or (sponsor like @value) ORDER BY datecreated DESC";
_command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

if (filter != null)
filter = filter.Replace(" ", "%");
sqlda.SelectCommand = _command;
sqlda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", "%" + filter + "%");
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(e.Message);

return (DataSet)result;


#region IBid Members

public string Client
return _Client;
_Client = value;

public string Contact
return _Contact;
_Contact = value;

public string Sponsor
return _Sponsor;
_Sponsor = value;

public string Priority
return _Priority;
_Priority = value;

public string BidStatus
return _BidStatus;
_BidStatus = value;


#region Properties

public int BidID
{ return _BidID; }
{ _BidID = value; }

public string DateCreated
return _DateCreated;
_DateCreated = value;

public string CreatedBy
return _CreatedBy;
_CreatedBy = value;




Am I on a right path? I will greatly appreciate in any comments or suggestions for a design. I am creating an n-tier application and i don't know if my design is right. I dont have the proper schooling for creating this kind of applications and I am still on layer of data access and business logic.

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What Is The Best Practice For Designing 3-tier Architecture?

Sep 21, 2007

I have created an application that I intended to be 3-tier, but I am not sure if I did it properly.  I constructed it like this:  I created a DLL that contains methods that validate the passed parameters, checks the data against business rules, and issues ADO.NET methods to access the data.  The ASP.NET presentation layer uses Object Data Sources to link to these methods.  With this architecture I consider the ASP.NET pages to be the presentation layer, the DLL to be the business layer, and the database itself to be the data layer.
Now I am wondering if the standard practice is to have a further division?  In this case, there would be a business layer DLL whose only purpose is to validate the parameters passed to it by the presentation layer, and to do business rules checking.  There would also be a data layer DLL whose purpose is to accept parameters from the business layer and issue ADO.NET methods to access the database.  In this scenario the database itself would be considered part of the data layer, or not considered to be a layer at all.
Either one will work, but I would like to implement the architecture that is most accepted, and allows the easiest maintenance.  What is the best practice for designing a 3-tier architecture?

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3 Tier Merge Replication Problem

Oct 27, 2006

I have a 3 tier merge replication architecture that I am having some problems making changes to.  We have a 3 tier architecture with many laptop instances on the bottom tier.  It is exceedingly hard to coordinate having all laptop instances online simultaneously during non business hours with users present for local administration.  The requirement is to change the name of the top tier without effecting the replication from the middle to bottom tiers.

I have so far renamed the top tier's instance, reconfigured publication, created a new top tier publication, and a new middle tier subscription.  The top tier article has been set to delete all data in the subscriber's table when applying the snapshot.  Making data changes at the middle tier filters correctly to both the top and bottom tiers.  However, any changes made at the top or bottom tiers filter to the middle tier but no further.  At that point, there are no errors, but simply no data needing to be merged.

Does anyone know how dropping and recreating a top tier publication could cause a 3 tiered replication architecture to behave like this?  Is there any solution short of having to recreate subscriptions on all the bottom tier laptops?

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Handling Null Fields With Three-tier Architecture

Nov 28, 2006

I using Visual Web Designer Express (with Visual Basic), with a SQL Server 2000 database.   I have a prototype application running satisfactorily using code that builds queries, but I'm now trying to rebuild the application "properly" using three-tier architecture.  I have been following the principles of Scott Mitchell's tutorials.  I have created an database .xsd with a table adaptor, and replaced the rather grotty query-building code in the business layer with better code referencing the table adaptor.   Thus where the first version had code: -
        Dim queryString As String = "SELECT * FROM NZGDB_User WHERE USRid = '" & Userid & "'"        Dim message As String = ""        Dim Found As Boolean = False        Try            Using connection As New SqlConnection(GDB_AppSettings.Connection)                Dim command As New SqlCommand(queryString, connection)                connection.Open()
                Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                If reader.Read() Then                    Found = True                    _USRid = reader("USRid")                    _USRPassword = reader("USRPassword")                    _USREmail = reader("USREmail")                    _USRTitle = reader("USRTitle")                    _USRName = reader("USRName")                    _USRRole = reader("USRRole")                    If IsDBNull(reader("USRAgreedConditions")) = False Then                        _USRAgreedConditions = reader("USRAgreedConditions")                    End If                End If                reader.Close()            End Using        Catch ex As Exception            If Left(Err.Description, 68) = "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server." Then                Return "Cannot open database to logon"            Else                Return Err.Description            End If        End Try
the new version is much more elegant: -
        Dim taUser As New NZGDBTableAdapters.NZGDB_UserTableAdapter()
        Dim tbUser As NZGDB.NZGDB_UserDataTable = taUser.GetUserByUserid(userid)        If tbUser.Count <> 1 Then   '   Anything other than 0 or 1 should be impossible            Return "User not found"        End If
        Dim trUser As NZGDB.NZGDB_UserRow = tbUser(0)        _USRid = userid        _USRPassword = password        _USREmail = trUser.USREmail        _USRTitle = trUser.USRTitle        _USRName = trUser.USRName        _USRRole = trUser.USRRole        _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions
However, there is a problem.  The database field USRAgreedConditions is a Datetime field that can be null.  The new version works perfectly when it is NOT null, but throws an exception: -
System.Data.StrongTypingException was unhandled by user code  Message="The value for column 'USRAgreedConditions' in table 'NZGDB_User' is DBNull."  Source="App_Code.wt2vzoc1"  ....
There is no point in writing: -        If Not IsDBNull(trUser.USRAgreedConditions) Then            _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions        End Ifbecause the exception occurs within the automatically-created code in the data access layer.  I tried changing the Nullvalue property of the field USRAgreedConditions in the table adaptor, but the only valid option is (Throw Exception) unless the field is a String.  Of course USRAgreedConditions is a Datetime field, so I can't change the property.
It seems that my only options are: -1.   To stick with the old query-building code.   But this doesn't give me the advantages of a proper 3-tier architecture2.   To change the generated code in wt2vzoc.  This MUST be a bad idea - surely I should leave this code untouched.  Besides, what if the table adaptor has to be regenerated when I change the table design?3.   Code a Try block within the business layer: -    Try         _USRAgreedConditions = trUser.USRAgreedConditions    Catch ex As Exception         _USRAgreedConditions = Nothing    End Try
This seems to work OK, but seems less elegant than the original code in the old version: -       If IsDBNull(reader("USRAgreedConditions")) = False Then            _USRAgreedConditions = reader("USRAgreedConditions")       End IfIs there a better way?

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String Connection... At DataAccess Tier Or Web.config???

Mar 4, 2006

How can
be embedded in the declaration of sqldatasource?

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Code In The Database Or Middle Tier (the CLR Controversy)

Jul 23, 2005

There doesn't seem to be consensus about when to put code in thedatabase or in the middle tier. There was a long discussion about thisin an Oracle newsgroup (message ID:ULcQb.466$KU5.37@nwrddc02.gnilink.net).Elsewhere there's been discussion about Microsoft SQL Server 2005adding the CLR to support stored procedures in languages such as C#. Ascan of the Web and discussion forums finds differing opinions aboutthis.Two authors have written articles that fall on different sides of thedebate."Keys to the Database"http://www.intelligententerprise.co...icleID=50500830"SOA, Multi-Tier Architectures and Logic in the Database"http://www.sqlsummit.com/Articles/L...TheDatabase.HTMJoe Celko wrote the first article, but his objections point toMicrosoft SQL Server 2005:"I have an article at WWSUG.com on how much I hate the CLR stuff thatMicrosoft is putting out."http://blog.intelligententerprise.c...ves/002419.html"The bad news is that SQL Server 2005 will you define your ownaggregatefunctions in a CLR language."Message id: Join Bytes!IBM DB2 and Oracle are doing the same thing with the .NET CLR. Is thisa non-issue or are all three companies misguided?

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2 Tier Architecture :- Reporting Service Query

Mar 25, 2008

Hi ,

We are trying to implement a 2 tier architecture for our inbuild SQL 2005 backed online application. We want the SQL Reporting Server Interface --- Reporting service website to sit on Server 'A' and the actual reporting server to sit on Server 'B'.

Can someone suggest or advise us how to proceed with this.

Server 'A' is our application server and has IIS & Application.
Server 'B' is our DB server and has IIS,SQL 2005, Reporting Server,Intergration Service.

All suggestions are welcome.

Namit Sethi

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