DB Engine :: How To Insert Excel File Data Into Temp Table
Jul 9, 2015
I have an Excel file with .csv extension . it has on sheet with name Sheet1.
Now, I'm trying to insert this Excel data into one #temp table. I tried with syntax:
Exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
Exec sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;
EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' , N'AllowInProcess' , 1;
[Code] ...
But, I'm getting error:
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".
If I'm executing for .xls file this statement is working finr and rows are inserted into #temp table. How to take excel file of .csv extension??
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Sep 15, 2015
How do I do a bulk insert into a temp table from a text file. Text file looks like that:
ver_id TYPE
E57AB326-803C-436E-B491-398A255C919A 58
34D2A601-6BBA-46B1-84E1-3A805FDA3812 58
986E140C-62F1-48F1-B428-3571EBF00DA0 58
My statement looks like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTemp]([ver_id] [nvarchar](255), [TYPE] [smallint])
BULK INSERT [dbo].[tblTemp]
FROM 'C:v2.txt'
I keep receiving errors.
The error I receive is: Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 2 (TYPE).
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi thereApplication : Access v2K/SQL 2KJest : Using sproc to append records into SQL tableJest sproc :1.Can have more than 1 record - so using ';' to separate each linefrom each other.2.Example of data'HARLEY.I',03004,'A000-AA00',2003-08-29,0,0,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.0,'Notes','General',1,2,3 ;'HARLEY.I',03004,'A000-AA00',2003-08-29,0,0,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.0,'Notes','General',1,2,3 ;3.Problem - gets to lineBEGIN TRAN <---------- skipsrestINSERT INTO timesheet.dbo.table14.Checked permissions for table + sproc - okWhat am I doing wrong ?Any comments most helpful......CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procTimesheetInsert_Testing](@TimesheetDetails varchar(5000) = NULL,@RetCode int = NULL OUTPUT,@RetMsg varchar(100) = NULL OUTPUT,@TimesheetID int = NULL OUTPUT)WITH RECOMPILEASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @SQLBase varchar(8000), @SQLBase1 varchar(8000)DECLARE @SQLComplete varchar(8000) ,@SQLComplete1 varchar(8000)DECLARE @TimesheetCount int, @TimesheetCount1 intDECLARE @TS_LastEdit smalldatetimeDECLARE @Last_Editby smalldatetimeDECLARE @User_Confirm bitDECLARE @User_Confirm_Date smalldatetimeDECLARE @DetailCount intDECLARE @Error int/* Validate input parameters. Assume success. */SELECT @RetCode = 1, @RetMsg = ''IF @TimesheetDetails IS NULLSELECT @RetCode = 0,@RetMsg = @RetMsg +'Timesheet line item(s) required.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)/* Create a temp table parse out each Timesheet detail from inputparameter string,count number of detail records and create SQL statement toinsert detail records into the temp table. */CREATE TABLE #tmpTimesheetDetails(RE_Code varchar(50),PR_Code varchar(50),AC_Code varchar(50),WE_Date smalldatetime,SAT REAL DEFAULT 0,SUN REAL DEFAULT 0,MON REAL DEFAULT 0,TUE REAL DEFAULT 0,WED REAL DEFAULT 0,THU REAL DEFAULT 0,FRI REAL DEFAULT 0,Notes varchar(255),General varchar(50),PO_Number REAL,WWL_Number REAL,CN_Number REAL)SELECT @SQLBase ='INSERT INTO#tmpTimesheetDetails(RE_Code,PR_Code,AC_Code,WE_Da te,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,Notes,General,PO_Nu mber,WWL_Number,CN_Number)VALUES ( 'SELECT @TimesheetCount=0WHILE LEN( @TimesheetDetails) > 1BEGINSELECT @SQLComplete = @SQLBase + LEFT( @TimesheetDetails,Charindex(';', @TimesheetDetails) -1) + ')'EXEC(@SQLComplete)SELECT @TimesheetCount = @TimesheetCount + 1SELECT @TimesheetDetails = RIGHT( @TimesheetDetails, Len(@TimesheetDetails)-Charindex(';', @TimesheetDetails))ENDIF (SELECT Count(*) FROM #tmpTimesheetDetails) <> @TimesheetCountSELECT @RetCode = 0, @RetMsg = @RetMsg + 'Timesheet Detailscouldn''t be saved.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)-- If validation failed, exit procIF @RetCode = 0RETURN-- If validation ok, continueSELECT @RetMsg = @RetMsg + 'Timesheet Details ok.' + CHAR(13) +CHAR(10)/* RETURN*/-- Start transaction by inserting into Timesheet tableBEGIN TRANINSERT INTO timesheet.dbo.table1select RE_Code,PR_Code,AC_Code,WE_Date,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WE D,THU,FRI,Notes,General,PO_Number,WWL_Number,CN_Nu mberFROM #tmpTimesheetDetails-- Check if insert succeeded. If so, get ID.IF @@ROWCOUNT = 1SELECT @TimesheetID = @@IDENTITYELSESELECT @TimesheetID = 0,@RetCode = 0,@RetMsg = 'Insertion of new Timesheet failed.'-- If order is not inserted, rollback and exitIF @RetCode = 0BEGINROLLBACK TRAN-- RETURNEND--RETURNSELECT @Error =@@errorprint ''print "The value of @error is " + convert (varchar, @error)returnGO
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Oct 5, 2015
I want to insert the data from temp table to other table. Only condition is, it needs to sorted based on tool number and tool date. For example if we have ten records for tool number 1000, it should be order by tool number and then based on tool_dt. Both tables doesn't have any primary keys. Please find below my code. I removed all the unnecessary columns for simple understanding. INSERT INTO tool_summary (tool_nbr, tool_dt) select tool_nbr, tool_dt from #tool order by tool_nbr, tool_dt...But this query is not working as expected. Data is getting shuffled.
Actual Data
Expected Result
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May 16, 2015
I am running A View that INSERTS into #Temp Table - On Only Certain Days the INSERT Speed into #tempDB is so slow.
Attached snapshot that shows after one minute so many few records are inserted - and it dosent happen every day somedays its very fast.
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May 28, 2015
how I can load the CSV file data into the sql server table. I know there are ways like bulk insert and other to load the csv file data into the table. But in my case the table doesn't exist and has to be created at the run time. With simple insert in temp table we do like select * into #temp from tablename and that creates the temp table. So. I need something like that which create the temp table and load the data into it. because the CSV file would have different number of columns and names so I can not create the table structure in advance. I have to create the table at run time.
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Sep 30, 2014
In Access, I can import a txt file data(e.g. Claims.txt) as below specifications:
Choose the delimiter that separates your fields: Other (|)
First row contains field name: Yes
Text Qualifier:"
I need to create a store procedure to read txt file data (d:cliamcliams.txt) first column (ClaimNumber) into a temp table (#claim)
(This #claim table will use for my .Net program)
There about 5 txt files need to process every day.
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Oct 1, 2001
can one of you please show me how to import data from a text file into a temp table in a stored proc.
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Oct 12, 2007
i have a file which consists data as below,
Iam reading file using bulk insert and iam inserting these phone numbers into table having one column as below.
but i want to insert the data into table having two columns. if iam trying to insert the data into table having two columns its not inserting.
can anyone help me how to do this?
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Aug 22, 2005
I have an application , user will read information in Excel file and insert that data into my application, I think it spend a lot of time. I want to make a tool which move data from Excel file to a table in My application (MS SQL) automaticly. How to do it, anybody has tool or know how to do, pls help me.thanks.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have an excel sheet with 10 tabs (work sheets) and each work sheet contains data. I want to migrate all data once into my database table.
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Apr 30, 2007
I need to export data from a table of SQL server 2000 database, into an Excel 2000 sheet. I tried following query from the sql query analyzer
Code SnippetSELECT * INTO [Excel 4.0;Database=F:ew.xls].[sheet1] FROM tab1
It gave me following error
Code SnippetServer: Msg 2760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Specified owner name 'Excel 4.0;Database=F:ew.xls' either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.
The F:ew.xls file is present and it has no additional security applied, hence I think it should be writable.
Please tell me where am I doing wrong.
I don't know if this is the correct news group or not. Let me know if I have to post to some other news group.
- Abhijit
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Aug 11, 2005
i have an excel sheet with about 30 columns of data ...i want to validate all the data in these cells of the excel through SSIS.
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May 6, 2008
Dear all,,
I need your help,,I'm work in website project using ASP.NET,,I have to register the users of this site,, the users are over 200,,so,,I'm thinking in away to save my time,,All the information of these users are stored in Excel file,,What I want to do is to imports these data from the excel file into a table in my database(SQLserver database),,Could you help in coding by VB.NETThanks in advance,,
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Feb 29, 2008
can anyone help me to solve this problem
i have created a ssis package to load the data from excel file to the table, but we are getting the data in different language ie in french,english and in china after loading the data when we view the data it is showing as junk characters for chinese data but we are able to see other language data ie french and english.
so please tell me how to solve that
reply to my mail id(sandeep_shetty@mindtree.com)
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Feb 5, 2007
Question pls. I have an MS SQL local package where it exports data from SQL table to Excel file. My question is, how can erase all the records in my excel file before i export the new data from SQL table?
What i want is to delete the rows in the destination file before inserting new records.
Thanks a lot.
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Apr 4, 2007
Hi,I have an Excel file with 400 rows of old values and the correspondingnew values. My table currently has 10 columns out of which 3 columnsuse the old value specified in the excel file. I need to update thoseold values in the columns with the new values from the Excel file.Please guide me as to how to proceed with this.Thanks in advance!
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Jul 31, 2013
I am working on an HR project and I have one final component that I am stuck on.
I have an Excel File that is loaded into a folder every month.
I have built a package that captures the data from the excel file and loads it into a staging table (transforming a few bits of data).
I then combine it with another table in a view.
I have another package that loads that view into a Master table and I have added a Slowly Changing Dimension so that it only updates what has been changed. (it’s a table of all employees, positions, hire dates, term dates etc).
Our HR wants to have this data in a report (with charts and tables) and they wanted it to be in a familiar format. So I made a data connection with Excel loading the data into a series of pivot tables.
I have one final component that i cant seem to figure out. At the end of every year I need to capture a count of all Active Employees and all Termed employees for that year. Just a count.
So the data will look like this.
|2010|447 |57 |
|2011|419 |67 |
|2012|420 |51 |
The data is in one table labeled [EEMaster]. To test the count I have the following.
SELECT COUNT([PersNo]) AS HistoricalHC
FROM [dbo].[EEMaster]
WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Active'
this returns the HistoricalHC for 2013 as 418.
FROM [dbo].[EEMaster]
WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Withdrawn' AND [TermYear] = '2013'
This returns the Number of Termed employees for 2013 as 42.
I have created a table to report from called [dbo.TORateFY] that I have manually entered previous years data into.
|2010|447 |57 |
|2011|419 |67 |
|2012|420 |51 |
I need a script (or possibly a couple of scripts) that will add the numbers every year with the year that the data came from.
(so on Dec 31st this package will run and add |2013|418|42| to the next row, and so on.
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Feb 18, 2014
I am having with trying to import XLSX files into SQL 2012 64 Bit.
I have installed the Access driver (AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe)
I have configured the script to run the following SP
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
[Code] ....
So I first create my Temp Table
The run the SP above then I run the insert into the Temp table defined
INSERT INTO tempdb.dbo.TempTRBZ (IsNew,CoID, Zip, City, County,StateCode,Rate,Taxable,TaxShip,TaxLab,CountryID,StateID)
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','EXCEL 12.0;Database=C:TempNotInTrbzJan.xlsx;HDR=YES','SELECT * FROM [Data$]')
[Code] ....
The error message I get back is
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".
What I have set wrong on the import? Using SSIS at this point is not a real option.
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Apr 15, 2006
Hi. my websever mysql manager allows to Insert data from a text file into the table.
currently i have a table with the following fields.
email name country
so i wanto insers data from a text file into this table.
so my question is : how the text file format should be prepared.
i.e. the first record would be > xxxx@yahoo.com john us
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Feb 22, 2004
I am trying to insert into temp table multiple times and then pull everything out. How would I do that? I get records back, but everything is 0. Why? Here is my stored procedure.
@startdate datetime,
@enddate datetime
CREATE TABLE #CalcTemp (DataID bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION, ReportType varchar(2), Volume int, NetEffect decimal(10,1), GrossEffect decimal(10,1), WeekEndDate datetime)
DECLARE @OnTime decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @UnControlled decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @Volume int
DECLARE @GrossEffect decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @NetEffect decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @WeekEndDate datetime
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AA')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AA')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AA')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblARSData)
INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblARSData)
INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AC')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AC')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AC')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblARSData)
INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ReportType = 'GN' AND ScanType='D')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ReportType = 'GN' AND ScanType='D')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ReportType = 'GN' AND ScanType='D')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblShipData)
INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ReportType = 'OD' AND ScanType='D')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ReportType = 'OD' AND ScanType='D')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ReportType = 'OD' AND ScanType='D')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblShipData)
INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ReportType = 'HU' AND ScanType='D')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ReportType = 'HU' AND ScanType='D')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ReportType = 'HU' AND ScanType='D')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblShipData)
INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SELECTtblListReportType.ReportType AS 'Report Type',
tblListReportType.ReportID AS ReportID,
SUM(#CalcTemp.Volume) AS Volume,
CAST(SUM(#CalcTemp.NetEffect)/COUNT(#CalcTemp.DataID) as decimal(10,1)) AS 'Net % Effective',
CAST(SUM(#CalcTemp.GrossEffect)/COUNT(#CalcTemp.DataID) as decimal(10,1)) AS 'Gross % Effective'
INNER JOIN tblListReportType ON LTRIM(RTRIM(LOWER(#CalcTemp.ReportType))) = LTRIM(RTRIM(LOWER(tblListReportType.ReportAbv)))
GROUP BYtblListReportType.ReportType,
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Nov 3, 2006
i have temp table name "#TempResult" with column names Memberid,Month,Year. Consider this temp table alredy has some rows from previuos query. I have one more table name "Rebate" which also has columns MemberID,Month, Year and some more columns. Now i wanted to insert rows from "Rebate" Table into Temp Table where MemberID.Month and Year DOES NOT exist in Temp table.
MemberID + Month + Year should ne unique in Temp table
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Jun 17, 2007
Hey all
I have a bulk insert situation that would be nice to be able to pull off. I have a flat file with 46 columns that are to go into a table. The table, I want to have a 47th column to be updated later on by means of a stored proc saying if the import into the system was sucessful or not. I have the rowterminator set as '"' thinking that would tell SQL to begin on the next row, leaving the importstatus column null but i still receive an error.
First of all, is this idea possible within this insert statement. Secondly, if so, what would be the syntax to tell the insert statement to skip that particular column. It is the last column listed in the table so it just needs to start on the next row after it inserts the last bit of data in the flatfile.
If this is not possible, is it possible to bulk insert into a temp table?
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Mar 12, 2015
I am running a set of SQL statements on a SQL server, to insert flat file data into a SQL table. The flat file is already FTP'ed to the SQL server. I seem to be getting an error, which is possibly pointing to a permissions issue
The statements:
BULK INSERT [Jedox_prod].[dbo].[B_BP_Customer]
FROM 'c:jedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt'
The error is :
Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot bulk load because the file "c:jedox_dailyjdcom4401.txt" could not be opened. Operating system error code 3(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 1815)
If it is permissions issue, how do I overcome this?
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Mar 28, 2008
hi my friends
i want read data from text file,and write to my table in sql,
please help me
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May 2, 2006
How do I insert data into an existing temporary table? Note: I�m primarily a .NET programmer who has to do T-SQL to grab data from time to time.
What I am trying to do is this:
1) Put the scores for all the people who have completed a questionnaire into a temporary table called #GroupConfidence.
2) Add on a row at the end that gives an average for each score (ie the last row is an average of the column above).
I need my SP to give me a DataSet that I can throw straight to my .NET reporting engine (I don�t want to do any number crunching inside .NET) - that's why I want to add on the 'average' row at the end.
If I do this (below) the temporary table (#GroupConfidence) gets created and the values inserted.
-- Insert the results into the #GroupConfidence table
SELECTRTRIM(UC.FirstName + ' ' + UC.LastName) AS 'FullName',
RP.Overall_Score AS 'AllCategories'
FROMRodResultPercentages RP
JOIN#UsersCompleted UC ON UC.SubmitID = RP.SubmitID
My problem is that #GroupConfidence already exists so in fact I have this code below:
CREATE TABLE #GroupConfidence
([FullName] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[SubmitID] [int] NOT NULL,
[GL_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[GP_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[GPH_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[DL_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[MP_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[Role_MI_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[Role_ASXRE_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[Role_APRA_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[AllCategories] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL
-- Insert the results into the #GroupConfidence table
SELECTRTRIM(UC.FirstName + ' ' + UC.LastName) AS 'FullName',
RP.Overall_Score AS 'AllCategories'
FROMRodResultPercentages RP
JOIN#UsersCompleted UC ON UC.SubmitID = RP.SubmitID
So I get this error: Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1, Line 109
There is already an object named '#GroupConfidence' in the database.
Thanks in advance,
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Apr 11, 2008
Hi Everyone,
I insert data to #temp table by using 'select into'. Then I insert one extra row. when I select data, why it does not follow the order?
(the last insert should be in the last row but it becomes the first row)
Here is the simple script
Select name,code,dates into #temp From member Order By Dates
Insert #temp (name,code,dates)
select 'dave', '0', getdate()
select * from #temp
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May 25, 2007
Hai Everbody,
for me in my project i want to read data from a csv file and insert it in a sql server databse table.The csv file may contain n number of columns,but i want only certain columns from that, and insert it in the database table.How to achieve this. Plz help me it is urgent. Thanks in advance.
Thanks and regards
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Nov 3, 2006
i have temp table name "#TempResult" with column names Memberid,Month,Year. Consider this temp table alredy has some rows from previuos query. I have one more table name "Rebate" which also has columns MemberID,Month, Year and some more columns. Now i wanted to insert rows from "Rebate" Table into Temp Table where MemberID.Month and Year DOES NOT exist in Temp table.
MemberID + Month + Year should ne unique in Temp table
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Dec 2, 1999
Hi I have the following Stored Proc which works in SQL Server 6.5 but not in SQL Server 7.0. All this Stored Proc does is Create a temp table, execute the DBCC ShowContig on a table and insert the results of the DBCC into a temp table. What am I missing. Thanks.
The code of the Stored Proc is:
/* This Stored Procedure Creates a temp table. (Step 1) */
/* Initializes a local variable @StirngToBeExecuted with */
/* a DBCC command. (Step 2) */
/* Step 3. The Command is Executed and the results of the */
/* DBCC command is inserted into Temp Table. */
/* Step 4. The results of the Temp table are shown on the */
/* Screen. */
/* This SQL Works Fine in SQL Server Version 6.5 */
/* In SQL Server 7.0 the results of the DBCC command is */
/* NOT getting inserted into the Temp table. WHY??? */
IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.Test_sp') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
drop procedure dbo.Test_sp
@StirngToBeExecuted Varchar(100)
CREATE TABLE #temp( -- Step 1
OutputOfExecute Varchar(255)
-- Step 2
SELECT @StirngToBeExecuted = 'DBCC SHOWCONTIG (123456789)'
INTO #temp exec (@StirngToBeExecuted) -- Step 3
SELECT * FROM #temp -- Step 4
DROP TABLE #temp --Drop the Temp Table
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Mar 25, 2014
I use code below to insert data into a temp table.
How many records can insert into a temp table?
Select * into #temp from ORDER
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Apr 12, 2006
hello all,this might be simple:I populate a temp table based on a condition from another table:select @condition = condition from table1 where id=1 [this will giveme either 0 or 1]in my stored procedure I want to do this:if @condition = 0beginselect * into #tmp_tablefrom products pinner joinsales s on p.p_data = s.p_dataendelsebeginselect * into #tmp_tablefrom products pleft joinsales s on p.p_data = s.p_dataendTha above query would not work since SQL thinks I am trying to use thesame temp table twice.As you can see the major thing that gets effected with the condictionbeing 0/1 is the join (inner or outer). The actual SQL is much biggerwith other joins but the only thing changing in the 2 sql's is the joinbetween products and sales tables.any ideas gurus on how to use different sql's into temp table based onthe condition?thanksadi
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Oct 11, 2015
I used sql server 2012 express Import and Export Data (32-bit) wizard to import data from excel 2010 to a given table. But I got the following error message: Error 0xc0202009: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unspecified error". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task 1: There was an error with Destination - MPRecord.Inputs[Destination Input].Columns[Top1] on Destination - MPRecord.Inputs[Destination Input]. The column status returned was: "The value violated the integrity constraints
for the column.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0209029: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "Destination - MPRecord.Inputs[Destination Input]" failed because error code 0xC020907D occurred, and the error row disposition on "Destination - MPRecord.Inputs[Destination Input]" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0047022: Data Flow Task 1: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "Destination - MPRecord" (35) failed with error code 0xC0209029 while processing input "Destination Input" (48). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
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