Create Index ind_Item_Name on Item(I_Name); Create Index ind_Item_BC on Item(I_BC); Create Index ind_Item_Company on Item(I_Company);
It is populated with 50 000 records. Searching on indexed columns is fast, but I've run into the following problem: I need to get all distinct companies in the table. I've tried with these two queries, but they both are very slow!
1. "select I_Company from item group by I_Company " - This one takes 19 seconds
2. "select distinct(I_Company) from item" -This one takes 29 secons
When I ran them through the SQL Management Studio and checked the performance plan, I saw that the second one doesn't use index at all ! So I focused on the first... The first one used index (it took it 15% of the time), but then it ran the "stream aggregate" which took 85% of the time ! Actully 15% of 19 seconds - about 2 seconds is pretty much enough for me. But it looks that aggregate function is run for nothing! So is it possible to force the query engine of the SSCE not to run it, since there is actually no aggregate functions in my select clause? According to SQL CE Books online: Group By
"Specifies the groups (equivalence classes) that output rows are to be placed in. If aggregate functions are included in the SELECT clause <select list>, the GROUP BY clause calculates a summary value for each group." It seems the aggregate is run every time, not only when there is an aggregate function.
Hi experts! I would like to ask for some help regarding Database Engine Tuning Advisor. I was trying to create Session Monitor then I choose TABLE as a workload. Then after creating and selecting the corresponding setup then I start the analysis, during the analysis it prompted an error?
Error MSG: The specified workload(file or table) has no tunable events. Events must be one of the following types - SQL:BatchStarting, SQL:BatchCompleted, RPC:Starting, RPC:Completed, SP:StmtStarting or SP:StmtCompleted for workload trace file or table.
But if I tried to use the Workload FILE instead of the table the session is successful and completed the analysis. My SQL current setup is client only, I was just accessing the server. Pls help me how to fix or do I need to configure something? Badly needed your help experts. Thanks in advance.
I'm just testing the database engine tuning advisor.
I created a basic trace file in SQL Server profiler by randomly opening a number of views in the Adventureworks db. I then used the Database Engine Tuning advisor to analyse this.
The tuning advisors recommendation was to drop about 2-3 dozen indexes, which sounds like a really dumb idea.
Is it normal for DET to recommend that any index not referenced by the workload file be dropped?
Hello all,I want to use the SQL Server 2005 Tuning Advisor on our database, andI'm hoping someone here can just confirm the steps for me. We have a10GB database that has a number of applications hitting it constantly,all performing many SELECTs, INSERTs and UPDATEs. Are the followingthe steps I need to take?1. Stop all the applications hitting the database.2. Make a backup of the database.3. Start the profiler on the original database.4. Turn on all the applications again.5. Wait for a time before turning off the profiler and saving theprofile.6. Run the tuning wizard against the backup database using the savedprofile.Do I have to do this every time or am I missing something obvious? I'munder the impression I need the backup because our database has a highvolume of INSERTs and UPDATEs so I have to make sure the state of thedatabase matches the state of the profile.As a matter of interest, why is it not possible for the tuning wizardto analyse the database using the *current* activity? Why does it haveto be a 'pre-recorded' workload?Many thanks,Tommy.
Hi,I find much regrettable that Database Engine Tuning Advisor be not part ofMS-Express Edition ... A server without such help is not a server.Besides, you've got the tutorials, but not the tool to play with :-(((Regards,JM Blaise
I was trying to get some indexing recommendations from the Database Engine Tuning Advisor by consuming a trace file with known indexing issues. After several minutes all it did was create a report or two which list existing indexes. Not very useful. I must be doing something wrong.
A message displays that "75% of the consumed workload has syntax errors." I guess it can't take a regular trace (.trc) file?
I am conderned that the trace file I used did not contain what the Advisor needs. Do I need to setup the trace a special way to support the Advisor?
Also, what does "Database for workload analysis" mean? I chose tempdb but there is no Help, and BOL is a maze of small uninformative snippets . . .
I have a very irritating error with Database Engine Tuning Advisor. While processing traces from Sql Profiler I keep getting trace log full of syntax error of most of queries - some of them very simple and ALL of them perfectly correct ( I check them separatly in QueryAnaliser ) - program gives recomendtation when I enter queries one by one - in that case the syntax is correct for Database Engine Tuning Advisor, but I just can't imagine why quries given to analysis in the set aren't correct? I dont' want to enter trace query by query (while I have thousends of them) !
It all seem like a Database Engine Tuning Advisor bug, any ideas about this problem?
Does anyone know how to DTA to correctly read the output from the Profiler?
I get the error:
TITLE: DTAEngine ------------------------------ 50% of consumed workload has syntax errors. Check tuning log for more information. ------------------------------ BUTTONS: OK ------------------------------
And the log is full of lines like:
E000 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Pictures WHERE AdRecId = 16329 2 [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'Pictures'.
The "trouble" is that those sprocs do exist and that the site apparently is working fine. But not for DETA. As far as DETA is concerned... 54% of my processing power is used to serve syntax errors!
A couple of hints. The database was an upgrade from 2000.: - I changed the compatibility level to 2005 but no luck there. I tried with a brand new database, and the errors keep cropping up. B. The errors were observed in a kit that comprises of a 32bit IIS and 64bit SQL2005 and thought that it had to do with the connectivity of those two. - I run the traces in one (32bit) server that hosts both IIS and SQL and I am getting the same errors.
Mine Below Query takes considerable time at the time of execution. Can any one help me, what is the other way to write this query?
Declare @p_Mkt_View_Id int Set @p_Mkt_View_Id = 17
Select Distinct Customer_id From Active_Product_Cust_Dtl Where Product_Group_Code in (Select Distinct Product_Group_Code From Products Where Product_code in ( select Distinct ProductId from pit where pitid in (select pitid from marketviewdef where mktviewid = @p_Mkt_View_Id)))
Hi have this query which is taking too much time to execute..........I have tried the following options but not useful till now 1. NOLOCK 2. SET NO ROW COUNT 3. CHANGED DISK LOCATION OF TEMPDB 4. CHECKED %Processor Time 5. Checked pages.sec
Below is the query, any suggestions will be really helpful
SE IFRepository --Query --Returns count of txns whose status is not (10001 or 10002) declare @fileruntimeuid int declare @Pendingackcount int set @Pendingackcount =0 set @fileruntimeuid =0 declare @clientname varchar(256) set @clientname = NULL declare @txncnt int set @txncnt = 0 declare @FileNameClient varchar(256) set @FileNameClient = NULL
declare @StageStatus int set @StageStatus = 0 declare @StageDesc varchar(35)
declare PendingAcks cursor for select distinct fileruntimeuid from tiffileruntime WITH (NOLOCK) where filecreationdt >= convert(smalldatetime,'9-11-07') and filecreationdt <= convert(smalldatetime,'9-12-07') and statusid <> 2 --and filetypeuid in (1,8,16,17,18) --and clientuid =1205 order by fileruntimeuid --244873, 244883, 244885, 244892, 244893, 244925, 244926, 244966, 244967, 244873, 244883
Print 'File Life Cycle Viewer via Database' Print '===========================================================================================' Print 'Status FileRuntimeUID Client Name File Status File name' Print '===========================================================================================' Open PendingAcks FETCH NEXT FROM PendingAcks into @fileruntimeuid WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN select top 1 @StageDesc = b.IFComponentDesc from TIFComponent b, TIFFIleProcessingStatus a WITH (NOLOCK) where a.IFComponentUID = b.IFComponentuid and a.fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid order by a.FPROCStageStartDt desc-- a.IFComponentUID desc
select @clientname = ClientShortName from tifclientattrib where clientuid = (select clientuid from tiffileruntime where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid)
select @StageStatus = statusid, @FileNameClient= FileNameClient from tiffileruntime where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid select @txncnt = FProcTxnProcessedInTotal from tiffileprocessingstatus where fileruntimeuid = @fileruntimeuid and IFComponentUID = 5 --if @StageDesc = "" Begin @StageDesc = "------------" End print RTRIM(convert(varchar(10),@StageStatus)) + ' ' + RTRIM(convert(varchar(10),@fileruntimeuid)) + ' ' + RTRIM(@clientname) + ' ' + @StageDesc + ' ' + RTRIM(@FileNameClient) set @StageDesc = NULL FETCH NEXT FROM PendingAcks into @fileruntimeuid END
Print '===========================================================================================' close PendingAcks deallocate PendingAcks
I want to take the execution plan of some transact sql queries, I took the execution plan as text based one, that having
index scan, index seek
Remote scan, remote Update
sort order by cluases
in the above clauses what is the high performance, and how will i change to the high performance clauses by changin the query to improve the execution speed of the query
Please guide me
the execution plan is
SELECT [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Alias] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventorySubTypeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InventoryTypeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[AcquisitionDate] ,[Inventory_Profile].[UnitNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[YearOfManufacture] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Manufacturer] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Make] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Model] ,[Inventory_Profile].[SerialNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[UsageConditionID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Description1] ,[Inventory_Profile].[Description2] ,[Inventory_Profile].[LocationEffectiveFromDate] ,[Inventory_Profile].[IsFlaggedForSale] ,[Inventory_Profile].[RentalPurchaseOrderNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[AquisitionPurchaseOrderNumber] ,[Inventory_Profile].[SortOrder] ,[Inventory_Profile].[IsSaleLeaseBack] ,[Inventory_Profile].[InterimRentReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[LeaseRentalReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID] ,[Inventory_Profile].[OverTermReceivableUpfrontTaxModeID] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsTaxDepreciationRequired] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsComputationPending] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[TaxDepreciationTemplateID] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryCostBasisAmount] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[DepreciationBeginDate] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[DepreciationEndDate] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsTaxDepreciationTerminated] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsStraightLineMethodUsed] ,[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[IsLeaseTermUsedForStraightLineMethod] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Division] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Branch] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SalesTaxPercent] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SalesTaxAmount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[IsSalesTaxIncluded] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[GLExpenseAccount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[GLAssetAccount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[SoftwareExclusionAmount] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[AssetCategoryCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[OwnershipCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[ManufacturingCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[ReimburseCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[BillingStatusID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[PropertyTaxExemptionCodeID] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[UserDefinedField1] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[UserDefinedField2] ,[Inventory_PTMS].[Notes] FROM [Inventory_Profile] INNER JOIN [TaxDepreciation_Inventory] ON [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[TaxDepreciation_Inventory].[InventoryID] INNER JOIN [Inventory_PTMS] ON [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryID]=[Inventory_PTMS].[InventoryID] INNER JOIN [Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale] ON [Inventory_Profile].[InventoryStatusID] in (SELECT InventoryStatusID FROM Inventory_Status_CnfgLocale WHERE InventoryStatusName <> 'Donated' and InventoryStatusName <> 'Scrap' and InventoryStatusName <>'Write Off' and InventoryStatusName <> 'Sold')
I have 2 servers: myLocalServer (SQL2005) and myRemoteServer (SQL2000), both in the same LAN. I wish to syncronize a remote table with a local table (both share the same structure) by means of a stored procedure. The amount of rows to carry from the local to the remote table is about 20,000. The query takes more than a minute, and I would like to take down that time. Can you please help me?
myRemoteServer is declared in myLocalServer by means of a Linked Server object, and I declared a synonym called Syn_RemoteTable which represent the remote table.
First I tried a cursor, but it did not worked:
declare curLocalTable cursor local forward_only static read_only for select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate
open curLocalTable fetch curLocalTable into @ID, @Value
while @@Fetch_Status=0 begin if exists(select ID from Syn_RemoteTable where ID=@ID) begin update Syn_RemoteTable set Value=@Value where ID=@ID end else begin insert into Syn_RemoteTable (ID, Value) values (@ID, @Value) end fetch curVentasMensuales into @ID, @Value end
close curLocalTable deallocate curLocalTable
Other way that I tried -performing equally poorly- was:
update Syn_RemoteTable set Value=T.Value from Syn_RemoteTable inner join ( select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate ) as T on T.ID=Syn_RemoteTable.ID
insert into Syn_RemoteTable ( ID, Value ) select ID, Value from myLocalTable where UpdateTimeStamp>@LastUpdate and ID not in (select ID from Syn_RemoteTable)
Hi, I have problem running this query. It will time out for me...My database are small just about 200 members.I have a site for swaping appartments (rental). my query should lookfor matchin a triangle. Like this member A -> B->CA give his appartment to B. B gives his appartment to C and finallyC gives his appartment to ASoo my query looks for matching parameters like rooms, location, sizeandsoo on..I have one table for existing appartments and one for "whantedappartments"and 1 table called "intresse" where members can store "yes" or "no" ifthey are interessted in a appartment.I also have a table called "omrade" to store locations of interest.Hope you can helpe me with some tip soo i can run this query in a fewseconds instead of 20-30 secThanks MSELECTF.medlemsNr as medlemsNr, F.lfId AS lfId, F.ort AS ort, F.gatuadressAS gatuadress, F.gatuNr AS gatuNr, F.rum AS rum,F.storlek ASstorlek,F.hyra AS hyra, count(F.medlemsNr) As hitsFROMmedlem08 A, medlem08 B, medlem08 C, lagenhetF08 D,lagenhetO08 E, lagenhetF08 F, lagenhetO08 G, lagenhetF08 H,lagenhetO08 IWHERED.rum >= I.rumMin AND D.rum <= I.rumMax ANDD.storlek >= I.storlekMin AND D.storlek <= I.storlekMax ANDI.hyraMax = 0" & " OR D.hyra <= I.hyraMax) ANDI.balkong = '" & "" & "' OR D.balkong = I.balkong) AND(I.badkar = '" & "" & "' OR D.badkar = I.badkar) AND(I.bredband = '" & "" & "' OR D.bredband = I.bredband) AND(I.hiss = '" & "" & "' OR D.hiss = I.hiss) AND(I.spis = '" & "" & "' OR D.spis = I.spis) AND(I.brf = '" & "" & "' OR D.brf = I.brf) ANDD.postNr IN (select postNr from ONSKEMAL08 where loId=I.loId) ANDF.medlemsNr Not IN (select medlemsNr2 from INTRESSE08 wheremedlemsNr1=A.medlemsNr) ANDH.rum >= G.rumMin AND H.rum <= G.rumMax ANDH.storlek >= G.storlekMin AND H.storlek <= G.storlekMax AND(G.hyraMax = 0" & " OR H.hyra <= G.hyraMax) AND(G.balkong = '" & "" & "' OR H.balkong = G.balkong) AND(G.badkar = '" & "" & "' OR H.badkar = G.badkar) AND(G.bredband = '" & "" & "' OR H.bredband = G.bredband) AND(G.spis = '" & "" & "' OR H.spis = G.spis) AND(G.brf = '" & "" & "' OR H.brf = G.brf) ANDH.postNr IN (select postNr from ONSKEMAL08 where loId=G.loId) ANDF.rum >= E.rumMin AND F.rum <= E.rumMax ANDF.storlek >= E.storlekMin AND F.storlek <= E.storlekMax AND(E.hyraMax = 0" & " OR F.hyra <= E.hyraMax) AND(E.balkong = '" & "" & "' OR F.balkong = E.balkong) AND(E.badkar = '" & "" & "' OR F.badkar = E.badkar) AND(E.bredband = '" & "" & "' OR F.bredband = E.bredband) AND(E.hiss = '" & "" & "' OR F.hiss = E.hiss) AND(E.spis = '" & "" & "' OR F.spis = E.spis) AND(E.brf = '" & "" & "' OR F.brf = E.brf) ANDF.postNr IN (select postNr from ONSKEMAL08 where loId=E.loId) ANDA.medlemsNr=D.medlemsNr AND A.medlemsNr=E.medlemsNr ANDB.medlemsNr<>A.medlemsNr AND C.medlemsNr<>A.medlemsNr ANDB.medlemsNr<>C.medlemsNr ANDB.sparr<>1 AND C.sparr<>1 ANDA.typ=11 AND A.medlemsNr=" & session("medlemsNr") & " ANDB.medlemsNr=F.medlemsNr AND B.medlemsNr=G.medlemsNr ANDB.typ=11 AND A.triangel=1 AND B.triangel=1 AND C.triangel=1 AND " &_C.medlemsNr=H.medlemsNr AND C.medlemsNr=I.medlemsNr ANDC.typ=11 group by F.lfId, F.medlemsNr,F.ort,F.gatuadress,F.gatuNr,F.rum,F.storlek,F.hyra
SELECT * FROM TA a WHERE a.rx=264886 and AN= (select max(AN) FROM TA where rx=a.rx)
I have a table TA with 8+ million rows and there is clustered PK on (rx, AN) columns. The count on rx=264886 is 6000+ rows. This query takes about 1 to 2 minutes to fetch data. Can anyone suggest how to improve performance and fetch data faster?
I am doing sp tuning. It has several lines. SO I divided into several small queries and executed individually and check the execution plans. In one small query, I found table scan is happening. That query is basically retrieving all columns from a table but the table doesn't have any pk or Indexes. So is it better to create non-clustered index to remove table sca.
Just wondering if anyone has the following problem when performing a query similar to the one below:
SELECT PMKeySID FROM STG_OSIRIS_Person WHERE (CAST(PMKeySID AS varchar(20)) NOT IN (SELECT PMkeyS_Number FROM STG_Person_Dimension WHERE (Data_Source_Key = 2)))
This query does not bring back any data in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio, however in SQL Server 2000 Enterprise manager it brings back data no problems what so ever. I have tried using this in a OLE DB source object in SSIS as well but to no avail. From what I can determine, this happens on an intermittent basis, it was working! is it a possible bug with SQL Server 2005?
I have 2 tables Table1 contains Week , Week end date columns
Week Week end date W01 2015-01-02 W02 2015-01-09 W03 2015-01-16
Table2 contains ID date column and date columns contains all the dates
ID date column 01 2015-01-02 02 2015-01-03 03 2015-01-04 04 2015-01-05 05 2015-01-09
I want to select all the rows from Table2 and Week column from Table1. when I made the join condition I am getting only week end date records from Table2 . how can I select other date records?
I am doing performance tuning of SP/Query in Dev-Test environment.
I found that SQL Server caches plan between successive executions.
So if I test/execute SP 10 times, after 1st or 2nd execution, SQL server will pull-up plan-info from CACHE...Not from SQL SERVER Or Database...
Means i am not getting correct answer...
I found this 2 commands:
But they say that executing above command might interfere/bother other people executing other query/sp on this server.
They also say that: Freeing the plan cache causes, for example, a stored procedure to be recompiled instead of reused from the cache. This can cause a sudden, temporary decrease in query performance.
Part of query was using Dynamic-SQL executed with EXEC command.
I replaced that with SP_EXECUTESQL.
How can I start testing of each SP-run with Fresh/Blank CACHE ?
All -- Please help. Why is it that Linq-To-SQL reports that the query operator 'Last' is not supported? The target database is SQL Server 2005. The data provider is SqlClient.
This is the error... System.NotSupportedException: The query operator 'Last' is not supported. at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSequenceOperatorCall(MethodCallExpression mc) at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression mc) at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node) at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.ConvertOuter(Expression node) at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.BuildQuery(Expression query, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations) at System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query) at System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[S](Expression expression) at System.Linq.Queryable.Last[TSource](IQueryable`1 source) This is the code.
public static Guid GetPkIdOfLast() { Guid myPkIdOfLast = Guid.Empty;
DataClassesDataContext myContext = new DataClassesDataContext();
myPkIdOfLast = (from p in myContext.CountryCodes orderby p.Name ascending select p.PkId).Last();
return myPkIdOfLast; }
Do you have any ideas? Please advise. Thank you. -- Mark Kamoski
Hi, Please could someone assist - the above error occurs. This is my code: Protected Sub btnReport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ' Response.Redirect("CrystalreportTEST_Print.aspx?C_id=" & ddlCompany.SelectedValue) Dim myConnection As New OleDbConnection(connString) Dim Str As String = "SELECT clientid,company FROM Client WHERE company =" & ddlCompany.SelectedItem.Text Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(Str, myConnection) Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd) da.Fill(ds) Label7.Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("clientid") ' Response.Redirect("CrystalreportTEST_Print.aspx?C_id=" & ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("clientid")) End Sub Thank you in advance
This is an exact matching record and straight forward
Is it possible to identify the record using T SQL query based on the following scenarios
1) return the record - If all the three where conditions match 2) if record not found check and return the record where 2 columns values in the where condition match
-- Expected Result for below query: 'Orange', because 2 of the columns in where condition have matching values
SELECT Productname FROM @MappingTable where identification_key1=1 or identification_key2 =2 or identification_key3 =1
I have searched everywhere for this and I can't find any information on it. When I use the Query Builder, in the top pane, the Filter pane, there are five columnsimension, Hierarchy, Operator, Filter Expession and Parameters.
In the dropdown for Operator, one of the choices is MDX. I cannot find any documentation on how to use this operator. I want to limit my filter to SELF_AND_AFTER, and I am hoping that this is possible using this operator. I know how to hand code it, but I have a ton of other tweaks to make to the query, so I want to use the Query Designer as much as I can.
Does anyone have any links to documentation on how to use this operator?