OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
SQL Server: 2008 SP1 Standard
We have a database with about 500 GB of free disk space on data file and the database is being set to read only mode for the fore-see-able future. We would like to release this unused disk space. We know that we could shrink the data file and then work on re-indexing to remove fragmentation.we wanted to check if some other method like backup and restore of the database could free up unused disk space in the data file. if someone was able to release unused disk space on data file by implementing a backup and restore.
I have a table which has 6 text columns (tblA).. I no longer require 1 of those text columns and want to reclaim the space that it is currently taking up..
Is the only way to BCP out all the data (except the 1 column i no longer require) drop the column and BCP the data back into the table?
I have scenario where I have process that loades data into SQL server 2012 database by doing some manipulation on data like sorting , aggregation, etc. Once this process is completed it's not free up the Tempdb space. If I restart the database, then it does.
is there any way (apart from shirking) to release space for Tempdb, like writing some post SQL queries to delete/ truncate the data and logs from temp db?
-- Initialize Control Mechanism DECLARE@Drive TINYINT, @SQL VARCHAR(100)
SET@Drive = 97
-- Setup Staging Area DECLARE@Drives TABLE ( Drive CHAR(1), Info VARCHAR(80) )
WHILE @Drive <= 122 BEGIN SET@SQL = 'EXEC XP_CMDSHELL ''fsutil volume diskfree ' + CHAR(@Drive) + ':'''
INSERT@Drives ( Info ) EXEC(@SQL)
UPDATE@Drives SETDrive = CHAR(@Drive) WHEREDrive IS NULL
SET@Drive = @Drive + 1 END
-- Show the expected output SELECTDrive, SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS TotalBytes, SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS FreeBytes, SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of avail free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS AvailFreeBytes FROM( SELECTDrive, Info FROM@Drives WHEREInfo LIKE 'Total # of %' ) AS d GROUP BYDrive ORDER BYDrive
How can I determine how much unused space to remove from database files? I am setting up a maintenance plan and I am trying figure that out. Also, is there a rule on how far to shrink TL?
Hello, I have a table which resides on a diff.filegroup. The space allocated is 7700MB. Now ehen I use sp_spaceused 'table_name' to see how much space is left it's giving me data as rows reserved data index Unused at 1000hrs 629879 6777904 5068344 8 1709552 After an hour 637537 6780336 5070800 8 1709528 After 2hours 643883 6782560 5072904 0 1709656 After 2.5hrs 646887 6783584 5073920 0 KB 1709664 kb after 3hrs 647239 6783712 5074056 0 KB 1709656 K If you note rows are increasing,so is the reserved place and data but unused is also increasing.I think it should come down. What behavior is this?How can I find out how much space is left in this table residing on diff.file group? TIA
I wrote simple script to check space used by tables:
CREATE TABLE #SpaceUsed( TableName NVARCHAR(128), NoOfRows INT, Reserved NVARCHAR(18), Data NVARCHAR(18), Index_Size NVARCHAR(18), Unused NVARCHAR(18) ) GO sp_msforeachtable "INSERT INTO #SpaceUsed EXEC sp_spaceused '?'"
SELECT * FROM #SpaceUsed
SELECT CAST(Sum(CAST(Replace(Reserved,' KB','') AS INT)) AS NVARCHAR) + ' KB' AS TotalReserved, CAST(Sum(CAST(Replace(Data,' KB','') AS INT)) AS NVARCHAR) + ' KB' AS TotalData, CAST(Sum(CAST(Replace(Index_Size,' KB','') AS INT)) AS NVARCHAR) + ' KB' AS TotalIndex_Size, CAST(Sum(CAST(Replace(Unused,' KB','') AS INT)) AS NVARCHAR) + ' KB' AS TotalUnused FROM #SpaceUsed
On a production database, there is a 2GB database, when I runsp_spaceused it indicates a very high quanity of unused space. Thedatabase has been shrunk & free space sent to the OS. Why is thisvalue so high, what can I do to reclaim the space?database_name database_size unallocated space------------------------------------------------------------------------------DB_00001 2004.13 MB 49.64 MBreserved data index_size unused------------------ ------------------ --------------------------------1531248 KB 412720 KB 165168 KB 953360 KB
I am working with a large database that has its tables stored on a secondary filegroup. I'm trying to shrink the size of the files but I can't seem to get the system to free up the unused space. I've tried shrinkdatabase and shrinkfile both with and without the truncateonly option. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a workaround? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm trying to figure out how to reclaim unused space in a huge table (tbl) after setting one of the text columns to be the empty string. Other tables have foreign key columns associated with tbl.
After doing something like this,
update tbl set col = ''
the table doesn't automatically reclaim that space. If I do a direct insert into a new table like this,
insert into tbl2 (cola, colb, colc) select * from tbl
the new table is smaller as expected (about half the size in my case). Any ideas?
currently stuck with an issue where I need to reclaim the unused table space in SQL server.
ISSUE: Due to database size issue we have moved all the images from database to filesystem and want to reclaim the unused space now....I have tried shrinking the database and rebuild the indexes but didn't see any difference in the table or database size.
Similarly I have identified many Non clustered indexes on big transactional tables(~ 4 million records) that where not used since GO live 1 year back, so I wanted to drop these indexes to cut down the performance and maintenance overhead , so my question is will dropping these indexes reduces the database size?
best method to my issue regarding unused space. SQL SERVER 2014 BI EDITTION..I have a table that showed 62% Data, 7% unallocated, and 29% unused space.I ran the ALTER TABLE <table name> REBUILD, which changed it to 32% data and 67% unused.What I do with this table monthly and what I believe is causing this unused space issue is this:Every 1st of the month I get a csv file that holds around 3.2 million rows/15 columns of data. About 3 gbs every time.It's 13 months of data. I remove the last 12 months from the current table and import the new 13 month data.I do this twice a month and have no choice because the data is constantly updated and why we get it twice a month.So I am deleting around 6 gbs of data a month as well as adding around 6 gbs of data a month.
I believe this is why I end up with so much unused space, but just found the REBUILD command, which worked but now a small hit on performance and have too much space in the current table. I have read several times that shrinking the file is no good, but what other way to get rid of the extra space in this table? Also, the table doesn't have any indexes or primary key because of duplicates.
Hi all, I'm running SQL 7.0. Due to large tables, the space on the SQL server was getting filled up. So i truncated some tables. Now even though the SQL dbase shows 3Gb free, the HDD shows only 150 MB free. How do i get SQL 7.0 to release the sapce back to HDD?
When -all- records from a table with a varbinary(max) column are deleted (not via truncate), the table properties still show a dataspace size from before the delete operation. Inserting new blob records only leads in the growth of the allocated space withouth reusing the empty already allocated space.
Runnning commands like dbcc updatusage/checkdb/cleantable/reindex or sp_spaceused @updateusage = N'TRUE' seem to have no effect.
Does anyone know when space allocated by a varbinary col. is released?
thanks, Derk
running SQL 2005 STD ed SP2. DB is in simple recovery mode.
I am using SQL2005 SP1 and I have a 4Gb Tempdb (datafile) with virtually nothing in it.
I am unable to release the free space to the operating system. I have used dbcc shrinkfile...truncateonly but this has had no effect.
There is no error message and there are no open transactions, I have attempted to drop the data file by transferring to a new file but I can't because it the primary file...
how to claim unused free space at table level. The database size is of 4.6TB, recently I deleted some data which is of almost 1.5TB but my unused space has grown upto 2.5TB leaving me short of space on my drives. How do I claim this usused on to OS Disk space?
SQL7: After doing a full backup Enterprise Admin still shows "Transaction log space" in use. Isn't it that way that full backup releases all space formerly used by log files?
We have transaction replication set up on one of our servers whose replicated DB is used for reporting purpose:
Now, the replicated database "D" of size 350 GB has mainly grown huge as compared to Published DB (200 GB) because of the index sizes at subscribed DB. Therefore:
I have found that Database D has one table of data size 15 GB, with rows 8349533 and index size 28 GB the biggest in the database. And adding have total of 109 Non clustered indexes:
On using SP_blitzindex i have found approx 50 NC indexes unused with below usage:
Reads: 0 Writes:273,243 and total size of indexes being 18 GB
Last User Seek Last User Scan
Last User Lookup all '0' 0 singleton lookups; 0 scans/seeks; 0 deletes; 0 updates; except for few 3 or 4 where updates are more than 4000.
Is this sufficient enough to delete all the above 49 unused NC indexes? And Can i create Missing index on Subscriber database?
Hi , I have a table let say TableA , which have a size of 22 GB.Due to its size i down size this table by deleting 40% rows.So ideally it should size to 15 GB but space is not released by TableA. How i can do it ? I tried shrink database, shrink data file wizards and DBCC command , Reorganize the index but all is in vain.
Hello I need to setup a compaq sever with 300 MB database, and will be adding around 600 records on a daily basis. Can someone help with how much disk space i should have on sqlserver, providing i have c: and d: setup.
I have a server and it has C: D: F: I: Drives and all the system files are on C:Drive and and all the .MDF's and .LDF's(model,temp,master) are on the F: Drive and now I am running out of space on both(C: and F: Drives)
1. Can we add space to the C: and F: drives on the fly?. 2. Can I move the System databases ( MDF's and LDF's to some other drive)and if so, how do I do it?( Moving the databases ) and this is on the production database so when I have to do this.Will there be any impact.
I noticed something strange today. I was running a query using query analyzer on a large database (8.8 million records) and the disk space on the c: drive was dropping and eventually went to 0. Availalbe space on the c: drive is 10GB. The query did complete. SQL server and all the databases are on the d: drive. After closing the query results in query analyzer the disk space returned. Is this a concern and is there a way to change it to use the d: for whatever it is doing?
This is my first attempt using SQL 2000 and DTS. I am importing an Access database using the DTS wizard. The process fails with a "Not enough space on temporary disk" error. There is definitely enough space on the physical disk. I don't have any limits on any folder sizes either. What "disk" is the error talking about, and how do I give it enough space. The database is relatively small, about 10MB. I believe the database was created using Access 97. Please help.
We recently moved from v6.5 to v7.0. Now I have the databases and logs set to "autogrow". How can I monitor the disk space to ensure I do not run out of room (or is that preset as to how large it can grow ?). Can't find anything in the books online. Do I do this through the NT admin tool or through the SQL*Server Enterprise Manager and more importantly - how ??? Thanks so much for any help... Nancy
I'm trying to save a dts package and it keeps coming back with insufficient disk space. I noiticed that db MSDB was full so I manually increased the size. It was set to manually grow at 1 mb increments. But for some reason it didn't look like it was doing that so I manually increased it. Right now this is about 355 MB free so that should be plenty to save a package. But its still coming back with the same error insufficient disk space to complete operation. Any ideas on why or why it didn't grow on its own? Please help I can't seem to save any packages.
Our database -SQL Server 7.0 sp1 (NT 4.0 sp5)- is growing at a very fast rate despite the fact that we are deleting old record. It doesn't seem to be recovering disk space for the deleted records. Please let me know if there is a specific setting that can help us recover disk space. )
Hi, I'm new to these forums (and to SQL Server), so please be gentle with me.
I am developing a process to obtain information on all our remote servers/databases, and store it in a single local database. I'm after things like db size, last backup date, free drive space etc...the usual weekly statistics.
I've linked the remote servers to my local one, and have written a few simple procedures (which exist on the local server) to grab backup and file size information from the remote tables. The output is stored locally in tables which we can then query as necessary.
I am having difficulty obtaining the free drive space details. I'm using :- 'exec <remote_server>.master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives' to get the info, but I cannot store the output in a table on the local server. (remote_server_name, date, drive_letter, space_mb)
I wish to avoid creating any objects on the remote servers if at all possible. I really want to pass the remote server name into the procedure, and the output to be inserted into the table.
I have 600 instances on my network .... I need to monitor the Disk Space ... how should I do that I mean the best way for this would be ???
By Disk Space I mean the SQL Instance should atleat have 10% of free disk space ... If it is less , maybe an alert can be sent or something of that sort .
Now it would be a pain configuring alerts on each machine.