DB Engine :: Resource Governor Classifier Function Script
Aug 7, 2015
I want to create a classifier function where I can restrict all the logins except two logins for the resource pool.
Case Scenario is : I am creating a resource pool and on that pool I want to restrict the users for that particular pool but IÂ want to allow some of the user IDs full access to that databses so how could I create a script for that scenario.
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Jan 13, 2015
I was looking for a little insight on Resource Governor. I have a request from my manager to limit the resources a certain third party's DB can use on our system. We allow them to keep a DB on our SQL 2012 server so they can run query's to compare data to their server without linking the two machines.
I was looking into resource manager to perhaps accomplish this task but I'm not real familiar with it. If Resource governor can be used to only allow a DB named UserDB1 to use only 1GB or Memory at any one time?
Or perhaps there is another way aside from Resource governor?
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May 29, 2014
I am running a query on SQL 2012 Server with the Resource governer setup for my account to have Max DOP option set to 1.
The query still runs in about 1 minute and the execution plan still considers parallelism.
When I explicitly mention the OPTION (MAXDOP 1) , the query runs in 6 seconds.
How can i tell by querying DMV's whether my query is using parallelism or not?
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Aug 12, 2009
How to restrict resources usage based on individual Databases in resource governor?
We have many databases in one instance; I would like to restrict resource usage to each database respectively.
I created 2 pools as pool_login, pool_DBNAME, and 2 workload groups as GroupLogin,GroupDBNAME, and also the classifier function.After setup above, I use following statement to check what sessions are in each group .
Even if there are spids which are accessing database DBNAME, I can’t see that they fall into the group GroupDBNAME and pool pool_DBNAME.
SELECT s.group_id, CAST(g.name as nvarchar(20)), s.session_id, s.login_time, CAST(s.host_name as nvarchar(20)), CAST(s.program_name AS nvarchar(20))
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s
INNER JOIN sys.dm_resource_governor_workload_groups g
ON g.group_id = s.group_id
ORDER BY g.name
Following is the code to create pool, group,classifier function:
USE master
-- Create a resource pool pool_login.
[Code] ....
-- Create a workload group to use this pool.
USING pool_login;
-- Register the classifier function with Resource Governor.
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Sep 29, 2015
I got a task to get resource consumption (CPU, storage etc.) for stored procedures in certain database. I found nice script ([dbo].[usp_Worst_TSQL]) but looks like script written for SQL 2005 and we use SQL 2012.how to get resource consumption details.
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Jun 8, 2015
I've got a problem: in few months from now my IDs (int) will reach max positive value. The only viable solution is to convert int-s to bigint-s.
There is a story behind this but I believe it's irrelevant. Simply, I need to 'upgrade' int-s to bigint-s; let's take it as a fact.
Question is: is there a formula to calculate increase in disk and RAM consumption? If we presume I'd need to have same number of pages in buffer cache, how can I calculate how much more memory I need?
Just to ease calculation, let's suppose that I have single table with 1e6 rows and 3 columns:
ID (int), PARENT_ID (int) and NAME (NVARCHAR(30)).Â
PK is on ID (let's call it PK_ID) and there are 2 indexes on PARENT_ID (i.e. IX_PARENT) and NAME (IX_NAME).
Now, if I turn int-s into bigint-s and still want to keep entire table in cache, how I can calculate how much memory I'd need?
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Jul 7, 2015
My Integrity job started failing recently with the following error. Msg 701, Level 17, State 123, Line 1 There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'default' to run this query. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
select @@ version
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP2) - 10.50.4033.0 (X64)
 Jul 9 2014 16:04:25
 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Developer Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)
System is having 4GB RAM and SQL is using most of it. It has 2 processors.
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Oct 29, 2015
I am facing issue in generating total sum and daily sum from table ThresholdData.
DailyTransactionAmount should be sum of todays amount in the table
TransactionAmount should be sum of all amount in the table.
1. I don't want to scan ThresholdData table twice.
2. I don't want to create temporary table/table variable/CTE for this.
3. Is there is any way to make it done in single query.
I hope, where criteria is not possible in partition function. I am trying query something as given below,
SELECTÂ Â TransactionDate,
  ROW_NUMBER() over (order by TransactionDate) AS TransactionCount,
  SUM(TransactionAmount) over (partition by id ) AS TransactionAmount,Â
  SUM(TransactionAmount) over (partition by id ,CONVERT (DATE, @TodaysTransactionDate)) AS DailyTransactionAmount
 FROM ThresholdData
 WHERE id = @id
 AND transactiondate >= dateadd(d,-@TransactionDaysLimit,@TodaysTransactionDate)
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Jun 1, 2015
i have a column with mulitple ids stored with commas . i want to pass ids and get data along with name from the table..how to get multiselect value in a variable in sql server functionÂ
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May 2, 2015
I have a holding tree with more than 200 companies, and several layers. Each company is defined by:
- a unique ID
- a direct parent ID --> the company immediately above in the tree
- an ultimate parent ID --> the company that owns the entire tree, it is the same for all
Now I am looking for a function that returns the list of all companies below a given one in the tree, and there could be several layers underneath. Doing that for the ultimate parent is easy because all companies now who their ultimate parent is, but I am struggling to build a function that works for an intermediary parent in a dynamic way.
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Dec 16, 2004
Hi - does the workload governor kick in when more than 8 concurrent operations take place on MSDE as a whole, or does it kick on each database.
Ie. if I have 8 databases within MSDE - and there is 1 operation happening on each one at any given time, will one additional operation on any of the databases invoke the workload governor across ALL databases?
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Jan 8, 2007
I am in the process of porting over an application from Access To SQL implementing SQL Server 2005 Express. My intention is to implement this database on a full time server and upgrade to a full blown version of SQL later. Am I correct in assuming that there is not limit on the number of concurrent connections to SQL Server Express since it was stated that the "Workload Governor" has been removed? Or does something else control the number of users that can be simultaneously connected to the server.
My reason for asking is I have 7 machines that need to access the server. I also have 2 databases that need to be accessed from each machine. If there is no limit, I will keep my databases seperate. However, if there is a limit, I will most likely merge the tables into 1 db.
Thank you,
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Aug 17, 2007
I know that the query governor works off of estimated query plans, but the estimation is usually so far off from reality that it might as be generating a random number to determine whether a query should run.
Right now I have query governor set at 300. I've been able to run queries that take more than 10 minutes without any complaint from query governor.
What's really annoying though, is that it has also blocked queries that take less than a second to run. It blocked a query for having an estimated executing time of 338 seconds. When I set the limit up to 400, the query ran virtually instantly.
Is this just how query governor is suppose to work? Is there any way to make it work better?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have enabled the query governor on our SQL2000 SP2 server with athreshold of 3600. Now, some of the maintenance jobs fail due to thelimit being to low (e.g. one of the user databases integrity checkfails nightly).I have tried to put the command 'SET QUERY_GOVERNOR_COST_LIMIT 0' justbefore the line in the step which reads 'EXECUTEmaster.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-Plan etc'but it has no effect.Does anyone know how to get around this situation without usingsp_configure to change the query governor settings at a systemwidelevel?GC.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm working on a VB.NET project where we are intending to use MSDE as ourback-end database. The actual number of users is expected to be low and Idon't have any concerns as to whether MSDE will be up to the job (most ofthe time). I'm aware that if we end up with lots of users connecting to oursite at once (which may happen as certain times in the year when people needinformation for deadlines) then the performance governor in MSDE will kickin and slow everything down.What I don't know is how do I find out whether the performance governor haskicked in?I would like to know how to monitor this so we can make an educated decisionas to when we need to migrate to a full version of SQL Server (if at all).Can anyone point me in the right direction for finding this out?thanks,Brian Cryer.
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Sep 18, 2014
I want to turn on the query governor cost limit option for 20 minutes so that queries do not run longer than 20 minutes but I could not find any info as if this option would also not allow database backup job or other maintenance jobs to run more than 20 minutes. We have backups (Via RedGate) run over 3.5 hours and others like rebuild indexes and integrity checks even more than 3.5 hours....
SQL Server 2012 SP2-CU1
Windows 2008 R2
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Apr 11, 2007
In Oracle & Sybase you can set login resource limits to restrict, time of day, number of i-o's, cpu use etc for any login, at the login method. All actions done from a resource limit constrained login inherit the constraints.
Is there any way to implment this with any MS SQL Server version from 200-2005/SP2?
Before anyone answers, please do not suggest set rowcount etc.
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Apr 14, 2008
How to find the physical path of resource db files from SSMS query?
I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
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Mar 4, 2008
I have a deadlock chain that shows 9 parallel insert jobs into the same table. The resource that is locked (with an exclusive lock) shows a HOBT_ID...which corresponds to a clustered index.
My question is how would INSERT statements cause a whole index to lock (there is no TABLOCK hint).
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Feb 25, 2008
I would like to know witch is the best practices to make a .rdl file multilenguaje, that is, that the same .rdl file shows the text €œAmount€? on a label when the user is English or the text €œCantidad€? when the user is Spanish.
There are not something like the resource files in the in a VS.NET web application????
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Nov 9, 2006
Hi Community:
I am new to SSIS, and have been struggling recently with SSIS development. I would like to find out if there are some good books out there on SSIS besides, the online resources, and BOL. Possibly a good book or tutorials. Thanks.
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Feb 25, 2008
I would like to know witch is the best practices to make a .rdl file multilenguaje, that is, that the same .rdl file shows the text €œAmount€? on a label when the user is English or the text €œCantidad€? when the user is Spanish.
There are not something like the resource files in the in a VS.NET web application????
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May 2, 2001
What are some good CASE programming to use in comjuction with SQL 7. What are some good resources for researching. Also, are there any good DB confrences coming up?
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Dec 14, 1999
How can I get my hands on the Microsoft SQL Server resource kit?
In particular, I need the "Load Simulator" application.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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Jun 16, 2000
I use cursors inside stored procedures, they are generally 20 - 50 records. I have been told that cursors are very resource intensive. Am I setting myself up for scaling problems when we have hundreds of users all running these procedures? The cursors are only used within the context of the stored procedure. Any opinions/insight on this would be appreciated.
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Mar 26, 2003
I'm attempting to update a table of around 100,000 records with a table of 20,000 records using a cursor since the update is based on a row by row criteria. When doing this I'm getting an error
--Resource is low some results are dropped--
I then cut down the table with 20,000 to a table of 5,000 and still get the same error. I've also tried to use a fast_forward cursor but still no luck
Can any-one help. I know there is a way to do this using a quick update statement but I need to know this for other insert statements anyway.
Help Help
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May 20, 2008
after moving the resource database files with this command:
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.mdf');
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=log, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.ldf');
I am getting this error trying to do anything in the instance while I have it started in minimal mode (/f /t3608)
(the instance WILL NOT COME UP UNLESS I USE THE /F /T3608 from a command promt.. please .. any suggestions??????????????????????
Also.. I checked and the primary file is NOT READ-ONLY.
File activation failure. The physical file name "E:MSSQLKOCSQLDEV01Datafilesmssqlsystemresource.ldf" may be incorrect.
The log cannot be rebuilt when the primary file is read-only.
File activation failure. The physical file name "E:MSSQLKOCSQLDEV01Datafilesmssqlsystemresource.ldf" may be incorrect.
The log cannot be rebuilt when the primary file is read-only.
Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Line 1
Database 'mssqlsystemresource' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.
Msg 5069, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
ALTER DATABASE statement failed.
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Jul 20, 2005
We have a JDBC project that works with SQLServer, along with otherDBs. During development, we noticed that resource useage on SQLServerseemed to grow steadily - Processes, Process Locks and/or Object Locks,according to the "Current Activity" section of Enterprise Manager.Fairly quickly (a few hours), SQLServer would use so many resources itused up all available system memory and the system would crash.Without understanding much about why that was happening, mostly out oftrial and error, we started using transactions, which seemed to fix theproblem. Now, one of our customers seems to be seeing the problem again:511 Process Locks, 18 Object Locks, 526 Processesafter a few hours. The system runs out of memory and crashes. We havemultiple test configurations, including Linux, Win2K, XP, but we donot see the same behaviour - we typically see no more than 20 or 30processes, process locks or object locks, and our tests seem to runindefinitely. Since we can not reliably reproduce the symptoms that ourcustomer sees, it is very difficult for us to analyze, let alone, fixthe problem.Does anyone - especially SQLServer pros - have any insight as to what isgoing on here and/or how to fix it? Like how does a process, processlock or object lock relate to JDBC? process <-> connection,object <-> row, table... or what, locks?Thanks,Gary WhittenJoin Bytes!
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Mar 10, 2008
Dear All,
Just downloaded a not too great white-paper (sponsored by HP) called SQL Server Infrastucture Optimaztion and it had a brief but eye catching section on something called 'Pooled Resource Clustering'. See below
Pooled-Resource Clustering
Pooled-resource clustering is a combination, of sorts, of Windows clustering and virtualization.
Essentially, it€™s a means of allowing SQL Server instances to become €œvirtual SQL Servers€? in
the sense of true VMs. They€™re encapsulated and can be easily and quickly moved between
physical computers. It borrows concepts from Windows clustering but does so with a crucial
difference that eliminates the resource management overhead that comes along with Windows
clustering. Another term for this technique is shared storage clustering.
Technology Overview
With pooled-resource clustering, a cluster of servers€”which can all have different hardware
specifications€”are connected to a single, shared storage system (typically a SAN). By
leveraging a Windows-based cluster file system, each of the nodes in the cluster can €œsee€? the
same storage area. That is, they all have (for example) an S drive,
I googled this and can't find any more about it. So my question is simple can anyone provide more info about this method. I tried tried the authors web site burt its all sales info address(
On the surface this seems a bit of a hack to me?
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Jun 29, 2007
I have a 2005 server that is upgraded to SP2 and the error log indicates it is version 9.00.3042.00. However, the system resource database for the same server is reporting as version 9.00.2047.00. From another post I have found out the some replication problems I am having are due to this discrepancy.
I have reapplied SP2 hoping it would change the resource db version, but it did not. Is there another way I can upgrade the resource db without re-installing SQL from scratch?
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Mar 30, 2007
We've been working hard with our teams here to get better/more/good information out to our users. We€™ve created a new a customized Windows Live search, that limits results to Books Online. Check this out, and make sure you let your contacts know to visit it and provide feedback:
We want to generate as much traffic as possible here so that we can see if this is useful to our users. We€™d love to hear back from everyone we can!
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May 21, 2006
Are there any good resources for data mirror in SQL 2005 SP1?
I tried to search on microsoft.com, there is an article, but it is outdated, it only described data mirror in SQL 2005 RTM.
appreciate any links or input.
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May 17, 2007
Hello All,
I was watching Bob Tabor's SQL Server 2005 Express for Beginners videos from the ASP.net 2.0 website http://www.asp.net/learn/videos/default.aspx?. In lesson 5 Manipulating the Database Data he refers to download the sample database SQLVideoResources.zip file from the above website.
I searched and did not find it. Can anyone please direct me?
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