DB Engine :: Backup On Remote Server - Access Error

Nov 12, 2015

I am trying to make my maintenance plan to backup on a remote server but it fails with:

"failed with the following error: "xp_delete_file() returned error 2".

I am pretty sure its because it doesnt have full access to the share folder... My question is, how can I grant access to it, if I am using a local account as sql agent service: NT ServiceSQLSERVERAGENT.I need to change the service account?

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DB Engine :: Restore Backup File To Remote Server

Jul 8, 2015

I am working on a project for an SQL job. I am:

1.) Taking a database out of an availability group,
2.) Setting the recovery to simple,
3.) Shrinking the log file,
4.) Setting the recovery mode back to full,
5.) Then backing it up.

I need to restore the file to my secondary server with replace and non recovery mode. I am having trouble performing that call?  I have the code to reestablish the database to the availability group if I can get the restore feature working. 

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DB Engine :: How To Enable Remote Access

Jun 8, 2015

On my SQL Server 2014 SP1 on Windows Server 2012 R2, allow inbound TCP 1433 and UDP 1434 seems to not be enough for managing remotely any named instance on this server.

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Sql Server Error Remote Access

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all,

i need to upload time tracker in a static ip which doesnt have sql server, after the installation there in static ip, i receive the following error while trying to access

Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Remote Server 2005

need help???


Prasenna. K

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Error 1326 Logon Failure When Attempting To Backup To Remote Server

Oct 18, 2007

Hi all:

We currently have a production server (prodserver) and backup server (backupserver) in the same domain, and I am attempting to backup dbs from the production box on to the backup box using the following:

backup database db to disk = '\backupservere$ackupdb.bak' with init

when executing from SSMS, I receive the following error:

Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot open backup device '\backupservere$ackupdb.bak' Operating system error 1326 (Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password)

Here's where the issue lies for me:

Both the production and backup box are running services under the same domain accounts, let's call it "domainsqlagent"

domainsqlagent has domain admin rights on backupserver and prodserver

I can login to both the production and backup servers using the domain account, map drives, hit administrative shares, drag and drop files, etc between the servers

If I use xp_cmdshell to try and simply move a file between prodserver and backupserver, I receive the above error as well. However, if I open an cmd window and execute the move command from DOS, it will successfully move.

There is a development server on the domain as well (devserver) using domainsqlagent to run the service accounts, and I can successfully backup databases from dev to prod, dev to backup, backup to dev, backup to prod, prod to dev, but NOT prod to backup
Finally, if I create a maintenance plan in SSMS, I cannot create a connection to the backup server (error reads the connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection)

The backup server was changed to a different domain (domain2) before I arrived here, but has been switched back now, rebooted, service accounts changed via Configuration Manager, services restarted (and rebooted again for good measure).
Does SSMS use a different security context to create the connections to remote servers? From all my tests, the domainsqlagent account has all the correct rights and is working OK. Could this be a network issue? The network admin and I have been banging our heads against a wall for the past couple of days, so if anyone has seen something like this, I'd appreciate any help.



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Error 7416 Access To Remote Server Is Denied

Feb 6, 2007

hey guys i am getting this error on my link server it is sqlsqever to sqlserver link

error 7416 access to remote server is denied because no loggin mappings exists

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Remote Backup Access Denied

Mar 27, 2007

I created a maintenance plan to do the backup on my machine and created a job using CmdExec command: copy e:\*.bak \remoteackup but the copy job fail each time.

I know that command works fine when i run it from a batch file but does not seem to work from the job in sql server. I try to map the remote machine to a drive and used the drive in the copy statementcopy e:ackup*.bak q:ackup but it still does not work. Is there something I need to do inside sql server?

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Error 7416 - Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because No Login-mapping Exists

Oct 26, 2007

I am trying to use a linked server and it works as long as I do not specify the sp_addlinkedserver @provstr parameter. If I specify that parameter I always get a 7416 "Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists" error. I have tried adding the logins various ways but it's very specific to the @provstr parameter, and it doesn't even matter what I put in that parameter. As soon as I put something in there whether it is valid or invalid, I get the error.

Anyone else seen this? There is an amazing lack of any discussion about the error when I search for it.

If I do this it works fine,

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server= 'linkedname', @srvproduct='', @provider='SQLNCLI', @datasrc='servername', @catalog='mydatabase'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'linkedname', 'true', 'AppUser'

But as soon as I add the @provstr parameter, then I get the error if I try to use linkedserver,

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server= 'linkedname', @srvproduct='', @provider='SQLNCLI', @datasrc='servername', @catalog='mydatabase', @provstr='Failover Partner=otherservername'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='linkedname', @useself='true', @locallogin='AppUser'

It doesn't even make any difference what I put in the @provstr parameter - the sp_addlinkedserver statement always executes without an error, but running a query that uses the linked server generates the error.

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Error 15274: Access To The Remote Server Is Denied Because The Current Security Context Is Not Trusted.

Sep 12, 2007


I have a stored procedure servicing a queue (sql 2005).
The stored procedure updates some data in a different server and database.
If the queue contains messages and I execute manually the stored procedure, I don't have any problem at all.
However, if I set the queue to use the same stored procedure, it gives me the following error:

Error 15274: Access to the remote server is denied because the current security context is not trusted.

Any ideas?



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DB Engine :: Cannot Open Backup Device Error

Jul 14, 2015

I am trying to take backup on network folder but I am getting below error:

Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 9
Cannot open backup device 'xyz.xy.z.xyabcdexyxyzarchive_2015_7_14_11_14_58.Diff'. Operating system error 1326(Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.).
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 9

BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

NOTE:- The folder abcde is protected by password , When I try to open the xyz.xy.z.xy, I provide password to connect.

I am using the below script :

DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(255)
SELECT @filename ='xyz.xy.z.xyabcdexyxyzarchive_' + 
  LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(year, GETDATE()))) + '_' +
  LTRIM(STR(DATEPART(month, GETDATE()))) + '_' +

[Code] ...

How to troubleshoot / resolve this error permanently?

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DB Engine :: High Availability Database Backup Error

May 19, 2015

Backing up all databases on a sql server that hosts secondary high availability databases as well as other databases.  The other databases back up fine, but the high availability secondaries all get the same error:

BackupDiskFile::OpenMedia: Backup device 'F:MSSQLBackupdbnamedbname_backup_2015_MM_DD_tttttt_ttttttt.bak' failed to open. Operating system error 2(The system cannot find the file specified.)

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Remote Access Server Configuration Option And Remote Query Timeout?

Jun 2, 2015

- When I disable "allow remote connections to this server" from server properties>connection page, I can still remotely connect to the server from SSMS...so what is the impact of enable/disabling it?

- what is the impact of changing the remote query timeout (on the same page) from default value?

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DB Engine :: Cannot Connect To Remote Named Instance Of Server

May 8, 2013

We have 3x instances of SQL Server 2012 installed on a single remote server - there's the default MSSQLSERVER instance, then INSTANCE01 and INSTANCE02. I can remotely connect to the default MSSQLSERVER instance through SSMS, but I cannot connect to either of the additional named instances (INSTANCE01 or INSTANCE02). 

For example, if I try to connect to "sql.domain.com", I can successfully access the default instance on the remote server. If I try to connect to "sql.domain.comINSTANCE01", I get an error stating

"A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server".

However - if I try to connect to "sql.domain.comINSTANCE01, 49301" (where 49301 is the TCP Port for the TCP/IP Protocol for this SQL Server instance), I am able to successfully connect.

This leads me to think that there's a communication issue with the SQL Server Browser service running on the remote SQL Server and my workstation. 

The following items have been verified:

SQL Server Browser is running on the remote SQL ServerWindows Firewall has been disabled on the SQL ServerTCP Ports 1433, 1434, 1954, and 49301 have been opened up on the remote destination's firewallUDP Port 1434 has been opened up on the remote destination's firewall.

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DB Engine :: Trigger Jobs On Remote Server To Do Its Work On Original Server

May 10, 2015

I'm new to SQL. I have a scenario, Where customer want to move all the jobs from original SQL server to some remote SQL server and want to trigger jobs on remote server to do its work on original server.

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DB Engine :: Remote Server To Run JOBS On AlwaysOn Availability Groups

Sep 14, 2015

I am planning to have AlwaysON Availability Groups setup between Server 1 and Server 2

Server 1 -->Publisher-->2014 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> Always on Primary Replica
Server 2 -->Publisher(when DR happens)-->2014 SQL Enterprise edition-->Windows Std 2012 --> Secondary  Primary
Server 4 as Subscriber
Server X  as Remote Distributor ..

as of now , In the event of Disaster happens on Node 1  i will have to manage JOBS on Node 2  (backups, Maintenance, replication, day-day other Jobs)..Is there a way i can call all jobs to run from a remote server which executes on Active NODE(which ever is active)? so that in the event of disaster happens on node1, when  node 2 becomes online and  i don't have to do anything with SQL Agent or jobs on Node 2?

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DB Engine :: Restoring A Backup Of Server

Nov 21, 2015

I am restoring a backup of sql server 2005 which I inherited on to sql server 2012 and is in a recovery pending state and the reason why is, this is a backup from a different domain and does not have the logins from the legacy domain, looks like its some access issue as its not being able to find the necessary login on sql server 2012.

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DB Engine :: Receive Backup Failed For Server

Oct 6, 2015

I have a VM with Windows Server 2012 and SQL 2014 installed.  Some things about the VM:  Using VMware Workstation 11.  Created with 160 GB hard disk and 4G memory (that's all we could do when needing to run multiple VMs from the box we're using).  I am able to get to the internet and to our network but the internet connection tells me that there is no internet access and we can't seem to fix it.When I attempt to create a backup of one of my DBs, I receive the attached error.  No other backup has been created for this particular DB so it would not need to overwrite anything.  This is an issue for all of the DBs that are in the SQL Server and not just an isolated DB.

We ran DBCC CHECKDB against the DB and no errors were returned.A bit about the DBs:  Our software creates a number of empty DBs upon install.  For testing purposes we have DBs that are populated with data that we restore once the install is complete.  So our procedure is, once all services are shut down for our software and the SQL connection has been cut, we delete the DBs created during install and restore the DBs that will replace them. All of the DBs restored successfully so I don't understand why there would be an issue with backing them up. 

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DB Engine :: Moving Database Backup Files From One Server To Another?

Sep 15, 2015

How to move the database backup files (.bak) from one server to another server using ‘XP_CMDSHELL’

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DB Engine :: Take Only Last 1 Year Data Backup Using Script From Server

May 20, 2015

I have last 5 years data in my database(SQL server).

I want to take backup only last 1 year(last 365 days) data using SQL script.

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Dmo Backup To Remote Server

Jan 24, 2002

I have been unable to use DMO to back up a DB anywhere but locally on the PC running the DMO code. Even if a network drive is mapped (eg. F:), the backup fails.

I'm trying to automate a backup process for server(s) that will run on a PC and store the backup file on the server that contains the DB. Has anyone done this? Any hints are appreciated.

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Backup DB To Remote Server

Aug 31, 1998


I`d encountered a problem about backup DB to remote server.

At first,I add a dump device to remote server in local server,

for example:
sp_addumpdevice `disk`,`netback`,`RemoteSvrsharedfolderetback.dat`
Return success!

But when I begin to backup,return the message"...device error or device off line..."
the detail in error log said:"RemoteSvrsharedfolderetbackup.dat failed to open ,operating system error=5(access is denied)"

Could you help me?

Thanks you very much!


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Backup From Remote Server

Dec 24, 2005

Hi, I am new on sql and very happy finding your forum!

Ive just installed mssql 2005 on my pc and I need your help on backing up a database that is on a remote server.
I ve connected to the remote server using the Management Studio. Im accessing the database and Im getting the backup, but unfortunately I see that the back up is being saved on the remote server.

How can I backup the database saving it on my machine?

Thanks in advance,

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DB Engine :: Compressed Backup While Restoring Backup File

Sep 8, 2015

I got full backup on daily schedule its taking more space on Drive because each file has more than 25GB.I am using SLQ server 2008R2 so I'm looking to take the backup with compression instead of uncompressed Backup. What are the impacts of compressed backup. Is there any problems with compressed backup while restoring the backup file.

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Backup Of Remote SQL 2005 Server

Jun 26, 2007

Hello Friends:

My problem relates to backing up my MS SQL 2005 database which is sitting on a shared server at a hosting company.

- Hosting company is using MS SQL 2005
- I am using the SQL Server Management Studio that comes with SQL Server 2005 Standard (NOT Express), which is installed on MY PC.
- So, I am connecting to the SQL server over the internet

- I would like to backup the data sitting on the Hosting company's MS SQL Server. I only have one database on this SQL Server. There are of course 100s of other databases on the same server which belong to other customers of the hosting company.

- I want to bring the backup to MY PC, from the SQL Server.

- As far as I can tell the following options within SQL Server Management Studio may be of help to me. I do not know which one I should use or which one is best or what is the proper method. 1) Select Backup option from the Tasks menu (but it only shows me drives/devices on the Hosting SQL Server, not my PC, so I can’t backup to my PC) 2) Export Data (it does not work, showing errors ‘…not a trusted connection…’ I have no clue what a trusted connection is. 3) Copy Database (which is supposed to copy the remote database on the Hosting company SQL server, to my local SQL Server running on my PC). I go through the wizard, on the last screen it just hangs i.e. shows- not responding)

How do I backup the database sitting on the hosting company SQL server? I of course need to bring the backup to my PC.

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How To Take Backup From One Server To Remote Serve

Jun 12, 2008

I want to take backup of rapport database.
and copy those .bak files from this local server to remote server automatically.

can any one help me plzzzzzzz.........

Thanks in advance

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Database Backup From A Remote Server

Nov 6, 2006

I have a database on a remote server, and want to take a back up of that to my local system. My objective is to take the back up of the db, and then restore it to another SQL Server. Can anyone please help me with this.



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Sql Server Backup - Remote -&> Local

Jul 23, 2005

Hello-I have a Sql Server 2000 database offsite that I would like to back upto a local machine. I am using Enterprise Manager on a local machine toadminister the remote db.Whats the best way to schedule backups so the remote db is backed up tothe local machine?Can this be done in Enterprise Manager?Would you recommend any 3rd party software?Thanks!MB

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Do I Need To Use Openquery To Run A Backup On A Remote SQl Server

Dec 19, 2007

I would like to backup a database on a remote SQL 2005 server using T-SQL. The local server I want to issue the command from is also a SQL 2005 Server.

Do I need to use the openquery function?
I am doing this as a job step so I will be executing the query from a local server.
I do not want to use a SSIS package.


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Restore Backup To Remote Hosted Server

Aug 21, 2006

Sorry if this is elementary, but I have searched and cannot find an answer.
I have a backup file of a sql server 2000 database. I want to restore it to a remote hosted sql server 2005.
Using sql server management studio, it seems to me that I cannot access the files stored local on my computer.
Does anybody have a solution?
What is the best way to deploy my backup file to the remote server?
Thanks for any suggestions!

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Taking Database Backup From Remote Sql Server

Oct 10, 2007

i buyed hosting for my site , i am using sqlserver  2000 as backend. hosting compony allow to connect to my database through queryanalyzer not from enterprise manager.hosting compony charge me for taking database backup on there server. so i want to  know how can i take databse backup from remote sql server 2000 to my local sql server 2000,any tool process by which it is possible to take databse backup at my own computers sql server 2000.

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Backup A Remote SQL Server To Local Computer?

May 4, 2005

Is there an easy way to backup a database on a remote SQL Server to a backup file on my local computer?

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Remote Tape Backup Device On SQL Server

Aug 7, 1998

Does anyone know if it is possible to have a tape device another server as a tape dump device on SQL. Instead on removing the tape drive and installing it locally ?!?



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Backup Of MS SQL 2005 Database On Remote Server

Jun 25, 2007

Hello Friends:

My problem relates to backing up my MS SQL 2005 database which is sitting on a shared server at a hosting company.

- Hosting company is using MS SQL 2005
- I am using the SQL Server Management Studio that comes with SQL Server 2005 Standard (NOT Express), which is installed on MY PC.
- So, I am connecting to the SQL server over the internet

- I would like to backup the data sitting on the Hosting company's MS SQL Server. I only have one database on this SQL Server. There are of course 100s of other databases on the same server which belong to other customers of the hosting company.

- I want to bring the backup to MY PC, from the SQL Server.

- As far as I can tell the following options within SQL Server Management Studio may be of help to me. I do not know which one I should use or which one is best or what is the proper method. 1) Select Backup option from the Tasks menu (but it only shows me drives/devices on the Hosting SQL Server, not my PC, so I can’t backup to my PC) 2) Export Data (it does not work, showing errors ‘…not a trusted connection…’ I have no clue what a trusted connection is. 3) Copy Database (which is supposed to copy the remote database on the Hosting company SQL server, to my local SQL Server running on my PC). I go through the wizard, on the last screen it just hangs i.e. shows- not responding)

How do I backup the database sitting on the hosting company SQL server? I of course need to bring the backup to my PC.

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