DB In Suspended Mode

Mar 2, 2007


I have a database shown a SUSPENDED mode on both side of Principal and Mirror server. What should I do now?

1). Is the breaking the Mirror sesssion my only choice?

2). If I break it, how do I reestablish the Mirror again quickly. What is my potential data loss?


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Setup And Upgrade :: Both Database Went To Suspended Mode In Principal And Mirror

Aug 10, 2015

I have checked my Production databases, both are went to Disconnected state, both are unable to connect to the application, i checked all the services and its working fine. and restarted the end points on Principal and Mirror, still issue not solved, after restart the witness server End point both the databases are working fine.

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SQL Server 2005 SP2 Cannot Be Installed Because The Database Engine Setup Remains In Suspended Installation Mode

Feb 23, 2007

SP2 refuses to install for the Database Engine because €œthe previous upgrade did not complete€?, i.e. it detects a suspended installation. The same thing happened to me when I installed SP1. I then remember opening the maintenance dialog and completing the setup, after which SP1 installed just fine.

When I try to do the same thing this time, I€™m presented with the €?complete the suspended installation€? option, which when I run it reports the installation completed successfully. However, in reality the installation still remains in suspended mode for whatever reason. If I reboot and open the maintenance dialog, I€™m still presented with the €?complete the suspended installation€? option. I€™ve even tried to run it more than once, but it doesn€™t help. Needless to say, SP2 still refuses to install.

I don't know why the installation is in a suspended state. I know every part of SP1 installed successfully in the end, and the computer never crashed during the installation. I've been using it every day since then, without any problems. All other parts of SP2 did install successfully.

I created a feedback entry on Microsoft Connect, where you can find the log files created by Windows Installer. The URL is:

Any ideas what I can do to resolve this problem?

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Job Suspended.

Jan 22, 2001

Is anyone aware of how to start a scheduled job once it has been marked as "suspended"? (SQL Server 7)

Thanks Brian

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Apr 1, 2008

Hi All

When i see the result of Sp_who2, i see the status of a process as
"SUSPENDED" for some of the processes like logwriter, checkpoint etc.
and also found the same status for "IF @@TRANCOUNT>0 COMMIT TRAN"

Please let me know what does it mean in the context of SQL 2005

Thanks in advance.

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Suspended Status

Sep 25, 2007

Hi All,

Using SQL Server 2005 w/ SP2 I have a simple select query with a parameterized WHERE clause that in Management Studio runs nearly instantly, everytime. Using the same login, when I run the same query using SQL RS the results (only 6 rows) takes upwards of 5 minutes. If I look at the Activity Monitor, it shows the process as suspended and indicates a CXPACKET. Everything I have read on the forums about this indicate it is an issue with not having SP2 , which I do. Or a 64 bit version, I have 32. Or for large bulk updates, I am doing a very simple select. Does anyone have any clue on this?


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Process Suspended Status

Aug 13, 2007


On my sql server 2005 when I run sp_who, I often see process in suspended status. These process block
my sql server so its utilization is low.

Is there any way to kill suspended process automatically, or can I set any timeoutfor these process?

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Please Help! Suspended/Stalled Query

Mar 10, 2007


I am having a problem with one package that attempts to do a join on two large tables. Within the data flow task control is the ole db source control which has the initial query that joins and filters the tables.

The total number of rows that should be returned are about 80-90million. Running this in debug mode shows the number of rows read/inserted into the ole db destination and it always hits the about the same number of records where it just stops/stalls/suspends around 75 million. I have read some possible solutions such as changing the max degrees of parrallelism but that has not worked.

I am currently using SQL Server 2005 64bit SP2 on a 64 bit platform. This is the only package that does anything like this and I am at my wit's end with this problem.

Please help!


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Calculating Length Of Time A Ticket Was Suspended

Mar 7, 2007

I'm trying to find a solution to for a report i am building and was hoping that some of you will share your expertise with me. Basically, I need to work out how long an Incident Ticket was suspended (ie it's status is "on hold").

The data is stored something similar to the following...

Ticket Date Status
------ ---- ------
333 14/03/2005 10:24:19 "to on hold"
333 14/03/2005 15:23:01 "from on hold"
334 14/03/2005 11:14:11 "to on hold"
334 14/03/2005 16:26:15 "from on hold"
335 15/03/2005 10:10:15 "to on hold"
335 15/03/2005 11:15:35 "from on hold"
335 15/03/2005 13:26:10 "to on hold"
335 15/03/2005 14:30:59 "from on hold"
335 16/03/2005 14:00:05 "to on hold"
335 16/03/2005 16:45:15 "from on hold"
336 16/03/2005 10:10:15 "to on hold"
336 16/03/2005 12:45:12 "from on hold"

This is the result i'd like to see....

Ticket Start Hold End Hold Time Suspended
------ ---------- -------- --------------
333 14/03/2005 10:24:19 14/03/2005 15:23:01 datediff(...
334 14/03/2005 11:14:11 14/03/2005 16:26:15 datediff(...
335 15/03/2005 10:10:15 15/03/2005 11:15:35 datediff(...
335 15/03/2005 13:26:10 15/03/2005 14:30:59 datediff(...
335 16/03/2005 14:00:05 16/03/2005 16:45:15 datediff(...
336 16/03/2005 10:10:15 16/03/2005 12:45:12 datediff(...

Has anybody done something along the same lines? If so, could you point me in the right direction?

Thanks in anticipation


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2005 BACKUP LOG Process Goes To Suspended State For Every DB

Dec 4, 2007

Hello. We recently ran into extremely large transaction log sizes on our SQL 2005 box...turns out they were not being backed up. After doing some research, I found that they should be backed up very frequently in order to kee their sizes down. I kind of inherited the mess, but got three maintenance plans set up:

FULL Backup that runs weekly

DIFFERNTIAL Backup that runs nightly

TRANSACTION LOG backup that runs hourly
However, since I implemented the plans there has been high CPU utilization at all times. I finally figured out what was causing it today...the BACKUP LOG process is hanging in "Suspended" mode when I view processes. I have to manually kill them to release the CPU utilization.

How can I trace the cause of the hang? Is there a better way to backup/truncate the log files?



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SQL Server 2008 :: Status Suspended On Command Killed / Rollback

Mar 4, 2015

I was running a stored procedure it was suspended for about 11 hours so I decided to kill it now its in Killed/Rollback stage for 12 hours and when check the status of roll back it says "Estimated rollback completion: 0%. Estimated time remaining: 0 seconds." its using up CPUTIME 380000 and DiskIO 970000. How to do I stop this co.mpletely

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Is It Possible To Switch From Pure Window's Authenticated Mode Ro Mixed Mode? (SQL 2005)

Jan 18, 2007

Durning install I selected Window's Authentication only, but now it seems we may need to use a Mixed Mode with an SA account etc... is there anyway to switch SQL 2005 to use Mixed Mode after the fact?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SSRS SharePoint Integrated Mode Versus Native Mode

Jul 25, 2014

We have reports in SharePoint integrated mode which are really slow when compared to native mode. I have been asked to research and give info on what exactly causes the delays.

Any articles which give me information as to what happens when a report is run from SharePoint server and where does it log.

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Query Executes Faster In Grid Mode Than In Text Mode!!

Mar 9, 2000


There is a query which when executed in the grid mode(ctrl+d) takes approx 0.02 seconds(about 21,000
rows) But when I execute in the text mode, it takes about 0.40 seconds!!
Why is this difference?
Also, when the records from this table are read from a VB application, they are equally slow (as in the text mode!)
Why is it so slow on the text mode & relatively faster in the grid mode?
Has anyone got any idea on ‘Firehose’ style cursor ?(which may speed up access of data in the VB application)


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Transact SQL :: Trigger Database In Suspect Mode And Get It Out To Normal Mode?

Jul 27, 2015

how to put sql server database in suspect mode intensely and  get it out from suspect mode to normal mode.

   i am using SQL server 2008 R2

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What Is The Fiber Mode(lightweighting Pool Mode) Of SQL Server?

Mar 26, 2005

Recently I read such statments 'When SQL Server is run in "lightweight pooling" mode (fiber mode) and the DTC service is started, unexpected behavior may occur.'
Can someone say anything about fibe mode?I am appreciated for it.:)

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Local Intranet Mode Versus Internet Mode.

Jul 16, 2007


Currently, our Report Builder is running on Local Intranet mode. I'm investigating what the security implications are in changing it to Internet mode. However, I've not been able to find any documentation on this.

Does anyone know of any documentation that addresses this issue or have experience that they can share with changing Report Builder security zone from Intranet mode to Internet mode?

Thanks very much.

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Mixed Mode To Windows Mode Without Trace....

Jan 3, 2006

Hi folks,

I have a SQL 2005 OTC. CTP version running on Windows 2003 server.

I would like to find out how the SQL server option changed to Windows Authentication mode from Mixed mode over the weekend.  From the SQL log, I don't see when it changed.  I would like to see Date/Time and client IP.  If I can see User ID (windows) that would be great.  Where I can find these info in SQL server?

Thank you in advance...


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SQL Server 2008 :: Backup Running Long And Backup Threads Show Suspended

Feb 18, 2015

SQL Server 2008 r2 - 6 GB memory...I attempted a backup on a 500GB database but it was taking way too long. I checked the resources on the box and saw the CPU at 100%. I checked the SQL Server activity log and saw a hung query (user was not even logged on) that had multiple threads so I killed it and now the CPU utilization is back to normal.

Trouble is, now all of the threads in the activity monitor for the backup show 'suspended' and the backup appears to be not doing anything.

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Should TLog Backup Be Suspended During Full Backup

Mar 15, 2007

If I create an adhoc db backup that takes, say 30 miuntes to complete, should I suspend the tran log backups that run every 10 minutes, until the full backup is complete?


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Hot Mode

Aug 4, 2006

I need to put my SQL Server 2000 database in "hot mode" similar to the way Oracle can be placed in "hot mode" so we can sync a mirror and split it back off. How do I do this from the command line?

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Nov 27, 2001

Have you ever heard of "firehose mode"? I am receiving the following message when trying to update certain tables in our SQLServer 2000 database "Transaction cannot start while in firehose mode.' Do you have any insights?


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Firehose Mode

Jul 21, 2000

has anyone everheard of this. i got this error the other evening and could not find any details on it ... thank s


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License Mode

Dec 13, 2000

Hi all,

I want to know how I can do to change my SQL server licence mode (from per-ser to per-seat) without reinstall SQL Server.

Thanks in advance.

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Exclusive Mode

May 21, 2003


When I open an application, it prompts me for a message that SQL is locked in exclusive mode by other application.

How to solve this?

thanks in advance


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Licensing Mode

Aug 9, 1999

I know that PerSeat is each individual computer that accesses SQL Server
and PerServer is the number of concurrent connections to the server.
Is Client Access Licenses the same as PerSeat?

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Licensing Mode Changes

Jun 28, 2002

At installation I erred in specifying per seat licensing when the server I'm working on is actually a per processor license. Can I change this or must I reinstall SQL 2K?

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Licensing Mode Changes

Jun 28, 2002

At installation I erred in specifying per seat licensing when the server I'm working on is actually a per processor license. Can I change this or must I reinstall SQL 2K?

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Licensing MOde

Nov 7, 2001

Can the licencing mode of SQL Server 2000 be changed after it is installed or do we need to reinstall.


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Licensing Mode

Apr 15, 2004

Hi all,

This may seem like a stupid question but i have a server licensed per processor (4 processors) but would like to have it licensed per user. The licensing setup in control panel only shows options for per processor or per devide. How do i get to license per user without reinstalling?

Thanks in advance.

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Logim Mode

May 16, 2004

I connect to SQL-server from my application with 'sa' account.
It works when SQL-server is configured 'Windows Authentication'
and doesn't work for ' Mixed Mode Authentication'.
How it can be?

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What Authentication Mode Is Best For Me?

Oct 4, 2005


Were working on a Smart Client application. Our customers will have .Net Windows forms on their computers that will access SQL Server data on our server.

I've read that Windows Authentication is the most secure authentication mode. However, since our customers computers are not on our network it would be impossible to use Windows Authentication. We'll have to use Mixed Authentication. I just wanted to confirm this in case my understanding of the authentication modes is wrong.


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Setting To DBO Only Mode

Nov 15, 2007

Like in SQL2000, can we set the SQL2005 dbs to DBO only mode?

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