DB Size Limitation On SBS 2003
Dec 2, 2005
I found an article that stated that there was a limit of 1GB of total user databases for SQL on Small Business Server. I could not tell if that was SBS 2003 or an earlier version. Does anyone know if there is any limitation?
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May 1, 2006
Can somebody tell me if the 4 GB database size limit is per database or for all the databases
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Mar 14, 2000
I have created a backup device. THe file it wrote (.dat) is 1.2 gig when I tried to run another backup to it it failed (3sec) Is there a size limitation on the Device or .dat file size?
Just testing things out I tried to directly open this file and it gave me a memory problem(Try closing other applications not enough memory to open "filename").
I would appreciate your help, thanks
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Jul 24, 2000
I am porting data between sql65 servers. I am transfering data using bcp , while doing bcp i am getting following error.
DB-Library error: Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized row to the sql server.
DB-Library error: Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field.
My row size in the particular table is : 170 bytes length.
Can anyone have idea, what is row size limitation in 65.
i am having service pack 5a.
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Jul 20, 2005
Hi all,I am new to the ADODB.StreamI am using following codelRecordset.Open "Select * from <some table-name>"'this query return more than 1000 recordsdim lstream as new ADODB.stream'assigning the recordset data to the streamlrecordset.save lstreamlStream.Position = 0Dim lRecordset2 As New ADODB.RecordsetlRecordset2.Open lstreamMsgBox lRecordset2.RecordCountmy problem is that query is returning say 1500 records but when i amagain assigning the same stream to another recordset it is copyingonly 485 recordsthat is lstream is saving only 485 records...is there any size limiton stream...?how i can do this using stream only....If u have any solution plz reply back..Thanks in advance...
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Aug 14, 2007
I am using FileSystemTask to copy around 4 gb file(ASCII). Is there any limitation on the file size.
SQL Server 2005 SP2, Windows 2003 server. Copying from one Windows 2K server to other Windows 2K server.
Thank you,
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Mar 18, 2008
Does anyone know of a reg hack we can use to temporarily increase the size of the sql express limitation of 4 GB?
thanks, ken
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Oct 17, 2007
Im just wondering, does the Execute SQL task have a length limitation of how long the SQL statement can be, I tried to copy and paste a very long SQL statement from my DTS execute job task to a new SSIS execute SQL task and the statement was truncated and I cannot enter anymore text after that
anyone have experience with this ?
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Apr 2, 2007
HI Everyone,
I understand that there is a 4GB size limitation on SQL Server Express edition. right?
What I want to know is what if a database file created in SQL Express is hosted with SQL Server 2005 will the file still have the 4 GB size limitations?
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Nov 5, 1999
I am running 7.0 standard desktop on Workstation 4.0 and have run into a database size limitation of 10GB. I have all the newest
patches and have found no documentation that refers to a 10GB limitation. A September copy of VBA developer says that this edition
has a limitation of 4GB while the guides say that the Small Business Server edition would have a 10GB limitation. All other forms
of documentation say that there should be the standard mega-terabyte limit. I'm completely confused by this [lack of] documentation.
Any help???
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Sep 9, 2014
Does sql server 2012 support varbinary data type for replication (Merge or transaction)?
And if so, is there a limitation of data size?
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Oct 7, 2015
I've never worked with the XML data type in SQL Server, although I know its been there for a few iterations of SQL SErver. Now I've got a situation in which it might store some configuration data as XML, since that's the way it comes. (We had thought about storing the data in a VARCHAR(MAX) field.)
The first question is does the XML data type have a size limitation? For example do you do something like:
ConfigFile XML(1000) NULL
Or is it just something like this:
ConfigFile XML NULL
The second question is persisting the data to a file. As the name I choose for the variable suggests, we want to save the data from a configuration file into a SQL Server database. How do we go about doing that? We'll be developing a C# application, it will read and write the data both from the SQL table and the user's local HD.
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Aug 14, 2015
Out of Memory when working with big XML Files:when validating XSD it process small files but when size close to 1gb it throws .I have 16 xml files out of which 8-10 Â files size will be around 1gb processing one by one in FOR EACH LOOP container in SSIS[XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.".Task XSD Validation failed.
system configuration :
processor:Intel(R) Xeon (R) CPU E5-2670 v2 @2.50GhZ 2.50 Hz
Installed memory (RAM): 61 GB
System type: 64 -Bit operating System
Visual studio:2012,32 bitÂ
virtual memory : 12499 MB
whether the size of the XML Document a limitation for the validation task ? or any system configuration i need to improve?
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Jul 23, 2005
How can I adjust the vertical size of query and save it?In older versions of Access XP, it is enough to make position height bymouse-drag and save.When I reopen the , height changes remain saved.In Access 2003, the changes won't remain as saved. When reopened, it returnsto autosize height...which is small.Thanks
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Nov 13, 2006
If I install SQL 2005 Standard on Windows 2003 Standard, is SQL limited to 4 gigs of physical RAM?
I'm planning a new system that will run SQL 2005 Standard edition on a Windows 2003 Standard platform. The spec calls for 8 GB of RAM. My experience would lead me to suspect I need to install Windows 2003 Enterprise to take advantage of all the installed memory.
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Sep 4, 2007
I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?
And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.
Any help with this process?
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Sep 11, 2007
I need to import an SQL string from MS Excel 2003 to SQL SERVER 2000.
The string I need to import is composed by 5 different several blocks and looks like:
Code Snippet
CommandLine01 = "USE mydb"
CommandLine02 = "SELECT Block ..."
CommandLine03 = "GO
CommandLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CommandLine05 = "SELECT Block..."
The detail of the SQL string is at:
I am trying to implement OJ's suggestion:
to use multi - batch processing to import the string to SQL SERVER, something like:
Code Snippet
Dim SqlCnt, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3
'set the properties and open a connection
cmd1="use my_db"
cmd2="create table mytb"
cmd3="insert into mytb"
SqlCnt.execute cmd1
SqlCnt.Execute cmd2
SqlCnt.Execute cmd3
Below is the code (just partial) I have, and I need help to complete it.
Thanks in advance,
Code Snippet
Function TestConnection()
Dim ConnectionString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet
ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=myServer;Database=myDBName;Uid=UserName;Pwd=Password"
CmdLine01 = " USE " & myDB
CmdLine03 = "GO
CmdLine04 = "UPDATE Block..."
CmdLine05 = "SELECT Block..."
RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnectionString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnectionString
ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnectionString.Execute CmdLine02
'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet
'Close ADO objects
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnectionString = Nothing
End Function
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Jul 23, 2005
I may not be the best forum for this post, however I believe some onecan still help me or direct me somewhere else.I'm finding that win 2003 x64 and SQL 2005 CTP is slower than win 2003and SQL 2000.Machine A: Opteron 2.2 (248) w/ 2 cpus. 8GB memory. SCSI disk array.Windows Enterprise 2003 x64 final release. SQL Server 2005 enterpriseCTP.Machine B: Opeteron 2.2 (248) w/ 2 CPUs. 4GB Memory. IDE Drives.Windows Server 2003 (32bit) and SQL Server 2005 (standard).I'm using Cognos' DecisionStream as the ETL tool (32bit). I have theidentical job on both machines. Machine A is slower to do my nightlybuild (1h 20m) vs. Machine B (50m).I've done no tweaking of the databases. I Used SQL 2005's studio tocopy the database from Machine B to Machine A.The only major difference is the O/S and SQL, the machines are samespeed, however Machine A has twice the memory and faster disk; so Iwould expect it to be faster.Can anyone think of smoking guns I might be missing?TIA
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Oct 5, 2001
Does anyone know if there is a way to get SQL 7.0 to recognize 8 GB of RAM? The MS knowledgebase does not list anything usefull. On a test machine we upgraded the os from NT4 to Win2000 Advanced Server and SQL 7 will only recognize 4GB. We could goto SQL2000 but that is not supported with our current apps.
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Jul 13, 2006
If there is a need to add a new column to the table, how would you do it to add it to an EXISTING report using RB? I don't want to create a new RB report. I want to add the new column to an existing RB report.
p.s. Anybody knows how to replace a Report Model on the report server when re-deploying it? Currently I manually delete the Report Model and re-deploy it onto the server. Otherwise, it gives me an error for duplicate IDs. Is there a switch that can be turned on? Thanks.
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May 4, 2007
** For those 20 users (or fewer) who've read http://forums.asp.net/thread/1692306.aspx, I'm sorry that I ask the same question.Like I said above, what is the limitation of SQLEXPRESS, in terms of performance and scability?I'm creating a new webboard application that will replace the old one. I intend it to handle 200 concurrent users + 70000 records (9 years of data)The current system use Microsoft Access, which is reaching it's limit in performance and size. I took a look in the SQL Server product information page : http://www.microsoft.com/sql/prodinfo/features/compare-features.mspx.It didn't tell me what I want, like how many connections it can handle, for example.If there are limitations that might cause my application to not reach the required specification (above), I may need to switch to MySQL. I've no intention buying a licensed SQL Server 2005.Thanks in advance.PS: Why there're so few users viewing my posts? Anyone know a more active forum that may help me?
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Apr 8, 2002
Just wondering how many transaction replication subscriber can a publication
have? thanks!
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May 30, 2008
I have a column called codeabbreviation and currently the Max character limit is 72. Now I want to decrease it to 35character max but before I do that I want to find all rows in that column that already exceeds the 35character max so that I can clean it up down to 35characters.
What is the proper statement to use so that I can query for rows that exceeds 35characters?
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Jul 23, 2005
Does anybody know what is the limit for the number of values one canhave in a list of expressions (to test for a match) for the IN clause?For example,SELECT au_lname, stateFROM authorsWHERE state IN ('CA', 'IN', 'MD')Is there a limit in the number of expressions that can be included inthe list to check for a match to STATE? I know this is a bad example asthere are only 50 states, but my actual query is similar to this, theonly difference being I may have about 1000 values in the 'IN' clauseto test for a match.TIA!
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Oct 4, 2006
Can I get a documentation about full text capacity and limitation like memory utilization, number of catalogs per server, no of rows in each catlaog for SQL Server 2000.
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Feb 8, 2008
ok i am using Microsoft sql sever 2005 express edition built in VS 2005....just wanna know that is there any limitations of the no of tables that can be created in the database.......my webpage creates a new table in the database for each user who registers....so if there are more than thousand, millions. users...will the database work properly ????
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Feb 23, 2005
Hi Guys,
Can you please advice me on if there is a limitation on SQL agent Jobs. If then how many jobs can SQL server accomedate.
If there is a limit, then is there are any ways to increase it?
I appreciate your quick response.
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Oct 14, 2006
Code is:
case when ItemCode is null then '-'
else ItemCode
case when sum(RecdQty) is null then '-'
else sum(RecdQty)
from ItemMaster where ItemCode='V001' group by ItemCode
Problem Statement:
If query is not getting any records for above mentioned condition, then I want zero to be displayed if datatype is int (i.e. for sum(RecdQty) field) and '-' to be diplayed if datatype is varchar (i.e. for ItemCode field).
In this situation, "ItemCode is null" and "sum(RecdQty) is null" conditions are not been utilised.
Is this a limitation of case or group by clause?
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Sep 11, 2007
I'm using ADO 2.8 in a vb.net code. The .Net framework version is 1.1 and windows server 2003.
I'm firing a query that result in 256 columns and few hundred rows. Here is the snapshot of the code
adoRs = New ADODB.Recordset
With adoRs
.CursorLocation = CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient ' adUseClient
.ActiveConnection = adoCn
.CursorType = CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic ' adOpenStatic
.LockType = LockTypeEnum.adLockBatchOptimistic ' adLockBatchOptimistic
End With
The returned record set is empty with all the the 256 columns name. Could anyone shed light why it is returning empty recordset. Is there any limitation on number of columns that a recordset can hold.
Thanks in advance.
With regards
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Jan 12, 2006
I came accross this and spend a significant amount of time on it. Thought I'd posit it for all. I looks like 2005 SSIS has a limitation on the number of simultaneous transformations it can pull from an XML file using "XML source" as a dataflow. I've got an XML / XSD that will load 20 tables. I cannot put more than 13 into my data flow task. If I do I get the error message below. I've tried adding multiple OLE DB transformations to the same server/db and spreading my feeds accross the OLEDB destination connections and it still fails with the same error. Despite the error pointing to the network I see no evidence of that. I've tried everything and it consistently goes away when I have only 13 transformations and comes back as soon as I go up to 14. I've not seen this documented as a limitation so I can only assume it's a bug.
BTW -- to get around the problem you can just add multiple data transfer tasks to the same SSIS project and that works fine.
Error: 0xC0202009 at Package, Connection manager "server1.conn1": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure".
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.".
Error: 0xC020801C at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination 13 [12709]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "server1.conn1" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
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Dec 15, 2007
In the latest issue of MSDN Journal , article "IIS 7.0: Enhance Your Apps Wioth Integrated ASP.NET Pipeline", Mike Volodarsky says:
"...Be sure to close the tool after you are finished as SQL Server Express Edition allows only one user identity to access the database at a time."
Can someone elaborate on this?
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Oct 24, 2006
hi guys,
I was wondering about a silly thing but, anyway, which is the maximum number of grouping for a container? I mean, when you group from, i.e, a sql task and then over that group do again another one and so on...
Thanks in advance for your time,
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