DBA Contract Without Local Admin Priveleges

Apr 30, 2007

O what a place to be

I started this Contract as an (Interim) for a new DBA role, for an application support Company last month & all was going well.

The User Application is run via Citrix against multiple Hosted Sybase ASA Databases.

I introduced SQL 2005 with Reporting Services as a mixed Data Mart Remote Query via ODBC Linked Servers setup.

Because they had never had a DBA before the Data I was able to pull from over thirty seperate databases into one and present via Reporting Services has blown them away.

And then one day the Senior Support Analyst told me he had put the main most important Sybase Database on a completely seperate domain he had created(with no Trust between the two) , because he was unable to secure the existing domain against unauhorized remote internet intrusion & Viruses.

(I never liked the idea that hosted customers were domainusers on the Corporate network)

To add insult to injury he then told me to install & maintain another SQL Box on the new domain, OK so far.

I logged into the supoposed new box via citrix & then remote desktop, and to my disbelief he had the desktop locked down - no access to control panel or anything - he asked me why i needed access - I told him - he asked me why I need to have reboot priveleges - I told him.

So now he's installed 2005 himself in the vain hope I can work without Local Admin privelages or need to unlock the Desktop - he certainly won't give me Domain Admin.

I Just cannot believe I'm unable to persuade him to Unlock the Desktop & have even threatened to walk out unless he lets me do my Job.

He probably does'nt like me but there can be absolutely no question about my abilities or accessing data that i should'nt.

He's basically read a Deny by Default article and expects me to start of as a user with a locked desktop and then request & justify escalating my security from there.

Is this possible ?

Good Grief :eek: Any ideas what I should do ?



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Alter Service &&<SVC1&&> (Add Contract &&<CONTRACT&&>) Does Not Really Work, Need Help

Aug 20, 2007


Sure you can run


alter service SVC1 (add contract CONTRACT2);

But You can only send message using contract1, when you try to send msg using contract2, it always say can not find CONTRACT "contract2".

The following query shows the contract is there.

select s.*,c.* from sys.service_contract_usages U

inner join sys.services S on S.service_id = U.service_id

inner join sys.service_contracts C on U.service_contract_id=C.service_contract_id

where S.name='SVC1'

declare @lMsg xml

declare @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier

set @lMsg = '<test>testing</test>'

Begin Transaction

Begin Dialog @ConversationHandle

From Service SVC1

To Service 'SVC2'

On Contract contract1

WITH Encryption=off;


ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle

Message Type [type1]


The above works, but the following will not work.

declare @lMsg xml

declare @ConversationHandle uniqueidentifier

set @lMsg = '<test>testing</test>'

Begin Transaction

Begin Dialog @ConversationHandle

From Service SVC1

To Service 'SVC2'

On Contract CONTRACT2

WITH Encryption=off;


ON CONVERSATION @ConversationHandle

Message Type [type2]



Any idea ?


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Local Admin On Report Services

Feb 6, 2008

Good grief the tech are telling me that the reason I cant connect to report services is becasue I need to be a Local Admin, I can connec to the database engine but not Report services. Yikes


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SA Password Is Not Working And Local Admin. Can't

Jun 4, 2008

Hi there,
i have a test sql server. personal Edition Sp2. i loggoed on with a domain account that is part of local admin group. i was surprised when i found that i don't have enough access to work on the database like create and restore databases
i tried to log on with sa but password not succeeded i don't remember that i had changed the password or put a difficult one.
i also tried from the local administrator i also couldn't get the permission !!
what could gone wrong ? thanks god its only a test server :S

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Access To Database By Local Admin User

Feb 10, 2014

I am newbie to SQL.I need to create an application will run on server, and of course will be installed by using admin user. I can use the install user to access to database on that server?

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Should A Sysadmin Have Local Admin Rights On Server?

Apr 27, 2006


The company I work for outsources all its non-development IT. So all windows servers are administered by an outside company. Lately we have purchased SQL Server 2005, along with a dedicated Windows Server 2003 server. I am the sole administrator of this SQL Server, and so have sysadmin rights. However because the outside company is responsible for all windows servers, they are very reluctant to grant me local administrator rights on the server. This has been causing problems, partly because I have to go through them for many simple requests (such as moving database files, or changing SQL Server configuration files), and partly because certain functionality doesn't seem to work for non-administrators (such as the use of Database Mail and full access to Reporting Services).

I want to challenge the decision and gain local admin rights to the server. Would anyone have further reasons why a sysadmin should also have local admin rights? Is this common practice, or are sysadmins often denied admin access to the server?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks, Matt

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Shared Hosting: Web Data Admin And Local Testing

Dec 18, 2004

I just recently added 30MB of SQL Server database space on my Share hosting account.

I want to put the SQL Web Data Administrator on the server but it is an MSI file and I cannot figure out how to install it.

Also, I will be testing my .Net pages on my local machine. How do I go about it without accessing the SQL Server on my host? I used MS Access before and I have a copy of both databases on my local machine and on the server. I'm thinking of using MSDE on my machine and I just change the connection string when I upload my code. Is this a good idea or is there a better alternative?


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Service Accounts, Local Admin, And Sysadmin Question!

Oct 2, 2007


Re: SQL Server 2005

We have defined a local administrator to be the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services user, and is also the job step owner for some SSIS packages I am running.

My question is, isn't by default a local administrator ALSO granted sysadmin in SQL Server? According to this link, it seems to imply this:


However, I am having some permissions problems with the local adminstrator account (i.e. SQL Server agent account) when it runs the job. The error is that it doesn't have execute permissions on sp_dts_addlogentry.

How can this be, if it's granted sysadmin?


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Required Permissions (no Local Admin) For Deploying A Report

May 7, 2007

Hi all,

what are the minimum required permissions for being allowed to deploy a report? When I try to deploy a report in BIDS I get the error message that my user has not sufficient rights for doing so.

Some key data for my configuration:

Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition with Service Pack 1
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition with Service Pack 1
I'm not a local administrator, but I have administration rights for SQL Server and Analysis Services
I'm in the Reporting Services' system administrator and system user groups

I can access http://localhost/Reports, but not http://localhost/ReportServer
I have access to the directory (incl. subdirectories) MSSQL.2, but not to MSSQL.1MSSQL and MSSQL3Reporting Services
I can't run the Reporting Services Configuration Tool (see http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1565766&SiteID=1)
I can't connect to Reporting Services in SQL Server Management Studio

My question is (as I have already mentioned in the beginning): what are the minimum rights the IT administrator has to assign to my user so that I'll be able to deploy reports? Giving me local administrator rights is not possible.

Thanx in advance and kind regards,


In the meantime I have found out, that I'm most probably not a member of the Publisher role. But although I am in the System Administrator role I cannot assign myself to this role. When going to http://localhost/Reports the required links are just not visible. Is this because I'm not a member of the groups SQLServer2005ReportServerUser$... and SQLServer2005ReportingServicesWebServerUser$... ?

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SQL 2005 Express Local Admin Access Denied

Jan 3, 2007

I am using a standard installation of SQL 2005 Express installed with Visual C# Express. I have tried several connection strings, have tried connecting different databases, all of which end up giving me access denied for user <machineName>Greg (Greg is the local admin account for this PC. I found this guideline for connectivity questions (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=362498&SiteID=1), and have gone through it all, posting the answers to questions here. One thing that may be different about this machine is that it is a tablet PC (WinXP Tablet edition) and I am running VMWare Server. I also tried loading it on a WinXP Pro workstation with no VMWare, and have gotten the same results. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

My connection string:
@"Server=(local);Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=Database1");

Client error message:
Cannot open database "Database1" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'GREGBORGGreg'.

Client is local to the SQL 2005 Express - this is an application running on a local PC.

I am able to ping -a GREGBORG (as well as localhost)

I am able to telnet to port 1433 of my local machine, although Ctrl+[ does not give me an SQL prompt

I am using ADO.NET 2.0 and Visual C# 2005 Express

I have enabled Shared memory, named pipes and TCP/IP.

I have no alias' configured, and am not requiring encryption.

I am using SQL 2005 Express loaded on Windows XP tablet edition.

The SQL browser is not enabled, and it says that it has no enabled devices associated with it.

SQL Server is running under the Network System account

I have tried running it firewalled and not firewalled

I am running Clamwin anti-virus

From the ERRORLOG:
2007-01-03 12:29:56.19 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 16.
2007-01-03 12:29:56.19 Logon Login failed for user 'GREGBORGGreg'. [CLIENT:]

From the command prompt I get:
C:Documents and SettingsGreg>osql -E -S (local)sqlexpress
1> use Database1
2> go
Msg 911, Level 16, State 1, Server GREGBORGSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'Database1'. No entry found
with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

When I try to attach Database1 in my 'My Documents' folder, it says that access is denied to the file.

I added a user via SQL Management Studio Express and then received the error:

C:Documents and SettingsGreg>osql -S gregborgsqlexpress -U Greg -P ********
1> sp_attach_db "Database1", "C:documents and SettingsGregMy DocumentsVisual
Studio 2005Projects est_SQL est_SQLDatabase1.mdf"
2> go
Msg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Server GREGBORGSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Directory lookup for the file "C:documents and SettingsGregMy
DocumentsVisual Studio 2005Projects est_SQL est_SQLDatabase1.mdf" failed
with the operating system error 5(Access is denied.).
1> use northwind
2> go
Msg 945, Level 14, State 2, Server GREGBORGSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
Database 'Northwind' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient
memory or disk space. See the SQL Server errorlog for details.

In the ERRORLOG I have:
2007-01-03 12:38:27.25 spid51 Error: 5173, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2007-01-03 12:38:27.25 spid51 One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup.
2007-01-03 13:07:16.82 spid51 Using 'xpstar90.dll' version '2005.90.1399' to execute extended stored procedure 'xp_instance_regread'. This is an informational message only; no user action is required.
2007-01-03 13:09:24.68 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.
2007-01-03 13:09:24.68 Logon Login failed for user 'Greg'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
2007-01-03 13:09:27.43 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.
2007-01-03 13:09:27.43 Logon Login failed for user 'Greg'. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

Again, thank you for any help. I think I may have been staring at this too long to be productive any more...

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Sa Priveleges

Oct 23, 1998

anybody who can tell me how to make
other users have the sa priveleges?
in sybase it is sp_role, but what is the
equivalent command in ms sql server 6.5?

thanks in advance.

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SQL 2012 :: Create Login With Sysadmin And Add To Local Server Admin Group

Apr 30, 2015

Need script for below.

1)Add the user ''ADabc' to local admin group in server.
2)Create login 'ADabc' and Grant sysadmin access for ADabc

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SQL 2012 :: Removing Service Accounts From Local Admin Group - File Permission Changes Needed

Feb 11, 2014

I setup SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012 with the service accounts in the local Administrator group, but now that I'd like to remove the accounts from this group I'm finding they don't have the appropriate access to the network storage. notes on setting the per-service SID's for SQL (SQL Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Agent Service) so they can read the Data, Log, and TempDB mount points?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Decrypt Encrypted Columns From Database Backup On Local Machine

Jun 29, 2015

I've a SQL server 2014 running on one of our server. We're in the process of implementing security steps for our databases. I've encrypted a column in one of the table in the database on the server. The issue is when I restore the backup on my local SQL server and run a query to decrypt the column data it gives me null values. On the other end when I decrypt the column data on the main server it works fine. I found a thread on this forum which states to do the following when restoring the encrypted database on different server.

USE [master];

select File_Name
, CONVERT(nvarchar,DECRYPTBYKEY(File_Name))
from [test].[dbo].[Orders_Customer]

I tried doing above still no luck.

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Error In Report Server Priveleges Permission

Mar 20, 2007

I have just installed sql server 2005 developer edition with ssrs

I am getting following error

When Browsing

Reporting Services Error

The permissions granted to user 'KAMRANSHAHIDIUSR_KAMRANSHAHID' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) Get Online Help

SQL Server Reporting Services


When editing Surface Area Configuration

TITLE: Surface Area Configuration

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The permissions granted to user 'KAMRANSHAHIDIUSR_KAMRANSHAHID' are insufficient for performing this operation. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException: The permissions granted to user 'KAMRANSHAHIDIUSR_KAMRANSHAHID' are insufficient for performing this operation.
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.SetSystemProperties(Property[] properties)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.SetSystemProperties(Property[] Properties)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService.SetSystemProperties(Property[] Properties) (System.Web.Services)




Also When I connect from management studio for the reporting services instance I get the same error of insufficient privilge

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&LinkId=20476


The permissions granted to user 'KAMRANSHAHIDIUSR_KAMRANSHAHID' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) (Report Services SOAP Proxy Source)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=20476&EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&EvtID=rsAccessDenied&ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&ProdVer=9.00.1399.00


The permissions granted to user 'KAMRANSHAHIDIUSR_KAMRANSHAHID' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) (ReportingServicesLibrary)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=20476&EvtSrc=Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ErrorStrings&EvtID=rsAccessDenied&ProdName=Microsoft%20SQL%20Server%20Reporting%20Services&ProdVer=9.00.1399.00




What Am I missing ?

But While browsing report {not server } works fine

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Cannot Connect To Named Instance (2nd Instance) From Local SSMS

Jul 22, 2015

I've two instances(Default, Named[dynamicsFINANCE]) running on SQL server 2014. However, when I try to connect to named instance say (dynamicsFINANCE) using SQL authentication from local SSMS, I get below error message:

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

I assigned a static port number to the named instance [dynamicsFINANCE] 1450. I also setup the firewall rule to allow access to Port 1450.

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Sql Server DBA Contract

Apr 16, 2008


can someone please advise me, that if i were to do those video tutorials on sql server 2000, 2005 on:



Will i be able to do a contract which requires about 2 years experience?

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Is Local Admin Required For C# Express/SQL Express?

Mar 10, 2007

I have been trying to get Visual Studio Express w/C# to work with SQL Express. If I run with my normal local privs set to Debug User, I get a Login Failed message when I try to add a SQL database using the Add Item feature from the Solution Explorer. If I set my account to run as local administrator, everything works as expected. I am unable to connect to anything from the Database Explorer as well unless I am local admin.

I can run the SQL Express management utilities with no trouble when logged in as Debug User, and everything else in Visual Studio seems to work OK as well.

Is there a cure for this? I keep preaching to my users about the dangers of running as local admin, so I would feel uneasy about doing so myself just to be able to use VS Express.

View 9 Replies View Related

Receiving A Message With A Specific Contract

Jun 28, 2006

If the service is defined with multiple contracts is there a way to receive a message with a specific contract?

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Populating Sales Figures By Contract Length

Jan 9, 2014

Aim – Take the “One Month Figures”, look at the revenue start date, and calculate the sales by the “Contract Length”, broken down by the year in the “Revenue_State_Date”.

For Example

As the Revenue_State_Date starts on 01/01/2015, you have 12months of full trading in 2015, so you need to calculate 12 months of sales,

This needs to be spread out over the contract length

For eg
YearSales Months

My query is

[Total_Contract_Value__c] as TCV,
[Contract_Term__c] As Contract_Length,
[Revenue_Start_Date__c] as Revenue_State_Date,
[Total_Contract_Value__c]/[Contract_Term__c] as One_Month_Sales
FROM [FDMS].[Dan].[Raz_Reporting_LCS]
where ID = '006a0000015qcGsAAI'

Which produces following results

TCV £13,113,150.00
Contract_Length 54
One Month Figures £242,836.11

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Calculate Contract Days In Financial Year

Feb 4, 2015

I have a table with 3 fields: Contract_No, Start_Date, End_Date. I need to calculate how many of the days between the Start and End dates fall within each financial year (FY) beginning 1st April and ending 31st March.

So for example if the Contract Start_Date is 26/01/2012 and the End_Date is 20/05/2012 or is null then the number of days for 2012 FY is 49 (counting from 01/04/2012 to 20/05/2012).

If the End_Date is null for the same contract, then the number of days for 2012 FY would be 365.

Since the contract period from Start_Date to End_Date might span more than one or even several FY I need to be able to show this in columns seperately for each FY. What is the best way of achieving this?

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Is It Ok To Post A SSIS Contract Vacancy On This Forum?

Jun 30, 2006


I wonder if anyone could tell me whether it is acceptable to post a SSIS contract vacancy on this forum?

If not, where would be the best forum/site to find UK-based SSIS developer contractors?

Many thanks,


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SA Account (DBA System Account) Granting Priveleges But SQL Server 2000 Not Applying Them

Dec 4, 2006

I have been running a script in SQL Server 2000 as sa also as a Active Directory user who has administrator rights (I tested both approaches SQL Server then Windows Authentication) in Query Analyser which grants execute rights to the stored procedures within the database instance and Query Analyser does not give any errors when I run the script. I have made sure that each transaction has a go after it. I then return to Enterprise Manager, check the rights (I apply them to roles so that when we create another SQL Server user we just grant him/her rights to the role) and discover that the role has not been granted the rights. I seems to be occurring only with 2 of the procedures. Is there a known bug that might be causing this?

yours sincerely

Craig Hoy

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Contract And Queue Confusion If Named The Same Plus Positioning Issue.............

Nov 17, 2006


The problem I was having regarding re-enable a queue was because it was in another database. I am guessing it did that because the contract and Queues have the same name. I double checked and nothing pointed to that database. I fixed it because I can re-enable the queue in the other database and it is fixed. My question is why did this happen? The other issue I am still having is regarding why the queue got disabled to begin with. I understand that it was because of positioning but do not understand how or why and how to provent it from being disabled.


Scott Allison...

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Server Broker Contract Talking To Multiple Computers

Nov 16, 2006


I solved the previous issue I had and now need to find out how to make it so I have Service Broker running on one machine and the services running on another machine. I mean you can set a connection string to post a message to the service broker but then it will need to respond and the connection string in the method called does not allow you to put a server in the connection string. The other issue is because the stored procedure calls the method in your code based on a namespace and then a method but does not specify a server. I am sure a way exists but am not familiar with it. This is the last piece of the architecture I need to work out before I finish designing the system.

Scott Allison...

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Transact SQL :: Get A List Of All Contracts Equal Or After To Their Maximum Contract

Jul 7, 2015

I have two tables and a CTE table.

-Shop : list of all shops with an ID_SHOP
-Contract : list of all contract with a FK to the shop FK_SHOP. A shop can have multiple contracts

I have a cte where I calculate for each FK_SHOP the maximum contract start date. I now want to join my shop table with the contract table but only for the contracts >= their maximum contract start date.

WITH cteContracts AS

[Code] ....

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Create Output Which Just Reflects Latest Conditions When Joining Back To Contract

Oct 10, 2013

col 1 is the pk for this table called Conditions - this table is related to contract.

Col 1 - PKContract TypeType ID
973300 711917 C30
973301 711917 C32
973302 711917 C31
1152323 711917 C30
1152324 711917 C31
1152325 711917 C32

A contract can many conditions so 1:M...Col 2 is the contract reference and the linking join to contract

Now - a condition related to an contract can have many re-trys and the causes the pk to increment. As you can see there are three conditions related to first attempt and then another three conditions.I want to create an ouput which just reflects the latest conditions when joining back to contract - Is this possible?I have requested to application providers to provide flag, but this will take some time...

View 8 Replies View Related

Reporting Services :: Possible To Merge Group Header Cells Used As Toggles To Expand / Contract Detail?

Sep 5, 2015

I have a report with 3 groups, and a toggle on the first cell in the group header, and group totals on that line also. So it renders as:

- Group 1 G1Total G1Total G1Total
- Group 2 G2Total G2Total G2Total
- Group 3 G3Total G3Total G3Total
Detail DAmt DAmt DAmt

I would like to save some space and render more like

- Group 1 G1Total G1Total G1Total
- Group 2 G2Total G2Total G2Total
- Group 3 G3Total G3Total G3Total
Detail DAmt DAmt DAmt

I haven't been able to find a way to have the first group cells overlap each other. Is there a way to do that and am I missing something obvious?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Does Security-admin Role Plus Deny Alter Any Login Cancel Each Other Out

Aug 27, 2015

I want to set up a database role so that users can use sp_readerrorlog through SSMS. It does a check on membership in the securityadmin role.

I have tested it and can see you can grant execute on xp_readerrorlog but the SSMS GUI uses sp_readerrorlog.

I thought I could create a user/certificate and add the signature to sp_readerrorlog but it's not permitted (likely because it's not a normal database object).

So the other solution is to add the users to the securityadmin role but then explicitly deny alter any login (best done with a custom server role in 2012+ but otherwise just manually in 2008). I tested this out and it works, I'm not able to alter any logins or increase my own permissions, I also did a check of what's reported from fn_my_permissions(null, null) and it shows minimal permissions like I'd expect.

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Local SQL Server Instances Not Showing Up On Local Servers Tab Of Management Studio Logon Screen

Oct 2, 2007

We have a 64-bit VM server running SQL Server 2005. The SQL Server on this particular VM server has 6 local instances installed. On the Management Studio logon screen I can type the full name of the local instance and connect to it, however if I press the drop down in the Server name field, choose Browse and select the Local Servers tab there is nothing listed under Database Engines.

Any idea why the 6 local instances don't show up under Database Engines? This is preventing me from installing a vendor application because their installer looks for local SQL Server instances on this server, but if SQL Server won't even show the local instances then the installer doesn't see them either.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Not Able To Connect To The Local Database With (local) As Server Name

Jun 7, 2006

I am facing a problem in connecting to the local database with server name as (local).

I have installed SQL Server 2005 in my machine. When I try to connect to the SQL server with the server name as SUNILKUMAR I am able to connect but when I try to connect to the same server with the server name as (local) I am not able to connect. SUNILKUMAR is my machine name and SQL server is running locally.

if anyone can help me what is the problem in this case it is highly appriciated.

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Need Help - Local Synchronization Between SQL Mobile And Local SQL Database

Dec 21, 2005

Hi Everyone

I am at the stage of architecting my solution

My goal is to develop the system on a windows application and pda

There is a central server which will create a publication called inventory

The laptops which host the windows application will be subscribers to the central server using merge replication

The client now wants the PDA using SQL Mobile to synchronize with the local subscirber database on the laptop using active sync. They dont want to do it via WIFI to the IIS Server at the central server

I have been reading for days and I am still unsure whether this is possible to do.

I know Appforge provide a conduit for palm to access synchronization but not local sql databases

I would appreciate your help immensley

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Moving A SQL Server 2000 Database From A Local Drive To Another Local Drive

Jan 31, 2008

Being a very novice SQL Server administrator, I need to ask the experts a question.

How do I go about moving a database from 1 drive to another? The source drive (C is local to the server, but the target drive (E is on a Storage Area Network (SAN), although it is still a local drive for the server. I want to move the database from C: to E:. Can someone provide me with instructions?


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