Feb 23, 1999
Hi all,
We have been checking the database by dbcc checkdb,through a automated task
on our production server (nightly task run everday)d we always getting the message given below.
Msg 625, Level 20, state 1
Could not retrieve row from logical page 957298 via RID because the entry in the offset table (=0) for that RID (=17) is less than or equal to 0.
If anyone knows about this error message, can you kindly post the message.
Thanks a lot.
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Mar 26, 2007
Hi All,
I am playing with DBCC command to check the contsrainst on a perticular table (DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS ('myTable') WITH ALL_CONSTRAINTS), it always gives the following result:
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
nothing more than that, anyone can help please?
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Apr 13, 2007
Hi all,
we've been having this ancient database with old accounting data running in suspect mode since as long as I can remember (I started working here a year ago), and finally I had some time on my hands so I thought I'd try to get it online again. However I'm running in to problems:
DBCC CHECKDB (myDBName) gives this error:
Msg 926, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Database 'myDBName' cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information.
Running sp_helpdb only does not display the suspect database and sp_helpdb 'myDBName' gives this error even though I'm a system administrator:
No permission to access database 'myDBName'.
It's possible that I might be able to dig up a backup but that would be quite tedious. Is it possible to bring the database to a state where I'm able to do a CHECKDB at least...?
"Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand"
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Aug 22, 2013
We recently migrated our production server from SQL 2005 (Standard) on Win2003(32-bit) to SQL2012 (Standard; v11.0.3000) on Win2008-R2(64bit). Single-server Dell R510 with 1.2TB storage. Everything went smoothly; the only nagging issue remaining is failure of our maintenance jobs. I tracked the issue down to failure of DBCC CHECKDB. Specifically, the error is:Executed as user: NT SERVICESQLSERVERAGENT. The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 5030) Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created and the database or table could not be lockedI have Googled this issue and read extensively. For instance, informative blogs (albeit dated) such as these by Paul Randal (Managing
CheckDB by default takes an internal DB snapshot to get the consistent, point-in-time view of the DB that it needs. If that snapshot creation fails, then it will try to get an exclusive database lock before proceeding (same as if you had executed DBCC CHECKDB WITH TABLOCK). The root problem is not that the lock could not be obtained, it's that the internal database snapshot could not be created. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188796.aspx details the specific situations when an internal database snapshot is not created and table locking is attempted.Â
 I have verified the SQLSERVERAGENT service account has full permissions on the SQLDATA directory where the databases reside and has full permissions on each database within the directory. Just for giggles, I created a job (run as SQLSERVERAGENT) that creates and then deletes a text file in the SQLDATA directory. It runs fine.
Also testedI get the snapshot creation error when manually running DBCC CHECKDB against any of our databases and when executing under a variety of administrator accounts that are members of the SQL sysadmin role and the Domain Admins security group (the Domain Admins is a member of the local Administrators group that has full permissions on all SQL directories/folders).
Additionally, the databases in question are small (200MB to 6GB) and the disk has plenty of elbow room (978GB free on 1.22TB RAID5 array) to create the internal database snapshots. CHECKDB doesn't surface an error message that is detailed enough to determine the precise cause of the error. Any example successfully running DBCC CHECKDB on the SQL2012 (Standard) on a Win2008 R2 (64-bit) server.
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Feb 6, 2005
Hi Guys,
SQL Server 2000
I've run out of ideas on what to do with a DTS process that has suddenly started giving an error when one company is processed on it.
Here's the deal:
DTS package launches a complex set of stored procedures (built entirely without error handling) as a step in importing data from various customers. I have isolated the error to one segment where I have to cursor through records that have been identified as having changes. Unfortunately, this cursor is updating about 15 system tables and uses modular stored procedures, about 12 of them, to do the job.
Error: The classic Subquery returned more than one value.
Oddity: If I run the code in Query Analyzer I never get an error, the code finishes without complaints. If I run the exact same code via the DTS package I always get the error. Note that the cursor appears to process every row assigned to it and then the sproc throws the error.
What I've Tried:
1) The obvious, reviewing the code for any unprotected subqueries. Haven't found it.
2) Checking for @@Error = 1 at key points in the code to try to isolate where this is happening. Can't catch it.
Note that this same process is used for several other company's data import process and they do not error even when running the DTS package. Therefore I'm assuming it is a data issue with the one company that errors that is causing the problem.
Any suggestions on what to try next would be greatly appreciated!
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Feb 20, 2003
Just a brief question. I have a script which does a number of insert statements. What I would like to do is determine if the insert statements were all successful. Aside from checking @@ERROR after every insert, is there a way to check if all the insert statements completed successfully?
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Nov 9, 2007
I have built a procedure to send mail using OLE Automation and want to be able to trap error information when it doesn't work. So in an attempt to do that I have the following stored procedure that will return informaiton if the return value is <> 0. Here is how it is being used:
IF @return <> 0
EXECUTE sp_displayoaerrorinfo @handle, @return
PRINT 'Success'
This works fine, but I would like to write the error message to a table and so I thought I could just alter to to be:
IF @return <> 0
EXECUTE sp_displayoaerrorinfo @handle, @return = @failure
PRINT 'Success'
Where @failure is a variable I declared earlier. Then I could insert the value of this variable along with some other infomration into a table that would track the errors. However, when I do this I receive the following:
Error: Procedure or Function 'sp_DisplayOAErrorInfo' expects parameter '@HResult', which was not supplied. Number:201 Severity:16 State:4
So it isn't seeing that I am passing two variables into the stored procedure. I know I must be missing something simple but I've tried a bunch of different itterations and can't seem to get it right. Any help would be great. Thanks.
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Jun 2, 2004
Hi all,
I have a stored procedure that inserts records into the database. It has error checking that checks for transaction failure, and if it happens it rollback the transaction.
IF @@error <> 0
My question is how can I test if the error checking works?
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Mar 12, 2007
Hi All,
I have a stored procedure to which I am adding an error checking. Here is my stored procedure.
DECLARE @dbsize DEC(15,2)
DECLARE @logsize DEC(15,2)
DECLARE @dbsizestr NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @logsizestr NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @totaldbsize DEC(15,2)
DECLARE dbnames_cursor CURSOR
SELECT name, dbid
FROM dbo.sysdatabases
OPEN dbnames_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM dbnames_cursor INTO @dbname, @dbid
SET @dbsizestr = 'SELECT @dbsize = sum(convert(dec(15,2),size))
FROM ' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles
WHERE fileid = 1'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @dbsizestr, N'@dbsize decimal(15,2) output', @dbsize output
PRINT @dbsize
SET @logsizestr = 'SELECT @logsize = sum(convert(dec(15,2),size))
FROM ' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles
WHERE fileid = 2'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @logsizestr, N'@logsize decimal(15,2) output', @logsize output
PRINT @logsize
SET @totaldbsize = LTRIM(STR((@dbsize + @logsize)*8/1024,15,2))
PRINT @totaldbsize
IF @dbid IN (SELECT dbid FROM dbo.sysdatabases) AND
@dbid NOT IN (SELECT dbid FROM dbo.databaseoriginalsize)
INSERT INTO databaseoriginalsize (dbid, dbname, dbsize, updatedate) VALUES (@dbid, @dbname, @totaldbsize, getdate())
IF @@ERROR <> 0
INSERT INTO databasesize (dbid, updatedate, dbsize) VALUES (5, getdate(), 25)
IF @@ERROR <> 0
FETCH NEXT FROM dbnames_cursor INTO @dbname, @dbid
CLOSE dbnames_cursor
DEALLOCATE dbnames_cursor
dbid column in the databasesize table is a primary key, so I when I try to insert records with the same dbid, I can an error message that duplicate row can't be inserted. That is fine, however, when I query databasesize table, there are 4 records with the dbid 5. With the error checking I have I thought I shouldn't get any records in the table, since there is an error transaction should be rolled back. Two questions:
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
Also, I need to add error checking after execute sp_executesql statement. Any suggestions?
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Mar 12, 2007
Hi All,
I have a stored procedure to which I am adding an error checking. Here is my stored procedure.
DECLARE @dbsize DEC(15,2)
DECLARE @logsize DEC(15,2)
DECLARE @dbsizestr NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @logsizestr NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @totaldbsize DEC(15,2)
DECLARE dbnames_cursor CURSOR
SELECT name, dbid
FROM dbo.sysdatabases
OPEN dbnames_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM dbnames_cursor INTO @dbname, @dbid
SET @dbsizestr = 'SELECT @dbsize = sum(convert(dec(15,2),size))
FROM ' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles
WHERE fileid = 1'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @dbsizestr, N'@dbsize decimal(15,2) output', @dbsize output
PRINT @dbsize
SET @logsizestr = 'SELECT @logsize = sum(convert(dec(15,2),size))
FROM ' + @dbname + '.dbo.sysfiles
WHERE fileid = 2'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @logsizestr, N'@logsize decimal(15,2) output', @logsize output
PRINT @logsize
SET @totaldbsize = LTRIM(STR((@dbsize + @logsize)*8/1024,15,2))
PRINT @totaldbsize
IF @dbid IN (SELECT dbid FROM dbo.sysdatabases) AND
@dbid NOT IN (SELECT dbid FROM dbo.databaseoriginalsize)
INSERT INTO databaseoriginalsize (dbid, dbname, dbsize, updatedate) VALUES (@dbid, @dbname, @totaldbsize, getdate())
IF @@ERROR <> 0
INSERT INTO databasesize (dbid, updatedate, dbsize) VALUES (5, getdate(), 25)
IF @@ERROR <> 0
FETCH NEXT FROM dbnames_cursor INTO @dbname, @dbid
CLOSE dbnames_cursor
DEALLOCATE dbnames_cursor
dbid column in the databasesize table is a primary key, so I when I try to insert records with the same dbid, I can an error message that duplicate row can't be inserted. That is fine, however, when I query databasesize table, there are 4 records with the dbid 5. With the error checking I have I thought I shouldn't get any records in the table, since there is an error transaction should be rolled back. Two questions:
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?
Also, I need to add error checking after execute sp_executesql statement. Any suggestions?
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Nov 24, 2007
i have a very simple table called room....
Room_ID Date
1 20/11/2007 00:00:00
and i have a very simple SQL SELECT statement...
SELECT * FROM room WHERE date = '20/11/2007 00:00:00'
i have tried several variations of the query but i either get an error or a null dataset.
can anyone explain where im going wrong ?? i have read about casting but still i cannot return a dataset where i have a date in the statement.
Any help is much appreiciated !!
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Apr 22, 2008
I am very VERY new to using Visual Studios...
I have a SQL database with a table in it "table1" inside the table there is a field "ID"
I have made a new website project thing, and I have a textbox and a submit button
What I want to do is make a function that will check if what the user has typed into ID is valid, e.g. it exists in the database
Can anyone point me in the right direction about how I could do this?
Thanks very much
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Jan 26, 2007
Which is the best way to check the size of a database from Transact SQL ? (Selecting from Sysfiles gives a totally different result compared to right-clicking a database and selecting Properties. It's the result from the latter than I want to obtain through Transact sQL.)
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Sep 2, 2014
I have written some code that selects all the databases on our server then uses a while loop to execute some dynamic sql to query a table in each database. The problem is some of the databases dont have the correct permissions so the query breaks. Is it possible to check to see if the database has the correct permissions before I execute the dynamic SQL and if it doesn't move onto the next one in the list?
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Feb 3, 2005
This maybe belongs in the Data-Access Forum, but I'm not sure.
Is it generally a better idea to enforce things like unique constraints in the Database or the Webform? Say for example I want to make sure no duplicate Social Security Numbers are entered. Is it better to have an "If Exists" clause in my query, with a function to deal with it in the application or is it better to just fire the data to SQL Server and let the unique constraint on the dbase column deal with it? I then still have to have some code in my application to deal with the potential exisatance of that number, so is it a case of tomatoe, tomahtoe? If I understand things correctly, SQL server will return an error code if the piece of data does exist, and I will be able to parse the error code and display a message to the user.
Are there performance/coding issues involved? Best practices?
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Feb 26, 2006
Is it normal practice to check for @@ERROR after a SELECT statement that retrieves data from a table OR we should only check for @@ERROR after a DELETE/INSERT/UPDATE type of statement? The SQL statement is inside a transaction.
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Jan 3, 2008
I am stumped on the error reporting with sql server. I was told ineed to return @SQLCode(code showing if successful or not) and@ErrMsg(and the message returned). I am clueless on this.I wrote this procedure:
Code: ( text )
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Jun 8, 2007
I have a table with amount columns and I want the amount column to either insert the value from the database or a zero based on a condition.
For the table rows I use the following to find the amount:
=iif( Fields!TYPE.value="Material" or Fields!TYPE.value="Other", FIELDS.Amount.Value,0)
which works fine. However, when I try to Sum in the group foot I get #Error when I use
=sum(iif( Fields!TYPE.value="Material" or Fields!TYPE.value="Other", FIELDS.Amount.Value,0) )
for the groupings that have a type other than Material and Other. For some reason, it doesn't total the amounts of Material and Other with the Zeroes that were placed in the table rows based on the Condition.
For example, the subtotal errors out when trying to total Material with Labor but if it was just Material and Other, it works.
Example of what the Columns are:
job, year, month, type, amount
s57, 2007, 2, labor, 0
s57, 2007, 2, material, 500
month total errors out
year total errors out
job total errors out
Any help would be appreciated.
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Apr 22, 2006
I would like to be able to check if a certain entry exists in a SQL table. Ideally, the output would be a boolean so I can use it in an IF statement which would tell it what to do depending on whether or not the entry exists. Thanks for anyone that helps. :)
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Sep 6, 2005
I got a error message with SQL 2000 SP3. I do not know this is a bug or table is real corrupted. need help with this one.
(1) DBCC CHKDB output:
Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged on to SQL Server 'TAMVSQLNYUNYU' as 'NYUMC amnyuclustadmin' (trusted)
Starting maintenance of database 'PowerPath_NYU' on 9/6/2005 4:20:03 AM
[1] Database PowerPath_NYU: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 8964: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 405628538. The text, ntext, or image node at page (1:1001056), slot 10, text ID 1595707686912 is not referenced.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'audit_record' (object ID 405628538).
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in database 'PowerPath_NYU'.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (PowerPath_NYU ).
The following errors were found:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Table error: Object ID 405628538. The text, ntext, or image node at page (1:1001056), slot 10, text ID 1595707686912 is not referenced.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'audit_record' (object ID 405628538).
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in database 'PowerPath_NYU'.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKDB (PowerPath_NYU ).
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 2 mins, 20 secs **
[2] Database PowerPath_NYU: Check Data and Index Allocation...
WARNING: Database PowerPath_NYU is currently being used by 36 user(s).
This may cause spurious problems to be reported.
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **
[3] Database PowerPath_NYU: Check System Data...
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 3 secs **
Deleting old text reports... 1 file(s) deleted.
End of maintenance for database 'PowerPath_NYU' on 9/6/2005 4:22:27 AM
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)
I also run DBCC CHKTABLE and follwoing is the output.
Server: Msg 8964, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Table error: Object ID 405628538. The text, ntext, or image node at page (1:1001056), slot 10, text ID 1595707686912 is not referenced.
DBCC results for 'audit_record'.
There are 1958345 rows in 42549 pages for object 'audit_record'.
CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'audit_record' (object ID 405628538).
repair_allow_data_loss is the minimum repair level for the errors found by DBCC CHECKTABLE (PowerPath_NYU.dbo.audit_record ).
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Aug 18, 2006
i have over 200 tables with all same column and data type locate all over the server(20)different database. so i have table call Tname to stored all the link like (databasename.dbo.tablename) so my job will call the Tname table to use cursor to insert records. but the problem is there's one or more table's column name K datatype has been modify by someone else. so is it cause the job fail.
if there a way or SQL statment that i can use Table Tname to see which one is missing column name K? and is there a way i can print out all the datatype and len for all the table column k? please help thanks
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Apr 23, 2014
I am fairly new to SQl and PHP and have a question. I have a database that we enter in when a person buys a season ticket for our baseball team. I want to check and see who bought in 2013 but has not yet bought in 2014. How do I do that?
THID is the ticket holder ID and there is a year. I can do the select * from Passes where Year = '2014' and get everyone who has bought in 2014. How do I compare that with the 2013 and show people who have not bought yet in 2014?
Example entry:
THID PassType Year
15 2 2013
21 1 2013
10 1 2013
21 1 2014
With this - Ticket holder 21 has bought in both years so I wouldn't want his name to come up. I would want to see that ticket holders 15 and 10 haven't yet bought in 2014.
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Jun 28, 2006
When my app starts up I want to ensure that the database compatibility level has been set to 90. I know about sp_dbcmptlevel, but that only seems to work in an interactive session; the documentation says it can't be used in a stored procedure, and that appears to be true. Does anyone know how I could read the database compatibility level in a stored proc?
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Feb 22, 2005
Hi all,
While cleaning up some code, I ran across the following statement in a stored proc - the purpose of which is to determine if a table exists in the local database: SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[XML_PRINTDATE]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1of course I removed it from the IF just for testing purposes, but my quandry is this...
Why chose that select (converting table name to object ID) rather than just doing THIS:SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects where name = N'XML_PRINTDATE' and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1
I first thought it was to gain access to the "id" column value (and that may yet be the purpose of it), but the second code seems to work just peachy (I assume because the id column is present in the sysobjects table itself).
A follow-on question is this:
When I try to do the same check from another server (i.e.SELECT * FROM APRECEIVE1.DailyProd.dbo.sysobjects where name = N'XML_PRINTDATE' and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) it of course fails because OBJECTPROPERTY only looks for the id on the local database.
So, do I CARE if it is a user table? (I am reasonably sure it is, of course) and if so, is there a way to check on the remote server for the object type?
Bottom line is I Think I can just simplify things and check for the object name on the remote server, but just don't want to take away any "warm fuzzy feeling" generated by the original stored proc, if such a warm fuzzy is of any benefit (though don't get me started on the relativity of warm fuzzies, I wrote my Thesis on that ;) )
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May 21, 2001
I am new in this profession and have been hearing DBCC error. Could somebody please explain to me how to handle it in case I some day get it on my application. I do not want to wait until I face it before I start trouble-shooting what I do not know how to go about it. Thanks for your kind help.
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Oct 4, 2001
I am facing problem in the following.
1. What is the status of the database when the DBCC command is executed
wheather it is locked or users can still acess the data.
2. Is there a way to identify Object for which the ID 2029614669 is given when DBCC is executed on the Database.
the message log is as follows.
Server: Msg 2501, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not find table named '(Object ID 2029614669)'. Check sysobjects.
DBCC results for 'xyz'.
CHECKDB found 2 allocation errors and 2 consistency errors in database 'xyz'.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
What is the solution to rectify this problem immediately.The size of the Database is 18.5 GB as on today.
Apart from what is suggested to use DBCC not frequently what should be the schedule to use DBCC if the databse size is increassing.
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Feb 15, 2000
I am receiving an error message from my DBCC CHECKDB:
Msg 2511, Sev 16: Table Corrupt: Object ID 1670297010. Index ID 3 Keys out of order on page (11:354289), slots 246 and 247. I have found the Object ID is sp_MSaddinitialarticle. Will running the DBCC CHECKDB with the REPAIR_REBUILD fix this problem?? Help!!
Tammy Maxfield
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May 30, 2000
I ran DBCC checktable, and got the messege "A row on page 234113 was accessed that has an illegal length of -28032 in database", Could any one help me what does this error mean?
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Jan 10, 2006
JaiGanesh writes "while running sql error: check your Date Base, index?"
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Mar 22, 2007
Originally got this error as the reason some of my .rptproj files could not be converted from SRS 2000 to 2005. Now I€™m getting this error when checking out a report from Visual Source Safe 6.0€¦any clue as to what it means?
Project item '4294967294' does not represent a file.
This is for a solution created and stored in VSS using VS2003 and SRS 2000. Now trying to open with VS 2005.
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Apr 6, 2007
I have a form view that I am using to insert new data into a sql express database and would like to find a way to avoid attempting to insert a record if the key already exists. is there a way to do this with the formview insert command. Everything works great until I try to add a record with an already existing value in the unique key field, then it breaks.
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Oct 3, 2007
is there a way to find out that SQL Server 2005 (Express) engine is performing startup checked of a selected database?
The problem we are faced to is that our users shutdown brutally their laptops running their database. When they start laptops again, they impatiently start the application that tries to connect to the database. However, they get an error message:
Cannot open database XXXXX requested by the login. The login failed.
When they try after a minute or two, it works.
What we would like to do is provide an information message that the SQL server is checking the database and that they must wait for a while. Is there is a specific error code for this, can anyone help? We are using .NET 2.0.
Thank you,
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Sep 23, 1999
If you find error messages in the dbcc results, how do you find out which table it is according to the ID number 875696?
Checking 875696
The number of data pages in this table is .....
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