DBCC Failures

Apr 16, 2001

Hi. I am running SQL2000 standard edition on a Windows 2K server. I have this annoying problem that the jobs I create through the maintenance plan wizard fail consistantly on a certain database that has one table in it. Just the database integrity check and update statistics part of the maintenence plan fail, the backups are fine.
This will occur on a brand new database, with the default options selected and with only one empty table in it. The script to create the table and indexes is below. The errors I get from the maintenance plan are:

--Check Data and Index Linkage
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'.

--Update QP Statistics
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 1934: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]UPDATE STATISTICS failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'.

I have messed around with setting these db options on and off with no effect on the success of the maintainence plan. I am wondering if anyone can replicate the problem on there own installation or have any thoughts on how to fix. Oh if I take the formula off of the table the jobs run successfully.
Thanks in advance.

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[UserLog] Script Date: 4/10/2001 2:39:48 PM ******/
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[UserLog]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[UserLog]

/****** Object: Table [dbo].[UserLog] Script Date: 4/10/2001 2:39:51 PM ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UserLog] (
[LogId] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Website] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[SessionID] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Time] [datetime] NULL ,
[DayOfYear] AS (datepart(dayofyear,[Time])) ,
[PageID] [smallint] NULL ,
[ZipCode] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[ReferringDomain] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Time_PageID] ON [dbo].[UserLog]([Time], [PageID]) ON [PRIMARY]

CONSTRAINT [DF_UserLog_Website] DEFAULT (1) FOR [Website]

CREATE INDEX [IX_Time_SessionID] ON [dbo].[UserLog]([Time], [SessionID]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [IX_Time_SessionID_ReferringDomain] ON [dbo].[UserLog]([Time], [SessionID], [ReferringDomain]) ON [PRIMARY]

CREATE INDEX [IX_Time_SessionID_PageID_ReferringDomain] ON [dbo].[UserLog]([Time], [SessionID], [PageID], [ReferringDomain]) ON [PRIMARY]



CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_SessionID_DayOfYear_PageID] ON [dbo].[UserLog]([SessionID], [DayOfYear], [PageID]) WITH IGNORE_DUP_KEY ON [PRIMARY]

set arithabort OFF

set numeric_roundabort OFF

set quoted_identifier OFF

View 1 Replies


DBCC Execution Completed. If DBCC Printed Error Messages, Contact Your System Adminis

Mar 26, 2007

Hi All,

I am playing with DBCC command to check the contsrainst on a perticular table (DBCC CHECKCONSTRAINTS ('myTable') WITH ALL_CONSTRAINTS), it always gives the following result:

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

nothing more than that, anyone can help please?


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How DBCC CHECKDB And DBCC CHECKCATALOG After Executing These Two Then Store Result

Mar 5, 2005

For Backup Database i used script

Then after that, i need to check Database inigrity, for that

but, i want to store the result in a text file, after executing these two commends, how to write commend line please help me.

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Scheduled DTS Failures

Mar 12, 2002


I have a number of DTS packages which when run manually complete successfully however, when run as scheduled tasks they always fail. Can anyone offer any advice?

Many thanks

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Help With Xp_sendmail Failures

Jul 9, 2002

Where I work, we use a lot of triggers on our tables. And most of the time we use them to send email out (using xp_sendmail). For example, a user enters data and there is an insert trigger on that table to send email out to the appropriate individuals. This is all well and good until the SQL Mail Agent stops running for one reason or another. People try to enter their data and because there is an insert trigger on the table which tries to send mail out the entire transaction fails and the data can't be saved simply because the trigger can't successfully execute xp_sendmail. Does anyone know of a way around this? A better way to accomplish this? Any suggestions are appreciated!

View 2 Replies View Related

DTS Job Reporting Failures

May 4, 2007

I have a DTS Job that is reporting failures but it looks to me as ifthe job is actually completing successfully. The job only has acouple steps. Step 1 (DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_1) Execute SQL Task,runs a stored procedure to export blobs (pdf files) out of sql serverand onto the local machine.Here is the code in the storedprocedure called sp_PDFExportCREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_PDFExport] ASbeginset quoted_identifier offdeclare @pk intdeclare @where_clause varchar(100)declare @file_name varchar (50)declare @debug varchar (50)Declare @cmd varchar (50)--debug/*if @Debug = 1print @cmdexec Master..xp_cmdShell @cmd */-- begin cursorDECLARE LOOKUP CURSOR FOR select pr.[id]from plan_report pr, plan_version pvwhere pv.plan_id = pr.plan_id and pv.status = '30' and pr.create_time


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Transaction Log Backup Failures

Dec 29, 2000

We have a job created by the maintenance job wizard that backs up the transaction logs for all of our databases on an hourly basis. At random intervals, one of the tranaction log backups will fail with the following message in the job history:
sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

The next scheduled transaction log backup will run fine the next hour. The sqlmaint.exe is present and executable. There are no additional messages in the SQL Server error log or SQL Agent error log. Any ideas what causes this random failure?

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Unexplained Login Failures

Apr 12, 2004

Hi all,

I could really use some assistance. I have been researching this problem for over a month now and I have not made any headway or progress.

I am running SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000 Server. Hardware is Dual Xeon 2.4/400 Procs, 2GB ram and 1 Raid10 Array with 4x 36 GB 10K RPM drives.

The server has about 50 dbs on it. All are primarly used in conjuction with some web application or site. On average the server sees about 270ish connections/sessions.

About 1 - 2 months ago, we started seeing random login failures. We have no explanation for these failures. Our coldfusion code gives us detailed logging information regarding the exact statement that was being executed when the login failed. We try to reproduce the failed login, we cannot. There are no misspelling, code inconsitencies in this regards because the logins are set in the data source which verify.

We are using per-processor licensing, so unless there is a hidden limit we are hitting or MS is lying about per-processor licensing having unlimmited connections, that is not the issue. Also, I've ruled out some kind of network issue because if that were the case, the login would have timed out, as opposed to failing. I've been running a trace and viewing the failed logins.

Has anyone dealt with this issue before?

Best Regards,

Errol Neal

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SQL Agent Job Failures And Duration

Nov 6, 2003

This SP has 2 functions.
a) if @method='duration' gives the average run duration in minutes for successful jobs
b) if @method='failures' displays failures/cancels/still executing jobs
It defaults to today's date. Specify @xdate for a different date
-- Louis Nguyen

@method varchar(100)='duration'
,@xdate datetime=null
set nocount on
set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

if @method='duration' begin

select @xdate=isnull(@xdate,getdate())

/*run_duration is in HHMMSS format; drop SS*/
/*run_staus: 1 complete 2 retry*/
/*step_id: 0 is final job outcome*/
/*run_date: yyyymmdd format*/

/*today's performance*/
select a.name,minutes=avg((b.run_duration / 100)/100*60 + (b.run_duration / 100)%100)
into #today
from msdb..sysjobs as a
join msdb..sysjobhistory as b
on a.job_id=b.job_id
where run_status in ('1','2') and step_id=0 and run_date =convert(varchar,@xdate,112)
group by a.name

/*7 day average performance*/
/*populate #D with dates in yyyymmdd format*/
create table #D (run_date varchar(50))
declare @idate datetime set @idate=@xdate
while @idate>dateadd(day,-7,@xdate) begin
insert into #D
select run_date=convert(varchar,@idate,112)
select @idate=dateadd(day,-1,@idate)

select a.name,minutes=avg((b.run_duration / 100)/100*60 + (b.run_duration / 100)%100)
into #avg7Days
from msdb..sysjobs as a
join msdb..sysjobhistory as b
on a.job_id=b.job_id
join #D as c
on b.run_date = c.run_date
where run_status in ('1','2') and step_id=0
group by a.name

select name=cast(a.name as varchar(35)),OneDayAvg=a.minutes,SevenDayAvg=b.minutes
from #today as a
join #avg7days as b
on a.name=b.name
order by a.name

return end

if @method='failures' begin

select @xdate=isnull(@xdate,getdate())

select status=case run_status when 0 then 'FAILED' when 3 then 'CANCELED' when 4 then 'EXECUTING' end
,name=cast(a.name as varchar(35)),step_name
,time=replace(convert(varchar,@xdate,107),' ','')+' '+right('0000'+cast(b.run_time/100 as varchar),4)
from msdb..sysjobs as a
join msdb..sysjobhistory as b
on a.job_id=b.job_id
where run_status in ('0','3','4') and run_date=convert(varchar,@xdate,112)
order by run_status,a.name

return end

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Failures During Install Of SP2 On SQL 2005

Nov 9, 2007

I've installed the SP2 on three dev/test servers. I went to install on production and the install failed on the Nofication and Client updates.

The error message was -

MSP Error: 29549 Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2146233087
Error message: Unknown error 0x80131501
Error description: The transaction has aborted.

MSP Error: 29549 Failed to install and configure assemblies C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90NotificationServices9.0.242Binmicrosoft.sqlserver.notificationservices.dll in the COM+ catalog. Error: -2146233087
Error message: Unknown error 0x80131501
Error description: The transaction has aborted.

Any ideas?

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How Do I Handle Connection Failures

Oct 15, 2007

I have a package that loops through a list of servers. I keep the list in a table, read it, then loop through it and dynamically set the ServerName in the Connection Manager so that I can connect to one server after another without having to set up separate Connection Managers for each. A Data Flow task queries each server for configuration information and writes that to a central database. Everything works well, unless a server is offline for some reason.

As long as it doesn't exceed the max number of errors, the package logs the error, skips over that server and continues along just fine. What I'd like to do is trap that error and manually write a row to the central database with the server name and an error message, so that at least all the servers show up in the report, even if they don't all have configuration data listed.

How do I handle this type of connection error? Everything I've seen on error handling either assumes it's a data error or that you want to log the error in some external log file. I want to execute a SQL script that writes the value of a variable (the server name) to a table.

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Random Failures Jobs

Jun 4, 2007


I have two packages that run successfuly.

But when I run them as jobs, (every 10 minutes) they failed randomly.

(They run as the proxy name I have created)

The error is: "The package execution failed. The step failed."

Do you have any idea how I can resolved this problem?

Thank you in advance

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Intermittent Failures Using Web Synchronisation

Dec 18, 2005


We are using HTTPS anonymous merge subscriptions....

Sometimes when trying to synchonise, we will get the following error messages returned to the subscriber....

The upload message to be sent to Publisher '**thewebserver**' is being generated
The merge process is using Exchange ID '0F65CFCB-AF17-47DC-8D98-493A44C243E0' for this web synchronization session.
The Merge Agent could not connect to the URL 'https://**thewebserver**/client/replisapi.dll' during Web synchronization. Please verify that the URL, Internet login credentials and proxy server settings are correct and that the Web server is reachable.
The Merge Agent could not connect to the URL 'https://**thewebserver**/client/replisapi.dll' during Web synchronization. Please verify that the URL, Internet login credentials and proxy server settings are correct and that the Web server is reachable.
The Merge Agent received the following error status and message from the Internet Information Services (IIS) server during Web synchronization: [401 :'Unauthorized']. When troubleshooting, ensure that the Web synchronization settings for the subscription are correct, and increase the internet timeout setting at the Subscriber and the connection timeout at the Web server.

If I then go to a web brower, put in the HTTPS address, it brings up the logon dialog - I put in the admin username and password to confirm the connection and that's fine.

We try and synchronise again, and this time it works - it's as though I have 'woken' it up again and it's happy to play.

Is increasing the timeouts as suggested by the error message the way to go ? If so, where does one set the 'internet timeout setting at the subscriber', and the 'connection timeout at the webserver' ?





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Inconsistent Package Failures

Jan 19, 2006

I'm debugging my first SSIS package and is getting inconsistent results. The package does not always complete successfully. When the package does fail, it fails at different tasks that accquire database connections. Any of the following error message would show up:
[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "FORGE.FMC". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

[OLE DB Destination [6374]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "FORGE.FMC" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

[Connection manager "FORGE.FMC"] Error: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Communication link failure". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Named Pipes Provider: No process is on the other end of the pipe. ".

I never experienced any connection error when executing query through management studio. It's only SSIS packages that fails to connect every now and then. Any help is appreciated.


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DBCC Page / DBCC Checkdb Errors

Jan 9, 2007

Following the below topic:


I followed the advice of Paul Randal, but Im stumped as I am not able to determin what the corruption issues are. This is SQL 2000 and the database is a Solomon database that was recently upgraded to 6.5. the error I get when running the DBCC checkdb is as follows:

Server: Msg 8966, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not read and latch page (1:18645) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

When I run select * from sysindexes, I get:

Server: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 1

Location: blobman.cpp:1780
Expression: sourceLength == sizeof (TextPointer)
SPID: 53
Process ID: 256

Connection Broken

When I run dbcc page (dbname, 1, 18645, 3)
dbcc traceon(3604), It finishes with what appears to be no errors log is as follows:

PAGE: (1:18645)


BUF @0x0144C880
bpage = 0x681B4000 bhash = 0x00000000 bpageno = (1:18645)
bdbid = 12 breferences = 1 bstat = 0x9
bspin = 0 bnext = 0x00000000


Page @0x681B4000
m_pageId = (1:18645) m_headerVersion = 1 m_type = 1
m_typeFlagBits = 0x0 m_level = 0 m_flagBits = 0x2
m_objId = 2 m_indexId = 0 m_prevPage = (1:505)
m_nextPage = (1:213) pminlen = 82 m_slotCnt = 16
m_freeCnt = 3988 m_freeData = 5796 m_reservedCnt = 0
m_lsn = (42700:4549:10) m_xactReserved = 0 m_xdesId = (0:2539719)
m_ghostRecCnt = 0 m_tornBits = 0

Allocation Status
PFS (1:16176) = 0x40 ALLOCATED 0_PCT_FULL DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED

Slot 0 Offset 0xf8c
681B4F8C: 00520030 013f142a 00004012 00000000 0.R.*.?..@......
681B4F9C: 00010000 00000000 02600000 00010001 ..........`.....
681B4FAC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4FBC: 00000000 00000000 027a0000 00000022 ..........z."...
681B4FCC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4FDC: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a60096 ................
681B4FEC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4FFC: 0001000a 00000000 00010016 00000000 ................
681B500C: 006d0073 006e0049 00420076 00740061 s.m.I.n.v.B.a.t.
681B501C: 00680063 00000030 002a869d 00570000 c.h.0.....*...W.
681B502C: 00010000 0007 ......
id = 20911146
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 608
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 634
maxirow = 34
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4FEC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4FFC: 0001000a 00000000 00010016 00000000 ................
name = smInvBatch0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182647062528 RowId = (1:87:7)

Slot 1 Offset 0x12c4
681B52C4: 00520030 013f142a 00000000 00000000 0.R.*.?.........
681B52D4: 00020000 00000000 00150000 00010003 ................
681B52E4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B52F4: 00000000 00000000 00260000 0000002c ..........&.,...
681B5304: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B5314: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e600d6 ................
681B5324: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5334: 00010016 00000000 00010072 00000000 ........r.......
681B5344: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5354: 000b000a 00000000 000b0016 00000000 ................
681B5364: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5374: 000b000a 00000000 00010016 00030000 ................
681B5384: 006d0073 006e0049 00420076 00740061 s.m.I.n.v.B.a.t.
681B5394: 00680063 00000031 002a869f 00570000 c.h.1.....*...W.
681B53A4: 00010000 0008 ......
id = 20911146
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 21
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 38
maxirow = 44
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B5324: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5334: 00010016 00000000 00010072 00000000 ........r.......
681B5344: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5354: 000b000a 00000000 000b0016 00000000 ................
681B5364: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B5374: 000b000a 00000000 00010016 00030000 ................
name = smInvBatch1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182647193600 RowId = (1:87:8)

Slot 2 Offset 0x1440
681B5440: 00520030 01584911 00004012 000000c6 0.R..IX..@......
681B5450: 00010001 00000095 09a20001 00010001 ................
681B5460: 00000001 00000005 00000005 00000000 ................
681B5470: 00000000 00000003 09ba0000 0000001a ................
681B5480: 00000000 00000096 00000001 00000000 ................
681B5490: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a60096 ................
681B54A0: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B54B0: 00010020 00000000 000102c1 00000000 ...............
681B54C0: 00700052 00520074 006e0075 00690074 R.p.t.R.u.n.t.i.
681B54D0: 0065006d 00000030 002a87a9 03a00000 m.e.0.....*.....
681B54E0: 00010000 0019 ......
id = 22563089
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 2466
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 1
reserved = 5
used = 5
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 3
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 2490
maxirow = 26
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B54A0: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B54B0: 00010020 00000000 000102c1 00000000 ...............
name = RptRuntime0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182664626176 RowId = (1:928:25)

Slot 3 Offset 0x15bc
681B55BC: 00520030 01584911 00000000 000000e6 0.R..IX.........
681B55CC: 00020001 000000e6 00470001 00010003 ..........G.....
681B55DC: 00000001 00000002 00000002 00000000 ................
681B55EC: 00000000 00000000 00580000 0000005e ..........X.^...
681B55FC: 00000000 00000161 00000001 00000000 ....a...........
681B560C: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e600d6 ................
681B561C: 00af03af 00000015 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B562C: 00010008 00000000 0001004b 00000000 ........K.......
681B563C: 00af03af 0000002f 3400d008 00000000 ..../......4....
681B564C: 0016003f 00000000 0016096b 00000000 ?.......k.......
681B565C: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B566C: 00450020 00000000 000102c1 00010000 .E.............
681B567C: 00700052 00520074 006e0075 00690074 R.p.t.R.u.n.t.i.
681B568C: 0065006d 00000031 002a87ab 3eb70000 m.e.1.....*....>
681B569C: 00010000 0004 ......
id = 22563089
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 71
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 1
reserved = 2
used = 2
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 88
maxirow = 94
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B561C: 00af03af 00000015 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B562C: 00010008 00000000 0001004b 00000000 ........K.......
681B563C: 00af03af 0000002f 3400d008 00000000 ..../......4....
681B564C: 0016003f 00000000 0016096b 00000000 ?.......k.......
681B565C: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B566C: 00450020 00000000 000102c1 00010000 .E.............
name = RptRuntime1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182664757248 RowId = (1:16055:4)

Slot 4 Offset 0xc04
681B4C04: 00520030 0175b502 00004012 00000000 0.R...u..@......
681B4C14: 00010000 00000000 040c0000 00010001 ................
681B4C24: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4C34: 00000000 00000000 04270000 00000022 ..........'."...
681B4C44: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4C54: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a60096 ................
681B4C64: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4C74: 0001004e 00000000 000103e6 00000000 N...............
681B4C84: 006f0057 006b0072 00650043 0074006e W.o.r.k.C.e.n.t.
681B4C94: 00720065 00000030 002a84b7 55880000 e.r.0.....*....U
681B4CA4: 00010000 0007 ......
id = 24491266
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 1036
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 1063
maxirow = 34
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4C64: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4C74: 0001004e 00000000 000103e6 00000000 N...............
name = WorkCenter0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182615212032 RowId = (1:21896:7)

Slot 5 Offset 0xb64
681B4B64: 00520030 01ab548a 00004012 00000000 0.R..T...@......
681B4B74: 00010000 00000000 038e0000 00010001 ................
681B4B84: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4B94: 00000000 00000000 03b00000 0000001a ................
681B4BA4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4BB4: 001b0000 00000000 00800003 80a00090 ................
681B4BC4: 00af03af 00000002 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4BD4: 0001007b 00000000 000102bb 00000000 {...............
681B4BE4: 004f0053 00650053 00750074 00300070 S.O.S.e.t.u.p.0.
681B4BF4: 84010000 0000002a 00000f23 00070001 ....*...#.......
id = 28005514
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 910
keycnt = 1
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 944
maxirow = 26
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4BC4: 00af03af 00000002 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4BD4: 0001007b 00000000 000102bb 00000000 {...............
name = SOSetup0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182603284480 RowId = (1:3875:7)

Slot 6 Offset 0x58c
681B458C: 00520030 01c4f563 00004012 00000000 0.R.c....@......
681B459C: 00010000 00000000 04c70000 00010002 ................
681B45AC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B45BC: 00000000 00000000 04e80000 00000027 ............'...
681B45CC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B45DC: 001b0000 00000000 00a00003 80c400b4 ................
681B45EC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B45FC: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B460C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B461C: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
681B462C: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B463C: 00300074 82fd0000 0000002a 0000068a t.0.....*.......
681B464C: 00490001 ..I.
id = 29685091
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 1223
keycnt = 2
groupid = 1
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681B45EC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B45FC: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B460C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B461C: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
name = PurOrdDet0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586245120 RowId = (1:1674:73)

Slot 7 Offset 0x650
681B4650: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4660: 00020000 00000000 002e0000 00010003 ................
681B4670: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4680: 00000000 00000000 003f0000 00000045 ..........?.E...
681B4690: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B46A0: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e400d4 ................
681B46B0: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46C0: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B46D0: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46E0: 001f0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B46F0: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4700: 0029002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.).....5.......
681B4710: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4720: 00310074 83040000 0000002a 0000068a t.1.....*.......
681B4730: 004a0001 ..J.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 46
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
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lockflags = 0
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681B46B0: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46C0: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B46D0: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B46E0: 001f0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B46F0: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4700: 0029002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.).....5.......
name = PurOrdDet1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586703872 RowId = (1:1674:74)

Slot 8 Offset 0x734
681B4734: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4744: 00030000 00000000 00340000 00010004 ..........4.....
681B4754: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4764: 00000000 00000000 00450000 0000004b ..........E.K...
681B4774: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4784: 001b0000 00000000 00e00003 810400f4 ................
681B4794: 00af03af 00000006 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47A4: 00010044 00000000 000101ea 00000000 D...............
681B47B4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47C4: 00070024 00000000 00070109 00000000 $...............
681B47D4: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47E4: 00250034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.%.....n.......
681B47F4: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4804: 002f002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *./.....5.......
681B4814: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4824: 00320074 83050000 0000002a 0000068a t.2.....*.......
681B4834: 004b0001 ..K.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
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681B4794: 00af03af 00000006 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47A4: 00010044 00000000 000101ea 00000000 D...............
681B47B4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47C4: 00070024 00000000 00070109 00000000 $...............
681B47D4: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B47E4: 00250034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.%.....n.......
681B47F4: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4804: 002f002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *./.....5.......
name = PurOrdDet2

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586769408 RowId = (1:1674:75)

Slot 9 Offset 0x838
681B4838: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4848: 00040000 00000000 00120000 00010005 ................
681B4858: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4868: 00000000 00000000 00230000 00000029 ..........#.)...
681B4878: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4888: 001b0000 00000000 01000003 81240114 ..............$.
681B4898: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48A8: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B48B8: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48C8: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
681B48D8: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B48E8: 00100029 00000000 00100133 00000000 ).......3.......
681B48F8: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4908: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00030000 4.......n.......
681B4918: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4928: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00030000 *.......5.......
681B4938: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4948: 00330074 83060000 0000002a 0000068a t.3.....*.......
681B4958: 004c0001 ..L.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 4
root = 0
minlen = 18
keycnt = 5
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
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OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4898: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48A8: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00000000 4.......n.......
681B48B8: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B48C8: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00000000 *.......5.......
681B48D8: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B48E8: 00100029 00000000 00100133 00000000 ).......3.......
681B48F8: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4908: 00010034 00000000 0001016e 00030000 4.......n.......
681B4918: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4928: 000b002a 00000000 000b0135 00030000 *.......5.......
name = PurOrdDet3

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586834944 RowId = (1:1674:76)

Slot 10 Offset 0x95c
681B495C: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B496C: 00050000 00000000 003a0000 00010005 ..........:.....
681B497C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B498C: 00000000 00000000 004b0000 00000051 ..........K.Q...
681B499C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B49AC: 001b0000 00000000 01000003 81240114 ..............$.
681B49BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49CC: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B49DC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49EC: 001f005e 00000000 001f032b 00000000 ^.......+.......
681B49FC: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4A0C: 0029002f 00000000 00290154 00000000 /.).....T.).....
681B4A1C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A2C: 002b0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.+.....n.......
681B4A3C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A4C: 0035002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.5.....5.......
681B4A5C: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4A6C: 00340074 83070000 0000002a 0000068a t.4.....*.......
681B4A7C: 004d0001 ..M.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 5
root = 0
minlen = 58
keycnt = 5
groupid = 1
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impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B49BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49CC: 00010024 00000000 00010109 00000000 $...............
681B49DC: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B49EC: 001f005e 00000000 001f032b 00000000 ^.......+.......
681B49FC: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4A0C: 0029002f 00000000 00290154 00000000 /.).....T.).....
681B4A1C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A2C: 002b0034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.+.....n.......
681B4A3C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4A4C: 0035002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.5.....5.......
name = PurOrdDet4

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586900480 RowId = (1:1674:77)

Slot 11 Offset 0xa80
681B4A80: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4A90: 00060000 00000000 00200000 00010003 .......... .....
681B4AA0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4AB0: 00000000 00000000 00310000 00000037 ..........1.7...
681B4AC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4AD0: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80e400d4 ................
681B4AE0: 00af03af 00000010 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4AF0: 00010036 00000000 0001017a 00000000 6.......z.......
681B4B00: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B10: 00110034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4B20: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B30: 001b002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
681B4B40: 00750050 004f0072 00640072 00650044 P.u.r.O.r.d.D.e.
681B4B50: 00350074 83080000 0000002a 0000068a t.5.....*.......
681B4B60: 004e0001 ..N.
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 6
root = 0
minlen = 32
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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xmaxlen = 49
maxirow = 55
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4AE0: 00af03af 00000010 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4AF0: 00010036 00000000 0001017a 00000000 6.......z.......
681B4B00: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B10: 00110034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4B20: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4B30: 001b002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
name = PurOrdDet5

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182586966016 RowId = (1:1674:78)

Slot 12 Offset 0xcac
681B4CAC: 00520030 01c4f563 00000000 00000000 0.R.c...........
681B4CBC: 00070000 00000000 00110000 00010003 ................
681B4CCC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4CDC: 00000000 00000000 00220000 00000028 ..........".(...
681B4CEC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4CFC: 001b0000 00000000 00c00003 80ee00de ................
681B4D0C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D1C: 00010033 00000000 0001016d 00000000 3.......m.......
681B4D2C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D3C: 00020034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4D4C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D5C: 000c002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
681B4D6C: 00750070 006f0072 00640072 00650064 p.u.r.o.r.d.d.e.
681B4D7C: 005f0074 00740073 00610072 0000006e t._.s.t.r.a.n...
681B4D8C: 002a84c7 78450000 00010000 001d ..*...Ex......
id = 29685091
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 7
root = 0
minlen = 17
keycnt = 3
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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xmaxlen = 34
maxirow = 40
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4D0C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D1C: 00010033 00000000 0001016d 00000000 3.......m.......
681B4D2C: 00af03af 0000000a 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D3C: 00020034 00000000 0001016e 00010000 4.......n.......
681B4D4C: 00af03af 00000005 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4D5C: 000c002a 00000000 000b0135 00010000 *.......5.......
name = purorddet_stran

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182616260608 RowId = (1:30789:29)

Slot 13 Offset 0xd4
681B40D4: 00520030 01d345b0 00004012 00000000 0.R..E...@......
681B40E4: 00010000 00000000 019b0000 00010006 ................
681B40F4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4104: 00000000 00000000 01b00000 0000007b ............{...
681B4114: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B4124: 001b0000 00000000 01200003 81460136 .......... .6.F.
681B4134: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4144: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4154: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4164: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4174: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4184: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4194: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41A4: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B41B4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41C4: 00420004 00000000 0042001a 00000000 ..B.......B.....
681B41D4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41E4: 00460005 00000000 0046001e 00000000 ..F.......F.....
681B41F4: 0070004f 00440074 00700065 00780045 O.p.t.D.e.p.E.x.
681B4204: 006c0063 00000030 002a8221 4d150000 c.l.0...!.*....M
681B4214: 00010000 003f ....?.
id = 30623152
status = 16402
first = 0
indid = 1
root = 0
minlen = 411
keycnt = 6
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
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OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4134: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4144: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4154: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4164: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4174: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4184: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4194: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41A4: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B41B4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41C4: 00420004 00000000 0042001a 00000000 ..B.......B.....
681B41D4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B41E4: 00460005 00000000 0046001e 00000000 ..F.......F.....
name = OptDepExcl0

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182571827200 RowId = (1:19733:63)

Slot 14 Offset 0x21c
681B421C: 00520030 01d345b0 00000000 00000000 0.R..E..........
681B422C: 00020000 00000000 00640000 00010008 ..........d.....
681B423C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B424C: 00000000 00000000 00750000 0000007b ..........u.{...
681B425C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B426C: 001b0000 00000000 01600003 81860176 ..........`.v...
681B427C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B428C: 00010005 00000000 0001001e 00000000 ................
681B429C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42AC: 001f0004 00000000 001f001a 00000000 ................
681B42BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42CC: 00230008 00000000 00010041 00010000 ..#.....A.......
681B42DC: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42EC: 00410007 00000000 001f003d 00010000 ..A.....=.......
681B42FC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B430C: 00450010 00000000 00230084 00010000 ..E.......#.....
681B431C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B432C: 00630006 00000000 0041003c 00010000 ..c.....<.A.....
681B433C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B434C: 001f0004 00000000 0042001a 00030000 ..........B.....
681B435C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B436C: 00010005 00000000 0046001e 00030000 ..........F.....
681B437C: 0070004f 00440074 00700065 00780045 O.p.t.D.e.p.E.x.
681B438C: 006c0063 00000031 002a8224 4d150000 c.l.1...$.*....M
681B439C: 00010000 0040 ....@.
id = 30623152
status = 0
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indid = 2
root = 0
minlen = 100
keycnt = 8
groupid = 1
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pgmodctr = 0

681B427C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B428C: 00010005 00000000 0001001e 00000000 ................
681B429C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42AC: 001f0004 00000000 001f001a 00000000 ................
681B42BC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42CC: 00230008 00000000 00010041 00010000 ..#.....A.......
681B42DC: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B42EC: 00410007 00000000 001f003d 00010000 ..A.....=.......
681B42FC: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B430C: 00450010 00000000 00230084 00010000 ..E.......#.....
681B431C: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B432C: 00630006 00000000 0041003c 00010000 ..c.....<.A.....
681B433C: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B434C: 001f0004 00000000 0042001a 00030000 ..........B.....
681B435C: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B436C: 00010005 00000000 0046001e 00030000 ..........F.....
name = OptDepExcl1

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182572023808 RowId = (1:19733:64)

Slot 15 Offset 0x3a4
681B43A4: 00520030 01d345b0 00000000 00000000 0.R..E..........
681B43B4: 00030000 00000000 00660000 0001000b ..........f.....
681B43C4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B43D4: 00000000 00000000 00770000 0000007d ..........w.}...
681B43E4: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
681B43F4: 001b0000 00000000 01c00003 81e601d6 ................
681B4404: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4414: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4424: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4434: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4444: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4454: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4464: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4474: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4484: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4494: 0042000a 00000000 00420063 00000000 ..B.....c.B.....
681B44A4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44B4: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00030000 ........A.......
681B44C4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44D4: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00030000 ........=.......
681B44E4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44F4: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00030000 ..#.......#.....
681B4504: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4514: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00030000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4524: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4534: 00440004 00000000 0042001a 00010000 ..D.......B.....
681B4544: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4554: 00480005 00000000 0046001e 00010000 ..H.......F.....
681B4564: 0070004f 00440074 00700065 00780045 O.p.t.D.e.p.E.x.
681B4574: 006c0063 00000032 002a8225 4d150000 c.l.2...%.*....M
681B4584: 00010000 0041 ....A.
id = 30623152
status = 0
first = 0
indid = 3
root = 0
minlen = 102
keycnt = 11
groupid = 1
dpages = 0
reserved = 0
used = 0
rowcnt = 0
rowmodctr = 0
reserved3 = 0
reserved4 = 0
xmaxlen = 119
maxirow = 125
OrigFillFactor = 0
StatVersion = 0
reserved2 = 0
FirstIAM = 0
impid = 0
lockflags = 0
pgmodctr = 0

681B4404: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4414: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00000000 ........A.......
681B4424: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4434: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00000000 ........=.......
681B4444: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4454: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00000000 ..#.......#.....
681B4464: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4474: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00000000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4484: 00340134 00050002 00000000 00000000 4.4.............
681B4494: 0042000a 00000000 00420063 00000000 ..B.....c.B.....
681B44A4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44B4: 00010008 00000000 00010041 00030000 ........A.......
681B44C4: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44D4: 001f0007 00000000 001f003d 00030000 ........=.......
681B44E4: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B44F4: 00230010 00000000 00230084 00030000 ..#.......#.....
681B4504: 00af03af 00000001 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4514: 00410006 00000000 0041003c 00030000 ..A.....<.A.....
681B4524: 00af03af 00000004 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4534: 00440004 00000000 0042001a 00010000 ..D.......B.....
681B4544: 00af03af 0000001e 3400d008 00000000 ...........4....
681B4554: 00480005 00000000 0046001e 00010000 ..H.......F.....
name = OptDepExcl2

statblob = [TextPointer]
TextTimeStamp = 182572089344 RowId = (1:19733:65)

DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

Now, the bad news. I am a bit of a novice and have picked this up from someone who left my company. It appears the latch error has been around for some time and only reared up when I instituted a new back up system that runs a dbcc check befor backing up. I don't think I have any clean backups.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Alex Mauer

View 17 Replies View Related

Disk Backup Failures (file In Use)

Feb 21, 2000

I am getting occasional failures of a SQL Server 7.0 complete backup to disk on a production database. The errors seem to indicate that another process has the disk file open at the time of the backup. The errors contain the following texts : -

'Cannot open backup device'
'Operating System Error=32 Process cannot access file because it is being used by another process'.

The only other process that should access the disk file is an ARCserveIT scheduled job to copy the disk backup to tape but this is completing long before.

Any ideas or suggestions?

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL Mail Alert For ODBC Failures

Aug 31, 2000

We need to set up an email alert to activate when the ODBC connection fails to link the database to the application.Is it possible?We ahve the SQL mail working already.What shall we do to create such an alert?

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Random Communication Link Failures

Sep 2, 2004

We have been seeing random inexplicable communication link failures when communicating with a Win2K SQL server for a while now. After a very detailed analysis of the various causes of the problem (network, name lookups, etc.), we've narrowed it down to possibly the ODBC driver. We are using TCP/IP.

I've stuck a packet sniffer on the connection between the SQL server and the client and in almost all cases, the connection suddenly terminates with the client sending a TCP reset to the server.

Looking at the packet traces further, it seems like in about 60% of the cases, there is period of activity on the TCP connection, then some inactivity during which there is a constant stream of TCP keepalives between the client and server and then suddenly the client resets the TCP connection.

Now, we can usually correlate this TCP reset to some new activity initiated on the client application, so could this be related to connection pooling in the ODBC? Thats the only inference I can obtain.

We are running Win2K SP3a on the server.

Any ideas on what else to look for or how to debug this further? I have 10GB of packet traces and can provide more details on the connection traces if necessary. The problem also is that we have ~100 clients constantly communicating with the SQL server and we will see anywhere from 10-20 random CLFs in a day.

I've searched the archives extensively and this does seem to be a problem for many people, but a few of them seem to have had genuine network problems and we've pretty much ruled that out since there are other simultaneous TCP connections between the client and the server and they seem to be okay.



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Agent Failures And Custom Alerting

Jul 4, 2006


I need to have a reliable alerting system for my merge replications I have setup on my MSSQL 2005 server.

The problem is that the build-in alert system the 'agent failure' alert only triggers when 'all databases' for that specific alert is selected. There is no failure alert triggered when I select a database and force a failure. The 'agent succes' alert does never get triggered at all.

I need an reliable succes and failure alert per database because I need to do specific actions per database.

Can someone help me out here?

I'm thinking of building my own alerting system if the help here is insufficient. In that case I need to know in what tables to look. Maybe someone can give me some pointers?

Thanks anyway,


View 5 Replies View Related

Using Database Mail To Notify Job Failures Help?

Sep 18, 2007

How do I get the option my database mail profile to appear in the drop down list on the "Notifications Page" in my job properties?

I have configured the mail profile and sucessfully sent a test E-mail.

I have also set "Enable mail profile" in the SQL Agent Properties and restarted the agent.

What else do I need to do, help please?

View 3 Replies View Related

Login Failures After Database/Object Transfer

Nov 26, 2001

Hi all...

Sorry if this is a real simple question, but I just had a SQL 6.5 server dropped in my lap. I need to transfer all the data to a new box, which I did using the Tools mneu (Database/Object Transfer) in Enterprise Manager. I checked the databases after the transfer and all the data seems to be there, including the logins. However, if I try to connect the database, all logins fail.

Connection failed.
SQL State '28000'
SQL Server Error 4002
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed

Does any body know how to fix this easily without resetting every single user id?

Any help
would be greatly appreciated.



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Lookup Failures - Prompt For New Entries Through UI Control?

Dec 7, 2007

Hi All,

Sorry if this is an obvious question, I am new to SQL Server.

For the failures of a data flow lookup transformation, I would like to add a prompt through some kind of UI control (eg. datagrid) for new lookup entries, which I would then take the new entries, redo the lookup and continue on with my process.

Or, is there a better way to include adding new lookup entries to my process?



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SQL Server Express 2005 Uninstall Failures

Apr 13, 2008

This is getting extremely annoying. I cannot unistall another instance of SQL Server Express 2005.

I have had three different servers with the separate installs of SQL Server Express 2005. I remove the product (Backup Exec, Dell IT Assistant, Microsoft System Center 2007). I uninstall the third-party product and they leave behind SQL Server Express 2005. For what idiotic reason I do not know. Then I try and remove SQL Server Express 2005 and for the third straight time it fails.

Here's the latest failure error, "TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup
The setup has encountered an unexpected error while Setting Internal Properties. The error is: Fatal error during installation.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?LinkID=20476&ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.3042.00&EvtSrc=setup.rll&EvtID=1603&EvtType=sqlca%5csqlcax.cpp%40SetInstanceProperty%40SetInstanceProperty%40x534

Does anyone know how to actually remove SQL Server Express 2005? This is pathetic.

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Package Load Failures After Installing BIDS

Mar 11, 2007

I am runing WinXP Pro SP2 with all current updates and also VS2005 Team Ed for Developers. VS2005 is installed on D drive as is nearly all of my development tools. SQL Server 2000 SP4 is on the C drive and just installed SQL 2005 express with advanced services to D drive. I then attempted to install the express toolkit BIDS to the D drive only to learn it's hard coded(really stupid to not check for existing VS 2005) to install on C drive only. I've gotten past the denenv.exe issue.

The issue now is when I open VS2005 with the normal shortcut or the Business Intelligence Development Studio short cut and open any project that contains Crystal Reports reports and attempt to open a report I get package load failures for ReportDesignerPackage and Datawarehouse VSIntegration Layer Package. Also get this same error if you try to now create a BIDS report project.

I thought maybe VS2005 has a search path variable in tools/options or maybe a system envirnoment variable that could be tweaked to tell VS2005 to also look in the IDE folder for the dummy VS install on the C Drive. If there is I have not discovered it yet.

Second thought was to copy the files in the IDE folder of the dummy VS install on C drive to the IDE folder where my VS2005 is actually installed. I saw a post last night by someone that had done that with apparent success. That solution seems a little suspect since the BIDS packages files are registered at the C drive paths, so you certainly don't want to delete or move those files from where they were installed.

I'm nervous about side effects on my existing VS2005 projects during development and deployment and aren't even using BIDS.

So, now the question is how does one resolve this conumdrum?

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SQL Security :: Login Failures For Windows Accounts

Aug 12, 2015

We are seeing login failures for windows accounts. Below is the error message.

Description:  In our env most logins are windows accounts. Initially we thought it is an UAC issue and we tried to launch the SSMS using "Run as Administrator". However, we are seeing login failures.

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2402.0 (X64)
RTM Enterprise Edition (HyperVisor)

Error Message in Error Log :

2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon        Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:36:45.290 Logon        Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx]
2015-08-10 22:41:23.470 Logon        Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.
2015-08-10 22:41:23.470 Logon        Login failed for user 'domainloginname'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: 10.xxx.xxx.xxx]

Troubleshooting done:
- Recreated the windows login in sql server. Doesn't work.
- ran sp_valdidatelogins. it doesn't return any rows.
- I belong to sysadmin role and when I say, getting below error message.

xp_logininfo 'domainloginname'
Msg 15404, Level 16, State 19, Procedure xp_logininfo, Line 64
Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'domainloginname', error code 0x5.

We tried dropping this account and re-creating the windows account with same permissions but still result is same.It throws same error message. Login failure message !!!

View 18 Replies View Related


May 11, 2006

What factors would make you decide to use DBCC DBREINDES instead of DBCC DEFRAG when you notice index defragmantation?



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Integration Services :: Sequence Container Doesn't Alert Failures

Aug 19, 2015

I have a sequence container with 2 task into. If one of the tasks alert a failure then the sequence container should alert a failure too, but it doesn't. For testing I forced the error with setting the attribute ForceExecutionResult to Failure for one of the tasks. The task fails, but the sequence container succeeds.

I tried:

- changed the Precedence Constraints from AND to OR between the 2 tasks into the sequence container
- changed the attribute FailPackageOnFailure setting True
- changed the attribute FailParentOnFailure setting True

but nothing happened.

View 2 Replies View Related

SQL 2012 :: 3 Node Cluster Runs With 2 Node Failures?

Jun 11, 2015

We are in the process of building a 3 node SQL Server Cluster (Server 2012/ SQL Server 2012), and we have configured the quorum so that all 3 nodes have a vote (no file share witness as we already have an odd number of nodes).

As I understand it, this should allow the cluster to run as long as 2 of the nodes remain online.

However, the validation report states that 2 node failures would be acceptable and, when we tested this by powering off two of the nodes, the cluster did indeed continue to run on a single node.

View 4 Replies View Related

DBCC When Should I Use It

Oct 30, 2000

hi, is there a sign or a rule to use the DBCC, I am not sure when do I use them. How do I know that it is time to run some of those tests.

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Dbcc In 7.0

Feb 10, 1999

do you still have to run dbreindex in sql 7.0 ? the upgrade book was unclear on this subject.

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Jul 10, 2000

After running dbcc checkdb: I see the error message "Extent ### is in the wrong Segment" and "Chain processed with bad segment for object ###"

Is this a indication that my database is corrupt?

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Aug 2, 1999

Is there a way to view the script of DBCC statements provided by
SQL server

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How Do I Allow Non-SA To Use DBCC From VB App ?

Mar 15, 1999

Can I allow a non SA account to issue DBCC or TRUNCATE TABLE on a DBO table ?

I've tried setting this up in a SP where I've granted execute only to the user but the user receives "Only the DBO of the database may run the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command".

Do I have to set the user up as an alias to DBO ? I'd rather not.

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