I'm having a very weird problem. Any hints are greatly appreciated.
I'm returning two values from a MS SQL Server 2000 stored procedure to my
ASP.NET Webapplication and store them in sessions.
Like This:
prm4 = cmd1.CreateParameter
With prm4
..ParameterName = "@Sec_ProgUser_Gen"
..SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar
..Size = 10
..Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
End With
prm5 = cmd1.CreateParameter
With prm5
..ParameterName = "@Sec_ProgUser_Key"
..SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar
..Size = 10
..Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
End With
Session("Sec_ProgUser_Gen") = prm4.Value
Session("Sec_ProgUser_Key") = prm5.Value
Both output parameters are declared as varchar(10) within the stored
procedure. If I run the stored procedure in SQL Analyzer, I'm getting a
string value for each of them. E.g. @Sec_ProgUser_Gen is "1110011",
@Sec_ProgUser_Key = "1100".
Now the strange thing happens if I try to run the following code:
Sub MyTest()
Dim MyString1 As String
Dim MyString2 As String
MyString1 = CStr(Session("Sec_ProgUser_Key"))
MyString2 = CStr(Session("Sec_ProgUser_Gen"))
End Sub
It fails in line 'MyString2 = CStr(Session("Sec_ProgUser_Gen"))' with Cast
from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.
I don't understand this. They are both the same, the only difference is the
length of the string. Help!
Additional Information:
The values for @Sec_ProgUser_XXX are created in the stored procedure with a
statement like this:
SET @Sec_ProgUser_Key = (SELECT Convert(varchar(1),Key_CanCreateKey) +
Convert(varchar(1),Key_CanCreateTransaction) +
Convert(varchar(1),Key_CanView) + Convert(varchar(1),Key_CanDelete) FROM
i2b_proguser_securityprofile WHERE SecurityProfileID = @SecurityProfileID)
The datatype of the source columns used to be bit then changed them to
Integer as I thought this might cause the problem. (Although it shouldn't as
the values get converted to varchar without a problem in the stored
procedure. No fields contain NULL values, only 1 or 0.
I'm creating an ISP for extractig data from a text file and put it in a database.
One of the fields in my textfile contains the value '0' or a date. If it's '0' it should be converted to the Null Value. The column in which it has to be saved is of type smalldatetime.
This is the code of my script where I want to check the value of the field in my textfile and convert it to a date or to Null.
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
If Row.cdDateIn = "" Or Row.cdDateIn= "0" Then
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(DBNull.Value)
ElseIf Row.cdDateIn_IsNull Then
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(DBNull.Value)
Row.cdDateInCorr = CDate(Row.cdDateIn)
End If
End Sub
The error that I get is:
Validation error. Extract FinCD: Conversion of cdDateIn [753]: Eroor 30311: Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot ben converted to 'Date'.
But now I am getting error "General Network Error. Check your network documentation" after specifying Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Insert_MailSignature( @Singnature image )
INSERT INTO MailsSignature (Singnature) VALUES (@Singnature);
SELECT Id, Singnature FROM MailsSignature WHERE (Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY())
For testing I created a desktop application and found that the same Code, same(Use existing stored procedure in TableAdpater Configuration Wizard) and same stored procedure is working fine in inserting image into the table.
I am trying to install SQL Server 2000 on a Win2K OS machine but Iget this error message:"A previous program installation created pending file operations onthe installation machine. You must restart the computer before runningsetup."I see others have had this problem but have fixed it using the solutionin:http://support.microsoft.com/defaul...kb;en-us;312995I have tried the solution but to no avail. The registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetContro lSessionManagerPendingFileRenameOperations keeps reappearing as soon as Iclose RegEdit.Any ideas?Thanks,lq
As a part of migration to .net we are redesigning sql server 7 database and moving it to sql server 2005. There are a lot of fields with dbnull value in the existing db. It would be nice to populate them with some default value while transfering data to the new datbase on sql server 2005. What is the best way to deal with the issue, are there any possible drawbacks and problems. Your input will be greatly appreciated.
Hello! Is there an easy way to deal with this situation below when reading in data from a SQL Database: int? myNullableColumn;myNullableColumn = Convert.ToInt32(datarow["datacolumn"]);
Where, ideally, 'myNullableColumn' would be 'null' if the value was 'DBNull.Value'. This does not work because Convert.ToInt32 will not convert 'DBNull.Value to null', but instead throws an error. Is there a built in funtion that does do this? Thanks!
Hi I have only been coding in .Net for about six months, and am not sure if this is a C# problem or an SQL one. I use the Data Access Application Block in my program.
I have two optional fields on my form (RangeFrom and RangeTo). If the user chooses not to enter data into these textboxes(textbox = ""), an entry on the db is created with null values. It works.
But sometimes the user wants to enter 0 as either an upper or lower end of a range. This is where my problem comes in. My program saves 0 as null too.
In my program I do a test on the textboxes and populate two float values in a business object (objQuestion) accordingly, like this:
//properties public float RangeFrom { get { return cvintRangeFrom; } set { cvintRangeFrom = value; } }
public float RangeTo { get { return cvintRangeTo; } set { cvintRangeTo = value; } }
// some code deleted for readability....
public int AddOption() { string cvstrSpName = "addOption"; SqlParameter [] cvstrStoredParams = SqlHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(gcstrConnectionString, cvstrSpName, true); //lines deleted for readability... //check if the optional fields have a value associated with them. if not, assign dbnull.value. cvstrStoredParams[4].Value=(cvintRangeFrom != Convert.ToSingle(null) ? cvintRangeFrom : (object)DBNull.Value); cvstrStoredParams[5].Value=(cvintRangeTo != Convert.ToSingle(null) ? cvintRangeTo : (object)DBNull.Value); //lines deleted for readability... SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(gcstrConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, cvstrSpName, cvstrStoredParams); return(cvintOptionID = Convert.ToInt32(cvstrStoredParams[0].Value)); }
I use Convert.ToSingle when working with nulls (or possible nulls) because I get an error when I use float.parse for this.
The thing is, after this method AddOption has been executed, I test the value if the business object's rangefrom (that is where I entered 0) and display it on my form. I still shows a 0, but on my database table it is null!
objQuestion.AddOption(); //txtrangefrom.Text=""; on the next line I test the value in the business object... txtrangefrom.Text=objQuestion.RangeFrom.ToString(); // and this displays 0!!! //txtrangeto.Text=""; txtrangeto.Text=objQuestion.RangeTo.ToString();
So to me it seems the problem seems to be either the DAAB or on the SQL side, but hopefully somebody can prove me wrong! I was thinking that it could also be float.parse/Convert.ToSingle methods and have done various tests, but I am none the wiser... Any help or ideas will be greatly appreciated...
I haven't tested it, because at the moment I can't access my SQL database I know this is probably a stupid question, but...How can I test for DBNull when I'm using SqlDataReader.Item(string)? I use to check it using: if(!reader.IsDBNull(2)) ...But I have found that can not count on a particular ordinal reference because some of the stored procedures select the columns in different orders. can I do something like: if(reader["Column1"] != DBNull.Value)or with the reader["Column1"] throw an error because it is not found?? I too hate when people ask questions that they could test themselves...but I can't really test it at the moment. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! I was trying to use the ?? operator with an DBDatareader. eg: long lValue = Convert.ToInt32(objReader["ParentID"] ?? -1); which throws the following exception: "... Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types."I think the reason is, that DBNull.Value isn´t actually null. Therefore I changed my code to: long lValue = objReader["ParentID"] != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(objReader["ParentID"]) : -1; Is there a better way of doing this ? Can one use the ?? operator with a Datareader anyway? Thanks for your help! PS: sorry for my poor english.
Hi, I have built a few pages and a stored procedure and a class on the back of a SQL2000 dbase. and I get the following error:
Cast from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Cast from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid.Source Error:
Line 111: Dim myWorkJobs As WorkJobsDATA = New WorkJobsDATA Line 112: Line 113: myWorkJobs.CustomerID = CStr(parameterCustomerID.Value) Line 114: myWorkJobs.WorkID = CStr(parameterWorkID.Value) Line 115: myWorkJobs.DateOfQuote = CStr(parameterDateOfQuote.Value).Trim() Source File: C:InetpubwwwrootCommerceComponentsWorkJobs.vb Line: 113
My Database has 1 line of data (for testing) and all fields are populated. I am Querying a column called IndividualID which has a value of 3425243 at the moment. This is hardcoded in the aspx.vb at the moment. ASPX VB: Public Class WorkRequest Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'Put user code to initialize the page here End Sub Private Sub btnEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnter.Click 'for now, send this value (stored in dbase under individualID) to the querystring Dim IndividualID As String = "3425243" Response.Redirect("WorkRequestMain.aspx?IndividualID=" & IndividualID) End SubEnd Class
COMPONENTSWorkJobs.vb (This is the class file)
Imports SystemImports System.ConfigurationImports System.DataImports System.Data.SqlClient Namespace ASPNET.StarterKit.Commerce Public Class WorkJobsDATA Public CustomerID As String Public WorkID As String Public DateOfQuote As String Public QuoteAmount As String Public Title As Decimal Public FirstName As String Public Surname As String Public FirstLine As String Public District As String Public Town As String Public Postcode As String Public Telephone As String Public Requirements As String Public WorkRequired As String Public EmailAddress As String End Class Public Class WorkJobs Public Function GetWorkDetails(ByVal IndividualID As String) As WorkJobsDATA Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SP_PendingQuotes", myConnection) ' Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure ' Add Parameters to SPROC Dim parameterIndividualID As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@IndividualID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterIndividualID.Value = IndividualID myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterIndividualID) Dim parameterCustomerID As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@CustomerID", SqlDbType.BigInt, 8) parameterCustomerID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterCustomerID) Dim parameterWorkID As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@WorkID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterWorkID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterWorkID) Dim parameterDateOfQuote As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@DateOfQuote", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8) parameterDateOfQuote.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterDateOfQuote) Dim parameterQuoteAmount As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@QuoteAmount", SqlDbType.Money, 8) parameterQuoteAmount.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterQuoteAmount) Dim parameterTitle As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterTitle.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterTitle) Dim parameterFirstName As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@FirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterFirstName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterFirstName) Dim parameterSurname As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Surname", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterSurname.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterSurname) Dim parameterFirstLine As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@FirstLine ", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterFirstLine.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterFirstLine) Dim parameterDistrict As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@District", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterDistrict.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterDistrict) Dim parameterTown As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Town", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterTown.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterTown) Dim parameterPostcode As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Postcode", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterPostcode.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPostcode) Dim parameterTelephone As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Telephone", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) parameterTelephone.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterTelephone) Dim parameterRequirements As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@Requirements", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 3500) parameterRequirements.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterRequirements) Dim parameterWorkRequired As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@WorkRequired", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 3500) parameterWorkRequired.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterWorkRequired) Dim parameterEmailAddress As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@EmailAddress", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) parameterEmailAddress.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterEmailAddress) myConnection.Open() myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() myConnection.Close() parameterEmailAddress.Value.GetType() Dim myWorkJobs As WorkJobsDATA = New WorkJobsDATA myWorkJobs.CustomerID = CStr(parameterCustomerID.Value) myWorkJobs.WorkID = CStr(parameterWorkID.Value) myWorkJobs.DateOfQuote = CStr(parameterDateOfQuote.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.Title = CStr(parameterTitle.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.FirstName = CStr(parameterFirstName.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.Surname = CStr(parameterSurname.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.FirstLine = CStr(parameterFirstLine.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.District = CStr(parameterDistrict.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.Town = CStr(parameterTown.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.Postcode = CStr(parameterPostcode.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.Telephone = CStr(parameterTelephone.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.Requirements = CStr(parameterRequirements.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.WorkRequired = CStr(parameterWorkRequired.Value).Trim() myWorkJobs.EmailAddress = CStr(parameterEmailAddress.Value).Trim() Return myWorkJobs End Function End ClassEnd Namespace
I am developing the database application. This is a live database and is being used by the customer. I am to release a new version and I had to add new columns to fit the requirements DateStarted (DateTime), and TotalHours(Int) into a database table.There are already over a 1000 rows in this table.
When the customer wants to look at a record in this table and insert the value into the text boxes (Front-end), when it gets to the DateStarted or TotalHours it comes up with a error message:"
The value for column 'DateStarted' in table 'IncidentTask' is DBNull."The method for inserting is:
What are the possible solutions to this problem? Would it mean checking for a DBNULL before displaying in the textboxes? Or updating the new column rows with an date:
Code Snippet
UPDATE IncidentTask SET DateStarted = '1/1/2005' WHERE (DateStarted IS NULL)
Hi,I have a ShoppingCart class with a lot of properties (due to structure of a legacy Orders table). I have a ShoppingCart table also which contains a lot of the same fields as my orders table.There are a lot of fields (mostly ints) which have been initalised to 0 in my ShoppingCart class and then inserted into the ShoppingCart table when users add items to the cart. These fields are then inserted into the orders table upon check out. When i attempt to place a new record in the orders table from the ShoppingCart table, I am receiving a bunch of Foregin Key constraint errors due to all the int fields containing 0's.What i would like to do is initalise all the properites of my ShoppingCart object to DBNull.Value but of course I can't convert type 'System.DBNull' to 'int' and i can't set to 'null' either as int's are value types.I also tried:private Int32 _fieldname = Convert.ToInt32(DBNull.Value);This compiled but gave InvalidCastException runtime error.So the only option that i can think of is, as i build the parameter array to be sent to my stored procedure, test the value of each parameter, if it is 0 (or an empty string) then don't pass the actual field value but pass DBNull.Value instead.I REALLY don't want to do this as there are around 60 parameters being passed to this procedure and this will be time consuming and messy.Any suggestions would be most appreciated!ps If i could avoid having 60 parameters being passed I would...trust me!
Hi,I have a stored procedure which returns an integer indicating whether the operation has succeeded or failed. It does this by calling set @returnvalue = (0 or 1) then select @returnvalue as returnvalue in the stored procedure code. When I run the stored procedure, inputting a set of parameters as it expects, it does what it's supposed to do and outputs a table with a single row and a single column, called returnvalue, which has a value of either 1 or 0. When I run the stored procedure through a function in asp, using the exact same set of parameters, output the results as a data set and try and convert the return as an integer I get the following error: "Object Cannot be cast from DBNull from other types"The conversion code is ..return Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["returnvalue"]);And if I change "returnvalue" to anything else (like "wibble" for example) then I get a different error telling me it can't find the column named "wibble". So the dataset definitely contains a table with a column in it called returnvalue, as you expect. But it's value is, apparently, DBNull instead of an integer.How come this works when called directly through SQL and fails when called through ASP? Can anyone help? This is really doing my head in!Cheers,Matt
Ok well i have a stored procedure that returns an integer between 1 and 5. My problem now is i want to check to see if the table will return NULL and if so i don't want to assign the value to my variable otherwise it'll trow an error. My code is listed below but i keep getting the error "Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid." i've also tried If getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value = Nothing ThenIf getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value Is system.dbnull Then below is the rest of the code If getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value Is Nothing Then Else optionpicked = getoptionpicked.Parameters("@optionpicked").Value If optionpicked = 1 Then option1.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 2 Then option2.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 3 Then option3.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 4 Then option4.Checked = True ElseIf optionpicked = 5 Then option5.Checked = True Else End If End If
I want restore database in my disk , but i cant . I've click and add from device. this is the screen. And when i click content , it show me this text :Â Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. (mscorlib) .Â
I have quite a few tables which allow NULL values. I have to struggle a lot with DBnull Exceptions :|example: col1,col2,... are all columns of type Integer and possibly NULL. var query = from person in table select new { person.col1, test = (int?) person.col2, person.col3, person.col4, ...}; As soon as my result encounters a DBNull value.. the whole query fails. This is really bad.How would I return the valid values.. and set the keys where there is no value to a null type? (e.g. int -> 0)I tried using "(int?)" but I'm not *really* sure what it does :-) Anyway.. it has no effect :-)
When I try to install MS SQl server2000 on windows XP machine,it says the server component is not supported by OS.What should I do to get it run on my machine?
Hi, I'm Arash Baseri a Sql Server2000 developer and mail you from Dubai (U.A.E). I have a problem in Sql Server locking table. My problem is not reasonable so the more I researched the more I understand it is not my problem .it is a bug in Sql Server2000. Now I explain the situation: I have two tables (Table A and Table B).Table A has a clustered index on col1 and col2, Table B has a clustered index on col1 and col2. I join these tables and update col3 in table A, like this begin tran insert [Table A] select * from Arshiv_Master where Col1 between 26001 AND 26001
Update AI31 set Col3=Case when 1=1 then 1 Else 0 End From [Table A]AI5, [Table B]AI31 where AI5.Col1=AI31.Col1 And AI31.Col1 Between 26001 And 26001 /* intentionally I didn't rollback or commit transaction to hold locks on table*/ In another connection I execute this query and I face "Lock request timeout period exceeded" error message. set lock_timeout 1 set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
Update AI31 set Col3=Case when 1=1 then 0 Else 0 End From [Table A] AI5, [Table B] AI31 where AI5.Col1=AI31.Col1 and AI31.Col1 between 45018 And 60000 Now the most interesting part is here .when I use a smaller data range for Col1 no error message is shown. A query like this set lock_timeout 1 set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
Update AI31 set Col3=Case when 1=1 then 0 Else 0 End From [Table A] AI5, [Table B] AI31 where AI5.Col1=AI31.Col1 and AI31.Col1 between 45018 And 50000 As you see the difference between the last two queries is on WHERE clause especially on data rages of Col1. As you know Sql Server 2000 has row level lock and when I acquire a lock on a record the other records are free. So what's wrong with Sql Server that assumes the others records are locked. I tested this situation in Sql Server 2005 and this problem was not seen so I think it's a bug in Sql Server 2000.Who can help me about this problem?
Hi, I'm Arash Baseri a Sql Server2000 developer and mail you from Dubai (U.A.E). I have a problem in Sql Server locking table. My problem is not reasonable so the more I researched the more I understand it is not my problem .it is a bug in Sql Server2000. Now I explain the situation: I have two tables (Table A and Table B).Table A has a clustered index on col1 and col2, Table B has a clustered index on col1 and col2. I join these tables and update col3 in table A, like this begin tran insert [Table A] select * from Arshiv_Master where Col1 between 26001 AND 26001
Update AI31 set Col3=Case when 1=1 then 1 Else 0 End From [Table A]AI5, [Table B]AI31 where AI5.Col1=AI31.Col1 And AI31.Col1 Between 26001 And 26001 /* intentionally I didn't rollback or commit transaction to hold locks on table*/ In another connection I execute this query and I face "Lock request timeout period exceeded" error message. set lock_timeout 1 set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
Update AI31 set Col3=Case when 1=1 then 0 Else 0 End From [Table A] AI5, [Table B] AI31 where AI5.Col1=AI31.Col1 and AI31.Col1 between 45018 And 60000 Now the most interesting part is here .when I use a smaller data range for Col1 no error message is shown. A query like this set lock_timeout 1 set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
Update AI31 set Col3=Case when 1=1 then 0 Else 0 End From [Table A] AI5, [Table B] AI31 where AI5.Col1=AI31.Col1 and AI31.Col1 between 45018 And 50000 As you see the difference between the last two queries is on WHERE clause especially on data rages of Col1. As you know Sql Server 2000 has row level lock and when I acquire a lock on a record the other records are free. So what's wrong with Sql Server that assumes the others records are locked. I tested this situation in Sql Server 2005 and this problem was not seen so I think it's a bug in Sql Server 2000.Who can help me about this problem?
HI, I have a application which has Access as Front end and SQLServer as BackEnd. I have a table which has student details.
Table Fields are: Record#,FirstName,LastName,MiddleName,Address,City ,State,Pin,..... The table has about 1200 records.
Every Thing works fine but in the front end when i try to do a search by FirstName it is VERY SLOW.But it is okey if i search by the Record#. I need to search by lastname or Firstname and speed up the process.
What are the experiences of those who have upgraded to SQL Server 2000? I am writing a paper for my company and wish to list features of SQL Server 2000 from a user/developer/business aspect. We are on SQL Server 6.5 and I need to highlight the advantages and disadvatages of upgrading.
I configured Logshipping in sql server 2000(Enterprise edition).in destination server copy and restore is failing(but there is no error).Out ofsync threshold value is set 27 minutes, after 27 minutes i found the error message in sql server error logs "The log shipping destination HARSHA.Northwind1 is out of sync by 27 minutes..
Just trying to get some information on what is required to migrate from Access 2000 to SQL Server?? Is it pretty difficult to do? Are there any changes to the data or structure that is needed? Is SQL Server more secure? What about MSDE instead of SQL?? I'm just needing some tips and info on what to expect and all as I think we are going there kinda soon. I can do many things in Access but not sure how to go about them in SQL Server? Can you also do reports from there as well?
There is a Server with 4G Memory. I installed a SQL Server 2000 standardversion on it.I heard that SQLServer2000 could use only up to 2GB memory. Is it true?How can I use those 4GB memory? I can not upgrade to SQL Server 2005 orother version because i don't want to take this risk.Thank you very much.
Hi, Is it possible to use ssis for the etl processes and still have an existing 2000 db? For e.g. CanI create a ssis pkg and use the xml task to download data to a 2000 db.
HI,Thank you to pay attention to this thread.i am chinese,may be i coudln't say my problem clearly,it's.....
okay,i use the TextBox,SQL Server 2000,i fill the TextBox as Chinese,then,I use the T-Sql INSERT to Finish Inserting A record,but when i open the SQL Server 2000,i find that the char showed in field as the char '???',i don't understand what happened,if the fault of UnicodeEncoding?can you help me? Thx~!
i have to create a cube in analysis manager in sql server 2000.as i want to see the data according to my organisation levels.
organisation level:
1.Business unit
2.Team manager
3.Sales manager.
and also i create the three user respectively and assign all user has adminstrator category in user accounts of windows XP.
after create the user and design the manage role to restrict the levels which i have create the dimension.after login which i have to create the user i can see all levels of data.
so pls solution for see data which i have to restrict the dimenssion only..
I have a big problem with SQL server2000. I can't get COLUMN DESCRIPTION. I will print DATADICTIONARY from a DB, I can get all elemnts (table name, columns name, datatype, precision, scale, FK, PK, default value..) I missed only DESCRIPTION. How I can get it????