DTS AS/400 --> SQL7. How To Get Job Working

Sep 27, 2001


i'm brand new in the sql server world so maby this is an easy problem.

I have to get data from AS/400 to SQL7. I've created a package with a client acces odbc driver and an sql driver which transfers the data of an entire table. When i execute this it works fine.

Now i want to shedule this (shedule package). When i start this job it doesn't work.

This is the error i get:

DTSRun: Loading... DTSRun: Executing... DTSRun OnStart: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1 DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1, Error = -2147008507 (80074005) Error string: Unspecified error Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 1100 Error Detail Records: Error: -2147008507 (80074005); Provider Error: 0 (0) Error string: Unspecified error Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package Help file: sqldts.hlp Help context: 1100 Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 5 (5) Error string: [IBM][Client Access ODBC Driver (32-bit)][DB2/400 SQL]Communication link failure. COMM RC=0x5 Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Help file: Help context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1 DTSRun: Package execution complete. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

on the server i've installed client access as well and created the same odbc driver (with the same name). But it still doesn't work.

Can anybody help me please??

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Backup Quits Working After Upgrade From SQL7 To SQL 2K

Apr 15, 2002

I had a number of jobs which were backing up system and user databases under SQL 7 using SQL ServerAgent. Over the weekend I upgraded SQL 7 to SQL 2K.

All backups work except for one, which gets the following error message: Executed as user: SANDIEGOSvcSQLServer. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

As best as I know SQLSTATE 42000 is an ODBC message indicating a syntax violation or an access violation. I have recreated the maintenance plan in an attempt to rule out a syntax violation. During the upgrade process I did not change the account under which SQL Server Agent runs, so it seems like it should not be an access violation.

Any ideas would be appreciated!!!

Thanks Gary Andrews Andrews_gary_w@solarturbines.com

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Copy SQL7 To SQL7

Dec 5, 1998

How can I copy a SQL 7 database from one server to another? Please tell me all the ways because I've tried the obvious and it doesn't work. (backup and restore - won't go from one server to another, DTS transfer object Wizard - does a whole pile of errors and doesn't do stored proceedures and trigures). Thanks for help in advance. Also, what is the email address to post to the listserv and where is the FAQ for SQL7? Most of my listserv's tell you where to post right at the bottom of the digest I get - any chance you guys would do that with this list? Thanks again.

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Some Things Not Working In 2005 And Working In 2000

Mar 3, 2006


I had a view in which I did something like this
isnull(fld,val) as 'alias'

when I assign a value to this in the client (vb 6.0) it works ok in sql2000 but fails in 2005.
When I change the query to fld as 'alias' then it works ok in sql 2005 .
why ?? I still have sql 2000 (8.0) compatability.

Also some queries which are pretty badly written run on sql 2000 but dont run at all in sql 2005 ???

any clues or answers ?? it is some configuration issue ?

Thanks in advance.

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ExecuteNonQuery - Add Working/Update Not Working

Jan 7, 2004

I am writing a pgm that attaches to a SQL Server database. I have an Add stored procedure and an Update stored procedure. The two are almost identical, except for a couple parameters. However, the Add function works and the Update does not. Can anyone see why? I can't seem to find what the problem is...

This was my test:

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Update", cn)
'Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("pContact_Add", cn)

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = UserId
cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = TextBox1.Text
[...etc more parameters...]
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Id", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ContactId


Label1.Text = "done"

Catch ex As Exception
Label1.Text = ex.Message
End Try

When I use the Add procedure, a record is added correctly and I receive the "done" message. When I use the Update procedure, the record is not updated, but I still receive the "done" message.

I have looked at the stored procedures and the syntax is correct according to SQL Server.

Please I would appreciate any advice...

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SQL7 Ans SP2

Jul 16, 2000

Hi there,

After installing SP2 we encounter a problem with MMC. When selecting a DB we recieve a RunTime error? And the DB items/properties are not shown.
Is there anyone with the same problem and knows how to fix this? I search the MS site for more information but there is nothing on it.


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Apr 17, 2000

Is MS SQL 7.0 have any difference/incompatibility problem with the BackOffice's SQL 7.0?

anybody can clarify this to me please... tq!

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SQL7.0 Installation On NT4.0

Feb 11, 2002

I am going to install SQL7.0 on the current NT4.0 with SQL6.5 on it by uninstalling SQL6.5 first and then installing (not upgrading through Wizard) SQL7.0.

Here are the questions I need help with:
1. Should I convert the database after the installation of SQL7.0 or directly restore the SQL6.5 databases backup?
2. If I need to convert the databases, How and in what way?
3. Which way is better upgrade or installation?

Thank you ahead of time


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SQL7 E-mail

Apr 2, 2001

I am looking for documentation/information on how to configure SQL7 so that I
can use SMTP for delivering e-mail.

I have other applications which use SMTP for delivering our e-mail.

I don't have Exchange. Internally we use GroupWise for our mail system.

Thanks in advance!!!

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SQL7.0 Running 100%

Jul 11, 2001

Current system 2 x 500mhz pIII 512MB ram, System mirrored and data raid 5 30GB made from 3 disks. All server is running in CA TNG. an Asset management DB and Software Delivery database. But the poor server runns most of the time at 100% 65% being used by SqlServer process. Does/Can anyone recommend any tweaks upgrades that may let the server take a breath in and out ie will more memory speed thing up faster processors or more disk.



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Upgrade SQL 6.5 To SQL7.0

Oct 12, 2001

I have a database on a 6.5 server but wish to upgrade this database to a sql 7 database. But I would like to test this first on another server which is a sql 7 server. Is it possible to restore a 6.5 backup to a SQL server 7.0 server?

Thanks in advance..

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Filegroups In Sql7

Jul 21, 2000

Is there a way to list all the tables in each of the filegroup
in a database. I have a database with 7 filegroups and would like
to have a list of tables in each filegroup
Sp_helpfilegroup gives you list of filegroups and the names of files

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Sql7.0 Dts Package

Jul 25, 2000

i unable to import/export from sql7.0 database to text file in windows 98 system . can anybody help me ?

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SQL7 SP2: Add'l Help File?

Jan 4, 2001

I recall seeing something about an extra / additional / enhanced / second version of Help that is available after installing SQL7 SP2. Does anyone know anything about it, such as where to find it? Thanks.

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Clustering Sql7

Aug 11, 2000

I need some documentation on how to trouble shoot clustering SQL7EE. I have setup the cluster and looks like it is working but I missed somthing. When I test a failover by pulling the Network cable to the main network not the heartbeat network both boxes lock up. I can failover by powering down one box and using the MSCluster Admin. I am using NT40 6a on Dell PowerEdge 2400 and PowerValut 211s

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Sep 17, 2000

Hi folks. Got a real doozy going. One of the network techs reinstalled NT4 SP5 on a server. This reverted the SQL driver back to 2.something. Now sqlserveragent jobs will not run.
I have tried to instal MDAC 2.5, but it doesn't change the driver up to the new 3.xxx driver. I searched around on here and folks said that you have to move the MDAC executable to a new directory. for the new MDAC I don't see MDAC.EXE. I did find MDAC.COM and renamed that. Tried to rerun MDAC 2.5 but still got the old SQLSRV32.Dll.
Uninstalled SQLServer and reinstalled. still got the old SQLSRV32.Dll.
Tried to apply SQLServer SP1. It died.
Found that I am to shutdown some services. Did that. SP1 still dies.
Tried to apply SQLSERVER SP2. It tries to pick up where it died and it dies again.
SO, I'm currently uninstalling SQLServer, reboot, installing SQLServer, reboot, Trying SP2 again.
Didn't think that it was brain surgery just to install a new flippin version of the ODBC driver.. SHEEZ!!!!

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Sp_helprevdatabase For SQL7?

Mar 6, 2000

Does anyone know of a sp similar to sp_helprevdatabase (SQL 6.5) for SQL 7.0? Will I need to use SQLDMO or can I use DTS somehow.


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Security On The Web!(ASP,VB, SQL7)

Mar 4, 2000

I am using ASPs in my VB6 script to call an SQL 7 database. What security issues shd be considered? How will the IIS security be handled with NT4 & SQL7 security?
Any suggestions wld be highly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

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Win2k And SQL7

Apr 3, 2000

Starting with Win2k you are not suppossed to have to install MDAC, as it comes with the OS. What about when I install SQL7 and it automatically installs MDAC. Do I have to reinstall MDAC in this case?

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Japanese And SQL7

Mar 27, 2000

This is a very confusing question. Let me start:
I need to know can I use Japanese characters in SJIS format with American SQL 7 on Win2K. I must be able to integrate a Japanese language database and an English language database on one platform. Since most people working on this project are bilingual, it would be OK to get Win2K Japanese. But I am not sure how to get SQL Japanese in the states, where I am working now.

Can you helP?


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SQL7 Backup

Nov 17, 2000

I need to backup my sql7 through the network share.
I have two servers both have SQL7 and only one has a backup tape drive (which is my production database). I want to be able to backup to the tape and to the a share drive on the second server. The backup to the tape work fine but if I want to backup to share drive locate to the second server I can't see the share where I want to put the backup. Do you Know what I am doing wrong ?


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SQL7 Backup

Nov 17, 2000

I need to backup my sql7 through the network share.
I have two servers both have SQL7 and only one has a backup tape drive (which is my production database). I want to be able to backup to the tape and to the a share drive on the second server. The backup to the tape work fine but if I want to backup to share drive locate to the second server I can't see the share where I want to put the backup. Do you Know what I am doing wrong ?


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Filegroups In SQL7.0

Jan 23, 2001

Is there any way in which I can move an objects/ data to another
filegroup using transact sql?
I have created a table such that the data is on a secondary filegroup.
But the table has image and text data and this data is going to
the PRIMARY filegroup.
I tried chnging the filegroup for the text data but this property but does not change(I did it through EM).
As a result, the disk which contains the primary filegroup is getting filled up.
I have configured my database such that the primary file group is on one disk and the secondary on another and the log on the same disk as the primary filegroup.
I have given lesser space to the primary file group and more space to the secondary filegroup.
help on this is greatly appreciated because my system is rapidly growing with respect to data.

thanks and best regards

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Mmc Crashing With SQL7.0

Dec 2, 1999

Has anybody had any problems with mmc crashing when running Enterprise Manager on SQL Server 7.0/SP1? This occurs on a fairly regular basis on several of our development NT client machines (NT SP4 and SP5). We are running Version 1.1 of mmc. Is there a later version (or service pack) we need to be using?

Any comments on this would be appreciated.


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Isql_w On Sql7

Mar 19, 1999

I am attempting to connect to sql7 using isql_w and integrated security. No go. If I try to connect using standard security, all goes well. I am using tpc/ip, but if I switch to multiprotocal with integrated security, it works. Why won't integrated security work with tcp/ip?

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SQL7 And MS Query

Mar 10, 1999

We use the stored procedures to help us produce mail merges in word via MS Query. This set up worked well for our 6.5 databases, since our change to 7 however MS Query no longer wants to talk through ODBC to our upgraded server. MS Query crashes with an invalid page fault just after the login prompt for the odbc connection. Any ideas??

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How To Tell If It Is SQL7 Enterprise??

Mar 10, 1999

I am stepping in as our SQL 7 DBA for a platform were 7 was installed prior to my arrival. As a company, we have all versions of 7 licensed - how do I know if Standard or Enterprise version was installed on this server?

If Standard was installed - how nasty is it going to be to upgrade to Enterprise?


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Restore 6.5 DB To SQL7.0

Nov 3, 1998


I'm evaluating SQL 7.0 on a Win95 machine. I have a dump file of my 6.5 databases which I would like to port to my 7.0 machine, unfortunately when I tried to run the restore command on SQL 7.0's EM, I got an error saying that the directory which I am restoring from is already existing.

Is there a workaround to directly restore my 6.5 dump to 7.0?

Any help will be grately appreciated!



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Locking In SQL7.0

Nov 18, 1998

Hi all,

We had implemented a customized locking mechanism on our apps in SQL.6.5 which worked fine. But, we couldnt implement row-level locking, and hence had some performance problems. Can someone suggest how I can implement the row-level locking in SQL.7.0? Should I go for cutomised set-up again, or should I leave to the SQL server to take care of locking ? How has the experience been with other users?


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Delphi And SQL7

Nov 18, 1998

Can anyone please help me on how to access SQL7 through Delphi 2 or greater?

Any help at all is appreciated

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Is Any Way Of Downloading Sql7 On The Net

Mar 1, 2001

hi all
i have the 2000 adition but i realy want the 7 version
and now microsoft offer as a shareware only the new 2000 to download as a limited pack
my questune is whare can i get the 7 version on the internet as a shareware
time trail or whatever

thanks in advance

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Sql7 And Sql2000

Aug 26, 2002

Does a script that run with sql7 automatically run with sql2000?
I would like to know if my script will run if I change version.

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SQL7.0 And SQL6.5

Sep 10, 1998

Can SQL6.5 and SQL7.0 live on the same NT4.0 server?

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