DTS Excel Database

Jan 14, 2004

Ladies and gentlemen, I posted a question that I export data from SQL to .xls, where is that data of .xls stored?

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Whatever The Database Excel Is THE Reporting App.

Jun 23, 2004

I work as Online Excel Developer and I develop analyzing and reporting applications downstream from all kinds of database or specialized applications from SQL to Oracle, SAP, etc.

To do the job (transforming data into information) I use the SUMPRODUCT function in 75% of the applications that I develop.

This function ignored by many is the function that makes Excel the best reporting tool. It allows the user to transform any database extract into a report. With it you can sum a column (amounts) based on ANY number of criteria located in other columns (account, city, product,...). It is simple to use yet one of the most powerful function in Excel for Accountants, Financial Analysts and Data Analysts.

There is an example on my website at:

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From Excel To A SQL Server Database Table

Feb 14, 2007

Is there a reference/tutorial to help a newbie to take data in an Excel Spreadsheet, and copy it into a table in a SQL server database?

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Import Excel Spreadsheet To Sql Database

Mar 26, 2008

Hi there,
              I am able to import an excel spreadsheet into a table in sql server 2005 using SqlBulkCopy. The only thing that bothers me here is how to check duplicate entries and throw an error to the user regarding the duplicate entries. In the table in sql, there is no primary keys. There are five columns and the way I will have to find the duplicates is to match all those 5 columns. Since the excel spreadsheet can have 40 to 500 entries, how can I check those dupes.

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Write Excel Data To MS SQL Database

Dec 22, 2003

Dear expert, please show me some examples of how I can update an Microsoft SQL table data with an excel sheet. Meaning, when I upload an excel sheet using an ASPX page the data in the excel sheet will be transfer to a particular table in the database. Thank you in advance.

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Importing Excel To Database Problem

May 6, 2008


I need to import data from excel to sql database. I have an excel that has a column called dept_name that is a string.
In the database I have a table called tb_depts with the following columns:
dept_id int, identity
dept_name nvarchar (200)

In addition I have another table called tb_extUsers with the following columns:
user_id int, identity
user_name nvarchar (200)
dept_id int

I need to import the excel into the table tb_extUsers however my problem is that the value in excel is the name of the department and not the department id and the column in tb_extUsers requires the id.
How can i insert the correct dept_id into tb_extUsers ?

Can someone please assist me?


Whisky-my beloved dog who died suddenly on the 29/06/06-I miss u so much.

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Teradata Database - WHERE Clause In EXCEL

Jul 29, 2013

Still having a problem with my SQL WHERE clause…

I have three variables on an Excel form that connects to a Teradata database. The first variable is a date format (DateworkedF and DateworkedT) the other two are text fields. (StatusX and ErrorTypeX)

I want to be able to search on any or all of these fields. (If the field is blank return all values)

"(DATE_WORKED >= #" & DateworkedF & "# Or #" & DateworkedF & "# IS NULL)" & _
"AND (DATE_WORKED <= #" & DateworkedT & "# Or #" & DateworkedT & "# IS NULL)" & _
"AND (STATUS = '" & StatusX & "' OR '" & StatusX & "' IS NULL)" & _
"AND (ERROR_TYPE = '" & ErrorTypeX & "' or '" & ErrorTypeX & "' IS NULL);"

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How To Insert Excel Data Into SQL Database?

Dec 24, 2006

Hello to All,

I'm searching a way get Excel data into SQL database and tried this "insert" process that given me error. Already create a table call "original_purged" contain column fields. Can anyone give me some tips to show the problem?

INSERT Original_Purged

SELECT OP_ID,RBDI,Title,Address,City,State,Zip,Plus4,Walkseq,Crrt,Endorse,City_rural,Dpb,Dpbc,updatedate
FROM OpenDataSource( 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Data Source="C:Original_Purged.xls";User ID=Ryan;Password=dellonee1405;Extended properties=Excel 5.0')...[52117639]
Error occur.............

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error. Authentication failed.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80040e4d: Authentication failed.].

thank you


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Exporting Data From Excel To The SQL Database?

May 9, 2007

Hi all. I have a few Excel sheets with a large amount of data, and i wish to export them into the SQL database. I have already made some tables, but currently all i can do is copy and paste into one individual cell, and thats not the best way of doing it. Any ideas? thanks.

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Import Data From Excel To Another Database?

Nov 6, 2007

I wanted to see what would a way for me to import data from an excel document into an existing database. I have a database in which I want to clear out the current entries and import data from the excel document into that database. What is the best way of doing this??

Any help or comment will be appreciated.


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SQL UPDATE Database From Excel Table

Jul 23, 2005

I had previously posted this in an Access forumwith negative results so will try here.Although this question specifies an Access database,I also wish to accomplish this with a large MS SQL Serverdatabase that we have.Question follows:The following SQL statement, used in VBScript,will COPY a table from Excel to an Access mdb.SQL = "SELECT * INTO C1R0" & _" FROM [C1R0$] IN ''" & _" 'Excel 8.0;database=c:excelUpdateFinal1.xls';"What is the SQL statement that willUPDATE an already existing Access tablewith all rows from Excel spreadsheet?The columns of both Spreadsheet and database are thesame.ThanksJim

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Need Help Importing Data From Excel To My SQL Database

Jan 16, 2008

Hey guys,I am trying to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into my SQLdatabase. I am running SQL 2005.I following Microsoft's instructions for creating a linked server, andit appeared to work. However when I run this query:SELECT * INTO test FROM OPENQUERY(EFORMS,'SELECT * FROM [Form Tracker Baseline$]')I get the following error:The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server"EFORMS" reported an error. The provider did not give any informationabout the error.Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "EFORMS".Test is the table that will receive the imported data. Eforms is thename of my linked server, and Form Tracker Baseline is the worksheetname.The error sounds like it can not locate my spreadsheet. Any ideas whyI am getting this message? Is there an easier way to do this import?Thanks,

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How To Stop Excel From Connecting To My SQL Database

May 8, 2008

We used windows authentication and we have our domain users set up to perform certian tasks like input time on their time sheet. Then I found out thru excel you can connect to the database and select any table that you have read access on. Then you can download all of the data to an excel workbook.

What is the best way to stop this?

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Excel To DataBase (Duplicate Recoards)

Aug 1, 2007

for example i exported student table with sno as (PK)

how to handle the upload twise (som of the records already in the data base )

1) How to ignore the existing records in the database
2) How to modify the records which is already exist in the database


this is i have please tell me how to ignore/update the exisitng records


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Excel And Database Datatype Conflict

Sep 16, 2006


a couple of weeks i am struggling with an excel import and export
application to sqlserver as i have to do it through an external
application and not through the Export Import Utility in sql server.

My most recent problem is:
The understanding of field values by sql server and excel.

1. I need to import into a table whose fields are varchar type.
2. I have to use as datasource- an Excel sheet(.xls file).
3. Some fields in excel contain numbers (Length up to 10 or
more digits).
4. For this I first format the cells'(in Excel file) datatype
into "Text".
5. Even then after importing into a table(say tblTemp) whose
schema/structure, is

CREATE TABLE [tblTemp] (
[rowId] int IDENTITY(1,1),
[Account Number] varchar(30) not null ,
[Mobile Number] varchar(30) null,
[Name] varchar(100) null
, and to import into this table im using select into query
with datasource as the excel file(Data Source=ExcelFile.xls),

the table fields show exponential values(may be float

any one suggest me how shall i get values from excel sheet with
datatype varchar and import into the above said table as varchar values
(with out any exponential types).

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Importing Excel File Into Database

Sep 4, 2007

Hi, I am very new to ssis, I am trying to set up a package that I can set to run every hour or so, what it will do is look for all excel files in a certain folder and import them into a table on an sql server.

I managed to get it working but my problem is that my data is survey answers and some columns contain a comment.
I get these files on a weekly basis and some weeks the length of the longest comment makes ssis want to use a different data type for the comment column (sometimes it wants DT_NTEXT, other times it wants DT_WSTR).
as this column is filled out by a human I guess aposrtophies and other characters may affext this as well.

when I made the data flow task, I used the wizard on a file which contained about 8 weeks worth of data. when I use 1 weeks worth of data where the comment length is very low, the task gives a validation error saying the metadata is out of sync. if I go back and set the data type for that column to DT_WSTR and rerun the task, it works but then when it tries to process a different weeks worth of data it will fail again

here is an example of an error I get when it thinks the data type is wrong.
[Source - 'raw data$' [1]] Error: The output column "Question ID50# (Verbatim)" (439) on the error output has properties that do not match the properties of its corresponding data source column.

I played around with the data types for a while and managed to get it to process the first file and then try to process the secondfile, in the second file it got around the validation but then got this error:
[Source - 'raw data$' [1]] Error: Failed to retrieve long data for column "Question ID3# (Verbatim)".

is there a way to make it recalculate the data types by itself for each excel file?

I am stuck trying to figure this one out.
sorry if I havent provided enough information, I am not sure which direction to head with this

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Excel Import To Sqlserver Database

Sep 13, 2006

Hi all,

this is thiru from India, hope i shall get answers here for my questions.

1. I need to import an Excel spread sheet to a remote sql server database through ASP.Net web application. I brief the process im following now please go through it.

Import Process:

a. select a fiile(.xls) and upload it to server.
b. using M/S Odbc Excel driver, and the uploaded excel file as datasource,
c. query the excel sheet to populate a dataset.
d. iterate through the rows of the dataset(I could not bulk copy the excel data, because
have to check the database, if record exists then update, else insert) to import to the
SQL Database

Performance issues:
1. I have to import spreadsheets having upto 60,000 records or even more at a time.
2. Is this a good option to use a webapplication for this task (I use this approach because
my boss wants to do so).
3. some times the excel file size grows up to 7 mb(Though i shall adjust config settings,
uploading and then querying a 7 mb file shall be an ovverhead i think.)
4. is there any possibility to get the datasource with out uploading the file to the server (Like
modifying the connection string as "datasource=HtmlFileControl.PostedFile" instead,)(I
tried this but it gives me "unspecified error").

please analyse my problem and suggest me a possible solution.
I thank all, for your efforts, of any kind.
have a nice time,

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Import Excel File To Database

Apr 11, 2007


I am new to SSIS 2005.

Now i would like to use the foreach loop structure in an SSIS package to
loop through however many Excel files are placed in a directory and
then perform an import operation into a SQL table on each of these
files sequentially.

But i dont know how to get start?

Can anyone guide me on this task?


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DTS Import Problem ( From Excel Into Database)

Dec 13, 2006

I have a table structure like

ID int

zip varchar(255)

the zip code values in excel can be either 10 digit (08830-2345) or 5 digit (08830).

null zipcode values are inserted into database for records with 10 digit zip code. I think its because of the hypen "-" character. 5 digit zipcodes works fine.

Any ideas...

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Import Data From Excel Sheet To Sql Database-asp.net 2.0

Jul 5, 2006

In admin tool of my application,i want to give facility  to administrator that he can import data from the Excel Sheet and can insert in sql database. for example...user id and password that from excel sheet to user table in sql database.
how can i do this..please help me. it's urgent.

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How To Import A Excel Datas To SQL Server Database

Apr 27, 2007

How to Import a Excel Datas to SQL Server Database

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How Can I Import A Excel Spread Sheets To A Database?

Jul 24, 2007

How can i import a excel spread sheet information to a table?

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DTS - Excel Conversion From Number To Database Char

Aug 31, 2004

I have to import data from Excel file to an SQL Server Database.
One of the Excel Worksheet columns it's number (with max value of 4550204008914630000), I will import the column to a char 21 database field. Using a DTS to do the work, when I import that column it will convert the data in something like 4.5502041E+18.
Can you give me some help for the DTS.


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Comparing Excel Data To Database Field

Aug 4, 2014

I have an excel spreadsheet that only has email addresses in a single columnar format on it (318 emails). I want to check and see if any of those emails are in the database. Is there a easier way than having to enter 300+ "OR" statements?

SELECT "Name"."FIRST_NAME", "Name"."LAST_NAME", "Name"."EMAIL", "Name"."ID", "Name"."MEMBER_TYPE"
FROM "APSCU_PROD"."dbo"."Name" "Name"
WHERE Name.EMAIL='marie@bahoo.com' OR Name.EMAIL='markg@ts.com' OR Name.EMAIL='mare@t.edu'

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Importing Data From Excel To SQL SERVER Database

Aug 23, 2006

Hello all:

I have gone through most of the question posed by people, about importing data from EXCEL sheet to some table using SQL server database. I have a slight variation of this problem.

My excel file contains some information apart from the normal data.
Lets say some 5-6 lines always gives me some info about the data, like its purpose, client info, date etc...
After this INFO my actually data start, which I want to load into table.

I have found some wizard for the same, "EMS SQL MANAGER 2005", which supports most of the file formats, and load data into the database.

But we are planning to not use this tool, instead everything should be done using TSQL.

If somebody can please gives me some idea how this problem can be tackle, it would be a great help. We won't be using any Third party tools, like scripting etc...

We want to stick with just TSQL for this problem.

Thanks a bunch,

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Import Excel Data In SQL Server Database

Apr 25, 2007

Hi everyone got a problem here!
I have an existing data in excel and it is more than 10,000 cells that I need to import to my new SQL Database. How can I transfer those records easily without using INSERT commands in SQL? Because I'm afraid it's too hard to do.


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EXcel Sheet Into Database With Stored Procedure

Jun 24, 2006

Hi,What is the syntax of storing the content of an Excelsheet in a predefinedtablewith a stored prcedure.Arno de Jong, The Netherlands.

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Error Importing From Excel To Odbc Sql Database

Dec 17, 2007

Got an error of

Error during Transformation 'DirectCopyXform' for Row number 813. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1.
TransformCopy 'DirectCopyXform' conversion error: Destination does not allow NULL on column pair 1 (source column 'Customer' (DBTYPE_R8), destination column 'Customer' (DBTYPE_STR))

What does that mean?

I have an excel file named Customer List with fields such as Customer, Name, City.
I want to import it into a syspro table called SyproCompanyF.ArCustomer.

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Querying SQL Express Database From Excel Macro

Apr 28, 2006

How do I query an SQL Express database from within an Excel 2002 VBA macro?

For example, how could I accomplish this in an Excel macro.

SELECT myID FROM MyTable WHERE Compound = string in cell A1

And then put the resulting ID number in cell A2. The relationship between Compound and myID is always one to one.

Thanks to all.


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DTS Import Data Problem ( Excel Into Database )

Jul 3, 2006

Hi all,

I face a small problem in DTS, hope you can help me to solve this issue.

I designed a DTS package to import excel data ( with 4 column ) into SQL server database,The database design for the database table was

column name type length

ID bigint 8

CountedQty decimal 9

Location nvarchar 8

Other nvarchar 50

The DTS package is work and does not appear any error message. But the data in column 'Location' appeared <Null> after import into the database, this issue happen when the excel data was <numeric> value (string value in this data column can be accepted and appear nicely).

Izzit because nvarchar cannot accept numeric value ?


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Problems Trying To Insert Data Into The Database Using Excel

Oct 31, 2007

Hi all,

I have encountered a problem. In the past i run a sql query to select all the data from the excel file and insert them into my SQL database. However recently i encountered an error when i run the query.

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "excel_ls" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "excel_ls".

How i solve this error. Any ideas?


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Update SQL Database Using Excel Sheet As Input

Apr 24, 2007


I am a very beginner in SQL and know a little bit VB.

I created a database table with two columns, one for key and the other for data. I'd like to update the data column using excel sheet which contains the same columns, key and data.

Does anyone have a sample VB code to share.



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Dynamic Database Connection - EXCEL To SQL Server

Feb 5, 2007

Hi *, is there a way to connect Excel to SQL Server so that Excel serves as a frontend to SQL Server? I heard rumors that this is possible with the 2007 release.

I'm looking for a product that helps me storing massive data outside an Excel file. Right now, I'm using Palo (open source multidimensional database).


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