DTS Export Whole Database.

Jun 6, 2006

schedual DTS Import/Export MSSQL 2000

A methods for importing
a whole Database on a schedual

which is triggered from a local machine, and grabs the data
from the Live Data source.

What ive uses so far is

Open DTS in Enterprise manager
Make a new package

use the Copy SQL Server objects task

Select the Source as the Live Database

the destination as my Local Machine

Save it

now The right click on the package

and Schedual it for say once a day or what ever

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How Can I Export Foreing Key And Primary Key With SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data Wizard.

Jan 4, 2008

How can I Export Database with foreing Key and primary key.

Operation is that
SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data

Before Version is SQL2000 we can Selected Copy Object and data between server and then Use Default Options click checked and Select Copy Index, Copy Foreing Primary key vs vs

But this options is not found in the SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard or I can't found it.

How can I export foreing Key and primary key with SQL2005 Management Studio/Database/Tasks/Export Data wizard.

Best Regards,


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How To Export Whole Database Schema To Another Database But Not Include The Data?

Sep 21, 2007

I need to export a database, x, of a server, X, to another database, y, of a server, Y and I need export the database schema only, not include the data.
Does anyone know how to do that?
Many thanks for replying.

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How To Export Part Of A Database To A New Database Through Asp.net

Aug 27, 2006

Hello,I want to connect to an SQL Server Database called MyDBTest, through an asp.net web form, select particular columns from particular tables, and then export these tables (with the selected columns only) to another SQL Server database called MyDBTest1 Is it possible?Thank you in advance! :)

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Export/import Database To Database?

Sep 13, 2006

I'm looking for the best way to export a database to another database. Essentially making a copy of it. I need to keep all of the database structure and data. I need a way to do this all programmatically, rather then through the wizard.


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Database Export From Vwd 2005

Oct 20, 2006

I recently posted this question to MSDN forum and was directed to re-ask it on this forum. Following are the question and answer I got.... >>>>>>>>>>I am trying to export a table from VWD into a CSV, MySQL or text file so I can transmit it to my hosting manager. They won't take it in as a .mdf - After browsing around on VWD Options & Help I can't find someting that specifically has export options for database.Anyone ? Answer :you maybe best asking the gurus over at the ASP.NET forums:http://forums.asp.netI think this would come from the database manager itself on options to export data, not within VWD however. Again, best to ask there

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How To Export All The Data Out Of A Database?

Aug 19, 2007

 HiI am using SQL Server Management Studio Express and I noticed in my data I made a big mistake(effects every peice of data I have in my row) I need to grab all these cells so I can then do a find an replace on them all and fix my mistake. I tried to use find and replace in SQL Server Management Studio Express but it seems to not work on data in the files so I am wondering how do I export all this data out so it is in a notepad file and I can just find and replace from there?Thanks 

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What Need To Be Prepared To Export A Database?

May 12, 2008

I want to export a database from localhost anh import it to hosting server.  Which version of SQL database server I need to install to have the export feture? Also I would like to know which version of SQL database server can be installed on Windows XP and Vista?
I have nightmare to restore my database to the godaddy hosting envirenment because the host server does not allow to restore the database that was backup from localhost. Please help me to solve this problem.
Thank you,

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Export Database To Sql File

Jan 22, 2007


I am new to sql server. I just use it for a project we have

I am used to MySQL

Is there a way to export a database to an sql file, with create table statements and all table data?

What I have been able to do so far, is right click the db-> Tasks->Generate Scripts...
but it justs exports the table creation stmts without the data.

Any help?

sql server v 2005

oh how I miss the mysqldump utility

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Export Database Users

Nov 1, 2005

Hi, guys

I has a question for you:

How can i Export the users and permisions and restore it again?

Thanks in advance

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How To Export Access Mdb To Sql Database....

Jun 16, 2006

I have a mdb in Access named test1.mdb with tabale named test_table and a Db Sql test2.mdf with tabale named test_table.
Each table of database have the same name fileds: prova1, prova2, prova3...prova20.
Now with vba or vb classic is possible to transfer the data from Access .mdb into Sql table, Record by Record


prova1 from .Mdb to Prova1 slq table
prova2 from .Mdb to Prova2 slq table
prova3 from .Mdb to Prova3 slq table
prova20 from .Mdb to Prova20 slq table

Tks to all.
I use this code to pass dta with excel and inseted Excel i would want to use access mbd to sql table...
In effect import into sql databse record by record from access mdb....

Sub ADOExcelSQLServer()

Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Server_Name As String
Dim Database_Name As String
Dim User_ID As String
Dim Password As String
Dim SQLStr As String
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim RowNo As Long

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

Server_Name = "USER-E114319F02"
Database_Name = "northwind"
User_ID = ""
Password = ""
SQLStr = "SELECT * FROM customers"

Set Cn = New ADODB.Connection
Cn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=" & Server_Name & ";Database=" & Database_Name & _
";Uid=" & User_ID & ";Pwd=" & Password & ";"

rs.Open SQLStr, Cn, adOpenStatic
RowNo = 2

Do While Not rs.EOF
Range("a" & RowNo).Value = rs(1)
Range("b" & RowNo).Value = rs(2)
Range("c" & RowNo).Value = rs(3)
RowNo = RowNo + 1

Set rs = Nothing
Set Cn = Nothing
End Sub

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Export Empty Database

Jun 13, 2007

This is kind of a elementary question, but how do you export an empty copy of a SQL 2005 database to a backup file? Basically I need a backup without any of the data. Thanks!

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How To Export Tables From The Database?

Oct 17, 2007

A very simple question
I have two tables in the database on one server
I want to export it to another database on another server
How can I do this?
I tried DTS but I guess it works from one server to another server on same network
When I went to Query Analyzer, I can see scripting options but that only gives me the structure of the table in .sql format
Is it possible to get the whole data in .sql format and then run it on another server
Please suggest methods

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How To Export SQL Server Database To ... Something

Feb 24, 2004

I have database which is about 7 GB. I want to export it to some portable file. What I have to choose. .MDB, .DB, ... or ?

There is Import/Export utility but it usualy transfer databases from one server to another. I want 1 or many files, which I can export, burn on CD, etc.

Any ideas ?

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Export Data From One Database To Another?

Oct 3, 2014

SQL 2012. I need to transfer full data set from one database to another database.

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Import Export Database

Jul 9, 2007


I have a site hosted into a hoster company and i want to upload an asp.net application that retrieves my fields from online database and inserts they into my local database!!

My application will run on my hoster server!
My connection string for online database will be:

But I don't know what connection can I use to connect to my local database under this online application!
If the application is on my localwebfolder I use:

I assume that I need to put my ipaddress somewhere but do I need to make some changes into my windows firewall?

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Export Database To Same Server

Oct 25, 2007


I have a database with several tables.
Some of these tables have keys.

When I do an export of the DB on the same server, everything is copied to the new DB, but all my keys are gone.

Any idea how I can resolve this?



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Export SQL Server Database

Dec 18, 2007

How do i export a sql server database on sql server 2005

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How To Export SQL Database Properties

Nov 27, 2006

Hello there,I have about 30 sql servers runnign multiple databases amd i need toaudit them so what i want to do is to log onto each server and thenmaybe export the database properties into an excel sheet or text file.Anyone know how to do that i am quite new to sql any help will beawesome.Regards and thanx in advance

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Export Database Structure

Feb 15, 2007

Hi,is there a way of exporting database structure not the data in it?Thanks.

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How To Export/import Database

Jun 20, 2007

HiI`ve Ms SqlExpress 2005 and question how to export/import all databasesto/from file.Bcp.exe can do it but only for a table I think.Pls helpMirek

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Export From Mssql Database

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I try to export a mssql database into a csv-file.I tried this with asp, but it doesn't work.<%Dim objConnDim csv_pathSet objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")objConn.open "database","username","passwd"csv_path =Server.MapPath("./") & "csv_test.csv"SQL ="SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:inetpubwwwrootcsv_test.csv' FIELDSTERMINATED BY ';' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' FROM GROUPS"objConn.Execute SQLobjConn.CloseSet objConn = Nothing%>There is a problem near 'C:inetpubwwwrootcsv_test.csv'Can anyone help? Thank you.Manuel

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Export Database As A Sql File

Oct 16, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express with SQL Server Management Studio Express. I do not find a tool in SQL Server Management Studio Express to convert a database into a sql file. I want a TSQL command to export a database as a sql file.

Advance thanks.

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Export To SQL Server Everywhere Database

Sep 4, 2006


I want to export a table in a SQL Server 2005 database to an SQL Server 2005 Everywhere database (sdf file). I use the assistent by calling "Management/Export data". The source is "SQL Native Client" showing to a certain database. The destination is "SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition" with an SDF File set. Then after defining the tables to be exported I come to a page showing me the steps of the export. At step "Before execution" I get the error messages (translated from German):

Error 0xc0202009: Data flow task: OLE DB error. Error code 0x80040E37

Error 0xc02020e8: Data flow task: Error opening a rowset for "TABLE_NAME". Validate the existance of the object in the database.

Does someone know what the problem is? The source is completely ok. The source table is existing and contains over 3.000 datasets.


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Database Import/Export Question

Nov 1, 2005

I tried to export a database which includes tables and stored procedures from development environment to a production environment.  For unknown reasons only the tables were copied whereas stored procedures were not copied and no error message shown what happened.  Does anybody have a clue?  I did the same export to an XP machine and it went through properly.

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How To Export Viso Database To SQL Server?

Oct 1, 2007

Hello, everyone:

I am running Visio 2003 and SQL Server 2000/2005. I imported a Postgresql database into Visio and modified some relationships. I want to export this database to SQL Server with relationship. How to do that. Thanks a lot.


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Export SQL Server Database To Oracle

Feb 27, 2004

Hi there,
I have a problem of exporting the SQL Server 2000 database to Oracle 8i. Can anyone help regarding this??
Please help....
Thanking you in anticipation

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Export Table From One Database To Another On Different Server

Jul 20, 2005

i've one dev and one prod, one of the table in dev database having 70millions records and need to export to one of the table in proddatabase. both machine got 2 nic, one 10/100 mbps and the other 1gbpsspeed. databases on raid5.the transmission between two servers is very slow, it's transmitting1000 rows per 4 secs. sql 2000 with sp3 on both machines, i'm usingdts. please advice to speed up.thanks,Pat

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Export Database Tables To Ms Access

Nov 20, 2007

How would I be able to export all my sql server tables back to MS Access?


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Export Whole Database With Relations And Keys

Sep 21, 2006


I've been trying to export a whole database from one server to another (connected through a local network) but the keys always get lost: when I open the diagrame I can actually see them just before the tables names appear. I've tried inserting the primary keys for each table manually with the export wizard, which took me some time, but no relations were exported. Any way of doing this automatically?

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Export One Table To Another Database Instance

Mar 21, 2008

Hi, I was wondeing how it could be posible to export a table from a database instance to another one.
I only need the structure of the table to be imported to the new database instance. I don't need the data from the source table.
Is there any utility or scritp to do this? It will be great to import indexes and keys also.
Thanks in advance.

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How To Export Records From Sql Database To Tab-delimited File

Jul 7, 2005

I want to export data/records coming from the database and save it as a
.txt file but tab-delimited. The flow of my project is something this.

Web Form->SQL Database->Web Report->Tab-Delimited file.

I will explain more..What we want to do is an online application form.
We have a form and will save all the data to sql server database. We
also want to save all those information in a tab-delimited file. I
would like to save this first in the database(no problem in this part).
Then later on export this in tab-delimited file.

If you can give me a little bit tutorial of this i really
appreciated..Even 3 records can do as long i can see how to do
this..Ooops btw, i also want  to name the .txt file as

Thank you very much!

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Export Data Form The Database To A Third Party. How?

Apr 9, 2001

Hi friends, I,m familiar with accessing data from a SQL DB using ASP. Lets say I have a cinema website with lots of info about upcoming shows, well, how do I export data form the database to a third party?? Lets say a local newspaper wants the show-time info. How do I get the data to them. Also how are different files
.xls etc,exported? Thanks for any help.
~ ~
@ @

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