DTS - How To Get DB2 Data From Mainframe?

Jun 15, 2000

We would like to use DTS to pull data from DB2 on the mainframe into SQL Server 7.0 databases. Does anyone know what 3rd party products are required for us to do this (and which ones are the best to use)? What has to be installed on the mainframe and on the SQL Server?

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SSIS - Migrating Mainframe Data To SQL 2005 Only Mainframe Group Level Exposed

Apr 25, 2007

In using SSIS to migrate data from mainframe to SQL 2005, I had a situation where only group level data was exposed through the ODBC to SSIS, so I pulled this information as varchar on the SQL destination side. Now I would like to break that group into the individual numeric columns I need on SQL Server. However, the positive and negative sign did not convert because it came of character. I can write something to convert the positive signs to positive numbers; however I cannot do the negative because I would need get rid of the leading zeros in order to place the negative sign before the number. Is there anything I could have done to get SSIS to do the conversion like it did for every one-to-one mapping?

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SSIS Is Truncating Data Being Migrated From Mainframe

Feb 13, 2007

I have data on the mainframe that contains special characters such as a copyright symbol (letter c with a circle) when running the SSIS package migration from mainframe database to SQL Server 2005 database the data in the column is truncated at the point it hits this symbol with no errors. I had error reports set up for truncation and did not see an error report for this.

I have tried to change the data type to different data types and re-run nothing changes things.

The symbol is a EBCDIC 'b4' on the mainframe side - I have no idea what that would translate to.

Anyone have any ideas? Am I stuck with substituting something else for the symbol on the mainframe side and re-running the package? Is there anyway to handle this situation in SSIS? I am using the Import/Export Wizard for this one because before I ran into this problem it seemed to be working fine.

Thanks, MaryOS

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Reporting Services :: Exporting Fixed Columns From SSRS For Use In Mainframe Data File

Jun 3, 2015

I need to be able to export a data file as flat file (.txt) with fixed columns for use by Mainframe.

I will be uploaded this file using the Windows File Share Option

Render Format does not have .txt, but does have a data feed option. So I will try that.

But, I do not see an option for fixed column width.

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FTP From A Mainframe (z/os) Box

Sep 30, 2005

Has anyone been able to use an ftp task to pull a flat file from a z/os mainframe? The ftp task appears to want the remote file to begin with a /, which pulls you into unix system services on z/os.

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FTP From A Mainframe (z/os)

Mar 29, 2006

Being that this issue first surfaced September 2005 and it's now six months later (March 29, 2006), has the problem with recognizing VMS datasets (not requiring a '/') been addressed?

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Replication To Mainframe Db2 OSZ

Apr 22, 2004

What would I need in order to setup replication between SQL2000 SP3 and MVS Subsystem running Db2 database . I mean, does it need any 3rd party tool or regular replication setup between SQL and Db2 is enough

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How To FTP To Host(Mainframe)?

Jan 24, 2008


I am trying to send files over to an ftp server on Mainframe using scripts that is provided in this link, but I can't get it to work.
The problem is the sendfile method concatinates the source file name to the MVS dataset name which causes the issue.

Here's my code (FTPConn is a connecation mgr for FTP):

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Math

Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain

Public Sub Main()

Dim mgr As ConnectionManager

mgr = Dts.Connections("FTPConn")

Dim conn As FtpClientConnection

conn = New FtpClientConnection(mgr.AcquireConnection(DBNull.Value))

Dim toFiles As String

toFiles = "ftpp.a.b.xxxxx.yyyyyy.int"

Dim fromFiles(0) As String

fromFiles(0) = "c: est.txt"



conn.SendFiles(fromFiles, toFiles, True, True)

Catch ex As Exception



End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub

End Class


SSIS package "Package.dtsx" starting.

Error: 0xC001602A at Package, Connection manager "FTPConn": An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: 200 Representation type is Ascii NonPrint

200 Port request OK.

501 Invalid data set name "ftpp.a.b.xxxxx.yyyyyy.int/test.txt". Use MVS Dsname conventions.

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Sep 18, 2000

I am loading from Mainframe to Sqlserver.
Right now i am truncating the tables in sqlserver connecting to mainframe and downloading the tables to Sql server. The problem is sometimes i fail to connect to Mainframe. So is there any way of checking whether i can connect to mainframe and if succesful truncate the tables.

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DTS FTP Task From Mainframe Problem

Aug 30, 2002

I am trying to use the FTP Task within a DTS Package to copy a file from the Mainframe (OS390). We have SQL2000 with SP2 running on NT. This process works when I do it manually with ftp. At first, when I would execute the package it would just hang like it is copying but it would never end.

Then, I added a Dynamic Properties Task to the package. I used the Dynamic Properties Task to set up a Constant with the actual name of the Source File located on the Mainframe. When I ran this I received "Invalid string format for source file name".

Next, I removed the Dynamic Properties Task from the DTS Package, saved the package, and executed it. The package executed successfully, but when I looked in the folder on my hardrive the file that was supposed to be copied was not there. In order to get the package to execute successfully it appears that I have to go through the following process: add the Dynamic Properties Task, set up a constant to change the Source File name, save the package, delete the Dynamic Properties Task, save the package and then execute it.

Also, on one execution of this package, it brought across the file from the Mainframe to my hard drive but the file was in Binary format.

What do I have to do to get the FTP Task within a DTS Package to work? Would you specify in detail exactly how the Dynamic Properties Task needs to be set up? How can I specify how to change the file format from Binary to ASCII in the DTS Package?

Thanks, in advance.

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Any Way To Build A Bridge To DB2 Mainframe?

Jan 18, 2008


is there a solution outside for getting of DB2 for OS/390 into SQL server?
I mean not replication or copying of data with flat files or an ETL tool, but a kind of integration of DB2 tables as they would be "normal" mssql tables.

Oracle has Transparent Gateways for os/z DB2 and many other non-Oracle databases, is there some similar for SQL Server?

Could it be realisable with an ODBC client for DB2?


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Replication To Mainframe Db2 OS390

Feb 26, 2004

Can I get drivers to setup Replication to Mainframe . I really don't want to install HIS


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Mainframe Datatype Scrubbing

Jul 20, 2005

I have a million record mainframe flat file that I BULK INSERT into aSQL table with CHAR(fieldlength) deined for every column to preventimport errors.Once imported I "INSERT INTO ... SELECTdbo.MyScrubFunction(columnN),..."My scrub functions will take for example a char(8) YYYYMMDD date fieldand return either a valid datetime variable or a NULL for 8-spaces or8-zeros....or return a MONEY datatype by dividing by 100.PROBLEM: This is extremely SLOW!QUESTION: Should I do multiple "UPDATE ...SET" statements back intoCHAR() columns, then let SQL Server do the CHAR() to DATETIME andMONEY conversions itself? What is the most efficient or recommendedmethod to transform/scrub imported data?P.S. I also have to convert low-values and reformat dates which Ialso use my own UDFs for.THANKS

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Cannot Import File From Mainframe

Mar 8, 2006

Hello Everybody!
Im trying to migrate my SQL 2000 packages that´s currently working in the company production enviroment to SSIS packages. So, in the 2000 version i got the flat file from Mainframe and i had to do a trick to transform all the columns to match the same size as the example above:

1432 1138734217 1144256628<CRLF>
1432 1138734217<CRLF>
1433 1136657788 1122441177<CRLF>
1433 1125554545 1122441177<CRLF>
1433 1192925544 1122441177<CRLF>

So, when i import the file, first of all i have to transform the Text file to another texfile file fixing the size to 32..... but you can see that in the second row im receiving a CRLF and if i try to import without the trick, the preview of the ragged file show me the columns desorganized...

Someone knows how to import it without transform to another text file with fixed length?

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Extract From Table - Send To Mainframe

Jan 24, 2007


I want to extract all fields from a table and ftp the output file to the mainframe. My problem is the columns in the extracted file do not line up, which is required by the mainframe program. Example column would be this column of last names:

How could I format the extracted data to look like this:


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Script/FTP Task A Mainframe Destination

Sep 21, 2007


Has anyone had any success sending or receiving file(s) from either Script or FTP task? I've Google and found examples and no luck for me. The main idea is to send a file from local PC/server to mainframe.

Username: imtheuser
Password: pwd
Source file: c:myfile.txt

I've used this workaround, SSIS Script Task but no good.

SQL Server
Feedback Workarounds
281893. SSIS FTP Task - Mainframe
When you try to connect to a mainframe (os / 390) to ftp receive a file you get an error message stating that the path does not begin with a "/".
Active feedback entered 6/7/2007 by EWisdahl

Entered by EWisdahl on 6/7/2007

Add a script task (as follows) to download the desired files...
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Script Task
' Write scripts using Microsoft Visual Basic
' The ScriptMain class is the entry point of the Script Task.
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

Public Class ScriptMain
' The execution engine calls this method when the task executes.
' To access the object model, use the Dts object. Connections, variables, events,
' and logging features are available as static members of the Dts class.
' Before returning from this method, set the value of Dts.TaskResult to indicate success or failure.
' To open Code and Text Editor Help, press F1.
' To open Object Browser, press Ctrl+Alt+J.

Public Sub Main()
'Create the connection to the ftp server
Dim cm As ConnectionManager = Dts.Connections.Add("FTP")
'Set the properties like username & password
cm.Properties("ServerName").SetValue(cm, "myServer")
cm.Properties("ServerUserName").SetValue(cm, "myUserName")
cm.Properties("ServerPassword").SetValue(cm, "myPassword")
cm.Properties("ServerPort").SetValue(cm, "21")
cm.Properties("Timeout").SetValue(cm, "0") 'The 0 setting will make it not timeout
cm.Properties("ChunkSize").SetValue(cm, "1000") '1000 kb
cm.Properties("Retries").SetValue(cm, "1")
'create the FTP object that sends the files and pass it the connection created above.

Dim ftp As FtpClientConnection = New FtpClientConnection(cm.AcquireConnection(Nothing))
'Connects to the ftp server

Dim files(0) As String
files(0) = "MyfileName"
ftp.ReceiveFiles(files, "C: emp", True, True)

' Close the ftp connection

'Set the filename you retreive for use in data flow
Dts.Variables.Item("FILENAME").Value = maxname
Catch ex As Exception
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

End Try

Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

End Sub
End Class

Thanks again.

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SSIS Leading Zeros Gone After Migration Of Mainframe To SQL Server

May 22, 2007

I am migrating mainframe data to SQL Server 2005 and have found that from a mainframe character field with leading zeros for example the value of 00023 to a SQL Server column defined as varchar (5) the resulting column value is 23 not 00023. I need the leading zeros because these are account ids, etc. So the value is 00023 not 23. Is this some setting in SQL Server 2005 that needs to be changed or what? This is not a numeric field on the mainframe or a numeric column for SQL Server.

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FTP Task. / Validation Makes Mainframe Downloads Impossible.

Jul 24, 2007

When attempting to use the FTP task to download a file from a Mainframe system the task fails stating the filename as invalid because it doesn't begin with a "/".

Adding the slash to the front of the file name causes the mainframe to be unable to locate the file.

Commandline version of FTP.exe mimicks this behavior by working perfectly when the filename has no slash, and being unable to find the file when the slash is present.

Why does microsoft force a filename to start with a "/" and is there a way to make SSIS skip the validation phase for the FTP task?

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Destination File With Multiple Record Types And Sequences - Mainframe-like

Jul 20, 2007

Howdy all,

I've seen several posts about reading and writing files that have different record types with varying column metadata. My particular file has 11 record types plus several header types and looks something like:












Since i need to get different detail and subdetail records, i can't really use the technique of 3 dest file connection managers found in http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=87269&SiteID=1

I've tried using an exec sql to get the main detail records and then a forech ADO en umerator that would get the subdetails, but it all seems so kludgy. I'm starting to think that I should just write the bulk of the file creation code in a c# app instead of trying to smush this into SSIS. Opinions? Am I missing some trick in SSIS?



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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The Conversion Of A Char Data Type To A Datetime Data Type Resulted In An Out-of-range Datetime Value.

Dec 14, 2005

After testing out the application i write on the local pc. I deploy it to the webserver to test it out. I get this error.

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a
datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

Notes: all pages that have this error either has a repeater or datagrid which load data when page loading.

At first I thought the problem is with the date, but then I can see
that some other pages that has datagrid ( that has a date field) work
just fine.

anyone having this problem before?? hopefully you guys can help.


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Data Reader Or Data Adapter With Data Set?

Dec 4, 2007

I have used both data readers and data adapters(with datasets) in the projects that I have worked on. I am trying to get some clarification on when I should be using which one. I think I am doing this correctly but I want to be sure I am developing good habits.

As the name might suggest, it seems like a datareader is for only reading data. I have read that the data adapter and dataset are for a disconnected architecture. Or, that they can be used for this type of set up. I have been using the data adapter and datasets when writing to a database and the datareader when reading from a database.

Is this how these should be used? Is the data reader the best choice for reading data? Am I doing this the optimal way from a performance stand point?

......................................................thanks in advance

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Master Data Services :: Master Data Services - Data Push Back To Excel Sheet

Nov 2, 2015

We already integrated different client data to MDS with MS Excel plugin, now we want to push back updated or new added record to source database. is it possible do using MDS?  Do we have any background sync process to which automatically sync data to and from subscriber and MDS?

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Ntext Over 4000 Chars Causes 'Data In Row (n) Was Not Update... String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated...'

Oct 18, 2006

When I enter over 4000 chars in any ntext field in my SQL Server 2005 database (directly in the database and through the application) I get an error saying that the data could not be updated because string or binary data would be truncated.Has anyone ever seen this? I cannot figure out what is causing it, ntext should be able to hold a lot more data that this...

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change Data Capture(CDC) For Data Warehouse / Reporting?

Aug 12, 2015

I have a requirement to implement CDC for 50+ tables to implement incremental data changes warehouse/reporting rather than exporting the whole table data. The largest table is having more than half a billion records.

The warehouse use a daily copy of OLTP db (daily DB refresh). How can I accomplish this. Is there a downside in implementing CDC just for the sake of taking incremental changes on the tables?

Is there any performance impact if we enable CDC on OLTP db?

Can we make use of the CDC tables on the environment we do daily db refresh so that the queries don't hit OLTP database?

What is the best way to implement CDC to take incremental changes for reporting.

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How To Convert To Regular Text, Data Stored In Image Data Type Field ????

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is driving me nuts, I have a table that stores notes regarding anoperation in an IMAGE data type field in MS SQL Server 2000.I can read and write no problem using Access using the StrConv function andI can Update the field correctly in T-SQL using:DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(BITS_data)FROM mytable_BINARY WHERE ID = 'RB215'WRITETEXT OPERATION_BINARY.BITS @ptrval 'My notes for this operation'However, I just can not seem to be able to convert back to text theinformation once it is stored using T-SQL.My selects keep returning bin data.How to do this! Thanks for your help.SD

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Integration Services :: SSIS VB Script Loading Data Into Oracle DB Missing Some Data

Nov 10, 2015

I'm using Script Component to load data into Oracle DB due to the poor performance issue. Now, I found it will missing some data during the transmission. Please see the screenshot below: 

SQL Server:

create table Person
BusinessEntityID Integer,
FirstName nvarchar2(50),
MiddleName nvarchar2(50),
LastName nvarchar2(50)


I follow up this article: [URL] ....

VB Script: 
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper

[Code] ..........

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Pipeline Error-excel Source-data Reader Does Not Read In Meta Data

Apr 16, 2008

Hi all, i got this error:

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: "component "Excel Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".

and also this:

[Excel Source [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "Fiscal Week" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "Fiscal Year" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "1st level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "2nd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "3rd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "1st Level" (16745)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "3rd Level" (16609)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "2nd Level" (16272)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.

I tried going data flow->excel connection->advanced editor for excel source-> input and output properties and tried to refresh the columns affected.
It seems that somehow the 3 columns are not read in from the source file?
ans alslo fiscal year, fiscal week is not set up up properly in my data destination?
anyone faced such errors before?


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Data Access :: Arithmetic Overflow Error Converting Expression To Data Type Int

Jul 24, 2015

When I execute the below stored procedure I get the error that "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int".

USE [FileSharing]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[xlaAFSsp_reports] Script Date: 24.07.2015 17:04:10 ******/

[Code] .....

Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Procedure xlaAFSsp_reports, Line 25
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
The statement has been terminated.
(1 row(s) affected)

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I Am Accessing Data Using Data Access Pages In IIS 7 To SQL Server 2005 Authentication Is Failing

Feb 5, 2007

is there a step by step paper to get there? here is what i need to consider. I Iwill have many customers that will need their own set of records and access pages "branded for their company" each customer will have many clients. I am hosting this application on a windows 2003 server with SQL 2005 server enterprise.

I am using windows authentication, I have created a username in windows, then i added the windows user in SQL management studio in security, granted "DB Read" and "DB write" and again under the database security tab. still from the web authentication fails. i must be nissing a step or two?

I expect to set up a username for each database as i setup new customers.

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XML Data Source .. Expression? Variable? Connection? Error: Unable To Read The XML Data.

Feb 23, 2008

RE: XML Data source .. Expression? Variable? Connection? Error: unable to read the XML data.

I want my XML Data source to be an expression as i will be looping through a directory of xml files.

I don't see the expression property or the connection property??

I tried setting the XMLData property to @[User::filename], but that results in:

Information: 0x40043006 at Load XML Files, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC02090D0 at Load XML Files, XML Source [108]: The component "XML Source" (108) was unable to read the XML data.
Error: 0xC0047019 at Load XML Files, DTS.Pipeline: component "XML Source" (108) failed the prepare phase and returned error code 0xC02090D0.
Information: 0x4004300B at Load XML Files, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (341)" wrote 0 rows.
Task failed: Load XML Files
Information: 0xC002F30E at Bad, File System Task: File or directory "d:jcpxmlLoadjcp2.xml.bad" was deleted.
Warning: 0x80019002 at Package: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure.
The program '[3312] Package.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Thanks for any help or information.

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Integration Services :: SSIS - Managing Data Integrity When Importing Sharepoint Data

Sep 28, 2015

I setup this package to import data from a Sharepoint list to a SQL Server data table. The primary key of my SQL table is mapped to the Title column of my Sharepoint list. There is a possibility that duplicate values will be entered in the Title field of the Sharepoint list. So when importing data into my table via SSIS, my package always error-out when there it comes across duplicate values. how you others have managed data integrity when importing from a Sharepoint list with the Title column being mapped to the primary key of a table.

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Data Conversion From String To Decimal When Saving Data To SQL Server 2005 Using An ADO Recordset

Feb 12, 2008


I am wondering what conversion rules apply, when a string, which contains a number, is saved to a SQL Server 2005 into a column of type decimal.

This is the code I€™m using (C++):

CString cValue = "0.75"
_variant_t vtFieldValue;
vtFieldValue = _variant_t(cValue)
pRecordSet->Fields->Item["MyColumn"]->Value = vtFieldValue;

"pRecordSet" is an ADO recordset. The database column "MyColumn" is of type "decimal(19,10)".

The most important question for me is, if the regional settings of the database server or the regional settings of the client PC are considered during the conversion from the string to the decimal value. For example in standard French regional settings the "." would not be recognized as decimal separator.

I am also wondering if the language of the database instance, in which this data is saved, is considered during this conversion or any other settings of this database instance.

So my general question is: Does anybody know exactly what rules apply during the above mentioned conversion?

Thank you for your help.


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