DTS Package Excel Connection - Please Advise

Feb 5, 2007


I'm using MS SQL 2000 and I want to export data from MS SQL

database to MS Excel file. So, I choose the DTS package tool to do

this job.

I try to create the connection to the Excel file, which located in the

shared location by using the UNC path, e.g.

\servernamefoldernamefilename.xls However, I cannot provide the

username/password to connect to the file's location. So, the connection

does not work.

Do you have any idea how to create the Excel connection along with

shared username/password ?

Anyway, if it is not possible :o any advices about exporting MS SQL

data to MS Excel sheet via DTS packages are still welcome....

(The reason that I prefer DTS package bec. I can schedule the job

to run it automatically)

Thank you in advance.

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Need Some Advise On Loading Data From Excel Sheet

Oct 25, 2005

I insert/update thousands of line items daily to my MS SQL 2k db each day from multiple excel sheets that are uploaded. In Microsoft's infinite wisdom Excel and MS SQL is not "Fully" compatible and some characters throw off the uploads, cause errors in loading, etc. Each Excel sheet has from a few rows up to 50,000 rows or more. We load around 100 of these Excel sheets each day depending on what our users upload.

Our main problem appears to be with "Special Characters", anything that is not a number or letter seems to be an issue in loads. We have written our scripts to ignore a certain set of characters such as #,!, -, ', ", [, ], {, }, +, =, *, %, ~, `, <,>, etc. But we still get errors. This has become a frustrating nightmare. Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

I have tried ASP scripts, VB created exe's, converting the Excel sheet to a text file, then uploading, and other various means to get this process error free. Some files never have issues loading, some excel files will error out and not at the same point each time. We can run the same file 5 times in a row and it will stop/error at a different point each time without any rhyme or reason.

Now we are not just doing an "Insert", there are several variables that are at work when loading the data, like combining exact items into one row, associating data with ID's in another table, etc. It is not just a simple, take this data and place it here scenerio which makes this a serious headache to figure out how to make this error free and troubleshoot.

Is there some information or a direction I should look to consider a solid solution to importing data from Excel sheets to a MS SQL 2k db? These files are loaded into a specific folder and on upload they are also recorded in a table marked ready for update in the db. Our scheduler runs the exe associated with that users ID and loads their data, overwriting their previous data load, then marks the file as done.

Is there a proven method, some external program that can be used to make this a solid process, or any direction you can provide for me to research?

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Dts Package Foreach Loop Container And Excel Connection Manager

Sep 28, 2006

How can I use a foreach loop container with an Excel connection manager. It is virtually impossible to configure the ConectionString property through expressions builder. Everything works fine with a Flat File connection manager but when it comes to Excel, I get the following error message: Error 1 Validation error. Extract Four: Extract Four [1]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. Tarification.dtsx 0 0

Please ! Heeeelp ! tel me how I can loop through Excel files !

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Excel Connection Manager Fails When Package Called Programatically

Jan 25, 2008

I've put together a SSIS package that, once a user uploads an Excel spreadsheet from a webpage, grabs it, does a mess of calculations and spits it out into a datareader (this last part is tricky, but I haven't even gotten to this point yet). In BIDS, the package works fine. Run using the 32-bit version of dtexec, it runs fine. But when I try to call it from the page, I keep getting an error. The errors look familiar enough that I'm thinking it's due to the package trying to run 64-bit, and that not playing nicely with Excel. If that's true, is there an easy way to force the 32-but version to be used? I've already set the project properties to Run64BitRuntime = false, which I'd hoped would help. but no luck.

Here's the code I'm using:

Code Snippet
string pkg = @"pathpackage.dtsx";
Application app = new Application();
Package p = app.LoadPackage(p, null);
Variable varFileName = p.Variables["strExcelFileName"];
varFileName.Vaue = strFileName;
Variable varFilePath = p.Variables["strExcelFilePath"];
varFilePath.Value = strFilePath;

DTSExecResult dte = p.Execute();

Error handling


And it kicks out the following:

Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".
DFT - Upload spreadsheet to dataset
Excel Source [1]
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
DFT - Upload spreadsheet to dataset
component "Excel Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
DFT - Upload spreadsheet to dataset
One or more component failed validation.
DFT - Upload spreadsheet to dataset

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SQL Server Job Fails When SSIS Package Is Having Excel Connection On 64 Bit Machine

May 29, 2008


I've SQL Server running on 64 bit. When I schedule a package to run every night which has excel data transformation, it fails. Initally I had a problem running through BIDS also but then I found in project properties you can switch this off by specifying property Run64BitRuntime by false. After going through some forums, many have suggested that when scheduling a package, modify the command arguments to run as 32bit runtime. These command argumnents can be generated from making use of tool DTExecUI.exe Even after using generated command arguments from this tool, it doesn't help.

Below is my command argument and the error message generated.

/FILE "D:DevDWLoadAll.dtsx"
/CONFIGFILE "D:DevDWdevCongig.dtsConfig"
/CONNECTION "customers.dtsx";"D:DevDWcustomers.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Addresses.dtsx";"D:DevDWAddresses.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Counties.dtsx";"D:DevDWCounties.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "Countries.dtsx";"D:DevDWCountries.dtsx"
/CONNECTION "ExcelLoad.dtsx";"D:DevDWExcelLoad.dtsx"
/CONNECTION Test;""Data Source=TestDW;Initial Catalog=TestStagingDW;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING E

Executed as user: DWUserSQLServiceAcc. ...0.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 00:05:00 Error: 2008-05-28 00:06:02.31 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: Excel Load Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered". End Error Error: 2008-05-28 00:06:02.31 Code: 0xC020801C Source: Copy Data Excel Source [5052] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. End... The package execution fa... The step failed.

Any suggestions???


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Need Advise. Problem With Connection Pool. Function Returning SqlDataReader.

Sep 6, 2007

Halo all
I have a problem with "timeout expired. Thei timeout periode elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled  connections were use  and max pool size was reached"
Then i explore and found out that i did not close my SqlDataReader, SqlDataAdapter, SqlCommand or my connection.
But i have a function that return a  SqlDataReader.
Is this function will cause a connection problem?
Thanks in advance
        Public Function GetDataReader(ByVal strSQL As String, ByVal DBCon As DB.DBConnection) As SqlDataReader            Dim MyCommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(strSQL, DBCon.GetConnection())
            If DBCon.GetConnection().State = ConnectionState.Closed Then                DBCon.GetConnection().Open()            End If
            Dim dr As SqlDataReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader()
            Return dr
        End Function

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Excel Destination Appends The Excel File Everytime A Package Is Executed

Dec 18, 2006

i have an SSIS package that exports to an excel file. This works fine. the problem is that it appends the data instead of overwriting the file. Is there any way to overwrite the file like you can with a flat file? I have to email the file everyweek and don't want to have to clear it out manually. Any help would be appreciated

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Use A DTS Package To Create An Excel, Which Has In The Filename The Date The Package Is Ran

Dec 19, 2006

I am trying to create a DTS Package which will run a SQL query and export the results to an Excel file.  I would like to the name of the excel to be "dynamic".  What I would like is for the name to be ChronicDownSiteReport - mmddyy.xls.  The mmddyy is the date which the package is executed.
 How can I do this? 
Also, I want this package to be excuted at 1am every Sunday Morning.  I have attempted to schedule this to run, but when I come to work on Monday, the excel file is not present and the email, which is sent telling me that the file was created is not in my mailbox. 

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How To Compose The Connection String Of A SSIS Package That Execute Another Package?

Jul 6, 2006

Dear All,

I now have two SSIS package, "TESTING" and "LOADING". The "TESTING" package have an execute package task that call the "LOADING" package. When I want to execute the TESTING package, how can I setup the connection string so that I can edit the password of the database connected by the "LOADING" package?



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Setting Connection String For The Package To Execute From Another Package

Jun 29, 2006

I am using execute pacakge task to execute another package . I am giving the Connection string for the package to execute. It works fine in my development machine but when i try to run in another server after i deployed it. It looks for the datasource path of the DTSX file in the same location.

how do i set the path according to each server where the dtsx file is stored. or any other method of storing it like connection string.

if i store it in theparent package variable where should i point to...



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Failed To Acquire Connection When Running A Package From Within Another Package.

Apr 26, 2006

I am receiving an error on my master package that executes a number of other packages. The individual packages work fine when executed by themselves. However, I am getting the following error when I attempt to execute it from another package:

Error: Failed to acquire connection "conneciton". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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SSIS Package Does Not Remember Password (OLE DB Connection + ADO.Net Connection)

Mar 29, 2007

Both the OLE DB Connection and ADO.Net Connection in SSIS Package does not remember password.

Im connecting to a SQL Server 2000 box using its sa password as test.

The SSIS package runs fine when you first set up the connection in bids

The bottom line is that SSIS keeps forgetting the password I feed into
the two Connections that I'm using. I double-click a connection,
type the password in, check "Save my password" and hit "OK" but the
password disappears from there whenever I run the package or
double-click the connection again.

is there any known workaround for this issue as I would like to schedule my SSIS package using a SSIS Step in a SQL Server 2005 Agent job.

the only thing I found when googling this error was link below but the workaround described here is a little harsh


thanks in advance


the box SSIS is running on is Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition latest service pack

SQL Server 2005 (no service packs )

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The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 24, 2008

I am using SSIS 2005 on Windows 2003 server. Using Excel Source to dump the data for staging database.
I am getting following error while I execute it through BI studio's execute button.

Please help.

- Sachin

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The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009

Mar 11, 2008

I have deployed my packages into Sql Server and I am using Configuration File. As my Data Source is Excel, I have changed the connection string during deployment with Server Path. But I am getting the following errors. Actually the File Exist in Path. May I know What is cause of the issue? Do I need to give any permission to execute the package.

SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

component "Excel Source Service Contract Upload" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

One or more component failed validation.

There were errors during task validation.

DTS_E_OLEDBERROR, Error Code: 0x80004005 Source: "MS JET DB Engine" Description : Path is not valid

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Error: The AcquireConnection Method Call To The Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager Failed With Error Code 0xC0202009.

Dec 27, 2007


I am working on SQL Server 2005 (x64) with Windows Server 2003 (x64) operating system. I am having a major issue in SSIS. Here is the detailed explanation of the issue :

I have an EXCEL file in 2003 / 2007 version. It contains some data. I want to import the data using SSIS into SQL Server 2005 (x64) database table. I have taken "EXCEL FILE SOURCE" and "SQL Server DESTINATION". It was failed on importing data. Surprisingly it works fine in SQL Server 2005 (x32). Can you please explain why it is NOT woking on (x64) ?

Here is the error code i am getting:

[Excel Source [1]] Error: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Appreciate your time and patience !!


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Call DTS Package From VBA/Excel?

Jul 23, 2005

Can you call a DTS package using VBA (specifically from Excel). I would liketo have a command button to launch a DTS package that extracts data from thespreadsheet to SQL Server. Today I have to open up Enterprise Manager to dothis.Any code examples would be great too if this is possible.Thanks,Chad

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Output Of The Package In An Excel

Jan 16, 2008

I need to get the output of a SSIS package in an Excel.
I have made a Stored Procedure for getting the output, since the output has variable number of columns hence i have made a table through the stored procedure which is dynamically created when the procedure is executed.
Now i have a table in SQL with the output data.

Any pointers, how to put it into an excel??

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Calling An Excel Macro Of A DTS Package

Nov 30, 2000

Can you call run an excel macro as part dts step. I would imagine it would be some active script, but am not sure.
Any Ideas ?.

I am running SQL 7.0 sp2, excel 97.

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Creating Excel File From DTS Package

Oct 20, 2004


I have a created a DTS packges which is reading data from sql server table, manipulate this data as required and then create a text file with that data. I created the text file using FileSystemObject. I was writing one field at a time to the text file.

I need to same thing but instead of creating text file, I need to create a excel file with each column from database going to separate column in excel sheet. I tried to do this with FileSystemObject, but it was wrting all the columns from database to one cell in excel sheet. How can I fix this problem?


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DTS Package To Overwrite The Existing Excel

Apr 20, 2007

Is there are a way to set up a DTS package
to export data to an Excel format, overwriting or deleting the existing Excel file.

Thank you,

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Trouble With DTS Package.. SQLServ-&>Excel

Jan 12, 2004

I've got a slight problem, and a few questions.

Problem: When making my DTS package dump from a SQL Server 2000 table to an Excel file, it keeps appending data. Unfortunately, deleting from the Excel file doesn't seem to work.. in a manual export, I tried the option to delete current table..and I got the error "Deleting data in a linked table is not supported by this ISAM." Creating a DTS package and adding a truncate task that does "delete * from my_table" generates the same error.

How do I wipe out the Excel file before dumping to it again?

Also, I need the ability to dump to a few different sheets within one Excel file, AND use formulas as well. Are there any helpful web sites that document how to do this using DTS?


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Delete Rows In Excel From DTS Package

Jul 23, 2005

I have a DTS package that needs to refresh data in 3 separate Excelspreadsheets on a daily basis. The problem is that unless I manuallydelete the previous day's data, it appends rather than replaces.I can't delete the excel files on a daily basis, as they have to bethere for the DTS package to be able to export to Excel. What I wantto do is create a VBScript (ActiveX Control) to delete all the rows ofdata except the first row within each spreadsheet as the first step ofthe DTS package. Then the remaining steps would run and thespreadsheets would only have the current day's data at the end of theprocess.Thanks for any help offered.

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How To Import Several Excel Files Using One Dts Package

May 11, 2006

It's very simple import, without any data modifications; from severalexcel files to one table.I tried the wisard and it gives me selection for only one file.I am not used to create DTS packages and schedule jobs, so I would needsome help.Thank youInna

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Excel Connection Error

Nov 5, 2007

I am looping through excel files to import data into a sql server table.
Added a filename variable.
This variable gets set inside a foreach loop container.

In the Dataflow tab, there is a;
excel source
oledb source

In the design mode, there is an error icon (red circle with cross in it).
Can not acquire connection from connection manager.

In the connection manager, the excel connection file path is empty. It is empty because I think the variable should be assigned to it.
So when I ruun the ssis package I get this error:
The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection" failed with error code 0x.....

Any thoughts please?

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Delete An Excel Worksheet Only If It Exists, In A Dts Package

Jun 18, 2007

Hi :1. I import data into sqlserver, from an excel file, from a worksheetwithin it, named 'input_data'2. then i scrub the data in sqlserver3. then i export some data into the same excelfile but into anotherworksheet named 'output_data'I have got it working and this is how i am doing it right now. I amhaving a problem in the few steps identified below :1. I delete the worksheet 'output_data' using an execsql taskDROP TABLE `output_data'2. Then i have another execsql task to create itCREATE TABLE `output_data`3. Then i have datapump task to put data into worksheet.The work fine, but i am running into a problem, when the output_dataworksheet doesnt exist.So i need to write a query tellingIF `output_data` doesnt exist, then DROP ITHow do i do thisI am open to doing this in ActiveX Script(vbscript) and ExecSQL taskAlso i do not have excel dll or runtime in my dbserver.Please let me knowthanksRS

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SSIS Package With Excel Destination Is Not Running From SQL Job.

Apr 11, 2008


I have created a SSIS package which is getting data from SQL Server table to Excel File.

Step 1 : using Oledb to get records.
Step 2 : created Excel Connection and Excel Destination component
Step 3 : Configured the Excel File Path using variables.
Step 4 : Changed the property 64 bit FALSE

When try to run from BIDS it is running fine.
It is not running when try to run from SQL JOB.

The following Error i got:

: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed. ::: component "Excel Destination" (588) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. ::: One or more component failed validation. ::: There were errors during task validation. ::

Kindly give solution ASAP.


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Exporting Data From SSIS Package To Excel

Apr 23, 2007

I currently have a export that takes data from my SQL Server 2005 DB and exports it into Excel. This process works correctly. My excel template has the first row headers and the data is dumped in the row after the header. I would like to know if it is possible for me to add borders around my data without doing it within the template? I don't know how much data is going to be exported so I can't put borders within the template. I put borders around the headers to see if it will copy the formatting down to the data and it didn't. Thank You for any help.

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Executing An SSIS Package Programatically Through Excel VBA?

Jan 29, 2008

Hi Everyone:

Is it possible to create a package through the SQL Server Business Intelligence Studio, and then execute that package through an Excel file (by calling the package through VBA?).

I need some advice on the ways I can execute the package other than via command line utilities. Can you use Visual Basic 6.0? .NET?

Please advise,

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Advise Please

Aug 9, 2007

helloI have two related tabletable1cIdcDesctable2IdNamephonecIdThese two tables are relatedwhere cId in table 1 is primary key and cId in table2 is foreign keyIf I want to delete a record in table 1 which is related to table 2Which is faster and more accurateshould I write my stored procedure like thisif exists(select * from table2 where cID = @CID)delete from table1 where cID = @CIDelsereturn 0------------------------------------------or------------------------------------------delete from table1 where cID = @CIDif @@error<>0return 0

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Please Advise!!!

Feb 7, 2005

Hi there!!

I just want to ask one question and i am looking for advice or recommendation.

I want to make an application using windows application in .NET. this application is only to have one or two users to enter details of clients on the database using the application and it will be a search for client name or number and other search methods which is similar.

My question now, what database shall i use for this kind of application SQL server or MS Access. i am looking for a new product to use as the cleint can not afford expensive software. Please advise!! thanks!!

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Advise: DTS

Jul 20, 2005

Version: SQL Server 7.0App: MS Access 2000I created DTS to move records from MySQL to SQL Server (approx over 500,000+per months dataset) for purpose of canned and adhoc reporting. The apphave a simple interface using MS Access where user will input the timeframeof the dataset they will process.Both servers are physically located in the same bldg from another state.Previous to MySQL, they send us cd in text format and my app runs the DTSusing a BAT file containing the DTSRUN command. But I would like stay awayfrom the DTSRUN since they take awhile to load to the server, plus it runson background on client pc. I wanted a functionality where it will run onthe server without user supervision, and they can go about their businessand do something else. In other words, let the server do majority of thework.Now that MySQL came into the picture, the Network Support created a filedsnwhere sqlserver sits and I use that as a reference on my DTS (using UNC,\myserverfile$sample.dsn)The problem:1) I work from home and when creating and running this DTS's, it takes awhile to process;2) When specifying the UNC path on DTS and saved, for some reason itswitches to the User/System DSN section;3) I also tested from office with the same result (i connect using cablemodem)Now the only way I can think of to solve this problem:a) save the DTS as a file and send it over to Network Support and have themload it up and manually change the source location OR have them modify theDTS and change the source locationb) then create a DTS jobThe person who will be running this DTS might be running it from home oroffice. Also, is there a way to automate the DTS job using an SP? I wantedto make it as easier as possible for the end user, where all they have to dois enable the job and run only for this time and for this package.TIA!Bob

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Pls Advise Me. HELP Pls...

May 20, 2006

on the 1st opening of my web page it uses the membership control of asp.net
for logging on. sometimes it takes time to logon and worse is, it will
encounter sql server error. that can be resolved by just restarting that
specific page and it will be alright, it will logon normally. this only issue happens only on the first opening of the logon page.
i have read a certain article and it says there that on the first time
you access the sql server, sometimes the sql server needs a little more
time communicating back and forth.
how can i make my log-on page wait a little longer till it communicates
or finishes communicating to the sql server?
im afraid that this may happen once i deploy my web project. i am
expecting over 100 users and they might save to the database all
together. will i encounter problem on this particular?
i am using ASP.NET 2.0 and SQLExpress for this project. pls advise me.

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To Retrieve SheetName From Excel Connection

Apr 20, 2007

Hello All,

I am using Excel Connection Manager in SSIS package. I need to retrieve SheetName of the Excel file programatically using C#.

As i am using Excel connection manager, what will be its Object Type and under what dll ?

Please help me in solving the problem.



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