DTS Package Design - Not Allaowed Link

Nov 23, 2005

Hi all,
I'm fairly new to this...

I't trying to design a DTS package on SQL Server 2000`, which will
connect to the server, export some table date into a .txt file (based
on a select statement) and then delete the data from the table (based
on a delete statement) upon successful completion of the export.
So far so good..

Now, upon the successful deleteion, I want to export some more data and
then (upon the successful export) to delete the data. I want to repeat
this process approx. 10 times.
Though, when I try to link the deletion to the new export on success, I
get the message: "Defining the precedences between the selected items
is not valid."

Any idea on how I can accomplish what I want to do?

thanks a lot

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Integration Services :: Running SSIS Package To Load Data - Communication Link Failure

Aug 20, 2015

I am looking for solution for "Communication link failure"  since many months in google but no luck, am running an SSIS package to load data. job failing many times with error 'Communication link failure', searched every where but found nothing.

Below is the complete error description when job failed.

OS - Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition
RAM - 198GB
 SQL server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition and error description is below,

Started:  6:22:40 AM  Error: 2015-08-19 18:50:32.70     Code: 0xC0202009     
Source: Data Flow Task Lookup [193]     
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR.  An OLE DB error has occurred. 
Error code: 0x80004005.  An OLE DB record is available.  

[Code] ....

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Control+Z When You Design A Package???

Oct 24, 2006

Hi everyone,

Is Microsoft thinking over the possibility to implement Control+Z in order to avoid drawbacks when you're writing a package? I mean, when you drop a container then you aren't able to retrieve again
That same behaviour happened with Sql2k-dts.

Thanks in advance and regards,

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Package Design Architecture

Oct 8, 2007

Can anybody give me design ideas on the following?

I have numerous tasks, any one of which can fail. I want to point them all (via 'Failure' constraint) to a SendMail task for a "failure notification" email. This I have setup, and is working fine. Now, I want to have a changing message for the email's body (MessageSource) to say "Process A has failed", or "Process B has failed", etc.

My initial thought was to add a variable, then add a ScriptTask between each task and the single SendMailTask, have the script update the variable, and have the MessageSource (body of email) mapped to the variable. Is this the proper way to go about this? Seems like if I have 20 processes that could fail, then I'll have to add 20 script files; this becomes a bit unwieldy the more processes that I want to monitor.

Is there a better way to accmoplish this?


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Design A Package On Diff SQL Version

May 1, 2001


Does any one have a workaround this issue. If I designed a package from SQL2000 and save it on SQL 7, I can't open/execute it from SQL 7.0. My workstation is SQL 2000 and the server is SQL 7.0, even if I have the same SQL 7 but different SP.


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Expert's Critique On Package Design

Aug 31, 2007

This proably is an unsual request. I have developed a package that runs fine and does what it is supposed to do. I am jsut not sure if I have developed it in the most efficient way. I have several years of ETL experience but only about 6 months with SSIS. I know I can benefit a lot if I had my package reviewed by an expert.

I realize that I am asking for some time committment on your part and so would understand if I do not get any takers. But if you would like to review my package and offer suggestions on its improvement please let me know. We can work on the logistics of getting the package to you.


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SSIS Package Very Slow In Design

Feb 21, 2007


I have designed a quite small SSIS package and everything worked just fine .

Untill I moved the SSIS project folder to another solution folder and added whole solution to Visual source safe.

Since then opening the package for design has become unbelievably slow, debugging it even worse.

I think the cause is in moving the SSIS project folder. But I have no idea how to fix this.

Any suggestions ?


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SSIS Package Design Question

May 15, 2008


I am busy designing a ETL solution and have a question about how to design the packages.

We have over 30 source systems for different customers. We are building a WH that will combine all this data for analysis. The main issue is that these systems are always at different versions of the software. When a patch is released, it usually goes to one or two for a Beta process before it moves to the rest. These patches can affect the DB design, and we would want to be able to extract any new data as it comes available from the systems that have it.

Solution 1 - Package Versions
The idea was to create the SSIS packages with a version number in their name. For each change, you would create a new version. The Batch control application that is being developed will store which system needs to use which version of the package.

Solution 2 - Multiple paths within a package
This was to create a single package for each table, with a conditional split as the first task. The batch system will still provide which path the package needs to take with different Data Flow tasks containing the different column mappings.

Both have pros and cons, but was wondering if anyone has experience with this type of setup and which way worked best, or if there are any other options.
Many Thanks

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SSIS Package Design - Ideas

Nov 28, 2006

Greetings SSIS friends,

I am in the process of designing a package for populating a Dimension table for my new data warehouse. I would like to discuss with you my proposed solution in the hope that some of you will be able to advise me on any mistakes that I have made so far.

I have 3 source tables which are used to populate my Dimension table (I will restrict each source table to a few columns to keep this simple).

The source tables are :

Meetings (MeetID, NameID, Meeting_Start_Date, Meeting_End_Date, Meeting_Time_Stamp)

Events (EventID, MeetID, Event_Start_Date, Event_End_Date, Event_Time_Stamp)

Names (NameID, Long_Name, Short_Name, Names_Time_Stamp)

My Dimension table structure is very basic as follows :

Product_DIM (EventID, MeetID, Meeting_Long_Name, Event_Long_Name..... Meeting_Time_Stamp, Event_Time_Stamp)

Please note that I haven't included the start and end dates to keep this simple, but in my real solution, the Dimension table has many more columns.

The Meetings and Events tables contains hundreds of thousands of records so when my package is run, I should only retrieve information that has changed since the last time my Dimension table was populated. This is why I store the time stamps in my Dimension table.

So when my package runs, I get max(Meeting_Time_Stamp) and max(Event_Time_Stamp) from my Dimension table then retrieve all records from the source table where their timestamps are GREATER than the max values.

The problem is this :

If in the source system, an event is changed, the time stamp associated with that record will change value but the meeting record associated with that meeting will not have its time stamp changed.

How do I ensure that when my package is run, I retrieve all meeting and events information even if one hasn't changed?


Should I build a table made of IDs?! And if I do need to build a table made up of IDs, should I store this as a permanent table in my database or is there an SSIS data structure I can use to hold this information?

I hope this makes sense!

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SSIS Package Design Question

Oct 20, 2006

We are downloading 4 large (500mb) zip files in the package. Those come from 4 different FTP sites. Sometimes the FTP download on one of those fails.

Zip files contain images which need to be uploaded for existing listings. Each zip file is processed the exact same way. The question is how can I make the SSIS package so that each downloaded zip file can be processed immediately after the download - and not duplicating the processing logic?

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Best Practice For SSIS Package Design.

Apr 2, 2008


I am new to SSIS. I need to transfer data from SQL Server 2005 Operational Database to SQL Server 2005 Report Database. The upload needs to work every night. There are few master tables and remaining are transactions tables.

I am planning to create 2 packages one for master tables and other for transactions tables.
Is it the good approach?

Also few of transaction tables are heavy in terms of number of records. Will it better if i further break them in many packages?

I am using book "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services Step by Step".
Can you suggest any other good book?

Shailendra Shelar

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Access2003 Cannot Link (but Excel2003 Can Link) To Tables In Access97 Database

Feb 20, 2008

I have created an Access2003 project (existing data) that links to external data. First I connected to a SQL Server 2000 database. Success. Then I tried to set up a Transact SQL data connection to a legacy MDW-secured Access97 database. (A third-party VB6 application goes against it, and we don't have the source code, so we cannot upgrade it.)

The Transact SQL link tests OK but I cannot select any of the tables or queries from the list presented. However, with the same credentials, I can use these same objects in Excel 2003.

When setting up the link in Access2003, I specify JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider, I enter the MDW file on the All tab, a username and a password on the Connection tab where I browse to the MDB file, and specify Shared Deny None on the Advanced tab. When I test the connection, it tests OK ("Test connection succeeded"). Yet on the "Select the Database and Table/Cube which contains the data you want" dialog, "(Default)" appears in the grayed-out dropdown. Then, beneath that dropdown, there is a grid with Name and Description columns. The grid contains query names but the grid is not enabled. The list of queries is this table is grayed out. Neither of the scrollbars works.

BUT... if I use the SAME username and password in Excel2003, and specify the same MDW, there is no problem working with these same database objects in the legacy Access97 database. WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT THE WIZARD IN EXCEL THAT ALLOWS IT TO SUCCEED AND THE WIZARD IN ACCESS THAT CAUSES IT TO FAIL HERE? In Excel, the list of available providers says Microsoft Access Driver, not JET 4.0 OLE DB Provider.


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Cannot Link To SQL Tables Using ODBC Link Table In Access 2003

Feb 3, 2006

When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning. 

The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().

The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source. 

Observations:  This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003.  One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).

Has anyone experienced anything like this?  What's going on?

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Integration Services :: How To Design SSIS Package

Nov 21, 2015

Win 7 SP1 x64 PC. I installed SQL Server 2014 Dev Edition + Visual Studio 2015.

I'd like to create some basic ETL SSIS packages, and I worked very comfortably in 2008R2.

For 2014, I started with this tutorial:[URL]However, it says to go to Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server->SQL Server Data Tools. 

I did explicitly install SSDT when I installed VS2015.  I also installed it separately.  I see SSDT listed in Programs, and SSIS is running according to SQL Server Config Manager, and Services.  Half of Microsoft's docs seem to be 2012 era, which is a shame because 2014 is out and it's nearly 2016...

how do I get to the GUI where I can design ETL packages? 

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How Can I View The Design Of The Ssis Package After Migration

Jun 8, 2007

OK, I was able to successfully migrate all of my DTS packages to SSIS, for SQL 2005. I can log into intergration services and see my packages listed under:

servername --> stored packages --> msdb. Now my question is, how can I open these packages, not run them open them in a design mode like you can in SQL 2000, you can double click on the package name and view the design of the package. how can i do that now that I have them in SQL 2005?

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Ssis Package Design To Load Only Rows Which Are Changed From Exisiting Rows.

Aug 17, 2007

Hi i tried designing a SSIS package which loads only those rows which were different from existing rows in the table , i need to timestamp the existing row with an inactive date when a update of that row is inserted (ex: same studentID )
and the newly inserted row with a insert time stamp
so as to indicate the new row as currently active, in short i need to maintain history and current rows in same table , i tried using slowly changing dimension but could not figure out, anyone experience or knowledge regarding the Data loads please respond.

example of Data would be like

exisiting data

12 DDS 14 M XYZ ST 2/4/06 NULL
14 hgS 17 M ABC ST 3/4/07 NULL

New row to insert would be

12 DDS 15 M DFG ST 4/5/07

the data should reflect

12 DDS 14 M XYZ ST 2/4/06 4/5/07

12 DDS 15 M DFG ST 4/5/07 NULL

14 hgS 17 M ABC ST 3/4/07 NULL

Please provide your input as much as you can even though it might not be a 100% solution.

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How To Design A Package With Variables So That I Can Run It By Dos Command Assigning Values To Variables?

Jan 24, 2006


I would like to design a SSIS package, which have couple of variables. It loads a xls file specified in a variable [varExcelFileFullPath] .

I will run it by commands: exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL ....' (pls see an example below).

It seems it does not get the values passed in for those variables. I deployed the package to a sql server.

are there any grammar errors here? I copied it from dtexecui. It worked inside Dtexecui not in dos command.

exec xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /SQL "LoadExcelDB" /SERVER test /USER *** /PASSWORD ****


/LOGGER "{6AA833A1-E4B2-4431-831B-DE695049DC61}";"Test.SuperBowl"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileName].Properties[Value];"TestAdHocLayer"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelWorkbookName].Value;"Sheet1$"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varExcelFileFullPath].Value;"D: estshareTestAdHocLayer.xls"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varDestinationTableName].Value;"FeaturesTmp"

/Set Package.Variables[User::varPreSQLAction].Value;"delete from FeaturesTmp"




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DB Design :: Database Design For Matrix Representation

May 13, 2015

I have a scenario like below

Product2 Product3
Product4 Product5
Product1 1
1 0 0
Product2 1
1 0 0
Product3 0
0 1 1
Product4 0
0 1 1
Product5 1
1 0 0

How to design tables in SQL Server for the above.

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Database Design/query Design

Feb 13, 2002

Ok, I'm doing a football database for fixtures and stuff. The problem I am having is that in a fixture, there is both a home, and an away team. The tables as a result are something like this:




It's not exactly like that, but you get the point. The question is, can I do a fixture query which results in one record per fixture, showing both teams details. The first in a hometeam field and the second in an away team field.

Fixture contains the details about the fixture like date and fixture id and has it been played

Team contains team info like team id, name, associated graphic

TeamFixture is the table which links the fixture to it's home and away team.

TeamFixture exists to prevent a many to many type relationship.

Make sense? Sorry if this turns out to be really easy, just can't get my head around it at the mo!

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DB Design :: Table Design For Packages

Aug 18, 2015

I would like to create a table called product. My objective is to get list of packages available for each product in data grid view column while selecting each product. Each product may have different packages type (eg:- Nos, CTN, OTR etc). Some product may have two packages and some for 3 packages etc. Quantity in each packages also may be differ ( for eg:- for some CTN may contain 12 nos or in other case 8 nos etc). Prices for each packages also will be different that also need to show.  How to design the table.. 

Product name   :  
Nestle milk |
Rainbow milk
packages  :

50,20,5 |

(Remarks for your reference):CTN=10nos, OTR=4 nos  
| CTN=8 Nos

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Link For SQL BOL Anyone?

Jun 11, 2001

and does BOL store the system error messages? if not where would i find those?
Im getting error 3700.

Thank You
Matthew Nye

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Link To DB2

Jan 21, 2006

Hi all,I'd like to know what the best means available is to enable distributedqueries from a SQL Server 2000, on tables in BOTH SQL Server 2000 and aremote DB2 server (the latter is not yet available for testing).So, I would be wanting to write queries or SP's like:select t1.field1, t1.field5, t1.field6, t2.field55, t2.field22from MySQLServer.mydb.dbowner.tableXXX as t1inner join ThatDB2Server.thatdb.thatowner.tableYYY as t2 on t2.field11= t1.field99where t1.field44 = @foobarI'm aware of at least two ways to go here:1) in SQL Server 2000, create a linked server to the remote DB2server, either using the wizard or sp_addlinkedserver, and using eitheran OLEDB or ODBC connection;2) using MS Host Integration Server (HIS).Since I've only just today learnt about HIS, I don't know very muchabout it.Questions:(a) are options (1) and (2) mutually exclusive, or does one depend onthe other?(b) can I do (1) without having to bother with (2)? If this, wherewould I get hold of the required OLEDB/ODBC Provider?(c) Is there another way(s) to go about this task?HYCH,Rob

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Is This The Right Link To SP2

Mar 18, 2008

Is this the right link to Microsoft Sql server 2005

and what is latest Versions thats around.. I have 9.00.3054.00 installed..

Is this the latest version??

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Link To A Table

Jun 21, 2006

There is a way to create a link from a SQL Server database to a table located on a MSAccess database? I mean like creating links from MSAccess to other databases. The requested table is updated many times/day, and I dont want to import the table each time an update happens.

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Can I Have Link Between Several Servers

Sep 5, 2007

hello all
I have a web application(asp.net) and Database(sql server 2005) .
we have installed them on several servers.
now we want to  have a  connection between apllication on one server to a database on another  server .
for example we have Server(A) and Server(B) the DataBases and Web apllications on two server are the same.
sometimes the Apllication on server(A) must connect to database on server(B). 
whats the solution plz?
note that the number of servers can be inceased in the future this mean the number of servers are not fixed.

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Link Servers

Mar 22, 2001

Is there a good article somewhere on sql link server I can find and be able
to get a good understanding ??

Thanks very much.


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Link Server

May 4, 2000

Can any one tell me what I did wrong? Tried to set up link server from SQL 7.0 to Oracle.I did it as it was instruct in BOL. When I tried to click on the table, I got this message "error 7399: OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" reported error. Thanks.

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Link To MySQL

Jan 24, 2006

Can anyone tell me how to link to a MySQL database please?

i want to DTS some data from one and i cant see how to link....



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Link Server

Sep 18, 2001

I have created a linked server using an userid that have access to 2 different databases. The linked
was created successfully but I am only able to see tables in 1 database but not both.
The tables of the databases that I can access is the default database of that userid. Is there a way to see all the
tables from more than 1 database that the user is authorized to? Thanks.

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SQL 7 Link To MS Access

Aug 30, 2004

I am working from within an SQL database trying to get data from an MS Access Database as a linked server. I can "successfully" add the linked server, but when I try to open it from SQL EM I get "Error 7399. . . " from Microsoft Jet. When I try to query it from QA I get "Could not initialize data source object of OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'. [OLE/DB provider returned message: Not a valid account name or password.]"

I tried both Access 2000 databases and '97. Same results for each. Big project pending . . . any help is appreciated!


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Remedy Link For SQL

Nov 2, 2004


Does anyone know how to configure a Remedy Link for SQL.

let me know

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Database Link

Feb 9, 2004


Is it possible to use database links on MS SQL-Server 2000, like on Oracle? If its possibe, what is the syntax and can i create a database link from Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to Oracle?


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Link To Mysql

Mar 8, 2004

I tired to create a link 'MYSQL' in a SQL Server using the following code :

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = ‘mysql’,
@provider = 'MSDASQL',
@provstr = 'DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};SERVER=MySQLServer;UID=root;PWD=;'

NB: I have a DB by the name of : MYSQL

There is no errors during creation ...

The link creation is OK but I am not able to see tables from SQL Server…

Any Idea ?

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