DTS Push Problems With SQL2000

May 9, 2001

Hello all. Please excuse my ignorance, as this is not my territory. I administer a website which is hosted remotely. This site has SQL7 running the data to dynamically build the site. Every Sunday our hosting service runs a DTS package to push the data they have down to us, so we can run reports and analyze it. We recently upgraded to SQL2000, while our host has stayed with SQL7. Now our DTS is failing. They say it is because 7 cannot push to 2000. But they think that we could pull from them. How do I go about setting that up? Will the DTS wizzard walk me through most of it?

Thanks in advace

Adrian Miller

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Development Push To UAT Push To Production

Mar 15, 2006

We need to configure a way to publish from development to testing and from testing to production. An easy, automated process would be best.

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Sql2000 && Sql2005, Want Localhost To Use Sql2000

Sep 17, 2006

 i have sql2000 & sql2005 on the same machine. I am unable to register my localhost in sql2000, get an access denied error. How can I make my localhost use sql2000 database?

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How To Push A Dataset Into The DB?

May 7, 2008

Dear all,,
I used a code that import data from an excel file into a dataset,
 now I want to insert the dataset into a table in my database(SQLserver database) using a VB.NET code
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance,,
Here is my code:
Imports System.Data.OleDbPartial Class _DefaultInherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("xls").ConnectionString
' Create the connection object Dim oledbConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(connString)
' Open connection
' Create OleDbCommand object and select data from worksheet Sheet1Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", oledbConn)
' Create new OleDbDataAdapter Dim oleda As OleDbDataAdapter = New OleDbDataAdapter()
oleda.SelectCommand = cmd
' Create a DataSet which will hold the data extracted from the worksheet.Dim ds As Data.DataSet = New Data.DataSet()
' Fill the DataSet from the data extracted from the worksheet.oleda.Fill(ds, "Sheet1")
' Bind the data to the GridView
GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView
' Close connection
End TryEnd Sub
End Class

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Pull Or Push For Me?

Jul 22, 2001

I'm trying to replicate two very big databases with about 10 million
of 4000 characters each. The publisher is SQL 2000, subscriber
is SQL 7.0

The subscriber will also perform full text searches.

I'm trying to decide wheter I should use PULL or PUSH.
The publisher is operating on a very low quality/speed internet
connection, where the subscriber is enjoying a T1.

Help, anyone?



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Push /pull

Jun 21, 2008

Hi to all.

How can we identify that a transactional replication is configured in pull or push subscription..
where we have to check it out.

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RDA Push Error

Nov 2, 2006

While trying to push a tracked table using RDA.push, I get the following error:

Error Code: 80004005

The message cannot be built. The make message failed.

Minor Err: 28581

Source: Microsoft SQL server 2005 Mobile Edition.

All other tables in the database are getting pulled and pushed correctly. This table is different only in the larger number of columns, around 150. It has a primary key, no other constraints.

Any help to find the reason for this error will be greatly appreciated.

- Paul

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RDA Push Method

Mar 14, 2008

Hi All,

I am developing an application in which i have to send data from local Sql Server compact edition database[Which is in a Windows Mobile Device,] to central server[SQL Server 2005]. I am using RDA method for communication

Can i use push method to send data from local DB to Central DB?

Is it must to use PULL method before using PUSH method?

Thanks in Advance..

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Rda.push Error

Feb 20, 2006

Im using the rda.push to push the data back to the SQL SERVER.

My SQL table is OrderDetail with a blank data inside?

My push was unseccessful due to the follow error, can any one help?


rda.Push("OrderDetail", rdaOleDbConnectString, RdaTrackOption.TrackingOffWithIndexes)


Error message:The table is not a tracked table

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Push A Registry Setting

Aug 29, 2003

what would be the best way to push a registry setting to about 3000 PC's. A Batch file is my thought. Any ideas?


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Pull Down From One Table And Push Up Into Another....

Jun 1, 2004

Hi All,

I have a problem,

I need to copy a large amount of data from one table and insert it into another table.

The design of the destination table is exactly the same as the source table except for the fact that it has one extra field.
Can I copy; in a single SQL statement; all rows in one table (that match given criteria) into another table allowing for the extra field?

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Nightly Database Push

May 20, 2008

I have a production database that I would like to have copied over to a backup database on a separate server every evening. I don't want to mirror, I just want the databases synced up every evening.

The servers are physically attached through a gigabit switch and the database is relatively small, so I don't think that speed will be an issue.

Could someone point me to an article about the best way to accomplish this?



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Push Data Into Sql2K

Sep 18, 2007

Hi, all,

I did not see this one coming, and I am not sure if I did something wrong.

How do you push data from sql05 to sql2k?

I set up a data flow task, with one sql05 connection magager and another sql2k connection manager. Then when I tried to map them, I cann't!

The message on the box said: The connection manager uses an earlier version of sql server provider. Bulk insert operations require a connection that uses a sql server 2005 provider.

I have been trying different source, destination and transformation, but seems like missing something.


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Push Or Pull Replication

May 29, 2007

What is better to use, Push or Pull Replication? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

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RDA Push Command Failing ...

May 30, 2006


I am using the Pull command to pull two fields, on is the primary ID (int) non identity and the other is Description which comes down as an ntext type. This works fine but if I change the description and use the push command I get the following error:-

The Query processor could not produce a query from the optimizer because a query cannot update a text, ntext, or image column and a clustering key at the same time.

I am really stuck with this one so if anyone can shed some light on it I would be much appreciated.



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Does RS Have The Mode Push && Pull ?

Nov 18, 2005

Hi, everyone,

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RDA Push With Identity Column

Jul 11, 2007

Hi Everyone:

I am new to Mobile programming. I am now working on a small mobile app.

I encounter an issue when I sync the data:

Using RDA Pull, I can create the database and populate my table fine on my pocket pc device.

After updating the data on the device, I encounter an error when I try to Push my table back to the back-end SQL Server 2005 DB.

Error: "The identity range was not established."

Private Sub RdaConnKeyHeaderPush()

Dim RemoteAccess As New Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeRemoteDataAccess
Dim RDAConnectingString As String
RemoteAccess.InternetLogin = "<mylogin>"
RemoteAccess.InternetPassword = "<mypassword>"
RDAConnectingString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=<MySQLServer>;Initial Catalog=MobileKeyDB;" & _
"User ID=MobileUser;Password=<mypassword>"
RemoteAccess.InternetUrl = "https://www.<mysite>.com/SQLMobile/sqlcesa30.dll"
RemoteAccess.LocalConnectionString = "Data Source=Program FilesSQL MobileenMobileKeyDB.sdf; Password = <mypassword>"
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor

RemoteAccess.Push("KeyHeader", RDAConnectingString, Data.SqlServerCe.RdaBatchOption.BatchingOn)

Catch RDAConnectionException As Exception
MessageBox.Show("Can not push Header Data: " & RDAConnectionException.ToString, "Loading Key Tracker")

End Try
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default
End Sub

USE [MobileKeyDB]
/****** Object: Table [dbo].[KeyHeader] Script Date: 07/11/2007 09:48:24 ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[KeyHeader](
[trans_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[user_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[date_stamp] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[signature] [nvarchar](100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[status] [int] NOT NULL,
[id] [int] NOT NULL,
[date_stamp2] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[trans_id] ASC

Anyone have any insight on a solution? Thanks.

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Using Select In Push Command

May 31, 2006

Hi All,

Does anyone know if you can add columns to a local pulled table and if so can you use a select command to push the table back and exclude the added columns.

Basically I need to know if a record has been added on the PDA so I can get an ID from the server before pushing it back. I cannot alter the sql server database because it is part another application.



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Push And Pull Subscription?

Sep 20, 2005

As I understand replication in Sql2K the only difference in push or pull subscriptions is where the agent runs. If I wanted changes in the publisher to be sent to the subscribers immediately after the change then I thought push would be better. But, if I am equally interested in changes made at the subscriber then what should I use? Or does the agent monitor both the publisher and subscriber at the same time?

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Push Error - Urgent

Apr 24, 2007

I'm able to pull the metatdata down from my sql server to my handheld for table, I can then add data to that table on the handheld, when I try to push it back to Sql Server table I pulled from, I'm getting the following error message:

The Push method returned one or more error rows. See the specified error table. [ Error table name = ErrorTable ]

what does this mean, and how can I push my table back to the table I pulled from? I have trackingOn set on the pull process.

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Question: About RDA Push And Pull

Nov 9, 2006

When we sync data using RDA, the logic should be as follows:

1. Create RDA, set isTracked=false

2. if (isTracked) then RDA.Push(<tablename>..);

3.Delete local table


5. Alter <tablename> Alter column <>

6 Set isTracked = True

My question is how can we know the value of isTracked? or we have to separate RDA.Pull and RDA.Push,

Can we just put them together in one function. But how do we know this table isTracked on?

Anyone knows?


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Rda.push Multiple Times?

Oct 14, 2007


After doing some research it seems like you can only push the same table once using rda.push -- is this correct? If yes, are there any other alternatives for saving changes to the table back to SQL Server aside from merge replication?

One idea I am toying with is to pull the tracked table with 0 records, save changes to the tracked table, push, drop table and pull, repeating this process everytime I push the data. Wondering is somebody has any advice?


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Migrate SQL2000 To SQL2000

May 13, 2008

i am in the process of Migrating SQL 2000 to my new SQL2000 server i want to know the what would the best way for me to migrate one SQL server to another SQL server on the same network and rename the new server to the old server and bring it up for use in our ecommerce website.

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Drop Push Subscription Without Publisher

Apr 11, 2002

There is a push subscription to an immediate-updating transactional publication with a queued failover. The publisher was also the distributor.

The publisher melted down and has been removed from service. The subscriber continues to queue up transactions for the now nonexistent publisher.

How do you remove the push subscription directly from the subscribing machine?

Thanks for your help,
Jim Schweitzer
Anobi Technology

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Push Subscriber In Merge Replication

Jul 26, 2004

I am using merge replication with a push subscription type. I am wondering if the updates of the tables on the subscriber side are push to the publisher from the subscriber or pulled from the subscriber by the publisher when the syncronisation takes place. this makes a big diferrence for me and i can't find the answer to this question anywhere...

if anyone could answer it would be really appreciated


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Sql Import/push To Oracle Faster

Jan 10, 2006

Looking for a faster method of moving data from SQL to Oracle.

I'm attempting to push a sql table into an oracle table (sql server 2000 oracle 7, 8, and 9). I have no problem doing this with either 'Oracle Provider for OLE DB' or the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle'. None of my data is being transformed so its a straight import. With the hardware I'm using it takes nearly 3 seconds to import 1000 rows. While this isn't too bad, I need to import upwards of 4 million rows and this results in unacceptable time results.

I do have an oracle script that imports the csv files of the tables, but I'm looking for an all inclusive sql solution.

Does anyone know of another method in SQL that I can use to push the data faster?

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On Demand Push Delivery For The Reports

Jun 12, 2007

I have a report which is scheduled to run every monday morning and it generates PDF and writes it to a shared location. Shared location and schedule is defined through Subscription. All this is working fine so far. Now I need to provide a facility from the webpage to execute this scheduled task on demand. So there would be a button on the website which would actually run this scheduled task and update the PDF at the shared location. How do I run this scheduled task/subscription using the vb.net code. Is there anything in ReportService2005 or ReportExecution2005 webservice? Please advise.


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Push Table Only On Handheld Database

Apr 20, 2007

I'm able to pull down all my tables needed, but I need to push a table from my handheld database that was not pulled. Is this possible?

The table is used to save data on some input screen on my handheld application and I need to push it to a 'staging' table on my main sql server before it is inserted into the correct tables.

Is there a way to do this?

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Compressed Snapshot With Push Subscribers

Oct 16, 2007


I have a server in our central location which is a compressed snapshot publisher. I have 2 push subscribers in remote locations on very slow WAN links. I would like the snapshot cabinet file to be uncompressed at the subscribers location rather than the publisher location. Is this possible with push subscribers? I want to manage the pushing of data to the remote subscribers from the publisher location.

I understand the default with push subscriptions is to uncompress the cabinet file at the publisher location.


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Need To Push Data To Several Servers In Parallel

Jul 25, 2007

I'm working on an SSIS package whose job it is to push data from x # of tables to x# of servers. Right now, I have it implemented with nested ForEach loops. ForEach Server loop inside of a ForEach table loop. It works great, but it will take too long as it is serial. I need a way for the inner operation to take place in parallel. In SQL 2000, the way I 'm doing this is by spawning a SQLAgent job per server. I could always do this here as well, but I'm interested in finding out if there is a way to do this with a single package.

I'm okay with process the table serially, but for each table I'd like to be able to parallel the push to the servers. Can't do it with multiple data flows because there are N # of servers being pushed to.

Hope that makes sense.

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Merge Replication (Push) Over Internet

Sep 19, 2007

Hi all,

I was wondering if someone could suggest a solution to my problem:

I have an in-house production database. I wanted to use Merge replication (push) to mirror parts of this data to our Internet server on the web which has a Public IP.

Steps I followed

1. Created an entry in €œC:WINNTsystem32driversetchosts€? file with IP
address of the Subscriber and just the €œServername€? of the Subscriber on
publisher machine (local server)

2. Created an Alias to the Subscriber

3. Connected to the remote server thru Mgt Studio

4. Created Merge Replication on the Local Database

5. Created Subscription to the remote server.

6. Started the Replication Agent

I receive following msg "The process could not connect to Subscriber 'ISVR'.

When I check the View Synchronization Status in Mgt studio it shows "The server 'ISVR' is not a Subscriber"

I presume that if we have a Public IP at our end, then the Merge Replication will be thru.

Is it possible to replicate without having a Public IP?

Any suggestions,


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Pocket PC Application Cannot Push Data

Mar 17, 2008

I have a Pocket PC application (VS2005, SQLCE 2005, Windows Moblile 5.0, SQL Server 2000) that can pull data with no problem but produces an error when an RDA push is attempted. The error message is: Error Code: 80072EE4 Minor Err: 28037. The information in TechNet has description of : A request to send data to the computer running IIS has failed. For more information, see HRESULT. It does produce a log in the folder for SQLCE 3.0 and has the following message: Hr=80070585 ERR:REQUEST NOT QUEUED for ulRSCBId = -1. Not sure if this means anything because I can't find much information on it. Anyone have any ideas on what this could be? Do I display the HRESULT the message mentions in Visual Studio debug? We have this working on our development server so I am not sure what is different here.

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Push And Pull Subscription From Publisher/Distributor?

May 30, 2001

Hi All,

Can push and pull subscriptions be configured on the publisher/distributer server?

We have server A running SQL Server 2000 configured as Publisher/Distributor and also a Push subscription (transactional replication) to Server B configured as Subscriber.

The idea was to have Server B as backup server if Server A goes down. Users will continue to update data in server B till server A is up.

Once server A is up, I want to synchronise the up-to-minuit date from Server B to Server A in the form of Transactional replication configured as "Pull Subscription" from Server A.

Is that possible?


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