DTS: Single SELECT From 2 Databases Possible?

Jul 19, 2006

Just wondering, in DTS, can I run a SELECT script that selects from 2 different databases (both on the same server)?

I can run this in Sql Query Analyzer, but in a DTS, it doesnt accept my database name prefixes:

DB_ONE.dbo.product a, DB_ONE.dbo.mp_brand b, DB_TWO.dbo.lk_pcat_cutover c
a.PCat <> c.Pcat

(where DB_ONE and DB_TWO are the 2 different db names)

I have one connection to DB_ONE... does this mean I cant access DB_TWO when using this connection? I want to try and avoid using a temporay table for storing DB_TWO's data in DB_ONE... Is this possible?



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Single ID Access 2 Databases

Mar 27, 2006

Is it possible to have an ID that can access 2 databases? If it's possible, I have to create the same ID and password under each database?

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How Many Databases Are There In A Single Server

Sep 28, 2007

Hi all,
How to find out how many databases are there in a
single server.
example: server name i want to find out how many
databases are there in this server.
Any solution for this plz help me.



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Restoring Multiple Databases From Single BAK?

Oct 24, 2013

I have a single .bak file containing full backups of 20+ databases.

Whats the best way of creating and restoring these database onto an instance on a separate server.

note that this is to migrate the whole instance of sql server onto a newly build server.

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How To Make A Single Database From Two Databases ....

Nov 8, 2006

Hi ...

I have two separete databases, what Ineed is that I want to make a single database of the two. Although all the table definitions of both the database are same.

I will be glad to know "how to make a single database from two" and i will be happy to see the query to insert the values from one database to another one.

Abdul Ghaffar

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Single Endpoint Multiple Databases

Apr 17, 2007

I'm building an app that will data stored in multiple databases. I have an endpoint with a single webmethod like so:

CREATE ENDPOINT [Rosters_Endpoint]





WEBMETHOD 'GetACSStudents'( NAME=N'[fadb].[dbo].[GetACSStudents]'


, FORMAT=ALL_RESULTS), BATCHES=DISABLED, WSDL=N'[master].[sys].[sp_http_generate_wsdl_defaultcomplexorsimple]', SESSIONS=DISABLED, SESSION_TIMEOUT=60, DATABASE=N'fadb', NAMESPACE=N'http://tempUri.org/', SCHEMA=STANDARD, CHARACTER_SET=XML)

Each webmethod will be accessed thru a multiview on the page.

It would seem to me that I can describe the webmethods using a fully qualified stored proc name and that wouldn't cause a big problem. But, my question is what does that DATABASE=N'fadb' clause do?

Does anybody see a problem with using a single endpoint to access multiple databases?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is my first web app using this data access method.


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SQL 2012 :: What If We Locked Down All Databases To A Single Interface

Aug 30, 2015

Would this go a long way towards securing the data?


Where "this" is a single object mapped to a single stored procedure.

Two parameters are recommended: one to identify user, and one to specify an "action" or different SP.

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Multiple Databases In Single Linked Server ?

Apr 25, 2008

HI Guys,

I just need to add multiple catalogs to the same linked server, in Sql Server 2000 or Sql Server 2005. Here i need only to add 3 databases in to a single linked server name.

Thanks In Advance,

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Multiple Small Databases Vs Single Big Databas

Jun 17, 2008

Hi, I'm planning to develop a project on .NET using Sql server 2005. Just stuck at a point where I need to decide that Should I use 2 or 3 huge databases with a lot of tables and data into it or should i create a lot of databases which would contain small chunks of data. Please let me know which option would give me a better performance. Thanks in advance

God is great. We are not God. But we still can be great.

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Creating Multiple Databases From A Single Backup F

Nov 9, 2006

I want to create two databases by restoring from a
single backup file in sql server. I am using 2005-sqlexpress .Is it possible?

Thanx in advance..

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Restoring Multiple Databases From A Single Backup

Jan 16, 2008

I have a backup that contains multiple databases. I am restoring it to a different server. How do I restore each database? Tried to restore under SQL Server Management Studio, but can only restore one of many from the backup (it appears it has only 1 logical file name in the backup) If you can refer me to a web page that would be great. I tried googling the topic but nothing seems to come up.

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Mirroring Multiple Databases On A Single Instance

Jul 7, 2007

Can someone explain what does this mean? This is from http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2005/dbmirror.mspx

<quote>However, all these techniques for coordinating client redirection with a database mirroring have an important limitation. Database mirroring occurs only at the database level, not the server level. Be careful if your application relies on querying several databases on a server, or uses multi-part object names to query across several databases. When several databases reside on one server, and they are mirrored to a standby server, it is possible that one of several databases might fail over to the standby but the others remain on the original server. In that case, you might need one connection per database that you are querying, so that you do not attempt cross-database queries on a standby server where only one database is a principal and the remaining are mirrors.</quote>

Also I read somewhere that if one mirrored DB fails, all other mirrored DB should also be transferred to the mirror.

For example: Let's say Srv1 (principle) and Srv2 (mirror) and Srv3(witness) are SQL servers with only default instances. The SQL instance has 4 DBs (DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4) and all of them are mirrored to Srv2.

An ASP.NET application has four seperate connection strings like:
objConn1 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB1;Integrated Security=True;

objConn2 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB2;Integrated Security=True;

objConn3 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB3;Integrated Security=True;

objConn4 --> Data Source=Srv1;Failover Partner=Srv2;Initial Catalog=DB4;Integrated Security=True;

If DB2 failsover to Srv2 (mirror), why should all other DBs be failedover?


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Connecting To 2 Diffrent Sql Servers Databases From Single Web Application

Oct 31, 2007

i am having 2 sql servers one is web sql server  server and other server is my local sql server. i am making web application through which i want to connect both sql servers at a time and by selecting data from web server i want to insert it into my local sql server both having same database on which i want to work , i want to know how it can be done
my idea as follows in  web.config  i specify 2 connection string and by selecting data from  websql server database table i going to store it in dataset and then i return dataset to another function which connects to local sqlserver database.but database records are much large. can any body guide me .
i am going to place my web application on local server (C# asp.net 2.0) .
thank you,
i tried this code
c# file
 public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

public void Uupdatedata()
string constr1=ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["abccon1"];
string constr2 = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["abccon2"];
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection dbcon1 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(constr1);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection dbcon2 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(constr2);

SqlDataReader dr;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select * from Unit_Master",dbcon1);
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
string Sql = "insert into Table1(Unit_Id,Unit_Desc) values(" + dr.GetInt32(0).ToString() + "," + dr.GetString(1) + ")";

SqlCommand cmd1=new SqlCommand (Sql,dbcon2);
//cmd1.EndExecuteNonQuery ();


<add key="abccon1" value="Data Source=comp01;Initial Catalog=abc;User Id=sa ; Password=sa"/>
<add key="abccon2" value="Data Source=comp01;Initial Catalog=abctest;User Id=sa ; Password=sa"/>
 this 2 databases are from single my loacl server
it wont work it gives exception
please healp me.

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SQL 2012 :: Mirroring Multiple Databases On Single Instance?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to mirror 3 DBs on my sql server instance . I have restored there full backups and log backups on mirror.I have also created endpoints on principal and mirror using default ports 5022 and 5023.

know if i can use the same endpoint for the databases on principal instance ?

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Recovery :: How Many Databases Can Be Configured In Log Shipping From A Single Instance

May 1, 2015

SQL Server 2012: Out of all the databases in the instance we have a requirement in which we need to maintain a high availability for the databases around (128). Our team believed log shipping will apt for this requirement but not sure on it's limitations, how many databases are allowed or supports this log shipping from a single instance.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Multiple Databases - Return A Single Table With Three Columns

Jan 13, 2015

I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.

I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:

DatabaseName DatabaseVersion DateChangedOn
OK5_AAGLASS 2015/01/12
OK5_SHOPRITE 2015/01/10
OK5_SALDANHA 2014/12/23

The results should be ordered by DateChangedOn.

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Merging Two Different SQL Server 2000 Databases With Same Schemas In A Single Database

Jan 7, 2008


I have two databases lets say DB1 and DB2.
Schemas for both databases is same.
In both database schemas there are tables which has identity columns as primary key.
Now i want to merge these two databases in a single database say DB3.
It may also possible that some master records in both databases are common so they should not repeat in DB3

Is there any way so that i can do it quickly and as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance

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Sync/Merge Local Sql Compact Databases To Single Global Database

Jun 23, 2007

Hi, I have compact sql databases which will be local on multiple users
devices. Due to space constraints, for one of the tables i have had to use
auto incrementing integer which works fine for the local database but i
would like to merge all of the users databases into a global database. The
table format can be seen below:

Code SnippetCREATE TABLE Players
FirstName NVARCHAR(32),
LastName NVARCHAR(32)

SessionDateTime DATETIME,

CREATE TABLE SessionDetail
Time real,
Power real,
CONSTRAINT pkSessionDetail PRIMARY KEY (SessionID,StrokeTime),

The Players table will merge fine as GUIDs are used. However, how will the
sync capabilities of compact SQL handle the sessions table? When it pushes
the local data to the remote database will it change the Sessions.ID column
to a unique field (as no doubt lots of people will have 1, 2, 3 in their
local databases and the global database must have a unique ID), and then
transfer this changed ID back to the local database? Furthermore, if it
changes the Sessions.ID column during the merge it will also need to update
the SessionDetail.SessionID foreign key to maintain referential integrity,
is this also handled?

So my question is, how much of this sync and data merge is automated and are
there any good examples or pointers for my scenario? I cannot reasonably use
a GUID for Session.ID as there will be lots of SessionDetail entries and the
size would be far too much.

Many thanks,


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Need Single Select Query

Feb 8, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Consider the below table

DocNbr Cheques
00001 101010
00002 101010
00002 102020
00003 103030
00004 103030
00004 104040
00005 105050

I just need the single select to result the docnbr which is repeating the values. In the above case I want my result like below where the DocNbr 00002 and 00004 repeated their values.

DocNbr Cheques
00002 101010
00002 102020
00004 103030
00004 104040

Thanks in advance,

Senthil .G

Note: I do not consider if the cheque contain repeated values

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Single Select Statement

Mar 1, 2008


i have an input parameter @PageloadYN Bit Null

if @PageloadYN = 1 then Select top 500 Records from the Table
if @PageloadYN = 0 then Select * from the Table

i tried like this

Select top 500.* From Table where @PageloadYN = 1
Select * From Table where @PageloadYN = 0

Is there any way to get details in Single select statement only.

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Select 1-20 In Single Query.

Oct 2, 2007


I have a question which was given to me in a test. Question is :: print value from 1-20 in a single column using single select query without using any table.
If any one have solution, then please help me.

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Select 1 Row From Each Group In A Single Table

Aug 19, 2006

Hello everyone, I've got a bit of an SQL mystery that I'm not sure how to solve.  For some reason I just cant get my head around it.  Here's the scenario:
Table A:
BidID - Int identity
AuctionID - int
BiderName - varchar(50)
bidAmount - money
Now obviously each Bid will have a Unique ID using BidID but the other rows will contain multiple bids per user, on many different items possibly.
BidID   AuctionID   BiderName   BidAmount
1            4005            joeblow         100.00
2            4005            janedoe         101.00
3            4005            joeblow         107.00
4            4006            joeblow         100.00
5            4006            janedoe         105.00
6            4006            joeblow         106.00
I need to find out which Auctions JoeBlow is bidding on, but I dont need a table with Rows for every single one of his bids, just a distinct auctionID for his top bid so in this case the only thing returned would be
3            4005            joeblow         107.00
6            4006            joeblow         106.00
Any clues?  I've been through sub querys, and stored procedures, and I cant get anything to work quite right. 
Thanks in advance for your help.

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Slow SELECT On Single Table

Aug 4, 2000

SELECT * on a 4000 row table is taking more than 12 seconds.
Other larger tables are not nearly as slow.
I've DBCC dbreindex'd, and dbcc showcontig shows density at 100%.

How can I figure out why this is happening?
What are some remedies?

Thanks for your help.

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Select Single Row With Duplicate Value In Particular Field

Aug 20, 2007


I have several row records in which

name email
--------- ---------
name1 abc@abc.com
name2 abc@abc.com
name3 abc@abc.com
name4 123@123.com
name6 123@123.com

How should I write the query which can return records with unique email address with any name attached?

The expected record set will be

name email
--------- ---------
<any> abc@abc.com
<any> 123@123.com

I was thinking to select the distinct of email and just stuck at here. I encountered this problem few times and still cannot solve it. Any help will great appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Which Is Best? Select From Joins Or Single Table

Jun 3, 2008


I am using a SP which one has lot of Joins(More than 10 tables).

For every request from user SP executed, and the DB performance got slow.

For this i planned to write a schedule which runs once in an hour to put all the results of SP in to One single table.

I thought if the user selects from single table means the performance will increase.

I don't know whether this one is a right solution.

I am very new to SQL server. Help me for this Problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Which Is Best? Select From Joins Or Single Table

Jun 3, 2008


I am using a SP which one has lot of Joins(More than 10 tables).

For every request from user SP executed, and the DB performance got slow.

For this i planned to write a schedule which runs once in an hour to put all the results of SP in to One single table.

I thought if the user selects from single table means the performance will increase.

I don't know whether this one is a right solution.

I am very new to SQL server. Help me for this Problem.

Thanks in advance.

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Select Several Values Into A Single Variable

May 11, 2006

Can somebody please tell me whether the following syntax is supportedor whether it's a "feature" that will someday stop working. It works inboth SQL Server 2000 and 2005 at the moment.declare @var varchar(1000)set @var = ''select @var = @var + colx from some_table where col1 = some_valuecolx is a varchar or at least is cast to one as part of the selectstatement. If the where clause would normally return more than one row,all returned values for colx are concatenated into @var.I've not seen this syntax before but that doesn't make it wrong ;-)Malc.

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SQL 2012 :: TDE Encrypted Databases On 2 Different Server To Be Restored On Single Dev Server

Apr 29, 2015

have a Prod Server A having TDE enabled on 2 of those databases. I have a Prod Server B having TDE enabled on 3 of those databases. Now I have to create a single Dev server Server C for all the above 5 databases residing on the two servers. So how can I restore all the 5 database backup files on server C.

Does it mean that I need to copy the certificates and Keys from both the Prod server to this Dev Box and then restore the backup files. Once done, I can enable the encryption ON on those 5 database on Dev box or is there any different approach.Also how will tempdb behave in this scenario.

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How To Pattern Matching For Zero Or Single Character In SQL Select?

Apr 22, 2005

The LIKE keyword in SELECT WHERE can use wildcard

Any string of zero or more characters.

Any single character.
but how to Pattern Matching for "zero or single character"?

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HOw Can Use Single Quotes With Variable In Select Caluse

Aug 18, 2007

define @strName as varchar(50) NULL

set @strName=(SELECT strname from Table)

SELECT '+ @strName +' from Table

It does not work

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How To Convert Float To Timestamp In Single Select

Mar 18, 2015

how to convert float to timestamp in single select query..for exp. i have float as 1.251152515236 ,i want to convert this to datetime and from datetime to timestamp... i.e. 26:11:00

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SELECT ... JOIN On Two Databases In VWD (?)

May 26, 2006

My environment:XP Home, VWD, SQLEXPRESS.A purely local setting, no network, no remote servers.
I try to do a JOIN query between tables in the membership ASPNETDB.mdf and one table in a self created 3L_Daten.mdf.
After dragging the tables into the Query Design window and connecting them VWD creates this query (here I added the control declaration):
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringAspNetDB %>"            SelectCommand="SELECT aspnet_Users.UserName,                                 aspnet_Membership.Password,                                 aspnet_Membership.Email,                                 aspnet_Membership.PasswordQuestion,                                  aspnet_Membership.PasswordAnswer,                                 aspnet_Membership.CreateDate,                                 aspnet_Membership.LastLoginDate,                                 aspnet_Roles.RoleName,                                 [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.Age,                                [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.Sex,                                [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.Area                            FROM [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten                            INNER JOIN                                aspnet_Users                            ON                                 [D:VISUAL STUDIO 2005WEBSITES3L_V1APP_DATA3L_DATEN.MDF].dbo.Personendaten.User_ID = aspnet_Users.UserId                            LEFT OUTER JOIN                                aspnet_Roles                            INNER JOIN                                aspnet_UsersInRoles ON aspnet_Roles.RoleId = aspnet_UsersInRoles.RoleId                            ON                                 aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_UsersInRoles.UserId                            LEFT OUTER JOIN                                aspnet_Membership                            ON aspnet_Users.UserId = aspnet_Membership.UserId"></asp:SqlDataSource>
As you can see the database 3L_Daten.mdf is inserted with its full path, which is not feasible for deployment reasons.
My question: How can I address both databases purely by their database names ? Both have been created within VWD and lie under App_Data.
(I tried almost everything, I practiced with the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express Edition, I tried linked servers, all without success).
Thank you for your consideration.

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Select From 2 Separate Databases

Jul 21, 2000

How do you select data from 2 separate databases residing on 2 servers?

Is there a way?


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