We have a query which returns ~2.8 million rows. This same query is
used in a DTS package, which exports to a text file. The number of
rows in this text file, however, is ~2.7 million rows (I'm rounding of
course.) So a good chunk of data vanished in the export it appears.
Using SQL Server 7.0 on Windows 2000.
Anyone see bugs w/ DTS text exports for very large amounts of data?
I am importing records from a flat file to a database table. If a record is in the table but NOT in the flat file, I need to update a date column in the table.
I want to import a txt file data to a sql server database table, to do this i used sql server import and export wizard. In this when we choose a Data Source, the option Flat file source is not coming up in the combo box in the wizard.
I am using sql server 2005, Management Studio to do this.
steps 1. right click on the database --> all tasks --> import data --> sql server import export wizard --> choose data source dialog box....
What is the easiest way to accomplish this task with SSIS?
Basically I have a stored procedure that unions multiple queries between databases. I need to be able to export this to a text file on a daily basis and add a total records: row to the end of the text file.
I am trying to send a csv file with 15000 records via the database mail in SQL Server 2014. The problem is that when I open my email the csv only contains 209 records. I have tried the same thing in SQL Server 2012 and it works as expected - it sends the 15000 records in the csv.
I have tested this on several sql servers with 2014 edition on them, and I have the same issue on all of them. The query breaks off at different points on each sever - for example one of them breaks off at 209 records as i said above, another one at 307. The last record always gets truncated at the same place. The csv attachment size it's about 64 kb - which is well below the 4MB limit i've configured the database Maximum File Size bytes parameter.
What i am doing basically is creating a job that is meant to execute a stored procedure and send the results in a csv in an email. The stored procedure is something like:
Using SQL 2005. Need to create fixed lenght text file from table. Was able to create the file, but all the data was in one big line. Selected fixed length with field names. How can I get my text file to have field names, fixed lenght with each record on it's only line. Thank you. David
Anbody please help I am trying to export a text file to a table using enterprise manager and all tasks But the process keeps adding strange charater like squares at the end of each line and also replaces each empty line in the text file with a record in the table with that square type character. I used the following code to delete all rows with that character (as a work around) but no joy. I am losing hope.
I am new to ssis. I try to create a package completely by vb.net to export a table in sql server to text file. i got the following error while i run the package,
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified". The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "OLEDBSrc" failed with error code 0xC0202009. component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C. One or more component failed validation. There were errors during task validation.
i have posted my code below,
Dim pkg As New Package
Dim OLEDBConMgr As ConnectionManager
Dim FileConMgr As ConnectionManager
Dim SrcComponent As IDTSComponentMetaData90
Dim SrcInstance As CManagedComponentWrapper
Dim DesComponent As IDTSComponentMetaData90
Dim DesInstance As CManagedComponentWrapper
pkg.PackageType = DTSPackageType.DTSDesigner90
Dim e As Executable = pkg.Executables.Add("DTS.Pipeline.1")
Dim thMainPipe As TaskHost = e 'as Task Host
Dim DataFlowTask As MainPipe = thMainPipe.InnerObject 'as MainPipe
I got this code from another one of the MSDN forms. When I run the report and try to export using this format, it still gives me a csv file instead of tab delimited file.
Can someone please help me fix this code so I can get tab delimited text files. Thanks a lot, -Rohit
Hi, I want to export data/records coming from the database and save it as a .txt file but tab-delimited. The flow of my project is something this.
Web Form->SQL Database->Web Report->Tab-Delimited file.
I will explain more..What we want to do is an online application form. We have a form and will save all the data to sql server database. We also want to save all those information in a tab-delimited file. I would like to save this first in the database(no problem in this part). Then later on export this in tab-delimited file.
If you can give me a little bit tutorial of this i really appreciated..Even 3 records can do as long i can see how to do this..Ooops btw, i also want to name the .txt file as (userid+transactionid).
I created a package that exports contents from a table to a flat file but all my records are being displayed in a single record. where do i configure it to where each record has its own line. the columns in the flat file are fixed.
Export to Fixed width text file I am trying to export a table to a fixed lenght text file, there is only flat file option and that does not put LF/CR at the end of row, is there any solution?
When using DTS (in SQL 7) to export via OLE DB a large varchar to a text file, it clips it at 255 chars. No other data access drivers seem to work, either. This is lame! I cannot use bcp as a work around, because i want to use quoted comma-delimited, which it doesn't support, and I am using query-based export, where the query calls a stored proc, which bcp also doesn't support.
Are there any new versions of MDAC that fix this? Anyone know a workaround? My current hack fix is to split my field into 2, but this is a grubby fix that hassles my reciptients.
This is a pretty fundamental limitation to a major product!
Hi, I need to export data from SQL server 2000 database into text file uisng ç Delimited. Because my destination database will be teradata. Could you let me know if you have any method for this. Thanks
I need to export data from a table to a text file, where the data in the table is deleted after written to the file. It is simple using DTS, but I want to do the export in "chunks" of data, committing the delete say after every 1000 rows.
My thought was a stored procedure would be easy enough to do this (done these in Oracle many times), but I don't know the quickest way to export a row of data from a stored procedure to a text file. Isn't using a command-line shell too slow? What are my options?
Hello, I'm beginner in SQL and I would like to do a simple thing : Extract data from different table to a text file. I would like an automatic schedule job to extract these data and also I need that the result are "append" in this text file. Could you help me and give me the process to follow. Thanks in Advance
I have the data of ACTTAB, APTTAB and etc, how to i export this data from SQL and insert into a text file??? this is the first time i need to do. as for the 2nd thing is that after export the data from SQL into text file, i need to import this data into mongoDB. So basically how to export this following data (ACTTAB, APTTAB and etc) into text file?
Dear MSSQL- experts,I have a strange problem with SQLSERVER 2000.I tried to export a table of about 40000 lines into a text file usingthe Enterprise managerexport assitant. I was astonished to get an exported text file of about400 MB instead 16 MB which is the normal size of that data.By examining this file with a text editor I found that the fileincluded alongside the data of my table MANY zeros which caused the bigfile size.Does someone of you have an idea what could cause the export oftrillions zeros into my textfile and how to only export the significantdata of my table ?Best regards,Daniel
Export to Fixed width text file I am trying to export a table to a fixed lenght text file, there is only flat file option and that does not put LF/CR at the end of row, is there any solution?
I'm trying to export data from one of the table in my SQL 7.0 database into text file. Can someone tell me how can i do this using SQL Query instead of using BCP (command line) ?? Thank you in advance.
I have a table with text data with more than 8192 character in it. When I tried to select or into a file I could only see the first 8192 after setting 'Max character = 8192' properties. Please tell me how to select the entire data.
I'm exporting using a query to a flat .txt file. The problem I'm encountering is when I export the data and then open the .txt file into excel some columns cause line breaks to the next row. The columns that are breaking to a new row are varchar fields where the user has entered text into the field with double quotes ".
When I export, I'm using row delimiter {CR}{LF} column delimiter Comma and text qualifier Double Quote (")
Is there a way to prevent this from happening when I export and open the flat file into Excel?
I tried using replace, but I was getting a syntax error in my query. Here is the query without using replace:
SELECT e.session_date, l.lab_no, i.first_name + ' ' + i.last_name AS Teacher, tt.name, d.district_name, s.school_name, t.title, a.q1 AS Question1, a.q2 AS Question2, a.q3 AS Question3, a.q4 AS Question4, a.q5 AS Question5, a.q6 AS Question6, a.q7 AS Question7, a.q8 AS Question8, a.q9 AS Question9, a.q10 AS Question10 FROM evaluation e LEFT OUTER JOIN training t ON t.id = e.training LEFT OUTER JOIN lab l ON l.id = e.lab_no LEFT OUTER JOIN instructor i ON i.id = e.instructor LEFT OUTER JOIN trainee tt ON tt.id = e.trainee LEFT OUTER JOIN district d ON d.id = e.district LEFT OUTER JOIN school s ON s.id = e.school LEFT OUTER JOIN answers a ON a.id = e.answers WHERE session_date >= '20070401' AND session_date < '20070501'
I would need to use the replace on columns a.q7, a.q8, a.q9, and a.q10
I tried using another delimiter...pipes (|) and that didn't work? Maybe I was attempting it incorrectly?
Hi All. I'm new in SQL i have a problem when export mytable to text file.below is my result export my table use a bcp: 0714142020 KURNIA 63360 86 0614142469 HATA 6666444 36J my problem is how to make a third column to right alingment like below. 0714142020 KURNIA 63360 86 0614142469 HATA 6666444 36J Thanx
Can anyone please help me on how to export data from SQL server 2000 to text file using C#. I could use bcp command to directly import data, but there are some changes need to be made to some codes from other tables in database and the data to be downloaded is also very huge. probably 10 million records.
We are using the bcp utility (via APIs) to export data from a SQL tablein a fixed format text file. BCP is inserting spaces for a field ifthe field contains a NULL. This is fine with us except at the end ofthe line, there are no spaces for that field just the end-of-rowterminator prematurely, so it looks like that field is not present andmesses up another piece of software we pump the text file into downstream.Example -- The last row illustrates the problem.123-49-890 Mary Smith Raleigh NC 999-88-123 Henry Ax Boston MA 456-99-123 Sue Kite WA 789-88-126 Andy Yates Philadelphia We have thought about using a SQL query to convert the NULL dataexplicitly to spaces, but were wondering is there a switch or somethingin our format file to get around this.Thanks.