DTSRun.exe Reports Success But Fails

Nov 7, 2001

I recently upgrade my Enterprise Manager to Sql 2000 from 7.0; the databases are still SQL 7.0. Since then I've noticed that all scheduled jobs that are calling dtsrun.exe's are reporting successful but do not actually run. I think the total process time is 1 sec.The message from View History reports: "The step did not generate any output. Process Exit Code 0. The step succeeded." Every job that uses the dtsrun.exe reports the same message. I've ran the same command from DOS and it runs fine. I've executed some basic batch commands within the Scheduled Jobs and those fail as well. I can open the DTS package and execute those with success, but when these are scheduled and are executed from the Agent Jobs they fail. Can anyone shed some light on this please?



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[scheduling] SSIS Package Fails, But Scheduler Reports Success

Apr 10, 2007

I have an SSIS Package that executes a stored procedure. It turns out my stored procedure was missing.

However, the SQL Job Scheduler reported that step as success.

Can anyone tell me why?


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DTSRun Fails While Executing From COM

Jan 1, 2005

i wrote a VB function that runs DTS by DTSRUN command, its working fine but when i copy the same code in COM and run it from ASP page and VB it fails to execute.

Function ExeDTSRun(DTSName, mKey As String)
Dim mDTS, spServerName, spUid, spPwd As String

spUid = "sa"
spPwd = "test"
spServerName = "server"

mDTS = "DTSRun /S " & spServerName & " /U " & spUid & " /P " & spPwd & " /N " & DTSName & " /G " & mKey & " /W ""0"""
Shell mDTS, vbNormalFocus
ExeDTSRun = "Successfully Run DTS : " & DTSName
End Function


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Package Fails But Single Task Ends With Success

Nov 8, 2006


I've created a simple package that contains only one task that is an execute sql task. When I run only this single task from Business Intelligence development studio it runs successfully. But when I run the whole package (also from Business intlligence studio), the package fails.

The data source I access is ODBC. I'm sure the real reason for the error is the bad ODBC driver of the data source but this can't be changed. So I need to know what is different from running only a task in a package to running the whole package. If I knew that I might be able to adjust some setting and make it work.

Any help welcome.

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Data Driven Subscription Fails To Deliver Reports

Feb 21, 2008


I'm using data-driven subscription to deliver reports to users via email.

However every few days or so, some of the reports will fail to get delivered to some of the subscribers. The rpts and subscribers affected are usually not the same.

The log showed the below messages....would really appreciate if anybody can shed light on this! TIA!

ReportingServicesService!library!16!02/21/2008-09:03:09:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/Daily Movement Reports/FDDlyTopRevoAgt' )
ReportingServicesService!cache!16!02/21/2008-09:03:09:: i INFO: From cache live: /Daily Movement Reports/FDDlyTopRevoAgt
ReportingServicesService!library!16!02/21/2008-09:03:09:: i INFO: Initializing EnableExecutionLogging to 'True' as specified in Server system properties.
ReportingServicesService!dbpolling!4!02/21/2008-09:03:09:: i INFO: NotificationPolling processing item 336709ba-97ce-4e6f-b9d3-09ae26e9f6fb
ReportingServicesService!library!4!02/21/2008-09:03:09:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( '/Daily Movement Reports/FDDlyTopRevoAgt' )
ReportingServicesService!library!4!02/21/2008-09:03:09:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details., ;
Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException: An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. ---> System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.2Reporting ServicesRSTempFilesRSFile_bbc8b100-f99e-438f-88bc-bd796b88bc1c' because it is being used by another process.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.PartitionFileStream..ctor(String path, PartitionManager manager, Boolean deleteOnClose)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.PartitionManager.GetFileFromPartition(String path)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.MemoryThenFileStream..ctor(String filename, Int32 threshold, PartitionManager partitionManager)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.CachedData.GetNewStream()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.CachedRenderingResult.GetRenderingResult()
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsSnapshot(CatalogItemContext reportContext, Guid reportId, DateTime executionDate, DateTime expirationDate, ClientRequest session, ReportSnapshot snapshotData, String description, Boolean foundInCache, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderAsLiveOrSnapshot(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters)
at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RSService.RenderFirst(CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames)

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Viewing Reports Via Report Manager Fails (while Other Methods Succeed)

May 14, 2008

I'm having a strange problem with SSRS 2005 that I'm hoping someone might be able to help with. I've reinstalled SSRS (multiple times) and even reinstalled IIS hoping to resolve the problem, but it still exists.

The problem is that trying to view a report via Report Manager is failing. All other operations within Report Manager work fine (browsing folders and report lists, viewing folder and report properties, changing properties, setting permissions, etc.) Only trying to view reports fails. Whenever I try to view a report, I get the following error:

The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied.

I can view reports via other methods just fine. For example, if I browse to the http://localhost/reportserver URL directly, I can view any report just fine. And if I connect to SSRS via SSMS, I can view reports there as well. I believe that both of those methods use a direct reportserver URL versus using the http://localhost/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx page within the Report Manager virtual directory.

Here's a bit of configuration information that may or may not be helpful to someone:

1. This is on a laptop running Windows XP SP2 (32-bit). SSRS (and all SQL Server components) are installed as default instances and SQL Server SP2 has been applied to everything.

2. All of the latest updates and fixes for Windows, SQL Server, Office, etc. have been installed via Windows Update.

3. This laptop is a member of a domain, but I am typically not connected to the domain (not in the office very often). I am, however, logging into the laptop using a domain account (with cached credentials). Local user accounts are frowned on by the domain and IT administrators involved (except for running local services). My domain account has full admin permissions within Windows and within SQL everywhere.

4. As far as I can tell, everything with regards to IIS, asp.net, and SSRS are configured correctly (ASPNET account seems to be set up correctly, all SQL services including the SSRS service are running under a local account with admin permissions, the Reports and ReportServer virtual directories in IIS are set to use Integrated Security, etc.)

I'm not an expert on SSRS, so this one has me stumped. I've reviewed all of the config files that I can think of looking at for SSRS and I've looked at the SSRS logs. Nothing really jumps out at me in terms of changes that might be required (and the SSRS logs don't really say much other than repeating the error). For example, I see the following lines in the ReportServerWebApp__xxx.log file:

aspnet_wp!ui!8!5/14/2008-13:00:17:: e ERROR: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied.
aspnet_wp!ui!8!5/14/2008-13:00:17:: e ERROR: HTTP status code --> 500
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied.

Anyone have any ideas? I've searched Google for quite a while trying to find something that would help me figure this out, but thus far I've not been able to come up with anything. Any help (or pointers to something on teh web somewhere that I might have missed) would be appreciated!!

Dave Fackler

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Access Denied To ReportServer And Reports, Works Locally But Fails Remotely

May 15, 2008

I am getting the error:

HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.
Internet Information Services (IIS)

when I attempt to connect to Reports or ReportServer from my desktop, but it works normally when I login with the same userid and run it directly on the server, using IE. It is prompting me for a login 2 or 3 times before failing.

My configuration is:

Report Server system:

Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 - 32bit

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Enterprise Edition
Windows & Web Service run as a domain account
Database connection is using domain account - not in db_owner, but in RSExec roles
Database is on another server, and is Native, not SharePoint integrated
Reports & ReportServer are in a separate application pool
Reporting Services had SP2 installed before it was configured
The Rport Server is a VM

Database server

Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 - x64
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64bit
Version 9.00.3200.00

The Report Manager was not working at all, and I discovered that there was no entry in the .Net Framework version on the APS.Net tab in properties for the Reports virtual directory. I am not seeing any errors or anything unusual in the Event log or in the ReportServer log files.

FrontPage 2002 extensions were installed, and then removed. I noticed that this installed a SharePoint virtual directory, and that disappeared when I removed FrontPage extensions.

The domain group my userid is in is in the local Administrators group on the ReportServer system, and I have added this group as a System Administrator and Content Manager through the report Manager.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.


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Jul 15, 2004

oK if anyone remembers the problems with my Update/termination Trigger I found it works best if I do it as a Stored procedure instead of a trigger. Thanks again for your help guys. I really appreciate it

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Dts 'success' With No Result...

Apr 9, 2002

I create a DTS package in 'Copy SQL Objects Task' to transfer 3 stored procedures from my local SQL msdb to remote testing msdb database.
Execution is 'successful' but the destination server msdb does not have the 3 stored procedures.

Any hint on this 'vanished' copy objects?

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Confirmation Of Success

Feb 13, 2004

Just a thought.

If an issue is resolved please note that the problem has been resolved. Because there are "many ways to skin a cat" it would be helpful to anyone else with a similar problem (or someone trying to learn) what the solution was.

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How Check A SQL Job Success Or Not?

Oct 11, 2006

Hi expert,

I use a SQL Job that makes use of the BACKUP command. How can I check this job success or not?


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Success Message

Jun 19, 2007

Hey all

Which system variable do I use if I would like to transfer success message into an SQL table? I'm running a task to import data into an SQL table. And I'm using the System::ErrorDescription variable (Execute SQL task) to insert error messages into a table but I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what system variable would insert 'success' message into an SQL table. Tried a lot of searching on the net but couldn't find anything.

Many thanks,


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Success Stories

Oct 19, 2007

Has anyone here been involved in a successful commercial Data Warehouse project?
If so, what was your role? How big was the project? Did you do it all or was their one guy data modelling, one for ETL, one for Client-side, one project managing, etc...? What tools did you use? Was it in SQL2000? 2005? Did you use DTS/SSIS for your ETL or Sprocs? Did you use SSAS? Were you writing lots of MDX to meet client-side needs? Or did you use a completely different toolset for all or some of this?
Did you use the Kimball approach? Or were you in the other camp?
Was your latency nightly or did you have some type of "real-time" capability?

I would prefer to hear from people who've actually been involved in successful projects (or failed projects if you would like to share with us why you think they failed). I'm not too interested in hearing from people that have never done it but have a theory as to how it should work (like me).
Many Thanks,

(Or is there some other website forum I should be asking this question on? (like mdxteam, olapteam, datawarehouseteam or something)

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Sep 5, 2001

What is the minimum SQL install required for dtsrun? Can I get away with copying a few files and not installing SQL.

Basically, the central SQL database has a DTS package which I need to enable a number of users to run. What I do not want to do is have to install SQL Server on all the end users computers.

ANy advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Dec 7, 1999

We need to schedule a dtsrun batch to run on several servers at the same time. Can
someone tell me how to write this in my command prompt so it will run remotely.

We tried to run it locally but it does not work.


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Mar 11, 2003


Question with DTSRUN
1) I have a batch file which runs a DTS package. Problem is after completion of the package the control doesn't return to command prompt. Any idea how to tackle this.

2) Even on the same server /U /P doesn't work. It errs out saying password is incorrect, Although I can connect to ISQL with same credentials.

Need to fix this asap.


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Need Dtsrun Help

Apr 13, 2006

I am trying to run two dts jobs using a batch file obviously using dtsrun but im having trouble. I've never attempted this before and it looked easy but not as easy as I thought.

I have two dts jobs, call them package1 and package2. I also saved these as .dts files. I made a .bat file and put it in the same location as the .dts files.

My batch file looks like this:

dtsrun /F package1
dtsrun /F package2

This does not work and I get the following:

C:WINDOWS>dtsrun /F package1
DTSRun: Loading...

Error: -2147287038 (80030002); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: The system cannot find the file specified.

Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 704

Can anyone help and tell me what I am doing wrong?



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Feb 4, 2008

Hello all,
I am trying to run a DTS package from a .DAT file and in my file this is my code:

DTSRun /S ServerName /E /N "Promo Point Adjust - Import promo file"/
But when I run that the data in the table is not being updated. my question is
-how to I step through the to see what the disconnect is?
-Or if there is an error that is happening but being displayied?

Can anyone help me

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About Dtsrun

Nov 23, 2005

when I run the following in sql Analyzer :dtsrun /S"Local" /Ntestemail /UExternalRO /P"changmail"got this error:Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 1Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '/'.Is the command right?And how to run this dts package in commandline?Thanks

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Success Of Stored Procedure

Jul 17, 2001

Is there a parameter allowing to verify successful execution of a stored procedure?

Something that can be run as the last line in a stored procedure to verify its success...?


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Email Job Success To More Than One Operator

Feb 28, 2001

Hi Guys, basically I have a scheduled job in MSSQL7, which on completion e-mails one of the operators.....

How can I get this job to email more than one operator upon completion???


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Not Much Success With MULTI DELETE

May 11, 2006

Trying to delete records associated with the same contact id from all the tables used for that contact. But I'm getting an error. Strange error because the table does exist and I've been able to do single deletes from that table. So, something tells me I'm not getting something right in my SQL statement. How do I delete records from all 3 tables using the same id (as opposed to doing 3 different SQL calls, one for each)?

DELETE names, addresses, phones
FROM names AS n, addresses AS a, phones AS p
WHERE n.id = '12' AND a.id = '12' AND p.id = '12'

Error: Unknown table 'names' in MULTI DELETE

(BTW, how do tag my code so it shows up in a code div?)

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Success Arrows -- Moving Them?

May 10, 2007

I apologize in advance for what is probably a really dumb question.

I have an SSIS package that is executing a number of data flow tasks simultaneously, and then all are followed by a single script step. I'm trying to get all the constraint arrows to look uniform by having them exit the DFTs on the right side and enter the script step on the left. Unfortunately, BI Dev Studio is putting the exiting arrows on the bottom, which looks awful and is difficult to follow. I can only move them between specific points on the bottom of the step. How do I move those arrows to the right side?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL XML :: How To Query XML Field To Get Success Value

Dec 2, 2015

How to use Xquery to get the success value and the result value from the following XML.

This XML is stored in a SQL Table XML field, i want to be able to get all the success and reslut values for all the records:

Here is my XML

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
  xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
   xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
[Code] ....

I am trying to get the result = 15810 and the Success value = true

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Errors But Finished With Success

Oct 23, 2006

My ssis package errors out because one of the database connection failed. I successfully logged error but also indicated that package finished successfully. My confusion is if a sheduling software schedules this package, what would be return code sent by dtexe... . would it be success or failure? In this scnerio i want it to return failure so that appropriate team can be contacted.



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Execution Of A Package Until It Success

Apr 29, 2008

Hello again to everyone,

Because of aleatory problems some of our Analysis Services Tasks fails and sometimes success with not know reasons. You run the task and it fails, the next time it fails, the next time is success, and so on aleatorily.

The solution of this is to put those tasks in a loop (ore someting similar) that only ends if all of the Analysis Services Tasks succeeds. If not, those tasks starts again. Do you know what I mean? How can I build this? I have investigated with checkpoints, with For Loops ... but still I dont find the way to do it.

Does anybody can help me? I suppose it's not so difficult, but I'm stuck in finding the solution...

Thankx once again.


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How To Choose One Of Two Success-paths?

Jun 28, 2006

I have an ActiveX Script Task in SQL Server 2000. It chooses one of two
possible success-paths depending on if a file exist or not. (Part of the old ActiveX Script for choosing next step is below)

I need to rewrite this for a Script Task in SQL Server 2005 but it seems like it
doesn't have this functionality and objects.

Does anyone know how to write the code for choosing the next step in a
Script Task or knows another way to solve my problem?

The package is not suppose to fail if the file is missing, it's must succeed and that's why I need two success-paths.


' Visual Basic ActiveX Script
Function Main ()

Dim pkg
Dim stpContinuePkg
Dim stpExit

SET pkg = DTSGlobalVariables.Parent

SET stpContinuePkg = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_4")
SET stpExit = pkg.Steps("DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_21")

If ...... Then
Main = DTSStepScriptResult_ExecuteTask
stpContinuePkg.DisableStep = False
stpExit.DisableStep = True
End If

Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

End Function

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DTSRun: Error

Mar 20, 2002

I have SQL Server 7.0 desktop installation and I installed SQL Server 2000 clinet.

Now, when I execute DTSRun from the command prompt, I am getting error message
dtsrun.exe Entry Point Not Found in dynamic link library SQLRESLD.dll

Can some one help on this.


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DTSRun Error

Mar 20, 2001


I have created a very simple DTS package to transfer data from one database to another on the same server. I am able to successfully execute the package from DTS. But if i try to schedule the package and run it from SQL agent it fails. The job that is created by the SQL agent appears as follows -

'DTSRun /~Z0x2939C85E61C391613034D42DC85BA5E18B1E12D06DC31F 242542405E07594E436B58219AC124F29B80EDEB464ACB52BA 977BF7A0E59BE9C183507AF7CDA9EB1033C1E04009EC5D4467 E1955FB83FA31BC185F4D4398F51F008BDE6677D23F9C5571A 4C3010B0ED1943C234'

and the error message i get is invalid switch .... DTS command invalid options

Please help!


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DTSRUN Utility

Apr 9, 2001

Hello everyone,

I have a question about dtsrun hoping someone have an answer. Does anyone know if there is a switch that I can turn onoff so that it will suppress the output result when I execute the dtsrun ulitity?

This is what I ran:

master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /Sclancy /E /N ExpDispute'

I get the following result back after it's done:

DTSRun: Loading...DTSRun:Executing...DTSRun OnStart: Copy Data from Results to [Transplus_TestArchive].[dbo].[SG_DISPUTE] Step DTSRun OnProcess: Copy Data
from Results to [Transplus_TestArchive].[dbo].[SG_DISPUTE] Step; 14 Rows have been transformed or copied.; PercentComplete = 0; ProgressCount = 14 DTSRun OnFinish: Copy Data from Results to [Transplus_TestArchive].[dbo].[SG_DISPUTE] Step DTSRun:
Package execution complete.
(6 row(s) affected)

Thank you in advance for any help.

Mai Nguyen

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Dtsrun Error

Jul 31, 2001

Here's a problem I'm having with user's laptop.
I installed SQL Server 7.0 client tools long time ago so she was able to use dtsrun utility.
Recently we moved our production database to the new server.
The difference between new server and old one is SP.
The old server had SP1 for MSSQL Server 7.0 and new server has SP2.

The DTS packages were copied from old server to new one and recreated accordingly.

Then when user was trying to run dtsrun utility she was getting error "Parameter is incorrect".
Then I applied SP2 to her SQL installation.
After that we've got different error message "Can not create COM server to load DTS package.
Class not registered".

I tried to register following files dtsffile.dll,dtspkg.dll,dtspump.dll,axscphst.dll using regsvr32 but I coudn't-I was getting errors.

Then I reinstall SQL client tools and applied SP2 again-still same error about COM server.

Any ideas what else can be done or changed to fix it?
Thank you

P.S.this user has another computer.
Applying SP2 to her SQL client installation fixed "Incorrect parameter" error and dtsrun works fine on this machine.


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Jul 12, 2000


Thanks for any help on this matter in advance.
I have a DTS Package that when I run from within the MMC it runs fine but when I schedule the job from the DTS design window or create a new job via SQL Agent and use dtsrun.exe with the correct parameters I get the following error:

DTSRun: Loading . . . Error -2147008511 (80074001) Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error String: Not implemented

Dts Owner is sa
Sa is also listed as owner for the job.
I tried changing the provider to ODBC for SQL Server since error message indicated a provider error and that did not work.
I searched Technet for 4001, provider error, dtsrun and got nothing relative. It would seem like a rights issue but SQL Agent Logs on as a local administrator for the SQL box which is also the PDC.

Any insight?


Paul Kelly

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DTSRun Erro

Jan 9, 2001

Hi everyone,

I am using SQL Server 2000 and I get this error.

I get the following error when I attempt to run DTSRun from the command prompt:

C:>DTSRun /S (local) /U sa /N "ACPAY_New" /R "ThedaCare1"
DTSRun: Loading...

Error: -2147217355 (80041035); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: General error -2147217355 (80041035).
Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 705

This error makes no sense to me. I also get the following message too

C:>DTSRun /S local /U rrojas /N ACPAY_New /R ThedaCare1
DTSRun: Loading...

Error: -2147217390 (80041012); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
Error source:
Help file:
Help context: 0

What I have done is created a package called ACPAY_New and saved the package
in two places, the SQL Server and the Meta Data Services (Repository). The
name of the Database is ThedaCare1, the name of the server itself is local or rrojas, the user name is rrojas. I have no idea as to what this error message
means. If I run the job in SQL Server Agent, the job does not run at all.

If I run the package on it's own within Data Transformation Services, by
right clicking and execute it runs fine.

Please help.



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