I recently had a hard disk failure on which was running Win2003 SQL2000 SP4.
This server is a sharepoint backend server, I repaired the disk to the point that it could be mirrored across to a new and then set about looking at the databases. There was a schedule in place to backup all 4 DBs daily, the backup process at no time after verifying the backup had any errors. All but one of the DBs reports this error when I attempt to run DBCC or similar query I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset etc. (error 823) I have restored back to the earliest DBs I have and I still get the same error.
Any ideas on how I can recover as much as possible if not all of the DBs? What is the best way to restore from a transaction log? I have found a few articles on it and they all take a slightly different approach for differnet situations however I'm not entirely sure which applies to me.
SELECT SUM(T.AmountInput) as AmountTotal FROM otrnTransaction T WHERE IsAutomaticPosting =0 AND (IsCashierAudited = 1 AND IsNightAuditorAudited = 0)
it was ruuning well until yesterday . Today it just imposible to get result from it.
I run CHECKDB DBCC results for 'otrnTransaction'. There are 20067 rows in 384 pages for object 'otrnTransaction'. ... CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 0 consistency errors in database 'BdHydro'
after running DBCC DBREINDEX (otrnTransaction) the query start working well
Hi, Please note that I'm having the below problem:
1- when i run "DBcc CheckDB ('DBName') with all_errormsgs" I Get: Could not read and latch page (1:173) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed.
2- then : select * from sysindexes
Gave me: I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x0000000015a000 in file 'C:DataDatabasesOld_Data.MDF'.
Connection Broken
3- dbcc checktable ('sysindexes') Could not read and latch page (1:173) with latch type SH. sysindexes failed. Server: Msg 8939, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Table error: Object ID 2, index ID 0, page (1:173). Test (IS_ON (BUF_IOERR, bp->bstat) && bp->berrcode) failed. Values are 2057 and -1.CHECKTABLE found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table 'sysindexes' (object ID 2).
Forth of all, I can't use a backup because it is old. Can i copy system tables from old database to the current one that we are using...
I tried to export and import data from this corrupted database but it would give me errors...
Is there anyway that i can adjust this database. Please Help Urgently....
Server drives become faulty and after the recovery of the server the SQL server installation was gone from the system drive. Residing on a different drive, the mdf and ldf files of a database were saved. Unfortunately, when trying to attach the files to a new SQL server installation there is a message 'I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0000000000000000 in file E:SQLServer2KMSSQLDatadb.mdf'. The available backup files are not restorable returning 'An internal consistency error' upon restoring. So, the hope is with the mdf and ldf files. Does anyone have any idea what can be done specifically with the mdf/ldf files? Any recovery software to be recommended?
Server drives become faulty and after the recovery of the server the SQL server installation was gone from the system drive. Residing on a different drive, the mdf and ldf files of a database were saved. Unfortunately, when trying to attach the files to a new SQL server installation there is a message 'I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0000000000000000 in file E:SQLServer2KMSSQLDatadb.mdf'. The available backup files are not restorable returning 'An internal consistency error' upon restoring. So, the hope is with the mdf and ldf files. Does anyone have any idea what can be done specifically with the mdf/ldf files? Any recovery software to be recommended?
One of my employes deleted a MSSQL Database instead of detach. Now i tried to recover the .mdf and .ldf file but when i trie to attach it it says. "File is not a primary database file"
I access remote MSSQL Server2005 (SS2005) databse over internet through SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) in order to fine tune ASP.NET website using remote SS2005 database.
Today I could not launch my SSMS http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2616564&SiteID=1
Is it possible that remote server machine or SS2005 damaged my SSMS. Can it be due to some incompatibilities, virus (I have Norton Antivirus locally) or something else?
I do not have much experience with using SS2005 over internet. Can you share with me possible practical stories or theory on it?
Dear Readers,Is it possible, like in Access, to link to tables in other SQL databases that are on the same server? I have a query that I originally had in Access that queered from multiply databases. It did this by having those other tables in the other databases linked to the database that had the query.
I just restored my SQL server 2000 database on the SQL server 2005. after this i ran the Service broker sample ("Hello World") on this database by changing the AdventureWorks name to the new database name. The "setup.sql" runs fine. When i run the "SendMessage.sql" i was not getting any rows in the output (The message was not getting inserted into the queue). I checked the Service broker is enabled on this databased using the query "select is_broker_enabled from sys.databases where name = 'newdbname' " It was 1. I even tried the ALTER DATABASE SET ENABLE_BROKER. but it didnt work.
When i tried the sample on a newly created database it worked fine.
Is there any solution to make the restored database to work for service broker.
i would like how to duplicate a database to another server with all datas, constraints, keys, indexes... should i use sp_attach_db, dts, backup/restore, sql scripts... ???
This is the scenario. Is it possible to create views or something (like Oracle DB Links) in a database in Instance 1 which can show data from another database in 2nd Instance ?
I have created a site which now has two databases. Firstly is the ASPNETDB.MDF which I beleives get set to manage the security, logon/Roles that I have on my site. The second dataabase "MyDatabase" is one that I have created for all my data withing the site. I would like to combine this to one Database for simplicity and cost. Now I can't see the ASPNETDB.MDF when I use SQL Manager 2005 and I can't see how to change the set up of ASP.Net Configuration if I was to just use mydatabase. Any suggestions
Hi, I have my site set up, but have had difficulty using the data gathered by the aspnet.mdf. I wanted to use the email and username columns from the membership table to send newsletters automatically from the database(but that's a whole other post)I also have my own databse, which will be populated by information gathered from the website, so is currently empty. I'd like to take this opportunity to say that i don't think there's enough information given on how to populate a blank database from a website application. Most tuorials etc are concentrated on retrieving and displaying data, which is all well and good, once you actually have data to play with!I don't need two databases, so can I add tables to the aspnet.mdf ? But then what about relationships etc? I won't damage the current relationships by adding new ones? On the other hand can i copy the aspnet.mdf into my own database, and then assign the relevant permissions to that db? Any help would be greatly appreciated-in language for newbies please! I am relatively new to .asp.net/Visual Basic/ and SQL. It's a steep learning curve!Also....I have used create user wizard, login, password recovery etc within my site, the data is inserted into the correct db tables-without using an sql datasource for some reason...? is that right?I have also created a wizard to collect some more data (because i couldn't work out how to insert the data from the extra steps in create user wizard, into my own database) but when i click submit the data is not inserting into the specified table - (yes the connection string is fine, insert and update has been selected from the advance tab in connections wizard). Would this/could this be because i have assigned a 'finishbutton url'? should i use a Response.Redirect("blahblah.aspx") instead?
I am very new to asp.net, but am having trouble trying to link the asp.net page that i have created to an sql database that has been set up on a local system. Am actually trying to use the sql control to extract info from the database. Would appreciate any ideas.
There are two databases in SQL Server and I have to designed the view or store procedure joing tables from two databases. How ? It will be kind, if you give me answer with detail example.
I�m using VB6 as the client and MS SQL Server 7 as the database. The company I�m consulting for has a proven track record for marketing and getting millions of customers. The parent company would like to create two new companies selling the same product; with 1 million customers per company. How many records can MS SQL Server 7 handle? I�ve been told it can handle 4 terabytes. What does 4 terabytes translate into records? I have already set up an application for company #1. Should I put company #2 in the same MS SQL Server database? Or should I put company #2 in a different database? My VB Application and SQL Server database were designed to handle multiple companies selling the same product. For performance sake; would it be better to separate the databases? Any suggestions? Is anyone currently using MS SQL Server with 2 or more million records?
I am presenting using MS SQL 6.5 and have used up all my (VDEVNO) device numbers (1-255). Will I have this problem when I migrate to SQL 7? I understand SQL 7 does not use a device when creating databases, so what is the maximum number of databases I can create in SQL 7?
Gusy im currently making and app that runs from a cd rom yet it uses databases made in sql and i already made the part for ataching the database from the cd but i haven't been able to do 2 things: 1. Can i actually attach my database from a cd without any need for the computer 2. does anyone has the code for detaching a database in Sql in c# thanks ahead
How can you make two databases communicate with each other?? they both reside in sql server 2000. How would I go about doing that. Access 2000 is the interface
Is it possible to restore a 6.5 database to a 7.0? I backup the entire 6.5 database to a BAK file then tried to restore it to SQL 7.0 but it didn't work. SQL 7.0 states that the disk device is not a valid Microsoft Tape Format backup set.
We have an application that was developped long long time ago by a old team and I don't want to upgrade the server. I tried to build a second 6.5 server (new hardware) but I couldn't restore the database as SQL 6.5 states that the server is in single user mode. I don't know how to switch to multi users mode. The database I want to restore is not in DBO or single user mode.
Hello, Can someone show me the TSQL I need to write in order to create 100 SQL databases in one go. I want them to be called DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4...etc etc
I know how to create one database; --------------------------------------------------- USE MASTER GO CREATE DATABASE DB1 ON PRIMARY ( NAME = DB1_dat, FILENAME = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDataDB1.mdf', SIZE=4, MAXSIZE=10, FILEGROWTH=1 ) ------------------------- But I don't want to do this 100 times,
Hello,I am currently looking for databases that contain available prescriptionmedications and diagnosis codes (i.e. ICD9 medical diagnosis codes) thathave been created using SQL.Anybody know of companies that have these commerically available?Thanks,Eric
I'm writing an app in vs2005 using sql express. This may be the wrong forum for this question, but here it is. I'm going to have several tables: Seven for Customer information, six for Employee information, 15 for Misc Definitions (status types, skill types, discipline types, gender types, etc.) and 10 for Scheduling information. This is a total of 38 tables.
Is there any advantage to having four databases, one for each type, or should I put all 38 tables in one database and add relationships to everything?
I am testing SQL Sever Express and I would like to know how to load the adventure works databaes into SQL server? I have downloaded the files in accordance to the instructions providered however, when I open SQL Server the Adventure Works database does not appear. How do I add the adventure works database to my instance of SQL Server? It appears that the files downloaded correclty and teh setup executed correclty, and the database files can be found in my control panel.
I have assembly with several UDT. Let's call one of them - T. I have loaded assembly to 2 different databases. Let��s call them �� d1 and d2. I also have function F(), that returns type T. I want to run such statement:
use d2
declare @v t = d1.dbo.F();
If type T in d2 lies in schema dbo, then such statement will work without any problems. But if I want to register T not in dbo, but in some other schema (let��s call it S), I will have an error:
Msg 206, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Operand type clash: sysdb.ssma_oracle.Record is incompatible with t1.ssma_oracle.Record
Only conditions for CLR UDT, that I found, were:
When you use user-defined types across databases, you should remember the following: � The types must have the same name, including the same CLR name, and must be implemented through the same assembly in both databases. Assemblies in two databases are identical if they have the same name, strong name, culture, version, code access permission set, and binary contents. � You must have SELECT and EXECUTE permissions on each user-defined type column referenced in the query. These permissions are checked with regard to the database in which each column is defined. � If a type that is implemented in one assembly calls a method in another assembly, the cross-assembly call is checked in the same way as if the user-defined type query were issued without crossing databases.
Hi I'm a newbie to SQL server..... l'm building a website where companies can save important data. I have a SQL server available but I'm not sure how to store the data. Should I create a new database for every user or should I store everything in the same database and then use a UserId to recognize the data and the user? What about the case where I reaches let's say 1000 users in the one user per database case, it would be extremly difficult to have an overview of the databases or what? The data stored for each user are stored in tables which are exactly the same so all tables could be gathered into one table and then a UserId could tell which records belong to whom. Hope my english isn't too bad..otherwise just ask me questions and I'll get back A.S.A.P. Regards Joachim
Hi, I am developing a small asp.net application where I read from a readonly omnis database via odbc then dependant on user input write records to a second database.My first idea was to use an odbc connection to Omnis database and write to ms sql database. There is quite a few queries that need to be made to the Omnis database and I am binding a datagrid to the MS Sql server database. I was hoping to use stored procedures to update the mssql tables. So there will be much opening and closing of connections. Should I go down that road or should i think of using an Access database, with linked table to the Omnis database, then only one connection needs to be made. And I can store my information in the Access database tables. Thanks.
I know enough about Databases to get myself in trouple. So maybe someone can point me in the right direction, or help me out. I work for the American Red Cross in Provo UT. We want to be able to put class registration on line so that someone can visit our website chose the class they want to take, register and pay for it all on-line. Our website http://www.redcrossut.org is hosted with godaddy and I am able to post a SQL Database. I know that our website as it stands is very poor. The people who have maintained it in the past have no idea what they were doing, my job is not the website, I am over Health & Safety Training, but have done some work with websites for fun in the past. I know a little about Visual Studio and plan to rebuild the site using C#. I can build a basic Database and interface to it with Visual Studio, Godaddy can help me with the payment part, but I have no idea how to set up SQL to allow scheduling. Any help would be appreciated. Even if it’s just a link to a tutorial.
Ed Hall Director Health & Safety Services Mountain Valley Chapter American Red Cross
Hi I created some databases on my pc at work (using Visual Web Developer 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server Express), I now wish to move them onto my home machine, Can I do this by simply copying the .MDF files and then moving them into the App_Data folder of my new app? Do MDF files contain everything (schema, data, stored procedures etc) or am I missing something? Cheers, Adam
ok when i upload my databases that i created in VS2005, they are read only. so i though something was just funny, so i installed sql managment studio on the server and attached the databases, and when i attached them there grey with (READ-ONLY) displayed... how can i get my DB's out of read only! i tryied going through the properties of the DB through MSSQL managenet studio but that only generates an error... any ideas!