Data Access :: Client Disconnect Happens Every Day At Particular Time Window?

Nov 11, 2015

Every day between 1AM to 2AM client disconnect happens and it's not too long's about 30secs...nothing is recorded from SQL side and application server side and then we checked the network...there is no disconnect from network side too. How can i find the cause for disconnect. 

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Client With Tcp/ip Produce "time Out Error" While Same Client While Switced To Named Pipes

May 28, 2001

We have 15 clients running our applicaton
14 of then conected to SQL server using TCP/IP and it runs fine

1 of 15 when connected using TCP/IP produce "..Time out error "
but runs fine when swiched from TCP/IP to Named pipes

1.What area should we look to correct problem with Time out using TCP/IP ?
2. Where to get information about using TCP/IP via Named pipes ?

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How To Disconnect Data Flow's Components Using SSIS API?

Sep 29, 2007


I have a SSIS Package which I would like to modify using SSIS API. I need to put new component between some two existing data flow's components. During this process I need to disconnect two data flow's components using SSIS API. How can I do that?


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Data Access :: How To Load Data From CSV File In Temp Table At Run Time

May 28, 2015

how I can load the CSV file data into the sql server table. I know there are ways like bulk insert and other to load the csv file data into the table. But in my case the table doesn't exist and has to be created at the run time. With simple insert in temp table we do like select * into #temp from tablename and that creates the temp table. So. I need something like that which create the temp table and load the data into it. because the CSV file would have different number of columns and names so I can not create the table structure in advance. I have to create the table at run time. 

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How To Avoid RS Login Window At Time Of Deploying Report?

Nov 27, 2007


i created report and i have to deploy report , at time of deploying it asks report services login sql server is windows authentication .it doesn't accept any to avoid RS login window at time of deploying report.

Plz help me ASAP



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ASP.Net On Window Server 2000 - Database Access

Jun 27, 2006

I have problem in configuring my web project on Window server 2000. I have created the web application using Visual Studio 2005 tools. I have configured Window server 2000 with the .Net Framework Version 2.0. I can access the page which doesn't have database access.
The connection string in the web config file is giving me the problem that connection string can't be found. Does any one have any idea?
My database connection string looks like this.
<add name="etzAusBldConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=CASCADE;Initial Catalog=etzAusBldBaseData1;User ID=sa1;Password=****"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

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Can I Access SQL Server 2005 Via A Window XP Pro Workgroup Network?

Aug 30, 2006


I am new to SQL Server and I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 Express or Stnadard Edition on a computer runing XP pro on a XP's workgroup network using a router. Can I access the the database from another computer running XP pro on the same network? If I can, what setting do I need when installing SQL 2005 in order to do this?

Any help is appricated.

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Cannot Access Expression Builder Via Variable Properties Window (no Ellipsis)

Sep 5, 2007

Has anyone encountered this before?

My colleague opens up an SSIS package with variables, many of which use expressions built with the Expression Builder. She cannot bring up the Expression Builder by clicking the ellipsis (...) in the "Expression" Property of the Property Window, regardless of whether "EvaluateAsExpression" is set to True or False.

I can open up this same package and use the Expression Builder just fine. Any ideas?

Apologies if this has been answered already, I did many searches to try to find the solution before posting here.

Thanks much!

Brian Pulliam

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Data Access :: How To Reduce Record On The Basis Of Time If Minimum 2 Minutes Duration In Server

Sep 8, 2015

I have a table with following data

(Id, date ,time)

11 2015/8/1

2015/8/1 12:21:00

11 2015/8/1

12 2015/8/1

12 2015/8/1

12 2015/8/1

I need the table with following record only

(Id, date ,time)

11 2015/8/1

11 2015/8/1

12 2015/8/1

12 2015/8/1

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Client Access Lisences

Dec 14, 2000


My department has some questions about Client Access Lisences. Specifcally, they want a definition of what does and does not require a CAL,
and they want something somewhat official. I checked the MSKB, and looked on their sales website, but all I can find is the EULA, and that doesn't help
me all that much.

Does anyone else have this information?


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VERY Slow Client Access

Jan 28, 2002

I am experiencing VERY slow connectivity between client and server SQL 2000. I have checked the network activity and it is low. It also takes Enterprise manager ages to load, and then browsing tables and trees is impossible!


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Access Client Problem

May 9, 2001

Hello everybody,

I recently made a DTS-package from importing external data in my sql2k
I linked my access file to the sql server to make some reports.

Right now, my clients run the dtsrun utility through a batch file
themselves. I gave them permissions to be the dbase owner.

Now when you link from access to sql server as admin, your names are :
If it's another user, the names get pvanmoer_Tablename and for another user
it's cvanho_Tablename.
(Validation through NT)
So my linked tablenames aren't valid anymore in my access file. So I need
to relink them each time.

How can I avoid this problem ? I've been trying to create tables without
dbaseowner, but this doesn't seem to work.

Can anyone help me ?



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Restrict Client Access

May 27, 2005

Hello Everybody,

I need some help.
When we install the Database at the clients end, the client can see all
the SQL tables, views and stored procedure in the Enterprise Manager.
Is there a way via which you can restrict the client from viewing the
tables in SQL Enterprise manager?

I hope you understand my question.
I would be oblidged if my friends could help me...


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Refresh Access Client

Nov 18, 2005

Is there a way to update data on a MS Access 2000 client from SQL Server without polling a table using the form's onTimer event?

It would be much more elegant if I could push the data to the clients every 15-30 minutes when the data on SQL Server gets refreshed.

Can DTS do this? The forms I'm talking about are select only, no editing.

I know I can do this with java and multicasting, should work with MM Flash as well with listeners. I would really like to take this app to Flash, but we have a 1 month timeline to port from Access to SQL Server.


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Question Regarding Client Access

Jan 21, 2008

We're *very* new to using SQL Server and are just getting it up and running. We're only running simple queries right now, but we're doing so by connecting to our server via 'Remote Desktop' to run the management studio to run the queries.

Is there an SQL client that can be installed on a user's workstation that will allow them to run queries without having to use a 'Remote Desktop' connection on the server?


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DTS 'Transform Data Task Property' GUI Window

Apr 15, 2005

I am importing data from xls file to a db table with a dts. In the time of the dts creation I am using 'Transform Data Task Properties' GUI window to map incoming xls fields (source) to the table columns (destination).
Question: Is there any way to invoke the 'Transform Data Task Property' GUI window in dts runtime and use it to change the mapping dynamically in the run time?
Thanks, Vadim.

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How Do I Allow Access To SQL Server On A Different NT Domain From The Client?

Jul 6, 2001

I want to give a client access to a SQL Server 7 database sitting on a different NT domain without setting up a trust relationship between the two domains. Has anyone tried doing this?

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DTS Scheduling OLE Db Error - DB2 Client Access

Feb 13, 2000

I have a DTS package that executes when run manually. It is a OLEdb (ODBC) to client access (db2). When I try to schedule it the package fails.

Other packages SQL - SQL are fine to schedule or to run man.

I have played with the Persist Security Info advanced properties of the connection to no avail.

Any assistance would be great.


Robb M Sinclair
Newcomp Solutions Inc

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SQL2000 Vs SQL6.5 Client Access

Sep 18, 2001

I'm thinking to upgrade SQL6.5 DB to SQL 2000 but do not know
all client access with SQL 6.5 utility will work ???
(The application is a vendor canned package using SQL 7.0 DB
but client can access with 6.5 ---Not using ODBC)
Any experts can help ?
Thank you in advance !!


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Cannot Access Server From Client App?

Jan 26, 2015

I have a C# windows app trying to access database based the connection string stored in teh app.config file

Here is my app.config parameters

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add name="con1" connectionString="data Source=;initial catalog=kingsroad;uid=balrock;pwd=123456;integrated security=True" />


The reason I want to put an ip address on connection string i just want to create connection strings as people do in their work. When the app tried access the connection string it gives the error in the attachment.

Because I haven't used this user/password for a long time I'm pretty sure the user name and password is correct but i have the following questions

1. Assume the user and password is incorrect, is there way to reset this?
2. what other configuration that i need to do in order to make teh C# app access this Database?

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Client Able To Access SSAS Cube Only Once

Sep 6, 2007

I have an excel workbook, that has a pivot table in it where the data source is an OLAP cube. My problem occurs on the client machine, logged in as the client. I remote into the PC, and create a pivot table using the OLAP cube connection. I create the pivot table and everything works fine - I am able to browse the data with no issues. Once I exit the Excel Workbook, and come back in - I am no longer able to connect to the datasource. I have tried both saving the password in the connection and not saving it. It has made no difference.

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SQL Server 2005 Client Access

Jan 24, 2008

Hi there

If I give the user access dbo on 1 of the database, when he logon using SQL Server Management Studio for running query etc, can he only see his database instead of other as well system database?

Is there any best practise in term of setting the SQL client for 2005?


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Access A Database From A Client Application

Oct 18, 2006

Hi all...

I am writing a Windows Application which will be used by about 100 clients. (NT Authenticated)

The application is going to be used in a LAN enviroment. User who have access will download a VB.NET application from a web site.

Of course, I want to prevent any of the 100 users from using a tool such as Query Analysis or ODBC to connect directly to the database and modify data.

So, it appears the way to go is to the "Application Roles". For this to work, the application roll password has to be saved in the application to execute the sp_setapprole procedure.

Is there a way to secure this password? I am worried about a user somehow extracting the password from the application and connecting directly.

Am I on the right track here? Any ideas appreciated!



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Unable To Access MSSQLSERVER From Client

Dec 20, 2005


I have SQL Server 2005 installed and functioning (it does everything I've asked it to do locally). I also have the Express and Standard Editions installed on a computer running WinXPPro SP2 with all the WinUpdates applied. I also have VS2005 installed on this computer. I've done some development work on this computer, using VS2005 to create a SQLDB, connect to it, add data, etc. This is all okay.

The problem is I cannot connect to the SQL Server from the client computer. I installed the client tools on this XP Pro box along with all the WinUpdates. Here's what I can do...

I can ping the SQL Server by name (the name gets resolved).
I can copy files between the two computers using Explorer.
I enabled "Allow remote connections to this server" in the Server Properties / Connections page.
I did not change the default port of 1433.
The TCP/IP protocal is enabled in the Configuration Manager.
The Surface Area has been configured to allow local and remote connections using TCP/IP and named pipes.
SQLBrowser surface is running as is the MSSQLSERVER service.

So what's going on? I am new to SQL Server to it may be something very simple / obvious.

Thanks for your help,


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How Do You Disconnect Users?

Mar 21, 2001

Does anybody have a job where it will disconnect certain users from the database

What I would like to do is schedule a job that will run at 11:00pm that will disconnect certain users (not all of them). This program should also kill any jobs that these users may be running.

I running into a problem occasionally, where a certain program hangs up and will not release its DB locks. This then keeps a couple of the nightly batch jobs from running.

(I run on SQL SERVER 7.0 on a NT server)

Matt Atkinson,

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Disconnect The User

Jun 28, 2004

I'm trying to detach my database.But i couldn't do that coz there are some users connected to it. So how can i disconnect them?is there any way to disconnect them from the DB?


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T-SQL To Disconnect Users From A Db?

Jun 28, 2004

Is there a way to forcibly disconnect users from a db with t-sql? I'm doing a nightly restore of a db and users who shouldnt remain connected after hours, are. So I cannot restore the db unless I disconnect them as the db cannot be obtained for exclusive access.

Any thoughts on this?

Edward Hunter, Data Application Engineer
comScore Networks

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How To Disconnect All The Users

Oct 12, 2007

Dear All,
i've to drop one database....i'm sure....

but it is saying presently it is in use....
there no no replication....

some user is using....
that is a new can i throw all users from the database

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Telnet Disconnect

Nov 5, 2007

Running server 2003. I am running a program from home and am telneting in. When I leave for over 1/2 hour without inputting anything it disconnects me. How can I reset this setting to several hours befor it will disconnect me?

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Looking For Mentor (service) For Help Designing Web Client For DB Access

Apr 24, 2008

I work at a place that does device testing where the test results are saved in a SQL database. I have an objective to create a plan for a pilot project to place the data on our intranet so our engineering dept can research test results.

I'm trying to find some group I can beg / borrow / pay to look at our schema and help me chart out what tools we should use and how much (ballpark) work is involved.

I'm a VB.NET developer. I did a tutorial on SQL Reporting Services and see potential there. I skimmed a tutorial on SQL Analysis services, and like the idea of being able to trend our data. But it's over my head at this point to get from where I'd like to be to what Microsoft tools to use and how to put them together.

I contacted one local DB/Developer shop and they wanted to bring in a team of engineers for two days and charge us $6000 for a "total solution". Instead of that, I'd like to maybe spend an hour on the phone and some emails to send a schema to someone who knew the tools inside/out and get a pretty good recommendation for a reasonable price.

Any ideas on how I can find such help?

thanks much - Mark

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Setting Up Client PC To Access Remote SQL Server

Jul 20, 2006


I am a VB6 programmer and I'm really new to SQL Express, I have always used ACCESS because it was so easy to deploy. I've now written a VB6 program which uses SQL Express and I want to know how to deploy it. Basically my PC will host the SQL database as it has SQL Express loaded onto it. I now want to install my EXE onto other Client's PC and have them read/write to the database on my machine.

Besides the EXE program, what software do I need to load onto the Client's PC so they can access my SQLExpress database...? (eg: Net Framework, SQLExpress, etc).

Also, if my machine is called ABC123, in my connectionstring do I just put in

ABC123sqlexpress as the datasource..?. Will this be enough for the other PCs to connect to mine ?


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Client Access Licenses Needed For Sql Express Or Not

May 4, 2007

we have a sql express - that comes standard with servers.I just wanted to know.....Is there any addition Client access licenses needed for this sql express or not.

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Cant Get Access Database Synchronizer Set Up On Client Machine

Apr 17, 2007

I have created a PPC application that uses ADS to synchronize my sqlce db with a desktop MS Access database. It works fine on my computers, but my client cant get it to work on his. Here is the situation.

His "Computer Name" as it's stated in his 'My Computer' properties is "PAVSGP024FE.NWFSC.NOAA.GOV"

However his Access.MDW File is located in the directory "C:Documents and SettingsJoe NobodyApplication DataMicrosoftAccessSystem.MDW".

There is no directory called "C:Documents and SettingsPAVSGP024FE.NWFSC.NOAA.GOVApplication DataMicrosoftAccessSystem.MDW".

His current config.xml file looks like this.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AccessDB>C:Program FilesNOAA Release LoggerNOAA_ReleaseLogger.mdb</AccessDB>
<DeviceDB>Program FilesNOAA Release LoggerNOAA_ReleaseLogger.sdf</DeviceDB>
<Login>Joe Nobody</Login>
<URL>http://Joe Nobody:1024/</URL>

He has tried adding port 1024 as an exception for his firewall settings, has installed Access Database Synchronizer on his computer, and I have also tried using the "long" computer name as the url setting in the config file. (i.e. <URL>http://PAVSGP024FE.NWFSC.NOAA.GOV:1024/</URL> but this throws the error

"The HTTP request failed due to incorrect format or content. Try restarting the IIS server.[]"

I dont know what else to try! Anybody have any suggestions?

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