Data Access :: Accessing Oracle Tables From Server Via Oracle DBLINK?

May 8, 2015

we recently got a scenario that we need to get the data from oracle tables which is installed on third party servers. we have sqlserver installed on ourservers. so they have created a DBLINK in oracle server to our sqlserver and published the DBLINK name.

what are the next steps that i need to follow on my sqlserver in order to access the oracle tables ?

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Accessing Oracle Tables From Within SQL Server 2000

Mar 24, 2006

We are running SQL Server 2000 SP3. We have linked servers in use thatwe use to access Oracle tables.Recently the claim has been made that you can access Oracle tables fromwithin SQL Server without using a Linked Server. I searched BooksOnline using keywords: linked, remote, and Oracle and did not findanything.A search of the newsgroup archives found only entries related to usingLinked Servers.Is there any such method as claimed? I do not think there is, but Ineed to find some support for my position or else learn something new.Thank you-- Mark D Powell --

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Accessing Oracle Data In Sql Server 2005

Feb 20, 2008

I need some help regarding the data access.
I needs to access some data from tables which are in oracle and load it into sql server tables.
Please let me know the process for this.

Thanks in advance.

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Accessing SQL Server Data From Oracle Developer 2000 Apps

Feb 17, 1999

Hello there

I have a customer that wants to start using SQL Server 7.0 instead of Oracle, but they have a lot of Oracle applications (made in Developer 2000 and Forms). Due to the big effort needed to convert those applications (to Visual Basic), they want to be able somehow to migrate only data from Oracle to SQL Server, and then use some tool that will allow them to use the same applications with the SQL Server 7.0 engine.

I found on the "SQL Server Developer's Kit" a document describing the process of migrating data and applications from Oracle to SQL Server. There is a mention to an Oracle tool called "Oracle Gateway to SQL Server" that will translate calls received by the Oracle engine to the SQL Server engine, but this approach will still require the existence of Oracle servers (which is the thing the customer no longer wants).

The second option mentioned on that document, and the one that seems more attractive, is the use of Oracle "Open Client Adapter" (OCA) that will allow Developer 2000 applications to communicate directly to SQL Server via ODBC. However, I have been unable to find (on the Oracle site) any documentation regarding this tool.

Has anynoe heard or used such tool (OCA) ? Any comments, tips, drawbacks, experience you could share ? Any other idea on how a thing like that could be accomplished ? Perhaps a third-party application that can act as a gateway between the Forms app and ODBC/SQL Server, or that will be able to generate VB code from a Developer 2000/Forms app...

Any help will be appreciated.

Please respond directly to me, as I am not a member of the distribution list.

Luis Francisco Silva

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How To Link SQL Server Tables To Access Or Oracle

Mar 7, 2000

Hi All

My manager told me to link SQL Server database tables to access so that he can access the tables in MSAccess to do his SQL queries.
I am thinking of linking server but I am not sure about that.
Is someone can tell me what to do and explain me how.
Thanks in advance

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Oracle Accessing Data

Oct 22, 2001

There is any tools or products that allow Oracle Users to access SQL 2000 data in realtime? I know how to go in the opposite direction using linked servers, but am not sure on this direction,


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Data Access :: Setting Up Oracle Linked Server

Sep 15, 2011

I have a requirement to set up an Oracle linked server, Ive never done this before and in fact never touched Oracle so I dont really know what I am doing.

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Import Access Tables (set Up As Pass-through Table Types To Oracle )--OLE DB Connection To Access Cannot See Them

Mar 17, 2008

Access Connection

create a new Connection Manager by right-clicking in the Connection Managers section of the design area of the screen. Select New OLE DB Connection to bring up the Configure OLE DB Connection Manager dialog box. Click New to open the Connection Manager. In the Provider drop-down list, choose the Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider and click OK.
Browse to the Access database file and connection set up---all good!!!

Dataflow task
Add an OLE DB Source component
Double-click the icon to open the OLE DB Source Editor. Set the OLE DB Connection Manager property to the Connection Manager that I created . Select Table from the Data Access Mode drop-down list.
I cannot see the tables set up as set up as pass-through table types to a Oracle 9i db

Any ideas please help

thanks in advance

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Transfering Tables And Data From Oracle To Sql Server 2005

Nov 15, 2006

I have a oracle database that creates a table (to store call records) everyday and places data into it. How can i use Interation services to transfer the newly created tables to an SQL server database (SQL server 2005).

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Integration Services :: Export All Tables Data From Oracle To Server?

Apr 24, 2015

I would like to export all tables from Oracle 11.2 to MS SQL Server 2012 R1.

Using the tool "Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant v6.0 for Oracle" did not work for me because there are too many warnings and errors regarding the schema creation (MS cannot know it because they are not the schema designer). My idea is to leave/skip the schema creation to the application designer/supplier and instead concentrate on the Oracle data export and MS SQL data import.

What is the easiest way to export all tables data from Oracle to MS SQL Server quickly?

Is it:

- the „MS SQL Import and Export Data“ Tool
- the “MS SQL Integration Services” Tool
- not Oracle dump *.dmp format because it is a propritery binary format
- flat file *.csv (delimited format)

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Ms Sql Server Accessing Oracle Loses Precision

Dec 1, 2004

We have a view in a 9205 oracle database. We can query fine
and the decimal precision is there.
When we query this same view from ms sql server we lose the precision
so 115.25 becomes 115.
does anyone know a workaround for this?

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Problem In Accessing SQL Server Views From Oracle Using TG4MSQL(Transparent Gateway Connectivity)

Dec 13, 2005

Dear All,I am using the oracle transparent gateway connectivity with sql serverusing tg4msql,as far assettings are concerned those were set and Connectivity is working Fine,and getting the responsefrom that is description what I done as:-There is a View on Sqlserver whichis Join of 6 tables and havedata around 1 million in 2 tables and 0.5 million in rest of thetables, as the Query for creatingsqlserver view is given below:CREATE view Account_anila_test asSELECT ......(around 50 Columns)FROM GE_Init.dbo.Person INNER JOINGE_Init.dbo.Konto ON GE_Init.dbo.Person.Person_ID =GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Person_ID INNER JOINGE_Init.dbo.Produkt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Produkt_ID =GE_Init.dbo.Produkt.Produkt_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.calcKontoOBSdt.Konto_ID LEFT OUTER JOINGE_Init.dbo.calcKonto ON GE_Init.dbo.Konto.Konto_ID =GE_Init.dbo.calcKonto.Konto_IDWHERE (GE_Init.dbo.Konto.SlettetKonto = 0) AND(GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting = 0OR GE_Init.dbo.CRMKonto.MarkertForSletting IS NULL)Now,I made a table in oracle adjacent to sqlserver View and Inserteddata as:INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TEST11(.....)SELECT .............FROM Person@dbl_getgc1 a INNER JOINKonto@dbl_getgc1 b ON a."Person_ID" = b."Person_ID" INNER JOINProdukt@dbl_getgc1 c ON b."Produkt_ID" = c."Produkt_ID" LEFT OUTER JOINCRMKonto@dbl_getgc1 d ON b."Konto_ID" = d."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTER JOINcalcKontoOBSdt@dbl_getgc1 e ON b."Konto_ID" = e."Konto_ID" LEFT OUTERJOINcalcKonto@dbl_getgc1 f ON b."Konto_ID" = f."Konto_ID"WHERE (b."SlettetKonto" = 0) AND (d."MarkertForSletting" = 0 ORd."MarkertForSletting" IS NULL);This insert Satement worked fine,but when I inserted from the viewalready created in SQLSERVER as:-INSERT INTO ACCOUNT_TEST11(.....)SELECT .............FROM Account_anila_test@dbl_getgc1;This gave a following error:-"WEB_30_SUM", "WEB_360_COUNT", "WEB_360_SUM", "WEB_90_COUNT","WEB_90_SUM"*ERROR at line 48:ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned thismessage:[Transparent gateway for MSSQL]ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from DBL_GETGC1Elapsed: 00:01:01.04after this I set The paramater "HS_FDS_TRACE_LEVEL=ON" in INIt file oftg4msql Folder then in thetrace File of tg4msql folder following error comes:-(0)(0) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired (SQL State:S1T00; SQL(0) Code: 0)(0)If any one has Faced the similar kind of problem and Can help me,Pleaselet me Know where I amdoing Wrong and How this error can be ractified.Waiting For Reply ASAP.RegardsLovkesh

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Using DTS To Move Data From Oracle To Access

Apr 7, 2004

I'm attempting to move data from an Oracle table to an Access table using an Oracle stored procedure in DTS. The problem is that you can't pass parameters to an Oracle stored proc when its called in a data pump task. Is there a way to pass global variables into an Oracle stored procedure which retrieves data and moves it to an Access database? Maybe in an Active X task? We are required to use an Oracle stored procedure by our DBA's or else I'd just pass the variables into a SQL string and use it in the data pump task.

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Setting Up Oracle Linked Server : Need Help : Sql2005 Running On XP Linking In Oracle 10.2

Oct 26, 2006

Is there any step by step help sites for setting up SQL 2005 linked (oracle 10) server?

I find MSDN articles but they referance winNT and 2000, I'm not getting very far and I'm not a DBA but need to get this working asap.

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Trouble With: Linked Server To Oracle Using OraOLEDB.ORacle Provider

Jan 11, 2007



I am running SQL Server 2005 on Win2k3:

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio      9.00.2047.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools      2005.090.2047.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)      2000.086.1830.00 (srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447)
Microsoft MSXML      2.6 3.0 4.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer      6.0.3790.1830
Microsoft .NET Framework      2.0.50727.42
Operating System      5.2.3790

I have the OraOLEDB.Oracle provider installed to the (C:oraclexe) directory.

I am having problems querying from linked oracle server.  When i setup oracle as a linked server and purposely enter an incorrect password the query i run tells me i have an incorrect password.   So it at least knows that.  when i set the correct password and run a query I get this error:

(i replaced the real server name with "someServer".)

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SomeServer" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.

Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "SomeServer".


This is how I set up my Linked server:

Provider: "Oracle Provider for OLE DB"

Product Name: SomeServer

Data Source: SomeServer

Provider String:  "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=SomeServer;User Id=MyLogin;Password=MyPassword"



The query I run is:

Select * from [Someserver].[schema or database]..[tbl_name]


Any help???  What am i missing?

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SQL 2012 :: XML / CLOB And BLOB Data Access From Oracle

Jun 10, 2014

How to access the XML, CLOB and BLOB Oracle data through linked server from SQL Server 2012?

I want to retrieve XML, CLOB and BLOB data from SQL Server 2012 through Oracle Linked server .

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Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) For Windows

Mar 19, 2008

Can I create ODP.NET connection in my SSIS connection manager. I had downloaded and installed ODP.NET on my server provided by oracle. The idea is I need to test this provider and see what is the difference connecting oracle database and the data load speed.

thank you

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Accessing Oracle DB From SSMS

Jun 9, 2008

How can I use SSMS to display and query an Access database tables.

I can see all the tables when I use a Visual studio dataset designer tool, But i want to be able to do that using SSMS.

Any idea, pls?

thank you very much :)

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Data Access :: Return String From Oracle Anonymous Block

Oct 30, 2015

I am trying to execute oracle procedure (anonymous block) with input and output parameters from ms sql code and return 2 values back:a number and a string.I am using **EXEC() AT** to execute oracle code and return a string back to ms sql. It works fine when returning numbers, but if I add a string output parameter, I am receiving an error:Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0...A severe error occurred on the current command.  The results, if any, should be discarded.

The server log has the following entry in exception.txt:

Exception 0xc0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 00000005031C07E0 at 0x0000000070F9C183
There is also a SQLDump file generated:
*   10/28/15 12:45:38 spid 63
*   Exception Address = 000000005040C183 Module(MSVCR100+000000000003C183)


It looks like the problem is in passing varchar2 from oracle into ms sql. I had logging code in oracle block, and it works fine. I have found a few examples of using **exec() at** but there is always only integer output passed back.

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Loading Data From Same Table (oracle) In To Diff SQL Tables With In Same Package(same Query)

Nov 14, 2007


I have Table A . we already have 80 columns . we have to add 65 more columns.

we are populating this table from oracle .and we need to populate those 65 columns again from the same table.

Is it a better idea to add those new 65 columns to the same table or new table.

If we go for the same table then loading time will be double, If I go for new table and If i am able to run both the packages which loads table data from same oracle server to difffrent sql tables then we should be good. But if we run in to temp space issues on oracle server . Then i have to load the two tables separately which consumes the same time as earlier one.

I was thinking if there is a way in SSIS where I can pull data from same oracle table in to two diff sql tables at same time?

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Integration Services :: Exporting Data From Oracle Tables Into Text Files

Feb 2, 2010

I am transferring data from Oracle tables into text files, and facing these errors.

1. I have a varaible working as an expression and my query goes into that variable and onwards that variable is passed to dataflow task, which parse the query. my query is simple saying "Select * from PLS.ABC" where PLS is my schema, but the task generates error "Opening a rowset for "Select * from PLS.ABC" failed. check that the table exists in the database. and surely the table is there.

2. I have a foreach loop that iterates through all the table names and the table names are passed onwards to the varaible query, the dataflow task inside the foreach loop gets the variable query and will generate text files based on tablenames which i have supplied in another variable to the connectionstring property of the flatfile destination. Is it possible or not. all the tables have different columns and i need the output in text files.

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Sql Server 2005 Sp2 And Oracle Access

Nov 21, 2006

When I try to create a model in Report Builder based on a connection to Oracle 10g database I get the following error.


Is this a bug in the CTP version or am I missing something?

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How To VIEW Oracle Tables In SQL Server ?

Aug 5, 2002

Is there a way to view the Oracle (8i) databaes, tables and data in SQL 2000 without physically importing those the tables ?


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Recommendations For Oracle Access From SSIS 64-bit Server?

Dec 3, 2006

We're having issues with Microsoft's 64 bit Oracle OLE-DB driver... when we escalated to Microsoft PSS they recommended that we go with Oracle's OLE-DB driver since Microsoft's hasn't been modified in a few years.

I've seen a lot of differing opinions on this topic (almost everyone says do not use Oracle's driver) and am wondering if there's a definitive answer here.


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Exporting Sql Server 2000 Tables To Oracle 10.2G

Jan 10, 2008

Dear All,
I am working on a project to migrate a .net desktop application to web based application using ASP.NET 2.0.
The present app has lots of tables with data in sql server 2000. The new app is to have Oracle 10.2 G as data store.
Although the data store is being changed most of the tables in the present database will remain same along with the data they hold.
My problem is:
1) how to transfer the tables to the new datastore 10.2 G in an automated way?
After all it's not possible to create each table afresh in Oracle and then insert records into each table one by one. If that is done it will take atleast few months if not years.
2) can I export the tables to a xml file and then import it from Oracle.How to do that?
It has become a nightmare for me.
Pls suggest the easiest way and which takes the minimum time.
A solution to the problem will be gratefully accepted.

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Need To Copy All Oracle Tables To SQL Server 2005

Jan 31, 2007

I am racking my brain on this one. I am migrating Oracle data to SQL Server and would like an SSIS package that will copy the oracle data from every table to SQL server. I already have the schema set up in SQL and a straight copy of a specified table works fine between the OLEDB source and OLEDB destination. However, when I set up a loop which sets a global variable for the table names, which are identical on both dbs, and try to set the OLEDB Source and Destination OpenRowsetVariable to the global variable, the process fails with these errors with all validation turned off:

[OLE DB Source [18]] Warning: Cannot retrieve the column code page info from the OLE DB provider. If the component supports the "DefaultCodePage" property, the code page from that property will be used. Change the value of the property if the current string code page values are incorrect. If the component does not support the property, the code page from the component's locale ID will be used.

[OLE DB Source [18]] Error: Column "ID" cannot be found at the datasource.

[DTS.Pipeline] Error: component "OLE DB Source" (18) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202005.

To sum up, I want to set the tables dynamically and have them infer the mappings. The names of the columns are already the exact same on each schema, and the data types are mapped accordingly. I have already verified that the names of the tables have been formatted correctly for each database. If I can't do it this way then how?

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SQL Server Equivalent For Oracle System Tables/Views

Sep 12, 2006

We are in the process of supporting two databases (Oracle 10g, SQL Server 2005) for our application.

I want to know what is the equivalent Tables/Views in SQL Server for the Oracle System tables dba_tab_comments, dba_tab_cols

Thanks in advance

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Issues Using Parameterised Reports Connecting To Oracle Using ODBC And Microsoft OLE DB Provider For Oracle

Sep 12, 2007

I have an issue using parameterised reports connecting to Oracle using "ODBC" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" using parameteried reports. The following error is generated "ORA-01008 not all variables bound (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)" and a similiar one for ODBC. It works fine for simple reports. Do these 2 drivers have issues passing parameters for a remote Oracle query?

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Output Column Has A Precision That Is Not Valid (loading From Oracle Using OraOLEDB.Oracle.1)

Apr 2, 2007


I'm loading from Oracle using the OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 provider since I need unicode support and I get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error at myTask [DTS.Pipeline]: The "output column "myColumn" (9134)" has a precision that is not valid. The precision must be between 1 and 38.


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0204018 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)


For most of my queries to Oracle I can cast the columns to get rid of the error (CAST x AS DECIMAL(10) etc), but this does not work for:

1) Union

I have a select like "SELECT NVL(myColumn, 0) .... FROM myTable UNION SELECT 0 AS myColumn, .... FROM DUAL"

Even if I cast the columns in both selects (SELECT CAST(NVL(myColumn, 0) AS DECIMAL(10, 0) .... UNION SELECT CAST(0 AS DECIMAL(10, 0)) AS myColumn, .... FROM DUAL) I still get the error above.

2) SQL command from variable

The select basically looks like this:

"SELECT Column1, Column2, ... FROM myTable WHERE Updated BETWEEN User::LastLoad AND User::CurrentLoad"

Again, even if I cast all columns (like in the union), I still get the same error.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Oracle Connection Fail With Microsoft OLEDB Provider For Oracle MSDAORA.1

Feb 22, 2006


On my dev server I have working ssis packages that use connections Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle MSDAORA.1 and Oracle provider for oledb and OracleClient data provider.

I use one or the other according to my needs.

In anticipation and to prepare for the build of a new production server, I have build a test server from scratch and deployed to it the entire dev.

Almost everything works except Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle.

ssis packages on the test machine will return an error

Error at Pull Calendar from One [OLE DB Source [1]]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "one.oledb" failed with error code 0xC0202009.

Error at Pull Calendar from One [DTS.Pipeline]: component "OLE DB Source" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.

[Connection manager "one.oledb"]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.

An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Oracle error occurred, but error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.".

I have used the same installers for OS, SQL and Oracle SQL*Net on both dev and test machines. The install and then the restore/deployment on Test went fine.

Does anyone could point me to the right direction to solve this issue?



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Oracle Publication Error:The Permissions Associated With The Administrator Login For Oracle Publisher 'test1' Are Not Sufficient

Jan 12, 2006


I am trying to make an oracle publiching from sql server 2005 enterprise final release, i installed the oracle client  10.2 (10g) on the same server where sql server already installed, i made different connection to oracle database instance and it was  ok.


from sql server : right click on publication -New oracle publication-Next-Add Oracle Publisher-Add button-Add Oracle Publisher-i entered server insttance test1 and their users and passwords--connect --->

the oracle publisher is displayed in the list of publisher but when press ok i got the following error :

TITLE: Distributor Properties

An error occurred applying the changes to the Distributor.

For help, click:


SQL Server could not enable 'test1' as a Publisher. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


The permissions associated with the administrator login for Oracle publisher 'test1' are not sufficient.
Changed database context to 'master'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 21684)

For help, click:



Any idea about this error ?


Tarek Ghazali
SQL Server MVP.


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Inserting Into Oracle Table That Has DATE_HIGH As A Partition And Need Oracle Sequence Used

May 11, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I've been searching for a solution for this for a week-ish, so I thought I would post my quesiton directly. Here is my scenario..

Source: MS SQL Server

Destination: Oracle 10g

The destination table has a partition set on a column called "DATE_HIGH". How do I populate this date high column in my package? Currently I just have a source object, and a destination object, but I'm unclear how to populate this field in the destination. I've read one blog that states "use OLE DB Command" - but that isn't enough information for me to implement - Can someone be more specific in these steps? Here is an example of what my newb-ness needs to understand

OLE DB Source (Select * from Table) ---> OLE DB Command (What query goes here?) --> OLE DB Destination.

Second part of my question: There is a second column called "ROW_NUM" and there is an Oracle Sequence provided to me... What objects do I need (Source, Destination, OLE DB Command etc...) and how do I call this sequence to populate on the fly as I'm loading data from my source?

If these are simple questions - my appologies, I am new to the product.

Best Regards,

Steve Collins

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Unable To Connect To Oracle Using Microsoft OLEDB Provider For Oracle

Aug 23, 2007

Hi everybody,

I have designed a DTS package which will migrate a view from Sqlserver 2000 to Oracle.My package is using Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle driver for connecting to oracle.Im able to execute this package on the my system ie on the system where sqlclient is installed(Oracle client is also installed on my machine) .But when im doing it on the server im not able to do it.The Connection to Oracle Fails.
I wanted to know in order to connect to Oracle from the server,is it necessary that Oracle has to be installed on the server?.If yes, is it enough if i install oracle client on the server or Oracle Server version has to be installed on Server.

Please suggest me wht should i do know?

Thanks in advance

Arvind L

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