Data Design Issues

Dec 15, 2004

I am working on a Project Management application, and I have two data design issues I am debating.

The key element of this app, as you might expect, is Project. The project will proceed through many phases, from Planning, to Pre-Design, Design, Bid, Construction and Post Construction. All along the way there are a number of discrete tasks that must be performed and tracked.

I bounce back and forth in my mind between a single Project table that encapsulates all of these tasks, but am hesitant because I'm not a big fan of large monolithic tables. Alternatively, I could logically create separate tables for the various phases. However, this would create a series of one-to-one relationships between Project and the Phase tables, and require extra joins. The performance hit would probably not be too bad, but I would need to add extra code in either the app code or stored procedures to create an empty record in each of the phase tables when a new project is added. (Obviously, projects in planning or design will not have active records in the Construction and Post Construction tables). What are your thoughts about these choices?

Secondly, I have to manage data for a lot of individuals, which basically break down into two groups. First are internal employees who will have tasks routed to them, be invited to meetings, etc. Second are external vendors, basically contractors and consultants, who will be performing work and also be invited to meetings and such. I need to track the participants in meetings and inspections, so will have a Meeting Participant table to capture the many-to-many relationship. My issue is structuring the handling of the people. One option is to have a Person table, which basically includes everybody, with a flag field for internal or external people, and categories for their roles. Second is a table for internal folks and a table for external, or separate tables for Consultants, Contractors, and internal Employees. However, this makes capturing the meeting participants more cumbersome.

What is the collective wisdom on these? Thanks!

Jeff Little

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Data Base Design-need Help

May 8, 2008

Hello friends,
i would like to create an e-commerce website,for selling music,video,games and books, i also want    to extend its functionality to electronic products also.
the problem is ,music,books,videos  and electronic goods will have different properties like author,music director,company,ISBN number,..etc,i am very confused about data base design,want to add sub categories also like light music,classical,history books,technical books etc...can anyone give suggestions?  

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Data Warehousing Design

Jan 9, 2006


We are starting with designing a datawarehouse for my company. I have done some reading on the concepts and steps involved, but what I am seriously lacking is some examples. I'd like to read through some real examples of data warehouses that worked including the full design diagrams.
Can anyone direct me to some good sites for this?


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Need Help In Data Base Design

Apr 5, 2007

Hello friends,I have to design a database for banking application,but it is my first db design so i need some expert advice.

Data base has some performance constraint i.e high output ,minimum query time,need to process 2 to 5 million transaction per day.

Further specification can be revealed if appropriate help is provided.

your advice will be of great help for me.


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Data Input Screen Design

Sep 14, 2000

does anyone know of easy to use tools to design input screens to access sql version 7 databases

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Best Design Transfer Data Between Two Server.

Nov 28, 2007

Hi All,

What is the best way to transfer data from a web-farm to another server for web-report?

Daily Schedule job?

What are the advance and dis-advance of each type?

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Scientific Data Table Design

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to SQL 2005. I have to design schema for scientific data warehouse. Data is available in 2 or more flat data files recorded at 1 sec interval. At Least 2 of the data files have 100+ columns. I am inclined to create a table per data file type. I want to know If this is correct/optimal for me to do?

I don't think I can create normalize tables based on the headers in these Data files.

Primary Objective of this data warehouse is make it available for reporting services and Analysis Services.

Any suggestions or tutorials for me?

Vinod Kushwaha

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Need Help For Design Data Flow Task

Nov 14, 2007

Hi frns,

I am new to SSIS. I need some help in designing the below dataflow task.

-- Teacher creates several tasks and each task is assigned to multiple students
-- The teacher table contains contains all the tasks created a every teacher
use ods
create table teacher
yr int,
tid int,
tname varchar(20),
taskid int


insert into teacher values(2007,101,'suraj','task1')
insert into teacher values(2007,101,'suraj','task2')
insert into teacher values(2007,102,'bharat','task3')

insert into teacher values(2007,103,'paul','task4')
insert into teacher values(2007,103,'paul','task5')
insert into teacher values(2007,103,'paul','task6')

-- Teacher "suraj" has created 2 tasks
-- Teacher "bharat" has created 1 task

select * from ods..teacher
yr tid tname taskid
2007 101 suraj 1111
2007 101 suraj 1122
2007 102 bharat 2222

-- Students table contains studentid(sid),teacherid(i,e tid ) & taskid
drop table students

create table students
yr int,
sid varchar(10),
tid int,
taskid varchar(10)

truncate table students

insert into students values(2007,'stud1',101,'task1')
insert into students values(2007,'stud1',101,'task2')

insert into students values(2007,'stud2',101,'task1')
insert into students values(2007,'stud2',101,'task2')

--Note : stud1,stud2 comes under teacher with tid "101"

insert into students values(2007,'stud3',102,'task3')

-- Note : stud3 and stud4 comes under teacher with tid "102"

insert into students values(2007,'stud4',103,'task4')
insert into students values(2007,'stud4',103,'task5')
insert into students values(2007,'stud4',103,'task6')

insert into students values(2007,'stud5',103,'task4')

select * from students
yr sid tid taskid
2007 stud1 101 task1
2007 stud1 101 task2

2007 stud2 101 task1
2007 stud2 101 task2

2007 stud3 102 task3
2007 stud4 103 task4
2007 stud4 103 task5
2007 stud4 103 task6
2007 stud5 103 task4

Now in my target table i need to load the data in a such a way that

use targetdb
drop table trg

create table trg
yr int, -- data should load from teacher.yr
tid int,
taskid int(20),
cnt int


Mapping in target column and value to be loaded
yr -- teacher.yr
tid --
taskid -- this need to start a new sequence of numbers starting from 1 for each teacher and dont want the task id to be copied as it is.
cntofstudents -- need to count no of students from "students" table for a given teacher and for his assignment

For example for teacherid "101" and taskid "task1" there are 2 students
again for the same teacher "101" and taskid "task2" there are 2 students

For teacher "102" and taskid "task3" there is only 1 student

Similary for teacher "103"


Teacher table | Students Table
yr | yr
tid | tid

After i run the ETL the data should look as follows :

insert into trg values(2007,101,1,2)
insert into trg values(2007,101,2,2)

insert into trg values(2007,102,1,1)

insert into trg values(2007,103,1,2) -- task4 is created by teacher "103" and assigned to 2 students stud4 and stud5
insert into trg values(2007,103,2,1) -- task5 is created by teacher "103" and assigned to 1 student i.e stud4
insert into trg values(2007,103,3,1) -- task6 is created by teacher "103" and assigned to 1 student i.e stud5

Note : If u observer the values in 3rd column of the trg table, instead of directly mapping the taskid we need to generate a separate sequence for every teacher.

BottomLine : for each and every task created by each teacher there should be a unique record along with the count of students in "STUDENTS" table

Can anyone help me out in designing the Data Flow task for this Functionality.


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Scientific Data Table Design

Dec 14, 2007

I am new to SQL 2005. I have to design schema for scientific data warehouse. Data is available in 2 or more flat data files recorded at 1 sec interval. At Least 2 of the data files have 100+ columns. I am inclined to create a table per data file type. I want to know If this is correct/optimal for me to do?

I don't think I can create normalize tables based on the headers in these Data files.

Primary Objective of this data warehouse is make it available for reporting services and Analysis Services.

Any suggestions or tutorials for me?

Vinod Kushwaha

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DB Design :: How To Use Encrypted Data In Oracle DB

Jun 26, 2015

I am using a sql server 2012 and having a database "Test".In this database , having a table "Employee". I have encrypted the employe table data with the password. How can is use these employee data in oracle server. ie;How can I show the employee data as the encrypted  and decrypted form of data in Oracle server( The actual encryption happened only in SQL DB).

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DB Design :: How To Condense Data In A Table

Jul 21, 2015

I have data that is similar in nature to stock market data. There are about 100 entries per day. I would like to setup a second table to supply chart information. (assuming 1000 pixels per chart max) 

What is the best way to condense the information in this table so that if I query for a chart, the table returns about 1000 points? I could have several tables setup, one for short term, and one or two for longer term. But I still don't know how to condense them. 

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SQL - Data Download Schdual Design

Dec 18, 2007


I am new to SQL server, currently using 2005, my web server using 2000, we have also 2000 installed, which has enterprise.

I would like to create a schedual for daily data download to our local server, if it is possible in 2005, or may be we can use 2000 enterprise, but I am really stuck how to set this into my system.

Please someone help...

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Design Question Regarding Comma Delimited Data

Feb 15, 2007


I'm trying to figure out if it's good design practice to have several pieces of data in a one column. I explain by example. Let's say you build a movie site. Each movie can belong to several categories. A movie can be Action, Adventure, Fantasy and Drama all at once. Assume a database table with all the movies and another table with all the categories. Now how would I associate one movie with several categories? Would it be OK if I add a Category field in the movie table and then add several categories in that, delimited by commas? Sort of like below:

movie_title                  | movie_rating |        category_name--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pirates of the Carribean |      PG-13        | Action,Adventure,FantasyEvil Dead                     |      Unrated      | Horrorand so on ...I can then query the database with a LIKE query if I want to select all movies of a certain category. Personally, I don't like this approach to much, but I can't think of another way to achieve this. Well, there is one other, but I like that one even less. I could create another table that links each movie to a category, but his way each movie with several categories would get a new row. Using the table above, Pirates would get three rows in that table. One with Action, one with Adventure and one with Fantasy. Get my drift? It all seems counter-intuitive. Thoughts? 
Thanks :o)

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Database Data Type Design (Strings Vs. 1's And 0's)

Mar 17, 2008

 Hello guys, I am a hobbyist programmer and now that I have started, I was wondering about the correct way to enter data into a table.  For example, i have a table called players with a field called status.  What should I code the status as?  "Active" or "Retired" or 1 and 0? I thought using 1 and 0 would be better as far as database size, but it is pretty difficult to understand how to modify the gridview.  I come from PHP and everything is a lot more accesible there as far as modification of output.  Thanks in advance! 

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Solution Design For High Volume Of Data

Apr 18, 2006


I have been asked to design a solution for a client of mine who basically requires the daily analysis and reconciliation of the differences between 2 extremely large text files.

The files are not in an identical format but are both in some form of delimited format (one is CSV, the other is a little more complex). For the sake of this question, let's assume that I can effectively import each file into an MS SQL table.

Each file will have in excess of 100,000 rows each day (new data for each day).

Whilst I know that MS SQL does easily have the capacity to store the data, is there a recommended way to tackle the potential problems (I imagine that performance is important... they will be running the report every day)

Or is building the solution as simple as importing the data into 2 tables, and then querying the differences and outputting as a report using Crystal?

Any suggestions appreciated.



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Data Model Design For Query Performance

Apr 22, 2008

I have an opportunity to rebuild a database model with the express purpose of improving query performance. So given the following I have a few questions.

Table A (~500M records)
Primary Key Field (int)
Field 1 (varchar)
Field 2 (varchar)
Field 3 (varchar)
Field 4 (varchar)
Field 5 (varchar)

Table B (1B+ records)
Primary Key Field (int)
Foreign Key Field (int)
Field 1 (varchar)
Field 2 (varchar)
Field 3 (varchar)
Field 4 (varchar)
Field 5 (varchar)

* Assumed: Tables are inner joined on all queries. The database is readonly.

-- Most of my lookups are based on querying Field 1 of Table A. The data content of Field 1, Table A is 90% unique.
1) Would it be more beneficial to put the clustered index on Field 1 instead of the PK field in Table A?
2) Can an Identity column be non-clustered?
3) Alternatively, would it be beneficial to build a separate lookup table with just the PK & Field 1 of Table A, with a clustered index on the lookup table Field 1 which I join on Table A? (did that make sense?)

-- I have a secondary lookup that performs queries on Fields 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 of Table B
1) Would it be more beneficial to create an additional indexed lookup column of the concantenated values of Fields 1-5 of Table B versus a covering index of all 5 columns?
2) Does a clustered index have to be unique?
3) Would a clustered index be more beneficial over Fields 1-5 or the special lookup column versus the PK or FK fields?
4) Would creating a special lookup table with just the requisite fields be more beneficial?

An extra question. The existing data model uses the CHAR datatype for all columns less than 9 characters wide and the columns are set to allow nulls. This requires every select statement to COALESCE() and RTRIM() all these columns. I intend to make all (affected) columns VARCHAR, NOT NULL with a default value of a 0-length string.
Will this enhance query performance?

Thanks in advance for any insight.

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Design For Storing And Querying Historical Data

Aug 2, 2007

I am working on a project, which involves displaying trends of certain aggregate values over time. For example, suppose we want to display how the number of active and inactive users changed over time.

One issue is how to store historical data. First of all, should I create a separate database for each historical snapshot or should I use one database for all snapshots? Second, our database size is a couple of gigabytes and replicating the entire database on a daily basis is not feasible. An alternative solution is to back up aggregate values, but how do I back up results of aggregate queries, where the user can specify a date range in the WHERE-clause? Another solution is to create fact tables from our relational schema and back those up.

Another issue is how to query historical data. Using multiple databases to store historical snapshots makes it harder to query.

As you can see there are several design alternatives and I would like to know how this sort of problem is generally solved in the industry. Does SQL Server provide any support for solving this problem?


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Design Question From Data Mining Newbie

Nov 15, 2006


We currently have about 900 stored procedures which have logic to group healthcare claims into different 'Edit Groups' depending on the logic within each 'Edit' stored procedure.

Examples of the logic for the Edit stored procedures would be something like:

Edit1: Find all claims from same patient and same provider (matching on SubsriberID and ProviderID) which has a procedure code in (P1, P2, P3....P345) and a diagnosis code in (D1, D2,...D123) and does NOT have a modifer code in (M1, M2, M3)

Edit2: Find all claims from same patient and same provider (matching on SubsriberID and ProviderID) which has a procedure code in (P7, P8, P9....Pxxx) and a diagnosis code in (D1, D2,...Dyyy) and has a modifer code in (M3, M4, M7), which are dated within 120 days of each other.

Do you think one of the SQL Server 2005 Data mining algorithms (Clustering or Classification or Association Rules) could play some part in this? Most of the 900 stored procs can be grouped based on logic, I mean the logic is similar for each group and only the parameters (in brackets above) vary for each stored proc within the same group.

We're totally new to data mining, although we do have some moderately complex cubes running. Which algorithm (if any) would be the most appropriate for our needs?

Thanks for any help,

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DB Design :: Cannot Delete Data From A Partitioned Table

Sep 30, 2015

I have a very large table that I am trying to partition and use to reduce maintenance overhead as well as improve performance. The table contains about 12 years worth of data but only the most recent years is inserted/updated/deleted from thru the app. I created partitions on a computed(persisted) column which holds the "year" value derived from a date column. I have created the partitions with all the default set options, and the stored procedure which performs the delete against this table also was created with no special set options(basically database/session default). Yet, every time I try to run the proc to delete data thru the app, I get this error:

Msg 1934, Level 16, State 1, Procedure xxxx, Line 118
DELETE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_WARNINGS'. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations.

I've tried setting ANSI_WARNINGS on and off when creating the proc, inside the proc etc.., its always the same error whatever I set the option to.

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Generic Staging Design Of Data Warehouse

Jan 6, 2006

I have a question about staging design using SSIS. Has anyone come up with an ETL design that would read table names from a generic table and dynamically create the ETL to stage the table.

1. Have a generic table which would have table name and description and whatever else that was required.

2. Have a master ETL that would enumerate through the table and stage all the table names found in the generic table.

This way I wouldn't have to create an ETL which would hardcode the names of 300-500 tables and have the appropriate 300-500 data sources and targets listed.

Not sure if I am making sense but I hope someone understands the attempt.


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DB Design :: Inserting Data From 3 Tables Into 1 Table

Jun 10, 2015

I have 3 tables (accnt, jobcost, and servic15). all with the same fields (code, jno, ven, date). I need to insert the data from these tables into another table called dummy with the same fields, in one statement or query.

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Large Volumes Of Varchar Data - Design Advice

Jul 6, 2006

Hello all,

I have recently been task with rewriting a database that holds large volumes of data, whilst ensuring that query can be run in optimal time. Having never really delved into this sort of thing before, I hoped you guys might be able to offer some advice and guidance.

The design I have inherited is based around 2 main tables:

[id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL
[snmp_version] [int] NULL
[community_name] [varchar] (255)
[packet_type] [varchar] (50)
[oid] [varchar] (500)
[source_ip] [varchar] (15)
[generic] [int] NULL
[specific] [int] NULL
[time_stamp] [varchar] (15)
[trap_entered] [datetime] NULL
[status] [int] NULL

[id] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL
[captured_trap_id] [int] NOT NULL
[varbind_oid] [varchar] (500)
[varbind_text] [varchar (500)

The relationship between the two tables is on the "captured_traps (id)" to "captured_varbinds (captured_trap_id)". Currently the "captured_traps" table contains around 350 million rows, the "captured_varbinds" table contains around 900 million rows.

Now as you can probably gather this model runs like a....well it sort of hobbles more than runs hence the need to redesign.

My current thoughts on this are:

- Normalising all varchars - there is alot of duplicate values in most of the varchar fields.
- Full Text Indexing

However beyond that I am not sure which route to go down. After googling for most of today I have come across a number of "solutions" however I do not want to go steaming down the track of one of these to discover that it is fatally flawed somewhere.

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SQL 2012 :: Design To Store Different Forms And Form Data?

Oct 17, 2014

I am looking to store the different forms and data in our database. We have several different forms and contains different information. I am looking for different approaches to model this table structure.

Also, I need to make sure the table structure will allow for new forms.

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Database Design Question - Holding Additional Data

Oct 1, 2007

I've done some basic database design in the past, but am a relative newbie to design. I have recently come across a situation I'm not sure how to handle. Here's the situation...

Assume we've got a contacts table which holds information about our contacts. All contacts have the same basic information - name, address, telephone, etc. Each contact is of a certain type - let's just say a, b, and c, for ease. This contact type is stored in the contacts table. Now, on contacts of type b, I also have to store some additional data. What it is doesn't really matter. I found a way to set this up, but I'm not sure that I'm going about it the right way, and would love some advice on the proper way to do this. Basically, what I did is create my contacts table:
Contact_id, contactName, ContactAddress, ContactPhone, ContactType.
Created a contacttype table
ContactType, ContactTypeDescription, ContactAddInfo

What I've done is left contactaddInfo as a nullable field. When it has a value, that value is the name of a table which holds the additional information that I need for the contact... So when I'm running a query, I can tell if I need to reference another table by checking the value of ContactAddInfo.

I can't imagine that this is the best solution, but it was the first thing that popped into my head, and it's a really small database that's using it. However, I'm now being faced with the same situation in a much more important, larger database, and I'd love to know the 'right' way.

Thanks for any guidance you can provide!

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Opinion About Design Needed (splitting String Data)

Dec 14, 2006

Hi to everyone,My problem is, that I'm not so quite sure, which way should I go.The user is inputing by second part application a long string (let'ssay 128 characters), which are separated by semiclon.Example:A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREENNow: each from this position, is already defined in any other table, asa separate record. These are the keys lets say. It means, a have someproperities for A20, BU, aso.Because this long inputed string, is a property of device (whih alsohas a lot of different properities) I could do two different ways ofstoring data:1. By writing, in SP, just encapsulate each of the position separatedby semicolon, and write into a different table with index of device,and the position in long stirng nearly in this way:Major device data tableID AnyData1 AnyData2 ... AnyData3123 MZD12 XX77 .... any comment text124 MZD13 XY55 ... any other commentString data Tablefk_deviceId position value123 1 A20123 2 BU123 3 AC40.....123 8 GREENThe device table, contains also a pointer (position), which mightchange, to "hglight" specified position.Then, I can very easly find all necessary data. The problem is, I needto move the device record data (from other table) very often into otherhistory table (by each update). That will mean, that I also need tomove all these records from 1 -8 for example to a separate historytable, holding the index for a history device dataset. This is a littleinconvinience in this, and in my opinion, it will use to much storagedata, and by programming, I need always to shift this properities intohistory table, whith indexes to a history table of other properities.2. Table will be build nearly in this way:Major device data tableID AnyData1 AnyData2 ... AnyData3 stringProperty pointer123 MZD12 XX77 .... any comment text A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREEN 3124 MZD13 XY55 ... any other comment A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREEN 2By writng into device table, there will be just a additional field forthis string, and I will have a function, which according to specifiedpointer, will get me the string part on the fly, while I need it.This will not require the other table, and will reduce the amout ofdata, not a lot ... but always.This solution, has a inconvinance, that it will be not so fast doing asearch over the part of this strings, while there will be no real indexon this.If I woould like to search all devices, by which the curent pointervalue is equal GREEN, then I need to use function for getting thevalue, and this one will be not indexed, means, by a lot amount ofdata, might be slow.I would like to know Your opinion about booth solutions.Also, if you might point me the other problems with any of thissolution, I might not have noticed.With Best RegardsMatik

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DB Design :: Restructuring Tables For Fast Data Retrieval?

May 28, 2015

I have below DB structure in MSSQL for a small application which follow relational approach. Data retrieval (for Hostels) will need several Join, may be Key-Value approach where data retrieval will be fast.



1 H1 Address1 1 1 2 20
2 H2 Address2 1 2 2 21
3 H3 Address3 2 2 1 17



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DB Design :: Cannot Change Datetime Default Data Type

Nov 17, 2015

Ilve install sql server 2012 in my pc and i want to change datetime default format. How can i do this and please i dont want to take the result from select convert() or select cast or something like this. I ve want to take the format i want writing query select datecolumn from table. 

Now the format i have is: 2015-11-16 09:04:00.000

And i want this format: 16.11.2015 09:04:00

Is any way to convert automaticaly by select only column? or can i change at all once? or must write function to when i select the column can change automatic ? or another thing, i ve see in column properties something like formula. In computed column specification in formula i wrote this: 

((CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(104))+' ')+CONVERT([varchar](10),getdate(),(108)))

And I take the format i want automaticaly but i get the current date for all rows and i cant edit or insert that column anymore. So, how to change the format of date time but no from select query.

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Convert Data Type In SSIS Design Time

Oct 2, 2007

Hi, all experts,

Is there a way in SSIS dev environment that will let you convert/cast data type at desing time?

Under data flow mappings, there are so many things you can do, but why I did not find any easy way to convert?

I got this validation warning about not supportng converting type DT_STR to DT_I4, or something like that on many occassions..

I am using OLEDB Source as source and SQL Server Destination as destination.

Am I missing something obvious?


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DB Design :: Create Table On Given Data Model Diagram

Jul 27, 2015

I never created table on the basis of Data model diagram . I have to create the 3 table on the basis of given Data model diagram. There are 3 tables


I have tried to create 2 table but unable to create 3rd table.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[md_geographylevel](
[type_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[geog_key] [int] NOT NULL,
[Type_description] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Store_flag] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[Type_short_desciption] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

[Code] ....

I am getting difficulties to create table script for table


How to create the table create script for


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DB Design :: How To Format Bit Data Type For Gender Field

Jun 23, 2013

I'm designing a database that stores personal details of students and teachers for a school. I, wish to know if a there is away of formatting the bit data type to male/female. Cause i am only able to achieve 0 and 1 in this data type. So is there any way to change it, or is there any other data type suitable to provide only two options Also the database should be protected in a way that students may not be able to view or change. Only teachers/admin have the right to access/modify the data.

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A Design Related Problem Regarding Filtering Data Pr Month

May 8, 2008

Hi all!

I have a problem.. I have a report, with subreports, which does the job it was supposed to do. Unfortunately, subreports does not export to Excel very well, so I have to come up with a solution without the use of subreports.

The scenario (keeping it simple)

I have a list of departments. Each department can have multiple costs attached to it. The cost happens on a specific date. Fairly straightforward and simplified

I want to view each departments costs, sorted by month, like this:

Jan - Feb - March - April....



I did this in the old report by passing the department ID and the date interval as parameters to a subreport and have the subreport return the sum of all the fields, which worked fine.

Now that the subreports can no longer be used, I'm struggling on how to sort my output on that date interval. I can group my result pr. department, but how to filter the result so that I get the right numbers in the right month... no luck yet.

As far as I know; I can't use different datasets in one table? I could have made a different dataset for each month...

Anyone know of a way to design this? I'm sure the problem isn't unique.
Does one have to aggregate the sums inside the SQL query instead?

Thanks for any replies!


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Design For Loading Data Without Knowlged Of Datatype Or Column Count

Jul 17, 2006

I am loading data from an external source into SQL Server via ASP.NET/C#. The problem is that I do not necessarily know the data types of each column coming in, perhaps until a user tells the application, which might not occur until after the data is loaded. Also, I cannot anticipate the number of columns coming in. What would table design look like?
Would you use a large table with enough columns (e.g. Column1, Column2, etc.) reasonable enough to accomodate all the columns that the source might have (32?), and use nchar as the datatype with the plan to convert/cast when I use the data? Isn't the cast kind of expensive?
Does this make sense? Surely other foplks have run into this....
My thanks!

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Design Data Storage For Feature Similar To Facebook Groups

Mar 13, 2008

Ok so facebook groups have 100,000's of members. Members can be part of an unlimited number of groups, and a group can have an unlimited number of members.

Comma Deliniated String seems absurd. Many-2-Many Database relationship seems like it won't scale well t the 10's of thousands and 100's of thousands of members (especially if you have 1000-5000 groups). A table for each group would work but thats a bit over the top in my opinion. XML file doesn't seem to be any better than the above options.

I am no database guru, but I can't figure out a scalable method of doing this, be it with or without a database. I need something that can support 10 groups that have 20 members each OR 1000 groups with 100,000 members each.

Any help, suggestions, or kicked in the right direction would be most appreciated.

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