Data Flow From SQL Server To Excel - 'Cannot Create An OLE DB Accessor'
Mar 7, 2008
Hello all,
I am creating an SSIS package that takes data from a SQL Server 2005 table, adds some columns, programatically changes some values based on business requirements, and then writes the output to an Excel template which I've already prepared. Everything seems to work fine, but the package always errors out when immediately after it hits the Excel Destintation component, with the following errors:
Error: 0xC0202009 at Process Quarterly Data, Export to Excel [12621]: An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
Error: 0xC0202025 at Process Quarterly Data, Export to Excel [12621]: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid.
Error: 0xC004701A at Process Quarterly Data, DTS.Pipeline: component "Export to Excel" (12621) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.
I have verified that the Excel destination file is writing the correct headers to the specified file. I thought that the issue might be that one of the dynamically created columns isn't matching the Excel file, so I manually checked each and every one of them (there are 248 columns, although a lot of them aren't really used - however, we are required to use the template provided , so must include fields in the specified order whether or not they have any data) and made sure that I selected the exact same datatype for each column. However, I still get the error and no rows are written to the Excel file.
Here is the code generated by the Excel Destination Manager:
Generated Code - Excel Destination (SSIS)
CREATE TABLE `xxx_LoadData` (
`Items per UOI` INTEGER,
`PB1 Quantity` INTEGER,
`PB1 Zone 1 Price` MONEY,
`PB1 Zone 1 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 2 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 2 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 3 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 3 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 4 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 4 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 5 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 5 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 6 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 6 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 7 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 7 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 8 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 8 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 9 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 9 Sale Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 10 Price` money,
`PB1 Zone 10 Sale Price` money,
/* Repeated through PB10 Zone 10 - code not shown for brevity */
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? I'm making an attempt to set up a process for the company, instead of throwing something together; while that would be much quicker (I've spent pretty much the whole day working on this), lack of processes are a big detriment to our current operations.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - I'm not that familiar with SSIS or its nuances just yet.
I was trying to get my data from olb table to excel. but i got this error my dataflow is as follows: oledb source-> excel destination
i have got a excel file template at the destination all ready. with the column names+ the sheet all ready. but somehow it got stuck... anybody can help? thanks!
I want to export data from SQL Server2005 to an Excel spreadsheet thru "Data Flow Task". I am using OLE DB for SQL Server for the source connection and a Connection To Excel as my destination source. The Excel spreadsheet (2003) exists and has the first row with column names. I don't have any warnings before trying to execute.
While executing the tasks, I got the error Error: 0xC0202025 at Data Flow Task, Excel Destination [427]: Cannot create an OLE DB accessor. Verify that the column metadata is valid. Error: 0xC004701A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "Excel Destination" (427) failed the pre-execute phase and returned error code 0xC0202025.
After analysing I found in the DataFlow --> Excel destination --> Advanced Editor for Excel Destination, the default data type for txtRemarks shows as "Unicode string [DT_WSTR]". But this is supposed to be "Unicode text stream [DT_NTEXT]". Even if I change the data type in the design time, It doesn't accept.
l've some excel files controlled by Vendor which changing frequently. The only thing does not change is the header name of each column.
So my question is, is there any way to create a new table based on the excel file selected including the column name in SSIS? So that l can use the data reader as source to select those columns l am interested on and start the integration.
I have a table customer wich has the columns phone_number(char type) and ok_to_call(bit type). There are already data in the table and the column ok_to_call only contains the value false for every row.
Now i want to update the latter column. I have a text file with a list of phone numbers and i want that all the rows in the Customer table(phone_number column)that matches the number in the text file to update ok_to_call to true.
This is to be done in SSIS(Integration Services). I'm new at this and i've looked around that tool but is a lot of items, packages and stuff so i dont know where to begin.
Would appreciate help on how to solve this issue in SSIS. What controlflow/Data flows to use,wich items and packages to use, how to configure and how to link together?
OLE DB source which calls a stored proc that returns a result set
data conversion
Excel destination I am in design mode in Business Intelligence studio. My excel destination (with an Excel Connection) shows no sheet name though I have an execute SQL task before the data flow to create the excel table called SHEET1. Needless to say, there are no output columns visible to do any mappings. I did go to the ExcelConnection to set the OpenRowset Property to SHEET1 but it seems to have no effect.
I can do the export in SQL Server Management studio and that works fine, but it is basic and does not meet my requirements. I have to customize the package to allow dynamic Excel filenames based on account names and have to split my result set into multiple excel sheets because excel 2003 has a max of 65536 rows per sheet. Also when I use the export wizard, I have the source as a table and eventually the source has to be a stored proc with input parms.
What am I missing or doing wrong? Thanks in advance
I am looking for a way to leave a Data Flow Task destination table name as-is, and have SSIS auto-create the table if it doesn't exist already.
I searched on this in the forums but based on the question it's difficult to kow if it has been answered or not.
I am writing some SSIS packages that need to be executable on another server. Many of the Data Flow Tasks copy data (such as from a Fuzzy Grouping transformation, and lots of other stuff) into a new table. But the other server will not have these tables set up for the first run.
My current solution is to check information_schema.tables and drop IF EXISTS. But, then the Data Flow Task will not work (becase table does not exist). So, I script to new window a create table statement based on the existing table that I use in my dev environment. This is a hack and I want to find a better method.
It is quite possible (although unlikely) that the source columns could be changed in the future, or some query used to pull the data might be modified. If this happens, then I would need to change the CREATE TABLE Execute SQL task. I want my package to accommodate without having to modify it.
When I use the Import/Export Wizard, I can select a table name from the drop down list OR type in a new name. When I type in the new name, it assumes I want to create the table. NOW, is there a way to mimic this in BI Developer Studio? Yep, I saved the Wizard version of the SSIS package and all it does is run a CREATE TABLE statement first.
I am looking for a way to leave a Data Flow Task destination table name as-is, and have SSIS auto-create the table if it doesn't exist already.
I need to pass a parameter from control flow to data flow. The data flow will use this parameter to get data from a Oracle source.
I have an Execute SQL task in control flow to assign value to the Parameter, next step is a data flow which will need take a parameter in the SQL statement to query the Oracle source,
The SQL Looks like this:
select * from ccst_acctsys_account
where to_char(LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, 'YYYYMMDD') >?
THe problem is the OLE DB source Edit doesn€™t have anything for mapping parameter.
I have an Execute SQL Task that returns a Full Rowset from a SQL Server table and assigns it to a variable objRecs. I connect that to a foreach container with an ADO enumerator using objRecs variable and Rows in first table mode. I defined variables and mapped them to the columns.
I tested this by placing a Script task inside the foreach container and displaying the variables in a messagebox.
Now, for each row, I want to write a record to an MS Access table and then update a column back in the original SQL Server table where I retreived data in the Execute SQL task (i have the primary key). If I drop a Data Flow Task inside my foreach container, how do I pass the variables as input to an OLE DB Destination on the Data Flow?
Also, how would I update the original source table where =
Thank you for your assistance. I have spent the day trying to figure this out (and thought it would be simple), but I am just not getting SSIS. Sorry if this has been covered.
Dear All! My package has a Data Flow Task. In Data Flow Task, I use a Script Component and a OLE BD Destination to transform data from txt file to database. Within Data Flow Task, I want to call File System Task to move file to a folder or any Task of "Control Flow" Tab. So, Does SSIS support this task? Please show me if any Thanks
I'm currently setting variables at the package level with an ExecuteSQL task. This works fine. However, I'm now starting to think about restartability midway through a package. It would be nice to have the variable(s) needed in a data flow set within the data flow so that I only have to restart that task.
Is there a way to do that using an SQL statement as the source of the value in a data flow?
OR, when using checkpoints will it save variable settings so that they are available when the package is restarted? This would make my issue a moot point.
Every month a client sends a spreadsheet with data which we use to update matching rows in a table in the database. I want to automate this using a DTS package but am having quite a bit of trouble accomplishing what I think should be trivial task. I've been attempting to use a Transform Data Task with a modification lookup but I just keep inserting the rows from the source excel spreadsheet in to the existing destination table without ever modifying the existing data.
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated as to a best practice approach.
I need to call a stored procedure to insert data into a table in SQL Server from SSIS data flow task. I am currently trying to use OLe Db Destination, but I am not sure how to map inputs to OLE DB Destination to my stored procedure insert. Thanks
Hi all! I recently started working with SSIS and one of the things that is puzzling me the most is what's the best way to go:
A small control flow, with large data flow tasks A control flow with more, but smaller, data flow tasksAny help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ricardo
I have the following code, which creates an error. However, if I replacement the SQL statement with the one in comments, it works fine, so I feel like my connection is okay. It's pretty simple code, really. I'm not sure what could be wrong.
public DataTable GetNextConfession() {
DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.TableName = "XMLConfession";
// including this line causes the Fill command to bomb string SqlString = "SELECT TOP (1) Confession FROM Confessions";
// the next line works just fine //string SqlString = "SELECT TOP (1) Quote, Author FROM Quotes ORDER BY NEWID()";
// Create a connection and command object so we can interact with the database. using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection (ConnectionString)) { using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(SqlString, cn)) {
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cn.Open();
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);
da.Fill (dt); // Program actually bombs on this line } }
return dt;
Below is the error I'm getting. Does this ring any bells?
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: OleDbDataAdapter internal error: invalid row set accessor: Ordinal=1 Status=UNSUPPORTEDCONVERSION. at System.Data.OleDb.RowBinding.CreateAccessor(IAccessor iaccessor, Int32 flags, ColumnBinding[] bindings) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.CreateAccessors(Boolean allowMultipleAccessor) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.BuildMetaInfo() at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReaderInternal(CommandBehavior behavior, String method) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[] dataTables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataTable dataTable) at Search.GetNextConfession() in f:Sourcedark humanitydh.webserviceApp_CodeSearch.cs:line 93 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Hi, I'm trying to implement an incremental data pull (Oracle to SQL) based on Andy's blog:
My development machine is decent: 1.86 GHz, Intel core 2 CPU, 3 GB of RAM. However it seems the data flow task gets hung whenever I test the package against the ~6 million row source, as can be seen from these screenshots. I have no memory limitations on the lookup transformation. After the rows have been cached nothing happens. Memory for the dtsdebug process hovers around 1.8 GB and it uses 1-6 percent of CPU resources continuously. I am not using fast load to insert new records into my sql target table. (I am right clicking Sequence Container 3 and executing this container NOT the entire package in the screenshots)
The same package works fine against a similar test table with 150k rows.
The weird thing is it only takes 24 minutes for a full refresh of the entire source table from Oracle to the SQL target table. Any hints,advice would be appreciated.
I have a dtspkg in SQL 2000 That used to extract data from one SQL Server and loand it into Another SQL SERVER. There are abt 15 tbls, that I extract from the SAME source SQL Server to Same destn SQL Server. When I mgrate this pkg to SQL SERVER 2005, Does this mean, I have to setup 15 DIFF Data flow for each source and destn table? if so the pkg is going to look very complicated. Since my Source sqls erver and destn sql server is the same, is there no way I can do this data extract in 1 data flow only, instead of 15 diff ones? Are any other options u recommed? Pl advise.
I am trying to create several Excel sheets using SQL 2000 views like so:
Select * INTO [Excel 8.0;Database="C:spreadSheetsaNew.xls"] FROM [aView].
When I try and execute this in my app I get the following - Specified owner name 'Excel 8.0;Database=c:spreadSheetsaNew.xls' either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.
If I use the above Select statement with an OLEDB connection it works.
I am using Imports System.Data.SqlClient, instantiating a new SQlConnection object, opening the connection, etc..
Hi... Please help. I am having problem with my hard drive so I git a new one. I installed a new instance of SQL Server 2005 and copy over all my projects from the old hard drive into the new.
The problem is, when I open my packages specifically the data flow task it is empty. All my dataflow items are gone.
I am not sure what I am missing during the copy. Please help how I can recover my complete packages.
I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.
I am splitting data from SQL table and sending it to excel file but everytime i rerun the package ,it appends the existing data in excel file ..I tried using execute sql task with excel connection and write drop table `tablename` and then one more execute sql task with create table `tablename` (`Id` int ,`fname` varchar(100)) ....But it does not seem to work.
I am tasked with truncating and reloading tables from one server to another. Company policy prevents cross-server queries, but allows SSIS packages with cross-server connections. I am doing this for about 25 tables. I have the table names in a single table & I have created an FEL to execute tasks against each table one-by-one. It works fine to truncate all the tables. I run into issues, though, with the DataFlowTask. I'm able to tell it which server & table to dynamically connect from and to, but it doesn't know how to map the metadata. They're the exact same columns and field names in both source & destination.
I am working on importing an Excel workbook, saved as multiple CSV flat files, that has both group level data and related detail row on the same sheet. I have been able to import the group data into a table. As part of the Data Flow task, I want to be able to save the key value for the group, which I will use when I insert the detail rows.
My Data Flow has the following components: The flat file with the data, which goes to a derived column transformation to strip out extraneous dashes, which leads to the OLEDB Destination component.
I want to save the value as a package level variable, so that I can reference it in another dataflow.
Is this possible, and if so, at what point do I save the value?
I am trying to model data in analysis services with the Advance Create Mining Model function in the excel addin. I am having trouble creating an association model that works like the Associate button above the Advanced button.
The format of my data is like this
OrderID Product
100 Bike
100 Helmet
100 Shoes
200 Helmet
200 basketball
200 Bat
300 Shoes
300 Socks
The associate button works perfectly since it asks me which column is the transaction id (orderid) and which column I am trying to predict (product). The advanced create mining model asks me to determine what the columns are...
OrderID=key Product=Input+Predict?
When I run the advance create mining model associate, I get a browser that gives me no rules and the support for only one item itemset (each product but no combination of products).
Does anyone know what I have to do to get it to work like the associate button?
Hi, I need to import an SQL string from MS Excel 2003 to SQL SERVER 2000. The string I need to import is composed by 5 different several blocks and looks like:
The detail of the SQL string is at:
I am trying to implement OJ's suggestion: to use multi - batch processing to import the string to SQL SERVER, something like:
Code Snippet Dim SqlCnt, cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 'set the properties and open a connection
cmd1="use my_db" cmd2="create table mytb" cmd3="insert into mytb"
Hi Folx, I am new to SQL Server and I am struggling.
Versions: Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer Version 9.00.1399.00
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.1399.00
I would like to 01. create a temp table 02. load the temp table from a flat file 03. insert into a destination table the rows from the temp table where NOT EXIST the primary key of the destination table.
Flat File Source will not accept that a resource will be available that does not yet exist (the temp table)
I set the Flat File Source to €œIgnore Failure€? and ran the package. It ran with warnings but did not insert the new rows.
The €œIgnore Duplicates€? radio button is €œgrayed out€? because the index is clustered
Now I could work around this thing by keeping a table just for purposes of this process flow. I am opposed to that philosophically and would prefer to do this in the way that I consider appropriate€¦is there a solution?