We are using a SQL Server 2000 Replication.
I'm using the Merge Agent History Screen to retrive Informacion about
replication sessions, is there any other screen to know exaclty which datawas replicated on each session?Or at least to know the script generated on each session?
While backing up our database, I am getting the following message:
Could not insert a backup or restore history/detail record in msdb.dbo.sysbackuphistory or sysrestorehistory. This may indicate a problem with the MSDB database. DUMP/LOAD was still successful. (Message 3009)
Sorry for the odd format but that is what happens when you paste here! This is data from our Job History for a "Replication Distributor" Job Step Type. Here is how I interprete it: The job step started on the 19th. It restarted itself twice on the 20th. Then it restarted itself twice on the 21st. Then it restarted itself 3 times on the 22nd. And finally it restarted itself on the 23rd. Notice the progression of Retries_Attempted. When Retries_Attempted exceeds 10, the step will fail and the service will shut-down, which is what I have seen in the past. I conclude the Advanced Settings of Retry Attempts is not per "Event" but "total tries no matter how many successful retries are encountered." I thought a successful retry would reset the Retries_Attempted. But it does not. Is this correct? This implies that to keep the distributor up, we should set the Retry Attempts" setting to its max!
Status Run_Date Run_Time Run_Duration Retries_attempted
I am listing detail transaction lines in a table sorted by account and order number. the problem is that I only want to see the detail if the sum of a value field is zero for all the transactions in an order otherwise ignore the detail for that order.
I was trying Group by and Having but this doesn't seem to do what I need.
Being relatively new to Reporting services, any nudge in the right direction would be useful.
But while I use matrix to build this report, I got the result like:
The report will not show the multiple records on the row group "Project" like item "Info2".
After I referred to the similar problem mentioned on this forums, I tried to use "RowNumber("Matrix1_Project")" to resolve it. But still I got the result like:
It would be much appreciated if anyone could give me some hints to complete the report I need.
I know similar questions have been asked but I wanted to try my luck that my issue is somehow different.
I am querying a database which has detail information (sales transactions) and is grouped by customer. I also have a table with one record for each customer with some historical sales information (summary information). The requirements for the report are to have the sums of the sales for each customer along with the historical data for that customer in the same row in the table. I haven't found a way to do this using one dataset and from what I've read, the current version doesn't support joining multiple datasets over a grouping field (customer).. or at all.
I'm new to SQL and need help with a query. Not sure if this is the right place.
I have 2 tables, one MASTER and one DETAIL.
The MASTER table has a masterID, name and the DETAIL table has a detailID, masterID, and value columns.
I want to return a populated MASTER table with entries based on the DETAIL.value.
This is a simplified version of my problem. I can't figure out how to set the relationship between MASTER.masterID and DETAIL.masterID. If I do an INNER JOIN, the number of results are based on the number of DETAIL entries. I only want one entry per MASTER entry.
I€™ve created with the help of some great people an SSIS 2005 package which does the follow so far:
1) Takes an incoming txt file. Example txt file: http://www.webfound.net/split.txt
The txt file going from top to bottom is sort of grouped like this Header Row (designated by €˜HD€™) Corresponding Detail Rows for the Header Row €¦.. Next Header Row Corresponding Detail Rows
€¦and so on
2) Header Rows are split into one table, Maintenance Detail Rows into another, and Payment Detail Rows into a third table. A uniqueID has been created for each header and it€™s related detail rows to form a PK/FK relationship as there was non prior to the import, only the relation was in order of header / related rows below it when we first started. The reason I split this out is so I can massage it later with stored proc filters, whatever€¦
Now I€™m trying to somehow bring back the data in those table together like it was initially using a query so that I can cut out each of the Header / Detail Row sections into their own txt file. So, if you look at the original txt file, each new header and it€™s related detail rows (example of a cut piece would be http://www.webfound.net/rows.jpg) need to be cut out and put into their own separate txt file.
This is where I€™m stuck. How to create a query to combine it all back into an OLE DB Souce component, then somehow read that souce and split out the sections into their own individual txt files.
The filenames of the txt files will vary and be based on one of the column values already in the header table.
I need to record in a table: Who, When, What Field and New Value of Fields When changes occur to an existing record.
The purpose is for users to occassionally view the changes. They'll want to be able to see the history of the record - who changed what and when.
I figured I'd add the needed code to the stored procedure that's doing the update for the record.
When the stored procedure is called to do the update, the PK and parameters are sent.
The SP could first retain the current state of the record from the disk, then do the update, then "spin" thru the fields comparing the record state prior to the update and after. Differences could be parsed to a "Changes string" and in the end, this string is saved in a history record along with a few other fields:
Name, DateTime, Changes
FK to Changed Record: some int value Name: Joe Blow Date: 1/1/05 12:02pm Changes: Severity: 23 Project: Everest Assigned Lab: 204
How does the above approach sound?
Is there a better way you'd suggest?
Any sample code for a system that spins thru the fields comparing 1 temporary record with another looking for changes?
I have to make a stored procedure that will show the history and changes made to a given EmpNo, with the UpdateDate, UpdateUser and indicate which field is modified. Ex. Employee Mobile number was changed from '134151235' to '23523657'.
Result must be:
EmpNo | UpdateDate | UpdateUser | Field changed | Change from | change to
We have a need to report on historical data when none exists in the database.
Create a tabular report rdl that is run on a regular schedule. This report run is saved as an Excel sheet that overwrites the previous run, which has the same name.
Report is designed to use two data sources--the database and and the previously run Excel sheet. The data is "merged" using the Lookup function thereby creating a new report that includes the history needed.
I have a master securities table which has 7 fields. As a part of the daily process I am uploading flat files into database tables. The flat files contains the master(static) security data as well as the analytics(transaction) data. I need to
1) separate the master (static) data from the flat files,
2) check whether that data is present in the master table, if not then insert that data into the master table
3) If data present then move that existing record to an history table and then update the main master table.
All the 7 fields need to be checked to uniquely identify a single record in the master table.
How can this be done? Whether we can us a combination of data flow items or write a sql procedure to do all this.
I have a VB.net app that access a SQL Express database. I have transactional repliaction set up on a SQL 2000 database (the publisher) and a pull subscription from the VB.net app. I use RMO in the VB app to connect to the publisher. My problem is I am getting some strange behaviour as follows
- if I run the app and invoke the pull subscription it works fine. If I then close my app and go back in, I can access my data without any problem
- If I run the app and try to access data in my SQL Express database it works fine. I can then close the app, reopen it and run the pull subscription it works fine
- if I run the app, invoke the pull subscription (which runs fine), and then try to access data in my local SQL Express database without firstly closing and reopening the app, I get a login error
- if I run the app, try to access data in my local SQL Express database (which works fine), and then try to run the pull subscription I get a "the process cannot acces the file as it is being used by another process" error. In this case I need to restart the SQL Express service to be able to run replication again.
I get exactly the same behaviour when I use the Windows Sync tool (with my app open at the same time) instead of my RMO code to replicate the data.
I am using standard ADO.Net 2 code to access my SQL Express data in the app and closing all connections etc
I am trying to create a function that will run when a job step fails. I want it to dynamically capture the name of the job and insert it into a table that I will use to send email alerts for. The reason I need to do this as opposed to sending an email from the job is that if the alert is not responded to after so many minutes it can be escalated to the next operator. Does anyone know how to dynamically capture the name of the current job being run.
Just want know where can we find the last T-SQL being executed on a process. This is the one that pops-up when we double-clik a process on the Process Info List. Thank You in Advance :-)
I have a invoice that displays the company name in a rectangle on top then it has a list in the list it has details tables my problem is that the invoice detail goes on the next page I need to have the company name as well on the second page I cant put it in the same table as the detail because I have a few tables in the detail so it is actually no header is it possible to have Repeated the Company name information on the next page?
Hello community,I think my problem is easy to solve even though I did not find a solution through different tutorials and help pages. Here it is (select statements are hier simplified):In the gridview "GridView1" I have a master record with person_id, which is the data-key-value. There is also another id-field named task_id (This record comes from a database view which joins the persons- and the tasks- table) SelectCommand="SELECT [id], [person_id], [task_id] FROM [ViewPersonTasks] WHERE ([id] = @id)"For both fields I want to display details in two different detail-views. One for the person (depending on person_id) and one for the tasks (depending on the task_id).The first one is easy. I declare a details-view for the person data based on a SqlDataSource with a control-parameter like this: SelectCommand="SELECT [person_id], [first_name], [last_name], [birth_date] FROM [TabPersons] WHERE ([person_id] = @person_id)" .... <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="GridView1" Name="person_id" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" /> </SelectParameters>But now the problem: how should I declare a parameter @task_id for the task_id, so that the second select statement for the tasks-details-view retrievs the data for the tasks: SelectCommand="SELECT [task_id], [task_name], [task_date], [task_description] FROM [TabTasks] WHERE ([task_id] = @task_id)"@task_id should have the value from the task_id-field of the master record, displayd in the master grid-view.Thank you in advance for your help
I am creating a DTS package to export a text file. My question is: does anyone have any ideas on how for one read of the tables I can produce 2 lines of output. Here is how the file layout needs to be...
I am a little confused about how I can stagger header and detail using the same data.
I appreciate any help you can give. Hopefully my explanation of the problem is understandable.
HiI've two tablesTableAidnameTableBidtableA_iddescoperAs you can see tableA is a master and tableB is a detail table wherewe can have many records for each related tableA record.I need to get all records for tableA with a count on some oper oftableB.I suppose I can got it with a join or a subselect but I don't use SQLoften so I'm getting crazy with this stupid query...Could somebody help ?Thanks in advanceC
I am trying to create two subreports in the main report. One sub report should give detail data and other sub report shuold give sumamry data. Is detail and summary reports are possible in sub reports? Iappreciate your help on this.
I'd like to put together a summary report for some of my management staff. The report should show the # of jobs that match about 20 different statuses. Each status has different criteria. For example, one might look for a date in a datetime field and the type of job. Another might look at whether a date has passed and the quantity we're shipping.
Sort of like this: Status Items Jobs Status #1: 50000 15 Status #2: 25251 3
I want the user to see this summary information, but also have drill down capability. I'd like the ability to print the summary or just a drill-down.
I'm also considering using Dundas Charts for RS on the report.
Can I accomplish this with Reporting Services? If so, any tips on how to do it? If this a bunch of sub-reports? Can I sum the # of jobs on a sub-report? Should I be looking at BI for this?
I have a bar chart that displays the detail of a table with locations along the x-axis and number of employees on the y-axis. Is there any way to have the sum of all of the locations show as the final bar in the chart? (which would be the footer in the table)
I have two tables(Order and OrderDetail) of master-detail relationship. I have a nchar field in the detail table called itemno. I want to query like:
Select Order.OrderNo, Order.Date, SUM(OrderDetail.ItemNo) as ItemNos,.... From Order Inner Join OrderDetail on Order.OrderID=OrderDetail.OrderID Where Order.OrderID=10
so that the resulting field ItemNos will become a string in format "ItemNo01, ItemNo02, ItemNo03,...." How can I write this query in T-SQL? Thanks
I have a client who has a database that they have recently moved to another server. The problem is that the transaction log of the previous version of the database is taking over 21GB of space on the old server. All of the transactions are listed with a status of 2 in the log file. Thus I can not simply shrink the file.
Is there a utility I can use to view the details of the records in the transaction log? I would also need to ensure the data is committed to the database and then change the status so that the transaction log can be shrunk.
This older database will be kept for historical reasons. During the change to the other server only the structure was moved so the data is not in that database.
I have a province table in a my database. I would like to link this province table to a resource table's Province_ID. This Province_ID is an int. Vic Valentic CEO/President Open Door 2 Elite Dr. #33 Hamilton, Ontario L8W 2N3 905-389-7492 http://www.wlu.ca/next/opendoor