Data Viewer Does Not Show Any Data

Jul 18, 2006

Hi all,

I have a recurrent problem with Data Viewers, it happens quite often that the Data Viewer does not shows any data altought I can see that some rows have passed through as there is a "XX Rows" on the data path where the Data Viewer has been added.

Sometimes it shows up sometimes not, I can't figure out why.

Any idea ?

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Transact SQL :: Table Row Data Show In Column Data

Oct 22, 2015

I have a simple table data i want want to show row data in to column data.
SELECT clblcode,mlblmsg
FROM warninglabels

My expected result will be 

0001                 0002  0003                      0004
-------                ------- --------                    --------
May Cause....       Important.....  Take madi...........         Do Not Take.......

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Show Detail Data On A Matrix Rather Than Aggregate Data

Dec 12, 2007

Hi all experts,

I have a result set like:






















I need to create a report like:











But while I use matrix to build this report, I got the result like:











The report will not show the multiple records on the row group "Project" like item "Info2".

After I referred to the similar problem mentioned on this forums, I tried to use "RowNumber("Matrix1_Project")" to resolve it. But still I got the result like:


















It would be much appreciated if anyone could give me some hints to complete the report I need.

Thanks in advance,
Steve Wang 2007/12/12

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SQL 2012 :: Data Collection Does Not Show Data

May 30, 2014

i am trying to configure data collector on my server. so i configured data collector on server A and setup on server B. but the "Query statistics collection set" do not show me any data.

i right click and select "collect and upload now " item and get success result for this. but in the report i cant see any data...

also in the log page of data collection i see so many errors with messages like this:

"Failed to create kernel event for collection set: {2DC02BD6-E230-4C05-8516-4E8C0EF21F95}. Inner Error ------------------> Cannot create a file when that file already exists."

i tried some solution like disabling and enabling again, re-configuring, removing and configuring again .... but none of them work right.

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How To Show Multiple Images And Links Using Report Viewer Control ?

Jun 21, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have a report which runs in local mode and while designing the report I have placed a single image control inside the list box as I don't know before hand how many images are there :

What is the way to show all the images using the one image control inside the report viewer control. ? Can be 2 or 3 or 4.....

Thanks for all the help.


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Export Data To PDF From Report Viewer!

May 24, 2007


I use the export option from the report viewer, I have problem that when it export, the width is too long and it wrap to next page. Is there anyway that i can set it to lanscape format before it export to pdf file?



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Data Mining Viewer Controls.....

Apr 16, 2007

i'd like to add the data mining viewer controls into visual c# 's it possible...

is there a way how i could create forms and import the minned pattern into these forms using the data mining viewer controls??

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How To Use Data Mining HTML Tree Viewer

May 26, 2006


I try to use Data Mining HTML Tree Viewer, but has some problem. In the Connection property, i can't set a new connection to this property.

Help me!!!

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Deleting A Data Viewer Causes BI Studio To Crash

Jan 8, 2007

Is there any way I can remove the data viewer (or even the whole data flow task) so that BIDS doesn't crash. Whenever I delete the data viewer, or the objects that the flow is linking to, or the data flow task, or even the sequence the data flow task is contained in, BIDs crashes.


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Display Null Value In Data Grid Viewer Using C#

May 3, 2015

I have table in sql server for Employee, it has(id, Employee, director),so the director field is id of the director's name,  so the director is employee and has director also, only the first director hasn't director( one Employee has not director);now, i want to use datagridviewer in c# for display as this table (id, employee, director), so the first record will be the (id, employee, '  ');i use this query:"select emp.ID ,emp.Name ,dir.Name as'director'  from table1 emp, table1 dir where (emp.director=dir.ID OR  dir.director IS NULL)"but when i display the datagridviewer , it don't display the first employee(first director) which hasn't director.

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Adding Data Viewer Causes BI Studio To Crash

Jan 22, 2007

I am having this issue with BI Studio when I add Data Viewer to a relatively large data set, it causes the Visual Studio to crash.

Has anyone experienced this? Any help on this will be highly appreciated.



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How Do You Continue The Process After Data Viewer Stops It

Dec 20, 2006


These are couple of simple questions. When I set the data viewers and start the package, data viewer windows pop up but data download process stops. How do you resume the process? Also if I press "hide" for a data viewer window it disappears. How can I get it shown again?

Thanks for your help

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Any Way To View &&<Long Text&&> In Data Viewer

Feb 1, 2007

I was wondering if there is any way to view <Long Text> in the data viewer? I have a text data type, and when using the data viewer it just says "<Long Text>". That contains the data I actually want to watch... is there any way to get this?

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Question On Data Mining Html Viewer

Feb 14, 2008


Small problem here. I have successfully installed the Data Mining Web Controls in my pc. I can use it to display the result that i want, the problem is the expand image and collapse image did not show out in the column, by the way I can click the blank column to expand or collapse the tree node, it function completely.
How can i display the expand image and Collapse image?

Can anyone help?

best rgds,

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Sorting Columns In Grid Data Viewer

Aug 28, 2007

Has anyone ever looked at the way the grid data viewer sorts it data when
clicking on a column header? If you click on a column header, something
happens to the sorting of the data in the viewer, but it's not always clear
to me _what_ is happening. It appears the data is sorted ascending on the
column you clicked on. If you click again the sort order seems to inverse to
descending. However, if you look closely, it turns out that the data is not
always sorted correctly, especially when you click on an integer valued

I found this when doing a demo on the AdventureWorks demo extracting data
from the SalesOrderDetail table. If you sort on the OrderQty column, data is
correctly sorted in ascending quantities. However, if you click the column
again, orders with an order quantity of 2 are displayed on top (while there
are orders with a much higher order quantity) and if you scroll down the
list, you notice that there is no clear sorting anymore. The same happens
with other columns.

Is this supposed to work as I would expect it to do or is there a logical
explanation for the behaviour I see?

Best regards,

Hans Geurtsen
Docent Kenniscentrum

Info Support
De Smalle Zijde 39
3903 LM Veenendaal
The Netherlands

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Data Mining Html Tree Viewer Authentication

Jul 17, 2007

I am going through the data mining web control viewer tutorial and its going great. I have been able to build and setup the viewer. The problem I am having is when I publish the site out to my web server, it gives me the following error:

Code Snippet

Error: Either the user, <domain><computerName>$, does not have access to the prospectDataMining database, or the database does not exist.

When I debug this on my local machine via Visual Studio 2005, it works GREAT! It is just when I publish the site to the web server.

I have a dedicated SSAS server along w/ a dedicated web server. To test, I published the site to the SSAS server to see if it was a connection issue. I received the same error w/ a different <domain><computerName>$.

I looked at trying to put in the optional connection info for the dataMining html tree viewer properties... but apparently dont know how to do that properly. I also checked the IIS directory security and enabled Integrated security.

What am i doing wrong? ANY help is much appreciated.



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Where Are The Graphs Saved From Data Mining Model Viewer

Jun 22, 2006

Hi, all here,

I tried to find the graphs I saved from Data Mining Model Viewer, but where is it saved? As we see from the mining model viewer we could save the graphs there by clicking the 'save graph' button, but where is the graph?

Really need help for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any guidance and help for that.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Report Viewer To Get Data From RS Deployed On Separate Network.

Apr 13, 2007


I am using Reporting Services in the following way. The application implements a three tier Architecture viz Web Server, Application Server and Database Server. Reporting Services 2005 is installed on the Database Server.

The application uses ReportViewer Control which is part of an ASPX page deployed on the Web Server. For ReportViewer Control to fetch data from Reporting Services using RS API, we have to set ReportServerUrl and Report Path. In this scenario, the web server cannot communicate to the database server directly. The web server is in the DMZ and it can only communicate with the Application Server which is in a separate Network.

How can I use Report Viewer Control to fetch data from Reporting Services which is on the Database Server.

Thanks & Regards,


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Reporting Services :: Report Viewer Data Copy / Paste

Sep 15, 2015

I am using Report Viewer 2013 to display Reports, using rdlc to bind the data in visual studio.

I cannot copy the report data from report viewer? is there any work around for copy ?

Does Copy functionality will be included in feature releases or copy functionality will not be there in report viewer?

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Reporting Services :: RDLC Data Error In MVC Report Viewer

Sep 8, 2015

I have created a .rdlc file in MVC application. I have used Matrix in report and also i have bar charts. Issue is when I view the report in my application--all the months data and all the years data is getting summed up..

it should display like
jan  feb  mar
1     2      3
but it is coming like

I have group by as Month for Month columns and Year for Year columns, how to fix this error.

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Data Mining Model Viewer Of Decision Tree Out Of Memory Error

May 18, 2007

We've successfully processed a large decision tree model in SQL Server 2005. When I try to view the tree in the mining model viewer, I get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

The tree graph cannot be created because of the following error:

'Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.'.

For help, click:

The link provides no other documentaiton on the error.

We're using 64-bit SQL on a Dell Workstation running XP-64 with 16GB of memory. From my view of things we aren't close to running out of memory. Since the model processed and the error occurs when viewing the model, is this a problem with Visual Studio and nont necessarily Anlaysis Services?

Thanks in advance.


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Error With Data Mining Viewer Controls In Visual Studio 2008

Nov 20, 2007


I have a framework 2.0 winforms application that uses the data mining viewer controls. I upgraded the project to visual studio 2008 and compiled it under framework 2.0. It compiles fine, but when the form with the TimeSeriesViewer control loads, the application throws the following exception:

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException was unhandled by user code
Message="Unable to get the window handle for the 'AxChartSpace' control. Windowless ActiveX controls are not supported."
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InPlaceActivate()
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.TransitionUpTo(Int32 state)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.CreateHandle()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.EndInit()
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TimeSeriesViewer.InitializeComponent()
at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Viewers.TimeSeriesViewer..ctor()
at RMS2.UI.DecisionSupport.ShowModel(String modelName, Int32 tabIndex) in C:UsersDougDocumentsRmsIIRmsIIRMS2.UIDecisionSupport.cs:line 72
at RMS2.UI.DecisionSupport.DecisionSupport_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:UsersDougDocumentsRmsIIRmsIIRMS2.UIDecisionSupport.cs:line 42
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
InnerException: System.AccessViolationException
Message="Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt."
at System.Windows.Forms.UnsafeNativeMethods.IOleObject.DoVerb(Int32 iVerb, IntPtr lpmsg, IOleClientSite pActiveSite, Int32 lindex, IntPtr hwndParent, COMRECT lprcPosRect)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.DoVerb(Int32 verb)
at System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.InPlaceActivate()

The control is being added programatically, as in the wiinforms samples. Can anyone suggest a workaround? Thank you in advance.

- doug

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It Will Not Show The Data From The DB

Jan 10, 2007

is have this code, and i know that i have a record with the ID=1 but it will not show the data from the record..<asp:Content ID="Main" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderMain" Runat="Server">
<asp:FormView ID="form1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"></asp:FormView>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnStrAccess %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [MainID], [MainText] FROM [SiteText] WHERE ([MainID] = ?)" ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnStrAccess.ProviderName %>">
<asp:SessionParameter DefaultValue="1" Name="SiteMainID" Type="Int32" />

</asp:Content> Why can't it show the record !??

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Need To Show Data

Nov 7, 2006

Hello All,

I am using the folliwing sql statement:

execute whs_he_rpt_ds_summary '11/01/05', '11/30/05', '594'

It displays the headers but no information. The date range is obviously a date range and the 594 is a BranchNbr.

How do I see if there is truly any data for this date range.



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Show Data

Feb 4, 2007

Hi all

I have a data base for some equipment on a few windows application forms written in vb 2005 express. eg Form1 for tools , form2 for nuts &bolts ect.

I wondered if it is it possible to set data base to open when the form loads and shows the data of that particular piece of equipment instead of always opening on equipment id number 1 for instance . For example when form3 loads ,equipment id is set to 3.



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Cant Show Data From My Database

Jan 6, 2007

HiI have this code, but i can't get it to work, and if i delete <% %> then the if statsment is not working, how do i get this code to work.
 1 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringMain %>"
2 SelectCommand="SELECT [SiteMainID], [SiteMainText] FROM [MainSiteText] WHERE ([SiteMainID] = @SiteMainID)">
3 <% Dim pageString As String = "Def"
4 If Not (Request.QueryString("Page") Is Nothing) Then
5 pageString = Request.QueryString("Page").ToString
6 End If
7 If pageString = "Def" Then
8 %>
9 <SelectParameters>
10 <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="1" Name="SiteMainID" Type="Int32" />
11 </SelectParameters>
12 <%
13 Else
14 If pageString = "Page1" Then
15 %>
16 <SelectParameters>
17 <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="2" Name="SiteMainID" Type="Int32" />
18 </SelectParameters>
19 <%
20 Else
21 If pageString = "Page2" Then
22 %>
23 <SelectParameters>
24 <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="3" Name="SiteMainID" Type="Int32" />
25 </SelectParameters>
26 <%
28 End If
29 End If
30 %>
31 </asp:SqlDataSource>

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Query To Show All Data According To ID

Feb 1, 2015

I have a table i need to show data according to id. distinct id and all name should be comma separated against each id.


VALUES(1, 'A'), (1,'B') ,(1,'C') ,(2,'E') ,(2,'B') , (3,'F') , (3,'G')

output :

id name

1 a,b,c
2 e,b
3 f,g

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Show Message If No Data

Jan 21, 2008

I'm hoping this is fairly simple to do.

I have a report with many matrices. Basically what I want to do is display a message such as "No History within Date Range Selected" if there is no data on the report (all of the matrices return no data).

Is there a way to determine if the report is returning no data and show a textbox message in that case?

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How To Show All Data In A Matrix

Nov 30, 2007

Hi to all

How do I can to show all data group by for one row using a matrix? Example:

Title ID

Harry Potter 0001

Shrek 0003

Sorry for the English, I'm Brazilian.
Thank's for all

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Analysis Manager Can Not Show All Data

Jan 18, 2003


I use MSsql server 2000 and analysis service for create cube.But when I drilldown many Dimension on Analysis manager it can not show all level.
If I drilldown some level it can show data but when I drilldown many level so it have many row (I test about 60,000) it can not show result.
How can I show all result in Analysis manager or other tool ?
Thank you :D

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How To Join And Show Data In Browser

Mar 21, 2007

This is the select statement I'm currently using but I can't seem to get the browser to show any data. It just shows the table structure.

I use the g and the p as aliases. Easier maintenance this way.

strSQL = "SELECT g.GuestID, g.ProgramID, p.ProgramID AS Expr1, g.GuestName, g.GuestDescription, p.URL, p.Description FROM dbo.T_ProgramGuests g INNER JOIN dbo.T_ProgramLinks p ON g.GuestID = p.LinkID WHERE p.ProgramID = " & Request("ProgramID")

I have an ASP page where the above sql code is embedded. I have two SQL tables. One is called T_ProgramGuests and the other is called T_ProgramLinks. The asp page basically does a read only of the two tables and is suppose to return the results inside of the html tables I have in the asp page. But all I see when I test is the html and the tables are devoid of data.

on error resume next
set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open "File Name=E:webserviceCompanyCompany.UDL"
set recProgram = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

strSQL = "SELECT g.GuestID, g.ProgramID, p.ProgramID AS Expr1, g.GuestName, g.GuestDescription, p.URL, p.Description FROM dbo.T_ProgramGuests g INNER JOIN dbo.T_ProgramLinks p ON g.GuestID = p.LinkID WHERE p.ProgramID = " & Request("ProgramID")

recProgram.Open strSQL,con


<TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="70%">

<p><b>Guest Name and Description:</b></p>
<th width="35%" align="left">Guest Name</th>
<th width="45%" align="left">Guest Description</th>
<TD headers="t2"><%=recProgram.Fields("GuestName")%></TD>
<TD headers="t3"><%=recProgram.Fields("GuestDescription")%></TD>

<TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="70%">
<br /><br />
<p><b>URL and Description:</b></p>
<th width="35%" align="left">URL</th>
<th width="45%" align="left">Description</th>
<TD headers="t4"><%=recProgram.Fields("URL")%></TD>
<TD headers="t5"><%=recProgram.Fields("Description")%></TD>
set recProgram = nothing
set con = nothing
'response.write err.Description


I am new to using the advanced features of SQL and could sure use some help with this.

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How To Show Data In A Label Item?

May 21, 2006

SqlCeConnection cn = new SqlCeConnection("Data Source=\Program Files\test\tel.sdf");
SqlCeCommand cmd = cn.CreateCommand();

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * from phone where PhoneNo = '0912312345'";

SqlCeDataAdapter adp = new SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd);

DataSet ds = new DataSet();

this.dataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

label1.Text =Convert.ToString(????????????);

label2.Text =Convert.ToString(????????????);


if (cn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

I can show the result in the DataGrid1

however, I want the label1 to show the Name,

and label2 to show the phoneNo.

how to do in here,

label1.Text =Convert.ToString(????????????);

label2.Text =Convert.ToString(????????????);


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How To Show SUBREPORT When No Data Is Returned.

Mar 20, 2006

I have a subreport within the details section of my main report. This is enclosed by a single group. When I preview the subreport alone, it diplays the subreport correctly with no data (meaning it still displays the header and footer without a detail section). When the subreport is run within the main report and no subreport data is returned the subreport does not show.

Based on other threads I understand that the default functionality is to display headers and footers when no data is returned. This appears accurate except on a subreport.

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