Data Migration Overview Help

Jun 6, 2007


This is my first project with SSIS and I'm having some problems migrating our current data import to it. Generally: right now we're pulling hourly data (which has a timestamp on it) in from a customer's db(which can't be modified, and is big and growing quickly) into our db. To do this we have been using a field to keep track of the last data download time (in our db) and then using that then when querying the customer's db to reduce the number of rows returned.

Will a similar system work in SSIS? I'm having trouble pulling the last download date out of the "target" database and using it in the query on the customer's db. Any advice on what I should be looking into to do this and am I headed in the right direction or just not thinking about this in a SSIS way?

How powerful/common are variables in SSIS and should I be trying to use them here?


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SQL Overview

Jun 12, 2006

I have a test today with an employer who is testing me on MS Access, MS Excel, and MS SQL.

Does anyone know where I can learn about SQL, the main points, to help me with the test.

I need like a site that would breifly go over Triggers, Stored Procedures, Joins, Withs, Unions, ect...


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Some Basic Overview Questions

May 19, 2004

I've done some basic database stuff with Access and ASP, but I have a client who has told me that he is in over his head and wants me to try getting his "mini CMS" site to work. He told me that he set everything up in Dreamweaver using ASP and "MSSQL"

I have never used what he calls: "MSSQL" before. Do I need software to create an "MSSQL" database? or is it all coded?

Also, one other question. The whole purpose of this site is to have Admin users log in to a page where they can edit the content of a page and upload it. If there is a large block of text, does it all reside in a field in the database, or would it be a link to a text file? kind of like linking to an image since images don't actually reside in the database.

Thanks for any direction you might have

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Indexes: An Overview And Maintenance For Performance

Nov 30, 2004

Many people know the importance of creating indexes on SQL Server database tables. Indexes greatly improve the performance of a database. However, while many people create indexes on their SQL Server tables, many people don't maintain them properly to ensure queries run efficiently as possible.

Thought you may be interested in a new article.

Thank you.

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SQL Server 2008 Product Overview

May 8, 2008


Your Data, Any Place, Any Time

SQL Server 2008 delivers on Microsoft€™s Data Platform vision by helping your organization manage any data, any place, any time. It enables you to store data from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured documents, such as images and music, directly within the database. SQL Server 2008 delivers a rich set of integrated services that enable you to do more with your data such as query, search, synchronize, report, and analyze. Your data can be stored and accessed in your largest servers within the data center all the way down to desktops and mobile devices, enabling you to have control over your data no matter where it is stored.

SQL Server 2008 enables you to consume your data within custom applications developed using Microsoft .NET and Visual Studio and within your service-oriented architecture (SOA) and business process through Microsoft BizTalk Server while information workers can access data directly in the tools they use every day, such as the 2007 Microsoft Office system. SQL Server 2008 delivers a trusted, productive, and intelligent data platform for all your data needs.

SQL Server 2008 New Features


SQL Server provides the highest levels of security, reliability, and scalability for your business-critical applications.

Protect valuable information

Transparent Data Encryption

Enable encryption of an entire database, data files, or log files, without the need for application changes. Benefits of this include: Search encrypted data using both range and fuzzy searches, search secure data from unauthorized users, and data encryption without any required changes in existing applications.

Extensible Key Management

SQL Server 2005 provides a comprehensive solution for encryption and key management. SQL Server 2008 delivers an excellent solution to this growing need by supporting third-party key management and HSM products.


Create and manage auditing via DDL, while simplifying compliance by providing more comprehensive data auditing. This enables organizations to answer common questions, such as, "What data was retrieved?"

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Security

Ensure business continuity

Enhanced Database Mirroring

SQL Server 2008 builds on SQL Server 2005 by providing a more reliable platform that has enhanced database mirroring, including automatic page repair, improved performance, and enhanced supportability.

Automatic Recovery of Data Pages

SQL Server 2008 enables the principal and mirror machines to transparently recover from 823/824 types of data page errors by requesting a fresh copy of the suspect page from the mirroring partner transparently to end users and applications.

Log Stream Compression

Database mirroring requires data transmissions between the participants of the mirroring implementations. With SQL Server 2008, compression of the outgoing log stream between the participants delivers optimal performance and minimizes the network bandwidth used by database mirroring.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 High Availability

Enable predictable response

Resource Governor

Provide a consistent and predictable response to end users with the introduction of Resource Governor, allowing organizations to define resource limits and priorities for different workloads, which enable concurrent workloads to provide consistent performance to their end users.

Predictable Query Performance

Enable greater query performance stability and predictability by providing functionality to lock down query plans, enabling organizations to promote stable query plans across hardware server replacements, server upgrades, and production deployments.

Data Compression

Enable data to be stored more effectively, and reduce the storage requirements for your data. Data compression also provides significant performance improvements for large I/O bound workloads, like data warehousing.

Hot Add CPU

Dynamically scale a database on demand by allowing CPU resources to be added to SQL Server 2008 on supported hardware platforms without forcing any downtime on applications. Note that SQL Server already supports the ability to add memory resources online.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Performance and Scale


To take advantage of new opportunities in today's fast-moving business world, companies need the ability to create and deploy data-driven solutions quickly. SQL Server 2008 reduces time and cost of management and development of applications.

Manage by policies

Policy-Based Management

Policy-Based Management is a policy-based system for managing one or more instances of SQL Server 2008. Use this with SQL Server Management Studio to create policies that manage entities on the server, such as the instance of SQL Server, databases, and other SQL Server objects.

Streamlined Installation

SQL Server 2008 introduces significant improvements to the service life cycle for SQL Server through the re-engineering of the installation, setup, and configuration architecture. These improvements separate the installation of the physical bits on the hardware from the configuration of the SQL Server software, enabling organizations and software partners to provide recommended installation configurations.

Performance Data Collection

Performance tuning and troubleshooting are time-consuming tasks for the administrator. To provide actionable performance insights to administrators, SQL Server 2008 includes more extensive performance data collection, a new centralized data repository for storing performance data, and new tools for reporting and monitoring.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Manageability

Simplify application development

Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Enable developers to issue queries against data, using a managed programming language, such as C# or VB.NET, instead of SQL statements. Enable seamless, strongly typed, set-oriented queries written in .NET languages to run against ADO.NET (LINQ to SQL), ADO.NET DataSets (LINQ to DataSets), the ADO.NET Entity Framework (LINQ to Entities), and to the Entity Data Service Mapping provider. Use the new LINQ to SQL provider that enables developers to use LINQ directly on SQL Server 2008 tables and columns.

ADO.NET Object Services

The Object Services layer of ADO.NET enables the materialization, change tracking, and persistence of data as CLR objects. Developers using the ADO.NET framework can program against a database, using CLR objects that are managed by ADO.NET. SQL Server 2008 introduces more efficient, optimized support that improves performance and simplifies development.

> Learn about SQL Server 2008 ADO.NET Object Services and LINQ

Store any information


SQL Server 2008 introduces new date and time data types:

DATE€”A date-only type

TIME€”A time-only type

DATETIMEOFFSET€”A time-zone-aware datetime type

DATETIME2€”A datetime type with larger fractional seconds and year range than the existing DATETIME type

The new data types enable applications to have separate data and time types while providing large data ranges or user defined precision for time values.


Enable database applications to model tree structures in a more efficient way than currently possible. New system type HierarchyId can store values that represent nodes in a hierarchy tree. This new type will be implemented as a CLR UDT, and will expose several efficient and useful built-in methods for creating and operating on hierarchy nodes with a flexible programming model.


Allow large binary data to be stored directly in an NTFS file system, while preserving an integral part of the database and maintaining transactional consistency. Enable the scale-out of large binary data traditionally managed by the database to be stored outside the database on more cost-effective storage without compromise.

Integrated Full Text Search

Integrated Full Text Search makes the transition between Text Search and relational data seamless, while enabling users to use the Text Indexes to perform high-speed text searches on large text columns.

Sparse Columns

NULL data consumes no physical space, providing a highly efficient way of managing empty data in a database. For example, Sparse Columns allows object models that typically have numerous null values to be stored in a SQL Server 2005 database without experiencing large space costs.

Large User-Defined Types

SQL Server 2008 eliminates the 8-KB limit for User-Defined Types (UDTs), allowing users to dramatically expand the size of their UDTs.

Spatial Data Types

Build spatial capabilities into your applications by using the support for spatial data.

Implement Round Earth solutions with the geography data type. Use latitude and longitude coordinates to define areas on the Earth's surface.

Implement Flat Earth solutions with the geometry data type. Store polygons, points, and lines that are associated with projected planar surfaces and naturally planar data, such as interior spaces.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Programmability and Spatial Data


SQL Server 2008 provides a comprehensive platform, delivering intelligence where your users want it.

Integrate any data

Backup Compression

Keeping disk-based backups online is expensive and time-consuming. With SQL Server 2008 backup compression, less storage is required to keep backups online, and backups run significantly faster since less disk I/O is required.

Partitioned Table Parallelism

Partitions enable organizations to manage large growing tables more effectively by transparently breaking them into manageable blocks of data. SQL Server 2008 builds on the advances of partitioning in SQL Server 2005 by improving the performance on large partitioned tables.

Star Join Query Optimizations

SQL Server 2008 provides improved query performance for common data warehouse scenarios. Star Join Query optimizations reduce query response time by recognizing data warehouse join patterns.

Grouping Sets

Grouping Sets is an extension to the GROUP BY clause that lets users define multiple groupings in the same query. Grouping Sets produces a single result set that is equivalent to a UNION ALL of differently grouped rows, making aggregation querying and reporting easier and faster.

Change Data Capture

With Change Data Capture, changes are captured and placed in change tables. It captures complete content of changes, maintains cross-table consistency, and even works across schema changes. This enables organizations to integrate the latest information into the data warehouse.

MERGE SQL Statement

With the introduction of the MERGE SQL Statement, developers can more effectively handle common data warehousing scenarios, like checking whether a row exists, and then executing an insert or update.

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Pipeline Improvements

Data Integration packages can now scale more effectively, making use of available resources and managing the largest enterprise-scale workloads. The new design improves the scalability of runtime into multiple processors.

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Persistent Lookups

The need to perform lookups is one of the most common ETL operations. This is especially prevalent in data warehousing, where fact records need to use lookups to transform business keys to their corresponding surrogates. SSIS increases the performance of lookups to support the largest tables.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Integration Services and Data Warehousing

Deliver relevant information

Analysis Scale and Performance

SQL Server 2008 drives broader analysis with enhanced analytical capabilities and with more complex computations and aggregations. New cube design tools help users streamline the development of the analysis infrastructure enabling them to build solutions for optimized performance.

Block Computations

Block Computations provides a significant improvement in processing performance enabling users to increase the depth of their hierarchies and complexity of the computations.


New MOLAP enabled writeback capabilities in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services removes the need to query ROLAP partitions. This provides users with enhanced writeback scenarios from within analytical applications without sacrificing the traditional OLAP performance.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

Drive actionable insights

Enterprise Reporting Engine

Reports can easily be delivered throughout the organization, both internally and externally, with simplified deployment and configuration. This enables users to easily create and share reports of any size and complexity.

Internet Report Deployment

Customers and suppliers can effortlessly be reached by deploying reports over the Internet.

Manage Reporting Infrastructure

Increase supportability and the ability to control server behavior with memory management, infrastructure consolidation, and easier configuration through a centralized store and API for all configuration settings.

Report Builder Enhancements

Easily build ad-hoc and author reports with any structure through Report Designer.

Built-In Forms Authentication

Built-in forms authentication enables users to easily switch between Windows and Forms.

Report Server Application Embedding

Report Server application embedding enables the URLs in reports and subscriptions to point back to front-end applications.

Microsoft Office Integration

SQL Server 2008 provides new Word rendering that enables users to consume reports directly from within Microsoft Office Word. In addition, the existing Excel renderer has been greatly enhanced to accommodate the support of features, like nested data regions, sub-reports, as well as merged cell improvements. This lets users maintain layout fidelity and improves the overall consumption of reports from Microsoft Office applications.

Predictive Analysis

SQL Server Analysis Services continues to deliver advanced data mining technologies. Better Time Series support extends forecasting capabilities. Enhanced Mining Structures deliver more flexibility to perform focused analysis through filtering as well as to deliver complete information in reports beyond the scope of the mining model. New cross-validation enables confirmation of both accuracy and stability for results that you can trust. Furthermore, the new features delivered with SQL Server 2008 Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007 empower every user in the organization with even more actionable insight at the desktop.

> Learn more about SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services and Data Mining
For more info, please go to

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Analysis :: Overview Of Automation With Server

Jun 4, 2015

Overview of Automation with SQL server.

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SQL 2012 :: Data Validation Options After Data Migration From Sybase

Jun 24, 2014

I am currently in the process of migrating data from Sybase to Sql server and would like to know how to test the data migrated.

As of now, we took one table data from both source and destination and compared it in Excel to check if the data migrated looks good (note, we used SSIS to migrate data). However, I would like to check if there are any other best & easy ways to apprach data validation post migration.

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SQL 2012 :: Data Migration - Pull Data From All DBs To Input Into DW Table

Jul 15, 2014

I have a cluster hosting multiple GP databases and a second for my data-warehouse I am playing around with (personal project).

I have scripts that pull data from all the DB's to input into the DW's tables(Customers,Reps,Hub....)

An example of my branch script :

select interidas BranchID,
cmpnynamas BranchDesc,
address1as BranchAddressLine1,
address2as BranchAddressLine2,
address3as BranchAddressLine3,
zipcodeas PostalCode
from dynamics..SY01500

Where interid in ('comp1', 'comp2', 'comp4', 'comp5')

what would be the best way to using these scripts pull the data to my testDW and not have duplicate data issues?

I was thinking of using a staging DB on the GP cluster and then building an import data package to run nightly. the issue i had was how do i avoid duplicate data ?

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Data Migration Error - SQL TYPE Variant Data

Aug 21, 2006

I am trying to migrate our Portals database from SQL2000 to SQL2005, but I received "SQL Type Variant Data" error during the data migration with some database. Can anyone help me with this?



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Data Migration

Apr 20, 2000

I have data in tables with the constraints turn on.
I would like to remove all the data from the tables and add new data, and also reset the
identity back to 1, without dropping the constraints.

Any suggestions??

If I used truncate table, I would have to remove the primary key.
If I remove the primary key I would loss my constraints.

Thanks in advance,

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Data Migration

Sep 11, 2006

Dear All,

I'm having to manage data migration from a proprietary db system to an in-house designed sql server db.

Is there anyone out there who dealt with this and used software or services of companies specialising in this?

All ideas are welcome, thanks in advance!

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Data Migration

Jan 21, 2004

We are in the process of migrating Data from SQL SERVER 2000 to
Oracle 9i.

Can anyone let me know what are the steps that needs to be followed
in achieving the same.

If there's any specific documentation also available , please let me know
Any pointers would be of great help.

Shankar Gokule

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Data Migration

May 31, 2007

I have 2 Tables

Table 1 has



Table 2 has




I need to migrate data from Table 1 to Table 2 based on Type.

Type can be 1 or 2.

Example of Source.

Table 1 has

Id Type

1 1

2 1

3 1

3 2

Table 2 should have 2 records for each Id and based on the Type have different Part Numbers. Part numbers will be the same if in the Source table I had just one record with type 1 and if I had 2 records with type 1 and 2 - Part number will be different.

Example of Destination.

Id Type PartNumber

1 1 10

1 2 10

2 1 11

2 2 11

3 1 12

3 2 13


As you see above

1. I need to duplicate records which had just one type in the Source table.

1 1 10

1 2 10

I will have 2 (1 and 2) types now, but everything else the same for the same id.

In my case I will have Part Numbers as guid. I would create them on my own. They will be the same here.

2. I need to have 2 records as it was before in Source table for id's with 2 types, but with different Part Numbers.

3 1 12

3 2 13

In my case I will have Part Numbers as guid. I would create them on my own.They will be different here.

How do I create 2 records for each Id and certain rules for them? How do I find if there is one or there are two records in Source and how do I apply my rules in looping through records? What control in SSIS tool can I use?


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Data Mapping And Migration

May 28, 2004

Has anyone used DTS packages for migrating old data to a new schema?

If so are there any tutorials on this?

I'd prefer not to do this by hand. ;-)

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Data Migration Scripts

Oct 13, 2000


I need a sql server 7 script that will migrate data from
my DEV dbase ON THE ALPHA SERVER to my WEB dbase ON THE BETA SERVER in a WINDOWS 2000 network. The data desired is for the field rig_id for rig number 0018. The shell of both dbases are similar.
The table is called rig. An snapshot is below:

DBASE name - DEV

TABLE name - rig

customer rig_id amount
Williams 0011 328
Borsha 0013 256
Kaila 0018 411
Yoida 0021 347

The rig table also exists on the WEB dbase. However, the Kaila data
for rig_id number 0018 needs to be added to the WEB dbase's rig table.
The Williams, Borsha, and Yoida data already exists on both tables.

I need to perform this migration w/ a TRANSACT-SQL stored procedure.

Thanks Very Much IN Advance,


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Data Migration Issue (6.5 To 7.0)

Mar 7, 2001

Hello All ~

I have to migrate a database from 6.5 to 7.0 server. We don't have an upgrade wizard to i will have to do a turn around like :

> Scripting the objects
> Running the scripts in 7.0
> BCP out the data into 7.0.

But the problem lies here ! how do i BCP the whole database table data in one shot ? bcos i have a lot of tables in the database and i cannot afford to do a table at a time. If anyone has any script which creates pl do pass it on to me.

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Data Migration Tools

Jan 26, 1999

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have experience in migrating data (not structure) from an Oracle 7.x database to a new schema built on SQL 6.5? Especially using third party migration tools, for example Data Junction 6.5?

I would be interested in seeing any materials you can provide or advise as I start down this path.

Thanks in advance,

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Data Migration, ID Problem

Jul 16, 2004

Hi all,

I'm working on the data migration section of my project at the moment. The customer I'm working for has an existing system of storing client information in an Excel file. Now, I want to move all this information into SQL Server so my new webapp can access the information. The problem is, for the client details, I used an ID system. For example, each piece of client information can be selected from a list. In the client table, this is stored as an ID. Then I have a ReferenceItem table where the IDs are mapped to descriptions. So my Client table has numbers in it, that map to descriptions in a different table.

Now, the existing Excel files have the descriptions, not IDs. What I need to do is to write some kind of script that will automatically go through the table created after I imported the Excel file, check each description and find it's ID and replace that description with the ID.

Now, I don't even know where to start on this one so if anyone has any pointers, could they please let me know?


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Data Migration From Excel

Feb 13, 2014

Please find the script for migration. Here I have attached two supporting documents. One is database diagram and the Excel sheet itself

/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[GetScheduledData] Script Date: 14/02/2014 10:35:29 AM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetScheduledData]

[Code] ....

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Data Migration With Value Replacement

Dec 16, 2006

Table A

200 Rows, each row: X, has a unique value. Has 2 extra columns: C1 and D1.

Table B

4000 Rows, each row: Z, has a value that corresponds to Table A's unique values. Has 2 extra columns: C2 and D2.

What I am looking to do is update all 4000 rows in Table B to match the data set in Table A. C1 -> C2, D1 -> D2 following the criteria that X = Z.

All the update attempts I've made so far only update 200 rows within Table B.

Thank you for your help.

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SSIS For Data Migration

Apr 5, 2007

Hi guys,

I just moved to SQL 2005 and am facing a difficulty trying to build a DTS Package using SSIS Projects. I need to migrate data from an old Database design to a new Database design in my local pc.

Can anyone provide me some guidelines or tutorials on which components to use and a flow of the entire process which I should follow? I am confused.

Thanks alot in advance, hope to hear from you guys soon.

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Apr 23, 2008

Can Any one help me out of this in my project I have to migrate only datastructure or schema and not the data inside the table using SSIS. How can I do that ?

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Need Information On Data Migration

May 26, 2008

Hi all,

Hope your team will help me to resolve my problem.

I am working in a data migration project and need information on this work. I am having Multiple source database and my documents are stored in the ftp servers with the file path in my source database table.

I need to migrate these documents to my Destination FTP Servers , Migrate all the records to the destination database.

The source database are sybase(one) and SQL Server 2005(two)

Please provide me some links and your valuable comments to resolve this problem. To achieve this we have to use SSIS.
But i need more information to provide a clear picture in approach document.

What are the prerequisites to be analyzed for this migration work??

Please help me regarding this. Its really urgent for me!!

Venkatesan Prabu . J

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Scribe Data Migration

Nov 16, 2007

hi friends,
i need help on scribe data updation and deletion i need to know what are all the steps to do for data updation on scribe data migration tool by using MS CRM adatapter.

and also i need to migrate data from crm to sql server i need scribe script for that migration

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Migration Of DB2 Data To SQL 2005

Jul 10, 2006


What is the best option for migration of DB2 data to SQL 2005?

DB2 is running on AIX.



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Data Migration Using SSIS In SQL 2005

Aug 8, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 and I want a clue if there is some good built-in support to do the following.
I want to transfer all the data from one source database to another destination database having same number to tables and schema like source database. I also want to ensure that the old data on the destination database should be secure too.
I have an idea that this can be done through SSIS in coding but can anyone give me a guide, tip, link, sample code that can be helpful.
Thanx a million in advance.

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Data Migration Using Transactional Replication

Apr 12, 2007

I need to move my database servers from one location to another. The issue is that I have over 200 databases to move and my clients can't afford a downtime. The collective volume of all the databases is over 2.5 TB and growing.

I am thinking to copy these databases in batches over the WAN to the new location and replicate them using Transactional replication till I have all the databases moved and synchronized.

Will it be wise enough to use replication for synchronizing 200 databases or is there a better approach which I can use to move these databases with minimum downtime and compromise on performance of applications.

Note: Migration is from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.

Thanks in advance.


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Data Mapping And Migration Tool?

Jun 21, 2014

I am developing one automation tool for data migration from one table to other table, here i am looking for one function or SP for which i will pass source column and destination column as input parameter and want output parameter to return true when source column data is compatible to copy to destination column if not then it should return false.

For example if source column is varchar and destination column is integer, the script should check all the data in source column in good enough to move to integer column or not and return the output flag. I want a script to work this for all types of data types.

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Data Migration Using Transactional Replication

Apr 12, 2007

I need to move my database servers from one location to another. The issue is that I have over 200 databases to move and my clients can't afford a downtime. The collective volume of all the databases is over 2.5 TB and growing.

I am thinking to copy these databases in batches over the WAN to the new location and replicate them using Transactional replication till I have all the databases moved and synchronized.

Will it be wise enough to use replication for synchronizing 200 databases or is there a better approach which I can use to move these databases with minimum downtime and compromise on performance of applications.

Note: Migration is from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.

Thanks in advance.


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Data Migration From Sql 2000 To Sql 2005

Aug 28, 2007

hi. i am currently migrating data from sql server 2000 to sql server 2005 and i was wondering if any of you can help me. i found this tutorial

and it seems really straight forward. does this tutorial cover everything i need to do for data migration? do i need to watch out for anything? if anyone knows of a better tutorial please let me know. thanks for the help.

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Help With Data Migration 2000 To 2005

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all. I'll say from the get go that I'm no SQL guru. I'm primarily a web dev who has been given the data jobs kind of by default so I'm definitely no DBA.

Anyway, having established my noobness, I have encountered an issue. The employer recently decided to upgrade our databases from 2000 to 2005 and I have been tasked to migrate the data from old to new. I have discovered the Import/Export Wizard and got it to move all the data in a dev database we use...but there was one problem. It seems that the tables in 2000 that had columns designated as identity columns do not have the identity attribute when they arrive in 2005.

I haven't figured a way to alter them to give them that attribute once they're in 2005 so I'm wondering if there's something I can do/change in the import process that would retain the identity property of the columns if I were to re-import them.

This is my first migration attempt so dumping it and starting over is no great loss...but any help would be most appreciated.

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SQL Server Data Migration And Synchronization

Apr 13, 2007


I need to move my database servers from one location to another. The issue is that I have over 200 databases to move and my clients can't afford a downtime. The collective volume of all the databases is over 2.5 TB and growing.

I am thinking to copy these databases in batches over the WAN to the new location and replicate them using Transactional replication till I have all the databases moved and synchronized.

Will it be wise enough to use replication for synchronizing 200 databases or is there a better approach which I can use to move these databases with minimum downtime and compromise on performance of applications.

Note: Migration is from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005.

Thanks in advance.


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Looking For A Good Data Migration Solution

Oct 24, 2006


I am trying to create a process that will take data source that has been output from a proprietary ISAM database to import into a SQL database. This particular ISAM system cannot be accessed via OleDB or ODBC. The thing is I want the process to be able to create the required tables based on data structure information that has been somehow encoded into the data source.

Currently the solution I am going with is to spit out a CSV file that has a header with table and data format information followed by rows of actual data that gets parsed by a SQL script however I am sure that Microsoft must have some kind of preferred solution to this kind of problem but I have not been able to find it. I have looked at the the tools that are available when creating a SQL Server DTS package as well as what seems to be available using the new Integration Services but nothing seems to be any better than the solution I just mentioned.

Anyone have any ideas, I am willing to bet there is a much better way of doing this.

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