DataReader ODBC Query Timeout

Oct 25, 2006

Hello !

I get in my SSIS Package a Query Timeout in the Datareader!

I Use the ADO.Net OBC Connection with the Connection String:

Dsn=xxx;uid=xxx;connection timeout=0;command timeout=0;query timeout=0

Is there any Option to set the Query Timeout ?

Thanks !


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Datareader Query Timeout

Oct 4, 2005


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Sql Query Analyser [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Driver]Timeout Expired

May 10, 2006


Ive got a collection of view which piece together data from varying sources and assemble it ready for a stored procedure to squirt the data into a table.

This has worked fine up til yesterday when i had to amend one of the views to include a reference to another data set.

Essentially the data is for students and comes from our old db and our new one, each year group has different values so the views act to extract all data relevant for a child from both databases and accross all year data sets.

The problem im having is that i can get the final stored procedure to run. It ran fine the other day but since ive amended one of the views i get timeout errors wherever it's run. real problem when query analyser which has no timeout settings (apparently) times out as it means i cant run the query anywhere....enterprise manager will timeout after 30secs despite amending the query timeout setting to 600s.

so im a bit stuck, both views which the problem view is trying to combine run in under 30 seconds...when you try and combine them it times out- seems to run for a long long time.

note sure why this has started happening, from all ive read most peeps get this with EM and solve it using QA. but what if QA cant handle the query either?

heres the sql: (wont make much sense but hopefully shows that its not a complex query)

SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.StudentDetMaster.SetId, dbo.StudentDetMaster.StudentId,
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 1 Reading],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 1 Writing],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 1 Speaking & Listening],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 1 Maths],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 2 English],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 2 Maths],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Key Stage 2 Science],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Verbal Reasoning Year 3],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 English Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 English Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 English Summer],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 English Year Group Average Score], dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 Maths Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 Maths Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 Maths Summer],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 3 Maths Year Group Average Score], dbo.StudentDetMaster.[Year 3 Maths Set],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Verbal Reasoning Year 4],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 English Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 English Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 English Summer],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 English Year Group Average Score], dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 Maths Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 Maths Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 Maths Summer],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 4 Maths Year Group Average Score], dbo.StudentDetMaster.[Year 4 Maths Set],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Verbal Reasoning Year 5],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 English Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 English Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 English Summer],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 English Year Group Average Score], dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 Maths Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 Maths Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 Maths Summer],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 5 Maths Year Group Average Score], dbo.StudentDetMaster.[Year 5 Maths Set],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Verbal Reasoning Year 6],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 English Autumn],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 English Year Group Average],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 English Year Group Average Score], dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 Maths Autumn],
dbo.StudentDetMaster.[Year 6 Maths Set],
dbo.StudentDetMaster.[JS Baseline],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 English Mock],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 Maths Mock],
dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 English Mock Year Group Average], dbo.PGJSProfile.[Year 6 Maths Mock Year Group Average]
dbo.StudentDetMaster ON dbo.PGJSProfile.SetId = dbo.StudentDetMaster.SetId AND
dbo.PGJSProfile.StudentId = dbo.StudentDetMaster.StudentId
ORDER BY dbo.StudentDetMaster.Name



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Datareader Timeout

Apr 25, 2008

In my web site I call all the content from the database with the use of querystrings. I use datareader to call the data each time a request appears from the querystring.  Although I close all the connections I still get occasionally the following error:
Timeout expired the timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.
If it is not a programming error then what could it be? I use sql server 2005 and vs 2005 2.0 .

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SSIS Datareader ODBC Source Error

Feb 24, 2006

I am trying to import data from an ODBC source using the Datareader but have come accross a problem, can anyone help?

Whenever I try to do a 'SELECT * FROM sometable' I get the following error:

Error at Data Flow Task [DTS.Pipeline]: The output column "notes" (521) has a length that is not valid. The length must be betewwn 0 and 4000

Most of the tables we require have this field.

Is there any way to by pass this error and import the field as DT_WSTR type and convert to DT_NTEXT?

Our original DTS package (2000) worked well but we would like to move forward.

Thanks in advance.


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DataReader Source And ODBC Connection To PostgresSQL

Mar 16, 2006


I am trying to use the DataReader Source to import a table from a PostgresSQL database into a new table in SQL 2005 database. It works for all tables except one, which has over 80,000 records with long text columns. When I limit the import to fraction of records (3,000 to 4,000 records) it works fine but when I try to get all it generates the following errors:

Source: DataReader using ADO.NET and ODBC driver to access PostgresSQL table
Destination: OLE DB Destination - new table in SQL 2005
(BTW - successful import with DTS packagein SQL 2000)

Error: 0x80070050 at Import File, DTS.Pipeline: The file exists.

Error: 0xC0048019 at Import File, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager could not get a temporary file name. The call to GetTempFileName failed.

Error: 0xC0048013 at Import File, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager could not create a temporary file on the path "C:Documents and SettingsmichaelshLocal SettingsTemp". The path will not be considered for temporary storage again.

Error: 0xC0047070 at Import File, DTS.Pipeline: The buffer manager cannot create a file to spool a long object on the directories named in the BLOBTempStoragePath property. Either an incorrect file name was provided, or there are no permissions.

Error: 0xC0209029 at Import File, DataReader Source - Articles [1]: The "component "DataReader Source - Articles" (1)" failed because error code 0x80004005 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "probsumm" (1639)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

Error: 0xC02090F5 at Import File, DataReader Source - Articles [1]: The component "DataReader Source - Articles" (1) was unable to process the data.

Error: 0xC0047038 at Import File, DTS.Pipeline: The PrimeOutput method on component "DataReader Source - Articles" (1) returned error code 0xC02090F5. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Any idea why it can't create a temp file or why it complains about the "The File exists", which file, where, etc. Any help or alternative suggestions are greatly appreciated. What I am missing or doing wrong here?


Michael Sh

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DataReader With ODBC As Source Using A User Variable In The Sqlcommand

Nov 15, 2007

Does anyone know how I can use a user variable in a sqlcommand in a Datareader source with an ODBC connection as the source?
I am storing a date value in a user variable(Date) I fill with a SQL Task and then want to use the value in the sqlcommand I use in the Datareader Source. It won't let me use the @variablename in the sql command.
Can anyone help with some advice on how I can make this work?
Appreciate any help I can get.
Thank you

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SPSS ODBC Strange Column Value Repeating With DataReader Source

Apr 25, 2008


I am having an issue when attempting to retrieve data from SPSS via a ADO.NETDBC Connection
using the DataReader source. What seems to be occurring is that the DataReader is reading a column that
has a length of 255 and what it is doing is taking the first 200 characters and starts repeating the
characters starting at character 201, in this way erasing any data held in positions 201 to 255.

Another way of saying this:
This statement returns data in the results but I have noticed the data is incorrect. It seems to only
be selecting the initial 200 characters of the 255 in the field. Then it starts to repeat the
first 200 characters again to complete the full selection of the 255 characters

Here is an example:
Instead of:

€śXXXXX changed my life before it got worse. It was very informative. They gave me the information. They left it up to me to ponder over it and make the decision on what I wanted to do. It informed me on what drugs do to your body and mind. I was stress€?

I end up getting:

€śXXXXX changed my life before it got worse. It was very informative. They gave me the information. They left it up to me to ponder over it and make the decision on what I wanted to do. It informed XXXXX changed my life before it got worse. It was very€?

Source Column Datatype that SSIS can see is of Unicode string [DT_WSTR] type. Also it correctly identifies
the length is 255 in both the External Column, and Output Column section.

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Datareader Source Connects To No Longer Existing ODBC-link

Aug 7, 2007

I am connecting to a MsAccess-database using ODBC. While developing the package we have changed mappings for this database. The ODBC was changed accordingly and the old definitions were deleted. However SSIS is still using the old ODBC-links even when deleting all existing connections and adding a new connection. Somehow the old settings have been saved and are being reused in the DataReader Source. If so where are they saved and how can I change/delete them ???? Note: I suspect the Server Explorer because every time I add a data connection using the ODBC, the Datareader Source starts using the wrong definition (even when Server Explorer uses the correct one).

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Weird!! &&< Sign Doesn't Work Within DataReader Source Connecting To Mysql Using ADO.NET ODBC Option

Jul 25, 2007

my package contains

Two connections ==> one is using OLEDB connecting to SQL server 2005 and the other using ADO.NET's ODBC option to connect to mysql;

Two "Execute SQL Task" ==> one gets maximum ID(bigint) from a SQL server table and the other gets the maximum ID(unsigned) from a mysql's table and bind them to two variables ID1(string) and ID2 (int 64). ;

And one DataFlow whose data source is DataReader Source which queries mysql "select * from table where ID > cast(@ID1 as signed) and ID <= cast(@ID2 as signed) ". To debug, I put a DataViewer between Data Flow Source and Data Flow Destination.

Run the package, I found no data coming into DataViewer and no error message as well. However if I remove the "<=" sign and change the DataReader Source query to "select * from table where ID > cast(@ID1 as signed)", It works perfectly. Initially I thought it's variable @ID2's issue. But if I replace "<=" sign with ">=" sign in the query ==> "select * from table where ID >= (cast(@ID2 as signed) -100)", there is no problem. After tried many times, I found that query just doesn't work with "<" sign or "between". Plus the result of running package tells it's successful but just no records got inserted into Data Flow Destination.

Anyone could help? Thanks!

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ODBC SQL Timeout

Feb 7, 2001


I'm using SQL Server 7. My views do not return result sets because I get the following message:

ODBC SQL Server Driver Timeout Expired.

How do I write script to change the time out property?


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ODBC Timeout - Where To Start Looking

Jul 20, 2006

Access 2002SQL Server 2000ODBC Linked TablesI have a user who gets an ODBC timeout message when trying to save a newrecord in a form. I looked at the locks on the server and that user waslocking himself out. On the same server I can enter records fine withthat form, except when he's in there, he's using the same application(copy of).The form he's using is a simple one bound to a query thus:select * from table where 1=2or something very similar so that it's always at a new record anddoesn't look at any others.Any settings I should look at?

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ODBC Timeout Problems But Very Hard To Pin Down

Aug 16, 2007

One of our clients has reported a problem. Everything was workingfine on Monday, but since Tuesday all is going wrong. The sysadminassures me that there have been no changes to the network, or theservers.Three applications, one back-end database server (SQL Server 2000 withall service packs etc.).APP 1: Access 2000 databaseAPP 2: ASP.NET (VS 2003)APP 3: ASP.NET (VS 2003)All connect to the same database server - different databases, natch.1 & 2 have reported ODBC timeout issues. 3 had other problems. Thisis how they present themselves. I ran SQL Profiler to capture thetraceAPP 1 - ACCESS APPLICATION1. Login works fine. You have to supply credentials which arevalidated by SQL Server. Open a Search form and the default recordsetis displayed correctly.NOTE: This SQL captured on trace.2. Enter a criterion into one of the controls on the search form andpress "Filter". Wait a minute and watch the hourglass. EventuallyODBC Timeout error displayed.NOTE: This SQL captured on trace.3. Right-click on the appropriate column on the sub-form and enterthe same criterion as for step 2 above. NO ODBC TIMEOUT - CORRECTRECORDSET RETURNED WITHIN TWO SECONDSNOTE: This SQL captured on trace.NOTE: If I open the (linked) tables in the Microsoft Access databasepane I can manipulate the data at will. However, if I try to open anystored queries in Access they time out.APP 2 - ASP.NET APPLICATION1. Login works fine. You have to supply credentials which arevalidated by SQL Server. As it happens, the default display for thelogged-on user contains no records.2. Change the parameters to allow some records to be displayed.Watch the progress bar do nothing and then the system displays the"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception.NOTE: This SQL captured on trace.APP 3 - ASP.NET APPLICATION1. Login works fine. You have to supply credentials which arevalidated by SQL Server. As it happens, the default display containsno records.2. Attempt to add a new record. System pretty slow.3. New record form displayed. All drop-downs contain incorrect data- for example, in the Supply Priority list, there should be 14 items -there are, in fact, 56 - each item duplicated four times. This hashappened in all the tables that I can see. I've taken a dump of thelive data and compared it with our archived version - for lookuptables, there is no duplication in our copy, but in their copy everyitem appears four times.If the above wasn't weird enough for you, get this.If I cut and paste the SQL that's being captured by the Profiler ateach point and paste it into Query Analyser, it totally barfs. Iwaited 11 minutes for one query but it just kept running, neverreturning. EVEN THE QUERY AT APP 1 POINT 3.Needless to say, if I run these queries back at the office it all goesaccording to plan.I think they've got a problem.....Edward

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ODBC SQL Server Driver : Timeout Expired

May 17, 2001


I am using SQL Server 7.0 Desktop Edition on Windows NT 4.0 workstation with service pack 6. I'm connecting to my production servers using the Enterprise Manager.A couple of months back, I have installed SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition on my desktop and using it to access the production servers.A couple of days back, I was not able to connect to the Query Analyzer either through Enterprise Manager or directly. I am getting the following error:

ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired.
All our production servers are in a data center. I'm able to connect to the production servers in one particular cage but it is giving the above error if I try to connect to other servers which are in different cages. My colleague is able to connect to all the servers through Query Analyzer from his machine which has only SQL Server 7.0.I uninstalled SQL Server 2000 on his suggestion but it is giving the same error. I uninstalled and installed SQL Server 7.0 but I'm still getting the same problem.
Could you please throw some light on why this is happening ?

Thanks in advance,
MN Rao

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ODBC SQL Server Driver Timeout Expired

May 23, 2002

I am trying to populate a View. I can run the sql code successfully by using SQL Query Analyzer. However, When I try to open the View in SQL Enterprise Manager and request that all rows be returned, I receive the following error:

ODBC SQL Server Driver Timeout Expired

I cannot determine the cause, Can anyone help me determine why the message is occurring? Thank you.

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ODBC Driver Error - Timeout Expired

Feb 18, 2005

Very common error but wired scenario. Every client machine get this error in morning. VB application works fine until evening but when everyone goes home after shut down the machine and they come back again in morning and try to run the application they get this error. Application runs fine, It can access data, pull data, view data but It can not write any data. (Other words can not enter any data).

Application again starts working fine after I copy database on different SQL server. For temporary solution I swap database from one SQL Server to other one day and back to original SQL server next day. Every morning it takes about 2 hours to copy database. I’m doing this from last few days as working solution. FYI, I have 2 different VB application, each has their own database. One working fine and other started giving me problem, the one I described above.

Few thing I want to let you know:

Recently I changed the SQL server. After I changed I started having this problem. But other application working fine. So I don’t think that could be a problem. (Both application basically same in terms of development and tools they use. VB and SQL Server, ODBC connection, Crystal Reports).

In old SQL server both database had daily backup on third party backup built on different server using Client Network Backup. After I changed the SQL server I never modify backup setting. So after I moved SQL server , every night backup was trying to connect to old SQL server and but It couldn’t take the backup cause I changed the machine. Again if that’s the problem both application should not work but one working fine other is giving me problem.

One more thing I want to mention here is I started having this problem when I left the SQL server copying database overnight. Means, I started copying database and I left the machine ON when I came in the morning copying database was done and I just click on the OK and close the window. Basically It has finished copying database in around 2 hours after I started and I close the window when I came back next morning.

That’s the few things I’m thinking about but I don’t know what kind of database setting this might have changed and how to reset again. Any help will appreciated.

Dose any one know how to combine .mdf (Primary data file) and .ndf (secondary data file) ???

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ODBC SQL Driver Timeout Expired From MS Access

Oct 30, 2007


I'm running a machine with windows xp pro sp2. I have a MS Access 2000 database on that machine. The database contains 1 odbc linked table
and 1 Access query.

The odbc linked table is connected to a MS SQL Server 2000 database with a ODBC SQL Server System DSN.

The table on SQL Server to which the table in Access is linked has about
3 million + rows.

When I open the ODBC linked table in Access, it opens without a problem.

However, if I use even so much as one criterion such as "where company = ABC" for example, then it "thinks" for a while and returns the dreaded:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Driver] Timeout Expired (#0).

I have to use MS Access 2000 as the front end for this SQL Database table.

How do I get around the timeout issue. Is there a setting in SQL?

Please keep in mind that
I can't write the queries as Store procs because the requirement of the client is that there be one Linked Access table that the users can use
to write various access queries. No user are not techies.

please help

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Access97 - Mssql7 Odbc Timeout Error

Jan 8, 2004


I recently rewrote an old ACCESS 97 application to work with MSSQL 7.

The program works fine until I use a form whiche opens several linked tables at the same time. When closing the Form I get (At unpredictable moments) an ODBC SQL SERVER DRIVER update failure error message.

All rights are set on the tables for Public and even then i keep getting this error at very odd moments. I also had a look in Access at the ODBC refresh rate which is set at 10sec , OLEDB refreshrate 10 sec, and refresh is set at 5sec.

I tried different combinations of timeout settings and even renewing the MDAC to version 2.7.
Nothing helps.

Can anyone give me a tip as to look for the possible source of the error and how to fix it?
Vincent JS

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Odbc Sql Server Driver Timeout Expired

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Has anyone ever had trouble using the query analyzer tool through a vpnclient? I'm able to connect outside of work to a sqlserver db on mycompany lan with enterprise mgr, but the query analyzer times out everytime I try to connect from outside of work. Both utilities work fine atwork (no vpn tunnel).The exact error is:Unable to connect to server blahblahblah:ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expiredI've tried increasing the sqlserver odbc driver's CPTimeout without success.Appreciate any advice.Eric

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[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Driver] Timeout Expired

Feb 5, 2008

Hi ,

Well i have one question regarding the Timeout . I have an SQL SERVER 2005 database and have an VB6.0 application. I have a stored procedure which inserts more than 90,000 rows from one table to another . Some times i get an exception as [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Driver] Timeout Expired in the Visual Basic application and some times it works fine. The exception i receive within 30 seconds , but when i try the same stored procedure in query analyser , it works fine. also i have increased the timeout in visual basic , but still i get the same error.

Can anyone suggest.....

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout Expired.

Jun 29, 2002

When I connecting thru T-SQL, the following error was thrown.

Unable to connect to server 'SERVERNAME'

ODBC: Msg 0,Level 16, State 1
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout expired.

How to fix this?


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ODBC Driver Timeout Error In Enterprise Manager & VB ADO

Sep 12, 2001

Receiving error "Microsoft ODBC Server Driver Timeout Expired".
This is happening when running queries or stored procedures through VB6 and also in Enterprise Manager.
Have set query timeout to 0 and command timeout to 0 but no joy.

Enterprise manager cannot even perform a count of records (16Million) without timeing out.

Can anyone end of tether!


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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout Expired

Aug 19, 1999

I am running a query which pulls back about 200,000 records.

When I run this in ISQL (SQL Server 6.5), it runs in almost 2 minutes.
When I put it in a store procedure and run it off my ASP application, I
get this error

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout Expired

We've tried many things including:
1) Increased connection and command time outs in Global ASA
2) Have the ODBC driver log long Quires to a file
3) Changed Query Time out in Enterprise Manager(360 seconds) Go to
tools --> Preferences/configure -->Connection Tab
4) Changed Maximum allowed open database from 20 to 200
5) Changed resource timeout to 360 seconds from 5 seconds
6) Changed remote query timeout to 0, allowing infinite wait.

What else can we try???

Thanks for taking the time to read this

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Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout Expired

Feb 1, 1999

Hi all,

I inherited some really twisted asp pages from another developer that crank for a long time. They used to work, albeit slowly. Now when I try to run one I get the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

Short queries run fine.

IIS4 & SQL Server are on the same box. I didn't the ASP pages or the IIS or SQL server config. I did install VStudio 6.0 a while back.

Anybody got any clues?

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout Expired

May 29, 2002

Thank you to all who reply to this perplexing question.

Database VMFGSRVRVMFG is SQL 2000 Std.
Database NT002P_GL is SQL 7.0.
All SQL versions are at the current SP levels.

I receive the timeout message when I am in EM,
database,VMFG(database), Views, Open View, Return All
Rows. I can successfully run the code in QA. I believe I
am running up against a time parameter in SQL Server. I
have reviewed all time parameters that I can find.
However, I still receive the error. What parameters should
I be looking at? I am attempting to create a view with the
following code:
CREATE view uv_olap_adj_co_profit as
select as customer_number, as customer_name,
customer_order.salesrep_id as salesperson,
isnull(, 'USA') as country,
'7' as business_unit,
customer_order.order_type as order_type,
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.billing + ut_man_adj.billing)
uv_olap_co_profit.billing*ut_fin_adj.billing) as billing,
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.material_cost +
uv_olap_co_profit.material_cost*ut_fin_adj.materia l) as
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.labor_cost + ut_man_adj.labor)
uv_olap_co_profit.labor_cost*ut_fin_adj.labor) as labor,
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.burden_cost + ut_man_adj.burden)
uv_olap_co_profit.burden_cost*ut_fin_adj.burden) as
uv_olap_co_profit.service_cost as service
from uv_olap_co_profit,
where uv_olap_co_profit.customer_order *=
ut_man_adj.cust_order_id and
uv_olap_co_profit.work_order *= ut_man_adj.work_order and
uv_olap_co_profit.period_year = ut_fin_adj.year and
uv_olap_co_profit.customer_order = and
customer_order.customer_id = and
(customer_order.salesrep_id = 'LABELAIREP' or
customer_order.salesrep_id = 'OMOHUNDR' or
customer_order.salesrep_id = 'EGGERSR')
union all
select as customer_number, as customer_name,
customer_order.salesrep_id as salesperson,
isnull(, 'USA') as country,
customer.user_2 as business_unit,
customer_order.order_type as order_type,
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.billing + ut_man_adj.billing)
uv_olap_co_profit.billing*ut_fin_adj.billing) as billing,
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.material_cost +
uv_olap_co_profit.material_cost*ut_fin_adj.materia l) as
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.labor_cost + ut_man_adj.labor)
uv_olap_co_profit.labor_cost*ut_fin_adj.labor) as labor,
isnull((uv_olap_co_profit.burden_cost + ut_man_adj.burden)
uv_olap_co_profit.burden_cost*ut_fin_adj.burden) as
uv_olap_co_profit.service_cost as service
from uv_olap_co_profit,
where uv_olap_co_profit.customer_order *=
ut_man_adj.cust_order_id and
uv_olap_co_profit.work_order *= ut_man_adj.work_order and
uv_olap_co_profit.period_year = ut_fin_adj.year and
uv_olap_co_profit.customer_order = and

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[microsoft][odbc Sql Server Driver] Timeout Expired

Apr 9, 2001


I am running sqlserver 2000 enterprise edition on windows 2000.
When I try to run a select statement. I am encountering

[microsoft][odbc sql server driver] timeout expired

How do fix this problem?


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Error - ODBC Sql Server Driver Timeout Expired

Sep 28, 2005

Hi everyone

I have installed SQL server on my server machine. using localsystem and mixmode option.
It is working fine.

I installed sql server with connectivity tools only option on my client computer.

now, When i try to connect to server using data source from control panel --> Administrative tools --> Data source(ODBC).

but I cant connect.It gives me error as below.

Connection Failed:
Sql Server Error:0
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout Expired.

I uninstalled sql server from my client and server computer. and installed again.

I tried to ping from client computer to server computer it is working.

even i tried telnet sqlservername 1433

this one is also ok.

But same error facing

Please help me out.


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[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout Expired

Oct 30, 2007

I've tried every websearch possible to try and get a solution for this problem but can't.

Development Software:
SQL Server 2000
Enterprise Manager 8.0
Query Analyzer 8.00.194

When I run a mildly complex view in Enterprise Manager I get the error:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout Expired
after about 30 seconds.

When I copy and paste and run the exact same code in Query Analyzer the Query runs for longer than 30 seconds and runs until completion. Now my question is since this apparently seems to be an Enterpise Manager problem and not on the server end, where do I go in Enterprise Manager to change that setting? I've looked everywhere in Enterpise manager and can't find a "command timeout" setting.


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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout Expired

May 18, 2004

I installed MS SQL Server 2000 Evaluation Edition on
Windows XP Pro. I have database on the same PC. When I
am running a query(view) from Query Analyser I
get "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Timeout Expired"
error message . When I am running the same view on
smaller amount of data it works.


Could you please help me with that?

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout Expired

Mar 6, 2008


I have tried updating the DSN configure option i.e. 30000 milliseconds.

But I am still facing the problem of Timeout Expired.

I am using sql server 2005 for daily importing data from Excel Dump Files into sql server table.
Everyday the database gets updated.
The Error mentioned in Subject normally gets once a month, due to daily updation of database whether each table structure gets changed like index, trigger, etc.

Kindly let me know how to resolve this error.


Srinivas Alwala

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Odbc-timeout Error On A Linked Table From Access2k

Dec 12, 2006

Hi.I have the problem that some records in a ms sqlserver table is unableto update from Access.I get the error message odbc-time out error in linked table......I tried to copy this table to another database, where none but me wasaktive.And then it worked quit ok when I try to save the record.I am thinking about if there is some trigger och restraint that Idon't know about, but I don't know how to se all of this in thedatabase.I have changed the odbc-timeout settings in Access but that doesn'tseed to make any differenceSo what's the problem?Does anyone have an idea?/regards BigOlle

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[165]ODBC Error 0 Timeout Expired[SQLSTATE HYT00]

Jul 20, 2005

sql server 2000 8.00.194Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 2I looked into my sqlserver agent log and found the followingODBC Error 0 Timeout expired[SQLSTATE HYT00]logon to server local '( failed)' (Job manager)I have no idea what that means but it did keep out users for a minute or more.The threads found on this forum almost all point to reccuring situationsmine is a sporadic one time issue.Is it Ok to conclude it is a network error as I did?TIAVince

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Upgrade To SQL Server 2005 - ODBC Timeout Problem

Oct 18, 2006

Hi, on a web application that I develop, I just upgraded to a new database server running SQL Server 2005 and Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. The previous database server ran SQL Server 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition. Since this upgrade, the application has been causing "timeout" errors all over the application. I've been stumped. Here's the error mssage:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

I'm hoping there is some sort of a setting that can be modified to increase the maximum number of connections between the web server and database server. This is a fresh version of Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2005. Any support that can be provided will be greatly appreciated.

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