DataReader Output Column Length

Jan 19, 2007


I have an ODBC connection manager to a Progress database. In that database there is a column declared as a string of 10 characters long.
However, some data in this column is actually up to 15 characters long.
This makes my DataReader Source fail everytime I try to run my package because it sets the output column like this :

Datatype : Unicode string [DT_WSTR]
Length : 10

Is there any way to solve this without changing the datatype in the Progress database (that is beyond my control) ?

tanks in advance ...

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How To Access Output Column Length Within Script Component?

Mar 7, 2007

My script component defines a (DT_WSTR, 450) output column named keyword. How can I access its length within the script, instead of hard-coding 450 as a constant?

My feeble attempts to tease this out through Visual Studio got me this far:


but now I'm stuck. Also, if it matters, this is an asynchronous transformation component.


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Flat File Destination , Ragged Right Output Column Length

Sep 14, 2007

how do I make the output columns padded with extra space ? I intentionally set my output width larger than the input width, but the generated file is still jamming all the columns next to each other

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Error When Changing The Length On DataReader Source

Nov 3, 2006

I am trying to import data from Oracle RDB into SQL Server 2005 using SSIS. Created a ODBC data source to connect to Oracle and used DataReader Source component and to connect to the ODBC data source.

Under the Component properties tab, the SQL Command looks something like this.


The data type for the source columns are Integer, Varchar(30) and DATE VMS.

Now when I look at the Input and Output properties window,

The External columns has the following data types.

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

The Output columns has the following data types

ID - four-byte signed integer [DT_I4]
ADDRESS - Unicode string [DT_WSTR], length = 0
REVISED - database timestamp [DT_DBTIMESTAMP]

When I tried to change the length of the ADDRESS on the output column, I get the following error.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" (1) cannot be changed.

Error at Data Flow Task [DataReader Source [1]]: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)

Is this the default length for the Unicode string type. I was not able to load the ADDRESS column as it gets truncated before I load it into destination. Even if I use Derived or Data Conversion transformation, the ADDRESS is getting truncated before it reaches this transformation.

Any thoughts.


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Procedure Parameter Length Declaration Less Than Column Length?

Jun 30, 2014

is there any way or a tool to identify if in procedure the Parameter length was declarated less than table Column length ..

I have a table

CREATE TABLE TEST001 (KeyName Varchar(100) ) a procedure
WHERE KeyName = @KeyName
KeyName = @KeyName

Here table Column with 100 char length "KeyName" was compared with SP parameter "@KeyName" with length 40 char ..

IS there any way to find out all such usage on the ALL Procedures in the Database ?

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DataReader Source Output Help

Mar 26, 2007

I have configured my DataReader to use an (ODBC) connectivity (entered Select * from AMPFM) in Sqlcommand and can see my database columns listed in the Advanced Editor / Column mappings window. My process needs to perform a straight column to column population from AMPFM table into my dbo.visitfinancials table. How do I point the output to the above table?

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DataReader Output Skipping First Line

Jan 20, 2007

I am using the following code to query a DB and output an Excel Spreadsheet.  For some reason, the first line is always missing.Any help would be greatly appreciated.============================================1 reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
2 If Not reader.Read() Then
3 Return False
4 Else
5 For i = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1
6 strLine += reader.GetName(i).ToString & Chr(9)
7 Next
8 objStreamWriter.WriteLine(strLine)
9 strLine = ""
10 With reader
11 While .Read
12 For x = 0 To .FieldCount - 1
13 strLine = strLine & reader.GetValue(x) & Chr(9)
14 Next
15 objStreamWriter.WriteLine(strLine)
16 strLine = ""
17 End While
18 End With
19 End If

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Output Row Length

Aug 28, 2001

I am sending the output of a query to a file and unfortunately every row is containing only a certain number of characters. My query has rows having length of 1500 characters for each row. When I get the query and send it to a file I am seeing only the first 250 characters for each row instead of 1500 characters.

I will be grateful if anyone can help me suggesting a solution for this problem.

I appreciate your help in advance.


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DataReader Source Error - Cannot Change The Datatype, Precision Or Scale In The Output Columns

Oct 3, 2007

I have a data source that I access via odbc in a DataReader Source component in SSIS. I can access the data fine. However, I am having problems with certain fields that are numeric (specifically home prices ranging from 100,000.00 to 99,999,999.00). In the advanced editor for my data reader source under the input and output properties tab, in data reader output under the external columns and output columns, these fields for some reason default to numeric data types with a precision of 4 and a scale of zero, not large enough to hold the data that is coming in. This causes errors that make the data come in as null (after i specify to ignore the errors).

I can change the precision and scale to 18 and 4 in the external columns, but when I try to change the datatype, precision or scale in the output columns I get the following message:

Property Value is not valid.

The details are:

Error at Import DataReader Source: The data type of output columns on the component "DataReader Source" cannot be changed.
Error at DataReader Source: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0xC020837D)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.SetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostSetOutputColumnDataTypeProperties(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Int32 iOutputID, Int32 iOutputColumnID, DataType eDataType, Int32 iLength, Int32 iPrecision, Int32 iScale, Int32 iCodePage)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Network Output Queue Length

Mar 18, 2005

On my busy sql server my network output queue length is a very large number 4343559902. My research shows it should be a < 2, but have also seen some bugs related to this perfmon counter. Anyone dealt with this issue before?

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Fixed Length File Output

Feb 5, 2008

I need to write data into a fixed column length file and was wondering the best (most efficient) way to tackle this. For example, the first few pieces of the report I'm working on now would be:

PacketID - Starting position 1, Field length 9
TransactionID - Starting position 10, Field length 9
Group number - Starting position 19, field length 10
PID/SSN - Starting position 29, field length 10

For the PID/SSN, if I have a PID it'll be 10 digits and fill the field length, if I don't I use SSN which is only 9 digits and enter a space as the 10th digit. Obviously if I don't have certain pieces of information I'll just need spaces of the specified length to satisfy the file format. I'm using SQL 2005. Thanks in advance for any help provided.

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Isql Field Output Length Greater Than 255

Jun 15, 2004


I am running a stored procedure thru' isql.
This returns only one field.
The sp is executed fine but if the data has length greater than 255 the data is truncated.
How do u capture the full output ?

Thanks In Advance


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Union All Component Silently Changes Output Field Length

Jul 25, 2007

To simulate problem do follows:

1. Add Script source component.

2. Add 2 string output collumns: F1 length 50, F2 length 110

3. Add Union All component connected to Script source component

4. Add Script transformation component connected to Union All component

5. Mark F1 and F2 as input collumns

6. In the Input and Output section of the script transformation component check that length of the fields is 50 and 110 correspondingly

7. Edit Union All component: change Union All Input 1 to <ignore> for Output collumns F1, and F2; change Union All Input 1 to F2 for F1 and F1 for F2; change back <ignore> for F1, <ignore> for F2; set back F1 for F1, F2 for F2; Click OK to save

8. In the Input and Output section of the script transformation component check that length of the both fields is 110 now.

So, be careful to select output columns values in Union All component. If you choose wrong field by accident, and replaced it with correct one straight away, the length of output column could be stored not as you expect an need.

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Transact SQL :: Column Length Restriction When Naming CTE Column?

Jun 22, 2015

My CTE is failing and I don't know why...Is there a Common Table Expression column name length restriction???

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DataReader Source And Column Types

Mar 2, 2006

Is there a way to control the types for output columns of a DataReader Source? It appears that any System.String will always come out as DT_WSTR. As I have my own managed provider, and I know what went in, I can say that really it should be DT_STR. The GetSchemaTable call from my provider will always say System.String as it does not have much choice, but GetSchemaTable does contain a ProviderType which is different for my DT_STR vs DT_WSTR, or rather when I want each. I think something like MappingFiles as used by the Wizard would work, but can I do anything today?

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Using Output From A Stored Procedure As An Output Column In The OLE DB Command Transformation

Dec 8, 2006

I am working on an OLAP modeled database.

I have a Lookup Transformation that matches the natural key of a dimension member and returns the dimension key for that member (surrogate key pipeline stuff).

I am using an OLE DB Command as the Error flow of the Lookup Transformation to insert an "Inferred Member" (new row) into a dimension table if the Lookup fails.

The OLE DB Command calls a stored procedure (dbo.InsertNewDimensionMember) that inserts the new member and returns the key of the new member (using scope_identity) as an output.

What is the syntax in the SQL Command line of the OLE DB Command Transformation to set the output of the stored procedure as an Output Column?

I know that I can 1) add a second Lookup with "Enable memory restriction" on (no caching) in the Success data flow after the OLE DB Command, 2) find the newly inserted member, and 3) Union both Lookup results together, but this is a large dimension table (several million rows) and searching for the newly inserted dimension member seems excessive, especially since I have the ID I want returned as output from the stored procedure that inserted it.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

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SPSS ODBC Strange Column Value Repeating With DataReader Source

Apr 25, 2008


I am having an issue when attempting to retrieve data from SPSS via a ADO.NETDBC Connection
using the DataReader source. What seems to be occurring is that the DataReader is reading a column that
has a length of 255 and what it is doing is taking the first 200 characters and starts repeating the
characters starting at character 201, in this way erasing any data held in positions 201 to 255.

Another way of saying this:
This statement returns data in the results but I have noticed the data is incorrect. It seems to only
be selecting the initial 200 characters of the 255 in the field. Then it starts to repeat the
first 200 characters again to complete the full selection of the 255 characters

Here is an example:
Instead of:

€œXXXXX changed my life before it got worse. It was very informative. They gave me the information. They left it up to me to ponder over it and make the decision on what I wanted to do. It informed me on what drugs do to your body and mind. I was stress€?

I end up getting:

€œXXXXX changed my life before it got worse. It was very informative. They gave me the information. They left it up to me to ponder over it and make the decision on what I wanted to do. It informed XXXXX changed my life before it got worse. It was very€?

Source Column Datatype that SSIS can see is of Unicode string [DT_WSTR] type. Also it correctly identifies
the length is 255 in both the External Column, and Output Column section.

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Get Column Length

Apr 9, 2008


I am creating a piece of code to create audit tables based on my current tables. I'm using the info in sysobjects to get this done, but I have one problem.
I can't seem to find the actual lenght of a column, I tried with the systypes.length, but that was obviously not what I needed. Does someone know how (or where) I can retrieve the length that I need?

thx in advance.

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Column Length Help

Sep 4, 2007

I have a table this is populated by a flat file. In the desc field from the flat file some of the data is very long up to 150 characters in length. I have to export this data after some transformations to a fixed width file. I need to check the length of the data in the desc field and any thing that is to long needs to be put in a desc2 field, however any values in desc that are shorter than 36 characters in length needs to have spaces padding it up to 36 characters as well as the desc2 field. Any help would be great. I am not the best T-SQL programmer in the world and have limited time to get this done.

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Get Column Length From Sql Server

Jul 11, 2007

Hello Friends,
I am working on a web application and using Sql Server 2005 as a Databasew. I want to define a variable with the datatype as defined in the database. Let me give an example.
In my web say there is a field "First Name" and for that I had created a TextBox "txtFirstName" in code behind to get this value I have defined a variable
String getFirstName;
Now this variable has to be stored into the table "Person" into the column "FirstName" which is of type "nvarchar" and having length "20" So I want to get this length programatically so that I can assign this number (20) to the maxlength property of the textbox "txtFirstName" so that in future if the legth of the database column changes it should no be needed to change in code also.
Caqn it be done? If yes please let me know.
Thanks & RegardsGirish Nehte

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Column Name Length And Restrictions

Nov 1, 2000

In SQL 7 what is the max length of a column name? And aren't the restrictions
no spaces, must start with an letter and no special characters. Sorry for this one but could not find it in BOL.

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Maximum Row Length Of A Column

Nov 8, 1999


I was trying to find out the maximum length of a row in a column.I was using SQL65.I will appreciate if any one can give me the query to find this.

Thanks in advance

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Change Column Length

Dec 20, 2004

Can you alter a column and make it longer without dropping the column

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Column Length Reducing

Feb 23, 2004

The length of a column is 20(varchar),
When i m trying to execute select column name it gives all 20 characters.

My requirement is - is there any option by which i will be able to see only 10 characters ?

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Not Allowed Column Length.

Feb 6, 2007

I entered the max 8000 varchar in a column and it will not let me enter more than about 1000. What is the deal?


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Setting Column Length In Sql ?

Jul 20, 2005

Please let me know if there is a more suitable group to post in.In query analyzer I do :alter table mytableadd mycolumn varchar default 50But when I check in Enterprise manager the column has a length of 1 ratherthan 50.What am I doing wrong?Thanks.Cheers - Tom."Do you know what a metaphysical can of worms this portal is?" CraigSchwartz, Being John Malkovich (1999)

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Get Length Of Data In An NText Column

Feb 27, 2004

I have some text in an NText column that could be quite long.

for the web page that displays it, i want to show the first 200 characters and then have a "more..." link to bring up the full text.

i'd like to create a stored procedure that takes the left 200 characters and copies them to a ShortText column (NVarChar) for initial display and then id like to set a bit column to indicate if the length of the NText column is greater than 200.

Len and Left cant be used against NText so how can i work with the NText data ??

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How To Modify The Length Of A Column In Sql Server 6.5

Jul 21, 2004

how to modify the length of a column In sql server 6.5

from varchar(10) to varchar(20)

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Problem With WHERE Clause When Column Length &> 255

Mar 25, 2004

Hello, I am using the JDCB-ODBC driver for my app, but one of the columns in my WHERE clause is 255 characters long. Because of this no rows are returned even though the statement should return 1 or 2 rows. I've tried other JDBC-ODBC drivers too and they have the same problem. Additionally, I've tried using RTrim(), Substring(), etc and it still will not work....any ideas? Is it a driver bug? Anyone know of a driver that will work?

Sample code....

ResultSet rs = dbRetrieve.getStatement().executeQuery( sql ) ;
if ( {
// Never gets here


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Query By Length Of Varchar Column

Sep 14, 2007

Hi mates,

I have a Table:Test with column text:varchar(255). I want get rows where text length to be longer than 100. Is it possible?

Thx in advance,

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Warning When Altering The Column Length

Dec 12, 2005

According to the MSDN, in SQL Server 2000

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Get Max Length Of Every Column Of A Table In One Query

May 20, 2008


I have a table with 500 columns, most of them are type of varchar. I would have the following data set:

ColumnName DataTypeLength MaxLength
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------
ColA 50 42
ColB 10 7
ColC 50 8
.... ... ...

I can have a query to get the data type length (hom many varchar) for each columns:

SELECT column_name, data_Type, character_maximum_length
FROM information_Schema.columns
WHERE table_name='***'
ORDER BY ordinal_position

but I have problem to get the actual maximum length of the each column. Anybody have the similar query?


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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Get The Column Type And Length

Feb 23, 2015

Below is a SQL statement that shows what columns belong to a certain view. My next question is how can I get a third column that shows the column type ?

VARCHAR(100), or UNIQUEIDENTIFIER or INTEGER or TEXT or NVARCHAR(256) or ........????

select top 100,, from sys.views a inner join sys.columns b
on a.object_id = b.object_id where like '%Case_Times%'

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