I am currently working With SSRS . I have created a Store Procedure To show Data from different table in my Database,I have Used a temp table with #xxx Name,when i am creating DataSet for this Store procedure . but its not Showing the Fields of Store Procedure, but when i create other Store procedure without temp table with #xxx then its showing the fields in Data Set.
I've a stored procedure which returns different number of fields depending on the input parameter.
create proc spSample (@rtnValue bit) as if @rtnValue = 0 begin
select field1, field2 from tablename end else begin
select field1, field2, field3, field4 from tablename end
Have a report execute this stored procedure, set the parameter value = True. Test the query, it returns all the fields as expected. However, on the fields tab of Dataset it always shows field1, and field2 no matter what; I manually add field3 and field4 under Report Datasets tree and they disappear after each execution. Anyway, I'm able to set the report fields as long as I don't refresh the query.
Is this the bug in SSRS? or am I missing something?
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters. I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
I have a report with multiple datasets, the first of which pulls in data based on user entered parameters (sales date range and property use codes). Dataset1 pulls property id's and other sales data from a table (2014_COST) based on the user's parameters.
I have set up another table (AUDITS) that I would like to use in dataset6. This table has 3 columns (Property ID's, Sales Price and Sales Date). I would like for dataset6 to pull the Property ID's that are NOT contained in the results from dataset1. In other words, I'd like the results of dataset6 to show me the property id's that are contained in the AUDITS table but which are not being pulled into dataset1. Both tables are in the same database.
Purpose - relate Server to Software, and Server to App and display it in power view.Current State - I am able to display that Server/Software and Server/App combos separately in power view.  However when I add Server/Software/App it throws the warning as seen below.  This leads me to believe the relationships aren't transitive so to speak.
Supporting Info - v_gs_installedsoftware is the software table. Â It relates to v_r_system which is the server table through resource id. Â The software table can have many rows with the same resource id, however the server table only has unique resourceids (think of it as a server can have many software products installed). Â Table1 is the application table, it relates to the v_r_system table through the resourceid. Â Each server from the server table can have many applications that it actually plays a role in (think of a web server that hosts multiple websites for different business units).
I have used Report viewer control to show ssrs 2005 report in my aspx page. Can we show the SSRS 2005 report on the aspx page in any other way? any info on this is appreciated.
I am new to matrixes and I have created a dataset which I would like to populate into an expanding / collapsing matrix.
The purpose of the report is to show a list of pallets and their respective stock adjustments. I have laid the matrix out as follows...
I have spent the entire afternoon playing around with this and searching Google, but as yet, I have been unable to get the matrix to display more than 1 record per pallet. Each of the pallets below have multiple adjustment records, yet the report will only display the first one...  If I assign the dataset to a table, it displays as expected.
Hi, I have two FormView, and I need to know if the DataSet contains specific fields to display it in the first FormView or in the Second FormView. Is it possible?
Anybody knows if exists some way to put a dataset field into the page footer???, or if not, tell me if there is a way to do a €œsimilar€? of footer, cuz I need put information in the bottom of the report, but just in the last page, and need to left the space of this information in the another pages.
I have a Dataset. I use this dataset in my matrix for grouping based on the underlying table columns names. Users can add columns to the underlying table that the DataSet refers.
Now my problem is: The data is grouped based on the column name selected from the parameter. If the user adds a column to this table how will the dataset refresh so that it contains the newly added field for grouping data.
I'm designing a report and have the requirement that the report title needs to be repeated on each page. However, the report title is dynamic, retrieved from the database, so i cannot place it in the page header (what an annoyance). The solution i first thought of was placing the title in a table, repeating the table header on each page, however the problem i'm encountering is that when i have a subreport in that table, that subreport is in one row
--> if the subreport spans across multiple pages, the header will only be shown on the first page the row where the subreport is actually in...
Presently I have a main report and subreport, with the subreport having values for a carbon copy contact, which when it is displayed it shows these values:  Peter Piper    #Error    #Error   peterpiper@mycompany.com    #Error Donald Duck   #Error    #Error   donaldduck@mycompany.com   #Error etc.  When I run the subreport directly, it correctly returns all the values:  Peter Piper    123-345-6789    Calgary   peterpiper@mycompany.com    T Donald Duck   987-654-3210    Calgary  donaldduck@mycompany.com   F  Here are the details on SQL Server 2008:  Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP2) - 10.0.4064.0 (X64)  Feb 25 2011 13:56:11  Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation  Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.0 <X64> (Build 6002: Service Pack 2)  why the #Error is showing up the the main report?
I'm all very new to SQL Reporting Services so I am hoping that someone will be able to help me.
I have two datsets. Both contain the same array of information pertaining to a particular site. For example, how much sales we had, how much revenue was made, how much commission was created at the end of each day, the usual kind of metrics. We have a stored procedure which takes a final total and puts into a table we can access by date.
I want to produce a report that can compare the data from two dates. I use two datasets to run the quries that will return the relevant data. The only thing that differs between the dataset is the date that the data is based on. So to say first dataset will have data on one date and the second dataset will have data on a another date.
I was trying to make a table where I could include fields from both datasets, mainly for making comparison easier.
so id have
columns online hits (dateone) | online hits (datetwo) Rows Data date1 | Data date2
and so on.
in fact i had this as the data from the first dataset in an example field: =Fields!OnlineSales.Value
but i couldnt get the second dataset to work even if i tried entering : =(Fields!OfflineBookings.Value, "SecondDatePicker")
I can't get the table to include field results from the second dataset as a table can only be linked to one dataset.
I have query which retrieves multiple column vary from 5 to 15 based on input parameter passed.I am using table to map all this column.If column is not retrieved in the dataset(I am not talking abt Null data but column is completely missing) then I want to hide it in my report.
I am working on creating a report which is retrieving data from a SQL 2005 database and being displayed in a C#.net web page. Presently, I am binding the dataset to a ASP:Gridview on the web page. I am currently retrieving most of the needed fields using the following SQL statement:PROCEDURE [dbo].[pr_getReportTickets] @DateCreated nvarchar(15) ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure hereSELECT tbl_Queue.num_TicketNumber AS TicketID , tbl_Users.str_Name AS Technician , tbl_Queue.str_QueueLocator AS TechNTID , tbl_Queue.dat_ReceivedRequest AS dateCreated , tbl_Queue.dat_DueDate AS DueDate , tbl_Queue.str_TaskName AS TicketTitle , tbl_Queue.str_Requestor AS RequestorNTID --, I need most current dat_TimeStamp from tbl_Notes here for this record --, I need most current int_PercentComplete from tbl_Notes here for this record --, I need to sum up all of int_MinutesWorked fields from tbl_Notes here for this record , MasterEmp.dbo.fn_FormatFullName(tbl_employee.str_fname, tbl_employee.str_lname) AS RequestorName , tbl_Queue.str_TicketType AS TicketType , tbl_Status.str_TaskStatus AS TicketStatus , tbl_Severity.str_Priority , tbl_Complexity.str_Complexity , tbl_Severity.str_Priority + N' / ' + tbl_Complexity.str_Complexity AS Priority , tbl_Queue.dat_CompleteDate as DateCompleted FROM dbo.tbl_Queue LEFT OUTER JOIN MasterEmp.dbo.tbl_employee AS tbl_employee ON dbo.tbl_Queue.str_Requestor = tbl_employee.str_ntid LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Users ON tbl_Queue.str_QueueLocator = tbl_Users.str_ntid LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Status ON tbl_Queue.num_Status_CD = tbl_Status.num_Status_CD LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Severity ON tbl_Queue.str_Severity = tbl_Severity.str_Severity LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_Complexity ON tbl_Queue.int_ComplexID = tbl_Complexity.int_ComplexID WHERE (dbo.tbl_Queue.dat_ReceivedRequest > CONVERT(DATETIME, @DateCreated, 102)) ORDER BY TicketType, tbl_Queue.str_Severity I also have another table called tbl_Notes. This table contains an unlimited quantity of records for every “num_TicketNumber�. This table contains the following fields: num_TicketNumber, str_TechRep, str_Notes, dat_TimeStamp, int_PercentComplete and int_MinutesWorked I need to add two more fields to the query, but I do not know how to tell the SQL statement how to retrieve the data for the specfic record and inbed the fields into the Dataset being returned from the database to the web page.1) The first field I need is the most current recorded Date field from the tbl_Notes table for the each of the records returned in the above SQL statement. Similar to: SELECT TOP (1) dat_TimeStamp FROM tbl_Notes WHERE(num_TicketNumber = xxxx) ORDER BY dat_TimeStamp DESC2) The other field I need to return with the Dataset is the sum of the int_MinutesWorked for each of the tickets being retrieved. Similar to: SELECT SUM(int_MinutesWorked) AS TotalMinutesFROM tbl_Notes WHERE (num_TicketNumber = 49)
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReportChart]@Num int,@patID char(16) ASbegin if @Num=2 Begin select * from table1 where patientid=@patID End else If @Num=1 Begin select * from table2 where patientid=@patID End end
While using the above stored procedure, when i bind it with Dataset. The fields corresponding to table1 are displayed in the Fields Tab of the Dataset whereas the Fields corresponding to table2 are not displayed. Please help me out . Thanks In Advance Regards Navdeep
I have a scatter chart in SSRS (SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2010) that is producing the following:
There are five data points on there, however the result set I am using has 10 rows (a 'Completed Date' of datetime and a 'Lateness' integer whose values can be positive or negative.
This is the Dataset and the results it produces:
How can I tell SSRS to show every data point in my chart?
Is there any way to find the dependency between two datasets in ssrs report. I want to delete one of dataset but need to find if I delete that it will work or any relation with the other dataset.
So I have this great MDX query that runs fine in Management Studio and I need to use it in a report. The statement contains a LookupCube call. I've tried everything but I am unable to get access to the fields in the dataset when I go to design the report.
I've tried adding the =" in the beginning and the " at the end. I've also tried escaping the " with "". Everything I've tried however never gives me the ability to access the 'PREV BATCH ELIGIBLE BALANCE' field.
Before you ask, I'm using LookupCube because the below code is just a piece of a much large MDX query. I just figured I'd start small and see how it goes.
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[PREV BATCH ELIGIBLE BALANCE] AS LookupCube("CLAIMS"," ([Measures].[TOTAL BALANCE] ,[CLIENT].[ATC Healthcare, Inc.] , [ELIGIBILITY].[TRUE], [ROLL_FWD].[TRUE], " + [Batch].PrevMember.UniqueName + ")") SELECT { [Measures].[PREV BATCH ELIGIBLE BALANCE] } ON COLUMNS, { [BATCH].[MyComp Healthcare, Inc.].Children } ON ROWS FROM [CLAIMS]
I have been assigned the task to port some reports from Business Objects 5.0 to Reporting Services 2005. The BO reports used data regions based on multiple datasets, which is not feasible in SSRS. So I have to get everything in one big query. The problem is that the query runs for 2 hours instead of a couple of minutes with our old BO solution which got it's data from an access database ! is there a better way to do this ?
here is the query
Code Snippet
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[MERCKGEN_HDMCKQ02_DoctorBrickDoctorGroups_values] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @TimePeriodDesc varchar(255), @TotalMarket varchar(255), @datasetname varchar(255), @VisibleProducts varchar(500), @DoctorSubTerritory varchar(255) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON;
-- Insert statements for procedure here SELECT xpospecialty.specialtydesc, a.doctorsubterritory , a.doctorbrick , a.doctorgroup , xpomarket.productdesc , s.totalmarketrank , s.prod1ranktotal , s.prod2ranktotal , SUM ( CASE WHEN (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN xpomeasures.rxvalues ELSE 0 END ) AS totalrxvalues, COUNT ( CASE WHEN (xpoproductsize.prodsizedesc <> 'Non -') AND (XpoMarketSize.MarketSizeDesc <> 'Non - MKT') AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS rxrcount, COUNT ( CASE WHEN (xpoproductsize.prodsizedesc = 'High') AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS [high], COUNT ( CASE WHEN (xpoproductsize.prodsizedesc = 'Medium') AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS [medium], COUNT ( CASE WHEN (xpoproductsize.prodsizedesc = 'Low') AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS [low], COUNT ( CASE WHEN (xpoproductsize.prodsizedesc = 'Very Low') AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS [very low], COUNT ( CASE WHEN (xpoproductsize.prodsizedesc = 'Very High') AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END ) AS [very high], (SELECT SUM(xpomeasures.rxvalues) AS totalrxvalues FROM dbo.xpotimeperiod INNER JOIN dbo.xpomeasures ON xpotimeperiod.timeperiodid = xpomeasures.timeperiodid INNER JOIN dbo.xpomarket ON xpomeasures.xpomarketid = xpomarket.xpomarketid INNER JOIN dbo.xpogeography ON xpomeasures.geographyid = xpogeography.geographyid WHERE (xpomarket.productdesc = @TotalMarket) AND (xpomeasures.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpotimeperiod.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpomarket.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpogeography.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpogeography.doctorgroup = a.doctorgroup) AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) ) AS rxvaluesdoctorgroup FROM dbo.xpotimeperiod INNER JOIN dbo.xpomeasures ON xpotimeperiod.timeperiodid = xpomeasures.timeperiodid INNER JOIN dbo.XpoMarketSize ON XpoMeasures.XpoMarketSizeId = XpoMarketSize.XpoMarketSizeId INNER JOIN dbo.xpoproductsize ON xpomeasures.xpoproductsizeid = xpoproductsize.xpoprodsizeid INNER JOIN dbo.xpomarket ON xpomeasures.xpomarketid = xpomarket.xpomarketid INNER JOIN dbo.xpogeography a ON xpomeasures.geographyid = a.geographyid INNER JOIN dbo.xpospecialty ON xpomeasures.xpospecialtyid = xpospecialty.xpospecialtyid INNER JOIN dbo.Fn_mvparamsorted (@VisibleProducts,',' ) ON xpomarket.productdesc = fn_mvparamsorted.parame LEFT JOIN ( SELECT xpogeography.doctorgroup, SUM(CASE WHEN xpomarket.productdesc = @TotalMarket THEN xpomeasures.rxvalues ELSE 0 END) AS totalrxvalues, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN xpomarket.productdesc = @TotalMarket THEN xpomeasures.rxvalues ELSE 0 END), 0) DESC) AS TotalMarketRank, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN xpomarket.productdesc = 'PPI Total' AND xpogeography.doctorsubterritory = @DoctorSubTerritory THEN xpomeasures.rxvalues ELSE 0 END), 0) DESC) AS 'Prod2RankTotal', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN xpomarket.productdesc = 'Merck-Generics Total' AND xpogeography.doctorsubterritory = @DoctorSubTerritory THEN xpomeasures.rxvalues ELSE 0 END), 0) DESC) AS 'Prod1RankTotal' FROM dbo.xpotimeperiod INNER JOIN dbo.xpomeasures ON xpotimeperiod.timeperiodid = xpomeasures.timeperiodid INNER JOIN dbo.xpomarket ON xpomeasures.xpomarketid = xpomarket.xpomarketid INNER JOIN dbo.xpogeography ON xpomeasures.geographyid = xpogeography.geographyid WHERE xpomeasures.datasetname = @DatasetName and (xpomarket.datasetname = @DatasetName) and (xpogeography.datasetname = @DatasetName)
AND xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc GROUP BY xpogeography.doctorgroup ) AS s ON s.doctorgroup = a.doctorgroup WHERE (xpomeasures.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpomarketsize.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpoproductsize.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpotimeperiod.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (a.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (XpoMarket.datasetname = @DatasetName) AND (xpotimeperiod.timeperioddesc = @TimePeriodDesc) AND (a.doctorsubterritory = @DoctorSubTerritory) GROUP BY xpospecialty.specialtydesc, a.doctorsubterritory , a.doctorbrick , a.doctorgroup , fn_mvparamsorted.parame , fn_mvparamsorted.sortid , xpomarket.productdesc , s.totalmarketrank , s.prod1ranktotal , s.prod2ranktotal ORDER BY s.totalmarketrank, a.doctorgroup , fn_mvparamsorted.sortid END
I have created multiple data sources and datasets in my SSrS project. I created the datasets so I could use them as the basis for reports. However, when I open the wizard to create a new report, I am always asked for a data source, and then have to renter the SQL code that I have stored in one of my datasets. How can I have a report use an existing dataset as it source of data? Otherwise, the datasets I created seem useless . . .
I'm developing an ASP.NET application that creates on-demand reports with Reporting Services 2005 in report server. I use a custom data set that contains the data that I want to bind to the report, and I use a WebService to pass that DataSet to the reporting services to accomplish my purpose.
This works well and all the fields are displayed in the report fine except the Image Fields, that are not showing (the red X appears instead of the image).
The issue is that all the data that is bind to the dataset is contained in a SQL Server 2005 database, and the Image column in the table of that database is a VARBINARY(MAX) field (I insert the image into the database table).
Also, when I created the dataset in .NET, the column type of the dataset I declared for the Image field was Byte[], but that didn't work for me. I've also tried to declare as the field type Byte,SqlByte,Image,SqlBinary, etc without succesfull results.
I've also tried creating a XML Schema, declaring the Image field as base64Binary, then do DataSet.ReadXMLSchema(myschema) and then retrievied the data from sql server and filled the dataset, Again, the Images doesn`t display.
For finnishing my unsatisfactory tests, I've also tried to handle the image data with a MemoryStream object:
MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream oStream = new MemoryStream();
mem.Write((Byte[])dr["Image"],0 , ((Byte[])dr["Image"]).Length); //dr is the datareader used to read from the DB
Image image = Image.FromStream(mem);
image.Save(oStream, ImageFormat.Png);
newRow["Image"] = oStream.GetBuffer(); //newRow is a row of the custom DataSet.Table passed to the SSRS.
Is there a way to return the fields collection of a dataset using the Reporting services Web Service? I can get to the reports but not the datasets. Thank you in advance for any support you can provide.
the Dataset in my report doesn't update the fields' values from the database. I refresh the dataset manualy in the SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio to see the new values in the report.
I have a VS 2005 Web Appplication solution that uses SQL Server Reporting Services 2005. One of the projects is a Report Server Project. In this project I have an RDL file that has: 1.)a non-shared XML DataSource (no credentials), 2.)a DataSet with a Command Type of Text and a Query String that is as follows: <Query> <XmlData> <Root> <LOAD LOAD_ID_PREFIX="" LOAD_ID="" TRUCK="" DIAGRAM=""/> </Root> </XmlData> </Query>
3.)a field that comes from the Database that is of VarBinary(Max) that is a JPEG Image
What happens is, is that by doing #2 above, at design time I can create tables and hook into my datasets and get the report all designed out the way I want. Then at runtime, I have a Stored Procedure that uses the "FOR XML AUTO" option so that I can represent my results from the database in an XML fashion which will allow me to replace the XML Schema in between the Root tags above (in #2) with my actual data (which still has the same schema). I then save the modified RDL to a database table field and move on to happily ever after......in this case, not. In this case, since an VarBinary is involved, unless I want to get a pointer back for the Diagram Column, I have to use the "FOR XML AUTO, BINARY BASE64" option. This returns an Encoded string to represent the Binary value that was in the Database....and this is the partial source of my angst....read on.
My approach that I described above worked flawlessly in all cases where an image wasn't involved. This report is the only report in the whole system I am working on that will have an image and it is the last one being done, so that's why I didn't run into this earlier.
I have tried all kinds of things at different levels, but the thing that I have tried that seemed to me to have the most potential was to use Embedded Code to take the Encoded ASCII Value and convert into something binary that the SSRS Reporting Engine likes (so my image will show), but I have been unsuccessful thus far. The error message I keep getting now from my Embedded Function is: "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array", which I have not been able to resolve thus far....and I do know that the Binary value in the database is good becuase I can see it in pages in my application otherwise.
This aside, is there anyone out there that knows how to take the value of a VarBinary(Max) field and insert it into the Text (XML) DataSet in the markup of an RDL file....and have it appear correctly when the report is rendered in something like the standard Report Viewer Control (or even when being previewed at design time inside of Visual Studio for that matter)?
Just to be clear, the root of my problem, as I see and understand it, is that I have a VarBinary value in a database that is being converted to a string (ASCII...I am presuming) due to how I am writing my stored procedure and then needs to go back to something else binary that the SSRS Engine will accept so that I can see my Image in the report when I render it.
I am wishful that someone out there understands my problem and has run into this and has a solution......but I am wishful of winning the lottery, too, and that hasn't happened yet...............