DataSet With Multiple SELECT Statements To The Same Table
Apr 29, 2008
OK, trying to return the results from two SQL statements into a DataSet using SqlDataAdapter. The SELECT statements query the same table but are looking for different records based on the date that the records were inserted - the 1st query looks for records fro the current month and the 2nd one looks at the same records but for the previous month. The goal is to be able to do some math within a repeater and get the difference between the two records.
Sounds easy enough and it has worked for me in different variations of the same idea but not this time - here's the code:
Protected Sub buildPartsReport(ByVal varHC)
sSQL = "SELECT,item_model,item_sn,aircraft_id,item_loc=item_type+ ' on ' +(SELECT tnum FROM T_Aircraft WHERE id=aircraft_id),apt.tot_time As endTimes,apt.tot_cycles as endCycles FROM T_Aircraft_Parts ap, T_Aircraft_Parts_Totals apt WHERE AND report_date= '" & rD & "' AND item_type LIKE 'engine%';SELECT,apt.part_id,apt.tot_time as startTimes,apt.tot_cycles as startCycles FROM T_Aircraft_Parts ap, T_Aircraft_Parts_Totals apt WHERE AND report_date= '" & oldRD & "' AND item_type LIKE 'engine%'"
Dim objCommand As New SqlDataAdapter(sSQL, objConn)
DS = New DataSet()
Repeater1.DataSource = DS
End Sub
Sorry if it wrapped a bit. The "rD" and "oldRD" are the variables for the date ranges (currently set to static numbers for testing). I'm getting the following error when I run this on an ASP.Net page:
System.Web.HttpException: DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the name 'startTimes'.
The code works fine when run via the Query Tool on the SQL server (SQL 2005 Std) though it produces two distinct "tables" which I'm guessing is the problem. I've tried variations on the code including creating a 2nd dataset and then attempting a merge (no joy) and I've tried the ".TableName" route but it complains about trying to add the tablename twice.
Thoughts? I need to get this to work - it is part of a reporting component for an application that I'm developing and I'm stuck. Thanks as always...
how can take codes below and put them into one store procedure to supplie a gridview. also i will like to define the row name on the left like i did to the column on the top using the 'AS' Code1.... SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'January' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS January, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'February' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS February, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'March' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS March, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'April' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS April, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'May' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS May, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'June' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS June, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'July' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS July, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'August' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS August, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'September' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS September, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'October' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS October, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'November' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS November, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'December' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS December, SUM(CASE WHEN site_descr = 'SITE1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AllTotal FROM dbo.V_results WHERE (site_descr = 'SITE1')
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'January' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS January, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'February' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS February, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'March' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS March, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'April' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS April, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'May' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS May, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'June' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS June, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'July' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS July, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'August' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS August, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'September' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS September, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'October' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS October, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'November' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS November, SUM(CASE WHEN Month = 'December' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS December, SUM(CASE WHEN site_descr = 'SITE2' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS AllTotal FROM dbo.V_results WHERE (site_descr = 'SITE2')
Hi guys and gals, I am trying to create a select statement that will return an INT that I will later have to use in another select statement. I have the following code, however, I keep getting an error that says: 'Error116: Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.' My Code is below: //Start of sql CREATE PROCEDURE ADMIN_GetSingleUsers( @userID int) AS DECLARE @userSQL intSET @userSQL = (SELECT User_ID, TITLE.TITLE AS TITLE, Cast(Users.Active as varchar(50)) as Active, Cast(Users.Approved as varchar(50)) as Approved, Users.Unit_ID As usersUnitID, * From TITLE, Users WHERE User_ID = @userID AND TITLE.TITLE_ID = Users.Title_ID ) Select Unit_ID, Parent_ID, Unit_Name from UNITS WHERE Unit_ID = @userSQL //End of sql Can you point to what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
I was wondering if it's possible to have a stored procedure that has two select statements which you can combine as a single result set. For instance:select name, age, titlefrom tableaselect name, age, titlefrom tablebCould you combine these queries into a single result set?
I know I should know the answer to this, but I just can't quite get the syntax down
Code: Select case when zipCode = '10185' Then 'Deliver' Else when zipCode = '2309' And paid = 'Yes' Then 'Deliver' Else When zipCode = '1291' And paid = 'Yes' Then 'Deliver' Else When zipCode = '88221' And paid = 'No' Then 'Hold' Else when zipCode = '34123' Then 'Deliver' End From postalDeliveryDatabase
Hi,We are discussing possible implementation for sql2005 database(s). This database will serve one web portal. Part of data will get into it by hand, and part will be replicated from internal system.Some of us are for creating two separate databases, since there are two separate datasources. One, automatic, will change very little over time and requires almost no maintenance. Other datasource will be manual input. Tables and procedures related to this part will change over time.Some of us are for creating single database, since it will serve one web site. More important this group is concerned about performance issues since almost every select will require join between tables that would be stored in two separate databases. Do these issues exist? Can you share some insights, comments, links about this?
first of all is it possible? if so, what am i doing wrong with this
ClientCode, EngagementCode, EngagementDescription
SELECT (SELECT dbo.tarCustomer.CustID FROM dbo.tPA00175 INNER JOIN dbo.tarCustomer ON dbo.tPA00175.CustKey = dbo.tarCustomer.CustKey INNER JOIN dbo.tPA00007 ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.tPA00007.intJobKey),
SELECT (SELECT dbo.tPA00175.chrJobNumber FROM dbo.tPA00175 INNER JOIN dbo.tarCustomer ON dbo.tPA00175.CustKey = dbo.tarCustomer.CustKey INNER JOIN dbo.tPA00007 ON dbo.tPA00175.intJobKey = dbo.tPA00007.intJobKey)
the first select statement for works fine, but the second one and all after i get a syntax error near 'select'.
this is just a shortened version of the statement. how would i run select statements for a table to be inserted into with different column names. also with items that are hard coded like the 'null'. thanks
I have created a stored procedure with multiple select statements using MSSQL 2000. When I connect to this using a SQLDataSource it only seems to get the first SELECT. I need to access the multiple tables returned by the stoped procedure. Can anyone point me in the dirrection of how to do this.ThanksClearz
I have used several sql queris to generate a report. This queries pull out data from different tables. But sometimes at the same table too. Basically those are SELECT statements. I have created stored proc for each SELECT statement. now I'm wondering can I include all SELECT statements in one stored proc and run the report. If possible, can anyone show me the format?
Hey Guys. I’m having a little trouble and was wondering if you could help me out. I’m trying to create a custom paging control, so I create a stored procedure that returns the appropriate records as well as the total amount of records. And that works fine. What I’m having problems with is reading the data from the second select statement within the code. Anyone have any idea on how to do this? Also.. how can I check how many tables were returned? Here's my code. I'm trying to keep it very generic so I can send it any sql statement:public DataTable connect(string sql) { DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection SqlCon = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ToString()); SqlDataAdapter SqlCmd = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, SqlCon); System.Data.DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet(); SqlCmd.Fill(ds);
dt = ds.Tables[0];
//Here's where I don't know how to access the second select statement
return dt; } Here's my stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.MyStoredProcedure ( @Page int, @AmountPerPage int, @TotalRecords int output )
WITH MyTable AS (
Select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ID Desc) as RowNum From Table where Deleted <> 1 )
select * from MyTable WHERE RowNum > (((@Page-1)*@AmountPerPage)) and RowNum < ((@Page*@AmountPerPage)+1);
Select @TotalRecords = COUNT(*) from Table where Deleted <> 1 RETURN
My goal is to run a bunch of select statements from different tables in one database and have them all insert to the same columns/table in the new database. Do I need a new data source for each statement, or is there a way to run all the statements in one set seeing as they all have the same destination. I keep receiving the SQL statement improperly ended error when trying.
I have a MS Access database (mdb) containing the following tables:
The Criminal table contains information about each criminal and the CrimeCommitted table contains information about the specific crimes. I've written the following query to return only the latest crime committed by each criminal:
Code Snippet
SELECT Criminal.CriminalID, Criminal.Firstname, Criminal.Lastname, Criminal.Nickname, Criminal.Gender, Criminal.DOB, Criminal.Eyes, Criminal.Complexion, Criminal.Weight, Criminal.Height, Criminal.Build, Criminal.Scars, Criminal.Occupation, Criminal.CrimeOrgID, Criminal.IQ, Criminal.Hideout, Criminal.CriminalType, Max(CrimeComitted.Date) AS Last_Crime_Comitted FROM Criminal INNER JOIN CrimeComitted ON Criminal.CriminalID=CrimeComitted.CriminalID GROUP BY Criminal.CriminalID, Criminal.Firstname, Criminal.Lastname, Criminal.Nickname, Criminal.Gender, Criminal.DOB, Criminal.Eyes, Criminal.Complexion, Criminal.Weight, Criminal.Height, Criminal.Build, Criminal.Scars, Criminal.Occupation, Criminal.CrimeOrgID, Criminal.IQ, Criminal.Hideout, Criminal.CriminalType;
This query works fine for obtaining the Criminal table data, but once i've include CrimeCommitted.Country in the SELECT statement, the data returned contained all the crimes committed by each criminal (i just need the latest crime).
The query doesn't work when another table, other than Criminal, is selected. How can i obtain the columns in the CrimeCommitted table in this query?
I ran the below 2 select statements and ended up seeing multiple cached instances of the same stored procedure. The majority have only one cached instance but more than a handful have multiple cached instances. When there are multiple cached instances of the same sproc, which one will sql server reuse when the sproc is called?
SELECT, o.object_id, ps.last_execution_time , ps.last_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as last_elapsed_timeINSeconds, ps.min_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as min_elapsed_timeINSeconds, ps.max_elapsed_time * 0.000001 as max_elapsed_timeINSeconds
Im trying to perform the following two select statements on the one table. I have been trying innerjoins etc but keep getting errors. The basis of what im trying to do is this.
SELECT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column2 = (select column2 from table1 where column3 = 14)
Assuming I should be using values from temp inserted to insure correct record... Need help coding IF...THEN INSERT statements in following After TRIGGER:
Create TRIGGER trg_insertItemRows
ON dbo.a_form AFTER INSERT
AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- Checkbox Driven: IF a_form.missingCheckbox = -1 THEN Insert into b_items (form_ID, parent_ID, ItemTitle) Values (Select Distinct i.form_ID,i.parent_ID from inserted i)', '+ 'User checked Missing Data')
-- Textbox Driven: IF a_form.incorrectTxtbox <> 'na' THEN Insert into b_items (form_ID, parent_ID, ItemTitle) Values (Select Distinct i.form_ID,i.parent_ID from inserted i)', '+ Correction: Replace '+ incorrectTxtbox + ' with '+replaceWithTxtbox)
Sample code below:
-- Source table the Trigger acts on Create Table a_form ( form_ID int Not Null, parent_ID int, missingCheckbox bit, missingNote varchar(100), incorrectTxtbox varchar(50), replaceWithTxtbox varchar(50) )
--Target table Trigger inserts into Create Table b_items ( items_ID int Not Null, form_ID int Not Null, parent_ID int, ItemTitle varchar(150) )
I've only been doing sql 2005 for a couple of months with minimal training so there's a lot I don't know. What I'm trying to do is load a nested table (industry & customer totals) based on a value from the table it's nested in. This is the relationship of the data. I have at the highest group, an industry code, then a customer, then the part and then the fiscal year. What I'm trying to accomplish is to get a group total (footer) for the (1) industry code and (2) the customer code. This footer would contain the fiscal years (ascending) and their monthly totals. I would like to take the industry code from table one and pass it to the select statement in the dataset that feeds the nested table. I've read this is not possible to load a dataset field into a parm but I've seen where some people know how to work around this. If you reply, please explain in simple terms. Thanks!
industry Customer Year OCT NOV DEC 001 - Signposts M12345 Part 1 2006 5 6 2 2007 0 3 1
Hey everyone, I have a question regarding an SQL query. I'm working on a Web App in .NET at the moment and part of the project is to produce a report of all the information about the clients. Now, there are 4 tables in question: Client, Details, Appointments and RefItem. Now, a lot of the information stored in the first 3 tables are IDs and the names corresponding to those IDs are in the RefItem table.
The RefItem table has the columns ItemID, GroupID, Name, HelpText and Active. For example, a row in the Appoinment table might contain the ID 150 under the AppointmentStatusID. In RefItem, the ID 150 corresponds with "Scheduled". So I have
SELECT Name FROM RefItem WHERE RefItem.ItemID = Appointment.AppointmentStatusID
This works fine for selecting one name, but my report requires pretty much every name. I was told I'd had to use INNER JOIN or LEFT OUTER JOIN but I can't seem to figure it out. If anyone has any info, please let me know!! Thanks
I am building an invoicing database. I have no problems searching fordue dates and generating the invoice header. The problem is generatingthe invoice detail.My customers may have more than one item that needs to go into theinvoice detail table.For example:customer #123 has 2 items that need to be placed into the detailtable.Rate 1 email accountRate 2 hosting accountI have to get both of these records into the detail table.When using the conventional method, I get something alongthe lines of" insert failed. more than one record was returned"-------INSERT INTO detailSELECT (SELECT max([id])FROM iheader),CustomerRates.custid,rates.Price, rates.nameFROM CustomerRates INNER JOIN Rates ON CustomerRates.Rateid = rates.IDWHERE NextBill > GETDATE()-------I have even considered a cursor to loop through the records but I cantmake it run properly. I am not crazy about the performance of cursorsanyway.Any aideas would be greatly apreciated.
I want to pull out the data to show the sum of the totals for each year the user is in. The idea is to then be able to see a comparison for year on year on a month by month basis Eg.
What's the best way to go about inserting data from several tables that all contain the same type of data I want to store (employeeID, employerID, date.. etc) into a temp table based on a select query that filters each table's data?
I'm new to MS SQL and VB. I have a table with one field JOB_NAME containing 20 records. Out of that field I want to retrieve 6 of the 20 records into a pulldown menu. They are all unique text names like so:
Anna Smith John Doe
etc. I did not see IDs listed for any of the names in the table when I looked.
There is no common denominator to the names that can be filtered in the SELECT statement, and the 6 that I want will need to be pulled out individually.
Is there a way to do this with a SELECT statement? I have not found much information about how to extract unique records out of a single field. Here's the statement I'm using which pulls all of them:
This gives me the total list but I only want to bring back 6 of the 20 for the pulldown.
Is there a way to modify this statement to pull only the records that I want?
I know that this is legal sql: "SELECT 1 AS Blah" I want to do something like this except for I need to select multiple rows each with a different value for Blah. The query needs to be legal to be passed to the SqlCommand.ExecuteReader Method. Is this possible?
I am in doubt if its possible to make a select statement which enables me to consolidate multiple lines in the same table.
I have a table with a lot of companies and figures for each company.
Some of the companies owns some of the other companies in the table and in reverse, some of the companies are owned by some of the companies in the table.
I have a lot of columns, but basically the most important columns are:
Company Name, Company Mother , Company Daughter.
Each company has also a revenue column.
What I want to do is to consolidate all figures for absolute mothers e.i. companies which are not owned by another company in the list.
I therefore need a select statement which says something like:
Get the revenue of companies not owned by another company (e.i. absolute mother). Add to this, the revenue of all its daughters. Add to this the revenue of all the daughters daughters etc. until there are no daughters left.
In other words - aggregate the revenue for all the companies in the group under the name of the ultimate parent company.
I can easily select and add the revenue for the first level of direct daughters, but I dont know how many more daughters the daughters has etc.
I have a table in which each record has a initial date and a final date. I would like to create I query that gives me one row for each month between the initial date and the final date. It would be something like this:
I would like to do that, because these dates correspond to the time in which the products are in possession of sellers, so I would to use this resulting query to generate a pivot chart in Excel to illustrate the value of the goods that are with our sellers in each month.
Is it possible to do it? I think I could do that direct in VBA, but I think that maybe it would be faster if I could do it directly in SQL.
By the way, I am using MS SQL Server and SQL Server Manegement Studio 2012.
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date) group by TransactionCode, CurrencyCode,TransactionAmount order by CurrencyCode
select CurrencyCode,TransactionCode,TransactionAmount,COUNT(TransactionCode) as [No. Of Trans] from TransactionDetails where CAST(CurrentTime as date)=CAST(GETDATE()as date) group by TransactionCode order by CurrencyCode
But of course this codes gives an error, but how can I get my desired result??