Appreciate if somebody take out a moment and help me here. I'm having a production database backing up every night at 10:00PM. I've one more development server sitting side by and want this development server to load the production backup copy every night. But the problem what I'm encoutering is, When there are users connected to my development server, It wont get load saying "Database is in Use".
Therefore is there a command, I kill all users at one short and have a task which will load the database? If so, Please let me know how to do this.
Does everyone have experience to load a big database? My SQL Server 2K is running on W2K. The database is 4GB, and the biggest table has 12 million records. Thanks a lot.
I am an administrator of a SQL server 2000 machine residing on a windows 2000 box. I tried restoring a database on this server from a backup file that i copied from another server. Halfway through the restore, the user comes up to me saying they did not want the database restored again. I stopped the restore process and since then it has not gone back to its previous state. Secondly it is grayed out with a (loading) text next to the database icon.
how did this happen and how do you suggest i solve this.
I am trying to load transaction log but I am getting an error message saying database is in use, my question is Is it possible to load transaction log when database is in use? if yes how?
Here I will describe my problem. 1. We are loading large amount of data from database on background thread which is starting on Application_start event in global.aspx.cs file.The data is later cached for subsquent request to improve the performance. 2. Now when we put the application on web farm garden, it is not able to load the application. 3. We are sending the request the servers through Router kind of application. 4 This application is working fine on single server enviornment.
everything is ok.. the connection is on..the page can be loaded... no error.... BUT the data from the database cannot be retrieved... as in.. it just didnt load on screen... i dont know whats wrong... i have follow all the steps show on a book.. can anyone pls help me?? thks
Sorry for the ultra noob question...I just installed SQL Server 2005 and I'm trying to open the AdventureWorks database. I don't have a server setup so I can't make a connection when the program starts up. I have all the files for the AdventureWorks DB, but I can't figure out how to open it. Do I need to have a connection? Is there a way to open the DB without it?Thanks very much!
Hi All, I want to load a text file into database without using Bulk Insert. I readed the text file and kept in a datatable. I need to insert this data into database. how can i bing data in datatable to dataset. how can i update changes in dataset to database. Please help me.... Thank you.
Hi, When i tried to restore database from the Network m/c ...upto 60% of the restoration process went well,But after that i got message saying that " Communication link failure " then database went in to LOAD/SUSPECT mode, This happend in Active/Active Cluster environment and at the same point of time Fail over occured and resources moved to other node.
i tried by running SP_RESETSTATUS stored procedure to change the status of the Database ,But no use... Then i deleted the Database and recreated and restored.. because it was a test server...BUT if it happens in Production what to do?????..... Is there anyway to over come such situations...
Hi, My problem is I only can put the database table to another database.I use example to ********. For example. My database name is Career. The user has a database name called Online. The Online has already some tables in the database they created before. I just need load my database career tables to the Online database. My database career has seven tables. These tables has a reltionship for each other. I just need to load these table to the Online database, But don't build relation to the tables that already exist in the Online database. Besides, I want to know how load the stored procedure from my database to another database.
I have a sql server database linked to my application. I have a table that I want one of the columns (Service Perfomed) to load in a list box. When I start the application nothing appears in the list box. What could I be doing wrong?
Here the code the visual studio created:
Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.Load
Me.ServiceTableAdapter.Fill(Me.MaintenanceRecordsDataSet.Service) End Sub
I've tried combo box, text box and these seem to work fine but not the list box.
Is there anyway to load all the raw data in one directory into the database? l've several files with same format but different filename in one folder which l do not know their filename before hand. Is SSIS For Each Loop can help me to accomplish the file loading? If so, where can l find the example?
I just have done the SSIS example in the tutorial document included when install SQL 2005 ENT. I have a problem that whenever I test to run, the service load all data from source with out noticing about the data (I mean it load all the data to the destination), I do it several time and it continue to load all without checking. That mean the data is dublicated when the schedule run???
I think there should be a paramete or something like that to help the engine just load the new data to the destination. Could you help please?
I need to update a number of sql server tables, the data sources for these coming from a number of stored procedures. I want a generic way of getting the data and then passing this data to the tables.I am thinking of doing this for each table:Populating a datasetWriting this dataset to XMLUsing SQLXML Bulk Load to pass this XML to the database to updateI can create the xml data file by: dataset.WriteXml("C:data.xml")The problem I have is that the example ( I looked at relies on the schema being defined:<?xml version="1.0" ?><Schema xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-data" xmlns:dt="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml:datatypes" xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-sql" > <ElementType name="CustomerId" dt:type="int" /> <ElementType name="CompanyName" dt:type="string" /> <ElementType name="City" dt:type="string" /> <ElementType name="ROOT" sql:is-constant="1"> <element type="Customers" /> </ElementType> <ElementType name="Customers" sql:relation="Customer"> <element type="CustomerId" sql:field="CustomerId" /> <element type="CompanyName" sql:field="CompanyName" /> <element type="City" sql:field="City" /> </ElementType></Schema>Is there any way I can create the schema 'on the fly' similar to how I did for the data source file.As I could then pass these files to the database:objBL.Execute ("schema.xml","data.xml");
I need to load a customer database onto our SQL 2008 server. I always use restore database option in the management studio and create a new database from device (customer database backup file), it used to work just fine. But when I do the same now, I get this below error:
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally.(Microsoft SQL Server,Error: 262)
I also tried to create new database option in the management studio, but get the same error. I did run management studio as 'Run as admin'.
Is it possible to load both the SQL 7 database and transaction logbackups to SQL 2000 ? I assume it will perform the upgrade during theload.Thanks,James
Hi All, I am trying to restore a DB from my production to Standby gives me a mesage "Msg 3105, Level 16, State 1 Data on dump will not fit into current database. Need 6500 Mbyte database."
The production server DB size is 5000MB and I have increased the size of standby DB to 6500MB but still the same message...
We need to implement incremental load in database. A sample scenario is, there is a view (INCOMEVW) which is build on top of a query like
This is a sample view. As of now there is a full load happening from the source(select * from INCOMEVW) and loads to target table tbl_Income.We need to pick only the delta and load to the target table using a staging. The challenge is,
1) If we get the delta(Insert,update or deleted rows in the source tables EOCLIENT,EOCOUNTRY,ENCLIENT,ENCOUNTRY, how to load the incremental to
single target table tbl_Income.
2) How to do the Sum operation with group by in incremental load?
3) We are planning to have a daily incremental load and thinking to create the same table structure as source with Date and Flag column to identify
the date and whether that source row is an Insert or Update or Delete with the flag. But not sure how to frame something like this view and load to single target with Sum operations.
I am having difficulties loading data from a flat file to a SQL Database. I am able to load some data but the rest gets kicked out for the following reasons:
1 – The field is varchar 50 and I would like to convert it to a date field 2 – The field contain periods (.) (Only 1 period in each row) 3 – The field contain blanks (NULLS)
How do I create a derived column that will bypass blanks (Nulls) and remove periods (.) in each row then convert column to a date field in SSIS? Looking for steps to create a derived date column using SSIS (derived task); convert it to a date column (09-19-2015); use functions to redirect the nulls and possibly remove the period (.)?
[b][u]Sample Data[/u][/b] Column 3 (Varchar 50) Need to convert to date; remove periods, and bypass nulls(blanks) Blank . Blank . Blank Blank . 01-19-2015 01-19-2015 Blank . Blanlk . Blank 01-19-2015 . Blank .
I am trying to implement some powerview report in excel 2013 itself (not in sharepoint).
I have implemented a SSAS tabular model and deployed to server. Now my aim is to load this tables in the SSAS tabular database into powerpivot so that i can use this data for creating powerview reports. However when i tried to import data from SSAS, it asks database and MDX query. My requirement is to load the dimension and fact tables to power pivot as it is.
I am trying to load data from sharepoint to Database. WhenI try to execute the package, am getting below error.
[SHAREPOINT_SRC_SLTS_FIELDS [286]] Error: Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.SharePointUnhandledException: Unspecified SharePoint Error. A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch size) ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.
Here's my need : In one directory there's several excels file. Theses file have the same structure : col : LOOKID, LOOKNAME, ASMPID, ASMPNAME, LOOKTYPE, LTYP_NAME, PAR_TYPE, PTYP_NAME, PARAMETER, VALUE. The problem is that the cell format of the PARAMETER col. is different bewteen excel files. It could be date, numeric, ... The col destination in sqlservr database is Varchar(10).
I've created the ssis package with a ForEach Loop, and in the ForEach loop I've created a Data Flow Task. In the data Flow Task I've created an excell source file (using excel file with col PARAMETER in date format) with an OLE DB destination.
When I launch the package on the same excel file as the one using to create Excel Source object it's OK, no errors, and data in the sql table are OK. But when I launch the package on Excel file with col. PARAMETER in numeric format, there's no execution errors, but in the destination table the value of the PARAMETER col. is transform in date format.
I tried to change in Excel source object the datatype of the input PARAMETER col, but I've got some compilations errors. It seems that SSIS recognize automaticaly excel source data type col. But may be I did something wrong in the excel source settings ? Is there a way to force the excel source datatype with varchar(10) ?
I've also tried to do the treatment with an script task but my knowledge isn't enought to do that.
Academy details tables, Academy Students table, Academy Student Parents table, Academy class Section Table, Academy Staff table.
I have created the tables and data into the database. And Now I need to prepare a Excel sheet to upload data into the these tables. How to prepare the Xlsx sheet and how to upload into database without using SSIS package.
I am trying to load the data from one data base to another using the Task->Generate Script->tables (data only). So I saved the script of the data and when tried to run the script to the destination DB, getting the below error when ran the script.
Error: Visual Studio has encountered an exception. This may be caused by an extension.You can get more information by running the application together with the /log parameter on the command line, and then examining the file'C:UsersKK67AppDataRoamingMicrosoftAppEnv10.0ActivityLog.xm'. When tried opening the folder using the above path... don't see anything for AppData folder from that path.
have an excel file which contains lots of sheets. Some of them are named as DW-<day>-<month> (for e.g; DW-1-July). Like this I have sheets for the whole month. I have other sheets too with a different name. I would like to import data from these sheets only (DW ones). Upon my research I have found that this can be achieved via For Each Loop Container.
Looking for sample ETL package to extract data from SQL Sever Database and load into Oracle Database using SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES 2008. The requirement is for full load and incremental load both.
And i want to use SSIS package dynamically load data from database into three separate flat file, each table into each file.
I know i got to use for each loop task ADO.Net schema row set enumerator, with OLEDB connection manager, select table name or view name variable from access mode list, but the problem comes, as table name is dynamic then flat file connection is also dynamic, i am using visual studio 2013...
We are using SQL Server 2014 and SSDT-BI 2013. We have a reporting environment where business users create objects which need to be persisted for fiscal year reporting. Let's say for instance SQLSERVER1SRVR1 they create table objects like below in the reporting environment.
Accounting2014, Accounting2015 in AccountingDB; Sales2014, Sales2015 in SalesDB; Products2014, Products2015 in ProductsDB; Inventory2014, Inventory2015 in InventoryDB etc....
These tables are persisted for auditing in a different environment SQLSERVER2SRVR2 for finance & audit folks.We would want to automate this process using SSIS to create tables in corresponding database and load data. I tried using For Each Loop container but the catch is I could loop the source or destination but how do we loop on Source & Destination at the same time (i.e when source is in AccountingDB destination to be AccountingDB, source SalesDB then destination SalesDB so on etc....
I am trying to 'load' a copy of a SQLServer 2000 database to SQLServer 2005 Express (on another host). The copy was provided by someone else - it came to me as a MDF file only, no LDF file.
I have tried to Attach the database and it fails with a failure to load the LDF. Is there any way to bypass this issue without the LDF or do I have to have that?
The provider of the database says I can create a new database and just point to the MDF as the data source but I can't seem to find a way to do that? I am using SQL Server Management Studio Express.