Database Locks

Oct 30, 2007


I've a stored procedure that grabs from a table all of the records that have a status = 2. Once these records are grabbed the same stored procedure needs to update the status of the records to 3. Something like this:

Status = 2

SET Status = 3
Status = 2

What I'm afraid will happen is that between the running of the select statement and the running of the update statement that a record that originally had a status of 1 will be set to 2 - which means the record was never selected by the first half of the stored procedure but had its status updated to 3 in the second half of the stored procedure.

I thought at first wrapping all of this in a transaction would fix the problem but I've done some more reading and that doesn't seem to be the case. I need the Update to run on only those records the Select query grabbed no matter what else happens in the table.

Is there a lock to address this in a way that will allow other records (those not selected) to be updated to a value of 2 without them being updated to 3 when the Update query runs?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Row Locks Not Escalating To Table Locks After 5000

Jul 16, 2015

I've got an INSERT that's selecting data from a linked server and attempting to push 10 million rows into the blank table. More or less, it looks like this:

insert into ReceivingTable (
Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4
, Field5, Field6, Field7, Field8
, Field9, Field10, Field11, Field12
, Field13, Field14, Field15


The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users. Ask the database administrator to check the lock and memory configuration for this instance, or to check for long-running transactions. There are no other active users. I ran it again and monitored the following DMO to watch the growth of locks for that spid:

SELECT request_session_id, COUNT (*) num_locks
-- select *
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
--where request_session_id = 77
GROUP BY request_session_id
ORDER BY count (*) DESC

The number of locks started small and held for a while around 4-7 locks, but at about 5 minutes in the number of locks held by that spid grew dramatically to more than 8 million before finally erroring again with the same message. Researching, I can't figure out why it's not escalating from row locks to table locks at the appropriate threshold. The threshold in was set to 0 at first (Server Properties > Advanced > Parallelism > Locks). I set it to 5000, and it still didn't seem to work. Rewriting the INSERT to include a WITH (TABLOCK) allows it to finish successfully in testing. My problem is that it's coming out of an ETL with source code that I can't edit. I need to figure out how to force it to escalate to locking the entire table via table or server level settings.

A colleague suggested that installing service packs may take care of it (the client is running SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM)), but I haven't found anything online to support that theory.

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Transact SQL :: How To List All Locks (including NON-BLOCKING Locks)

Aug 5, 2015

We are migrating our database(s) from ORACLE to SQL. In Oracle we were able to issue a SELECT statement and see all of the locks (Blocking and Non-Blocking) currently in the system.  The query also included the Process ID of the process we needed to kill in order to get rid of the lock.

We now need to create the same type of query for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. I have seen postings on different sites saying that this info can be obtained using SP_WHO2 or using the SQL Server Management Studio Activity Monitor's PROCESSES tab, but we are looking for a SELECT statement that will give us similar information.

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Database Locks

Jul 9, 2002

How do I temporarily lock a database (read-only mode) programatically?

For example:


//Only the Server has Write access



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ERP Database Locks Up

Nov 22, 2007

Our enterprise consists of a mix of mission-critical transaction-oriented applications. The ERP applications are accessed by 70 branch offices around the country. The network also carries file transfers, e-mail, and Web traffic. Each branch is linked to headquarters via a Frame Relay network with port speeds of 64Kbps.

We are facing problems when ERP database locks up and cause time-outs and frustrating messages such as: "User disconnected - unknown error."


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Locks Preventing Backup Of Database

Jul 20, 2005

The database is configured for single publisher, many subscribers,merge replication. The maintenance plan started to fail a couple ofmonths ago and the database would not get backed up. After clearingall the locks, I am able to backup the database manually. The locksreturn again and I'm not able to backup the database with themaintenance plan. How can I get around the lock issue or solve it sothat I can backup the database again?Thanks,Chris

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Locks On Database While ETL Package Is Running

Jan 24, 2008


I had application that access the database 'test'. Now i created a ETL package, in this Souce database is 'test' and destination database is 'mytest'. I have scheduled the job for every hour.

Now, i want to know that whether any locks will create on source database 'test' while ETL package is running.


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Query With View Locks Database (was Problem With Viiews)

Jan 20, 2005

I am joining a table with a view in my query to get the desired data. But when I run this query it does not produce any result, instead the execution goes on never ending finally locking the database.
Surprisingly if the selected data from this view is put in a temporary table and that table is joined with the table to get the result, it works fine.

Could anybody please help me with this as creating a table every time would be slow procedure. Is there any restrictions related to views which may be I have ignored.

Thanx in advance.


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Application Locks Up When Trying To Write To Db After A Replication Where I Create The Database.

Jan 3, 2008

Hello all,

When I create a new database and replicate to it using BeginMonitoredBackgroundSync :

Code Block

public void BeginMonitoredBackgroundSync(string User)

private void CreateReplicationInstance(string User)
repl = new SqlCeReplication();
string host = repl.HostName;
repl.HostName = User;
string dbFilePath = "";

dbFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) +
"\" + repl.HostName + ".sdf";
string myConnectionString = string.Format("Data Source = {0};PWD = {1}", dbFilePath, sqlSettings.Items["SqlPassword"]);

repl.InternetUrl = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["InternetUrl"];
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication;
repl.Publisher = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["Publisher"];
repl.PublisherDatabase = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["PublisherDatabase"];
repl.PublisherLogin = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["PublisherLogin"];
repl.PublisherPassword = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["PublisherPassword"];
repl.Publication = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["Publication"];

repl.Subscriber = "RemoteSubscription" + repl.HostName;
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = myConnectionString;

repl.ConnectionRetryTimeout = 120;
repl.LoginTimeout = 120;
repl.CompressionLevel = 6;

if (File.Exists(dbFilePath))
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(dbFilePath);
if (info.Length <= 20480)


After the replication finishes, I dispose the replication object like so:

Code Block

void OnAsyncSynchronizeComplete(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

if (repl != null)
repl = null;

if (ReplicationComplete != null) ReplicationComplete(this, true);
catch(Exception ex)
if (ReplicationComplete != null) ReplicationComplete(ex, false);


Then later, if I try to update, insert or delete to the database, the application will hang. I can read from it, but I cannot write. If I close the application down and open it back up without replicating, I will not get any lockups. It also will not hang up after any replications prior to the create replication. I think I am doing something wrong in the initial replication that is holding on to some connection to the DB causing it to lock up. Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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Does It Locks Database/tables When Only Select Query Comes In SQLTransaction

Jul 12, 2006


I want to make SQLTransaction as global and use it checking the State.
But then where there are Only Select queries are going to fire, it will open transaction.

So, Does it locks database/tables when Only Select query comes in SQLTransaction.

If you have another successful way of doing this, Please suggest.

Thanking you.


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Nov 10, 2003

I have read that even during read procedures (sql select statements), sql server uses row locking. I know that you can use the NOLOCK keyword, but if you don't everytime that a user makes a selects statement on a table, does sql server really lock those rows, and if so are they then unavailable to another user who wants to make a select statement at the same time on that same table? That does not seem like it would be the case otherwise it would not scale well. Thanks for any clarification on this.

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Feb 13, 2002

I am using SQL Server7.0. I opened a table through the Enterprise Manager and left it open. In the Query Analyzer when I try to update a field on that table(more than 2000 rows), it goes on running. When I watched the Current Activity, it shows that the update process is being blocked by the select query. But if I try to update the same column for less than 1500 rows, there is no blocking issue and the update occurs immediately. Can anybody let me know why this is happening and what should I do to prevent it?

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Regarding Locks

Mar 28, 2000

I am using Sql Server 7.0

To I got the following error message. Can some one tell how to solve this issue.

Server: Msg 1204, Level 19, State 1, Procedure OPEN_OBJECTS, Line 2
SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.


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SQL Locks

Sep 26, 2000

what the best way to control locks, if inserting couple thousands records from one table to another.

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Feb 20, 2001

I have a big query which updates around 14000 rows at a time if i place a lock on the table and others try to update the same table is it possible to let them know that table is locked by someone else.

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Sep 19, 2002

2 quick questions :

1) How do I keep multiple users from editing the same record without locking the entire table? What would be a 'standard' way of handling this?

2) How do I keep 2 people from posting the same record?

Please help me understand locking, THANKS!!!

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Locks For A Max Value

Apr 11, 2005

I have a stored proc which will be entering/updating a record into a table. The table's key is an integer field which I may have to increment by one. I know I can use

declare @nextid int
set @netxid = max(id) from table
insert @nextid into table
Is some kind of lock the best way to approach this?

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Jun 15, 2004


I have a problem in SQLSERVER 2000, when I execute a Query, the table get locked for insert or any other transaction, even for other queries.

Does SQL Server have a kind of lock mode different of Oracle ?

How do I solve this problem ??

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Jun 16, 2004

Hello There !!

I have a very big problem, with SQL SERVER 2000. I want to know about the locks with select.

When I execute a Select (so big), and I try to update or Insert into one of the tables that I invoke in the select, I get locked.

Is there in SQL Server, something like a Select for update, that could be causing the problem ???

Is there any way to select rows from a table without locking it ?

I really have a big problem with this, and I don't know so much about sql server !

Thank you so much !!!

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Jul 1, 2004

Some of my tables Were locked IN IS Mode.What does it mean?

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Jul 1, 2004

I Have 359 locks on MY Database ,They are always there on my DB.The DB is a development database and lots of summary Stored procedures will be running on this DB.
Does it effect the performance.How can I remove those locks.

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Jan 13, 2004

Hi All,
Sql server 7

pls provide me sql statement that shows all the locks. the goal is to produce the output on an HTML page.

pls help me in solving this


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Apr 18, 2007

I want to write all my select ststements using locks
how i should write a select ststement using locks
i searched for examples but iam not getting the syntax
Plz give me one example for select statements using locks

thanks in advance

Malathi Rao

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Jan 7, 2008

if have a transaction with statments like
insert into table A ...where exists (select .. from table A)

What locks will be placed while inserting and selecting rows,if multiple users are accessing this concurrently

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Locks In SQL2000

Jun 1, 2007

How to lock a Row in SQL2000 so that nobody can select that row.
I applied ROWLOCK, but i am not finding the way.
My query is "SELECT * FROM tablename WITH (ROWLOCK)"
Is this the correct way to write locks.
I would be thankful if u help me

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Dead Locks - Regarding

Jul 31, 2002


This is top urgent Sir !

There are 2 tables for transaction. The header and tail tables. How do I insert records. if one is updated & another is not ? the sequence for tracking the records will fail. How do I deadlock the table for insert especially when I use stored procedures for 'Inserts'.

Sundar Raman S K

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Running Out Of Locks

Apr 3, 2000


I have just upgraded my sql 65 to sql 7. The problem I am running into is running out of locks all the time with 50000 locks. The sql box has 4 pentium pro 200 processors and 1 Gig of ram. Here is the error message:

DESCRIPTION:Error: 1204, Severity: 19, State: 1
SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.

COMMENT:Fatal Error Occured in Resource



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Sql Server Has Run Out Of Locks

Sep 13, 2000

Everytime I try to open the design-mode of a table from enterprise mgr, I get this error 1204.---
SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.
There no other users but me. Locks have been configured to their max (over 200000000). Don't understand whats wrong. Please help..

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How To Reconfigure SQL 7 With More LOCKS

Oct 21, 1998

Hello to all!

I`m two weeks old with SQL 7 Beta 3 with no formal training whatsoever. I just kinda tinker with it at the moment since it`s installed in a stand alone server with me having sole access.

Using DTS (import into SQL), I tried to migrate an Inventory History dbf (Dbase 3) having 13+ million records. I got this error message after a few hours:

"Error at Destination for Row number 6353502. Errors encountered so far in this task: 1. SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement where there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more locks."

It was the only application running on the server (aside from the SQL services) and i was the sole user. This is my first time on SQL Server and as DBA i should know everything `bout it.

Question is how and where do i reconfigure for more LOCKS? And how many LOCKS do i have to set?

Please help. Thank you in advance

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It Can&#39;t Happen, SQL Locks Up

Dec 26, 1999

I am using SQL Server 6.5, when two or more independent applications put transactions through SQL, it locks up. Example of locks up.

When the OrderLines table is locked, then I put the following (Select * from OrderLines) then the query does not return any values, the world goes round and round, the only way out is to shut down and cross my fingers whilst SQL goes into recovery mode.

I have read through some of the documentation, such as deadlocks, livelocks and lock starvation but it say none of these will lock the whole machine. But somehow simultaneous transactions can, and the current activity dialog goes red, bright red.

Any ideas?

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Row Vs Table Locks

Oct 10, 2003

I am interested in getting a better handle on how SQL 2000 determines the locking level to apply to different transactions. I am familiar with the fact that SQL does this on the fly but I was wondering if this could be specified in a Stored Procedure to use one over the other instead and what impact if any that might have on indexes. The databases I work with run anywhere from under 100 GB to 150 GB. Thanks for anyone's input on this subject.


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Systems Locks On SQL 6.5

Sep 15, 1999

I have a problem where Backup Exec crashed during a backup of a SQL database and now SQL show 3 extent lock that are now redundant. These cannot be removed from Enterprise manager Is it therefore possible to remove them directly from the master database ??


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Sql Server Locks

Jun 8, 2004

We've experienced persistent hang up on our application. I tried opening the enterprise manager->management->Current Activity->Locks/Object and I've seen ridiculous entries like master.dbo.spt_values, SIS.dbo.feesclass,tempdb.dbo$##lockinfo205. I don't what this mean? does it tell us that something wrong with the application that does not release locks? please help me.

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