Database Marked As Single User Pls Help

Apr 19, 2004

Hi All,
Sql Server 7

I have database called ecatalog

i have a scheduled job which shrinks the database every day once at 12 am

today the job got failed

In the view Job history its showing the below contents
Database 'ecatalog' is already open and can only have one user at a time. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error
924) DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system
administrator. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 2528). The step failed.

And in Application Log of event viewer its showing the below contents
The description for Event ID ( 208 ) in Source ( SQLServerAgent$ABCSQL ) cannot be found. The
local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. The following information is part of the event: Shrink Database
- ecatalog, 0xA0C4F8157A744244A61A4ECABE8C6056, Failed, 4/19/2004 12:00:03 AM, The job failed.
The Job was invoked by Schedule 27 (Shrink Database - ecatalog). The last step to run was step 1 (Shrink Database - ecatalog)..

I ran the job manually it worked fine

but now when i go and see the database ecatalog in my Enterprise Manager
it is showing ecatalog(Single User)
What is the meaning of this, will this make any problem to my database

Please help me in this.

Waiting for Reply


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Set Database Back To Multi User From Single User

Feb 27, 2008

I am using SharePoint Services 3.0 (SP1) with default configuration options, which installs the Microsoft##SSEE instance of SQL to my local C: drive.

While attempting to relocate the files to another drive, I set one of the databases (as recommended) to Single User by using the SQL Server Management Express tool.

I cannot now reset that database to Multi User, even by executing the query

exec sp_dboption 'database_name', 'single user', ''FALSE'

again by using the Management Express Tool.

Can someone please help, in plain english???? Thanks

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Read Only Database Restore Bringing Database In Single User Mode?

May 9, 2012

I'm taking a database(read-only) backup from one server and restoring it on other server. As soon as restore is done it is bringing database into single-user read-only mode.

why it is bringing the database into single user mode ?

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Database Stuck In Single User Mode

Apr 21, 2008

I have a database that got set into single user mode. Unsure the reason or who might opened it. I am trying to reset it, but I am having problems. I am trying the following from to kill the connections. So I can then switch it back to multiple users.
DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(50)DECLARE @SPId intSET @DatabaseName = N'Works'DECLARE my_cursor CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT SPId FROM MASTER..SysProcesses WHERE DBId = DB_ID(@DatabaseName) AND SPId <> @@SPIdOPEN my_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @SPIdWHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGINKILL @SPIdFETCH NEXT FROM my_cursor INTO @SPIdENDCLOSE my_cursor DEALLOCATE my_cursor
Which gives me the following error message when ran.
Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 13
Line 13: Incorrect syntax near '@SPId'.

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Database Setting Itself To Single User Mode

Mar 19, 2001

Our company has several SQL Server 7 databases. One of them has now on two occassions, set itself to 'Single User' mode. I am completely baffled as to what can be causing it.

There's no jobs set up to do it.
There's no stored procedures programmed to do it.
The SQL Server Log shows that a DBCC CHECKDB ran at 18:00:37.73 and that users attempted to and couldn't log in from 18:01:01.95 onwards.
There is a maintenance plan set to run every two hours that does a backup, integrity checks, so it fired the CHECKDB.

Any ideas please?


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Recovering Database In Single User Mode

Jan 5, 2001

while recovering it prompts a message 'the system administrator must have exclusive use of database to run the restore operation'.
now,how to do it?
how to make database to use exclusively when it is connected to an web based aplication.

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Putting The Master Database In Single User

Nov 18, 2002

How do you put the master database in single user mode if you want to restore it. the options in the permissions are greyed out? Thanks

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Database In Single User Mode After Backup

Feb 7, 2001


I have a problem with databases that are left in single user mode after transaction log backup.
I have a database maintenance plan job that backs up the transaction log and checks data and index linkage every hour.
Sometimes the job fails and when I look in the report file it says that it has tred to put the database in single user mode and failed because the database is in use and then in the next step it says that it cannot perform the operation because there already is a user in the database.

Why is the database put in single user mode?
What can I do to avoid finding my databases in single user mode?

Below is a part of the report file:

[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 15089: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot change the 'single user' option of a database while another user is in the database.
[1] Database BV Produktion: Check Data and Index Linkage...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs **

[2] Database BV Projektering: Check Data and Index Linkage...
[Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 924: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Only the owner of object 'dms_user' can run DBCC CHECKTABLE on it.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

The following errors were found:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Only the owner of object 'dms_user' can run DBCC CHECKTABLE on it.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Database 'BV Projektering' is already open and can only have one user at a time.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 9 secs **

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Backup Of SQL Database In Single User Mode ?

Oct 30, 2007

Hello ,

Is it possible to do the backup of SQL server instance in a Single user mode ?
What is the recommended practice ?

Thanks in advance,

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DB Engine :: Database In Single User Mode

Oct 22, 2015

I put the database in emergency mode, then I executed Checkdb, it shows no errors. The database status is still EMERGENCY and when I try to bring it online, it says he database is in single-user mode, and a user is currently connected to it. There is one processes which is accessing the database, i try to kill it, but it is not going. I am not able to set database to multi user.

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What Are The Situations To Keep Database In Single User Mode

May 6, 2015

I know what single user mode does but my doubt is at what situations we will go for this? What operations to perform ? we will keep the database in single user mode.

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What Causes A SQL Server 7 Database To Swithc To Single-user Mode

Apr 3, 2002

We have a database that is somehow switching to single-user mode every few days. We suspect that the client application (Access 97) written by a non-developer may be doing something funny.

Has anybody encountered such a problem?
How is this possible?

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers.

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How To Access Database In Single User Mode All Time

Aug 23, 2004

Dear All,
I want my SQL database to be accessed always in a single user mode through my application. How can I do this ?

Thanks in advance.


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Transact SQL :: Adding Database - Single User Mode Freeze

Oct 5, 2015

I would like to add database to single user mode to enable broker. So, i have tried this:


But the query works more than half an hour then i have stopped it. i guess it has infinite loop, I get also many of this messages:

Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back. Estimated rollback completion: 0%.

There is no other transaction also there is no other user connections. So, what happens?

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The Best Method Of Storing Multiple Values For A Single User Criteria In The Database ?

Mar 31, 2008

Let's say you had a User table and one of the fields was called Deceased.  It's a simple closed-ended question, so a bit value could be used to satisfy the field, if the person is dead or alive.  Let's say another field is called EyeColor.  A person can have only one eye color and thus one answer should be stored in this value, so this is easy as well.
Now, let's say I want to store all the languages that a specific user can speak.  This isn't as easy as the previous examples since it's not a yes or no or a single-value answer.  I haven't had much experience with working with databases so I've come up with two possible ways with my crude knowledge hehe.
In terms of inputting the multi-answer values, I suppose I could use a multiple-selection listbox, cascading dropdowns, etc.  Now, here are the 2 solutions that came to mind.....
1) Make a field called LanguagesSpoken in the User table.  When I process the selections the user makes on the languages he knows, I can then insert into the LanguagesSpoken field a string "English, Spanish, Czech" or IDs corresponding to the languages like "1, 5, 12" (these IDs would be referenced from a separate table I guess).  I would use commas so that later on, when I need to display a user's profile and show the user's languages, I can retrieve that long string from the LanguagesSpoken field, and parse the languages with the commas I've used.  Using commas would just be a convention I use so I would know how to parse (I could have used "." or "|" or anything else I guess) the data.
2) Forget about the LanguagesSpoken field in the User table altogether, and just make a LanguagesSpoken table.  A simple implementation would have 3 fields (primary key, userId, languageId).  A row would associate a user with a language.  So I would issue a query like "SELECT * FROM LanguagesSpoken WHERE userId=5" (where userId=5 is some user).  Using this method would free me from having to store a string with delimited values into the User table and then to parse data when I need them.  However, I'm not sure how efficient this method would be if the LanguagesSpoken table grows really large since the userIds would NOT be contiguous, the search might take a long time.  I guess I would index the userId field in the LanguagesSpoken table for quicker access?
OR, I may be going about this the wrong way and I'm way out on left field with these 2 solutions.  Is there a better way other than those 2 methods?
I haven't work extensively with databases and I'm just familiar with the basics.  I'm just trying to find out the best-practice implementation for this type of situation.  I'm sure in the real world, situations like this is very common and I wonder how the professionals code this.
Thanks in advance.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Database In Single-user Mode / How To Change It Programmatically

Mar 10, 2015

Recently we had multiple production failures because one database was in single-user mode. I am trying to recreate this scenario to write a script that will kick out that connection that was holding database in single-user.In SSMS window 1 I run the following code:

use master
alter database test
set single_user
with rollback immediate


Yes, it shows one record, but the database name is master, not test. And indeed, I run it from the context of master. Also tried sp_who, sp_who2, sys.dm_exec_requests - nothing works. For dm_exec_requests it shows nothing because it does not run at the current moment.Any other solutions to catch this SPID with a script?

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Concurrency Issue On A Single Database User For An Online Read/write Application

Aug 3, 2006

Hi to all DBAs,

I would like to ask if there will be a write and concurrency issue if i would create an online application with just one user connecting to the database, just like most open source php/mysql that can be downloaded

Setup 1. I will grant a single user that will connect to a database and will be set to a file and then create a table users (userid, username, password) and this table will be used for the application authentication and access control.

Setup 2. or is it much better to grant users that will connect to the database and have the table users for access control of the application?

to further illustrate my query:

Setup 1 would be:
###################Table: Users
user a@ipadd --> db1 --> userid mary --> myOnlineApp
user a@ipadd --> db1 --> userid john --> myOnlineApp
user a@ipadd --> db1 --> userid paul --> myOnlineApp

and Setup 2 would be:
#####################Table: Users
user mary@ipadd --> db1 --> userid mary --> myOnlineApp
user john@ipadd --> db1 --> userid john --> myOnlineApp
user paul@ipadd --> db1 --> userid paul --> myOnlineApp

will Setup 1 be enough if I will use SQL Server as database?

or Setup 2 is better user/database architecture?

This application will be online enrollment for a school with 16,000 students

very much appreciated for the feedbacks and suggestions


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Database Marked (Loading)

Dec 7, 2001

I canceled a restore job, and now the database is marked (Loading). When I go to propertied it tells me "database can't be opened, it's in a middle of a restore" Yet from a Query window I can connect and run queries against that database. Should I just wait until it finishes "Loading" or should I re-start the server?

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Database Marked As Suspect

Mar 14, 2002

Hello Gurus,

After the power failure my database was marked suspect. According to my associate we will execute SQL command sp_resetstatus. My question is what are the things we have to do first before we execute the command? We are using NT 4.


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PLEASE HELP! Database Marked As Recovering

Mar 9, 2000

I have a 3GB DB that I was running an update script on. The sript failed and ran out of transaction log space. I expanded it and stopped and restarted SQL. The user DB is now marked as recovering. How long should I wait for it to recover? I don't want to have to restore again and start all over with my script. Please help.

(By the way this is a restored DB)


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Why Is My Database Marked As Suspect

May 9, 2006

Usman Masood writes "we were using our database named db1. when suddenly it stopped working and upon checking it gave an error that db1 and db2 are marked as suspected. while we were only using db1,,,,what is the cause of this error?"

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Database Marked As Suspect

Jul 7, 2006

Hi all

I tried this command

The above command was not executed as there was some long rollback was going from a user...

I stopped and re started the MSSQLSERVR service...

Then i found the follwing error..

how can i work with the database A2PD marked as suspect

Server: Msg 926, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Database 'A2PD' cannot be opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information.


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Database Marked As Suspect Please HELP!

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I restored my Windows XP system and discovered that I cannot access aMSDE DB that was saved in D: drive (I restored my primary partition inC). How can I restore it?Thanks a lot.

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Urgent...database Marked As Suspect

Oct 21, 1999

Hi there,
I need urgent help regarding a database that has been
marked as suspect.
I need to get the data from the database!!

I have a copy of the structure of the database but I need to get cerain very recent data from the database.
I have tried bcp and it doesn't work.
The backup that I have won't sufice

If a database is marked as suspect, Will it recover?>
And if so how long will it take.
If it won't recover is there any other way of getting the data,
Thanks in advance,

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Please Help!!! After SQL Database Restore It Is Marked As In Load?

Jan 18, 2004

Hello Friends

I had a really big Problem.
Sorry about my Englisch, came from Austria.

After a SQL Database Restore, who ends with no faults, i cannot connect to it.

In the Enterprise Manager it is marked as "in load" and in the Errorlogfile stand following.

"Bypassing Recovery für Database "WINLINE" because it is marked "in load"?

What does it mean! Please help!!
Thanks for all answers


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Database Is Still Marked As Restoring After Full Restore

Dec 2, 2000

After I restore a database with SQL the database I cannot access it. However, after restoring using Enterprise Manager I do not have the same problem. The message I get is:

Database 'les_test' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.

The code I am trying to use for the restore is:

FROM DISK = 'c:MSSQL7BACKUPiztrobeta_db_200012011201.BAK'
MOVE 'biztrobeta_PRI' TO 'c:mssql7DATAiztrobeta_PRI.ndf',
MOVE 'biztrobeta_FGE_Dat1' TO 'c:mssql7DATAiztrobeta_FGE_Dat1.ndf',
MOVE 'biztrobeta_FGX_Idx1 ' TO 'c:mssql7DATAiztrobeta_FGX_Idx1.ndf',
MOVE 'biztrobeta_LOG' TO 'c:mssql7Dataiztrobeta_LOG.ldf'

I tried changing the status in the master..sysdatabases tables, but the restored database was still not accessible. I tried to do this using the following statment:

UPDATE sysdatabases
SET STATUS = 4194316
WHERE name = 'les_test'

Any help is appreciated.



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Database Marked Suspect ID5 And Could Not Recover. Any Quick Help Will Be Very Appreciated.

Nov 17, 2007

I have the MS SQL2000 database failed to recover at computer restart. Now the database is marked suspect. How can I manage to recover the data?
Thank you.

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AppDomain &&<number&&>' (&&<database&&>.dbo[runtime].527) Is Marked For Unload Due To Memory Pressure.

Mar 14, 2008

Please, help

Since a few days ago we are viewing these messages, several time at a day:

3/14/2008 2:18:30 PM AppDomain 1668 (FDESK_CANCUN.dbo[runtime].1679) created.
3/14/2008 2:18:44 PM AppDomain 1668 (FDESK_CANCUN.dbo[runtime].1679) is marked for unload due to memory pressure.
3/14/2008 2:18:44 PM AppDomain 1668 (FDESK_CANCUN.dbo[runtime].1679) unloaded.

In this database only have one assemblie installed created using Vb.Net 2005, please help me how to diagnose where are the problem.

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Step-by-step Deployment Of Single-user Database App?

Mar 2, 2008


I hope the answer is as simple as the question -- but after reading all the documentation I could find (understand?) and a lot of posts here, I'm no closer to achieving the goal.

I have a Visual C# app, DAYTRACKER, developed in VS2005. It uses a database with several tables constructed using SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition.

I want to deploy the app plus the database plus SQL Express to another machine, to be used by a single user (the administrator) with no need for network connectivity of any kind.

What I have so far is:
1. The application is successfully deployed from a CD-ROM, having used the Publish process within VS2005, and opens on the new machine -- without database connectivity, however.
2. SQL Express is successfully deployed (it deployed as a 'prerequisite' when I went through the Publish process in VS2005)
3. I manually copied the database's .mdf and .mdl files, using SQL Server Managers 'Copy Database' function, then transferred the copies to the new machine into the ..MSSQL.1MSSQLdata folder (where they appear along with the master.mdg, mastlog.ldf etc files)

Now, the DAYTRACKER application's DAYTRACKERConnectionString under 'Settings' in the VS2005 studio reads 'Data Source=DELL3;Initial Catalog=DayTracker;Integrated Security=True' (which are the appropriate parameters for the machine, DELL3, on which I wrote the program.)

The problem, of course, is that SQL Express on the new machine doesn't connect the application to the database. When I go to the 'SQL Server Configuration Manager' and go to the 'SQL Server 2005 Services' and double-click on the 'SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)' icon (the service is running) and the user is logged on using 'Local System Account'. Under the 'Service' tab the Host Name is 'MUSIC' (which is the name of the new machine I've installed the app onto -- which of course is not the name - DELL3 - that the app's connection string is expecting). Under the 'Advanced' tab, I've tried correcting the name of the Startup Parameters default .mdf and .mdl entries to ..DayTracker.mdf and ..DayTracker_log.mdl, but the server won't start up after I make the changes.

What I'm hoping for: a step-by-step way of doing this type of deployment, preferable getting it all onto one CD-ROM, and installing it on the new machine so that it all works seamlessly from the start, not requiring any 'tweaking' of the SQLServer Express settings by the end-user.

But I'll take pretty much anything that fixes the specific db connectivity problem I've described.

Thank you very much.

John F.

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Single-User Vs. Multi-User SQL Server

Jun 21, 2004

I have written a VB/SQL Server based application. The application uses stored procs and the SQL Server security model to handle logins and permissions. My partner and I want to sell the applicaiton to specific businesses and offer a rental program for smaller companies that would like to use the application to connect to an internet based database. The application uses TCP/IP with a specific port number to connect to the database so it can be used in or out of LAN.

If we rent the application, maintenance is simple. I just create a user in the database with the login/password the user would like and viola they have access to the data.

When a company wants to purchase the program to use in-house, we would like to offer two alternatives: #1 a single user or #2 a multiple user SQL Server database.

My question is if a company purchases the single-user version, how can we keep them from adding users to their database. In other words, since we have no control over the database at the client's location, how can we ensure that it remains a single-user database?

Thanks for any help!

Randall Medcalf

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Single User To Multi User

Dec 5, 2007

Dear all,
to restore one perticular backup set, i've made the database to single user mode, now it is not accepting me to connect to that again...
how can i bring the database to multiuser mode?

thanks in advance

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

View 9 Replies View Related

Single User

Jul 4, 2006

How to remove the label "Single User" in the database?

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Single User

Mar 11, 2008

how can we make a stored proc single threaded so only one process can access it at a time to prevent deadock. or how to lock the tables eficiently???

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